
Sharon - The making of a slut pt1


Sharon the making of a slut – part one
‘Hi Sharon, how are you?’
I said as I bumped into her going into our local village shop.
She replied,
‘But I’m single again’
‘Oh why’s that?’
I casually asked, secretly I’ve had a thing about Sharon for about eighteen years and I know that she likes me too! She looked around and said quietly;
‘Why don’t you go and park by the Tennis courts and I’ll stop there when I cycle home and we can chat’
‘Sounds good to me’
I replied, and about five minutes later Sharon was leaning her bike against the chain link fence of the Tennis courts and was opening the passenger door. After settling herself down and shutting the door she said;
‘Peter wouldn’t even try to satisfy me!’
That caught me off guard and I did a double take and she saw me and she carried on;
‘Look Dave, I’ve known you through my marriage to Steve, my affair with Kevin and my affair with Peter and they have all fallen apart because of me and my twisted sexual needs!’
She sort of shuddered and appeared to be close to tears before carrying on saying;
‘I can talk to you can’t I Dave, without you telling everyone about me?’
I looked her straight in the eyes and said;
‘Sharon, you know that you can trust me, I never told anyone that you wanted me to fuck you just after you got married did I? So why would I say anything to anyone now?’
This seemed to put her at her ease and she seemed to collapse in on herself and she said;
‘After I had Averill and even more so after I had Edward I found that when I was horny and on my own that I needed to hurt myself to make myself cum! I spoke to Steve about it and he agreed to try some BDSM with me but he couldn’t do it in the end and he would never speak about it after that and that was what finished our marriage, I had similar encounters with both Kevin and Peter, all they wanted to do was FUCK and I just don’t get any pleasure from that at all!’
‘Sharon, I would never have guessed that you were into that sort of thing!’
‘Look Dave, I’ve read all of Charly’s exploits in her diaries, so I know that the two of you did some pretty kinky stuff together before you split, will you help me?’
‘Look Sharon, I know that I’ve done some really kinky stuff in the past, but BDSM can get pretty intense, are you sure that’s what you want from someone like me?’
Sharon replied;
‘Who better to ask than you for some no strings attached sex?’
‘Let me think about it’
I said, Sharon started to cry and sobbed;
‘You’re going to say no aren’t you, just like all the rest!’
I reached across her to the glove compartment and pulled out a tissue for her and said;
‘No, I didn’t say no, I said let me think about it, and that’s what I meant. I need time to think about it and how and when we could get together!’
She stopped crying, paused a moment letting what I’d said sink in and she dabbed her eyes dry before leaning across to me and French kissing me hard on the lips, forcing her tongue deeply into my mouth. She tasted really good! I took her number and told her that I would ring her that night.
I thought about her, and how long that it had been since I had wanted to fuck her, and about what she’d asked me to do to her too. Evening came and both my daughters went to bed and I was free to ring Sharon, I practised what I was going to say to her and this is what I wrote down on paper before I rang her:
‘Hi Sharon, YES’
I said. Then I carried on and said;
Firstly here are the rules, if you agree with them when I finish speaking just say yes and we’ll move on to arranging things or say no and we’ll forget about ever having had the conversation this afternoon, do you understand?’
Sharon said one word ‘YES’
I continued on and said:
‘Rule number one;
At all times whenever we get together for some fun you must always wear sexy matching underwear, either bra, knickers, suspender belt and stockings or corsets/Basques, knickers and stockings, no thongs or French knickers. You must always have on high heels and a dress or skirt and blouse. And always bring a spare set of underwear and top clothes with you.
Rule number two;
Before arranging a get together I will give you a set of additional instructions, you must always comply with them before our meeting.
Rule number three;
Our Safe word to end a game instantly is LANDROVER
Rule number four;
You will keep your pussy and bum completely shaved at all times.
Rule number five;
You agree to do exactly what you are told to do no matter what it is, failure to do as you are told even once will result in the stopping of our meetings, You must remember that you have asked me to practise BDSM on you B = Bondage, D = DOMINATION, SM = SadoMasochism.
Do you agree to abide by these rules?’
There was a short pause whilst these rules sunk in and then almost as a whisper Sharon said;
‘OK Sharon, listen carefully and you had better write these things down as well as the above rules, and before our first meeting you will go to a sex shop and DIY store and purchase the following items and bring them with you:
One pair of handcuffs, one riding crop, one bottle of sex lube, one strap on dildo, one very large jelly dildo, one set of nipple clamps with chain, one coil of nylon rope ten millimetres in diameter, one blind-fold, one cat o’nine tails whip with a dildo handle, one box of large latex gloves and finally a cheap pay as you go mobile phone.

