
Amy's Surprise 2: Enter Karissa


(I just want to thank those of you who gave "Amy's Surprise" reviews. It was my first story and I was happy to see that you enjoyed it. I hope this installment will be as well received as the first one was. Please leave reviews good or bad as well as suggestions. All input is appreciated. Thanks again, and enjoy. )

“Amy’s Surprise 2:
Enter Karissa”
by Matthew Ford
“What did you think?” Amy asked.
“Well, let’s see…” I started to answer, “You gave me the best blowjob I’ve ever gotten, sucking your dick was about the best thing ever, and sharing your cum with you was incredible…all in all, I’d say it went well. ” Amy smiled and walked over to sit with me on the couch. We sat quietly drinking our Gatorade for a few seconds until I decided to say something, “Ames, when you came, I swallowed probably a third of it, quite a bit dripped from my mouth, then a lot spilled on your boobs, and there was still so much…do you always cum that much?”
“Not always, but most of the time it’s pretty close to that. You did a really good job sucking me off though, that definitely helped. I didn’t think there would be that much ‘cause I jacked off before you picked me up tonight. I’ve had to do that a lot lately…I’ve been really excited about tonight. ”
“Do you always swallow your own cum? ‘Cause, if you do, I gotta say, I’m impressed. You must really like it. ” Amy just smiled as some blush showed on her cheeks.

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“What about you? Did you like it?”
I thought for a second and responded, “Well, it wasn’t bad. I mean, it didn’t taste great, but it felt great. Feeling your warm cum going down my throat was awesome. ” Just then sounds started coming down from upstairs. It surprised me at first, until I remembered that Karissa and Brian had hurried to her room when they got there. I could hear Karissa moaning. “They must be having fun. ”
Amy had started laughing mildly when Karissa’s whimpers of pleasure reached the living room. “She does enjoy getting pounded. I’ve never known anybody who likes it as hard as she does. ” This brought a thought to my mind.
“So, she doesn’t have, I mean, she isn’t like you?” I asked.
“No, she’s a normal girl. And she’s got a really small, tight pussy. ”
After a short pause, I asked, “So do you two ever…?”
“Not as much as we would like,” Amy answered before I finished asking, “We do it probably once a week.

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   Our mom is home a lot. When we used to share a room we would do it almost every day, but when Nathan left for college and I took his room that kinda stopped. Now I sleep downstairs, and it’s just too hard for either of us to sneak into the other’s room without waking up our parents. Whenever mom and dad go out we can really go at it, but other than that we have to just fool around a little bit here and there during the day. Karissa loves anal though, I usually butt-fuck her when our parents are out. That butt-plug you’re holding is hers. ”
I had been looking through the paper bag that Amy had thrown me earlier. “Wow,” I said, “This has actually been in her ass? All the times I fantasized about her ass, and now I’m holding her butt-plug. ”
Amy suppressed a small giggle and said, “Yeah, I bought it for her for her birthday last year. We both use it, but I only can when she isn’t, which isn’t as often as I’d like, she loves that thing,” Amy laughed a little bit as she said this. “When she gets home from track practice, she usually puts it in and keeps it there till dinner. Sometimes she even sleeps with it in!” I was amazed at this, I had no idea anybody could like having something in their ass that much. Just then Karissa let out a loud moan followed by several repetitions of “oh my God. ” I knew she was cumming. I drifted off into a daydream about her.

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   Karissa was the cutest sophomore at our school, she had blonde hair that went just past her shoulders, brown eyes, a really white smile (just like her sister), and since she ran track, her body was pretty thin. Her legs were muscular, and her ass firm. She had small boobs, I’m not sure what size, but I’d venture a guess that they were mid-A cups. Karissa always wore tight jeans and colorful, loose tops, which was a good wardrobe choice since it accentuated her great lower body and made her small breasts appear larger. She had started at the high school her freshman year because she wanted to get the “high school experience”. That year, when I was a sophomore, she was a football cheerleader, she distracted me every game, which I didn’t mind too much since I hardly ever played anyway.
As I was thinking about Karissa’s body and imagining what she would look like under her clothes Amy spoke up, “You know, I’m sure that if I was given a few minutes I could convince Karissa to join us. ” Just as I was about to tell her how much I would love that, Brian let out a loud groan, he had obviously climaxed as well. “Okay, if you want her to, you’ll have to give me some time to talk to her. She never lets guys stay for very long after they finish, so you go and take a shower in my bathroom, and I’ll go upstairs and talk to her and make sure Brian leaves. Make sure you’re in there for at least 20 minutes ‘kay?” I was going to say ‘alright’ but before I could she hopped up and headed toward the staircase. Amy looked back and said, “Hurry up,” then quickly went upstairs. As she went I watched her tits and cock bounce. When she was out of sight I leapt to my feet and hurried to her shower.
As I was showering I made sure to clean my dick and ensured that my sphincter was clean.

