
Angel Alice 2: The Start of Something Beautiful


I don't think I slept a wink that week. I spent countless nights staring at the shoddy painting job on my bedroom ceiling and watching the flakes of what I was sure was asbestos drifting slowly down towards me. It was Thursday night and my parents were leaving tomorrow to head to Cape Cod for the entire weekend, they liked to leave me behind so that they could commit whatever carnal acts they had planned, and seeing as I hated Cape Cod and I had my own carnal acts to commit with a much more appealing partner.
What had happened a few days ago kept playing through in my mind from beginning to end, and every time I thought about it I immediately felt that annoying little bastard between my legs waking up and crying for attention. . . and I can't lie, that guy has me whipped. So I had to take care of myself so much lately that I was chafing and I realized how horribly inadequate my right hand was compared to Alice. I just sat there, my eyes unable to close and my arms behind my head as I thought about her. It was almost pathetic how much she was on my mind lately, like I was getting obsessed with her, and she really was far too young for me to be feeling like that, right? Then again, I had already broken several rules on that particular front, and I never liked to think of myself as the kind of guy who would sleep with a girl simply to get my rocks off. I know that it's idiotic but I always thought that it was a bit of a special thing, something that should be shared between two people who really care about eachother. I cared about Alice, I cared about her a lot.
I sighed out loud and rolled over on my side, it didn't take me very long to realize that the wall wasn't much better than the ceiling. . . .

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  but it had stripes in it. . . so that entertained me for about three seconds longer than the ceiling. I finally managed to drift off to sleep, thoughts of my hand running up her silky thighs and the heat on my hand as I neared her tiny sex. I had taken something very special from her, and I wouldn't let her first lover be someone who had used her only for sex. If there was a God then I was most likely going to Hell, I had sinned BIG TIME! So if I was damned to hell because of his rules then I might as well do the right thing by MY rules. With that thought in mind I actually managed to get some sleep. Although it was pretty restless, filled with dreams of lithe young bodies writhing all over the place. I really was drowning in sin here, not that I could bring myself to mind. At least, I couldn't bring myself to mind enough to actually consider stopping what I was doing before it went any further.
I spent the entire day friday glaring at my parents for not being gone yet and glaring at the clock for not being at 4 PM yet. I felt like I had drank three too many energy drinks. (word to the wise, just stick with coffee, if anything) The aggression was more than I could stand, I must have spent the day in a constant state of arousal. .

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  which can be pretty tiring if you've got nothing to 'do' with it. I refused to waste the day masturbating at all, so I did whatever else I could to entertain myself. Mostly that seemed like going out back to the seemingly endless wood pile and chopping some logs with my old axe. I really don't consider myself that much of a hick or anything, but for some reason splitting wood has always calmed me, and it's great for the arms.
So 4:00 finally came around and I waved goodbye to my parents as they pulled out of my driveway with a smile and a throbbing erection. I waited until the car was completely out of sight before I made the mad dash back to the phone in my house. I immediately dialed the number she had left me on the note before, although I doubt I could have possibly forgotten it anyway. I had to dial the number three times before my trembling fingers actually managed to press the correct keys on the damn phone, and I can't even tell you how frustrating that got. When I want something badly I get unreasonably angry at things. . . my receiver still has a crack in it from the sheer force of my grip. I'm not trying to make it sound like I'm really strong or anything, it's a cheap phone made out of plastic. I finally did manage it, though and it was only one ring before she picked up.
Oh, to hear her voice again.

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   I has missed it even in the few days I had been away from her, she really does have such a beautiful voice, clear and sweet and high. I know I compare her voice to a silver bell every time I hear it, but I just can't ever seem to get over it. I was stricken for a few moments after hearing it, I actually had to compose myself again. I still haven't gotten any better at talking on the damn phone, I still sound like a bumbling idiot with a rat trap caught on his tongue. However I finally managed a weak, "hiya" in response.
"JOE!" She immediately shrieked back at me, I actually winced on my end of the phone and held the receiver away from my ear. "Hey Alice," I replied rather weakly.
"Are they gone?!" Damn, she was anxious to get over here, I actually felt rather flattered about it.
"Yeah, they just left, you can come over whenever you're ready. " I said, my confidence swelling. . . along with one other part of my anatomy. Of course, that's why I used the word 'swelling'. .

