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I went in the store to check her out. I acted like I was shopping to try and buy myself time to think of a way to approach her. It had been a long time since I flirted with a woman. I was in a monogamous relationship for eight years before I cheated on my girlfriend. And even then, I wasn’t the one who made the first move. I wasn’t sure where to start. I touched a few shirts, acting like I was pricing it up, but I was really watching her out of the corner of my eye. When I looked down I realized immediately that I was in a store that only sold women’s clothes! Oops!I thought it was kinda funny. I giggled to myself. It was embarrassing but it put me in a better mood. I wasn’t nervous anymore. The girl walked past me. I scoped her legs as she made her way through my isle. They looked even better up close. I knew she had to be a bit of a freak or why else would she be wearing a skirt that short in the winter time. I saw the side of her face.

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   Her skin was really smooth, a little too smooth. She looked really young from the side. I was tired of acting like a stalker. I walked up to her while she was looking at a halter top. “Excuse me,” I said. She jumped. I scared her. She looked really young up close. I said, “I’m sorry. I thought you were somebody else. ” I just walked away without saying anything else. She was cute but she couldn’t have been any older than fifteen. On my way out, I literally bumped into an old friend. We both said “Excuse me” at the same time. She smiled as soon as she saw who I was.

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   I didn’t react because I wasn’t sure who she was. Her appearance had changed, but her smile looked familiar. I didn’t know who she was until I heard her voice. She said, “Hi, Zariah!” Her name was Erica. She was a blonde white girl who used to work for me at the theatre I worked at. I had never seen her outside of her movie uniform. She never wore makeup at work and it made her look cute, but very plain. And she was fat when she was working for me. Now she was wearing a dressy, but sexy, brown pant suit for women. She had lost a few pounds. Her body was still a little plump, but in a sexy, voluptuous way. Her face was a little slimmer too. She didn’t have that round, schoolgirl face anymore. She was all woman now. I wanted to fuck her ever since she was working with me but I never tried because…honestly, I don’t know why I never tried.

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   When we worked together, she was an average-looking woman but I still wanted to screw her so bad. I thought she was cute when I first met her but I didn’t start thinking of her sexually until one day when she was in the kitchen with a guy named Mike and me. Somehow, the topic of threesomes got brought up. I said I would only have a threesome if the extra person was a woman. Mike said he wouldn’t have a threesome regardless of what sex the extra person was because it seemed nasty to him. Erica said she would have a threesome regardless of whether the extra person was a man or a woman. Mike and I were thinking to ask the same question but he beat me to it. He asked her if she would actually have sex with the woman if the extra person was female, or would she just let the man take turns fucking her and the other woman. She said she would go all the way and fuck the other woman as well as the man. I was surprised and so was Mike. That conversation changed the way I felt about Erica. I didn’t see her as a cute coworker anymore. I saw her as a sexy slut that I wanted to fuck from that day on. There’s something about cheating lovers that turns me on, especially when it’s the women doing the cheating. Just before she quit, there was a rumor going around that Erica was fucking a married man who also worked with us.

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  And now I was standing in the mall with a new and improved version of her former self. I said, “Erica, is that you?”She said, “Yeah, how’ve you been doin’?”I said, “I’m cool. ” I stared at her in amazement. Her blouse was open, revealing some tit. She said, “What’s wrong?”“You look so…different. ”She smiled brightly. “Oh, yeah, I forgot. You knew me when I was overweight. It’s been so long, Zariah. ” She opened her arms and posed. “Do you like?”I said, “Hell yeah, you look great. What happened?”“I went on a diet and exercised my ass off. That’s pretty much it. ”“Well, it worked damn good!” I asked, “Where do you work now?”Pointing to a booth in the middle of the isle in the mall, she said, “I sell cellular phones over there. Do you have a cell phone, Zariah?”I joked, “That’s the problem with having a salesman for a friend.