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   Tonight I could have Karissa’s butt-plug or even Amy’s dick in it, and I wanted to be ready. I periodically poked my head out from behind the shower curtain to glance at the clock. After 20 minutes had passed I got out and dried off quickly. I put the towel around my waist and stepped from the bathroom. I walked through Amy’s room and into the living room. I expected to see Amy and Karissa fucking on the floor, but to my surprise, I saw only Amy, sitting alone on the couch watching TV. I looked out the window and saw Brian’s car was still there. “Oh well,” I thought to myself, “Hell, I got Amy, I guess wanting Karissa too was selfish. I can still fuck Ames, and maybe she will fuck me too…” I had desperately wanted to fuck Karissa though. I sat behind her in U. S. History, and I fantasized about her almost daily. I had had a crush on her for years after I met her. From 7th to 10th grade she was all I thought about, but I had never been able to get close to her. “And here, tonight,” I thought to myself, “I was foolish enough to think I might get to fuck her…”
I walked up behind the couch where Amy sat, naked.

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   I stood behind her and looked down at her body. Her boobs showed remnants of where her cum had landed, and where I had licked it off. Her nipples were perky, and her dick was semi hard. Just as I was about to tell her that not getting Karissa to join was alright and that all I needed was her, I heard somebody in the kitchen. I looked to my left and stopped in my tracks. Karissa walked into the living room completely nude with a bottle of water in each hand. Her breasts may have been small, but they were round and perky. The nipples were small and pink. Her stomach was firm and she was tan all over. When my eyes finally came to rest on her pussy, my mouth dropped open. It was shaved clean except for a small rectangle of very light brown hair on her crotch above the pussy. Karissa walked over to the couch, handed Amy a bottle of water, then turned to me and asked if I wanted one. “Sure,” I said. She turned to go back to the kitchen and when I looked to watch her ass as she walked I saw the square base of her purple butt-plug sticking out. My eyes widened at this as Amy reached over the back of the couch and wrapped her fingers around my now hard cock.

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“I thought you’d like her. Wait till you’re in her pussy…it’s amazing,” Amy said as she looked into my eyes. I went around the couch and sat next to Amy. I laid my hand across her lap and started squeezing her cock. “I think you should put this on,” Amy said as she held up a condom, “I don’t know how long Karissa is gonna wanna wait. ” Amy then opened the condom package and started rolling it down my dick.
“What about Brian? Is he in the kitchen?” I asked.
Amy smiled and replied, “No, he was pretty drunk so Karissa called Kyle to come get him. You have us all to yourself. ”
Karissa walked in with another bottle of water and handed it to me. She stood in front of the couch between where Amy and I were sitting and said, “Well, well, well…” she bent down, grabbed my cock head with her thumb and forefinger, and went on, “A bit presumptuous, don’tcha think?” I smiled nervously and looked to Amy, who just smiled wickedly at me. Karissa continued, “I’m gonna jump in the upstairs shower for a few minutes, you two have fun. ” She turned around and bent over slightly and asked in a really seductive voice, “Matt, will you get that for me?” I reached out, grabbed the base of the purple butt-plug, and started pulling it out. However, Karissa tightened her rectal muscles, and as I started pulling harder she opened her mouth and moaned slightly. When it finally popped out she let a sexy whimper leave her mouth.

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   Karissa stood back up and as she started walking up the stairs she looked back and said, “It’s a good thing you got it out, you’ll need it more than I will. ” She then winked at Amy and disappeared down the hallway.
It was then that I felt Amy pulling the butt-plug away from me. I looked over in time to see her start rubbing KY Warming Liquid on it. “Roll on your side,” Amy whispered sweetly with a smirk on her face. I hesitated and she continued to say matter-of-factly, “Well come on, your ass isn’t going to loosen itself up. ” I leaned to my right, away from Amy and when I was on my side, I felt her fingers massaging my ass with the KY. When she removed them at first I was disappointed, but when I felt the butt-plug start to poke into me, I was nervous. I was just about to ask Amy to wait when she pushed it in seemingly as hard as she could. I groaned in pain as it stretched me. She started pulling it out and then rammed it back in, she did this again, and again, fucking me with it. After probably 30 seconds she forced it in and left it there, telling me to sit up. I did and as I did I could feel my weight pushing it in farther. I closed my eyes and Amy’s hand began rubbing my dick. I looked down and she was lubing it up with the KY.