Ring me when you have everything and we’ll arrange to meet up.
I didn’t give her time to reply I just hung up.

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   That was on a Saturday night, on the following Tuesday afternoon Sharon rang me and told me that she had purchased everything and could we meet up as soon as possible, just after school run times so that we could have all day together before school run times in the afternoon. We arranged for us to meet up at nine-thirty the next morning, Sharon arrived promptly. She was wearing a nice floral print dress and carrying a large hold all. As soon as the door was closed she started kissing me passionately. Gently but firmly I pushed her from me and led her into my living room.
I said;
‘Firstly listen to me, Sharon we are about to get into some really kinky stuff, please remember that to stop it you just have to say LANDROVER, OK?’
‘Yes Dave, I remember’
‘Right, now from the moment that you slip your dress off our sex games begin and they don’t finish until you put it back on. We finish at two o’clock, now unzip your dress and let it fall to the floor and then follow me upstairs’
I didn’t wait to see what underwear she had chosen for our first encounter. I went up to my bedroom and just emptied the hold all onto the floor and waited for her to join me. I didn’t have to wait more that a few seconds before she walked into the bedroom wearing a dark green matching set of a half cup bra, knickers and suspender-belt and sheer black stockings and I noticed that her shoes matched the colour of her undies!
‘Very sexy’
I mumbled, and then I carried on and said;
‘Now you must get used to being called a mixture of names and must answer to any one of them, the names are; slut, whore, bitch, cunt and anything else like that, I am going to make you into all those things before we’re finished our various encounters, some will be totally BDSM, some may just be Domination, some may just be SadoMasochism and any and all other combinations of what you want! Now turn around’
She did as she was told and I opened the coil of rope and after measuring out a length I tied it around her hips at the same height as her suspender belt with the knot in the middle of her back, I positioned her arms by her sides and tied a loop around each wrist and then tied the rope at the front and back around her wrists, locking her arms to her sides leaving about two feet of rope dangling from each wrist. Then I blind folded her and made her kneel beside the bed with her legs parted so that I could slip my legs down between hers.
I then quickly slipped my clothes off, picked up the two whips and sat on the bed with my legs down between hers and I said to her;
‘Now suck my cock you slut, you had better make it good or I’m going to punish you until you do, do it right, make sure that you get it all the way down your throat or else!’
I didn’t give her time to protest I just pushed her head down and forced my hard cock into her mouth and told her to suck it. Slowly she started to move her mouth up and down my cock and several times it popped out of her mouth before she started taking it deeper. After about ten minutes of this I pushed her head hard down on my cock, but she resisted and only let it reach the back of her mouth. Reaching for the cat o’nine tails beside me I said;
‘That’s just not good enough, bitch!’
I whipped downwards and the tails of the whip lashed across her bum cheeks and down and around to her pussy lips as they pressed against the thin lacy material of her knickers, she gasped out loudly in surprise, pleasure and pain and she arched her back letting my cock slip from her mouth with a plop!
‘You are the most useless cock sucker that has ever sucked on my stiff cock! I’m going to teach you not to fail to do something that I tell you to do!’
I pulled her up onto her feet and spun her around and laid her down on the bed, I then took each leg in turn and using the spare rope tied to her hips and wrists I tied her ankles too. For a few minutes I left her laying there blind folded and tied with her wrists and ankles tied together, I then cut another two lengths of rope and threaded them through each of her legs and tied a loop around her knees, once I was happy with them I then tied each of the ropes to the posts of my bed, forcing her legs wide apart.

