
Sweet Escapes


Topic: Sweet EscapesSWEET ESCAPES

“So, what did you need to pick up?”
“Oh, Just a little something to accent this evening,” adding, “You’re still okay with this right?”
“Yeah” he replied in a half sure tone. “How about you“
“Uh-huh, with the timing and choice, it works out great,” she said “ Whoa!. Now THAT’S a real masterpiece! Sam, you have a real talent for designing something then building it better than anyone else” remarked Curt, a Marine Colonel. The accolades were for the open hearth fireplace designed by Sam and constructed from century old reclaimed brick and cemented with weeping style black mortar.
This was the eve of Curt’s completing his tour as Commanding Officer at the Regional Reserve Readiness Center. Implementing programs and surpassing goals while at the facility opened the door for him to one day wear stars on his collar. Though highly motivated, a dynamic personality offset the traditional “HooRah” associated with the Corps. Out of uniform, you figured for white collar management. Sipping his beer, he carefully eyed Sam’s skilled craftsmanship in restoring other areas the old house. Selling could easily bring six or seven times the original price. But it would probably take every dollar plus to replace it and not have near the quality. Instead, Sam decided it was time to enjoy his fruits from years of hard labor restoring and remodeling. Why walk away and let someone else enjoy it? Sam 42, and Nancy 38, were married 20 years and lived a comfortable lifestyle despite paying for their daughter’s college education. Two incomes servicing little debt permitted them extras that their peers with larger families couldn’t afford. Yet by no means were they extravagant.
Nancy, a registered E.

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  R and life flight trauma nurse was well liked by her coworkers and patients. A thoughtful caregiver, she willingly volunteered her services teaching care giving skills at the community center. Sam owned a repair shop and taught his skills to young people hoping that busy hands and minds would keep them out of trouble. They met Curt assisting with the Toys for Tots program and organizing youth group field trips to the reserve center as part of the Corps outreach program. By all accounts, they enjoyed life together as model parents, neighbors, and valued community members who loved working together. The same held true for their private relationship. However, their dark secret if revealed would ruin their reputation forever. Despite their personal devotion and compatibility, Nancy’s sexual needs sometimes exceeded Sam’s capabilities. Not that she had an constant insatiable appetite with frequent binges, but one that occasionally necessitated an intense something extra. Nancy maintained strict rules; no coworkers, colleagues, local residents or people with community ties and certainly no long term commitments. Discreet meant no strings attached, phone calls, e-mails or thinking of you cards. Her marriage was fine, but at times needed tweaking or what Sam referred to as “recalibrated. ”
When the need arose, she’d pack a bag for Florida’s fun in the sun. The seminars, conventions, night life and whatnot presented great opportunities for a satisfying tryst. Sam understood her fantasy needs as a release from the stressful job in a trauma E.

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  R. and the brutal cases. Emotional highs from beating the odds to pull someone through were dashed when valiant efforts failed on another. Young innocent victims made things even tougher. She was grateful having him there for her, the ideal listener knowing when to keep silent while holding her and just what to say when he did speak. He was her E. R. , but at times a higher level of care was needed. Sam also understood the concept of sometimes having to get away in order to come back. Never prying into her affairs for details, her trips were private . She’d return refreshed and happy to be back with her true partner. This was just one of the things making Sam really special. Curt valued both their friendships. Without them his assignment he would have been boring. Their camaraderie came without constant shop talk and permitted his freedom of expression without repercussion.

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   Besides, there was Nancy. He highly regarded her professionalism and strong feelings as a woman. She was well spoken, but told it like it was, serious but had a sense of humor, busy but always had time to listen and somehow had the right answer. He carefully harbored his deep feelings while secretly nurturing their growth despite complications they presented. Having an affair with a married woman could end his career, but human nature found her hard to resist. By chance, the best of both worlds would came together.
Nancy was nearing one of her a dire needs at the time his transfer came through. She had a strong inkling of his feelings towards her but not sure as to their extent. Being cognizant of hers and fairly sure of his, her suggestion was not subtle about being very receptive to an overture on his part. Curt was very candid about his and put forth a very delicious proposal. Thus, tonight was going to be the climax of their feelings. Change of Command duties filled Curt’s remaining days making tonight the last he was able to visit. The growing void created by the loss of his best friends were reminiscent of that first time he left home. Sam’s gift of an expensive digital camera came with the condition of Curt’s promise to e-mail pictures from all the places his career would take him. It was a tough parting for both men.

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   The moment was interrupted by the sound of Nancy’s high heels on the bare hardwood floor as she walked through the hallway into the adjacent den. As if on cue, Sam motioned to Curt, “C’mon, Nancy has something she wants to give to you. You might say it comes with both our trust and love. ” The recessed lighting provided atmosphere but the low instrumental renditions of classic love songs set the mood. Introduce the appearance of a strikingly seductive Nancy and the scene was complete. The short black print skirt was flimsy enough to evidence that panties weren’t part of the one piece nylons and garter belt ensemble bought earlier. Nor was she wearing a bra beneath the mock turtle neck top. The fall worn to lengthen her hair suggested another side that select few were privy to ever see. Black sling back heels finished the statement of a woman visually communicating her intentions. Her appearance hit both men with a passionate rush of burning desires. While Sam’s was tempered with love, Curt’s was driven by lust. In his heart, Sam wanted to be part of a ménage a trios but knew he’d be in the way. Tonight was all about them, feelings that needed expressed in creating their own private time for a personal memory.
Posing seductively, resting a knee on the armrest of the couch, she deliberately lifted her skirt with a sultry look exposing a taut thigh, curvaceous hip and buttock. Coyly moistening her lips, she spoke in a soft flirtatious tone, “Now that he gave you his present I’ll give you mine….