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   She then stood up, and still facing away from me, maneuvered herself over me. She lowered her body until she was almost on my lap. Amy reached down and adjusted my dick so that it was at the entrance of her amazing ass. Then she lowered herself onto it slowly, but before all of it was in she rose back up just as slow as she had come down. After repeating this several times, Amy suddenly slammed her ass down into my lap and my cock was thrust into her. She rapidly began riding me. Every time Amy’s ass hit my lap it forced me lower which, in turn, forced the butt-plug farther into my ass. Both sides felt great, and I knew that it was just a matter of time before I blew my load. I reached my hand around and grabbed Amy’s rapidly bouncing 8 inch cock and started pumping her as quickly as I could, although as fast as she was moving it was difficult to maintain a normal “jacking” motion. “Aww yeah…jack me off…” Amy commanded, “And tell me before you start to cum…”
After a couple minutes of Amy slamming her ass down, (virtually impaling herself on my dick), having the butt-plug driven into my ass, and feeling Amy’s nice big dick in my hand I knew I was going to cream in the condom so I let the words escape, “Ames, I’m gonna shoot…” As soon as I said this Amy leapt from my lap.
I expected her to drop to her knees and begin sucking for her life, but she just turned around and said, “Not yet…has our purple friend got you ready?” I felt a little cheated, but I didn’t want to upset the girl who was making my dreams come true so I simply nodded. “Good, it’s my turn then…get on all fours on the floor. ” I did as she said and not a second later she was on her knees behind me. Amy pulled the butt-plug from my ass and rammed it into her own as she whined with what sounded like pleasure mixed with relief. She wasted no more time as she reached back and pulled a condom from the paper bag.

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   Immediately, the extra-large rubber was opened and on her sweet meat. Amy started rubbing her cock-head against my anus, and after a while I just wanted it inside me. Finally Amy took hold of my hips and forced her big member in my body. There was no slow stuff like when she first started riding me, I was being straight up fucked in the ass by the hottest girl in school…and I was loving it.
Karissa came slowly down the stairs and walked up to where I was getting hammered. “I think I’ll just lay down here. ” She laid on the floor with her pussy right under my face, looked at me, and said “Do it, you know you want to. ” Did I  ever! I dove forward licking and sucking everything I could get to. I buried my tongue deep in her pussy and licked like there was no tomorrow. I pulled my head away and took her left pussy lip in my mouth and sucked on it desperately. I then moved to the right and did the same. After I had had enough of her delicious lips, I pulled my head back, looked her straight in the eyes, and looked at her as if I was asking permission. “Yes, do it! Suck my clit!” she begged me. Who was I to deny such a sweet and innocent girl such a simple wish. I popped the small pink bud in between my lips and started sucking on it like a pacifier.


   “Fuck him Amy…pound him good…” Karissa moaned roughly.
Amy’s cock was sliding in and out of my ass and I was going wild on Karissa’s pussy. My dick was throbbing, so I took my left arm, keeping my right steady for balance, and started jacking myself off. Karissa was moaning desperately now, I knew she was getting close so I kicked my mouth into overdrive. Licking up and down her pussy frequently stopping to suck on her clit. The pussy in my mouth started convulsing and Karissa’s juices started flowing freely. I kept sucking her clit until she cried out, “Oh God…stop, stop, stop…I can’t take it anymore…” as she pushed my head away from her sweet spot. She laid their spent for a couple minutes as Amy fucked me relentlessly. Karissa slowly rolled over and crawled up to me face-to-face and grabbed my hair. She then pulled my head closer to her and started kissing me deeply. Karissa’s tongue darted around my mouth as she kissed me and Amy’s cock slid smoothly as she fucked my ass.
All of a sudden Amy pulled her dick out of my ass, stood up, and walked over to where I was kissing her sister. Karissa rolled the condom off her sister’s cock and grabbed its base. Amy said, “Deep throat it. ” Karissa wasted no time, she plunged her head forward; instantly the 8 inch cock disappeared.


   My jaw dropped in amazement as she pulled her head back and thrust it forward once more. As Karissa deep throated the cock in front of her I leaned in and began licking Amy’s balls. As I was taking one at a time into my mouth and gently sucking on it Karissa was working her sister’s member like an expert.
Karissa pulled her head back to catch her breath and Amy’s dick bounced freely. I took this opportunity to slide the nice warm rod into my own mouth, and began sucking with vigor. I looked up to see Amy starring at me smiling. I pulled my head back so just Amy’s cock-head was in my mouth. I sucked on it hard before popping it out of my mouth, then sucking it back in. I repeated this several times and Amy’s smile widened as she started giggling. “You actually enjoy sucking me don’t you? I didn’t think any guy would ever wanna give me head,” she said laughingly.
I popped Amy’s cock-head out of my mouth once more and replied, “Well, what can I say? I just can’t control myself, you’ve got one delicious cock here Ames. I’ve been into shemale porn for a while, and I’ve imagined sucking a girls dick before…but I never thought it would be this fun. ”
“I am so glad I found you…” Amy said, “You know, Jaymes only sucked my dick once, and I had to get him really drunk. He never let me fuck him either. ”
I was a little surprised at this.

