
A vampire's affair part 1


jason200: Scared I wouldn't be? :Pmz_lamperouge: Scared. . not so much. . . jason200: Oh?mz_lamperouge: I was. . . but not now^^jason200: :P See, I'm just that good :Pmz_lamperouge: Yea okay:p. . . so. . wanna finish where we left off?^^jason200: Surejason200: *I hold open the door, inviting you insidemz_lamperouge: I slowly walk in. . .

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  it looks better than I expected. . . jason200: This is the living area. . . I try to keep it habitablemz_lamperouge: Oh. . . *I walk around a bit. . . looking at thingsjason200: Make yourself comfortablemz_lamperouge: I take off my jacket. . setting it to the side now I'm in a fitted black shirt.

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  . . I'm still looking aroundjason200: *I watch you out of the corner of My eyemz_lamperouge: I touch something. . . not knowing it was so sharp. . accidentially cutting my fingerjason200: *I hear your gasp of pain and look around, concernedjason200: Everythin ok?mz_lamperouge: I'm fine, I'm fine. . . I say staring at my finger. . . it's bleeding a little, that's it jason200: *I'm at your side in seconds, trying to look at your finger but oddly, I seem to be trying to keep away from it toomz_lamperouge: Is there something wrong? I ask noticing how you lookjason200: No, no, it's fine. .

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  . jason200: *I pull a handkercheif out of My pocket and tie it around the cut, but I seem to be shaking as I'm forced to get closer to you, My eyes squeezing shutmz_lamperouge: *I look at you while you're doing thismz_lamperouge: Are you sure? jason200: Yess. . jason200: *As soon as it's done, I leave your side as politely as possible, and head outside. If possible, I look paler than evermz_lamperouge: *I leave you be for a few. . . thinking over today's events. . . and how weird you were acting. . . then after a while I walk outside towards youmz_lamperouge: Did I do something wrong?. .

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  . I ask nicelyjason200: *I don't meet your eyes. . . I'm leaning against a stone wall, still visibly shakingjason200: No. . . no you didn't do anything. I'm sorry, I just kind of lost itmz_lamperouge: *i turn away from you but stays theremz_lamperouge: I've been thinking. . . making guesses. . . jason200: Yes?jason200: *I take a few deep breaths, seeming to calm down a littlemz_lamperouge: Well.

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  . . if I'm wrong plz be nice. . . *I say backing a little towards youmz_lamperouge: Well after today. . . almost being attacked. . . and how you saved me. . . I'm starting to believe anything.

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  . . werewolves. . . fairies *I laugh a bit*. . . and vampires. . . jason200: Well donejason200: *My voice is a little harder and colder than beforemz_lamperouge: Am I right?. . . *I'm still turnedjason200: I worked so hard to hide it.

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  . . ut none of us can escape ourselvesjason200: Yes, I am a vampiremz_lamperouge: *even though I should've been scared. . . I wasn'tjason200: *I look at you, halfway curiousjason200: Aren't you going to try and kill Me, now you know?jason200: That's what most people do. . . it never works, of coursemz_lamperouge: No. . *I say quicklymz_lamperouge: I wouldn't do thatjason200: I'm a vampire. An evil, murdering creature of the nightjason200: *There's a bitterness to My words now, an anger and hatredjason200: My species are so easy to kill. . . of course the whole thing is a farce, because we're just as easy to bring back againmz_lamperouge: *my voice is kinda irritatedmz_lamperouge: I said I wouldn't try to kill you.

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  . . I don't want tojason200: you really aren't, are you? you're not even scaredjason200: *Before you even see Me move, I'm standing in front of you, so close we're almost touchingjason200: I could kill you right now, before you could even lift a finger. . . I could snap your neck like a twig, or hold you and suck your life's blood out of you. And yet. . . you don't fear Memz_lamperouge: *I stare right at you. . . hesitating a little but gets back to where I wasmz_lamperouge: No, I don't. . .

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  I say simplyjason200: Why not?jason200: *My face is right up against yours, gazing into your eyes, our lips almost touchingmz_lamperouge: Because. . . *I gaze back*. . . you wouldn't take advantage of me like that. jason200: So sure of yourselfmz_lamperouge: Yes. . . but I'm right aren't I?jason200: *Finally, I step backjason200: Yes, you aremz_lamperouge: Well. . . what if I wanted it. .

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  . what then?jason200: Wanted what? To be killed, out here in the middle of nowhere?mz_lamperouge: Nomz_lamperouge: I'm talking about something else. . . *I turn againjason200: *I watch youjason200: It's no life at all, being like. . . thisjason200: It's not even an afterlifemz_lamperouge: I see. . . mz_lamperouge: *I walk forward one stepjason200: *I don't movejason200: People hate you, fear you as soon as they lay eyes on you. And that's only the beginningmz_lamperouge: I wouldn't mind that. . . if everyone hated me.