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  which you can imagine is a little more intimate. Believe me, this isn‘t a mere whim that I’ll regret later, so, for the next few hours and the times we look back on them, let us just smile, lift our glass and say Carpe Diem. ”
Giving Sam a light kiss, she then whispered in his ear that she loved him. The wiggle of her fingers in a good bye gesture was the cue for his exit. Sam may have physically departed the room, but the obscure remote security cameras would keep him very much in touch. Responding her gesture to him, Curt sat on the couch with her standing before him holding his hand.
In a soft sultry voice, Nancy made her request. “Now that we’re alone and the evening ours, I want you to MMMMM feel me, fuck me, OH YEEESSS, and explore all of me. In return, I’ll fuck you and satisfy every craving you have and any other we happen to create along the way. ”
Nancy carefully undressed her man with devilish anticipation. Despite having imagined what she would discover, utter surprise greeted her at what hospital colleagues would term as a *must see*. Joyfully she exclaimed, “Oh yeah!” Even relaxed, his cock showed firm muscle tone.
Fondling and caressing the very healthy joy stick with skill and finesse, she began to stroke it. Her warm wet lips engaged the mauve mushroomed crown with passionate kisses and tongue flicks. With her understanding of anatomy, she knew just how to journey down the shaft to his scrotum.

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   Slipping an ample portion of his 9 inches in her mouth, the nimble work of her fingers, lips and tongue made him even harder. Her casual pace ensured mutual satisfaction was derived while his discipline kept him from letting it go. That he’d save for later. Straddling him, Nancy was anxiously awaiting the moment he’s split her hairs before burying that bad boy in her. Curt drew out that wait by teasingly circling the head of his cock against the tender flesh of her labia already wet and crackling. With tantalizing short probes and slow withdrawals, she was the one to quiver in anticipation with each invitation to open wider. She engaged him in long French kisses as her hands lovingly caressed his face. Dallying while hovering on the tip of his cock, she knew what it felt like to be the target in the crosshairs. Seductively lowering herself on his shaft while edging him on with wanton overtures, her sentence of “Wait until you see what intensive care this nurse is going to…” suddenly was cut off and finished with a loud gasp when she felt the surge of his penetration. Neither imagination or previous experience matched anything that long and hard amply filling her would feel so marvelously comfortable. Instantly, the her lively feeling within accelerated to another ecstatic level. Involuntary motion seemed to drive Nancy’s weakening legs to pump herself up and down as his girth grew along each trip. Like magic, she felt her body fill out…her breasts felt a steady inflation making her nipples protrude. She felt a light buzz…. .

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   then a warm glow from the halo that seemed to envelop her. With her sitting in his lap well engaged, Curt couldn’t get enough of feeling her body while nibbling her breasts. A well trained tongue traced the areolas before his lips plucked her nipples. Eventually he discovered one of her sweet spots on the underside of her breast. Both voiced pleasure to the sensations and feel of one another while jointly maneuvering his full measure. Effortlessly he held a smooth and steady rhythm to his penetration delivering an enduring sensation inside her. Vigorously giving herself a workout, Nancy wanted more of him inside her. Raising herself to the tip, inhaling a long “UHHHHH,” there was a pause before exhaling the long OOOOOOOHHH on the trip down. Up and down, up and down she continued. The wider she opened, the deeper he progressed towards unlocking the gate to her hall of orgasms. Nancy popped a few small bursts but he was knocking on the door of the big one. When he began thrusting a little harder she felt herself tighten. “OH GOD!… HERE I COME, Curt! CURT,” she cried out urgently. Then finally “I’M COMING! I-- AM--C-O-M-I-N-G!” she gleefully sang. How many more trips up and down the joy pole could she make??? Tighter her pussy’s muscles contracted shortening her glide.

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   Throwing her head back and freezing at the tip, she fought it back but there was no way. With a shocking loud surrendering wail, Nancy dropped the BIG “O” on her way down. Somewhere along the way she relinquished her position winding up on her back with him on top. Legs spread up and out, toes curled hanging ten, oh, did she feel the pleasure of him filling her now!! She was content to surrender control so he could drive it the distance with his smooth delivery leaving her to lilt between a post orgasm and the rapid build of another. Every pour wanted to suck him inside her. “ FUCK ME,” she demanded, “ don’t dare come out of me now, I want to feel you in me…deep. Baby, let me really have it. ”
As the silken sexy hosiery clad legs wrapped around him drawing him in tighter, a breathless Curt forewarned her, “Oh yeah girl, and then some. ” In the throes of her sensual leg lock, Curt short stroked deep in and out of her like a juggernaut up against the dynamo. Slowly the roles reversed with him at the mercy of her wiles of manipulating him with hip motions draining his energy into her. Savoring the feel of those silken legs and wanting to extend his boundaries, Curt reduced his pace to slower, longer projections. The day being seized, he fully intended to savor its hours. Now, Nancy was drifting into the OHHHH Zone. “Man you are something! You have me tingling inside, Oh God, what do you have that thing hooked up too! I LOVE IT!” Again she petitioned, “Please…when are you going to let me feel you come? I want you to come inside me. Please! Really deep”
Harder she humped responding to the feel of the heat he was bringing.


   Her anatomical knowledge provided her with just how deep he occupied her vagina in her and the length it stretched to accommodate his presence. This mans’ length and girth were giving her vagina real exercise, elongating and penetrating deeper than any others before. God, could he use his cock like a probe to deliberately explore while sensationalizing every stroke. Steadily his cock tensed and pulsed, an indication that he was soon about to cum. Running her legs back and forth along his flanks shifted him to a higher gear. Widening her legs and rapidly thrusting her hips got him to finally pop his load. It was popped his seal sending a deluge of love pearls to melt inside her. A celebratory Nancy euphorically screamed with pleasure receiving his large load delivered with intensity. No sooner than being peppered with his initial bursts, the second came cascading right behind. “Fabulous” she exclaimed, “absolutely fab-U-lous!” spreading her legs wider while gleefully kicking. To her surprise, he wasn‘t diminished by that much and continued to hump away. By contrast, she was only capable of intermittent thrusts hoping to coax another orgasm from him for a loud mutual climax. And there were several. Near breathless, Nancy voiced her pleasure, “When we girls dish the dirt, you’re what we dream of. That was a benchmark five star fuck, the best anyone has ever given me.


