
My friend take advantage of my naked family


hello friend my name is abhi (17) studying in 12th class ,I have 4 members in my family ,mom is housewife,Dad is buisnessman,my sister jyoti (18) she just finished her 12th exams she if fair in colour ,she has best body curves and boobs every one want to enjoy ,my family is very very modern ,it is normal walking naked in our home ,nobody wears nothing when they are home ,my parents think it's good to be naked in our home it help us to feel light and think fastly ,and it's a summer time so it is good as well,even we hug each other naked it's normal in my family, we have 2bhk flat one room for mom dad and one for me and jyoti ,I never see her in sexual way,it all started when I tell my best friend Rahul(18) about my naked family,he can't believe that we live naked in our house ,so I invite him at my house,he said ok ,I will come tomorrow becoz it's Sunday ,said Rahul " I said ok ,I tell him don't shy to be naked tommorow ,he said ok(laughing) ,I went back to home i remove my all clothes ,mom is in the kitchen making food she is also naked as usual ,I went to her and hug her from behind ,at that time it's normal that my cock touch mom's ass after that i tell my mom's that my best friend Rahulis coming tomorrow at our house ,mom is very open minded ,she quickly said ok. Next day come I call Rahul where is he ,he said that he is on the way,all my family members are at home except dad he is at the office we all are naked as usual ,around 5:00pm doorbell ring I open the door ,Rahul has arrived ,I tell him to come inside and when he enters he see my naked mother at the kitchen he get shock ,I tell him now you believe it he said yes ,I tell him to be naked and he remove hi all clothes in seconds I put his clothes at shelf ,my mom came she hug me ,Rahul can't believe it ,and then my mom hug Rahul ,his dick touch my mom's leg he can't believe what's just happen ,my mom's said hello to Rahul and went back to kitchen ,at that time my sister is in my room, naked as usual ,she is doing some house work ,I take Rahul to my room ,when I open the door ,he see my sister,he whisper to me she is so sexy ,I dont mind him ,my sister is facing away from us she didn't see us we are behind her ,I said Rahul to Surprise her he said ok ,suddly Rahul went near her and hug her from behind ,he hugged her very tightly that his cock went directly placed btw my sister ass cheeks he closed his eyes for a second and then leave her ,jyoti thinks that it was me but that she turn around and see Rahul and i came quickly and introduce Rahul to her she said hello to him and start doing her work again ,I noticed Rahul dick getting hard but it's normal I though . Me and Rahul started talking about anything ,my sister is inthe kitchen helping mom,suddenly Rahul tell me that you are enjoying you life ,I asked him how ,he replied that you sister is so hot you can hug her daily like I did today ,I said we do hug daily but what's so enjoying ,then he took his phone from his beg and show me something that changes my feeling towards my sister he shows me a porn videos whose title is brother fucking sister and he showes me many videos, after watching that my cock get hard ,he teach me every thing about sex ,i started getting sexual feeling toward my sister ,we forget to check time ,it's 8:30pm I said Rahul to stay at my home tonight ,he said let me tell me my parents ,I said ok ,his mom allowed him to stay,I came downstairs to tell mom that Rahul is staying tonigh mom said ok,but where is he going to sleep ,I said he can sleep on our bed ,mom said ok ,that means me ,jyoti and Rahul are going to sleep together on same bed ,i came back to my room and tell himthat he is sleeping with me and my sister ,after that he told me that today he will teach me more about sex Isaid ok ,at around 9:30pm mom told me that dad is not coming home today he has some work so he is staying in the nearby hotel ,I said ok 10:00pm we complete eating food ,than me,jyoti and Rahul come back to my room ,we watch some TV and and than Jyoti said who is sleeping which side ,(our bed is big enough for two people but does not have complete place for 3 peoples ,we also sleep naked but we adjust it) I said I am going to sleep on the right side ,jyoti said she is sleeping at the left side ,that means Rahul has to sleep betwen me and jyoti ,now time is 10:50pm jyotiis already sleep on the left side ,on her back we both looking at her boobs and btw her legs,me and Rahul still chatting while sitting in bed corner,he tell me that my sister