
Dark Tails: Penny


He smiled at her "Well this is a pleasant surprise. " He had a rich deep voice. Penny smiled in return "I was just thinking the same thing" She ignored her conscience, which called her a liar and that what she was really thinking was 'Did he have a girlfriend?'"I might even get back in time for Eastenders" She was more than willing to keep the conversation going. "Snap!""You watch Eastenders?" She asked in amazement. "GOOD GOD NO! There's a match on ITV""I knew it was too good to be true!""Oh I can be persuaded away from a match if the distraction. . . merits it. " There was a definite twinkle in his eyePenny put on an air of coyness and raised her voice a few octaves. "Are you trying to hit on me?""Was that an invitation to try?" Damn that twinkle was annoyingly cute. "I wouldn't want to offend your girlfriend""Ah yes, the fishing for information on a potential rival. "Penny Blushed. "Its okay frauline. The playing field is sadly empty at the moment. ""Sorry""For what?""It was rather inept and about as subtle as a blow to the head""Oh don't worry. I don't mind being abused by beautiful women.

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  "She laughed, "Okay, okay. I said I was sorry. ""So what are you doing tonight?""Woa! I'm sorry but not that sorry. Well maybe. What about your football match?""What about Eastenders?"She laughed again "Touché"Silence descended between them as they stared at each other. His gaze was burning her up inside. She spoke again in an effort to take her mind off the heat coursing through her. "So where do you intend on taking me. " She felt herself blush deeper-god dam it would her body stop acting like that of a thirteen year old "If I was to accept, of course" she added hastily"Of course. I was thinking of a pub""A Pub?""Yes. That way if you turn out to be poor company, I wont miss much of the match. ""Aargh!" She snatched up a discarded Irn-Bru can and threw it at him. Only it turned out not to be completely empty. She watched horrified, as rivulets of liquid ran down his face. He looked down at the orange pool on the table then met her gaze.

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  "I'm sorry," she whispered "So sorry. " People in the carriage were staring at her. She wanted to burst into tears. "Well" he said rather matter of factly "I think you definitely owe me a date now. But only if you swear that you will not throw more drinks at me. For a start it's a waste. ""No I wont. I promise" Her reply was quiet, humble. "I'll hold you to that. I've got good lawyers. ""I can't believe I did that""You can't believe you did that? You're not the one sitting there covered in Irn-Bru. Wouldn't have been so bad if I actually liked the bloody stuff. " He smiled to show that no harm or offence had been taken. "I hope it does not stain your shirt""Tha. .

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  . "Just then the carriage lurched, followed by a continuous, aggressive vibration. "What on Earth?" She asked. "Great" She looked at him in askance "We've derailed. Looks like were both going to miss TV tonight. " He supplied in response to her look. Penny looked around the carriage. She wondered if her face had the expression of nervous worry that everyone else seemed to have. Suddenly her stomach twisted and she felt disorientated. She looked out the window to re-orientate her internal horizon. Something about their forward motion was not right. She could even see the carriages in front. Then the reason dawned on her. The derailed wheels were steering the carriage away from the track. They were still going forward, but going right at the same time.

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   It was a most peculiar sensation. She looked further up the line. "Oh my God!" She was surprised that her voice did not quaver. He looked at her pale face then turned in his seat and looked in the direction of her gaze. "Oh no. "They both watched in silence, as the station got closer. The carriage continued to swing further away from the rails. The train was not scheduled to stop. Helpless they watched, as the station got closer. The platforms, crowded with commuters waiting to get home. Panic spread amongst the awaiting crowds as they saw the carriage swing slowly, almost gracefully away from the rails. People, old and young were pushed into the path of the approaching express as those behind tried to flee. The line in front, full of panicked people was the first indication to the driver that some thing was seriously amiss. He pulled on every brake and emergency device but could only watch as the train entered the station at over sixty miles an hour. The people on the line no more hindrance to the train's progress as a fly was to a windscreen.