  . . as long as there was at least someone there. . . who understood. . . jason200: *Noddingjason200: *I sigh softly, then catch your slightly puzzled expressionjason200: I don't actually need to sigh or breathe. Some habits are just hard to breakmz_lamperouge: *I nod oncemz_lamperouge: . . . well. . .

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  I still wanna pay you back for saving me earlier. . . and for being so nice. . . but I don't have any money on me. . . jason200: What would I do with money, all theway out here?jason200: *I chuckle slightlyjason200: *Moving up to take spacemz_lamperouge: Seeing as that money isn't gonna work. . . what else do you want?mz_lamperouge: *I stay where I amtom_bombadillo2000: I don't need or want payment. I didn't help you because I wanted a rewardmz_lamperouge: But I feel like I'm using you now. .

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  . just choose something. . . it would make me feel better about this. . . jason200: *I shrug againjason200: There's really nothing I wantjason200: But I suppose, if your mind is set on doing this. . . . jason200: What do you have to offer Me?mz_lamperouge: Well. . . at the moment.

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  . . just myself. . . *I take another step quickly*. . . um, if you're interested I mean. . *I say quicklyjason200: *I turn to face you, slowly and deliberately, drawing Myself up to full heightjason200: you're aware of the. . . magnitude of this?mz_lamperouge: *I think it over somemz_lamperouge: Yes, I'm awarejason200: I'll. .

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  . think about itjason200: *I say finallyjason200: I don't even know your namemz_lamperouge: It's Lexy. . . jason200: Lexy? Nice. . . jason200: How about your family?Friends? What would they say, if they knew?mz_lamperouge: I never told you but. . . my close family is well. . . gone. .

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  . I don't care what my friends think. . . jason200: So where were you going when we. . . met?jason200: Or. . . didn't it matter, so long as you were going away?mz_lamperouge: I wanted to get away for the night. . . so someone told me about the cabin that was out here. .

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  . mz_lamperouge: I didn't know it was so old. . . -_-. . . jason200: Just for one night? That's a long way to gojason200: This isn't the cabin, that's somewhere over there. I told you, we'd have never made it there before nightfallmz_lamperouge: Well. . . I was thinking of staying here. . . I kinda don't wanna go home.

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  . . I'll get a job or something and rent by myself. . . that was a plan I was thinking of. . . and I know, this is where you live. . . jason200: *I think it over for a few minutesjason200: Ok, you can stay with Mejason200: But I have a few conditionsmz_lamperouge: conditions?jason200: Yesjason200: Firstly, you don't go off into the forest alonemz_lamperouge: *nodsjason200: When you do need to leave, stick to the paths. They are enchanted by powerful magic and while you stay on them, you'll be safejason200: Finally. . .

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  jason200: Not very often, maybe twice a month, I will order you out of here. you must not come back until dawn, 24hours latermz_lamperouge: Um. . . may I ask why?jason200: Those will be the days I need to feed. I will be more better than a wild beastjason200: On those days. . . I can't guarantee you'll be safe with Memz_lamperouge: *i hesitate again. . thinking of what would happen*. . . ok. .

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  . Thank you again this is very nice of you. . . *I say turning to hug youjason200: *I wrap My arms around you and hold you. My body is firm, not hard, and My skin isn't especially cold. . . it makes you think of touching someone when their hand is numb and unresponsivemz_lamperouge: *I hug you. . . taking in how you feel. . . jason200: How are you feeling,Lexy?jason200: *My fingers gently stroke your back as I hold youmz_lamperouge: .

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  . well. . . I'm happy. . . how about you?mz_lamperouge: *chills are coming up my back each time you touch itjason200: I'm. . . optimistic. I've never had a live-in human before, and I'm not sure what will happenmz_lamperouge: Well it's not liked I've lived with a vampire before. . . *smilesjason200: True.


  . . jason200: *Without even realizing I'm doing it I start stroking the curve of your assmz_lamperouge: *noticing it. . . I just look at youjason200: *I look at you, and only then realize what I've been doingjason200: Sorry. . . like I said, some habits are hard to breakjason200: *If I could blush, I would be blushing right nowmz_lamperouge: Nothing to be sorry for. . . *well I can still blushjason200: *I rest My hand completely over your curvy ass and squeeze gentlyjason200: *Ten I lift your face. . . and press your lips against Mine in a deep, slow kissmz_lamperouge: *Surprised at first.