has best sexy body every boy want to fuck ,I can se his cock getting hard 9 inch ,all this talk makes me think about porn video Rahul show me earlier,my dick also started getting hard ,at around 11:30pm we finish our talk and Rahul tell me lets sleep ,I summer so I switch on AC and take out one big blanket from shelf ,I throw it on the bed ,my sister sounds sleep still sleeping on her back ,now I lay down at right side of the bed ,I can see there is very small space left in the bed,i tell him how he is going to sleep there is very less space left btw me and jyoti ,Rahultill sitting on the bed corner ,he tell me he can adjust ,he switch of the main light ,but every thing is visible because of moon light ,now rahul is laying down ,the space is very small ,when he laydown on his back his arm is touching my arm and his other arm touching my sister arm ,I gave him an idea that lets sleep on our side he said ok ,I laid down on my side facing away from Rahul ,now Rahul laid on his facing away from me ,I turn around to see that Rahuls hard dick is placed on my sisters belly ,she is still sleeping on her back,I though it's normal because there is very less space btw us ,we all try to sleep ,around 1:00am I move to turn around now I am facing Rahul backs ,I tried my best not to touch Rahul ,my body is not touching Rahul body ,I stood my face little to Rahul face what I see was his body is fully attach to jyoti's body that his stomach is attached to her back ,jyoti is facing away from Rahul ,I take my eyes little down and see that Rahul dick is placed btw my sister ass crack ,I shake him to wake him up ,he open hi eyes and tell me what happen ,I tell him what's are you doing pointing on his dick ,he said there is not much room ,I thought he is right ,then he tell me that ,you want to do see somethingfrom that porn video ,I again started feeling horny my dick gets hard again ,he tell me to watch ,I said ok ,next moment what's I see is Rahul move his waist backward ,now I can see his dick ,I get shocked when I see that his dick is not btw jyoti ass cheeks ,his dick is coming out from my sister pussy , I get angry with what he is doing my sister ,I pinch him slowly on his shoulder ,he give me excuse that there is no space and my dick is pocking your sister and it's heart me so I put it in her pussy to create some space ,I said ok ,he tell me that it feels so good inside her ,I tell him how ,he tell me look ,and he took his dick in hand and insert it in her pussy ,and he close his eyes for a while ,jyoti is in deep sleep , now he started to move back and forth I can see that he is clearly fucking my sister but I didn't stop him after 1 hour of this ,he stop and he is breathing heavily ,his dick still inside jyotis pussy ,he told to me lets switch our side ,now it's your turn , I said ok ,weswitch ,now he tell me to insert my dick my dick in jyotis pussy ,I said ok ,I place my dick at the entrance of her pussy ,suddenly Rahul push my waist and my whole dick gets inside her pussy ,its feels so good ,I said ,now he told me to do back and forth ,I started fuck her ,i fuck her for 25 min Rahul sounds sleeps now,I fuck her for more half an hour and suddenly my pace increase and I came inside her ,now I am breathing heavily which wakes up Rahul and he said, we have to sleep now other wise somebody will catch us I said ok and he tell me to sleep at our original places ,we switch our places ,my sister is still facing away from us ,cum is leaking from her pussy,we switch this time Rahul sleep on her back one hand on his dick and other on jyotis hips ,now we try to sleeps but I can't coz I literally falling from bed,,I shake Rahul and said move forward he move him toward jyoti and moan a little I said thanks ,he said no problem,he is facing away from me ,my sister ass is toward him ,when I see him his dick head is inside my sister butt hole ,I pinch him again ,he tell me what ,I said me again ,and he looks down and said I don't know how this happen ,he tell me that you told me to move forward ,that why my dick head get in her butt ,I said ok no problem I can se that he is right because there is no space ,he tell me that he can create more sapce for me if I want ,I said ok ,he move more toward jyoti and now there is very good space btw me and Rahul ,but then I noticed that Rahul full dick is inside my sister and he is pressing her boobs , I told him to stop ,and tell him the time it's 4:00am he said ok ,but he didnt took his dick out and then we all sleep ,I wake up at 6:00am and notice that Rahul and jyoti is still