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  Penny's mouth was dry. She had no breath to scream as the platform and its doomed occupants got closer. Could only watch helplessly as the distance closed and the terror was visible on their faces. She tried to close her eyes but could not. The train slid broad side up the station platform, sweeping all from its path. Penny found herself floating up out of her seat, as if she was in space. As she soared gently through the air she watched as the other passengers equally gracefully left their seats. She watched as the old woman she had let on first, collided with then bounced off the wall. Others were bouncing off chairs, tables, and loose luggage. Her mind likened it to bizarre human form of pinball. She felt herself collide against something. A little voice spoke in her mind that she would feel that later. She watched as the bulkhead approached her, seeming to speed up the closer she got to it. She was definitely going to feel this later. Penny and the bulkhead became one for a moment then she lapsed gratefully into darkness.

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  She had a strange dream. She could feel tiny droplets land on her face. Was it Irn-Bru? It certainly felt sticky. Why Irn-Bru? Her body was afire. Was she still aroused? A train. What had a train got to do with anything? She was confused. Nothing was making sense. Why did she want to be sick? She desperately wanted to pee. And would someone stop that bloody woman screaming. She tried to open her eyes but could not, the light hurt. She tried to roll over, away from the light, but her body refused to move. Darkness took her. She remembered. Train. Derailment.

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   Station. Floating. Pain. Oh god, the pain!She opened her eyes. Could only see grey. Was she dead? In heaven? Hell? Or someplace in between? Her eyes slowly, painfully focused. Everything hurt. She looked without seeing. Did she lapse back into darkness or was she still awake? Why could she not think? Why was it so hard to concentrate? Why was that woman still screaming?A moment of clarity floated by. It was the carriage roof. She was outside the train, looking at the roof. Had some one carried her out? Why so many questions? Where were all the answers?She saw movement out the corner of her vision. A face, blurry came into view. She wanted to laugh, tried to, but she hurt so much. It was the Irn-Bru man.

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   What was his name? More questions. Did she know his Name?"Thank Christ I found you. "She tried to speak but only a gurgle issued from her lips. What was that stringy substance on her face? It tasted horrible. "Shhh. . . Don't try to speak. "She watched him look her all over, all to aware that she had pissed herself. "What a mess. "She was indignant. How come he had come through with hardly a scratch? A little bit of dust in the hair, a smudge on the cheek another stain on his shirt. That combined, only served to make him more rugged, more handsome? Why the bloody hell was she sizing up a bloke when she was on deaths door?Would the pain ever stop? At least that woman had stopped screaming. Maybe someone had hit her over the head with a brick, or maybe a train. She tried to laugh but it just made the pain worse.

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  She coughed up something. She had no energy to spit. She let it slide from the corner of her mouth. Mr annoyingly handsome-walks from crashes without a scratch-and still looks better, tenderly wiped the corner of her mouth. That served to annoy her even more. Any other day she would have given her right hand to be waited on hand and foot like this. It took the piss. Piss. Why had she emptied her bladder? Wasn't the humiliation enough? Why was she back to questions?"Its all right, help is on the way. "She finally found her voice"It's not if I'm going anywhere""Shh don't strain. Do you hurt anywhere?"She tried to put on an expression of incredulity, and failed "You taking the piss?" Piss again, why did she always come back to bladder control?"All right, is there anyplace you DON'T hurt?""No""Well that narrows it down some what. Do you reckon they'll fine you for trespass on the tracks?""WHAT? You're a right barrel of laughs Mr Irn-Bru man""Mr What?""Oh sorry, you never gave me your name. ""Colin""Colin? I'm being comforted by a Colin?""What's wrong with Colin?""Couldn't you have thought of something more, I don't know, macho?""Macho? Colin is my name, if you don't like it Miss -I think I'll have a sleep on a sleeper, then tough" He paused as if waiting for something. She re-ran the conversation through her head to find what he was waiting for. "Penny.

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   My names Penny. " She wanted to pee again. "And any jokes about spending one, and I'll kill you""Got to catch me first!""Oh, ha ha""Listen, help will be here shortly. Hang on, okay. You still owe me a night out. ""Why? Where are you going?""Other people need help. You'll be fine, others wont leave me. Please. ""I must. Be strong"With that he was gone. Suddenly she was alone. Alone and scared. She felt cold. The pain that she had somehow forgot about, returned. Returned with a vengeance.


