
Boss's Night Out, Part Deux


The Boss's Night Out. . . Part Deux. . .
After the sensual surprise Jerry had cooked up for his Boss and us, I was still thinking of his Boss during the week. With Jerry, his Boss and me that evening, of course, it was a one time. . . one night only. . . thing. . .

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  I mean my boyfriend Jerry was a guy who liked to be in control. . . but what worker controls his boss? Right! What Boss doesn't show some initiative or a willingness to innovate or explore new angles. . . and I was an enticing sexual angle to the Boss. Enticing and enticed. . . something his prick desired, that was me, I guess. I was a young woman in full estrus. . . a kind of animal in heat.

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   I confess. . . I loved sex and coming and all the stroking and pretty words that made me dizzy. . . some wine, some petting, a hot cock fucking my wet cunt. . . estrus? Yes. . . it was worth a week's wait to the climax. . .

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  my climax and collapse in exhaustion. . . sweat cooling me, come oozing and cooling my sex and thighs. . . who wouldn't enjoy it all. . . being the object of their affection. Jerry and I continued our lovers' routine of Friday sexual adventures. . . dinner out, sometimes, at my place, other places. .


  . a drive to the beach for loving or in the parking lot of the pub, steaming the windows of our car, the occasional surprise.
In the back of my mind, was that glorious night of surprise when Jerry's boss insinuated himself into our evening. Afterward, Jerry and I didn't talk about it. And I certainly didn't volunteer and tell him about the Boss's brief Monday morning visit on my kitchen table for our "Quickie. " So. . . , was I surprised at a knock on my door Saturday afternoon following my usual Friday with Jerry? No. . . but I was not ready just then for a surprise from the Boss. . . didn't know when it would come but sure it would.

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"Hi," he said as I answered the knock. . . "Can I come in?" and in he walked. . . with a bottle of wine, a smile. I didn't know what to think and "Did" know what to think. . . but what was I to do? It didn't take much for me to be ready for a jump! "So how are things?" he asked as we walked into the living room. . . the scene of our hot threesome a few weeks before.
I was in a house dress and cleaning up when he got there.

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  . . no makeup or combed hair, no undergarments. . . I was in a natural state. . . if you know what I mean by natural. . . Then, another knock on the door. . . what was this I wondered? It was a guy who worked with my boyfriend and the Boss welcomed him in, introducing him to me.

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  . . What a fine specimen he was: tall, large hands [and I knew there was a large "thing" to go with large hands], a smile and another bottle of wine.
We sat in my cozy living room. . . Boss opened his wine and we began small talk and sipping. . . getting comfortable. . . I knew what they had in mind. . .

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  an afternoon orgy with me as the focus. I wasn't so sure of my own feelings. . . but it wouldn't hurt to sit and talk and sip. . . wine on my empty stomach was warming. . .
They talked of things, and other things, about work. . . and it was like they were talking to each other and I was somewhere else other than relaxing on a Saturday afternoon on the couch opposite them. How had I come to this point I wondered as their inane talk passed over me.

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   I had begun to have sexual feelings earlier than my school friends. . . probably because my bosom was more pronounced than those of the other girls. . . I was proud of my full breasts, the shape of my hips. . . I stood out, as it were. . . and boys fawned over me in a fumbling way as young boys do. . .

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  rather than over some of the less developed girls. It was a sign of distinction. While other girls my age were immature. . I was mature in that way. Perhaps I wanted to live up to my looks.
I wondered about the attention to me and my breasts. . . boys teased, my girlfriends tittered and were jealous, and on the way home from school one day an agressive boy I didn't like pulled me into a corner of the road and felt me up. . . and down. . .


  his hands were probing and rough. . . I pushed him away. . . I was indignant. . . who did he think I was. . . but I was flattered and flustered and when I got home. . .

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  I realized I was wet. He had been crude but with his hands all over me my young body still responded. I dreamed of him that night as I felt myself to sleep.
Later, I spent the night at my girlfriend's house. She was one of the less developed of my friends, as most of them were. . . Between us girls those things of differing anatomy meant nothing. . . she was my friend. . . but my development meant something to her Dad and the next time I stayed there, he told us he had bought us some special nightgowns. .

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  . What a nice thing that was. . . what a nice man. . . men didn't get me things. . . all I knew was about boys and didn't know much except for the nasty boy who made me wet.
After dinner, he showed his daughter and me our little presents. . . they were pretty and skimpy.

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  . . and he told us to go put them on. . . We went to her room and tried on our nightgowns. . . there wasn't much to them. . . the bottoms barely reached our knees and when we would sit down, well, you know. I told my girlfriend I was embarrassed and didn't want to wear it. I could see her slender body through the flimsy material She didn't even have hair on her yet. .


  . she said, "Oh don't be silly. . . it's just my Dad. . . it's okay. " So, encouraged and now dressed in our new gowns, we went to the living room. . . the tellie was on, we sat and watched a show. . . her Dad sat across the room but I caught him looking at us.