sleeping ,I notice that Rahul dick is still inside jyoti ass hole ,I shake him try to wake him up but he didn't wake ,then I went to toile to pee ,and came back what i see is Rahul is agai moving back and forth and fucking jyotis ass hole and he is moaning very loudly I go to bed and tell him to stop ,after 10min he stop ,he came inside her ass hole and took his dick out and went to toilet ,I can see my sister ass hole fully open ,Rahul went to toilet and close the door ,toilet is in our room ,I got chance and quickly put my dick in jyoti's ass hole my dick rises in her ass hole I quickly give her 5-6 thrust and came inside her took my dick iut ,and cum leaking out of her butt ,Rahul came,I told him to bring the towel from toilet he brings and we clean the mess ,we went to hall ,my mum is cooking food ,we sat on dining table ,with our dick hard ,mum didn't notice it and gave us tea and bread ,and tell us goodmorning we both wish her back ,now jyoti came downstairs ,me and rahul smile ,she seema to be normal ,we both look and each other and smile ,jyoti sat on another chair in our front and mom gave her bread and tea we both finish and went back to room to take shower ,jyoti came to room she told us that she had to take shower first becuase she is smelling ,I said I am also smelling let me go first ,we got in argument ,suddenly Rahul said why don't we all take shower same time and you bathroom is big enough ,jyoti said that will be good,we entered in the shower Rahul walking behind jyoti his hard dick inches away from her butt,our bathroom is big but our shower roomis not so big,we entered in the shower ,jyoti stand straight down to shower ,Rahul stand behind her ,his dick is nearly touching her butt I am at jyoti right side ,jyoti switch the shower on ,water drops splashes on our body ,jyoti is standindg in the straight so all the water came on her body only few drops coming on my and Rohit's body ,I told jyoti to move little bit but she didn't ,we move little my arm touches jyoti boobs but it's normal ,she didn't mind ,and then Rahul who is standing with is dick 1cm away from jyoti's ass mover forward that his straight dick touch directly on jyoti's butt hole opening she didn't mind it ,she is rubbing her body with her hands to clean, Rahul rubbing his hair with both hand while his hard dick still btw jyoti ass cheecks ,I am cleaning my self with every drops ,jyoti bent down to get soap ,which opens up her ass checks wide ,Rahul move more further towards her ,that his dick went directly btw her legs ,she stood ,his dick is on top of her pussy ,she still don't mind because she know there is very less space ,Rahul is taking advantage of situation ,my dick also rises i stated cleaning my dick ,I see jyoti rubbing soap all over her body ,Rahul is moving his dick continuously ,my sister bent again to apply soap on her feets ,Rahul move backward and suddenly acting like he is falling ,he fall on my sister and bump her ass very hard that his dick head went inside jyoti butt hole ,she straight up to ask that he is ok, Rahul said yes ,she again bent down ,no Rahul move further that his half dick went inside her butt hole ,jyoti yelled "ouch" and Rahul said soory there is no space that's why he move further ,she said no problem fine,I am watching all this while rubbing my hair,I can clearly see his half dick inside jyotis ass hole ,it's look like Rahul is fucking my sister in Doogy style ,but she didn't mind,suddenlymy sister ask can anyone please wash my back ,Rahul quickly said ok,my sister gave him soap,he is take the soap then touch my sister back and starting applying soap ,my sister is standing straight and Rahul is also standing straight with his dick inside jyoti ass,he apply the soap to her neck and rub it to her ass ,He took hi cock out and sat down ,Rahul applied soap all over her butt cheeks he place the soap on the floor and starting pressing her ass cheeks she though he is just cleaningbut he is playing with her, I am watching every thing but enjoying all this ,Rahul while washing take his two finger btw legs andstarting applying soap there while my sister is washing her boobs ,Rahul ran his finger all the way to her butt hole and ask my sister that ,Soap is to be applied everywhere? she said offcourse ,so Rahul apply some some near her butt hole and insert his one finger inside ,she didn't mind ,Rahul said that he is cleaning every single thing ,she said thanks you,Rahul started finger fuck her butt hole ,I am jerking at the moment watching my sister,now this time Rahul stand up right behind