


She was a vision from behind. Her long curly hair fell down her back in golden-brown and raven ringlets to brush the tops of her black leather chaps. Her bottom was bare, thrust out of the tight leather leggings, round and full and firm. The bare skin was a deep, latte brown. High-heeled platform boots peeked out from beneath the bottom cuffs of the tight chaps that hugged her thighs and calves, outlining the muscles of her strong, long and slender legs.

But it was when she turned that I knew this was one I had to have, if I could. She faced my direction and nonchalantly leaned against the pillar, looking idly off at Club X’s dance floor. I could see now she wore a slave harness that been obscured by her long hair from behind. But when she turned to me I could see how the black leather straps framed her delicate breasts, making an “X” in her cleavage. In her navel she wore a large, dangling gem that shimmered in the club light as she moved her hips slowly with the rhythm of the music.
That was almost enough in itself. But there was more.

Over her loins she wore a leather jock. Its pouch was covered with black metal studs, like scales, and I could see the brass snaps around the edges. She could pull it off with a sweep of her hand. With all that gear I couldn’t tell how large her package really was, but I wanted nothing more than to find out.

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I was already imagining the discovery as I slowly made my way over to her. But I was frightened almost speechless. I’m a fit good-looking guy, six-one if an inch, with blond hair and a healthy enough sun-glow, and I was not afraid of shemales. But she was something else. “Out of my league,” I thought.

I was dressed all in rubber; a latex “t” on top of a pair of  “Mr. M. ” black rubber codpiece pants, which hugged my thighs and ass. I looked good and, inside, the rubber was beginning grow slippery inside with the first faint hints of perspiration, which made me feel good, too. I could feel my cock strain slightly against the rubber fabric of the pouch. The cock-rings I wore around the base and shaft cantilevered my cock outward a little, but mostly it was all me. The rubber felt good, slipping back and forth against the tip of my cock.  

She turned and looked at me as I approached. I sort of froze for a moment, trapped as in a basalisk stare. I almost tripped over my own feet.

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   She noticed and laughed, her head dipping forward then back, making her hair shimmer in the light. Her full lips peeled back into a wide grin and she looked me up and down, taking me in, checking me out. She put a slender hand up to her chin and cocked her head to one side in mock assessment. After what seemed like forever, she finally raised her hand and gave me a coy “come here” gesture with her index finger.

I was relieved but still without something clever to say as I swaggered up to her, trying to look bold.

She leaned over so I could here her over the thump of the music and spoke into my ear.
“Busted!” was all she said.

Her breath against my ear thrilled me and I felt the goose bumps rise on my arms. She noticed and gently wrapped her hand around my bicep, caressing downward, and took my hand in hers. I trembled at her touch. She didn’t stop there, but with her other hand began caressing my rubber-covered chest lightly with her nails. She circled around my left pec until she found my nipple, which had grown hard, peeking though the slick fabric. I stiffened as she ran her nail across it. My cock jumped a little and, with a little thrill of ecstasy, I moaned as I felt a drop of pre-come shoot out of the tip of my cock. It lubricated the inside of the latex pouch so that every movement felt like a slick caress.

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She leaned over and spoke into my ear again. “You didn’t shoot it already, did you?” I shook my head and tried to reply, but the music was too loud for a proper explanation. She read my face. “Shall we go somewhere quiet?” she shouted over the din, and without waiting for a reply, took my hand, turned, and led me toward the stairs behind the dance floor.

I was working up a good sweat now, so that each step was like a warm embrace inside my rubber sheath. My cock felt hot inside its slick pouch as we moved through the gyrating dancers. There were pretty boys in leather and rubber, S&M hunks in leather chaps and vests, cute little goth girls in corsets and white face powder. They eyed us with sidelong smiles as we brushed through them. A few of the boys brushed up against me, copping little feels here and there, on my thighs and ass. I didn’t mind. I loved their looks and their touches.

Upstairs we found a large, square room, dimly lit with red light. Lining the walls were several alcoves with bars on them. They weren’t cells. They were private play spaces Club X was famous for.