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  . so that I could make that all-too-obvious connection and try and make myself sound smart. That doesn't matter now, as I'm sure this little interruption will cause your eye to twitch the slightest bit, I'll get back to telling my story.
"YEAH! I mean. . . . yeah. . . I just need to take a shower and get myself ready for you. "
"Oh, Alice, you don't need to-"
But she had hung up the phone already and had most likely run off to take a shower. I only hoped to god it was a quick one. I lay on the couch where I had taken her virginity and just stared out my window. An eternity passed by, then another.

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   I looked at the clock and three seconds had passed. After an almost infinite amount of eternities I saw her small form riding up on her bicycle. She was wearing a pair of pink cotton excercise shorts that clun so provocatively to the little globes of pearly flesh that capped the backs of her thighs. I could have said butt, but my way makes it sound less crude. She also wore the cutest little white shirt that was just as clingy as her shorts, and her being the tender age she was a bra really wasn't necessary for her, but I still appreciated the delicate swells of her budding breasts.
She pulled her bike to a screeching halt in front of my door, kicking it over and almost tripping in her anxiousness to get off the bike. I could only grin and laugh at her predicament. There was something just so beautifully honest about her, she wouldn't bother with trying to keep her dignity, it was pointless for both of us to even try. I figured I would take her road, seeing as we both wanted something from the other. I opened the door happily and scooped her up in my arms, she in turn leapt up at me, wrapping her legs around my waist and pressing her tiny torso against my somewhat larger frame. I held her tiny body up by reaching down around and supporting her by those irresistable buttox as she pressed herself as hard as she could against my erection. I felt like explaining to her that I really would never be able to manage that with the clothes hindering me.
At that moment, though all we did was kiss. I pressed my mouth against hers and she cocked her head, already getting better at this she moved her head to give me better access to her warm mouth. I pressed her against the doorframe and ran a hand through her slightly damp hair as I used my other hand to knead the flesh of her buttox through the sheer cotton material.

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   I pushed the leg up further and slipped my fingers under slightly as I went to explore more forbidden territory. Our tongues lashed out at eachothers with no pretense of propriety. I needed her, right now. I also needed to actually get her inside before I fucked her stupid. Although the possibility of an audience was somewhat appealing, I can't lie about that. When I pulled away she was flushed and her eyes were half closed and glazed over with lust. Her lips were still slightly parted and as I pulled away and looked into her bright green eyes she whined a little and tried to move back in.
"We have all weekend, but first I think we should get that bike out of the front yard so people don't see it and wonder just what you're doing over here. " I said to her. She stared at me, uncomprehending, for a few moments before finally nodding. She slid out of my arms, although on the way down her body was in constant contact with the bulge in my jeans and she was looking up at me with a shy little look on her face. I smiled down at her as she finally stepped away and wheeled her bike around back behind the house. I had a simply crippling erection at this point and I couldn't really walk properly. She was waiting for me at the back door as I let her in. She fairly rushed back into my arms as I gripped her again, swooping her back up in my arms and planting another passionate kiss on her soft lips.

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   She pulled away and looked at me, finally speaking for the first time. "Last time I didn't get to see you naked. . . . I want to this time. " I only smiled and planted a quick peck on the lips, which actually turned into three or four pecks that increased in length. I finally managed to detach myself from the beatiful girl and smiled, "of course, we can take our time this time and do it right. " I felt her tiny hands grabbing the back of my shirt and I assisted her in pulling it up over my chest. I stared down at her as I held her against me as her cool palms explored my hairless chest. I noticed a pattern in her movements, that is her hands kept trailing lower and lower. I grunted rather primally as she unclasped my belt with no small degree of difficulty and unbuttoned my pants.
I can't explain how incredibly enticing it really is to have a girl that young actually reaching inside your pants for the weapon that you'll be penetrating and ravaging her with again and again.
"I want you inside me again. " She said in a hoarse whisper as I felt her tiny hand wrap around the base of my throbbing shaft.