my sister and apply some soap on his chest and his 9 inch big dick ,and started rubbing his chest to her back ,he place his dick on her butt hole opening and spread her ass cheeks apart to see stretch her hole and place his dick on the opening and stating pushing in ,he closed his eyes in pleasure ,and press untill his full dick went inside her ,she yelled a little but still didn't mind I ,Now Rahul told her he is applying soap inside her hole ,she said ok,now Rahul starting moving back and forth ,Rahul gave her soap to put it down ,she bent down and Rahul started fucking her fast ,she stand up ,Rahul stop and came inside her ,and took his dick outside ,I can see her butt hole open ,Rahul tell my sister that ,he had applied soap to every part of the body she said thanks for helping ,Rahul said my pleasure ,my sister cleaning the soap with shower ,now I want to fuck her so I said Rahul to change the place ,he said ok,now I stand up behind her ,and tell her that there is still some soap on your back ,she said please clean it,I said ok I came near her with my dick directly pointing on her butt hole which is already wide by Rahul fucking ,I move further and put my whole dick inside her butt hole with a hard force ,she yelled at me "clean slowly" ,i moan with pleasure and said ok,now I put my both hands on side of her waist ,and strating fucking her In standing position ,Rahul is watching me fucking her ,I fuck her for 18 min and then cum inside her ,and took my dick out ,my cum is leaking from her hole so I clean that ,now I started cleaning my self ,my dick is touching her ass again and again ,we all are now cleaning ourself ,suddenly water stop coming from shower ,we have soap on our body ,jyoti has soap in her hair and Rahul is also covered in soap ,we get out of shower suddenly my sister said we can clean ourself in bath tub ,me and Rahul said good idea ,our bath tub is not so big it only has place for two peoples ,So me and Rahul went in the tub ,I sat on the left side and Rahul sat on the right ,our leg crossed, jyoti is standing outside with innocent sad face ,Rahul said don't be sad come here sat on my lap ,she get happy and thanks him ,she came in the tub standing,and starting to sitting slowly ,while she is sitting Rahul took his hard cock in his hand and point it straight towrds her pussy ,his cock is so big I can see his dick head came out of water,she sit directly on his cock ,Rahul moans a little ,she didn't mind again ,Rahul is in the plesure,I am wondering why Rahul has close his eyes ,than I put my face in the water and see that Rahul dick is inside my sister pussy, I feel jealous ,I can see Rahul both hands on jyotis boobs ,Rahul is moving a little bit Try to fuck her ,I got an idea to stop him ,I tell jyoti that it's too long on Rahul lap you can heart his leg ,came sit on my lap it will be fine ,she said ok and stood up andI can see Rahul dick came out of her pussy and cum is dripping down ,to my surprise she didn't turn around and sat on my lap facing me ,her boobs are on my chest her butt on my thighs,my dick is 1 cm away from her pussy and started getting hard,my dick head is touching her pussy lips ,I grab her ass with both my hands and move her toward me my dick head gets inside her pussy ,I move her more toward me my whole dick is inside her ,she is washing her boobs again ,seems she didn't mind this also ,now I am deep inside her and started to move a little to fuck her ,then I notice Rahul legs move little ,around me ,then I notice that ,Rahul is very near to jyotis back ,next I move my head little to see behind jyoti and what i see is Rahul full dick is inside jyoti ass hole that means jyoti is sitting on two cock in both ass and pussy ,me and Rahul catches eyes ,and we both started to move back and forth ,after half and hour of fucking we both came in her at the same time and tell her we are clean now,me and Rahul get back to room and Rahul said that he has never fuck a same girl that many timeand told me that he will come every weak to meet her ,I said him thanks that he teach me about such a good feeling ,my sister came outside ,Rahul hug her ,and tell her nice to meet you ,he wear his clothes and get back to his house ,after that he come to my house ever weak and sleep with us ,and fuck my sister ,but I fuck my sister each and every day ,I rub my cock on her asswhenever I get chance ,she didn't even know that we made her a slut,one thing I don't understand that how can she handle that much pain very easily



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