
A Boring Day Gets Better – Chapter 3


This is a continuation of the previous two installments.

You can find chapter 1 here http://www. sexstoriespost. com/stories/story/160553/

and chapter 2 here http://sexstoriespost. com/stories/story/162214/

Thanks again to everyone for their votes, comments and emails. All most welcome.

stuartkgrant@yahoo. co. uk


A few weeks passed since I saw Louise, and a few weeks since I had fucked her - my best friend's mum. This was down to a couple of reasons: one being David, my best friend, as I mentioned, not really liking hanging out at his own house thus limiting opportunities to see Louise. And there was also the small matter of me now having a girlfriend.

Yep, after our wild night after meeting in the bar, me and Marie were now dating. Seemingly, my impressive performance and stamina on the night we met - unbeknown to her, due to my earlier prolonged escapades with Louise - convinced her that I was 'boyfriend' material, despite me being her 'toyboy'. That's what she called me because I was younger than her 21 years. But what she didn't know was that I was a few years younger than the age she thought I was, 19.

So I was in a relationship based on lies: lies about my age and lies about my sexual prowess.

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   I managed to the keep the age thing secret and whilst subsequent fucking sessions never quite hit the intensity - or longevity - of our first time, I must have done alright as she seemed pretty happy with what she was getting. The filthy slut couldn't get enough.

She loved using the term 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend' but we were barely that. I couldn't introduce her to anyone - friends or especially family - as my cover would be blown. And she didn't introduce me to anyone either as I think that was was a little embarrassed by me being '19'. I got the impression older men were the sort of thing her and her friends enjoyed. But this all seemed fine to her which made me think she really was a slut, a girl who just loved fucking and hadn't been in a real relationship before. But I never asked her. We never spoke about anything like that. All we spoke about was how hot we were for one another and how we couldn't wait till the next time we could fuck.

Of course, I'd met her mother, a rather hot-looking woman who knew exactly how old - or young - I was. The morning I met her, fresh from fucking her daughter, still played through my mind. Was she like Louise, a teaser who would fuck me given the chance? Surely I couldn't be this lucky? Well, I wasn't given much chance to find out over the following couple of weeks as moments alone were limited. But I can confess to thinking about her as I fucked Marie, purely because I knew she was in the next room and could hear us - especially her daughter - fucking the life out of one another. I often wondered what she did as she listened.

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Despite not having been able to introduce Marie to any of the guys, they knew I was telling the truth about my relationship with a hot older girl because a) I wasn't around as much as I used to be and b) I had some amazing pics on my phone which Marie either allowed me to take or sent to me herself when we were apart. The guys loved looking at the dozens of pics I had of her tight bald pussy. This confirmed to me that she was not really my 'girlfriend' - if she was, I'd never show her off the way I did. But show her off I did and no wonder - she knew what the camera wanted, that's for sure.


So a few weeks had passed since I'd seen Louise when the opportunity to see her again came round. David invited me, Steve and Simon to his dad's 50th birthday party at his house. The other guys weren't looking forward to it as it would be a party mostly populated with 'oldies'. I was unsure; it would be great seeing Louise again but I'd been fucking Marie almost non-stop for a few weeks now that the excitement, the drama, of my encounter with Louise had worn off a bit. Would I see her and just shrug, seeing her as an older - albeit hot - woman, as just my friend's mum? Or would all the feelings rush back again? I wasn't sure but I knew I had to go. And I knew that I couldn't bring Marie (for sooooo many reasons) so I told her I had to visit an elderly relative in hospital. Not the greatest or bravest excuse ever but I was struggling. So after a bit of convincing - which involved me telling Steve and Simon that David's parents had hot, MILF-like friends and we'd be able to drink alcohol - we all went along to the party. David, as much as I love him, is such a square sometimes and his instruction was that we turn up at seven o'clock to help set up things and make the place look busier from as early as possible. Going to a party with 'oldies' was one thing - turning up at such an un-coollyearly time was another. So being good friends, we ignored him and hung out at Steve's place, drinking a few beers before going along at closer to 10pm.