  She cried out in pain and loss"OVER HERE!" she heard someone shoutShe felt someone approach"Colin?"A figure dressed in green stepped into view. "No, my name is Pete, and yours is?""Penny""Nice to meet you Penny. Different circumstances would have been better, but hey! Can't have everything. ""Hi, my names Joely. " Another figure dressed in green appeared at her other side "Do you hurt anywhere?"She laughed at the question. The two paramedics exchanged glances. Pete lent over her and shone a small Maglite into her eyes. "Do you feel cold?" he asked. "Very. "Again that glance. Joely rummaged in a bag at her side, Pete in a bag at his. Joely ripped the packaging off something and shook her arms. Sunlight glinted off the silver of the emergency blanket. She quickly, with experience covered her with it. Pete was still fiddling with something.

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   He cast his eye about, saw something and dragged it closer. Pete lent over her again "You'll feel a slight prick in your arm. Its nothing to worry about. ""I feel a prick lying here. "Joely stifled a laugh"That's good that you still have some humour left. There that's it done"Penny hadn't felt a thing, apart from the continual pain. " I feel tired. "Again that glanceJoely moved closer to her head. "Don't go to sleep on us Penny. We need you awake. Keep talking to us Penny. Penny are you listening?""Yes""Can we move her?""No her legs are trapped under the was that you were taking about when we got here?""Colin. He kept me company till you arrived. ""Is Colin hurt?""No. He seemed all right.

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  ""Joe can you get her head"Pete appeared again. "Right Penny we are going to lift your head slightly, then slide this awesome fashion accessory around your neck. It might hurt but we need you to move as little as possible, okay""Okay""Right here we go""FUCKING HELL!""There that's it"As she regained her breath and composure she heard the sounds of Velcro straps. "That's not too tight, is it?"Penny found it hard to talk as her chin was thrust back "Can't move my neck. ""That's the general idea"The face of Joely swam back into view. " I'm afraid we are going to have to do some horrible things to your clothes. " She brought up a latex covered hand holding a wicked looking pair of scissors. "Its all right, I need a good excuse to get some more. ""You need an excuse?"Joely threw something at Pete. "Don't mind him. ""Do you still feel cold?""Not as badly, I'm just more tired""So where's Colin?"Where is Colin? Who is Colin? She was finding it hard to think. The pain had subdued to just a dull throb. They must have given her a painkiller. Damn good it was too. "Shit! Were loosing her.

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   Come on Penny, fight it. Come on Pennnnyyyy. Don't give in. "Was that somebody calling her? She fought against the blackness. "Are you still with us Penny?""Yes""Don't do that. You gave us a fright""Why?"She looked at their faces, gone was the jovial bedside manner. Replaced by something else. Fear? Failure?Joely let out a sharp intake of breath. "What?" She fearfully asked. "Nothing. Just broke a fingernail, that's all. So where did Colin go?"Penny thought back to those glances, the sleepiness, and the blackness, why they tried to keep her mind occupied. She was dying. The blow hit her harder than the train had. Fear induced adrenaline coursed through her veins.

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   She did not want to die. She couldn't die. She was too young. The adrenaline cleared the darkness but brought the pain back. "Pete?""Yes""Can I have some more of that painkiller?""Painkiller? I never. . . " Joely coughed loudly. "Oh, yes. Sure. Hang on a minute. " He fumbled at her side. "There. Is that better?""Yes. Thank you.

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  "Pete stopped rustling his paramedic bag and bent back to the task of stopping her blood flow. "So. You still haven't told us about Colin""He was here till you arrived. You must have just missed him. He said that he had to go help others. ""But he stayed with you till we arrived?""Yes, he wouldn't let me sleep either. ""It must make you proud to have a boyfriend like that. Willing to put others first. ""He's not my boyfriend. ""Maybe you should reconsider your status. You would not believe how many people we had to fight through that thought their cuts or bruises were serious or life threatening. Very few of them thought about the proper casualties""Like me?""Like you. I bet even fewer of them thought about going back to help. Its people like Colin who saves lives, just by keeping people strong till we arrive. Most fatalities happen in the first few minutes.