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   Sharon was now helpless and at my mercy!
‘Hmmm. ’
I said, then;
‘Time to take some pictures of you’
And I took several pictures of her and without her knowing I started a video camera running too! Then from under my bed I retrieved a stiff scale ruler and sat down on the bed next to her and started rubbing the ruler across her bra covered breasts, stopping only briefly to tease around each of her nipples. This had the desired effect and she moaned as they rose up hard through the material of her half cup bra. THWACK, THWACK. I slapped it down across each nipple. Sharon just groaned and gasped out; ‘Harder, hurt me!’
Four more times across each nipple I slapped her and each time she gasped out harder! I stopped to think for a moment before slipping my hand down the front of her knickers, down between her pussy lips and felt her cum oozing from her opening, she was getting tuned on!
I thought to my self time to get a bit harder and I reached up to her bra and with a huge effort ripped it apart allowing her breasts to drop down onto her chest, although they were large when they were in her bra when they were laying on her they were deflated and saggy!
‘So not only are you no good at sucking cock, your tits are saggy useless flaps of skin, no wonder nobody wants to pleasure you!’
THWACK, THWACK, I slapped down across her breasts and nipples and she started to cry and still gasped out;
Looking down at her breasts there were red marks across their tender flesh and she still wanted me to hit them harder! I grabbed hold of one and squeezed it until it was shaped like a sand timer and the nipple stood upright and I sucked it and bit it before starting the smacking with the ruler again, this time Sharon started to moan and she was squirming, her hips trying to close her legs around her tingling pussy. I briefly stopped, only meaning to change over to the other one when she cried out in frustration; ‘don’t you dare stop you mother fucker, make me cum!’
I grabbed her other tit and did the same with that one only this time all the time I was doing it she kept ordering me to hit her saggy tits harder. I hit her breasts so hard that I snapped my scale rule and had to grab the cat o’nine tails whip again and continue on. Five or six lashes later Sharon climaxed loudly exclaiming;
‘Oh fuck, oh fuck yes, oh god do it again, make me cum again, please don’t stop!’
By this time my cock was so hard that I thought it would burst, and I sort of shouted out;
‘No it’s my turn first you whore’
And with that I ripped her knickers off and plunged my cock deeply into her hairless cunt and just used her for my own pleasure first until I came huge amounts of sticky cum into her unprotected pussy! After a few moments to get my breath back I pulled my cock from her and knelt over her chest and forced her to suck and lick my cock clean before saying;
‘Now it’s your turn again bitch!’
Looking down at her shrunken breasts they were covered in angry raised welts and I decided that I couldn’t do more to them so I turned to her pussy that was leaking our mixed cum down over her bum hole and onto the bed! I went over to the huge dildo that she had brought the day before and picked it up, it was really thick and long too. Perfect I thought this should stretch her pussy and cause her a little pain too, just what she wants. I moved a chair over to the bed and sat down. I started rubbing the dildo up and down her slippery opening covering it in cum before pushing it straight into her cunt about six or seven inches in one go. She cried out in pain and pleasure and she gasped out;
‘More, Give me more!’
Slowly at first I started working it into her after about five minutes she had about ten inches thrusting in and out of her and she still wanted more;
‘Fuck me harder. Fill my cunt up with it. Hurt me for fucks sake, that’s what makes me cum!’
She commanded me.