  ” In an adjacent room, Sam watched on a security monitor. His initial exhilaration gradually waned being replaced by the shocking sight and sound of their fury. He was clearly appalled at the sight his wife mesmerized by him. He certainly possessed an uncommon virility, no doubt from his profession. On the other hand, she didn’t appear to be just another hot and horny housewife. She demonstrated the skill and appetite equal to those appearing in an adult film.
The striking image of Curt tenderly cradling her while enveloped by the bonds of hot legs sexily attired in sensual hosiery created the illusion of them being forged together. My how she responded to his touch along her thighs or his fondling and squeezing the cheeks of her tight derriere. Curt’s groans, her petitions and moans added to the mood setting music. The sight of the eurhythmic meshing of their bodies building to a crescendo of flesh slapping flesh as he rode her to a quickened pace was mystifying. The friction of hosiery rubbing hot against Curt’s body, was the prelude to the slow breakdown of the cologne and perfume blending eventually yielding to the telltale scent of a woman’s intimate pleasure. What began as a lusty indulgence escalated to Nancy’s intimately making love to him with his very passionate return. Sam never dwelled on mental images of her sexual other encounters though what he witnessed became clearly imbedded. Astonished at the length and girth of Curt’s cock, the sight of 9+ inches tightly inserted in her pussy and the bulging “O RING” formed to accommodate it staggered his senses. With unhurried and leisurely rhythm , Curt inserted himself deep, pausing to tease her with sensitizing probes.


   Purring in delight, Nancy, legs open and suspended, remained motionless capturing the full ecstasy from the pleasurable feel of having her cunt’s less visited velvet lined recesses stimulated. Curiosity and awe overrode his sense of voyeurism having never seen or imagined Nancy being so into it. She embraced the carnal delight of being intensely and masterfully fucked by an endowed lover who connected with her physically and emotionally. His ability to tap her “O” button seemingly at will increased her pleasure while each release of his cum in her intensified her glisten and gleam. It was hard to take issue with her delight and satisfaction. It was also difficult putting what he saw into perspective. Extra curricular activities while vacationing were a foregone conclusion but never discussed. However, tonight, before his eyes, he witnessed something beyond conception. Was that really his wife he saw? Could it be the same woman? It was inconceivable her passionate participation and delight with another man taking her time sucking his cock and tantalizingly please him the loads that filled her mouth. Smiling, she‘s lick the cum from her lips. As not to miss a drop, any residual spewed elsewhere was wiped clean with a finger then naughtily licked clean with a wanton willingness for more. Without compunction she intimately fucked him multiple times, eagerly accepting every wad of semen delivered and never balked at satisfying his sexual appetite. Clearly, as lovers, they were well matched. Sam knew when she made love to him how he felt, but he never recalled THAT woman in bed with him. She certainly didn’t hold back any.

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   Suddenly, Sam wondered how he really made her feel, good as usual was now inadequate. There wasn’t any doubt to how Curt made her feel, she reached the stratosphere. Yes, he felt joy and happiness for her being able to fully exercise her nature and quench desires. Her contentment was paramount as his wish to never see her unrequited went across the board. But now he had some concerns. Did she find the point of no return? Was his own adequacy further diminished? Watching Curt fuck her made him appreciate Liz Taylor’s last husband on their honeymoon; it wasn’t about knowing what to do, it was a matter of how to make it interesting. Levity aside, Sam wondered how he would really feel about her now. Just as he was ready to stop viewing he was either treated or cursed to catch one more glimpse. Curt had Nancy firmly pinned and receiving a fuck that had her moaning with pleasure like Sam hadn’t heard before. With Curt raising himself ever so slightly off her and delivered a load that simply drove her wild with excitement.
Driven wild with his hot burst she sharply screamed, “Oh YES, babe, deliver it all! C’mon babe bring it on, bring it home, I want it. It feels so wonderful, thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Sinking his bone in to bury his last wad, she cried with relief, “Jesus! How long have you been storing that stuff up?” Then laughingly added, “That last one felt like brigade marched in. I just hope my birth control is up to working the overtime. ”
Sam thought it best to dim the monitor and turn down the sound. Right now, he was feeling overwhelmed and worried.

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   He like it better when he knew nothing. The afterglow was kept simmering by their brushing bodies while short wet kisses growing more assertive rebuilt their appetites. “You have more from where that came from?” came her query.
“What does the good nurse have in mind?” Nancy thought a moment then whispered what she wanted from him earlier. With a smile, Curt responded with an enthusiastic “By all means, I’d love to!!” Nancy’s fantasy of “Feel me, fuck me, fill me, and enjoy me” continued being fulfilled. Curt reveled in feeling such a fine body freely surrendering herself to him without restraints. Her body was one erogenous zone with surprise responses that opened new doors. Finally, someone knew what to do once those doors were opened. His engaging her from behind from behind floated her through that free zone with the unlimited gratification when your partner is SOOOOO right and both exist on that rarified air. He advanced her to a new station in sexuality and a new threshold for her wetted appetite. What Sam’s hands were to mending a broken object, was what his were to a woman in need of personal repair. The soft breath with caress from his lips on her neck held her spellbound while the deft touch of one hand aroused her breasts. Slowly the other massaged her abdomen stimulating her flow responding to the pumping and flexing cock inside her. One body in perfect harmony made a complete symphony. Never did she imagine one man’s prowess would ever match the her encounter involving three virile young men, with all the stamina and abundance associated with youth, that affectionately gratified her individually with their style and jointly in combinations.