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   The longer you keep someone alive the greater his or her chance at living is. It's why paramedics like Joe and myself exist. Another figure joined them. It kneeled to look at her waist. 'DOCTOR' was printed across the back of the fluorescent jacket in letters as big as the jacket would allow. Pete appeared above her again "I need to leave you now, but I leave you in the capable hands of Joe and Dr. . . ""Call me Andy" came the distorted voice"Joe and Dr Call me Andy" He smiled at her, then was gone. "What's this stuff?" Andy askedPenny had forgotten about the light rain"Pete thinks its either brake fluid or hydraulic oil. There must be a ruptured pipe on the train somewhere close. We've tried to shield her from most of it. "Penny thought of the sticky substance she had felt land on face and had subsequently liked from her lips. Brake fluid. Great.

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  There was the sound of movement and Pete reappeared in view. "I'm back. And guess what?""What?""I've brought some big strapping blokes with me, and this. "'This' turned out to be a mask. "Its only oxygen but it'll help clear your head"She heard a hiss and he placed the clear mask over her nose and mouth. "Breathe naturally"She did and felt the darkness recede further. There was a lot of movement around her. Fear started to build up. Pete noticed the change. "Its all right, the fireman are erecting some screens to protect you. ""Protect me?""They're going to have to cut you free. It'll get a bit noisy, and sparks will fly everywhere. But don't worry the screens will protect you from the sparks. "She heard a voice she did not recognise "Ready?"Pete winked at her and covered her ears with his hands "Go ahead" his voice muffled by his hands over her ears. She heard what sounded like a motorbike start up followed by a truly dreadful screeching.

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   Even with Pete's hands blocking her ears, the sound still cut to the bone. It was worse than fingernails on a blackboard. She had no idea how long she laid there. At some point arc lights were brought in, as night slowly fell. Eventually the noise stopped. Followed by the sound of metal being carefully moved. Call me Andy spent a long time at her legs before giving the all clear. They all clustered around her before lifting her in one well-practised movement onto the stretcher. As practised as it felt it still hurt like hell. Joely quickly changed her onto a new drip then she was carried slowly across the wreckage. Pete stepped in close "Have you ever been a helicopter?""No""You soon will be""I hope it does not crash""No chance of that. You've had ten lifetimes of bad luck already. "They walked along the bottom of an earth bank. A figure higher up the bank came in to view. Dressed in a black cloak with the hood up.

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   Penny thought it was Death, but the downdraft of a circling helicopter swept the hood back. What she had first thought was a skull was only a pale face. It was a girl, a young girl. Penny saw the flash of a red streak in her hair. If she was injured shouldn't she seek help? She went to bring Pete's attention to her but the girl had slipped from view. The further they moved from the crash scene the stranger the sky seemed. It seemed to change colour like the ceiling in a nightclub. As the effect grew more pronounced it dawned on her what I was. The reflection from all the lights of the emergency vehicles, there must have been a lot of them. The sound of aircraft was louder nowPete spoke to her again. "We have to wait here for a minute. You know, check in, and get passports stamped, go through customs and all that. "The noise was almost deafening. "Hold on, it's our turn"She felt the firemen run then her vision was filled with the sight of rotor blades then the sky was replaced with a padded ceiling. Strangely it was a muddy green.

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   There was the sound of sliding metal on metal and a cry of pain. "How many more?""Two more stretchers and a walking wounded"Pete appeared again, this time wearing a helmet the same colour as the rest of the helicopter. It had R A F on the front with a number. The engine noise rose and Penny felt her stomach lurch much the same as it had as the train had derailed. Her fear spiralled. When they landed she was hastily loaded into the back of an ambulance for a surprisingly short ride to hospital. SEVERAL DAYS LATERGroggily she looked about her. The neck brace had been removed. A fact for which she was eternally grateful, though she still could not move. She still hurt. Hurt a lot. She could move her neck a little to the left and right but that was about it. She was still in hospital. The smell told her that. The curtain was swished aside by a criminally cheerful nurse.


