
Lost & Found part 10


“I can. ” she said as she pulled down her shorts and panties and exposed her pussy to me. She wasted no time and dug her fingers right into her jewel box. She rubbed and rubbed her pussy until she exploded in orgasm. The car filled with smell of her pussy as she came, and I noticed the driver in the lane to my right watching Brandy rocking back and forth with her eyes shut in ecstasy. I’m sure he knew, but there was nothing he could do. He could try to report me if he wanted, but he’d not seen anything so the police would have no reason to stop me. I didn’t have to worry about that though, as I saw him smiling and giving me the “thumbs-up” sign. I wondered if he knew that she was only nine. Brandy turned and smiled back at him just as he was starting to make his exit off of the highway. “That was fun. Now its your turn. ” Brandy declared. I didn’t have time to protest as Brandy undid her seat belt, leaned over, unzipped my shorts, pulled them down and started sucking my cock. “Oh Jesus, what if someone sees. ” I thought.

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   And someone did. A trucker on my left was looking down at Brandy bobbing her head up and down on my cock. I nervously looked up at him and received another “thumbs-up. ” I was going to get over into the right lane when I noticed a truck on my right side. This one could not only see Bandy sucking my cock, but he was able to see her ass and pussy as she had not put her shorts back on and her t-shirt had ridden up. We drove like this for a few miles, with the cars starting to stack up behind me. I had the cruise control on, which was lucky because as I started to cum, my body stiffened. Had I had my foot on the gas pedal, I’m sure I would have put it through the floor. My hips started to buck as I came and I shot a couple of squirts of cum into Brandy’s mouth. As always, she took the time to clean the last few drops of cum from my cock. She sat up and wiped the last bit of cum from her lips. I’d never cum in front of another guy before, but apparently they approved. Both trucks sounded their horns. The car behind me must have figured out what was going on when Brandy sat up, because he started flashing his lights at me and clapped. I pulled off the highway at the next exit.

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   None of the cars or trucks alongside or behind me followed. I pulled into a fast-food restaurant, pulled up my shorts and underwear, made Brandy do the same, and went inside to get lunch. We ate a small lunch and the whole time Brandy was running her foot up my leg and into my crotch. She lightly gripped my cock with her toes. Only as we were finishing up did I notice to older couple watching the whole affair. Oh well, what was I going to do. I had a sex-crazed little girl on my hands, and she wasn’t going to conform to what people think. I smiled at them as we walked out. We got into car to finish the rest of the trip. A couple of hours later we were there. We checked in and got to our room. It was a standard hotel room with a double bed and a TV. I didn’t think that we’d need a second bed any more. We put a few things away, cleaned up a bit and headed out to explore the area. I’d been to this vacation spot a few times.

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   It has the standard tourist things. Mini-golf, go-karts, and other such stuff. We drove to the strip, parked the car and walked around for a couple of hours, playing games and sight seeing. On the drive back to the resort, Brandy asked if we could take a boat ride the next day. I knew the resort had day excursions, so when we got back I got us booked on one. We ate at the resort, and headed back to our room. As I closed the door, Brandy tackled me and knocked me onto the bed. “I’ve been dying to fuck you all day. ” she nearly yelled as she ripped off my clothes and hers. “Oh Brandy, I’ve wanted to fuck you too. That blow-job in the car was great and I want to return the favor. ”“OK, but only for a minute. I want your cock inside of me. ” She said as she climbed up my chest and sat on my face with her ass on my chin. She gripped the headboard to steady herself as I licked her clit and reached up and pinched her nipples.

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   The headboard bounced off of the wall. I was unsure as to how thick these walls were and didn’t know if there was anyone in the next room. I could feel Brandy’s pubic bone grinding against my chin, but only for a minute, just like she said. Brandy hopped off my face, moved down, spit in her hand and stroked my cock for a second. She then mounted me and started fucking my cock. She bucked her hips and squeezed her cunt around my cock. Harder and faster she bucked and the headboard banged up against the wall. Between knocks, I heard the TV in the next room get louder. There was someone in the next room and they could probably tell from the rhythmic knocking on the wall what was going on. Only, they didn’t know that it was a nine-year-old girl fucking the hell out of a grown man. Brandy reached under herself, grabbed her clit and came. “OHHHHHH FUCK!!!!” Brandy screamed. While her orgasm was still hitting her, I flipped her over onto her back, pulled her legs up onto my shoulders, and plunged my cock back into her. I fucked her hard and fast, never letting her orgasm subside. The headboard thumped the beat of our love making song, pounding and pounding against the wall as my cock pounded in and out of Brandy.