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As we arrived we could hear the music from outside. The party was certainly in full flow and it sounded pretty good from where we were. As we approached, the door opened and there stood the hostess, Louise. I could tell the other two were shocked when they saw he as they had never previously seen her dressed as she was: all in red wearing a figure-hugging wrap dress which encased and cupped her big tits amazingly. My cock went semi-stiff almost instantly; the feelings were indeed rushing back - no shrugging going on here.

"There you are boys!" she giggled, making her boobs jiggle "I didn't think you were coming!"

I could tell she'd had a few drinks which excited me even more.

"Wouldn't miss it Mrs Wilson" replied Steve as we all stepped into the house in single file, each of us receiving a hug.

"Try and cheer up grumpy chops in there will you Simon?" she giggled again as she let Simon free from their embrace. I looked up to see David looking none-too-pleased at our tardiness but at the same time looking relieved to see us.

"And how have you been Andrew?" Louise smiled as I approached for my hug "We've missed having you around" she whispered in my ear as we hugged, "and I've especially missed this" she whispered quieter still as she reached down between us and gave my cock a squeeze through my jeans. I moaned softly as it throbbed in her hand.

"Mmmmmmm" she moaned in response "Feels like someone's missed me too" she smiled as she felt my already stiff cock. She broke from our embrace and stepped back looking me up and down. I nervously looked around as this all seemed really obvious and indiscreet to me but I still managed to look her up and down too - she looked incredible. The dress hugged every curve she had, tight against her flat tummy, smooth hips, round arse and slender legs.

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   But it was the tits; I'd never really paid attention to a wrap dress before as it isn't the sort of thing girls my age would wear (Google 'wrap dress' if you want a visual picture) but here, with Louise, the way they held her massive tits just looked amazing. The v-shape they made around her neck was basically a big arrow pointing at the four inches of her cleavage. I was practically salivating.

"I'll see you later" she sang to us all as I walked away from her, not before she squeezed my arse. I was buzzing. All thoughts of Marie were gone. Louise was, once again, everything.

"Jesus Christ man!" Steve whispered, snapping me back to reality, as Simon and David went on ahead. "Did you see that? Mrs fucking Wilson? What the fuck was that? She is fucking hot!" he practically spat out, "I've never EVER seen her dress like that before. Man, what I'd do to that" he leered as Louise went off to mingle elsewhere. "Yeah" I replied knowingly, "Yeah".


The four of us grabbed beers and sat in a corner of the living room, enjoying the party, having a laugh like we always do and checking out some decent-looking older women that were guests at the party. Sadly there were no daughters of these women present so chances of hitting on anyone were non-existent. Well for the other three they were. For me, I knew I had a great chance of fucking Louise tonight but it was all about getting the chance.

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   She was constantly walking back and forth throughout the house, in and out of the living room, mingling with every guest, making sure they were enjoying themselves whilst looking like she was having a great time herself. And the whole time she was doing this, she would cast admiring, longing gazes in my direction, holding eye-contact with me, smiling a little. It was keeping my cock thick and semi-hard all night but again, to me, it all seemed to obvious. She would get caught if she kept this up. But I had to remind myself that this was what it was all about with Louise: the thrill, the risk. She obviously loved it. Our encounter a few weeks ago had seemingly unlocked some deep-rooted frustrations or desires to be more naughty, more adventurous. I really shouldn't complain, nor indeed worry as again I told myself: 'she's the one with it all to lose'. So I relaxed, tried to remain as discreet as I could, and enjoyed the attention she was giving me. And I did. It made me feel like a fucking stud, truth be told.


As the party wore on, I was beginning to wonder when - or indeed, if - the chance to fuck Louise would come. It was nearing midnight and the party was in full swing, the house was packed both upstairs and down - to me there seemed like no obvious opportunities to get my throbbing cock inside her. I had gone to the kitchen to get myself another beer when I bumped into her.