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  . . actually, he was looking at me. . . smiling when I caught him looking. I felt proud and tense. . . the little nightie against my nipples. I crossed my legs. I heard thunder and it began to rain outside. My body was nervous from his look. I concentrated on the tellie.
Maybe her Dad didn't care how we were dressed.

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   But as we watched the show my girlfriend got sleepy. . . I hadn't planned for this part. . . her Dad lifted her in the skimpy nightie, carrying her into her bedroom. . . I saw the crease in her bottom and her hairless pussy as he lifted her. . . so. . .

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  then her Dad and I were alone in the room, watching some show, he came over and sat next to me, his arm around me, his daughter asleep in another room. . . just us two. . . his hot hand. . . was on my shoulder. . . I knew he could see my body through my nightgown. . anyone could.

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  . . and my breasts were the nicest of any of the girls in my class. . . they all said so and it was true! I was pround of the way I looked. . . but I didn't know what it would do to others. . . and didn't know, for sure, what my body meant to men. It didn't take long to find out. . .

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"You're a very pretty girl," he said. "Did you know that?" I stared at the the tellie and wondered about our night. Thought about that rough boy making me wet. . . I was feeling that way again now as her Dad's hand moved over my arm to my breast. . . he was warm and nice. . . reaching to my nipple sending tingles through me. I uncrossed my legs. I was hot down there. I didn't move away but leaned my head on him.

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  . . breathed against him. There was more thunder! He knew. I knew. . . it felt good and I liked what he was doing, it didn't matter my age, or his. . . we were male and female. . . it was what was happening to us that rainy evening as my girlfriend was sound asleep in her bed. But the whole scene scared me and I thought of getting off the couch and going to her bedroom.


   I didn't know what her Dad would do next. . . I was young and inexperienced. . . then it was too late to leave. . . my body was responding to his touches . . . nipples stiff. . .

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  turning my body on, then he lifted my gown, his hands all over my nakedness. . . feeling my hair, the crease of my legs. . . his mind wondering about me. . . . and my body answering: "Yes. ! It's good, please don't. . . stop!" And now along the shape of my breasts.

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  . . down at my waist, back and forth petting me. . . . my legs parting in a natural invitation to the hand of man on body of woman. . . as things are and . . . I was making his fingers wet and slippery . . .

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  I couldn't help it. How different was this from that rough boy but losing my breath, dizzy and wet, just the same. . . my legs clinching on his fingers, parting at his urging. He was a naughty man. . . I was a dirty girl and loving his touches. . . it continued to rain. That boy I didn't like might try to feel me up again. . .


  would I let him do it more next time. . until his fingers were wet and slippery? I was a novice and still asking. . . . . . .
The Boss was asking, did I want more. . . wine? to which I nodded. My house dress had fallen open and he and his friend could see I was wandering in my thoughts. They had been, after all, boring me with their chatter about work.

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   He said: "Come sit with us. " I sat between them. All three of us were nervous about the next move. . . how to break the ice. I thought of that night years ago and how my girlfriend's father broke the ice. . . he liked my shape and wanted to see more. . . the nighties for his daughter and me were the thing and then his innocent daughter encouraged me not to be nervous about her dad. . .

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  he was just her dad, she said. This was just Jerry's Boss and his handsome friend. I could still feel his hot hand around me on that evening in the past and my nipples were hard then and now as the Boss poured some more wine and it warmed every part of me. . . his hand, too, on my shoulder in a kind of embrace. I wondered if my thin dress showed my hard nipples and glanced down but he lifted my face for a kiss. . . I tasted the wine on his tongue. My girlfriend's father kissed my ear licking inside. . . it sent a thrill through my body, now he knew I wasn't moving away. I cuddled into him.

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I kissed him and he pulled back. . . not expecting a young girl to make a move. . . Large hands were on my legs. . . the Boss's friend. . . and he pulled my dress to my waist. . .

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  I lifted for him, four hands on me, my hot body being explored by these men. "I'm going to make a woman out of you," Dad said as he moved my nightie to my waist, pushing me back on the couch, spreading my legs. . . his cheeks against my thighs, his mouth nuzzling me. I said, "No. Please!" and put my hands down to protect myself. . . he licked my fingers and between "You're beautiful," he breathed against my skin. I pushed at him but I was too dizzy and senseless and my body reacting to his touches, his words, his tongue. . . up one side of my cunt and up the other. .

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  . his tongue slipping between my fingers. . . petting and milking my body of feelings. I moved as he licked, undulating on this man's tongue and grabbed his head into me. This wasn't me, it was my hands wanting his mouth close. He looked at me, my fingers on his ears, smiling, and began again. I closed my eyes. Rain trickling on the roof, wetness along my legs. His large hands were hot and probing me. . . other hands under my dress and breasts sucking at nipples and back to my mouth. .

