
Meat the Preacher's Wife


Cassie Chanson sat at the kitchen table, sipped tea, and thought about her husband and her marriage. The day before had been her third wedding anniversary, but her husband had not mentioned it, had not acknowledged it. She sighed and a frown crossed her face. It's not as if he forgot it, she thought; it's as if he ignored it, as if it didn't mean anything to him. Three years, she sighed again. Of course, Michael had a lot on his mind, and he was a minister. She wagged her head as she thought about her husband, and about the past few months. Michael had gradually stopped showing any affection for her, or even any interest in her. He spent more and more time away from her, ministering to his "flock," visiting the sick, the infirm, the aged, preparing his sermons. And sex - forget about it. She gave out a sardonic little chuckle. From the first day of their marriage, Michael had been squeamish, finicky, prudish when it came to sex. It almost seemed as if he looked upon sex as debasing, distasteful, a painful duty to perform. And gradually he had shown, he had made it clear, that he wasn't interested in sex. When was the last time we did it? she asked herself. Two weeks ago? Again, she gave out a wry chuckle.


   And even then, it wasn't very good. She wagged her head as she thought about it. Michael had mounted her, had given her a dozen strokes, shot his load, and then had rolled off her. And that had been it. Hammering sounds from the porch interrupted her thought. She walked to the kitchen screen door and looked out. Gerald Lamons was hard at work, repairing a section of the parsonage porch. Cassie watched the carpenter for a moment, and she felt a tingle run over her and a warmth that was centered in her breasts and between her thighs. He wore a tank-top and cutoff jeans. He was husky and muscular, and his neck, arms and legs glowed with a light sheen of perspiration. She felt a fizzy tingling run up and down her body; her heart beat faster and her throat and lips were suddenly dry. She opened the screen door and said, "About time for a break, isn't it? Would you like some iced tea?"He looked up, smiled, and said, "You read my mind. "He entered the kitchen, wiping his brow. "I should have the porch done today, late this afternoon anyway. ""About how much do you think the total will be?" Cassie asked as she poured him a glass of tea.

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  "Not that much," he said. "It's mainly been a job of building on supports to the porch and the steps. I will have put in a total of about eight hours labor, and with the cost of materials, it should come to about two hundred dollars. "They sat at the kitchen table and sipped tea. "Do you know who or what or how to bill it?" she asked. "Yeah, I'll give Mr. Chanson the final bill today, and the church itself will pay me. ""Hmm, well, the thing is, Mr. Chanson, he probably won't be back till this evening. He's gone, left this morning. He's usually gone all day. ""Usually gone all day?" Gerald asked. "Yeah. Most days he's gone - all day - and sometimes part of the evening. ""No problem, with the bill.

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   I can leave it with you. ""Would you like another glass of tea?" she asked. He nodded. "Best tea I've had in quite a while. Hits the spot. "He watched her as she got up and went to the fridge, and he felt a stirring in his groin. Cassie was in her early twenties, fair-skinned, with brownish-blonde hair and blue-green eyes. She was quite pretty and shapely. He felt his prick stiffening. She was a looker, all right - and married to a preacher. What a waste. He took a swig of iced tea and observed her more closely. She had a melancholy look on her face, and every once and a while he heard a distinct sigh come from her lips. His cock grew stiff, rising and poking at his pants. He drained his glass and stood.

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   "Well, I'd better get back to work. Thanks for the tea. It did the trick. "Cassie looked at him and her gaze was drawn down to his crotch. His prick throbbed and poked at his jeans. His hard-on could clearly be seen. She gulped and a thumping feeling came from her tummy and ran up to her throat. She swallowed and ran the tip of her tongue across her inner lips. She suddenly realized she was so horny she couldn't stand it. Even her heart was thumping. "Any time you want to - uh - you know, take a break and get a drink, the tea's in the fridge - just help yourself. " Her voice came out rasping and husky. He smiled and nodded. "Thanks. " He went back outside.

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  Cassie went to the living room and lay down on the sofa. Her whole body was tingling, heart thudding, and her breasts and the little secret place between her thighs was so warm, almost hot. She thought about her husband, her marriage, their sex life - and Gerald. He was so husky and muscular; and his "thing" between his legs was so - big and stiff. Almost without thinking, she slowly moved her hands down her body and began softly caressing herself, stroking her tummy, her thighs. She brushed a hand up under her blouse and lightly touched a breast. A warm glowing feeling ran forth pervading her whole body. She began breathing unevenly, almost raggedly. She gulped and ran her hand over her breast, caressing the mound. She gasped at the feeling. She ran her hands all over her breasts, rubbing them. Oh, it felt so good. She brushed a hand down, down to her thighs and to between her legs. She ran a palm over her pussy and gasped at the sensation. She stroked harder and a groan escaped her lips.