"Hello" she smiled, standing extremely close to me.

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   She was pretty tipsy now which got my mind racing: if she did those crazy thing a few weeks back sober, what would she be like under the influence?

"Hey" I replied, "Great party".

"Yeah it's ok" she shrugged "but I've been thinking about your cock all night to really care about the party".

"Is that right?" I grinned taking her hand and placing it on my crotch.

"It is" she whispered back as she rubbed it a little "But I've heard that someone else is sharing this thing with me - is that right?"

I was a little taken aback. David had told her I was seeing someone? Shit. I panicked a little then remembered that I'm the one who is in the stronger position. I tried to play it cool.

"Yeah that's right" I smiled. "Not jealous are we?" I teased her.

"Fucking right I am" she said seriously as she rubbed my stiffening cock through my jeans. "No one else is getting this cock, you understand? This cock is property of Mrs Wilson, OK?"

She looked pretty serious, admonishing me like my mum would in a very parental or school teacher-y way - minus the cock-rubbing, obviously.

"Y-yes, it is" I stammered a little, not quite the big man I thought I was, "it's all yours Mrs Wilson".

"Good boy" she smiled warmly as she let go of my cock and looked around. The kitchen was really busy, crammed full of drunken guests. She turned away from me to the back door, unlocked it quickly and opened the door slightly.

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   "Come on, this way" she whispered giggling a little, grabbing my hand and pulling me along. We slipped out of the back door, closing it behind us and stepped out into the darkness of her back garden. The light from the kitchen window cast a glow over a small part of the garden, specifically the patio area where their garden furniture - a table, two benches and two single seats - sat. It was here - inexplicably, I thought - that we headed. She tugged me along by the hand until we reached the table where she turned to me, leant back against it and pulled me close to her, our crotches grinding together.

I couldn't look at her for fear as I stared upwards. The kitchen window was right in front of us, no more than 18 feet away, and I could see the dozens of people in there, laughing and drinking. Right in front of us. This was madness.

Sensing my worry, Louise, as she unfastened my jeans whispered: "It's OK, no one can see us. It's too dark out here. Anyone looking at the window will just see reflections as it's so bright in there. " She had a point but this was just so risky. Someone could easily move closer to the window to look out. Then again, why would they want to look out to an empty pitch black garden? They could come outside but again, it's pitch black and freezing and the smokers were all being sent out to the front of the house.

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   I was starting to feel at ease, especially when I felt Louise's warm soft hand reach into my boxers and grip my cock. It may have been cold out here but my cock was as stiff as ever.

"I've missed this" Louise whispered tenderly, looking up at me as she bit down on her bottom lip and began to slowly jerk my cock, pulling it free of the confines of my underwear whilst pushing my jeans and boxers down past my arse with her other hand.

"Me too" I moaned, trying to remain quiet - something I hadn't needed to do for a few weeks - as I held her waist then run my hands up her body cupping a big tit in each hand, feeling then, squashing them, rubbing her nipples through her dress. I realised she wasn't wearing a bra as I felt them, which prompted me to reach into her dress and pull one tit out and suck it greedily. This was the first time I'd had her tit in my mouth and it was delicious, especially in comparison to Marie's much smaller tits. I sucked and slobbered on it, paying special attention to her thick hard nipples as she jerked my cock to full stiffness.

She pushed me off. "We really don't have much time. Do me right now" she grinned that naughty grin as she turned away from me and bent over the table placing her hands on it.

I reached down and slide her dress up her gorgeous firm thighs and up over her round arse up to her waist as I enjoyed the view and the realisation that she was once again pantieless. Rubbing my hand over one round firm cheek then the other I gently kicked her legs apart and bent my legs a little, moving down closer to her height that was, despite some impressive heels, a good few inches shorter than me. Cock in hand I guided it slowly into her pussy, easing in gently, savouring every inch that I felt being engulfed. In contrast to the cold air outside, Louise's pussy felt like a furnace. A sopping wet furnace.