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  . my hands were busy now too, unbuttoning, unzipping, releasing stiff cocks, Yes! I already knew the large one of the Boss, but a larger, thicker one from the pants of his large-handed friend! A monster cock! I wanted that big thing. What was his name again? Six hands, two hard cocks, one wet cunt, three adults in heat and lust. . . I wanted that big new cock in my mouth and every other opening but it was teasing me. . . pulsing as I stroked it with both hands. . . touching the wet tip, kissing and licking as it throbbed against my lips. Pulling away from me. . .


  I pulled it to my mouth. . . it was a devil and I licked up one side, up the other as it played against me. . . alive. . .
I turned my body to this new man and licked his cock that flexed on my tongue. . his salty taste. . . now, .

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  he was pushing me on it in a rhythm. My tongue and his big cock in a kind of mating dance. . . . 'Mate with me and come you monster," my lips urged. The Boss was playing, too. He was straddling me from behind, my breasts in his hands, his hard cock poking at my bottom. . . Oh, No! Trying to enter me. . . I was too tight. He was too big.

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   Just the head inside and I almost gagged and came up for air as he pushed, prodded, exited, stroked my wet cunt, wetted his cock with me and pushed again. It began to rain outside. I was in doubt about this whole Saturday surprise thing. I went dizzy with his licking as naughty Dad held my bottom with both hands, thumbs spreading me apart and concentrating that tongue on me. "You're so beautiful you sweet young thing," he said and I let myself go, coming on his mouth. He was beautiful. My face and body hot, his mouth exploring my little hairy mouth down there and I suddenly lifted, spasmed, my lips on his tongue, my legs gripping his head. I was feint. Breathless. Now he was cuddling me as I cooled, thinking of his daughter, sound asleep in her new nightie without a clue of what a naughty boy had been her dad and what a dirty girl I had been. Then I was resting, feeling coolness, in a wonderment of what had happened to me, wondering when I could stay the night again and what excitement awaited.
The Boss forced the head of his cock into me and stopped as my ass adjusted to this first penetration. . . now he was pulling at my breasts, withholding another thrust and large hands were holding my face away.

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  . . I hadn't finished him but he held my mouth away from him and I looked in his eyes. . . his giant cock had been teased and wanted more. . . butting my chin. I was relieved it wasn't him behind me. The Boss was one thing. The monster was something else entirely! His fingers smoothing my cheeks, kissing me now, the taste of wine from his mouth this time. My cunt ached for this prick in size extra large. . .


  he read my eyes, I was filled with desire for him. Dad lifted me up now, smoothing my nightie, carrying me to bed with his daughter. I lay there wide awake, listening to her breathing, knowing I had a secret, and a joy, I could never tell. . . of her hairless young cunt and mine. . . all grown-up, wet and cool.
He pulled me slowly toward him, across his legs, the Boss still inside, my pussy dripping and I inched forward, my chest on his. . . the Boss. . .

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  his fingers stroking my cunt, lubricating his cock with me, and moving forward as I moved. still inside, inserting more, my taking it gradually, now feeling his balls behind. . . I looked down at the monster cock, its curved shape, pointed at my cunt. I kissed him, wanted pricking by that thing, he lifted to my opening. I could see two pair of balls, one thick tool at my box, touching me, teasing and I suddenly exhaled sitting down as it spread me, entered me and I was doubly touched and in a delirium at these two men and their double surprise for me. One thrust in; another thrust, balls against my body, all over my body, as I was being pumped and fucked. . . cunt and ass, cunt and ass. . . the rain was heavy now, a downpour, and then it was my turn to move and respond to these two beautiful men with cocks, hands and mouths. .

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  . This was more than I wanted. I was helpless and wanted it all. . . a total body fucking. . . I thought of leaving and wanted to stay. . . of going to my room and my mind was gone. . . I was all hot body, all hot cunt, all hot ass, every part feeling, mindless, I was breathless, senseless.

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  . . fucking and coming all at once. . . all at the right places, he pulled up my house dress and grabbed at my waist impaling my cunt on his monster, as he came in full jets and the Boss holding my breasts as he fucked me from behind. . . both men filling me, touching deep, my whole body was in movement, in feeling, pulsing, gasping, orgasmic animal, grunting: "Uh, uh, uh" coming, spasms, stroking, feinting into arms.
I collapsed on him. . . I had been had and I had had it. He withdrew, breathing in my ear, whispering fuck words, cunt and ass words, cock words, thrilling me. Exhausted.

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   All emotion drained. My face flush. My body wet. I reached for their cocks, stroking them down, then, suddenly tired. I could not move as they petted me down, covered me with my dress, held my face and legs, kissed me with their delicious wine kisses. . . My girlfriend awoke in the morning. She looked over at me and I wondered if I looked any different after her Dad had made me come. The Boss and his friend were very quiet. What a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon. And I had all day to rest and dream. I wondered if I would look any different to my boyfriend after they had made me come so desparately hard. Whether my boyfriend's cock would still satisfy me. .

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  . but at that moment I didn't care. Some things are just too good to worry about. The sun had come out. What a beautiful day!



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