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   You’re always trying to sell me something. ”We both laughed. “No,” she said. “I wasn’t trying to sell you anything. I just wanted to keep in touch. ”“Oh,” I said. I wrote my home telephone number on a napkin that she had in her pocket, but then I remembered I lived with my ex-fiancée, Sharon. We weren’t together anymore but she still had feelings for me. She wouldn’t appreciate another woman calling the house. I explained the situation to Erica. My situation was a strange one, in deed. The story I told brought up a lot of questions. The answers brought up more questions. When I was done telling her how I ended up living with my ex, I told her about the situation with the gas bill and how I was looking for part time work to help out. She said, “I’m so sorry to hear about that.

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   Do you have any sales skills?”I know a job offer when I hear one. I said, “Yes, remember? We have to up-sell the customers in concession. ”She slapped herself on the forehead. “I forgot,” she said. “It’s been so long. So, how would you like to work for me part time?”“I’d love it,” I said. She briefly went over the job details with me. It sounded good. We traded phone numbers. She said she’d call me about it later. I looked her up and down and licked my lips. She was so sexy now. I said, “I can’t get over how cute you are. ”She blushed, said, “Thank you. You’re a cutie too, Zariah.

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  ”“Thanks,” I said. “Maybe working in sales will help me with my web site. ”“Oh, you have a web site? What’s it about?”“Sex stories,” I said. “Eventually I want to be a director but I have to save up enough money first to buy a camera. ”She said, “Zariah, do you really want to be associated with that type of business?”“Yeah, why not?”“Aren’t you afraid of what people will say?”“No. Erica, the thing you have to understand is most people these days are hypocrites. Everybody loves porn but they don’t want to admit it. The same people who criticize me to my face are gonna run to the porn shop when nobody’s looking and buy my movies, jack off, and then go hide them in the basement with the rest of their collection. So, no, Erica, I’m not worried about what people will say. ”She smiled at me and nodded her head. I could tell she respected my view on the matter. “You are right,” she said. I said, “Hey, I got an idea. Why don’t you check it out, my sex stories site, I mean. Are you doing anything right now?”She said, “No.

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  ”I asked her to come over to look at my web site. She said she didn’t want to risk going to a jealous woman’s house even if she was at work so we went to her apartment. It worked out for the better because her place was a lot closer. It was right around the block. Erica’s apartment was nice. It was decked out in leather furniture, fancy art work, and an oak entertainment center. She told me the reason she could afford these nice things was because of the money she made selling phones. She gave me a tour of the apartment. It was nice, but small. It had a living room, a small kitchen that wasn’t big enough to hold a table, and one bedroom. There was a surprise waiting for me when I went in the bedroom. Erica had forgotten she left a dildo on the bed. It was at least three inches in diameter. The dildo was black on a white bedspread. It stuck out like a sore thumb.

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  Erica’s face went red. “Oh, shit! I forgot that was out,” she said. She snatched her sex toy off the bed and tossed it in a dresser drawer. It was obvious that she was embarrassed. I tried to make her feel better. I said, “It’s okay. Everybody has urges that need to be taken care of when their boyfriend’s away. ”She said, “Actually, that’s the problem. I don’t have a boyfriend anymore. ”“What happened to John?”“I broke up with him. He was too controlling. I couldn’t take anymore of his shit. ”“Good for you,” I said. “So, as you can see, I’ve been getting by the best way I can until I find a replacement. I’m sorry.

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   I’m so embarrassed. Maybe I should take you home. ”“What for? Wasn’t you listening to anything I said in the mall? Everybody likes sex and a lot of them have little sex toys like yours stashed away in the basement, but they don’t want to admit it. It’s not a big deal. ”“Are you sure?”“Look, we came here to check out my site and that’s what we’re gonna do, okay?”She smiled. “Okay,” she said. I was glad to see she wasn’t uncomfortable anymore. We logged onto her Internet account. We went to my web site at http://dramasex. com“Looks nice,” she said. Did you do this yourself?”“Yep,” I said. “You like?”“This is so cool. ” Referring to the girl on the front page, she said, “Look at the tits on her. She’s hot!”I gave her a quick explanation of what it was about. I told her how I only wanted to put sex stories on it that were true because I was getting tired of seeing fictional sex stories all over the Internet.


