
Learning To Love American Lit II


I woke early and had to rid myself of the steel-like hardon I was sporting. I jumped in the shower, rubbed one out and slid into some jeans shorts, a T, my grass cutting sneakers and headed for Mrs. Wicks after I called to make sure she still wanted me to come over and cut the grass today. She answered, "I knew it would be you William. Of course I'm ready for you. Come on over. " I headed out at a fast walk. My anticipation was showing,. I can't recall being excited by grass this much since the last wave of Colombian came through town about6 or 8 weeks ago.

I reached Mrs. Wicks' stoop and before I could ring the bell she opened the door. I nearly fainted at the sight. Mrs. Wicks was modestly attired, but still shockingly so considering the way I usually saw her dressed. She was wearing tight shorts - not too short, but still showing tons and tons of leg, a tight white wife beater, a bra that had five hooks in the back and her black hair was in a bun on the back of her head. I could hardly swallow, much less speak.

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"Morning William," she smiled. "Morning Mrs. Wicks," I choked out. "I already got the mower out of the back garage and put some gas in it for ya, so cut to your heart's delight!" I went out through the kitchen and into the back yard. I cut the back yard, emptied the clippings into a compost pile she had going, then cut the front yard. When I finished the grass I cleaned the mower, returned it to the detached garage in the back and then I grabbed a shovel from the hooks on the wall and went to stirring up her compost heap.

"That was quick William," she exclaimed, coming out into the back yard. "And now you're mixing my compost? You're spoiling me. " "Job security, Mrs Wicks," was all I could muster. I watched as she crossed the yard toward me. Everything that should jiggle was busy at it. I tried not to stare but I was failing badly. "Come on the porch William. It's hot in the Sun. Look at you!" she exclaimed.

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   "You've worked up quite a sweat. " She took the shovel from me and led me by the hand up the porch steps. I was 12 inches from her swaying hips and ample ass as she led me up the stairs. I could smell her perfume again and it was intoxicating.

She released me and said "Sit down William. Here, I made some sweet tea. Do you like tea?" "Absolutely I do," and took the glass from her. Our fingertips brushed and she smiled at me. "Do you like doing odd jobs and such?" she asked. "Sure, but I am not too well trained in anything all that important. I can clean your gutters, rake leaves and stuff, but I'm not too much in the repair department. " "That's what I mean, sort of a handyman for an old school marm widow?" she asked, a devilish sort of grin in her eyes. "Sure, I can do that kind of stuff for ya if you'd like. " "I would like that," she replied.

"Excuse me for a moment William, do you mind?" "No Ma'am, I better get going anyway," I answered fearing I might wear out my welcome.

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   "No William, I didn't mean for you to leave. I just have to do something. Sit and relax and cool off some. I'll be right back. " She disappeared into the darkened kitchen and around the corner into the front rooms. I sat and sipped my tea nervously. She returned in about 5 or 6 minutes. Something was different but I could not put my finger on what it was. I guess it was more demeanor than anything physical. "I have a job for you William," she sort of huskily whispered.

"Yes Ma'am, if I can do it I will," I spat back out of fear, why I don't know. I guess I was afraid of myself. I wanted to pounce on her, and I was terribly afraid my desire was showing a little too much. I could see it now . .

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   . I jumped her, she screamed, call the cops, I go to jail, get kicked out of school . . . . the possibilities were numerous and none of them were good for me, other than however long I could fondle my way to Heaven before a long jail term.

"You look nervous William. Are you alright?" "Yes Ma'am, I'm great!" "Good," she replied. "I don't really know how to say this but it sort of feels as if you and I are making some sort of emotional connection William. Am I wrong?"

I looked at her then away. I began to feel faint out of fear and excitement. I figured I would get the "It's natural for young men to look at women . . . " speech and then I would head home with my tail tucked firmly between my legs, but I was oh, so wrong.


   "No Mrs Wicks, you're not wrong. I am embarrassed though. I am so sorry. I just kinda got attached to you over these 5 or 6 months," I whimpered. "I didn't mean to be inappropriate. You are a very hot woman,Mrs. Wicks. " By now I was about to cry. I was so confused. I knew my thoughts were uncalled for, but damn, this was a real live woman. An older woman by a lot, but damn, she made all my senses tingle.

She took my hand in both of hers and asked if I was as mature as I was intelligent. I told her I wasn't sure, but I could sure try to be. She stood up and led me into the house. She closed the kitchen door, locked it and turned to me.


   "William, I don't really know how to go on from here. I have never in my life done anything like this, but . . . . " and she leaned forward and kissed me in the cool, dark kitchen.

It was scary and exhilarating. Her tongue brushed my lips and I opened my mouth and we kissed more passionately than I had ever kissed a girl in my entire young life. I had had sex with a bunch of girls, but all of them my own age or so. Mrs. Wicks, I later found out, was 57 years old.

My cock instantly rose to the occasion and she pulled my hips close to her. "You're a very passionate kisser," she whispered and kissed me again. Her hips gently ground against me. I was in heat and terrified all at the same time.

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   "Relax William," she cooed and led me by the hand into the interior of her home. We went into her small family room and she sat on the corner of the couch and patted the seat next to her. "Sit with me. " I sat and she looked me dead in the eyes.

"So you want this William?" "Oh God yes Mrs. Wicks, I . . . " she took her fingertip and put it to her lips in the "shhhh" sign. I gulped hard as she went on. "My name in private is Margaret, but friends call me Madge, and you're my friend. Please call me Madge, okay?" "Sure Madge. That's a neat name. "Thank you William. Do you prefer to be called William or Bill, Billy, Will, what do you like?" "Actually, I like it when you call me William, Mrs.