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   She spread her thighs and began briskly stroking her cunt with one hand and with the other rubbing her breasts. The feeling was heavenly. "Oh, ah," she breathed out hotly. "Oh, it feels so good," she murmured huskily. Gerald worked for a little while, and then decided to get a drink. He entered the kitchen and went to the fridge, poured a glass of tea and swigged it. Then he heard sounds coming from the living room; groaning, moaning, ragged gasping sounds. He walked to the living room and stopped short. There was Mrs. Chanson lying on the couch, gasping and panting, her eyes closed, legs spread, rubbing her breasts and stroking between her legs. He walked to the sofa, swiping at his cock. Cassie opened her eyes and saw him standing over her. She looked agog at him as he took out his prick. It was big, stiff and throbbing. Without uttering a word, he mounted her, raked her panties down and off, and pushed forward.

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   He grasped her buttocks and drove his hard cock into her pussy. He groaned and she gasped as he dug his dick up her cunt. With one continuous stroke, he stuffed every inch of his long thick prick in her pussy. "Oh god - ohh, unh!" she cried as his huge cock slid up her quim. He was filling her up-filling her pussy up as it had never been filled before. Flaming stinging barbs stabbed up her channel, up her tummy, all the way to her swollen throbbing breasts. He huffed as he jammed the final inch of his prick in her cunt. Her pussy was deliciously minty and snug; it gripped his rod like a vise. He pulled back a few inches, clutched her rump, and then jabbed his entire dick forward. She reared up, cried out, and wrapped her arms and legs around him as his cockhead crammed into the core of her cunt. Back and forth, up and down, he jammed his prick in her pussy, pumping his meat in her cunt. "Fuck!" he called out to her. "Fuck, baby, fuck!""Oh god - it's been so long! Ahh - unh - ahh!" she cried out in passionate pleasure, heaving her pelvis up, hunching her quim to meet his lusty thrusts. He slammed it to her, screwing her hard and fast. His big hard dick pounded her cunt like a piston.

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  "Ah - oh god - oh sweet prick!" she gasped and panted and humped and bucked as he hammered his long thick cock in her hot juicy pussy. "Oh god, this is heaven! Oh, it's never been so good!" she cried. "Ah - I never knew it could feel so good. " He pulled at her blouse and raked her bra up and feasted on her breasts. He licked her nipples and sucked her titties and she gasped at the sensation of his wet tongue and lips licking and sucking on her tits. He grunted and puffed and heaved his crotch up, grinding it against her cunny and rubbing and mashing his fat heavy balls on her ass. He shoved his entire prick up her pussy and let her have it. He pissed a hot stream of cum deep in her quim. She strained her body up and grinded her pelvis forward. Her cunt gorged itself on his dick, sucking greedily on it, sucking his cum up into her core. "Unhh - yeah!" he panted in lust as he pumped gob after gob of thick creamy juice deep in her pussy. "Oh god - keep cuming!" she gasped. "Give me all you've got - fill me up with it!" Gerald did just that. He spurted her cunt full of semen. They shared a delicious afterfuck.

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   He slowly twirled his cock in her hot moist cunny and she swirled her quim in little circles around his prick. "Oh god, so good," she murmured with pleasure. "Oh, it's been so long. ""How long has it been, honey?" he asked. "About two weeks. ""You haven't been fucked in two weeks?""No. ""That's a crying shame, honey. Excuse me for saying this, but your husband is a fool. A young pretty woman like you needs a good hot fucking every day. ""God, I wouldn't know what to do if I got it every day. "It took Gerald longer than he had anticipated to finish his work on the parsonage porch. He stopped work twice and went into the house and fucked Cassie. When he finally finished for the day, he drove away, slowly stroking his sore prick. Damn, but she was starved for it, he thought. She just about wore my dick out.

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  Cassie lay on the sofa, slowly stroking her tummy and thighs, fulfilled and satisfied for the first time in her life. She had committed adultery, she had been unfaithful to her husband, but she felt no regret, no guilt. All she felt was good; sensually good. I don't care if it is wrong, she thought. I don't care if it is a sin. I'm not going to go without it from now on. I'm going to get it. One way or another, I'm going to get it. Two days later Cassie received a telephone call from Gerald Lamons. He invited her to his house for a little get-together. "My wife wants to meet you," he said. "Your wife?""Yeah. I've told her about you, and she's looking forward to meeting you. ""You told your wife - about me?""Yeah. I told her about you and me.


  ""You told her - about us. ""Yeah. My wife is real open-minded, and she really wants to meet you. "Cassie lounged on the sofa, sitting between Gerald and his wife. They sipped drinks and watched a film on the VCR. She didn't know what was in the drink, but it was good. She had drank a couple and had gotten a delightful buzz. She had been pleasantly surprised at the manner and demeanor of Gerald's wife Debbie. She was vivacious and warm and very friendly. She was in her early twenties, about the same age as Cassie. Her ebony hair flowed down past her shoulders, her chocolate eyes glowed warmly, and her dusky skin gave her an exotic look. The film they were watching was Swedish - and erotic, and Cassie felt a glowing warmth spreading through her body. When a scene was shown in the film of two nude women kissing and caressing each other, she felt a shaft of wet fire rush up her cunny. She noticed that Gerald was stroking his crotch, sliding his hand up and down, and her heart suddenly thumped and her throat and mouth grew dry. About the same time as Gerald unzipped his pants and pulled out his prick, she felt Debbie's hand slide up her blouse.