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   But tonight that was surpassed by a single lover, the quintessential lover of her search. Past lovers filled her needs albeit temporary, but Curt definitely imparted a substantive feeling of consummate fulfillment. After the physical sex, an ongoing emotional infusion continued. Even his cuddling after was sensual and stimulating. Around 4:00 a. m. , Sam awoke to the sound of a car door shutting and the start of an engine. Total silence gripped the house. The monitor yielded no images from the darkened den. He froze as the lump in the back of his throat grew in fear of being alone. An anxious Sam waited. Nancy slowly emerged from the shadows appearing pleasantly sedate, smiling contentedly. The sheer hip length robe was made shorter yet by full breasts filling it out. Beneath it, she still radiated that buffed sheen. Hesitant to speak as not to pierce her veil of peace, Sam waited for her to break the silence.

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   “ God, I didn’t realize the time,” shaking her head to clear the misty haze. “ Are you okay? I mean you‘re alright aren‘t you?” Sam nervously asked. “Yeah, I think so” she happily replied as though she sought assurances. “Sorry hon, I spent a little longer than I intended to, but when you don’t cut short something that keeps getting better and better. I might have gone a little overboard, but it was hard not to when I had such great opportunity. For the first time ever, Sam wanted to know something about her experience. “So this was different from other ventures?”
“Far and away” she replied, somewhat surprised he asked. “Others, it’s usually all about them and what they think they can do for you. As long as I’ve satisfied them and they’re satisfied with THEIR performance, then all is okay in their book. Not so with him, he makes it all about the woman. Of all the lovers, I must admit he was the best and really got to me. ” Trying not to sound hurt or harsh, Sam expressed his concern that perhaps Curt was a little to assertive and perhaps things got a little out of control. He was treading carefully as not to upset her and trigger an argument. In a somewhat defiant voice she shot back, “You mean I fucked him vigorously, enjoying everything he did and let him fill me with tons of come! I won’t deny enjoying it, but Sam, he was exactly what I needed. Undoubtedly he has filled the needs of a lot of other women the same way and will go on doing so.

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   And no doubt for all of us, it was dreamlike. But dreams are illusions lasting shorter that we think. There are just some dreams that are better than others.
The room stood silent for a moment. Then in a conciliatory voice she said, “Look, there is only one Sam and while dreams like that are nice, I’m most comfortable where I am. Just as he did something extra for me, there are so many more things you can do that others can’t. That is why they always leave alone. Extras are nice, but essentials can’t be replaced. I’m lucky you let me have the best of both worlds. ” Relieved she wasn’t swept away by events and departed with him, Sam still remained uneasy. Nancy, knowing words alone wouldn’t reassure him suddenly felt an unusual need for her own reassurances. Sam’s spontaneity didn’t afford her an opportunity to freshen up. Those sinfully stained nylons accentuated the scent of a well exercised woman still possessing the traces left by her lover. For Sam, it was a catalytic aphrodisiac igniting his passion from earlier in the evening. He wanted his woman back, more so he needed to re-establish his prominence reclaiming his territory.

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   Surprised and overwhelmed at his intensity, tears of joy welled in her eyes as Nancy, more than willing let him fuck her there in the reclining chair. Sam wondered when her nails and high heels dug into his flesh if her response directed to him or were earlier hours being relived? Secretly, Nancy wondered at her own response. Was it out of passion or compassion? She still felt Curt throughout her and it wasn’t easy to let go. Aware the boundaries of Sam’s love seemed endless, would they stand the test this time? Would there be a next time and if so, when and what would happen the next time?

“So, what did you need to pick up?”
“Oh, Just a little something to accent this evening,” adding, “You’re still okay with this right?”
“Yeah” he replied in a half sure tone. “How about you“
“Uh-huh, with the timing and choice, it works out great,” she said “ Whoa!. Now THAT’S a real masterpiece! Sam, you have a real talent for designing something then building it better than anyone else” remarked Curt, a Marine Colonel. The accolades were for the open hearth fireplace designed by Sam and constructed from century old reclaimed brick and cemented with weeping style black mortar.
This was the eve of Curt’s completing his tour as Commanding Officer at the Regional Reserve Readiness Center. Implementing programs and surpassing goals while at the facility opened the door for him to one day wear stars on his collar. Though highly motivated, a dynamic personality offset the traditional “HooRah” associated with the Corps. Out of uniform, you figured for white collar management. Sipping his beer, he carefully eyed Sam’s skilled craftsmanship in restoring other areas the old house. Selling could easily bring six or seven times the original price. But it would probably take every dollar plus to replace it and not have near the quality. Instead, Sam decided it was time to enjoy his fruits from years of hard labor restoring and remodeling.

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   Why walk away and let someone else enjoy it? Sam 42, and Nancy 38, were married 20 years and lived a comfortable lifestyle despite paying for their daughter’s college education. Two incomes servicing little debt permitted them extras that their peers with larger families couldn’t afford. Yet by no means were they extravagant.
Nancy, a registered E. R and life flight trauma nurse was well liked by her coworkers and patients. A thoughtful caregiver, she willingly volunteered her services teaching care giving skills at the community center. Sam owned a repair shop and taught his skills to young people hoping that busy hands and minds would keep them out of trouble. They met Curt assisting with the Toys for Tots program and organizing youth group field trips to the reserve center as part of the Corps outreach program. By all accounts, they enjoyed life together as model parents, neighbors, and valued community members who loved working together. The same held true for their private relationship. However, their dark secret if revealed would ruin their reputation forever. Despite their personal devotion and compatibility, Nancy’s sexual needs sometimes exceeded Sam’s capabilities. Not that she had an constant insatiable appetite with frequent binges, but one that occasionally necessitated an intense something extra. Nancy maintained strict rules; no coworkers, colleagues, local residents or people with community ties and certainly no long term commitments. Discreet meant no strings attached, phone calls, e-mails or thinking of you cards.