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Memories came flooding back of the last time we were in this position as I looked up and saw our view: just as it was when I fucked her in David's room, here we were again looking through a window at an unsuspecting audience I gripped her waist firmly and began to thrust hard and fast, aware of how short our time would be here. As I fucked her good and deep, the garden table moving with every thrust, we both noticed Brian, her husband, walking into the kitchen. He looked like he was enjoying himself but also looked like he was looking for Louise; every time he spoke to someone they shrugged their shoulders then looked around them. This only emphasised to me how risky this was and how tight for time we were but it had the opposite effect on Louise. Her moaning became louder and she began to thrust back hard on me as I fucked her. This merely egged me on more as I reached round and pinched her nipple hard which made her squeal loudly, possibly too loudly. 'Thank fuck for the loud music' I thought as I yanked her gorgeous hair back and began to pump her faster and faster, slamming my rock hard cock in and out of her rapidly, our flesh slapping loudly, both of us grunting louder and louder.

"Yesssss baby boy that's it fuck me, fuck me!!!" Lousie hissed hard. "Give my naughty married pussy the fucking it deserves" she egged me on. "Your best friend's mum, old enough to be your mum and here I am letting you fuck me in my own garden while my husband is right in front of me. Look at him, the poor soul, he hasn't a clue!" she cackled as I fucked her mercilessly. This confirmed it all to me: Louise loved that I was so young and the danger element of our fucking. That, probably more than the fucking itself, got her off.

With her moans sounding wobbly as a result of the vibrations through her body my relentless fucking was causing I could feel her starting to stiffen and tense up, the moans becoming louder too. I leaned over her shoulder more, stroking her hair away from her ear and neck and whispered: "I can feel you're about to come Mrs Wilson.

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   You're gonna cum on my 18 year old cock aren't you? You can't help yourself, you're gonna gush all over this cock" I teased her as I mashed and squeezed both her tits, one still covered, the other exposed.

"Yyyyyyyyyyessssssssssss" she wailed in both response to my question and in ecstasy as I felt her orgasm overwhelm her, her body shuddering, spasming as she shrieked and arched her back, cumming so hard that her efforts to suppress it were as good as useless.

"Fuckkkkkk yes that's it you naughty old bitch" I hissed in her ear (the nasty talk with Marie was starting to have an effect) "Cum all over my cock, cum for me yessssss your pussy feels so fucking good I'm gonna cum in it now, I'm gonna flood your filthy cheating hole with young cum". And cum I did - I thrust and thrust two, three, four more times, my balls slapping hard against her, my hands on Louise's waist tightly before I began to shoot my load into her, my legs wobbling as I grunted and roared, the feeling of release was so intense. The feeling of my hot cum in her pussy pushed Louise over the edge again as she started to cum once more, leaning on her elbows on the table, gasping and panting for breath as this second orgasm crept up upon her quickly.

My thrusting slowed, my spurting becoming weaker until my last drops of cum were just oozing out in to Louise's pussy as I panted hard for breath. Louise was catching her breath too as I stepped back and pulled my slippery cock from her well-fucked pussy.

"Jesus Christ Louise" I panted "there's nothing like your pussy anywhere".

"Even better than your little girlfriend's?" she smiled back over her shoulder at me teasingly, wiggling her ass as I looked at her dripping pussy.

"Much, much better" I grinned as i pulled my boxers and jeans up, trying to stuff my semi-hard cock away.

"Good" she replied, turning to face me and lowering her dress back into position "because I want it filled again before this party is over, OK?"

"Anything you say Mrs Wilson" I grinned obediently, my cock starting to twitch again at the thought of yet more intense, hot and risky sex to come in the next couple of hours. I moved closer to her, leant down and sucked on her big still-exposed tit, greedily sucking her nipple deep into my mouth.

"Mmmmmmm that's my boy" she moaned softly, running her hand through my hair again "but we need to get back inside".

She gently pushed me off and casually tucked her tit back into her dress. But what she did next shocked me; grabbing my shirt, she pulled me close again and kissed me, deep and passionately, a long, almost loving kiss.