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   Jaymes had been Amy’s boyfriend before he gone away to college that fall. I asked, “How did you get off then? I mean, if he never sucked you, and didn’t let you fuck him, did you guys have sex very much?”
“Well,” as Amy began speaking I felt breath on my cock and realized Karissa had gotten bored with the conversation and decided to busy herself. I felt Karissa bring my dick into her warm mouth as Amy continued. “We did fool around a lot, usually he would have me suck his dick for a while, then he fucked my ass until he was almost ready to cum, then I would finish him. Sometimes after he came, he would give me a handjob, but most of the time he would kiss me or play with my boobs while I jacked off. He always made sure he got off first though. Except for once, he had me jack off and cum in a glass. Then while he was fucking me he poured my cum all over my boobs and had me give myself a cum-covered tit massage. ” She paused and then addressed her sister, “Karissa, when he cums don’t swallow all of it, save me some. ” She responded with a muffled “mmm-hmm” before Amy went on, “Anyway, enough about him…I’m just happy I found a guy who not only sucks me off, but swallows my cum!”
Amy continued to giggle as I tossed my head back and enjoyed the sensation of my cock in Karissa’s mouth. “She’s good isn’t she?” I opened my mouth to answer Amy’s question but before I could she continued, “Wait Karissa, I’ve gotta better idea. You’ve got to let him fuck you…her pussy is so tight, it’s unbelievable. ” Karissa let my dick slip from her mouth and rose to her feet. She walked over to the couch and laid down with her legs spread. I hurried over and got between those muscular tan legs, reached down, grabbed her ass, and lifted her pelvis up off the couch cushion, level with my cock.

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   Amy was standing beside the couch and spread Karissa's pussy lips for me. I pressed the head of my member up against Karissa's opening, it was so wet and so hot I almost felt like I could blow my load then. I pushed forward with my pelvis and I began entering her. Amy was right, I had never felt a pussy so tight before. I pushed until I was about 1/3 of the way in, then I withdrew a bit and pushed back in, deeper this time. I continued like this until my cock was inserted to the hilt every time I went in. At this point I began thrusting harder and faster. As I increased my speed and force Karissa started to get more into it. “Pound her, just pound the slut. I want you to fuck my little sister harder,” Amy had long since removed her hands from Karissa’s pussy and was providing verbal encouragement.
Amy stepped up onto the couch with a leg on either side of her sister facing me. She inched closer to me, her cock bobbing in front of me was too enticing to pass up. I stretched my neck out so my extended tongue could reach her wonderful dick. I licked Amy’s cock-head while I fucked Karissa. Amy moved closer, I was then able to start sucking her properly.

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   I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensational feelings I was experiencing as my cock slid in and out of Karissa’s pussy and her sister fucked my face. I felt Amy’s cock as it filled my mouth and pushed down my throat when she would thrust forward. After several minutes, Karissa started breathing harder and moaning as her orgasm built. When she finally came she was almost screaming. The friction of the blonde’s pussy combined with her brunette sister’s cock was like heaven, but when Karissa’s pussy started to spasm I wished it would never end. The pleasure was too much though, and I felt myself getting ready to cum. I attempted to pull my head away from Amy’s cock to tell them I was close, but Amy had her hands on the back of my head and refused to let her dick leave my mouth.
Luckily for me, Karissa had become over sensitive after cumming and panted, “Amy…let him go…I can’t take any…more of this…” Amy released my head and withdrew her penis from my mouth. I slid my cock out of the tight pussy that I had been so enjoying and told them I was about to cum. Karissa immediately whirled around and engulfed my dick, trying to suck the cum right out. It didn’t take very long. I shot 2 or 3 shots in her mouth before she pulled it out and positioned it so that the next 3 or 4 shots landed on her face. She sucked the rest from my member and gathered all that she had collected in her mouth and gathered it on her tongue, which she stuck out for Amy and I to see. She drew her tongue back inside her mouth and swallowed. Amy sat beside Karissa on the couch and began licking and slurping the rest of my cum of her sister’s face.

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I just sat and watched as the two sisters shared my cum and kissed. I was spent, and I knew I couldn’t go much longer. But Karissa and I had came twice, and Amy only had once, I knew that my work was not done. I turned my head from the beautiful sight before me to check the time, it was now 3:45 am. I was looking forward to the rest of the day.



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