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   The bars could be shut and locked from the inside, for a little privacy, or left open to invite others. Several were already occupied. We could see their dim shapes moving within and hear people sighing and panting with pleasure and, in a few, pain. Little crowds had gathered around some of the occupied alcoves in twos and threes. Some stroked themselves. One pair of boys in rubber cat suits and hoods stood watching and stroking each other, their cocks the only skin visible, almost glowing in the reddish light.
There’s nothing like the sight of a hard cock. I love it. I have since I was a boy. It gets me hot. Looking at those too boys all rubbered-up, their cocks out, each slowly stroking the other, sent a shiver through me and again I felt the little charge as I shot another little load of pre-come into my pouch. It felt so good I stopped and let out a little “uh!”
“Again?” she said. I could hear her ordinary voice now. It was soft but strong, neither gruff like a man’s nor high-pitched like a woman’s. She smiled, looking up me quizzically.


   I leaned over and spoke softly in her ear.
“It’s a little thing I can do,” I told her. “When I’m in rubber and in the right… frame of mind.   It’s like mini-orgasm. I get this intense thrill for a second or two and I shoot off a little clear pre-come. ”

“Wow,” she said, raising her eyebrows and flashing a broad, white smile. “Sounds like a superpower to me!”

I laughed. I’d never thought of it that way. I liked the sound of it. I liked her. I loved that smile and the mischievous sense of humor behind it.
“My name’s Michael,” I said.
“You’re Superman to me,” she replied, with a giggle. “I’m Diamond. ”

“A pleasure,” I said taking her hand and kissing it.

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“But enough with the niceties” she said, and pulled me over into an open alcove. “Top or bottom?” she asked as she closed the barred door and set the latch.

“Both and neither, I guess,” I replied. I hadn’t ever been asked the question like that. “I don’t really play that way. I like to play and just see where it goes. You?”

She gently put her hands on her hips and looked me in the eye. She looked magnificent standing there. I could see the muscles move beneath the taut flesh of her arms. She was buff but delicate, strong but soft. She is perfect, I thought.  

“About the same,” she said at last. “But there’s one thing I know I want. ”


“I like my cock sucked by good looking boys in rubber. ”


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  ” A couldn’t help the grin that spread over my face. “I love to suck beautiful girl-cock while wearing rubber. ”

As if directed by an invisible puppeteer we came together and embraced. My hands moved down the contours of her sides and leather bound hips, coming to rest on the hot flesh of her full, round ass. I caressed its curves as we kissed for the first time, our tongues searching each other’s mouths. She reached down and ran her nails up my rubber pouch the same way she had done to my chest. My cocked stiffened to meet her touch and for a third time I shuddered and groaned and let fly a little juice inside my pouch.
“Superman,” she whispered.

She reached back and took my hands away from her ass. Glancing behind her, she took a step back and sat on the edge of the upholstered platform that served as the cell’s play-bed. She leaned back and spread her leather-embraced legs wide, her leather- and metal-clad package thrust out.   She reached behind her, pulled and pillow from the bed and tossed it to her feet.

I took two steps forward and knelt down on it, between her legs. I caressed the leather chaps as I took in her fragrance -- leather and sweat and sex. I bent down and kissed the open space of her inner thigh, between the pouch and the tops of the chaps.

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   I nibbled and licked playfully, and she began to moan. I ran my tongue along the underside of the studded pouch. Through it all I could feel her cock growing inside. I was pleasing her and I loved it.
I glanced behind me for a second. We had an audience of three or four standing on the other side the barred door. The two boys in rubber suits had wandered over and were stroking their cocks, watching and waiting. It thrilled me, flattered me.
I turned back and leather and steel pouch seemed to pulsate in front of me, inches in front of my face and lips. I reached up and slowly undid the snaps, one by one. I pulled the pouch away and her cock stood upright, freed at last from its little prison. It was gorgeous -- long, thick and full. Like me, Diamond wore cock rings around the base of her cock that further engorged her sex, making it so hard that the head of it gleamed purple and shiny. I noticed the thick gold ring that curled out of the tip and pierced her glands: a Prince Albert. Her balls were shaved, big and heavy.

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   I cupped them gently in my hand and tugged. It must have sent a thrill through her because she arched her back and moaned.