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   I felt her tiny hands running slowly up an down the entire, length, almost as if testing it out. As for how enticing it is to have her reach in my pants, that's NOTHING compared to hearing those words fall from the lips of a preteen like her. Who somehow managed to retain her innocent attitude (although maybe not her innocence) and still be absolutely desperate for me to fuck her. I'm sorry to use such a crude word, but at this point I was being drowned in a tidal wave of pure instinct and all I could seem to think about was how hard I wanted to fuck her, how loud I wanted to make her scream my name, and how much seed I wanted to fill her with. I carried her upstairs to my parents room, she was constantly kissing my neck and chest the entire way up, her hand never left my weapon. I finally managed to make it to the king sized bed and I roughly threw her down on it. She bounced up and down on the mattress for a minute, her legs splayed out and a surprised and lustful look in her beautiful eyes. She had done most of the work, all I needed to do was give my pants a quick jerk down and my erection stood free, pointing straight out with tendrils of clear precum oozing slowly down from the head. She stared at it, as if transfixed with it as I crawled onto the bed after her. Her breathing came in increasingly more shallow breaths as my large form loomed over her. I grabbed her shirt by the bottom and pulled it savagely up over her head, revealing to me for the second time those wonderfully soft little mounds of flesh capped by her hard pink nipples. I ran my hands over them, feeling the silky skin slide underneath my fingertips as I lowered them over her flat tummy and down to the top of her shorts. I pulled her pink cotton shorts off her, and to my surprise she wasn't wearing any panties. I didn't question it as I was presented with the view of her inflamed pussy lips and her tiny clit poking out from the top of her slit. Her arousal had soaked the inside of her thighs and all around her, leaving her mound slick and shiny.

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"Please. . . just do it to me right now. " she gasped as I hovered over her. A droplet of precum landed on her navel and she gasped again, "pleeease!" she whined, almost whispered to me. I wasn't one to object, and I understand that sometimes, right at the beginning, a girl just needs to be satisfied. There would be plenty of time for games, but now was about primal satisfaction that we had tried and failed to bring to ourselves while we were separated.
I placed the head of my cock at her pearly gates and pushed in, again amazed by how far her little snatch had to stretch for me to fit inside of her. She hissed sharply as she drew in air between her clenched teeth, still surprised at the size of me and being filled so much. I was still a bit worried, "Alice. . . does it hurt?" She nodded fiercely but then grabbed the shaft of my cock, "but I like it to hurt a little. " she said, surprising me.

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   I did remember how she liked me being a bit rough with her before, so I felt I had no choice but to oblige her and fill her up, so with one more inward thrust I embedded myself to the hilt inside of her tiny body. She threw her head from side to side and tried to impale herself further on it, one hand trailed up and she bit her lip as she simply lay there, writhing on me. I myself was in heaven, feeling her muscles clenching around me and her juices making her slick. She just felt so alive inside, like she was trying to swallow my member whole.
"Uh. . . I feel like it's in my tummy!" She groaned as she finally managed to get words out. I felt my cock twitch simply at her saying that and began to move in and out of her, pulling out halfway and thrusting in deep within her. She gasped and mewled slightly with every inward thrust, especially when I would press against her as hard as I could, forcing every millimeter of myself inside of her. I picked up the pace slightly. She responded with great passion, spreading her legs wider than I would have believed possible and moaning loudly in her girlish voice as my hunched form basically ravaged her. I was careful not to be too rough with her, but apparently she had other ideas. I wasn't one to deny her what she wanted, so I obliged when she moaned her directions at me.


  . . please. . . be rougher. . . " She said almost coyly as I picked up the pace. I grabbed her slim waist and moved like a piston inside of her, moving her more than I was moving myself. I grabbed her tiny form and slid her roughly up and down on my length. I moved so hard and fast inside of her that our collective fluids oozed out around my shaft and made obscene noises that really were quite well suited to this kind of sex. The room was filled with the sound of her tiny shrieks of pleasure as her boddy shuddered with the impact of each inward thrust. "Hurt me! I want you to hurt me" she gasped and her eyes rolled back in her head as I fucked her for all I was worth. Her head was rolling back and forth as she screamed and begged for me to hurt her more and more.