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  . . but then I start to kiss you backjason200: *I start sucking on your tongue, nibbling your bottom lipmz_lamperouge: *I make a sound kissing you back. . . and doesn't want to stopjason200: *I gently push you to your back on the soft, cool grass, the night breeze wafting over usmz_lamperouge: *still kissing you. . . I take in everything that's happening. . . jason200: *My hand slips under your shirt, stroking your skin and finally closing around your breastmz_lamperouge: *pulling you closer. . . I almost completely forget who you arejason200: *Our bodies rubbing against each other, warm and soft, cool and hard nestled togetherjason200: *I rest My hand boldly against your warm, wet pussy, your most intimate spotjason200: *Rubbing it slowly with My palmmz_lamperouge: *Shocked by the bold move.

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  . I start to moan a little. . . gently biting your lipjason200: *I gently keep you pinned down, helpless as I lay claim to you, unable to resist, but at the same time you know I would stop the instant you askedmz_lamperouge: *By the way I look at you. . . you know that I don't want you to stop yet. . . jason200: *I take your hand, pushing it to My crotch. . . you can feel a definite bulge there, almost egging to be set freemz_lamperouge: *I feel it some. .

Welcome to on Athens Greece Escorts This website is not an escort agency. It is a directory for escorts in Greece. This directory for escorts in Greece, is an advertising platform. If you are an independent escort in Greece or an escort agency in Greece, 

  . watching your face still close to minejason200: Unzip Me. . . . Give yourself to Mejason200: *I begin kissing all up and down your neck, sucking and nibbling, but not letting My fangs penetrate your skinmz_lamperouge: *I make another sound. . . slowly pressing myself against youjason200: *I pull back a lil and look at you, My eyes dark with lust, tongue flicking over My lips hungrily. I am a predator, savoring His helpless prey before moving inmz_lamperouge: *I look at you. . . and noticed someting changed about the way you looked at mejason200: *My hand roves over your body possessively, stroking and squeezing your tender flesh, and noting that you always push back against it, wanting morejason200: *My voice, when it comes out, is a deep, low purrjason200: Lexy. . .

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  will you spread your legs for Me?mz_lamperouge: *still looking at you. . . I slowly spread my legsjason200: *My fingers glide over your exposed pussy, relishing it's wetness, how silky smooth it ismz_lamperouge: *I bite my bottom lip as I feel you touch me. . . getting nervous for no apparent reasonjason200: Are you scared I'll hurt you?jason200: *my hand moves to your face, stroking and comfortingmz_lamperouge: N-no I'm not scared. . . definitely not scared. . . jason200: Then what?mz_lamperouge: Well. . .

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  *I blush some*. . i'm excited. . . *I look awayjason200: It's ok, baby. . . jason200: *I lift your face to Me again and kiss you, this time deep, hard and passionatelyjason200: *My cock now rubbing against your entrance, so hard and hungry for youmz_lamperouge: *I kiss back. . . losing all senses of feeling for a second. . . pressing myself against you againjason200: Wrap those beautiful thighs around My waist.

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  . . mz_lamperouge: *I slowly wrap my legs around you. . . automatically pushing you closerjason200: *In one smooth, fluid movement I enter and fill your pussy, and at the same time you feel My fangs slip under your skin, creating two pinpricks that you know will scar and mark you as Minejason200: *My cock thrusts powerfully, but My lips are so soft and gentle as they suck a few tiny drops of blood from you and seal your woundmz_lamperouge: *In too much shock from the thrusts and the bite I go breathless for a second. . . jason200: Mmmmmmmm. . . . you taste and feel so wonderful. . .

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  jason200: *I slow up, giving you a chance to recover from the shockmz_lamperouge: *I recover. . . pulling your face to mine againjason200: *Another deep, hard, even possessive kiss as I start pounding your pussy harder than evermz_lamperouge: *I moan very loudly. . . telling you over and over that I'm yours nowjason200: *I growl and release a thick, hot jet of seed deep into your body, marking you inside and out as My property, My girlmz_lamperouge: *Panting a little I smile at youjason200: *I smile back, panting Myself, then sit up and pull you into My lap, cock still buried deep in youjason200: *My breathing slows as I realise that, once again, force of habit is taking overmz_lamperouge: *I laugh to myself and starts to move slowlyjason200: Mmmmmmmmmmmjason200: *I move with you, the two of us swaying in unison as we pleasure each othermz_lamperouge: mmm it feels so good *I whisperjason200: I know. . . I never thought it would still feel so good. . . but it feels even better than when I was alivejason200: you're the first girl I've ever. . .

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  been with since I got turnedjason200: *I murmur into your earmz_lamperouge: That makes me feel special somehow. . . *I start to kiss you againjason200: *I fall back, letting you go on top this time. . . and now the kisses are different. They are tender, gentle. . . maybe even lovingmz_lamperouge: *I end the last kiss slowly and sits up to move on you freelyjason200: *I smile and watch you, ready to respond to whatever you have plannedmz_lamperouge: *I start to slowly move up and down. . . making you go in and out of me. .