  Gerald's wife slipped an arm around her shoulder and slid a hand on her breast and stroked it. Cassie gasped at the sensation. Her breasts grew hot and began to swell and throb. She felt Gerald's hand on her other breast. She panted at the feeling as Gerald and his wife rubbed her tits. Debbie pulled Cassie's blouse up, slid her bra up over her breasts, and lowered her head. She ran her lips and tongue over one of her hot swollen tits. Gerald joined in and began licking the other. She gasped and panted in passion and thrust her breasts out and clutched their heads as the husband and wife licked and sucked her tits. Debbie slid off the sofa, tugged at Cassie's panties and pulled them down and off. She lowered her head between her thighs and commenced licking her pussy. "Oh god - ohh," she moaned with pleasure at the feeling of the woman's smooth slick tongue flicking and lapping her cunt. She heaved her crotch up and rubbed it on Debbie's mouth and gasped at the sensation the tongue was giving her. Gerald got up on his knees on the couch, clasped her head and guided his prick to her mouth. "Suck my cock, baby," he huffed.

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  He pushed his dick forward and slipped it between her lips, clutched her head and slid his prick into her mouth. "Oh yeah - suck it, baby," he hissed, "suck every inch of it. "He heaved his crotch forward and drove his cock into her mouth. Cassie was overcome with sensual passion. Debbie was tongue-fucking her pussy, sending wet hot shafts of pleasure shooting up her cunny; at the same time, Gerald was frigging her mouth, sliding his thick throbbing meat down to her throat. She had no choice but to suck his prick, to open her mouth and throat muscles as wide as she could. She would have choked otherwise. His cock was stiff but velvety smooth, firm but rubbery, and she found increasing pleasure in sucking it, in swirling her tongue around and sliding her lips on it, in the taste and feel of it. She began sucking voraciously on his dick, and he gasped and panted with the sensation as he fucked her hot wet mouth, pumping his prick all the way down to her gullet. Never before had she had her cunt licked and mouth fucked at the same time, and the feeling was driving her mad with desire. She hunched her quim up on Debbie's tongue as she bobbed her head and sucked Gerald's cock. He heaved his prick up, jamming it down to her throat. He grinded and mashed his balls on her chin, and he cried out as the cum erupted and gushed up his stalk. He pissed a hot stream of semen down her gullet. To keep from choking, she gulped and swallowed the thick creamy juice as fast as she could.

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   He emptied his balls, pumping a half-dozen gobs of sperm in her mouth. She sucked it all down. She decided she liked the taste and feel of cum. It was so warm and thick and creamy spurting down her throat and into her tummy. Debbie pulled and tugged at Cassie, pulling her off the sofa. She lay down on her back and raised her legs and drew them back. "Lick me," she said huskily, "lick my pussy. "Cassie clasped Debbie's legs and lowered her head between her thighs. She buried her face in the cunt. "Oh Jesus, oh god!" Debbie cried out in lust as Cassie slid and flicked her tongue on her clit. She decided she liked the taste of cunt too. Gerald had by now recovered and he moved up behind Cassie, wrapped his arms around her waist and pushed his crotch against her rump. She felt his prickhead poking into her ass and she spraddled her legs and moved her butt up. He groaned with pleasure as he slid his dick into her tight ass. She licked Debbie's pussy with gusto and strained her rump back to meet Gerald's thick prick.

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   Stinging barbs of pleasure jabbed up her butt as he dug his dick up her ass. She decided she liked assfucking too. Ahh, I'm going to try it all, she thought. I'm going to do it all. One way or another, I'm going to get it - going to get it all. Cassie's husband was in for a surprise when he got home that evening. She took him by the hand and, without a word, pulled him to the bedroom. She practically raped him. She pulled out his cock and began licking and sucking it. The preacher was speechless, shocked at his wife's behavior, but that didn't stop his prick from growing stiff. She lustfully sucked his dick, and he gasped out: "It's a sin - it's such a sin!"Cassie mounted her husband and lowered her pussy down on his prick. "Things are going to be different around here from now on," she said. "You're going to give me what a husband's supposed to give his wife: a stiff cock - a hot fuck. "The preacher was shocked and horrified at his wife's language, but that didn't stop his dick from sliding up her cunt. "Oh, it's such a sin!" he gasped.

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  "Whatever tuns you on, honey," Cassie replied, riding his stiff cock. .


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