  “Oh, so they’re true,” she said with a playful smile. “Let’s see what Zariah’s been up to. ” She clicked on My True Sex Stories. “Hey, there’s nothing in here. ”I said, “Well, I just started the site. The only sex stories I have are the ones under Drama Sex History. “Oh. Do you have any porn pictures?”“Yeah. Click on Free Porn Galleries. ” She did it. “I love porn. I used to watch it all the time when me and John was still together. He liked to watch it and get all horny and get me to suck his dick while he watched it. And then…oops. I guess that’s a little more information than you needed, huh?”I said, “No, go ahead.

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  ”“Okay. He’d get horny while he watched the sex video and get me so suck him off. But he never wanted to return the favor. ”“That bastard. ”“I’ll say. Why do guys always expect you to suck them off but want to flip out when you ask them to eat your pussy?”“I don’t know. Personally, I like licking pussy. ”Erica’s leg quivered and she gasped out of shock, but it was obvious that she was sexually aroused. “Zariah!” she said. “What? I do. ”“That was bold, wasn’t it?”“I told you, I don’t like to bullshit. Everybody has things they like to do in bed. What about you, Erica?”“Zariah. Oh…um…well…I like to…this is so…well, never mind. I like oral sex, giving and receiving, the most.

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   I like to be eaten. ”“Tell the truth. Is that the reason you broke up with John?”“That was a part of it. I need to have my pussy sucked on. ”We talked a while more while we looked through some of the free porn galleries at my site. One of them was black porn. She clicked on it. “I liked to look at black people too. You guys have the sexiest skin, I think. Yours is good looking. ”“Thanks. ”We looked at the gallery together. There was a set of pictures of a blonde white woman getting fucked by a black man with a monster black dick. “I love interracial sex,” Erica said. She had a looked like she could take the woman's place and let the black stud ram her pussy.

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   I followed her gaze to the computer screen. She was staring hard at the man’s huge black cock. I said, “Have you ever had interracial sex?”She said, “Not yet. ”“Would you want to have interracial sex?”She smiled, said, “That depends on who with. ”My chair was close to hers. I leaned a little closer to her. I said, “Would you sleep with a guy like me if I was willing to eat your pussy. ”Her eyes lit up, but like a true salesperson, she pretended to think it over like she was somewhat disinterested. After a brief pause, she said, “Maybe. Let me ask you a question. Would a person like you want to sleep with a person like me?”“A person like me would love to have sex with a person like you. ”“Would you write it into one of your sex stories and put it on this site if I did?”“Yes. ”“So everything we did together would be on this site that I’m looking at right now?”“Yes, an interracial sex story. ”She put her hand on my cock, which was already hard, and started massaging it from outside my pants. She said, “So if I did this, you would put it in the sex story?”“Yes.

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  ”She unzipped my pants and pulled out my throbbing hard cock, then she stroked it up and down and said, “And if I did this, would it be in the story too?”“Yes, it would. ” My dick was really stiff now. Erica knew the male body well. She knew just how to touch a dick to make it feel good. She lowered her head and put my black cock in her mouth. She sucked it three times and then said, “What about that? Is that going to be in the sex story too, Zariah?”I wanted to shove her face back down there. She was so sexy in her business suit with her eye glasses and blonde hair tied in a pony tail. I was in lust with Erica now, but I was also excited that I was about the get my first true sex story to write about, and it had come so soon!I grabbed her by the back of her head and gently pulled her forward. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me gently on the lips. Erica was a good kisser with soft lips. I slipped my tongue in her mouth. She sucked on it for a minute. When our lips parted, she was staring at me like she was dying for a fucking. We stood at the same time. We kissed again, this time more passionately as we struggled to take off our clothes blindly.

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  Erica’s shirt came off first. Her tits were held snug behind a black Victoria Secrets bra. She started undoing her pants next while I kissed her some more and reached behind her to take off the bra. Her tits spilled out. I cupped each one in my hands and sucked them hard. “Oh!” she screamed. “That feels so good, Zariah. It’s been so long!”She seemed to lose all the strength in her body when I latched my lips around her beautiful big tits and nipples. Her hands fell to the side, no longer trying to take off her pants. I was happy to assist. I undid the button and zipper with one hand and pushed her pants to the floor. She was wearing matching black panties. The panties were laced in the front. I stopped sucking her tits to stare. I could see her juicy white pussy through the laces.