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   Her marriage was fine, but at times needed tweaking or what Sam referred to as “recalibrated. ”
When the need arose, she’d pack a bag for Florida’s fun in the sun. The seminars, conventions, night life and whatnot presented great opportunities for a satisfying tryst. Sam understood her fantasy needs as a release from the stressful job in a trauma E. R. and the brutal cases. Emotional highs from beating the odds to pull someone through were dashed when valiant efforts failed on another. Young innocent victims made things even tougher. She was grateful having him there for her, the ideal listener knowing when to keep silent while holding her and just what to say when he did speak. He was her E. R. , but at times a higher level of care was needed. Sam also understood the concept of sometimes having to get away in order to come back. Never prying into her affairs for details, her trips were private . She’d return refreshed and happy to be back with her true partner.


   This was just one of the things making Sam really special. Curt valued both their friendships. Without them his assignment he would have been boring. Their camaraderie came without constant shop talk and permitted his freedom of expression without repercussion. Besides, there was Nancy. He highly regarded her professionalism and strong feelings as a woman. She was well spoken, but told it like it was, serious but had a sense of humor, busy but always had time to listen and somehow had the right answer. He carefully harbored his deep feelings while secretly nurturing their growth despite complications they presented. Having an affair with a married woman could end his career, but human nature found her hard to resist. By chance, the best of both worlds would came together.
Nancy was nearing one of her a dire needs at the time his transfer came through. She had a strong inkling of his feelings towards her but not sure as to their extent. Being cognizant of hers and fairly sure of his, her suggestion was not subtle about being very receptive to an overture on his part. Curt was very candid about his and put forth a very delicious proposal. Thus, tonight was going to be the climax of their feelings.


   Change of Command duties filled Curt’s remaining days making tonight the last he was able to visit. The growing void created by the loss of his best friends were reminiscent of that first time he left home. Sam’s gift of an expensive digital camera came with the condition of Curt’s promise to e-mail pictures from all the places his career would take him. It was a tough parting for both men. The moment was interrupted by the sound of Nancy’s high heels on the bare hardwood floor as she walked through the hallway into the adjacent den. As if on cue, Sam motioned to Curt, “C’mon, Nancy has something she wants to give to you. You might say it comes with both our trust and love. ” The recessed lighting provided atmosphere but the low instrumental renditions of classic love songs set the mood. Introduce the appearance of a strikingly seductive Nancy and the scene was complete. The short black print skirt was flimsy enough to evidence that panties weren’t part of the one piece nylons and garter belt ensemble bought earlier. Nor was she wearing a bra beneath the mock turtle neck top. The fall worn to lengthen her hair suggested another side that select few were privy to ever see. Black sling back heels finished the statement of a woman visually communicating her intentions. Her appearance hit both men with a passionate rush of burning desires. While Sam’s was tempered with love, Curt’s was driven by lust.


   In his heart, Sam wanted to be part of a ménage a trios but knew he’d be in the way. Tonight was all about them, feelings that needed expressed in creating their own private time for a personal memory.
Posing seductively, resting a knee on the armrest of the couch, she deliberately lifted her skirt with a sultry look exposing a taut thigh, curvaceous hip and buttock. Coyly moistening her lips, she spoke in a soft flirtatious tone, “Now that he gave you his present I’ll give you mine…. which you can imagine is a little more intimate. Believe me, this isn‘t a mere whim that I’ll regret later, so, for the next few hours and the times we look back on them, let us just smile, lift our glass and say Carpe Diem. ”
Giving Sam a light kiss, she then whispered in his ear that she loved him. The wiggle of her fingers in a good bye gesture was the cue for his exit. Sam may have physically departed the room, but the obscure remote security cameras would keep him very much in touch. Responding her gesture to him, Curt sat on the couch with her standing before him holding his hand.
In a soft sultry voice, Nancy made her request. “Now that we’re alone and the evening ours, I want you to MMMMM feel me, fuck me, OH YEEESSS, and explore all of me. In return, I’ll fuck you and satisfy every craving you have and any other we happen to create along the way. ”
Nancy carefully undressed her man with devilish anticipation. Despite having imagined what she would discover, utter surprise greeted her at what hospital colleagues would term as a *must see*.

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   Joyfully she exclaimed, “Oh yeah!” Even relaxed, his cock showed firm muscle tone.
Fondling and caressing the very healthy joy stick with skill and finesse, she began to stroke it. Her warm wet lips engaged the mauve mushroomed crown with passionate kisses and tongue flicks. With her understanding of anatomy, she knew just how to journey down the shaft to his scrotum. Slipping an ample portion of his 9 inches in her mouth, the nimble work of her fingers, lips and tongue made him even harder. Her casual pace ensured mutual satisfaction was derived while his discipline kept him from letting it go. That he’d save for later. Straddling him, Nancy was anxiously awaiting the moment he’s split her hairs before burying that bad boy in her. Curt drew out that wait by teasingly circling the head of his cock against the tender flesh of her labia already wet and crackling. With tantalizing short probes and slow withdrawals, she was the one to quiver in anticipation with each invitation to open wider. She engaged him in long French kisses as her hands lovingly caressed his face. Dallying while hovering on the tip of his cock, she knew what it felt like to be the target in the crosshairs. Seductively lowering herself on his shaft while edging him on with wanton overtures, her sentence of “Wait until you see what intensive care this nurse is going to…” suddenly was cut off and finished with a loud gasp when she felt the surge of his penetration. Neither imagination or previous experience matched anything that long and hard amply filling her would feel so marvelously comfortable. Instantly, the her lively feeling within accelerated to another ecstatic level.