I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to have my mouth on it, to feel and taste it with my tongue. With my free hand I lifted it up. Like her balls, it felt heavy in my hand. I placed my tongue, broad and wet, right at the base, where the ball-sack met the shaft. I slowly eased my tongue upward, feeling every little nuance of its shape and texture, tasting its sharp tang. It was heaven. I eased my tongue up and down the underside of her shaft, licking the glands when I got to the top. She sighed and moaned with delight.

“That is so good,” she whispered. “You’re such a sweet little cock-licker. ”

It’s true. I am a sweet little cock-licker and I don’t mind admitting it.

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   I love cock, especially girl cock. Boys will do, but girl cock is the best.

I ran my tongue up the underside once more, put my lips around the head and put it in my mouth. I could feel the heavy gold ring on my tongue. When I flicked it back and forth she moaned, and jerked her hips. I pulled away and watched as a silver drop of pre-come oozed out of the tip.

I looked up into her brown eyes and smiled. “Now whose the superhero?” I said and licked the droplet off as it ran down the curve of the gold ring.

I went down again, holding the base of the shaft in one hand, opening my jaws wide and taking her deep. I let my tongue dance over the head and glands on the upstroke, licking the shaft on the way back down. I could tell she liked it. She kept moaning and whispering, “Sweet little cock sucker,” “Such a slut for cock,” “You love my cock, don’t you, little boy?” and “Worship it. ” 
Suddenly she reached down and grabbed me, one hand under each arm. She pulled me up onto the bed with her, twisting her body so that I was now lying next to her. I looked into her eyes and she kissed me deeply, our hands running over each other bodies.


   Her touch was electric through the rubber.   

She reached down and all but ripped my pouch off, the metal snaps going “click-click-click” as she pulled it sharply away. As she did so, I could see the clear, sticky but viscous strings of pre-come stretched between my package and the pouch.   My cock was free at last from its luxurious cage. It was beautifully hard and full and it glistened with slippery, sticky pre-come.  

“What a lovely mess you make, Superman. ” She smiled, holding the pouch up.   To my surprise -- and delight -- she brought the pouch to her face. Her tongue darted out and licked a little of the ooze out of it, letting it slide off her lips and down her chin. Then, her mouth glistening with my ooze, she tossed the pouch aside and leaned over me, bringing her face down close to mine. I licked her lips and chin and cheeks. I could taste myself on her lips and tongue. She kissed and licked my face in return. I loved the feeling of her warm, wet tongue, broad against my skin and lips. She reach down and gently gripped my cock, still juicy with my ooze.

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   She stroked it slowly as she kissed and licked me. It thrilled me and I shuddered and yet another little wad of clear, slippery fluid shot out of my cock. It landed in the palm of her hand.

“Oh!” she said, with a start. She laughed. “That’s how it works. Nice trick. ”

She licked the head of my cock twice and then took it deep.   She pulled on by balls like I’d pulled on hers, but harder, more forcefully. It hurt slightly, but it was a sweet pain. It felt great to have my sex man-handled by this gorgeous creature. It made me feel desired.
She moved down to lick and suck my smooth-shaved balls. She encircled the base of my sack with her thumb and forefinger, cupping my balls snuggly with the other. With her free hand she began stroking me, up and down, around and around.

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   She knew what she was doing; she teased the head on up the upstroke, playing over the sensitive part beneath the head. I kept lubricating myself with little pre-come jisms, one after another.

I was almost there but didn’t want to go, yet. I wanted to make this last. I gently put my hands on her cheeks and lifted her head away from my cock. She slurped a bit as her lips came away from me, looked up and me and smiled.

“What’s up, Superman?” she asked. But I could tell she knew why I’d stopped her.
“It’s too good,” I said, “I’m not ready. ”

“Good,” she said as she sat up, looking me in the eye. “I want to take you home. ”

Half and hour later we were in her apartment in the Castro. I watched her take off her coat as I took off mine. Even that simple act seemed alive with sex. We had been kissing in the back of the cab.