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   I was crashing into Brandy with such force that my balls felt like they were going to get ripped off as I plunged in. When my orgasm hit, I rammed so hard into Brandy that I picked her up so only her shoulders and the back of her head were still on the bed. “OH FUCK BRANDY!!! FUCK!!!! I’M CUMMING!” I screamed over and over again. “Oh yes, baby, fill me with your cum!” she begged of me. I had frozen in position with Brandy locked onto me. Every muscle in my body was locked and my cock was still pulsing inside of Brandy’s nine-year-old pussy. At a snail's pace, my body relaxed and I gently let Brandy back onto the bed. I lay on top of her and French kissed her deep. “I love you Brandy. ” I said as I pulled away from the kiss. “I love you. I always have. ” We drifted off to sleep. The next morning we woke up and got into the shower. I had my, now usual, pleasantly sore dick and Brandy was walking a lit stiffly.

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   I guess I was a little hard on her the night before, but I couldn’t help it. To say she turned me on would be an understatement. I wanted the sex almost as much as she did. I say almost, because right at that moment Brandy had an orgasm in the shower from using the bar of soap on her pussy. Luckily I was right there to steady her before she fell to the tub. “I created a monster by showing her how to masturbate. ” I laughed to myself. I got out of the shower, dried and dressed. I stepped out to go to the lobby to grab a couple of doughnuts and some juice. When I got back to the room, Brandy was dressed and finishing drying her hair. She wore a purple with white stripes sleeveless-summer dress which was still a little big for her. Probably by next summer she’d fit into it perfectly. We ate and got ready to go. I headed out the door and almost ran into one of the other guests. He was carrying his bags to the lobby to check out.

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   I saw a woman come out of the room next door and she called for him to take another bag. So these were the people who got to hear Brandy and me fucking last night. Right as I realized that, Brandy walked out of our room and closed the door. The man’s eyes bugged out when he realized that she was my sex partner. The woman figured out that Brandy and I were the ones making all of the noise last night and decided to say something about it. “You come to a nice resort to relax and inconsiderate people have no respect and make noise all night long. ” she bitched. I proudly wrapped my arm around Brandy’s shoulder, bent down to kiss her forehead and proclaimed, “I’m sorry you didn’t sleep well last night. We did. ” The woman’s jaw hit the floor and the man didn’t say a word. Brandy smiled at the both and waved a quick ‘bye’ to them and we walked off. What were they going to do to us? They had no proof of what actually went on the night before. Well, except maybe for the pool of my cum and Brandy’s pussy juices on the sheets. But you would need a better reason than what you may or may not have heard to enter the room. We went down to the dock to get on our boat ride.

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  The boat was a double-decker. The main level had tables and chairs inside, and a few chairs scattered on the deck outside. The top deck was open and had more chairs and a couple of tables about. Brandy and I went to the top deck. The boat didn’t have a lot of passengers, which wasn’t surprising. The busy season hadn’t started yet, and it was the middle of the week. She and I had the top to ourselves. Brandy sat next to me and leaned up against me. Again, I wrapped my arm around her. As I did it this time, I noticed how baggy her dress was in front, and I saw down it. Even without any breasts, Brandy’s chest looked splendid. No breasts at all, just the puffy nipples which I loved to suck on. As the boat started off on it’s journey, a light breeze came up. Looking down the front of her dress, I could see Brandy’s nipples change from puffy to hard. Those weren’t the only things on that cruise that got hard.

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  We cruised the lake/river area for a couple of hours. The resort was located at the southern-most part of the lake and we traveled north until we got to an island that was owned by the resort. We docked there and got off to have a lunch. After lunch we had a while to walk around the island and enjoy the scenery. Several times during lunch and the walk, Brandy reached in such a way that her nipples were exposed either from the top or through the armholes in her dress. The sight was arousing me, and I’m sure more than one person got a glimpse of Brandy’s nip-slip. I knew from experience that she wouldn’t care who saw, and no one could really object. A nine-year-old girl usually doesn’t wear a bra, and Brandy was no different. We re-boarded the boat for the ride back to the resort. Again, we went to the top deck and sat at a table. Brandy sat on one side, I on the other. Shortly thereafter, one of the crew came up and asked if we’d like some drinks. She brought Brandy a soda, and me a Margarita, which happens to be my favorite Mexican food. We got the drinks, and once more had the deck to ourselves. “May I try some of your drink?” Brandy asked.