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   I stopped thrusting it in and out and slowly started just easing it into her inch by inch I pushed it into her until nearly the whole thirteen inches were inside her…. .
‘Now hurt my fuck hole!’
Looking down at her pussy it was stretched around the thick dildo and her clit was standing up hard and clearly visible! I did the only thing that I could think of at the time and that was to pick up the riding crop and start gently whipping it, each time that I brought it down on her clit she gasped and cried out harder. I did as she wanted and she was soon writhing around until she came again! This time though her pussy muscles squeezed so hard that the dildo was squeezed out of her cunt, and landed with a thud on the floor. I thought that she would want to end things there but all she did was moan out quietly, don’t stop now, hurt me more make me come once more!
By now her legs were not fighting against her restraints in fact they were so relaxed that they were laying even wider apart than they had been to start with and the ropes were hanging down slack, and as I looked at them I noticed that her cunt was gaping wide open still and it gave me an idea and I went over to the pack of latex gloves and put one on and covered it in sex lube, and I covered my lower arm too. Again I sat down on the chair and this time I made my hand into a fist with the thumb tucked inside and I started rubbing it in a circular type motion in the gaping opening of her cunt and she started moaning as I pushed harder forcing my fist into her cunt, stretching it tightly over my fist as more worked its way into her, then all of a sudden she cried out;
‘Fuck stop, stop, it hurts too much’
I did as she demanded and stopped, leaving my fist half way into her pussy, she lay there gasping and moaning in both pleasure and pain and breathing hard for a minute or two, then she said in a dreamy sort of voice;
‘Now give me more’
This time as I started pushing my fist went past the widest part and slipped easily into her pussy and she moaned loudly;
‘Oh god, that’s so good. Fuck me hard with it, hurt me again and make me cum’
Slowly at first I fisted her cunt, and then she tried to move her hips against my thrusts to get it harder and deeper. Briefly I stopped and with my free hand I reached down to each of her ankles and released them from the ropes allowing her to move her hips as much as she wanted. I then returned to fisting her pussy with one hand whilst I wanked my again hard cock with the other, faster and faster she started thrusting against my fist and I could feel it hitting against the end of her vagina. She was thrusting herself against my fist so hard that she was grunting at it hit inside her each time! Suddenly she was crying out gasping and she had climaxed again! As the shuddering of her pussy subsided I eased my fist and arm from her pussy and finish off wanking my cock off over her wide open cunt, just letting it shoot inside her.
As her breathing returned to normal she gasped out LANDROVER. Our game was over. Before properly releasing her I switched the video camera off and hid it. I released her and uncovered her eyes and kissed her. As she removed what was left of her bra and dressed she said to me;
‘Thank you Dave, I knew you’d do what I needed to bring me off.

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   Can we do something again soon please?’
‘If you want to, I’m sure that we could try something else, let me think about it. ’
It was still early so we had some lunch together and we talked about what we’d just done together and I asked if it had been everything that she had wanted and she replied;
‘Yes and no, Yes it was a good bit of bondage and pain, but you didn’t really order me to do anything naughty or against my will’
I said,
‘What won’t you do sexually or what don’t you like doing? Think about it, write me a list and drop it through my letter box sometime!’
With that she left and I didn’t hear from her again for two weeks, when one day I returned from a school run and found a sealed hand delivered envelope on the mat I opened it and read:
Hi Dave,
Sorry I took so long, I let my sore tits and pussy stop aching before I made a start on the list and I gave up on the number of times I started it and tore it up before writing it down properly. So here it is, I’ve tried to put as many things down as I can but I got really confused as each time I read through it I started getting turned on!!!!! Perhaps it’s the thought of being made to do them that turn me on so much!!!!
1) Having sex in front of other people
2) Fucking a complete stranger
3) Having sex with another woman
4) Having sex with Dogs
5) Having sex with Horses
6) Having sex with Black men

They are not in any particular order, but I think there’s enough for you to be going one with. I haven’t forgotten how good our last encounter was and I regularly fuck myself in bed at night time with that huge dildo and hurt my clit until I cum as I think about it! Thank you for that. You promised to make me into a BITCH, a WHORE, a SLUT when will that be?

Love Sharon.

Seeing the things on that list didn’t really bother me as all of them I’d seen Charly do in the past, so it was going to be relatively easy. That morning I wrote a short note back to Sharon and told her what to do for our next adventure together. I listed what I wanted her to wear, what she had to do before our night out and when it would be!
To be continued.


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