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   I kept obliging, lowering my head to her pert nipples and taking them into my mouth, using my teeth more often than not. She was lost in her own world, begging for ever more pain and pleasure as I continued without relenting.
I kept going even as her body shuddered and she arched her back, screaming out loud so that I was sure the neighbors could hear us. I felt her tighten up around me and squeeze me so that I felt like I was in a vice. I kept going, though, as I felt my own orgasm approaching. She lay limply for a few seconds, arms spread at her sides and her breath coming in deep panting breaths as I slid in and out as I neared the final stretch. It didn't take her long before she started moving her hips again, acting on pure instinct as she responded to my thrusts. I felt my balls tighten slightly and I knew it was happening, I drained myself within her, a few day's buildup spewed into her so that I felt like I was more hosing her insides than cumming. I kept going, though, making good use of the time I ad before my cock started to soften I continued to fuck her senseless, as she was in the throes of a second orgasm, and it would have been rude not to finish her before I pulled out. I moved inside of her full pussy, feeling my own cum as it sloshed around inside of her. The sensation seemed to launch her to new heigts as her body shuddered again she just let out a long moan and drove herself down on my cock.
I sat there over her for a few moments, panting and dripping sweat onto her as she stared back up at me. I didn't pull out as I looked down at her and smiled. She smiled warmly back up at me as I flipped over so that her form was on top of mine. I made sure to stay inside of her and we lay like that for a while, just dozing.

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   Her small head rested on my chest and my hand ran through her hair and gently over her buttox. I noticed that my cock had only shrunk the slightest bit and with her constant clenchin around my weapon I could feel it starting to harden again inside of her. I made no move, though. I could tell she was tired and was just content to lay there on my chest. I felt her small lips as she kissed my chest occasionally. It was such an odd gesture coming from one so young, it seemed almost motherly. I loved it, though. We just idly sat there while my cock was prone inside of her.
It didn't take long for our loving stroking and kissing to escalate slightly, we were both tired, but this was a whole different kind of lovemaking. She shifted slightly, barely rocking up and down on my shaft and squirming around on it as I in turn pressed slightly up into her. Making her produce little purrs of lust and pleasure. I barely moved my hips and she barely moved hers, we just lay there, quietly moving.
"mmmmmm. . .

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  " she trailed off slowly as she moaned into my neck. She simply nuzzled me as I continued to drive up slowly into her, entering a whole new state of sexual nirvana as I felt her squeezing around me. I could see that my weapon was as thick as her forearm and really did look too big to be entering such a tiny body. "Does it hurt?" I asked softly. I felt her nod and kiss my neck softly. "Only a little bit, though, and I like that anyway. " I could only grunt slightly and give her a slightly harder thrust in response to hearing that. Her pussy was, at this point, sopping wet and filled to the brim with my cum. As we both felt ourselves nearing our ends she gasped, "Do it inside again. . . I love it being in me" She gasped. I obliged her, pulling her down on my cock and gave her what remained of my seed. She groaned slightly and had she not already been laying on me, I'm sure she would have collapsed. I just felt her body go totally limp against me as she lay there.

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   The two of us dozed off to sleep, my member finally softening inside of her as she breathed contentedly against me.
I woke up and for a moment couldn't remember where I was, something didn't seem right. . . maybe it was the waves of contentment washing over me. After a moment or two I realized that contentment felt an awful lot like a tongue licking my cock. Ah. . . so that's what was different. I opened my eyes, taking in the room around me. So far it was just ceiling, which I suspected was a great deal less interesting than what was going on.
I could have came just looking at her as she serviced me. Everything about this girl was intensely erotic, and the picture of her in her little white and pink sneakers and light pink socks and nothing else. Her slim body laying on the mattress and her slender neck craned out slightly as her soft pink tongue trailed slowly from the bottom of my weapon to the head.

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   True it didn't do too much for me, except when she got near the head and ran her slippery tongue in little wet circles around it, sometimes even lightly sucking on it, barely pursing her tiny lips and putting almost nothing in her mouth. She saw me looking at her and smiled at me with her sweet, coy little smile and returned to her work. I could only smile back as her tongue began its paintstakingly slow journey up my shaft to the top of the head, her eyes half closed and glazed over slightly.
"Where did you learn to do that?" I asked huskily. She only giggled slightly and looked at me. "I didn't learn anything. I just liked the taste the last time we were together and you left it all inside of me, I. . . " She trailed off and shrugged her little shoulders. "I just noticed you were dirty and decided to clean it off for you. " I could only say "Jesus" and grunt slightly. "Besides, you did this for me. " She said with a smile, and her tongue resumed it's work. I smiled, I supposed it could work out NOT to tell her I couldn't have been happier tasting that sweet little peach of hers.