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   It was bald, just how I like. I slipped my finger in her panties and felt her clit. Her pussy was already wet. She trembled when I touched her. Erica’s pussy was calling to me, inviting to come down and see what it tasted like. I stared at it and licked my lips. I looked into Erica’s pretty blue eyes. She was reading my thoughts, or maybe it was my body language, but either way, she knew what I was craving. She said, “It’s been so long. Would you…you know?”“Eat your pussy?”Her body trembled just from hearing the words. Making this sex-starved woman cum would be easy. “Yes!” she shouted. She lay on the bed, dragging me with her, and opened her legs and wrapped them tightly around me, kissing me passionately all the way. I kissed her mouth, then her big white tits, then her belly, and finally came to the love mound. I slid her panties off and tossed them on the floor.

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   The split in her pussy was oozing pussy juice. I slipped my finger in it and fingered Erica’s pussy. When I pulled it out, my finger was drenched in cunt juice. I looked up. She was looking at me. I stared her in the eyes and raised my fingers to my mouth. I licked both cum-soaked fingers clean. Her face twisted in passionate lust. She forced my face into her cunt. I sucked her clit like it was a lollipop. She immediately started screaming louder than anyone I had ever fucked in my life. It scared me for a minute but I kept sucking and licking that twat. I had sucked her clit long enough. I moved my mouth from her clit to the hole. I slid it in and out of her pussy like my tongue was a dick.

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   This is something that I really love to do. I like seeing how far my tongue can go in a woman’s pussy. I love the way her pussy contracted against it, the tight squeeze of cunt on my taste buds. My shirt was off, but my pants were still on. I took them off while I was eating Erica’s pussy. Her pussy had a strange flavor but I liked it. Erica lay on the bed transfixed by my black cock. I wiped her cum off my mouth and used it to get my dick wet. I stroked Erica’s pussy juice up and down my shaft, stroking it like I was masturbating. When it was good and wet, I climbed on top of Erica, who was eagerly waiting below. Erica’s pussy lips were so big that she had to hold them open while I put my black cock in her white cunt hole. She squeezed me tightly like I had been her lover for the last ten years. She said, “It’s been so long since I had a piece of hard meat in me. ”I pumped her pussy slowly at first, but it was too good to stay that way for long. I fucked her harder and harder.

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   She loved it. “It’s been so long. Fuck me, Zariah! Fuck it! fuck me harder!”My dick got harder with every dirty word that came out of her mouth. I love it when women talk nasty to me. I felt my cock tingle. I said, “I’m about to cum!”She said, “Cum inside me. It’s okay, I’m on the pill. Come on, baby. Bust that nut in my white pussy. Fuck me, Zariah. Cum inside me, baby. ”My ass clenched as I sent a hot load of cum into Erica’s pussy. I kept fucking while I came. My cum made her hot white pussy even wetter than it already was. I kept fucking until every drop was in her sweet pussy.

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  She wrapped her arms and legs around and squeezed me tightly. She kissed me on my cheek. I couldn’t kiss her back. I needed to catch my breath. She moved her ass in small circles while I lay on top of her. She was trying to get some extra feel-good while I was trying to get my energy back. ‘Thank you so much,” she saidI managed to mumble, “Thank you. ”I got up. Cum dripped from my dick to the carpet and there was a stain on her sheet. We put our clothes on. When she had everything on except her blouse, she gave me another kiss on the lips and hugged me. We stared into each other’s eyes. My cock was still hard and poking her in the belly through my blue jeans. “I really needed that,” Erica said. “I was glad to give it to you.


  ”“So, did I make for a good interracial sex story?”I kissed her and said, “You were a great interracial sex story. ”She asked me to let her read it when it was done so I e-mailed it to her. It included everything up to the paragraph that you’re reading now. She said she loved it and it made her feel good to read a sex story about herself. She liked the compliments I gave her and the way I described her as being “all woman” and sexy. She said I could cum back over if I ever needed some new inspiration. I’m guessing that this won’t be the last time you read an interracial sex story about this teen slut Erica!.



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