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   Wicks . . . I mean Madge," I smiled. "Yeah, I like William too. It's a noble and strong name for a noble and strong young man, and a remarkably good looking young man at that. " I blushed. "You're very cute when ya do that, you know . . . blush, I mean. " She kissed me on the tip of my nose.

"Do you mind if we just sit and talk some William?" she asked, a doe look in her eyes. "Talking is fine," I sighed, confused, horny, wanting to leap on her and dispense nearly 6 months of fantasy in her, yet halted - for the moment or forever I had no idea.

"I want to chat with you William.

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   First, I want you to know I have never had any sort of relationship with a student - NEVER! But as I got to know you these last few months I found myself growing attracted to your intelligence, your respectful manners and your warmth. " I started to reply and thank her but she headed me off and continued. "I am as new at this as you are, but i know I want this, but you see, if anyone ever found out - your friends included - it would ruin me, as well as find me jobless and maybe in jail, as you are not even 18 yet . . . " I looked her in the eye and interrupted "I am almost!" She smiled broadly and rubbed my hand. "I know William, but still, I am old enough to be your grandmother. How old do you think I am? I am 57 years old. "

"Really?" I exclaimed. "You sure are more beautiful than any other woman anywhere near your age," I sputtered. "Does my age bother you William?" I looked at her cockeyed and said "Bother me? Heck no! It really turns me on!"

"That's what I am sort of afraid of William. Oft times younger men think about mature women but it is fleeting. I do not want to damage you in any way and I certainly do not want to do anything to harm myself, so naturally I am concerned about such things. There are many years between us. What would you like to get out of any further relationship?" she asked.

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"Out of a relationship?" I asked. "I want to touch you Madge. " She smiled at calling her Madge and squeezed my hand. "I want to do what men and women do" I said, embarrassed at hearing myself say it our loud. I wanted to scream I want to fuck you til I explode, but thought better of it. I soon found out I needn't have worried.

"Anything more William?" I looked into her eyes, scared as a rabbit. She smiled and encouraged me. "Go on William. Don't be afraid. We are having an adult conversation, so I expect adult thoughts from you. " That eased me and I screwed up the nerve to go on. "Madge, you are my fantasy woman. The first time I saw you I had thoughts that I should not have had. " She smiled and exclaimed "Really?" "Yep, really! You are every young man's fantasy.


  " "Oh stop William. I am a 57 year old, childless widow. I teach school and return to a somewhat solitary life of what some would call a spinster. I am no ones fantasy . . . " "Except mine!" I interjected.

"Yes, except yours, fortunate for me," she added. "Really?" It was my turn to be pleasingly shocked. "Yes William, I am lucky too. You are a strong and very sexy young man,. You are very bright, well mannered, polite and considerate. When the time comes many young ladies will be able to know that about you first hand, but in the meantime, I am here and I hope we can share that. " "Me too Madge, more than you know. " She smiled at me and said "I am sure we will.

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We talked until 5:30 when I had to leave to go home for supper. I called my Mom and told her I was cutting Mrs. Wicks' grass and she said to take my time, dinner wouldn't be until about 7:30, so I had a reprieve. I ran back into the side room and Madge smiled. "Is everything okay?" "Yep, great. Dinner won't be until 7:30, so no rush. " She motioned for me to come back and sit beside her again. Except for an occasional trip to the bathroom and her feeding us a sandwich for lunch, we'd been talking for hours.

I told her how the kids in school all talked about her that she looked like an old time burlesque dancer. She smiled at that. She told me about her husband and twin sons killed in a car accident in 1959. She was in the car too and still had a slight limp from the accident. She confided that after her children died she lost interest in life for a long time and only in the last few years had she emerged from the darkness of loneliness. She had friends and an active church life but still preferred solitude to new relationships with men. She then confided she'd been celibate since her husbands death 12 years earlier.

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I took that as no real accomplishment. I mean heck, I was celibate for 18 years before I had sex and I survived, I told her. She laughed so hard she actually cried - tears of sadness for the past and happiness for my company, humor and attention. Soon it was almost 7PM and it was dark. I said I had to go, but she said O could under three conditions.

The first was that I kissed her again like I did in the kitchen. I smiled. The second was that I return as soon as I could, which I then told her could be tomorrow morning, which she was quite happy about, and the third thing was that she would drive me home so I would not have to rush off. Then she rose and grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs to her bedroom. She showed me her King bed and asked if it looked inviting to me. Somehow I got very clever and said, "If you and i were in it together it would be very inviting. "

She then kissed me more passionately than before. I wrapped my arms around her. I slid my hands down her waist to her hips. "God that feels good," she says.

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   We kissed some more and then it was time to go. Just as we broke our embrace she looked at me and put her lips almost on mine as she hoarsely whispered, "Can ya bring that mighty steel thing that you have been teasing me with and hiding from me in your britches?"

I promised Ii would and we left. The ride to my house was too quick. I wanted to kiss her goodbye but we'd agreed to be more than appropriate in public. I got out of the car and smiled at her.

"Okay, Mrs. Wicks, I'll see you in the morning for that stuff ya wanted me to work on. " She smiled at my obviously getting the nature and gravity of the upcoming event and my remembering to call her Mrs Wicks in public.

"I can't wait William. I'll be waiting. See you then. " Then she winked at me and I swear I came in my pants! Tomorrow was going to be a whole new world for me, and if truth be told, for Madge Wicks too, but that's the future . . . .

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