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   It had almost getting out of control when the driver cleared his throat loudly and gave us a sour look in the rearview mirror. Still I was pretty hot and when I saw her gorgeous round ass cheeks sticking out of the leather chaps again, it was almost too much. I gave another little squirt in my codpiece as I drew in a quick breath.   She turned when she heard me and gave me a knowing glance.

“Thank heaven there’s no kryptonite around, Superman,” she laughed. “Give me your coat. ”

She hung it up in the hall closet and led me into the kitchen where she poured us each a vodka tonic. We went into the living room and she asked me to sit on the black leather sofa. The room was decorated in an ancient Greek motif, with black and orange vases, columns for end tables and so forth. One wall was papered in what looked like scenes from the ancient Olympics.

“I’ll be right back,” she said, “I want to slip into some play clothes. ”

“Play clothes?” I thought as she turned and sauntered down the hall, her ass swaying deliciously back and forth. “If those are her street clothes then… ” I wondered how much wilder and better this could get.

While she was changing, I examined the wallpaper more closely. It was printed with the sort of nude hoplites, wrestlers, discus throwers, and gymnasts of the kind you see in Greek art.

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   Then I noticed the men’s cocks. They weren’t the oddly small pricks usually found in Greek art, they were big, and most were either stiff or halfway there. I noticed too that some the characters were female, also unusual in Greek sports scenes. Then I saw about half these “women” had cocks. I got up close and looked at their faces. They all looked exactly like Diamond’s. I was floored.

“You like the wall paper?” I heard Diamonds voice behind me. It sounded slightly muffled.
“It’s you,” I said without looking away from it. I wanted to look at her, but I also wanted to savor the anticipation.

“I was the only model I had available,” she said.

“You painted this?” I asked, still staring at her profile on the wall.

“I design these things,” she said. “As you can see by looking at me I like Greek things.



I turned and was floored once again. Diamond was head to toe in gleaming black rubber, her face was obscured by tight-fitting latex mask. One top of that she wore what looked like an ancient Greek helmet, also shiny black, complete with a black brush made of short rubber tubes. Her body was encased in a cat suit that fit like a second skin, so taught that in only creased at her elbows and knees. Around her waist was a tight bodice or corset, the front of which was molded to look like the “abs” on Greek armor. Her suit sported a snap-on codpiece, like my pants, and I could see the curves of her cock and balls against the rubber. She wore a pair of knee-high lace-up boots with platform heels. Diamond was a vision: a slick, shiny Amazon, oozing with sensuality.  
The only visible flesh was her eyes and mouth -- her lips looked so plump and juicy -- and the tips of her fingers. In her hand I saw she held a collar with a chain leash coiled in her fist. In the other she held something else, something leather.

“I love it,” was all I could say. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen.

She swaggered over to me and told me to hold still as she buckled the collar around my neck. Then she knelt down and began strapping the leather articles around my knees.

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   They were kneepads.

“You get to be bottom tonight,” she said. I didn’t argue. I hoped that meant sucking more cock. “On your knees. ”

I went down on all fours and she lead me slowly down the hall and into the bedroom. The room was decorated in more of the same, but the illustrations were more explicit, with the figures fucking and sucking one another, beating one another with cats of nine tails and other things. Some of the figures were creatures from mythology – minotaurs, centaurs, satyrs and medusas, all sporting beautifully erect cocks. Over the bed was an oil portrait of Diamond herself, lying on her back on a bed, nude, her long, thick cock curving to one side over her belly. The bed was covered in black rubber sheets.

“Get up on your knees,” Diamond said. I did it and she turned and pulled a black rubber hood off the dresser behind her. She put it over my head and it stretched tight against my cheeks. She zipped up the back. I felt like a warm caress.

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“I’m getting deliciously hot in here,” she commented. “I’ve got another layer on under this one. ”

“I want your cock in my mouth,” I said. I needed it so bad.

“Soon enough,” she said. “Take off your boots. ” They were off in a second.

She turned to the dresser again and I fell to my hands and knees. I began to lick the heels of her boots, gently, hoping she would let me go higher, to the prize I lusted after. Instead she jerked the chain a little, like she would a dog that won’t heel. Then she took a step toward the bed and began to pour out a clear, viscous liquid onto the rubber sheets from a large plastic bottle. Lube, I realized. She dripped it all over, squeezing the bottle to reach the far corners.