   She'd sucked my cock and taken my cum in her pussy twice already but this was the first she'd kissed me. It threw me a little. But it was a wonderful kiss.

She broke away and licked her lips. "See you later honey" she smiled, turned and headed to go inside. "Give it five minutes before you come back in, OK?" she said looking back over her shoulder at em as I watched her ass sway as she walked away.


Going back inside 18 minutes later I grabbed a beer and looked around for the guys. Looking at the time, I'd been gone for almost half-an-hour. Time to think of an excuse, and fast.

I spotted David. He wasn't looking pleased.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Where the fuck were you?"

"Outside. On the phone. To Marie" I lied.

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"I looked outside and couldn't see you"

"Yeah I wasn't standing right outside" I said convincingly "I walked down the street a bit, to keep warm and keep the conversation… you know… private" I winked at him. "What's with the fucking attitude anyway?" I said trying to divert away from his questioning.

"Fuck, man sorry. It's just you were gone so long Steve and Simon thought you'd split to hook up with Marie or something and they decided to leave too, and head to that bar in town. " he huffed. "I'm not allowed to leave 'cos it's my parents' party. "

I smiled. I'd gotten away with it again.

"It's cool man. I'm back now so let's get a few drinks down our necks before this party fizzles out. " I reassured him, arm round his shoulder as we headed to the fridge.


The party started to wind down from around 2am and by 3am it was as good as over. Since fucking Louise over her garden furniture in her back garden, I'd been walking round the party with a shit-eating grin on my face, downing beers and having a right good laugh with David. If he'd known I'd emptied my load into his mum's pussy earlier on in the evening I'm sure we wouldn't be having such a laugh.

Louise meanwhile had continued to mingle around the party, ensuring all guests are having a good time.

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   I don't know what she told her husband when he undoubtedly asked her where she'd been for half-an-hour while her pussy was sucking the cum from my young cock, but it had no ill-effect: they were still all smiles and as affectionate as ever with one another - the odd grope and kiss here and there whenever their paths crossed. I'm certain the feeling of my cum still deep inside her made the whole thing utterly thrilling for Louise.

But as much fun as I was having I was starting to wonder if I'd get to fuck Louise again tonight, like she had promised. I had made no movement whatsoever with regards to leaving, hoping that if I could stay over it would increase my chances with Louise. Even though we had all been drinking, of the four who now remained at the party now that the last guest had gone - Brian, Louise, David and me - only Brian and David were showing signs of real drunkenness.

"So are you staying over Andrew?" asked Louise as we all sat in the living room. She was looking at me closely, eyes darting from my face to crotch and back.

"If that's not too much trouble Mrs Wilson, that would be great" I replied smiling, feeling my cock starting to twitch again.

"Good" she smiled as she stood up, giving me another opportunity to check our her amazing body in her tight dress "I think it's time we all called it a night, right boys?"

"Oh yeah that's right Lou" slurred Brian looking up at her as he then grabbed her and pulled her down onto his lap. As she was pulled forward, facing her husband, Louise straddled him, giggling but admonishing him.

"Brian!" she teased giggling "not in front of the kids". Being referred to as one of the kids sounded naughty. I watched her ass, her dress riding a lot higher up as she was straddling Brian while David huffed: "For God's sake mum, get a room!" he whined as he got up. "See you in the morning Andy" he said as he left.

"Get a room?" laughed Brian "Sounds like an idea - what do you think Lou?"

Louise giggled some more: "OK, OK.

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   Goodness me Brian you're terrible sometimes".

She climbed off him, her dress tucked high up on her thighs, just under her arse.

"Go up to bed and I'll be right there. I need to get some pillows and a cover for Andrew to sleep with on the sofa" she ordered. Brian duly - and randily - obliged, giving her arse a good squeeze on the way by.

"See you in the morning champ" he said to me on the way out the door.

The door closed behind him and I looked at Louise. She was already looking at me smiling.