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   Involuntary motion seemed to drive Nancy’s weakening legs to pump herself up and down as his girth grew along each trip. Like magic, she felt her body fill out…her breasts felt a steady inflation making her nipples protrude. She felt a light buzz…. . then a warm glow from the halo that seemed to envelop her. With her sitting in his lap well engaged, Curt couldn’t get enough of feeling her body while nibbling her breasts. A well trained tongue traced the areolas before his lips plucked her nipples. Eventually he discovered one of her sweet spots on the underside of her breast. Both voiced pleasure to the sensations and feel of one another while jointly maneuvering his full measure. Effortlessly he held a smooth and steady rhythm to his penetration delivering an enduring sensation inside her. Vigorously giving herself a workout, Nancy wanted more of him inside her. Raising herself to the tip, inhaling a long “UHHHHH,” there was a pause before exhaling the long OOOOOOOHHH on the trip down. Up and down, up and down she continued. The wider she opened, the deeper he progressed towards unlocking the gate to her hall of orgasms. Nancy popped a few small bursts but he was knocking on the door of the big one.

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   When he began thrusting a little harder she felt herself tighten. “OH GOD!… HERE I COME, Curt! CURT,” she cried out urgently. Then finally “I’M COMING! I-- AM--C-O-M-I-N-G!” she gleefully sang. How many more trips up and down the joy pole could she make??? Tighter her pussy’s muscles contracted shortening her glide. Throwing her head back and freezing at the tip, she fought it back but there was no way. With a shocking loud surrendering wail, Nancy dropped the BIG “O” on her way down. Somewhere along the way she relinquished her position winding up on her back with him on top. Legs spread up and out, toes curled hanging ten, oh, did she feel the pleasure of him filling her now!! She was content to surrender control so he could drive it the distance with his smooth delivery leaving her to lilt between a post orgasm and the rapid build of another. Every pour wanted to suck him inside her. “ FUCK ME,” she demanded, “ don’t dare come out of me now, I want to feel you in me…deep. Baby, let me really have it. ”
As the silken sexy hosiery clad legs wrapped around him drawing him in tighter, a breathless Curt forewarned her, “Oh yeah girl, and then some. ” In the throes of her sensual leg lock, Curt short stroked deep in and out of her like a juggernaut up against the dynamo. Slowly the roles reversed with him at the mercy of her wiles of manipulating him with hip motions draining his energy into her. Savoring the feel of those silken legs and wanting to extend his boundaries, Curt reduced his pace to slower, longer projections.

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   The day being seized, he fully intended to savor its hours. Now, Nancy was drifting into the OHHHH Zone. “Man you are something! You have me tingling inside, Oh God, what do you have that thing hooked up too! I LOVE IT!” Again she petitioned, “Please…when are you going to let me feel you come? I want you to come inside me. Please! Really deep”
Harder she humped responding to the feel of the heat he was bringing. Her anatomical knowledge provided her with just how deep he occupied her vagina in her and the length it stretched to accommodate his presence. This mans’ length and girth were giving her vagina real exercise, elongating and penetrating deeper than any others before. God, could he use his cock like a probe to deliberately explore while sensationalizing every stroke. Steadily his cock tensed and pulsed, an indication that he was soon about to cum. Running her legs back and forth along his flanks shifted him to a higher gear. Widening her legs and rapidly thrusting her hips got him to finally pop his load. It was popped his seal sending a deluge of love pearls to melt inside her. A celebratory Nancy euphorically screamed with pleasure receiving his large load delivered with intensity. No sooner than being peppered with his initial bursts, the second came cascading right behind. “Fabulous” she exclaimed, “absolutely fab-U-lous!” spreading her legs wider while gleefully kicking. To her surprise, he wasn‘t diminished by that much and continued to hump away.

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   By contrast, she was only capable of intermittent thrusts hoping to coax another orgasm from him for a loud mutual climax. And there were several. Near breathless, Nancy voiced her pleasure, “When we girls dish the dirt, you’re what we dream of. That was a benchmark five star fuck, the best anyone has ever given me. ” In an adjacent room, Sam watched on a security monitor. His initial exhilaration gradually waned being replaced by the shocking sight and sound of their fury. He was clearly appalled at the sight his wife mesmerized by him. He certainly possessed an uncommon virility, no doubt from his profession. On the other hand, she didn’t appear to be just another hot and horny housewife. She demonstrated the skill and appetite equal to those appearing in an adult film.
The striking image of Curt tenderly cradling her while enveloped by the bonds of hot legs sexily attired in sensual hosiery created the illusion of them being forged together. My how she responded to his touch along her thighs or his fondling and squeezing the cheeks of her tight derriere. Curt’s groans, her petitions and moans added to the mood setting music. The sight of the eurhythmic meshing of their bodies building to a crescendo of flesh slapping flesh as he rode her to a quickened pace was mystifying. The friction of hosiery rubbing hot against Curt’s body, was the prelude to the slow breakdown of the cologne and perfume blending eventually yielding to the telltale scent of a woman’s intimate pleasure.