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   This had been something I had wanted to try with her, but that she would do it on her own was unthinkable. I lay my head back down and looked at the ceiling, but I'm an extremely visual person and I just had to see her.
"Use your whole mouth. " I said hoarsely. She gave me a wide-eyed look for a few moments, "But. . . can it. . . I mean I don't even know if I can open my mouth that wide. " She said with a hint of fear or trepidation in her voice. "Just try. " I said with as encouraging a tone as I could manage. I felt more like a coach than anything as I watched her nod and open her mouth to the absolute limit and slowly lower it over the head of my cock.

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   It pulsated almost as if anticipating the feel of her wet mouth wrapping around it's drueling head. I felt her lips pressing against the bulb at the end of my member and knew it was going to be tough for her. Her lips were stretched to the absolute limit as I felt her trying to force the bulb into her mouth. I saw saliva starting to drip down the shaft as she worked at it. Finally, she made a loud slurping noise and the head popped into her mouth. I could feel her hot tongue pressing and thrashing against the end of my weapon and were I a more vocal lover I would have groaned. I have never been the type of guy to grunt and moan or talk during sex. I can't say why, really, I just haven't. I was damn close though, her mouth felt incredible. I was amazed when I watched her start lowering her head down even further on my shaft, she made it about three or four inches down before I hear her gag and she had to come up for air. She gasped and panted heavily for a few moments before enthusiastically impaling her face on my cock again. Her mouth opened as wide as it could go she slurped it in with a little more ease and pushed downward on it, she managed to get her head halfway down my shaft before she started to choke again, this time when she started to pull up I placed my hand on the back of her head and held her there. I began pressing her tiny head back down on my shaft, her brown curls fell around her face as she let me take the lead. My fingers ran through her hair as I bobbed her up and down on the shaft. Pushing her down until she choked and holding her there for a moment before lifting her head almost entirely off so that her lips were just pursed around the very tip of my now wet cock.

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I closed my eyes, every movement of her head was bliss, her mouth was so warm and tight, I just couldn't believe it. Her tongue seemed to know exactly what to do to get me off as well, and with the wet walls pressing in from everywhere at once, and her teeth scraping the sides as it slid down into her throat I knew that I couldn't take much more of this. I had received blowjobs before where the girls had been able to deep throat my entire length. . . kudos to them. . . but this was by far the best oral experience I had ever had. Not only for the sheer tightness of her slippery little mouth or the fact that her tiny little body seemed to be writhing in a constant state of arousal. . . it was the sheer energy and enthusiasm that she put into it. She liked what she was doing a lot, and I can tell you that it makes all the difference knowing that they're loving it. The fact that she was moaning around my cock didn't hurt, either.

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   It caused some wonderful vibrations.
I felt the pressure buildup and knew the inevitable was about to happen. "Alice, I'm going to come. " I said to her. She lifted her face off of my cock for a moment, "what?" She asked innocently. I smiled, "Come. . . I mean, I'm going to shoot my load. " I said to her, trying not to sound crude about it. She gave me a somewhat blank look. . . "Shoot your. .

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  . . OH!" She exclaimed and immediately lowered her head back down on my, taking me relatively easily into her waiting mouth and moving with fervent enthusiasm. I felt it happening, a fair tidal wave of hot white semen coated the inside of her mouth. At that point her lips were barely pursed around my cock head so it shot right into her mouth so that she could taste every bit of it. There was a bit too much for her because some dribbled out from between her moist lips and down her chin. She immediately made a loud gulping sound as she swallowed it all and ran her finger over the little rivulet of cum that leaked out of the corner of her mouth, licking it greedily off her finger. Something I always suspect in erotic stories that when women enjoy the taste of cum that the story was written by a man. However Alice loved to drink it off me every time, and I don't know if it's because she actually liked the taste or because she knew I liked watching her drink it, but she did every single time and with a smile on her face.
She smiled and presented me a view of her open mouth to show me that she had swallowed all of it. Seeing her in that pose, holding her sweet young mouth open for my approval. Something was just so deliciously submissive about it, and I knew that my cock wouldn't be going down just yet. I grinned to myself at the joys of being an 18 year old male, and to think I had once cursed my dick for not going down after jerking off three times in a row. I never got any peace from t, but now I would be able to satisfy my young lover properly. .