  "You're awake! How do you feel?""Gejejtr" Penny moistened her lips, swallowed and tried again "Like I've been run over by a train. " She finally croaked. The nurse's cheerful mood vanished instantly. Penny watched it disappear with a certain smug satisfaction. It was petty, but god damn was it good. The nurse took some readings then departed without a word. She drifted off to sleep. She dreamed of running through long grass, the sun was high and warm. Colin ran beside her. He turned and spoke to her, but the voice was her fathers not Colin's. Her father? She slowly surfaced from her dream. She could hear her father talking to someone. It was not she. She slowly opened her eyes. Her father was talking to some one out of her vision.

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  "Dad" it came out no louder than a croak but her father's head whipped round. "PENNY!""Daaad" she wailed. He moved closer but another figure got there first. Her mother hugged her tight and Penny screamed out in agony. All she could feel was pain. Something stabbed her arm and the pain subsided. A little. She opened her eyes, her father looked down upon her, tears in his eyes. Penny could hear her mother crying hysterically the sound slowly fading away as if impaired by distance. The pain subsided a bit more so she tried speaking. "Mum?"Her father paused and swallowed before answering"They've had to sedate her. It's been a bit much more than she can cope with. She didn't mean to hurt you, but hold you in her arms is all she has wanted to do. ""Poor Mum. "The female doctor came back "We have a spare bed, we will keep her in overnight.

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   She might need to be. . . kept calm overnight. "Her father turned to the doctor " Thank you"The doctor turned to her. "And how do you feel?""Well apart from almost being crushed to death for the second time in a. . . ""Week" Her father supplied"That long?"He nodded. "Well apart from that. Lousy. Plus my legs are killing me"Her father looked to the doctor. "I'm not expecting them to be pretty. "The doctor looked at her then her father. "She's going to find out sooner or later, best be from you.

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  " With that she departed. "So I might have to wear trousers for a time, so what. "Her father took a deep breath. A very deep breath. "The surgeons couldn't save your legs. They spent days trying. ""But I can feel them. "Her father shook his head. Penny had heard of phantom limb syndrome. How people claimed that limbs still itched years after they had been lost. "How far?""Waist""Noo. . . " She felt the tears build up. LATERShe opened her eyes.

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   The curtains had been replaced with walls. "'The sleeper Awakens'. " "COLIN! Colin is that you!" He stepped into her view. She started to cry and struggled to sit up. "Easy now. You broke a couple of ribs as well, didn't they tell you that. "They had. It had been a long list and she had got bored listening to the seemingly endless list of injuries she had sustained. And that did not include the ones her mother had unwittingly given her. She thought of her legs. He must know, yet still he came. "Like it?" He waved his arm, encompassing the room. "Yes""I thought we could use a little more privacy. "We. Privacy.

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   She savoured those words. He sat on the edge of the bed. Not that there was much shortage of space she thought bitterly. "I'm surprised you came back""Are you? Modern science is amazing. They might not be able to replace your legs but that does not mean you won't be able to walk again. It will only be limited mobility and airport security is going to be a mare. But hey! You're still alive. Which is more than a lot of other people are. You might have lost a bit of weight and flesh, but you are still you. "He was the first to mention the less fortunate. She noticed a small TV mounted in the upper corner of the far wall. The standby light glowed red. She turned her gaze to the bedside cabinet. The remote lay within easy reach. "Joely and Pete stopped by, but you were asleep.

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   They left you some flowers. " He indicated a basket. There was a large number of baskets "There was some chocolates, but they never stood a chance against your mother. "Penny smiled. Her mother tended to binge on chocolate when she was distressed. "I don't mind. I got a figure to look after. ""That a girl" He bent down and slowly pressed his lips against hers. Her lips opened in invitation. The invitation was accepted. His tongue slipped in, roaming the contours inside. He slowly pulled back breaking the kiss. He slowly licked his lips. "Mmmm. Hydraulic oil, interesting lipstick.