"Sorry about you having to sleep on the sofa" she smiled. "Steven is at his grandparents' but his bed is too small for you, otherwise you could have slept there. "

"I don't mind" I smiled back "This looks a real comfortable sofa. "

"It is" replied Louise. "I'll go get you some pillows and a duvet" she said before heading out the door to some cupboard somewhere.

She returned a few mins later, the items she went for gathered up in her arms. I took them from her throwing them on the sofa.

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"Is Brian waiting?" I asked.

"Goodness, no" she giggled "He's passed out completely. " She walked towards me slowly.

"And David?"

"David? Oh I don't think he's interested in me" she teased.

"I wasn't meaning…" I started before Louise stood right before me and put her finger to my lips.

"Enough of all this" she whispered as she pulled me down close and kissed me again, our tongues swirling round one another. "Take your clothes off" she whispered as she began to help me by undoing my belt and jeans again. I stepped away from her and pulled my shirt up over my head just as she then slid her hands inside my waist band and slid my boxers and jeans to the floor. My rock hard cock sprung out as I slipped my shoes and socks off with either foot and stepped out of my clothes.

Now totally naked before her, in her living room as her husband and son slept upstairs, Louise stepped back a little and looked me all over. I was completely naked for her for the first time and the sight and feeling of her looking me all over was making my cock pulse and twitch.

"My God, I don't know what I've done to deserve this" she whispered "but someone somewhere is looking out for me" she gushed almost like she couldn't believe how lucky she was. All I could think was how I felt exactly the same - how did I get so lucky?

Louise came towards me and took my cock in her hand and jerked it slowly, pulling my foreskin right back slowly but firmly. I moaned loudly and she grinned wickedly. She then led my by the cock to the sofa as we both sat on it.

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"We have more time than we usually do, but I can't stay here too long incase Brian wakes up and sees I'm missing" she said breathily as she started to pump my cock with her fist. All I could do was moan and nod as I reached out and pulled her dress down, on one shoulder then the other. Louise helped by pulling both her arms from the sleeves before leaving me with the honour of slipping the top of her dress down to reveal her amazing tits. I couldn't help but grin as they both came into view; they were perfect - so round, firm and heavy. I played with each of them with my hands, fondling, caressing, squeezing, pushing them together, lifting them up, rubbing, stroking the nipples – they were perfect. All the while, Louise was stroking my cock, giving me an amazing handjob. Gripping my cock tightly, pulling all the way back, twisting her hand a little, rubbing the underside of my cock head with her thumb, all done nice and slowly. In the silence of the room, all I could hear was both of our deep breathing as we pleasured one another, my slurping noises as I then started to suck on Louise's tits and the sound of her bracelet jangling as she jerked me, accompanied by the squelching sound of precum forming and oozing from my cock.

After a few minutes of enjoying every inch of her massive tits, Louise pushed me off. "As lovely as this is - and it is sweetie - I want this in me now" she smiled warmly giving my cock an extra-firm squeeze as she said 'this'. She gently placed a hand on my chest and pushed me back on the sofa, forcing me to then bring my legs up. As I did she straddled my knees, lifting her dress up as I lay there looking up at her. Her large tits swayed as she slid the tight dress up her smooth thighs. I reached out placing a hand on each thigh and running them up lightly as she raised her dress. Her flesh felt so soft yet so firm as my hands went round to grip her now bare arse.

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   She lifted her dress higher, up to her waist, revealing her pussy. She looked like a Goddess towering over me.

She gripped my cock again and stroked it a few times before moving further up my body, lifting herself up higher and guiding my cock to her entrance. I watched her as she guided it to where she desired it. Her tits swayed more as I felt her warm pussy lips swallow my fat head. She lifted herself up a bit higher still before then sliding down on my cock, slowly, inch by inch. She was gasping, as if the breath was being taken from her body as her eyes opened wide and she smiled - it was the same face she had in the poolside cubicle.