  . which I think has always been my first goal. . . satisfy your lover, then worry about yourself. Seeing as it's so easy to get a man off, anyway, as my young, amateurish cock-sucker just demonstrated. I feel I should give her more credit, she was amazing for her first time. . . for any time.
Now as I said I could properly help my partner with her little problem with her sexual tension. I felt her clamber on top of me, taking advantage of my rigid pole. I grabbed it by the base and directed the throbbing shaft upwards, straight at her still very tight and virginal looking opening. I left her in control of how hard she wanted it to be, and as I suspected, she just plopped herself right down on me. I slid upwards into her with one lightning movement, all she could do in response was let out a husky groan and squeal slightly as I rammed up into her tight little hole.

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   She started rocking her hips back and forth on me, not even moving up and down just having me embedded deep within her as she rocked slightly. When she finally did start moving she really started moving. She bounced herself up along the entire length of my cock, popping up almost entirely off, one time she actually did go a bit too high and she wouldn't stop making a high mewling sound until I was safely back within the confines of her tight little love canal. She gave a sharp little 'ow' with every downward thrust as her entire body rocked and shuddered around me. I could feel every little movement that she made as I she raped herself. Evidence of her intense arousal was oozing down the shaft as she bounced up and down my length. I aided her as best as I could, grabbing her hips and slamming her down onto me and thrusting my hips upward every time she came back down for more.
"ah. . . ah. . . ah. .

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  . . Joe. . . . . . . " was basically all her vocabulary consisted of at the moment. Eventually it became even less as she lost the ability to speak entirely. I just slammed her down so that her perfect little behind jiggled enticingly and her body quaked at the impact. She arched her back and reared her head, discovering that it felt like I was deeper inside of her when she did that, she stopped bending forwards at all. Her back was arched and her pert little breasts were thrust upwards, presenting to me two wonderful little handholds. They are, to me, the perfect shape.

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   Small and pointed, only just starting to flesh out and get the slightest bit rounder. I reached my hands up to savagely grab the small caps as she began to ride the crest of her orgasm. She arched her back and let out an audible gasp and shuddered. Finally collapsing on top of me.
Her naked form collapsed on top of me for the second time. I loved the feeling just as much the second time if not more. I was utterly comfortable with her, and for me that's not anything to take lightly. I lightly stroked her back and kissed her forehead as her breathing started returning to normal. "How are you feeling?" I asked her quietly as I planted a small kiss on her forehead. She lifted her head up slightly, meeting my lips with her own as we slowly and sensuously kissed. Our lips barely parted, because we both knew that if we started to get too into it that we would end up fucking again and quite frankly I think we were both a little worn out. I had dozed for only a half hour before she had woken me up again, this time night was beginning to set in and we were both ready for bed. I lifted her out of my parents' bed, moving with a sort of lethargy. . .

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  to my credit, at least I was still able to move. She smiled sweetly up at me as I picked up her prone naked form, peeling her sneakers and her socks off her dainty little feet before taking her to my bed. It was somewhat smaller, but much more comfortable. With big warm blankets and pillows that you can just sink right into. I laid her down on the bed and she stretched luxuriously, her maturing form caused my cock to twitch but I knew that she was exhausted.
I went to the bathroom, directing the awkward stream of urine into the toilet and managing NOT to piss on my floor. Something of a rarity when I had sex. You know, I make it seem like I've got so much experience, but there was only one girl before Alice, and frankly, I regret that I couldn't have lost it to her like she did to me. I heaved a heavy sigh at the memory of THAT little heartbreak and plodded back into my room. When I got there she was nestled under the covers of the bed waiting for me. She shifted slightly as I crept in next to her, she sighed and immediately turned to me, pressing herself against me as I lay flat on my back. One of her legs thrown over my own and her tiny hand on my bare chest, idly running her soft fingers over me. It tickled in a most pleasant and soothing way as she lay her head on my chest with my arm around her tiny shoulders. Holding her to me.
Now this is one of my favorite things about being with a woman, especially after the sex.