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  ""You bastard!" she laughed, "Do you ever stop?"Colin put on an exceptionally bad Schwarzenegger voice "Penny Taylor you are coming with me. ""Oh yes?"She thought about what she had implied. The surgeons said she had suffered a lot of internal damage, they couldn't be sure. . . She had lost her legs, what about her chance of motherhood. As if sensing her sudden distress He slipped a hand under the sheets and under her gown to lie on her belly. She covered his hand with hers. He bent to kiss her again, a caress that she eagerly surrendered to. His hand made circles over her stomach, growing ever larger in diameter. Inevitably his fingertips brushed the edge of her pubic hair. She groaned but did not stop him. He moved lower, tracing the outline of her bandages, still no obstruction. He ran his fingertips through her pubic hair riding over the folds of sensitive flesh that lay beneath. Penny groaned deeply, then deeper still as Colin slipped a finger part way inside.

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   After so many days of constant pain, the pleasure was almost unbearable. In fact she had almost forgotten what pleasure was. She could not believe how quickly she spiralled towards orgasm. When it came, it was every bit as good as she desired it be. Colin continued to gently kiss her. She risked stabs of pain to raise her arms and hold him close. The future looked brighter, not as dark as she had feared. Colin stopped kissing to look at her "Well. Now we know that works. ""You bastard! I hate you. ""I Know. " He kissed her again. She responded eagerly. To her distress he broke away again "Gently. I must go""Do you have to?""You're in hospital because you're ill, don't forget that.

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   You have a lot of healing to do. I don't want you in a moment longer than you have to be because I got a bit rampant""Colin. . . ""Get some rest you really do need it. ""Are you saying I look terrible?""Not even that good!""Bastard!""I know. " He put on the exceptionally bad Schwarzenegger voice "'I'll be back'""GO. GO NOW! Or I'll put YOU in a hospital bed!""As long as I'm not in a bed next to you. . . ""Grrr" She looked for something to throw. He shut the door hastily, but quietly behind him. She watched the door, willing it to open. Tears built up in her eyes. The handle turned and the door opened.

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   Her mood soared again only to be cruelly dashed when a nurse, not Colin entered. The nurse looked at her speculatively. Penny blushed under the gaze. The nurse went through the long list of tests, comparing the results with earlier entries, she again looked at her speculatively. Penny wanted to desperately say 'No they had not been getting overly intimate' Not that she believed that the nurse would believe her. The nurse gave her a last long look before leaving. Penny felt like a schoolgirl caught behind the bike sheds with a boy. She stared at the tasteful pastel shades on the wall then the TV. She moved her gaze to the remote then back to the TV. As the doctor had said "She was going to have to find out some time"She pressed the red button. The screen blinked into life. At first she did not recognise what she was looking at. It was a street. A street empty of all cars. Carpeted totally in flowers.


   Even the lampposts. It was like the Palace when Diana had died or more recently September the eleventh. The camera slowly panned along, in utter silence. Penny wept. Wept for those that had not made it. She changed channel. It was an aerial shot. Large cranes towered over what was left of the station. Two trains lay strewn across the tracks either end of the station. She had not known that there was another train. She changed channelIt was another aerial shot, this time at night. The ground was awash with multicoloured lights. The sky was equally full. She changed channel. An evening shot on the ground.

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   People were running everywhere. Dust was heavy in the air. It was chaos. People covered in blood were being led or carried to awaiting ambulances. There were not enough ambulances and people were being loaded into police cars, busses and even private cars. The scene cut to a patch of waste ground. Helicopters were landing in droves, staying only long enough to be loaded with injured before immediately taking off. No sooner had one vacated airspace than another had taken its place. It was a visible testament to the skill of the pilots that so many could operate in so small a space. She looked at the insignia. Mountain rescue in yellow, Coastguard in blue, Navy in grey, Army and RAF in green. She wondered if she watched herself being loaded. The scene cut again to another patch of waste ground. The camera did not pan though it shook a little as though the cameraman was having trouble keeping it steady. The ground was covered in blankets and sheets, each covering a shape.

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   There were a lot of blankets. Even as she watched, the number grew. She wept again. The nurse found her early the next morning red eyed and still awake, watching the television. She gently took the remote, switched off the TV and administered a mild sedative. LATERShe was restless Colin had not visited her since that night. She longed for his presence, his comforting touch. She remembered what Pete had said about "Re-considering her status" She was going to marry him, sod that tradition of waiting for the male to propose. He was going down that aisle with her even if she had to drag him down it kicking and screaming. Her father entered the room. She was disappointed; she had hoped that it would be Colin. "Why the long face?"She shrugged. "I was hoping it was Colin"Her father Took a deep breath "Its about Colin I want to speak to you about"Penny gave him a puzzled look. Her father ploughed on. "We didn't like to say until we were sure.