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  “I guess a little wouldn’t hurt. ” Considering all of the other stuff we had done. I wondered if she was still sore from the pounding I gave her the night before. Brandy grabbed my cup and gulped almost half of my drink down and let out a loud belch. I just laughed. “You like it?”“Yes. ” Licking the salt from her lips she said, “I like salty stuff. ”We sat there for a few minutes when a young couple came up to the top deck. They sat at one end, and Brandy and I were at the other, with Brandy’s back to them. I noticed her face was a little flushed. “You ok, honey?”“Yeah, I’m juss really hot all ov a sudden. ”It had warmed up a bit from the morning time, but I figured this had more to do with the belly full of Margarita, which she had in her. This was confirmed by the silly grin on her face and her slightly slurred speech. She leaned back in her chair and grabbed the bottom of her dress to fan herself. That is when I discovered that the little rat hadn’t put any panties on before leaving the hotel room.


  “Did we forget something this morning?” I inquired. “Huh? What’da mean?” she drawled“Your underwear? Did you forget to put some on?” I asked quietly, so the other passengers couldn’t hear. Brandy lifted her dress even higher and leaned forward to look at her bare pussy. “Ooops. ” she said lying. I knew she didn’t like wearing them. I was just concerned about someone seeing her pussy and saying something. “Don’t you like seeing it anymore?” she asked as she spread her legs apart. “You know I love seeing it. I just don’t want for us to get into any trouble because someone else sees. ”“I don’t care. Let them see. ” And she put one leg up on the table and ran her hand down her body and between her legs. She lifted her round, little bottom a bit as she slid two fingers into her pussy and then moved them up and started working on her clit. My dick was getting hard, but I was concerned about the other passengers seeing.

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   I guessed that they were honeymooners (much like us) because they stood next to each other and were holding each other. Luckily they were looking out at the water and not at Brandy’s pussy playing. She rubbed her clit faster and I gripped my cock through my shorts. “Oh yes. I love fucking my own pussy. ” she gasped. “Thank you for showing me how. I love you fucking me but I love fucking my pussy with my fingers. ”Brandy rubbed her clit faster and started bucking her hips. The back of her dress was getting wet from where she was sitting on it. Faster she rubbed her clit, deeper she dug her fingers into her pussy. Her body convulsed as she came. Thankfully, for once, she was quiet as she came. The honeymooners turned slightly to see what the commotion was all about, but just saw me smiling and Brandy bouncing around in her chair. I guessed that they thought she was laughing at something.

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   If they only knew. Brandy slept in her chair with her dress still up and pussy exposed. She didn’t object as I reached over and pulled her dress down so it covered her gleaming pussy. I sat back down and rested. I spent the rest of the cruise looking out at the lake and looking over my little, sleeping kitten. Later, the girl who brought us our drinks came up to clean up a bit, and tell us that we’d be docking in a few minutes. She stood over Brandy who was still flushed, stroked her hair and said, “Well, you look like you had a good time. ”“Oh yes, I really enjoyed myself. ” Brandy said with sleepy eyes. Oh, great. Not only is she a nymphomaniac, but a smart-ass to boot!Brandy sat up a bit, and one of the shoulders of her dress slipped off and exposed one of her hard, pink nipples to the girl and me. The girl’s eyes never left Brandy’s nipple while she asked me, “And how about you, sir? Did you enjoy the scenery?”“Why, yes I did. Apparently, you are too. ”“Oh, I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it.

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   I …. . ” she didn’t finish but turned on her heel and scurried off of the top deck. Brandy didn’t notice, and I just smiled. We docked and headed to the steps to go to the main deck. The girl who was staring at Brandy’s nipple was standing at the foot of the steps to make sure we got down ok. Brandy started down the steps first and I noticed the girls eyes get big. I knew she could see right up Brandy’s dress. I wondered if she could smell Brandy’s sex. “Brandy, hold on a second. ” I said. I went back to the table and acted like I’d left something there and picked it up. Really, I was just giving the girl a longer look at Brandy’s pussy. Brandy, for her part, had turned around on the steps so that her ass was now facing the girl. Knowing that ass as well as I do, how smooth it was, rounded, tight and still with a pink ass-hole, I knew the girl was getting a good show.

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   I got back to the steps, Brandy turned around and headed down, and I followed. The girls face was red, and her nipples were hard. “Consider that your tip. ” I said as I walked by. It took her a moment to gather her wits, but when she finally did, she called out, “Thank you! Come again! Please!”**end part 10**.



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