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   When you get it so that every little desire is fulfilled and the only thing that one person wants out of their partner is their company. I was content at that moment to just lay there under the covers, idly rubbing her smooth back and butt as I pressed her against me. We both drifted off to sleep like that, enjoying the smell and feel of the other. It's one of the most comfortable places a person can be, when they're dozing and pressed against someone they care about. Personally, there's nowhere else I'd rather be. Remembering that now makes me almost pine for that feeling again. I've never been the kind of person to seek out meaningless sex. I am a bit of a pervert, I'll be the first to admit that. . . but I still want it to have some sort of purpose. . . I know it's a stupid ideal, but for me sex has always been about sharing something special. .

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  . . NOT about sating primal urges. . . besides, if you do it right then you accomplish both things.
I had just shared that with Alice, my little angel, and I had two more days to enjoy her. I grinned like an idiot as I drifted off to sleep, her tiny little form nuzzling me affectionately as she drifted off.
Definitely nowhere else I'd rather be.
Again, feel free to e-mail me at redpoet87@hotmail. com with any questions, comments, or feedback of any kind.



Unforgettable dates with top-class escort girls of Rotterdam on

Super models from best agencies in Rotterdam

When coming to Rotterdam - the second largest city in the Netherlands, you may be lonely. Best escort models of this unforgettable European place will be happy to see you and cheer you up. Nice stunners are professionals and really know how to spend time with their clients. Soft-spoken babes with good manners can make your trip awesome and full of wonderful impressions. Also, they can make your night noisy and pleasurable. What can be better than Nuru massage by a skilled baroness? If you need relaxation, Rotterdam escort services are the best option for you!

Using our website you will see profiles of all sweeties. Our agency provides professional pictures and detailed description of each model. You can find out all information from tits size to preferences. Chubby cougars and petite starlets can be found in huge list of bimbos. All of them are enjoyable and intelligent. Everyone dreams of a date with Dutch girl. You’ll regret later if lose such chance now. Let our agency know if you are interested via call or message. Our customer service works non-stop. sex escort is exactly what you need for good time-spending and absolute satisfaction. If you are a person, you should enjoy the company of perfect mistress. Do not lose your chance of having fun with Netherland call girls in Rotterdam.

Here you will be serviced by high-class escort services of Rotterdam

Our site shares information about the hottest escort agencies in the Rotterdam. Only here you can find professional escort girls of high level. Their beauty and sexuality are indisputable. You can live unforgettable hours or days with glamorous starlet. Does not matter the reason why you come to the Netherlands. A business trip can become amazing if you will be escorted by a gorgeous lady. A touristic tour with delicious babe will bring you more emotions comparing with walking alone. We promise you the best time in your life! Talented escort models look as goddesses. They put on fashionable outfits and hot panties and bras only. Each doll knows how to please you and make all your erotic dreams come true. Their talents are incredible!If you decide to have a passionate night after touristic tour over the Rotterdam, contact us right now. The Old Harbor and Marine Museums, and Museum Boymans-van Beuningen are amazing but you can have even more emotions and impressions thanks to romantic sexy escort girls.Just one click and you will find a playful girl for fun! Don’t lose your time and take the initiative in your hands. It was never so easy to find and invite a covergirl like it is now. Our customer support can answer all your questions and assist with choosing a babe who will satisfy your every need.

Look at Belgium from a different perspective with help of Escortes à Courtrai

Belgium is a hometown for exclusive chocolate with more than 700 tonnes of chocolate being sold on annual basis in its International airport. Besides that, Belgium has a captivating history with a impressive architecture and also diverse culture, which attract folks from different parts the world. When it comes to parties, a Belgium is most definitely the centre of the party with Tomorrowland being the host of the main electronic parties in the world. Nevertheless, you will be astounded to uncover that Belgium has way more to offer to those, who dare to go out and search. Prepare to indulge yourself with something undoubtedly arousing. Welcome to the exciting world of ! Could you ever imagine visiting all the most well-known parties together with curvy babe? They can also make you a good company while you visit diversified monuments, as well as grand dinners, exclusive fashion shows, famous exhibitions and others. Get ready to become the very centre of everybody’s attention, because those cuties from Escorte filles Louvain clearly know what all the men crave for. Escorts in Antwerpen is your dependable partner in the world of lust. Only here you can finally make all your secret desires come true.