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  ""What?"He steeled himself "Colin died instantly in the train crash. ""no. He was here the other night. ""His body was confirmed at the site by relatives. We studied the CCTV camera footage on both stations. You were the only one to survive from that carriage. A working camera showed that you were alone till Pete and Joely arrived on the scene. ""But he was here. "He shook his head "We checked the hospitals CCTV. There is a camera outside your room. Neither he or any one resembling him entered. ""No I can't be. NNNOOOOO. . .

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Luscious escort girls from best agencies in Rotterdam

When coming to Rotterdam - the second largest place in the Netherlands, you may be single. Best escort girls of this incredible European town will be happy to meet you and make you happy. Adorable stunners are well-trained and really know how to spend time with their clients. Thoughtful hotties with good manners can make your day bright and full of positive impressions. Also, they can make your night noisy and joyful. What can be better than wonderful massage by a talented tabby? If you need satisfaction, Rotterdam escorts are the best option for you!

Using our website you will find profiles of all lovelies. We provide high-quality pics and detailed description of each model. You can find out everything from boobs size to preferences. Voluptuous cougars and petite misses can be found in long list of bimbos. All of them are attractive and intelligent. Everyone dreams of a date with Netherland babe. You will regret later if lose such chance now. Let us know if you are interested via phone call or mail. Our customer service works non-stop. eskort sex is exactly what you need for good time-spending and absolute satisfaction. If you are a person, you should enjoy the company of perfect madwoman. Don’t lose your chance of having fun with Dutch call girls in Rotterdam.

Here you will be serviced by first-class escort services of Rotterdam

Our website shares information about the hottest escorts in the Rotterdam. Only here you can choose professional escort models of high level. Their beauty and sexuality are indisputable. You can live unforgettable hours or days with fantastic damsel. Does not matter the reason why you come to the Netherlands. A official journey can become amazing if you will be escorted by a gorgeous lady. A touristic tour with gentle doll will bring you more emotions comparing with walking alone. We promise you the best time in your life! Talented call girls look like goddesses. They wear fashionable outfits and hot lingerie only. Each babe knows how to tease you and make all your personal wishes come true. Their skills are incredible!If you want to have a delightful night after touristic tour over the Rotterdam, contact us immediately. The Cube Houses, and Museum Boymans-van Beuningen are very exciting but you can get even more emotions and thrills thanks to enticing sexy escort models.Just one click and you will choose a curious girl for next night! Don’t waste your time and take the initiative in your hands. It was never so easy to choose and date a bombshell like it is in our agency. Our customer support can answer all questions and assist with choosing a babe who will satisfy your every need.

Look at Belgium from a different perspective with help of Escorte filles Renaix

Belgium is a hometown for premium chocolate with more than 700 tonnes of chocolate being sold on annual basis in its International airport. Moreover, Belgium has a interesting history with a astounding architecture and also sundry culture, which entice tourists from different parts the world. When it comes to parties, a Belgium is most definitely the life of the party with Tomorrowland being the host of the best electronic parties in the world. However, you will be surprised to uncover that Belgium has way more to provide to those, who dare to go out and search. Get ready to coddle yourself with something arousing. Welcome to the thrilling world of ! Could you ever think of attending all the most well-known parties together with arousing hottie? They can also make you a good company while you visit different museums, as well as grand dinners, exclusive fashion shows, famous exhibitions and others. Get ready to become the very centre of everybody’s attention, because those chicks from Escort Girls Antwerp definitely know what all the men wish for. Escorts in Bergen is your trustworthy companion in the world of lust. Only here you can finally make all your secret dreams come true.

What to Expect from Escort Aalst ?

Each and every chick of ours are high-class performers when it comes to sex and have impressive skills that will leave your speechless. Feel free to navigate through photo galleries in order to have a look at those voluptuous body curves and beautiful faces, which our ladies don’t mind exposing at all.