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  . only slowly, not going faster until you askjason200: *I nod and start thrusting up as you go down, My cock impaling you completely, hitting the very back of your pussymz_lamperouge: *I gasp and moan some and starts to go fasterjason200: *I meet your speed perfectly, holding onto your hips and helping you keep a steady rhythmmz_lamperouge: *Keeps it up for as long as I can until I completely collaspe on top of youjason200: *At the last second I catch you and bring your limp, gasping body down to nestle against Memz_lamperouge: *as I lay against you I ask you I ask*. . . how do you feel?jason200: Incredile. I haven;t felt. . . well anything for a long time. But now. . . I feel almost like I'm alive againjason200: What about you?mz_lamperouge: Same here. . .

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  but I'm sure it hasn't been as long for me as it's been for you of course^^jason200: Of coursejason200: *I chuckle, then lift you up and carry you indoors, nakedmz_lamperouge: What about our clothes?. . . *I ask looking backjason200: Screw emjason200: *I murmur with a smile, laying you on a sofamz_lamperouge: *I smile back as you lay me downjason200: *I slip next to you and rest your body against Mejason200: So how does it feel to be a vampire's. . . slave? Pet? Toy?mz_lamperouge: slave?. . no. . . pet?. . . *laugh*.


  . I don't think so. . . toy? definitely not. . . *I smile*. . . but it feels. . . goodjason200: So what do you see yourself as?jason200: *I murmur with a twinkle in My eye, My arm slipping around your waistmz_lamperouge: Well. .

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  . I don't know. . . what does it feel like?. . . *I whisperjason200: *My fingers graze over your tummyjason200: I'm not really suremz_lamperouge: *I sigh lightly*. . . well. . . let's just say for now that I'm yours. .

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  . jason200: No arguments herejason200: *I lift your face for a slow, gentle kissmz_lamperouge: *I kiss you back softly.



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Reasons to choose the escorts Oklahoma

1. These girls are skilled ones. They know how this thing is functioning, and they sure know how to keep you satisfied.
2. Protection and hygiene are the most valuable rules at escort Oklahoma. These ladies will always assure you will feel comfortable in their company. They will do whatever it takes to make you feel pleased and feel satisfied.
3. Closeness is also a top rule at escort Oklahoma. Your private details, your desires, your kinks and basically everything related to you and your private time with the models, all these will always be safe and out of the reach of third parties. You can rest assure that accessing Oklahoma escort services will be the best decision, and no matter what, your own details will be secured in place.


When it comes to models in Oklahoma, our service is the best option. You have all the motives to come here and see our babes. They are elegant, well mannered, of various ages and races, highly into having a great time and most of all, very experienced. Check them out and choose the one you love the most, to make your trip or your business trip a truly memorable escapade.

Escort Borehamwood comes with an wide reserve of adult escort women, open the complete list of advantages in case you are intending to travel to this country. Find out the best ways to see superb ladies at Escort UK.

How To Quickly Meet Women From Escort The City? Whether you are looking for a meeting from Escort United Kingdom or Escort Cambridge, which are the most rated zones in this country, or a hookup in any of the other big cities that have this service working, you will surerly needt to know the most important news on how to receive the best time and the best offers.
Escort Uxbridge is here to give ultra-quality dating services to any type of client. Whether you travel for work purposes, or simply for a vacation, you will more than surely need the best relax time and leisure. Therefore, using this service for a spicy meeting is very recommended, especially if you are a single man craving for have some intimate experiences in the area.
In order to hookup with the best hotties and be sure you will get the best service, our escort platform will give you tons of filtering features and customization tools so that you can navigate for your favorite girl with ease. That way, you will have higher odds of finding the right type of woman that can fulfill your dreams, without having to browse for her and lose very important time doing that. Do not forget, any of the listed dolls at Escort Sheffield will be here to fulfill your kinks no matter what. In fact, these escorts are happy and always aroused, always ready to offer the exact quantity of lust and privacy so that you can feel mind blown.

Among the best Escort Gateshead broads you can imagine!

We work hard to bring in the sexiest Escort Liverpool babes on our site. We carefully select each and everyone so that we can make sure they meet the best standards. For that reason, we can guarantee that these chicks will make you feel like in heaven the minute they will enter your AirBNB room door. Not to mention that Escort United Kingdom allows a massive search for all clients in a wide number of locations everywhere in the country. Regardless where you will be situated, be it in the finandical capital city or in other counties, you will always enjoy the chance of date the sexiest Escort Telford women with just a number of quick clicks. The millions of visits our site makes a year is most accurate evidence that these dolls are the best deal.