What to Expect from Escort Leuven ?

Each and every babe of ours are high-class performers when it comes to sex and have impressive skills that will leave your speechless. Feel free to navigate through photo galleries in order to see those impressive body shapes and charming faces, which our beauties don’t mind exposing at all.

Apart from top-quiality escort services during the day time, our impressive escort beauties can definitely offer astounding escort at night, when no one sees you. My word, you could never imagine such an wonderful lechery.
Charming babes from Escort Girls Belgium originate from different countries. Hereby, you are welcome to choose from America, Europe, Asia, Middle East Countries, Africa, Latin Countries and many others. Just specify your interest and we will take care of the rest. Provide your personal information in the registration form and you will be granted with direct access to our catalogues of escort ladies. You can customize your search with help of different categories. Feel free to choose standard, VIP, diamond and other categories of escort services based on your budget.

Things You Can Enjoy at Escort Escort Dames Aalst

Escort babes have a vast experience in providing top satisfaction to men regardless of their age, race or anything else. They surely possess the right skills to make you remember that night forever. Likewise, you can select from blowjobs, escort massage, cosplays, sex games with diversified toys, anal sex, handjobs, group sex, pissing, roleplay, BDSM and many others. Those wild beauties are here to please you as long as you can take it. Hence, don’t hesitate join Escorts in Kortrijk and discover this country from an absolutely different perspective.

Knoxville escort services - USA escorts, how to find them

Either you are into making a journey to the USA or you already live there, finding the right escort services in your Knoxville , or area, should be a good mission, spiced with a lot of excitement. Specially crafted for those who are searching to spend moments in a classy environment, the escort service is now a international niche for thousands and millions of guys. In the United States alone, there are more than one million models set to date and meet with you, and you only need a single click on the following article to better understand how it works and where can you meet escorts Knoxville .

Free hook ups or paid ones

No matter the cause, either you are on a work visit or in city break, looking for somebody to accompany you and provide pleasant intimate moments should be your primary aim, if you feel alone or bored. USA escort services Knoxville are widely spread and very well-known. They offer plenty of features and come with a large number of escorts. From teens willing to have fun with you, to wives seeking a man to make them feel unique and have fun with. If you plan to access the escorts Knoxville, make sure you pick your girl in accordance to your needs. There are free dates and paid ones. You must fix which sort of Knoxville call girls you will use. Depending on that, the costs will be marginal or costly.

What type of services do these escorts in Knoxville offer?

From elegant dinner dates to private activities, these escorts can provide you almost any type of kink you wish. Either you are somebody who prefers talking with babes and spending time with them, or you are the type of man who adores to get right to the action, escorts Knoxville can offer you anything you wish as long as you are generous with them. Improve your business trip or even your city break next to these mannered women. They come from all over the world, and they can clearly keep you up all night with their energy and desire. Seek for the hottest escort and you will be granted with the most sexy and addictive experience in your life. Not to mention that all models at Knoxville escort services are skilled ones. That means they know how to take care of you and how to please you, no matter your demands or desires.

Reasons to choose the escorts Knoxville

1. These models are experienced ones. They know how this business is working, and they sure know how to keep you excited.
2. Safety and hygiene are the most valuable things at escort Knoxville. These girls will always look to you will feel safe in their company. They will do anything it takes to make you feel pleased and feel satisfied.
3. Affinity is also a top rule at call girls Knoxville. Your personal info, your desires, your kinks and basically everything related to you and your adventure with the girls, all these will always be safe and out of the reach of third parties. You can relax that enjoying Knoxville escort services will be the best option, and no matter what, your personal info will be secured in place.


When it comes to ladies in Knoxville, our service is the best option. You have all the motives to come here and date our girls. They are charming, well mannered, of various ages and races, highly into having a great time and most of all, very skilled. See them out and seek the one you love the most, to make your holiday or your business trip a truly amazing journey. .

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We have done our best to provide a complete collection of impressive shemale hotties from different places of the world, so that you can effortlessly meet a babe from Asia, Europe, Middle East, America, Africa, Latin America and many more. Create your personal profile and obtain a direct access to vast photo galleries prepared for you. Pick the best shemale escort cutie and experience the most unforgettable and nasty satisfaction in your whole life. Our agile babes know how to satisfy any dude for sure.
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