“Up” she command, pulling the chain high.

The bed was slippery and I slid into the middle.

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“Roll in it, spread it all over you and the bed. ” I began to slip around, spreading the slippery stuff on the bed with my hands, turning over to get it on my back. One handing still holding the leash, Diamond sprayed more on me until I was covered with slick slime from head to foot. It felt amazing through my rubber suit and I caressed myself, squirming around with the almost childish but still wildly sexual pleasure of it.

Diamond hooked my leash through a ring on the headboard. She took off her boots while I enjoyed myself, rubbing the slime over my body. She was even wearing rubber hose. She stepped up onto the bed and took off her helmet and tossed it aside. She stood over me, long muscular legs spread apart, her hands on her hips. She looked down at me.

“Who’s a little rubber slut?” she asked.

“I am,” I answered.

I looked up at her and could see her cock throb slightly inside the rubber casing. I wanted it so bad. She began pouring the slippery stuff all over herself.

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“Caress me,” she said. “Rub it all over me. ”

The rubber skin was hot to the touch. I caressed her, making her as slippery as me. She moaned and tilted her head up to the ceiling. I worked her ass and them moved my hand around to play with her cock through the rubber. She moaned again when I touched it and I could feel it flex. I love feeling a cock getting hard.   

“Yes,” she said. “That’s a good little slut. ”

I loved it when she called me slut. I kept caressing her, feeling the rubber stretch tight as her cock grew hard. She rolled her hips back and forth, moving like a belly dancer to my rhythm.

Finally she pulled my hand away and knelt down on the bed. She put her arms around me and threw me down.

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   She fell on top of me and began writhing around against my slick, slime-covered body, rubbing her codpiece against me and licking my mouth. I was magnificent. We writhed until we were both so hot we couldn’t bear it anymore.

Suddenly, she stood up on the bed again, almost slipping and falling as she did so. She grabbed at her crotch and pulled the codpiece free. Her cock swayed there like a pipe dangling off the back of a utility truck. It was shiny with sweat and precome and looked so delicious.

“Suck it, little slut,” she said.

I practically lept on it. I took her balls in my hands and licked her all over. She grabbed her cock by the base and began slapping it against my cheek as I fought to get it in my mouth. It tasted salty and the skin was so creamy and soft stretched over the hardness. I licked up the sweat and precome and spread her juices over my face. Her musk was driving me mad.
All of a sudden she lurched and groaned loud.


   My cheeks were splashed with hot, creamy jism and I opened my mouth wide to catch the rest of it. I moaned with the pleasure myself as her second wad shot into my mouth. I savored it, rolling it around with my tongue before swallowing it. It tasted so satisfying and I sighed and jerked a little as I shot my own little teaser cum onto the rubber pouch.

I looked up at her she was smiling down at me through the mask, stroking her still-hard cock.

“Turn over,” she commanded. “On your hands and knees. ”

I didn’t usually do what I knew she wanted but I had to obey. All I wanted was to please her, be her slut, a toy for her to slide her cock into and shoot her hot come inside of.   I felt her fumble with the zipper at the back of my pants. I felt cool air on my ass as she slid the zipper up and the rubber peeled away. It was refreshing.

She knelt behind me. I looked back over my shoulder to see her rub some lube from the bed onto her cock. I faced forward, closed my eyes, tried to relax and held my ass high.

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   I felt the head of her cock, hard but pliant, explore my hole. It felt good.

She bagan to push it in and out gently, and slowly my asshole relaxed and began to expand, little by little, with each thrust. There was a flash of pain as she pushed the head all the way inside, but it quickly subsided into that dull but pleasurable ache. She pushed deeper and I moaned as her cock began to caress my prostate. It made me tingle all over.

When it was freely sliding in and out, Diamond ordered me on my back. She helped me turn so that she didn’t have to pull out. The sensation was thrilling, her cock turning inside me, against the walls of my ass.

“Jack off while I fuck you,” she said.