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   What began as a lusty indulgence escalated to Nancy’s intimately making love to him with his very passionate return. Sam never dwelled on mental images of her sexual other encounters though what he witnessed became clearly imbedded. Astonished at the length and girth of Curt’s cock, the sight of 9+ inches tightly inserted in her pussy and the bulging “O RING” formed to accommodate it staggered his senses. With unhurried and leisurely rhythm , Curt inserted himself deep, pausing to tease her with sensitizing probes. Purring in delight, Nancy, legs open and suspended, remained motionless capturing the full ecstasy from the pleasurable feel of having her cunt’s less visited velvet lined recesses stimulated. Curiosity and awe overrode his sense of voyeurism having never seen or imagined Nancy being so into it. She embraced the carnal delight of being intensely and masterfully fucked by an endowed lover who connected with her physically and emotionally. His ability to tap her “O” button seemingly at will increased her pleasure while each release of his cum in her intensified her glisten and gleam. It was hard to take issue with her delight and satisfaction. It was also difficult putting what he saw into perspective. Extra curricular activities while vacationing were a foregone conclusion but never discussed. However, tonight, before his eyes, he witnessed something beyond conception. Was that really his wife he saw? Could it be the same woman? It was inconceivable her passionate participation and delight with another man taking her time sucking his cock and tantalizingly please him the loads that filled her mouth. Smiling, she‘s lick the cum from her lips. As not to miss a drop, any residual spewed elsewhere was wiped clean with a finger then naughtily licked clean with a wanton willingness for more.

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   Without compunction she intimately fucked him multiple times, eagerly accepting every wad of semen delivered and never balked at satisfying his sexual appetite. Clearly, as lovers, they were well matched. Sam knew when she made love to him how he felt, but he never recalled THAT woman in bed with him. She certainly didn’t hold back any. Suddenly, Sam wondered how he really made her feel, good as usual was now inadequate. There wasn’t any doubt to how Curt made her feel, she reached the stratosphere. Yes, he felt joy and happiness for her being able to fully exercise her nature and quench desires. Her contentment was paramount as his wish to never see her unrequited went across the board. But now he had some concerns. Did she find the point of no return? Was his own adequacy further diminished? Watching Curt fuck her made him appreciate Liz Taylor’s last husband on their honeymoon; it wasn’t about knowing what to do, it was a matter of how to make it interesting. Levity aside, Sam wondered how he would really feel about her now. Just as he was ready to stop viewing he was either treated or cursed to catch one more glimpse. Curt had Nancy firmly pinned and receiving a fuck that had her moaning with pleasure like Sam hadn’t heard before. With Curt raising himself ever so slightly off her and delivered a load that simply drove her wild with excitement.
Driven wild with his hot burst she sharply screamed, “Oh YES, babe, deliver it all! C’mon babe bring it on, bring it home, I want it.

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   It feels so wonderful, thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Sinking his bone in to bury his last wad, she cried with relief, “Jesus! How long have you been storing that stuff up?” Then laughingly added, “That last one felt like brigade marched in. I just hope my birth control is up to working the overtime. ”
Sam thought it best to dim the monitor and turn down the sound. Right now, he was feeling overwhelmed and worried. He like it better when he knew nothing. The afterglow was kept simmering by their brushing bodies while short wet kisses growing more assertive rebuilt their appetites. “You have more from where that came from?” came her query.
“What does the good nurse have in mind?” Nancy thought a moment then whispered what she wanted from him earlier. With a smile, Curt responded with an enthusiastic “By all means, I’d love to!!” Nancy’s fantasy of “Feel me, fuck me, fill me, and enjoy me” continued being fulfilled. Curt reveled in feeling such a fine body freely surrendering herself to him without restraints. Her body was one erogenous zone with surprise responses that opened new doors. Finally, someone knew what to do once those doors were opened. His engaging her from behind from behind floated her through that free zone with the unlimited gratification when your partner is SOOOOO right and both exist on that rarified air. He advanced her to a new station in sexuality and a new threshold for her wetted appetite. What Sam’s hands were to mending a broken object, was what his were to a woman in need of personal repair.


   The soft breath with caress from his lips on her neck held her spellbound while the deft touch of one hand aroused her breasts. Slowly the other massaged her abdomen stimulating her flow responding to the pumping and flexing cock inside her. One body in perfect harmony made a complete symphony. Never did she imagine one man’s prowess would ever match the her encounter involving three virile young men, with all the stamina and abundance associated with youth, that affectionately gratified her individually with their style and jointly in combinations. But tonight that was surpassed by a single lover, the quintessential lover of her search. Past lovers filled her needs albeit temporary, but Curt definitely imparted a substantive feeling of consummate fulfillment. After the physical sex, an ongoing emotional infusion continued. Even his cuddling after was sensual and stimulating. Around 4:00 a. m. , Sam awoke to the sound of a car door shutting and the start of an engine. Total silence gripped the house. The monitor yielded no images from the darkened den. He froze as the lump in the back of his throat grew in fear of being alone. An anxious Sam waited.


   Nancy slowly emerged from the shadows appearing pleasantly sedate, smiling contentedly. The sheer hip length robe was made shorter yet by full breasts filling it out. Beneath it, she still radiated that buffed sheen. Hesitant to speak as not to pierce her veil of peace, Sam waited for her to break the silence. “ God, I didn’t realize the time,” shaking her head to clear the misty haze. “ Are you okay? I mean you‘re alright aren‘t you?” Sam nervously asked. “Yeah, I think so” she happily replied as though she sought assurances. “Sorry hon, I spent a little longer than I intended to, but when you don’t cut short something that keeps getting better and better. I might have gone a little overboard, but it was hard not to when I had such great opportunity. For the first time ever, Sam wanted to know something about her experience. “So this was different from other ventures?”
“Far and away” she replied, somewhat surprised he asked. “Others, it’s usually all about them and what they think they can do for you. As long as I’ve satisfied them and they’re satisfied with THEIR performance, then all is okay in their book. Not so with him, he makes it all about the woman. Of all the lovers, I must admit he was the best and really got to me.