Apart from impressive escort services during the day time, our charming escort cuties can undoubtedly provide unforgettable escort at night, when no one sees you. My word, you could never imagine such an amazing lechery.
Charming hotties from Escort Girls Sint-Martens-Latem originate from diversified countries. Hence, you are welcome to pick from America, Europe, Asia, Middle East Countries, Africa, Latin Countries and many others. Just specify your interest and we will take care of the rest. Register your personal information in the registration form and you will be granted with direct access to our catalogues of escort beauties. You can customize your search with help of different categories. Feel free to pick standard, VIP, diamond and other categories of escort services depending on your budget.

Things You Can Enjoy at Escort Escorte filles Mons

Escort ladies have a great experience in providing top satisfaction to men regardless of their age, race or anything else. They definitely possess the right skills to make you remember that night forever. So, you can select from oral sex, escort massage, cosplays, sex games with diversified toys, butt-fucking, handjobs, orgy, pissing, roleplay, BDSM and many others. Those filthy beauties are here to please you as long as you can take it. Hence, don’t hesitate join Escort Dames Kortrijk and discover this country from an absolutely different perspective.

Call girls Knoxville - USA escorts, how to find them

Either you are ready for a a trip to the United States or you already live there, finding the best escort services in your town, or state, should be a pleasant action, spiced with a lot of desire. Specially created for those who are aiming to spend dates in a classy environment, the escort service is now a universal niche for millions and thousands of guys. In the States alone, there are over than 1 million babes on duty to see and date with you, and you only need a simple click on the next article to better understand how it functions and where can you find call girls Knoxville.

Free hook ups or paid ones

No matter the cause, either you are on a official trip or in city break, looking for somebody to stay with you and offer you hot intimate moments should be your number one priority, if you feel alone or bored. USA Knoxville escort are widely spread and very notorious. They offer vast features and come with a big number of girls. From teens set to have fun with you, to MILFs seeking somebody to make them feel special and have fun with. If you intend to access the Knoxville escort services, make sure you select your model in accordance to your wishes. There are free dates and paid ones. You must decide which type of Knoxville escort services you will choose. Depending on that, the costs will be low or expensive.

What type of services do these escorts in Knoxville offer?

From elegant dinner dates to adult activities, these models can provide you almost any type of satisfaction you desire. Either you are a guy who loves talking with ladies and spending time with them, or you are the type of guy who adores to get right to the action, escorts Knoxville can provide you anything you wish as long as you are generous with them. Spice up your business travel or even your city break next to these classy ladies. They come from all over the world, and they can surely keep you up all night with their dedication and lust. Find the best model and you will be offered with the most sexy and addictive experience in your life. Not to mention that all escorts at call girls Knoxville are experienced ones. That means they know how to dazzle you and how to stimulate you, no matter your demands or desires.

Reasons to choose the escort Knoxville

1. These models are skilled ones. They know how this thing is functioning, and they sure know how to keep you happy.
2. Protection and cleanliness are the most valuable rules at escort Knoxville. These ladies will always assure you will feel comfortable in their company. They will do everything it takes to make you feel good and feel happy.
3. Closeness is also a top rule at escorts Knoxville . Your private info, your desires, your kinks and basically everything connected to you and your experience with the girls, all these will always be locked and out of the reach of third parties. You can trust that accessing Knoxville escort services will be the best decision, and no matter what, your own information will be secured in place.


When it comes to ladies in Knoxville, our service is the number one option. You have all the motives to visit and date our chicks. They are classy, well educated, of various ages and races, highly into having a great time and most of all, very naughty. Check them out and seek the one you adore the most, to make your vacation or your work trip a truly memorable escapade.

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Do not be shy to visit our shemale ladies, because they are ready to demonstrate their stunning body shapes at once. It is obvious that you will undoubtedly feel great excitement, since it is merely unbearable to stay relaxed around this lechery. Moreover our fascinating shemale ladies are really agile and will amaze you with their five-star escort services too. Find more details at Shemale Escort Europe website and get complete access to stunning pleasures of Ts Escort.
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