I reached down and set my hard cock free. It was slick with my juices and I began to stroke as I looked up at her rubber-clad face looking down at me, while her hips rolled back and forth. The look, the smell, the feel were the hottest sensations I’d ever experienced. Every part of my body, even inside, was alive, on fire with excitement. We both felt it and I stroked it faster and she plunged it into me and pulled it out.

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   There was pain and pleasure and electricity all at once. We were both moaning, writhing, jerking. We couldn’t take our eyes of one another.

I felt the pressure build inside and I lifted my ass off the bed to tell her I was about to come. Just as the white jizz shot high out of my cock, she ripped her own from inside me and I saw the white, gooey stream shoot out the tip. I ignored the pain and watched her come splash against my torso, landing as high as my cheeks.   It was ecstasy.

Diamond stood motionless, drinking it in for moment, but then quickly leaned over and grabbed a towel off the nightstand and wiped off her cock. Then she knelt down and took my cock in her hand and began licking it off, running her thick, wet tongue all over it. I never had a chance to go soft. Her tongue felt so good. I loved watching it caress me.
She took it all in my mouth, fucking it with her face like schoolgirl fucks her date on prom night. I just lay there, moaning and sighing. She started stroking it with one hand while caressing pulls with the other, licking occasionally here and there.

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   Again I lifted my hips as I felt the pressure build, and she stroked faster. Diamond opened her mouth wide over my cock as I came, shooting all over her lips and tongue and cheeks.   



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Either you are ready for a a visit to the United States or you already live there, enjoying the best escort services in your Philadelphia , or area, should be a awesome mission, spiced with a lot of lust. Specially made for those who are aiming to spend time in a classy environment, the escort service is now a worldwide niche for thousands and millions of persons. In the United States only, there are over than 1 million models on duty to see and spend time with you, and you only need a single click on the following text to better understand how it works and where can you date Philadelphia call girls .

Free hook ups or paid ones

No matter the motive, either you are on a official trip or in holiday, looking for somebody to stay with you and offer you pleasant private moments should be your main goal, if you feel alone or bored. USA Philadelphia escort are very spread and very popular. They offer numerous features and come with a big number of models. From teenagers willing to spend time with you, to matures searching a man to make them feel unique and have fun with. If you are planning to use the Philadelphia escort, make sure you choose your girl in accordance to your wishes. There are free hook ups and paid ones. You must fix which model of escort services Philadelphia you will enjoy. Depending on that, the money involvement will be minimal or higher.

What type of services do these escorts in Philadelphia offer?

From elegant dinner dates to erotic activities, these models can offer you almost any type of pleasure you wish. Either you are somebody who prefers chatting with women and spending time with them, or you are the type of man who likes to get right to the good stuff, escorts Philadelphia can provide you anything you crave as long as you are well mannered with them. Improve your business journey or even your vacation together with these classy ladies. They come from all over the globe, and they can clearly keep you going all night with their dedication and lust. Find the right escort and you will be offered with the most intense and addictive moments in your life. Not to mention that all ladies at call girls Philadelphia are veteran ones. That means they know how to spoil you and how to stimulate you, no matter your craves or requirements.

Reasons to choose the Philadelphia call girls

1. These ladies are experienced ones. They know how this thing is working, and they sure know how to keep you satisfied.
2. Security and hygiene are the most valuable things at escort Philadelphia. These ladies will always assure you will feel comfortable in their company. They will do anything it takes to make you feel pleased and feel happy.
3. Closeness is also a top rule at escorts Philadelphia. Your private details, your fetishes, your kinks and basically everything connected to you and your adventure with the escorts, all these will always be safe and out of the reach of third parties. You can trust that enjoying Philadelphia escort will be the best choice, and no matter what, your own information will be secured in place.


When it comes to models in Philadelphia, our service is the number one option. You have all the reasons to come here and see our ladies. They are charming, well mannered, of various ages and races, highly into having a fun time and most of all, very naughty. See them out and date the one you like the most, to make your holiday or your office trip a truly memorable adventure. .

Izmir Escorts comes with an infinite supply of adult escort girls, see the full list of benefits in case you are coming to Escort In Turkey.

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Some of the hottest Istanbul Escort babes you can imagine!

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