  ” Trying not to sound hurt or harsh, Sam expressed his concern that perhaps Curt was a little to assertive and perhaps things got a little out of control. He was treading carefully as not to upset her and trigger an argument. In a somewhat defiant voice she shot back, “You mean I fucked him vigorously, enjoying everything he did and let him fill me with tons of come! I won’t deny enjoying it, but Sam, he was exactly what I needed. Undoubtedly he has filled the needs of a lot of other women the same way and will go on doing so. And no doubt for all of us, it was dreamlike. But dreams are illusions lasting shorter that we think. There are just some dreams that are better than others.
The room stood silent for a moment. Then in a conciliatory voice she said, “Look, there is only one Sam and while dreams like that are nice, I’m most comfortable where I am. Just as he did something extra for me, there are so many more things you can do that others can’t. That is why they always leave alone. Extras are nice, but essentials can’t be replaced. I’m lucky you let me have the best of both worlds. ” Relieved she wasn’t swept away by events and departed with him, Sam still remained uneasy. Nancy, knowing words alone wouldn’t reassure him suddenly felt an unusual need for her own reassurances.

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   Sam’s spontaneity didn’t afford her an opportunity to freshen up. Those sinfully stained nylons accentuated the scent of a well exercised woman still possessing the traces left by her lover. For Sam, it was a catalytic aphrodisiac igniting his passion from earlier in the evening. He wanted his woman back, more so he needed to re-establish his prominence reclaiming his territory. Surprised and overwhelmed at his intensity, tears of joy welled in her eyes as Nancy, more than willing let him fuck her there in the reclining chair. Sam wondered when her nails and high heels dug into his flesh if her response directed to him or were earlier hours being relived? Secretly, Nancy wondered at her own response. Was it out of passion or compassion? She still felt Curt throughout her and it wasn’t easy to let go. Aware the boundaries of Sam’s love seemed endless, would they stand the test this time? Would there be a next time and if so, when and what would happen the next time?



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Η Ελλάδα, είναι μια από τις πιο ζωντανές χώρες σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη. Διαθέτει μια ενδιαφέρουσα ιστορία 4,000 χρόνων, είναι η χώρα της δημοκρατίας, του πολιτισμού, του φιλότιμου, με φιλόξενους ανθρώπους, και εντυπωσιακές φυσικές τοποθεσίες. Στην πραγματικότητα, εάν θέλετε μπορείτε να εξερευνήσετε μερικά από τα πιο γοητευτικά νησιά στον κόσμο μόνο για να συνειδητοποιήσετε ότι θα ζήσετε μια ανεπανάληπτη εμπειρία ζωής.
Τα 6,000 ηλιόλουστα νησιά της, το Ελληνικό φαγητό, το Ελληνικό καμάκι κάνουν την ατμόσφαιρα ακόμα πιο μαγική. Έτσι, δεν αποτελεί έκπληξη το γεγονός ότι έχουν δημοσιευτεί χιλιάδες άρθρα που αναφέρουν ότι το ταξίδι στην Άγιος Νικόλαος εσκορτ θα είναι ένα από τα πιο μαγευτικά μέρη στην Ελλάδα, ακόμα και στην Ευρώπη. Για αυτό είναι και τόσο αναγνωρισμένη πόλη ανάμεσα στους ανθρώπους που προτιμούν να ταξιδεύουν στον κόσμο.
Παρόλα αυτά, θα εντυπωσιαστείτε όταν ανακαλύψετε ότι η Ελλάδα μπορεί να παρουσιάσει πολλά περισσότερα σε εκείνους που τολμούν να την εξερευνήσουν. Ετοιμαστείτε για κάτι ολοκληρωτικά ερεθιστικό. Καλώς ορίσατε στον εκπληκτικό κόσμο Συνοδών στην Άγιος Νικόλαος εσκορτ! Ο καλύτερος προορισμός για όλους τους πρόστυχους τύπους που θέλουν να εμπλουτίσουν τη ζωή τους με εκπληκτικές εμπειρίες γεμάτες ακολασία και αχαλίνωτο πάθος. Θα μείνετε 100% ικανοποιημένοι με αυτές τις κορυφαίας κλάσης συνοδούς που θα βρείτε στην Άγιος Νικόλαος συνοδοι.
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Πέρα από τις απίστευτης ποιότητας υπηρεσίες συνοδού κατά τη διάρκειας της ημέρας, οι πανέμορφες συνοδοί μας μπορούν χωρίς αμφιβολία να σας προσφέρουν εκπληκτικές υπηρεσίες συνοδού τη νύχτα, όταν είστε οι δυο σας.
Οι σαγηνευτικές γλύκες από την Άγιος Νικόλαος Escort προέρχονται από διάφορες τοποθεσίες. Για αυτό, θα είστε σε θέση να επιλέξετε μωρά όπως παθιασμένες Λατίνες, σέξι Ασιάτισσες, βιτσιόζες Αμερικάνες, ερωτικές Ευρωπαίες, καυλιάρες Αφρικάνες, και πολλές περισσότερες που ανυπομονούν να σας δείξουν τις δεξιότητές τους. Απλά πείτε μας τι ακριβώς προτιμάτε, όπως την ηλικία, τον σωματότυπο, την εθνικότητα, και εμείς θα αναλάβουμε όλα τα υπόλοιπα.
Γραφτείτε και συμπεριλάβετε τις πληροφορίες σας στη φόρμα εγγραφής και θα σας δοθεί απευθείας πρόσβαση στον κατάλογο συνοδών μας που είναι γεμάτος με καλλονές συνοδούς. Μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε την αναζήτηση σας επιλέγοντας ποικίλες κατηγορίες. Νιώστε ελεύθερα και ανακαλύψτε ανάμεσα στην Κανονική, στη VIP, στη Διαμαντένια κατηγορία και άλλες κατηγορίες υπηρεσιών συνοδών όπως τσιμπούκια, ερωτικό μασάζ, παιχνίδια ρόλων, ερωτικά παιχνίδια, γαμήσι στον κώλο, μαλακία, ποδομαλακία, ΣΔΜΧ, κατούρημα, όργια, ανάλογα το πορτοφόλι σας.

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