I groaned as her warm wet pussy engulfed my cock. She placed two hands on my chest to steady herself as she stopped gasping and let out a loud, low moan, almost a groan, guttural sounding. She stopped for a few seconds as she sat on my cock which was buried in her entirely. Her hands placed on my chest squeezed her tits together tight, making them look even bigger and her cleavage run on forever. Without even thrusting once, I was working hard not to shoot my load into Louise again just because of the sight before me.

My hands found their way to her tits again as I began to paw, fondle and squeeze them again. Smiling, Louise moved her hands from my chest to give me space to play, instead she put her hands behind her head and started to roll and rock her hips, her pussy flexing round my cock as she worked it expertly.

The silence in the room was no more as we were now both moaning, softly to start with but becoming increasingly louder.

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   Louise was now riding my cock a little faster and a little harder. It felt incredible as I then began to thrust upwards in time with her riding. Her tits were jiggling faster now as she began to really get into it. Her moaning was becoming a whole lot louder but rather than worry I just thrusted up into her harder. Sitting proudly atop a 18-year old boy, with his cock deep in her, she looked like she was having the time of her life.

Her sexy, wispy hair was tossing from side to side as she rode faster. She must have realised how loud she was becoming as she leant over me, pressing her tits against my chest firmly and kissed me deeply, muffling her moaning into my mouth as we kissed. Her hips were still bucking and rolling, faster and faster, as she worked my cock exactly how she wanted it. My hands went to her amazingly firm arse and gripped tight as it rolled and jerked around. Her pussy was squishing and squelching loudly. This was one of the best fucks on my life and all I had to do was just lay back and enjoy.

She pushed herself back upright. With her hair falling over her face as she smiled down at me she looked like the hottest woman in the world.

"How's this feeling for you honey?" she whispered, knowing the answer already.

"Fucking incredible Mrs Wilson" I groaned, running my hands up the outsides of her thighs, up her waist to her tits.

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"You love my tits don't you Andrew?" she teased again.

I nodded: "I love them Mrs Wilson" I moaned as I fondled them again some more.

"Well just for you sweetie, I'll let you fuck them sometime soon" she winked "but right now I need your cum in me again". With that, she started to ride me like a woman possessed.

She placed her hands back on my chest again and began to ride my cock faster and harder, raising herself right up until my cock almost popped out, then slamming down hard with a loud slapping noise. Over and over, faster and faster, she rode and rode my cock. I gripped her tits hard, pulling on her nipples, making her moan more and more. I looked down between us and the sight of her pussy swallowing my hard slippery cock over and over was mind-blowing.

After a few minutes Louise stopped with the hard thrusting and changed to short, sharp thrusting, like pulsing. I'd never experienced this before and the feeling of it, especially on my cock head, was knee-tremblingly good. This was it, she'd hit on the very technique that could probably make me cum in an instant. My immediate reaction told her so. She started giggling leaning over me, panting hard, swaying her boobs in my face teasing me "You like that baby?" she whispered as all I could do was grunt hard and loudly, my toes curling as I felt my orgasm building.

She went faster and faster still, her hips must have been like a blur, giggling more in my ear "Ooooooooohhh God baby that's it come on cum for mummy. She knows what you like.

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  " That was it, the mention of the word 'mummy' was the tipping point. I growled so loudly and thrust my hips hard as I shot my load up into Louise. I bucked my hips once, twice, three times, four times and more, each and every time a hard jet of hot cum shot up into my best friend's mum. She knew exactly what she was doing and loved it. Loved having me where she wanted me and loved my cum flooding her pussy.

As I panted hard catching my breath as my orgasm subsided, Louise lovingly and gently milked my cock with her pussy, leaning over and planting little kisses on my chest, neck, cheek head then lips. Her large tits swaying above me as she kissed me tenderly, her hair looking so sexy over her face which she then tucked behind her ear.

"Mmmmmmm that was the best yet" she cooed "See what happens when we have more than 18 minutes together?" It was as if she was trying to convince me to keep fucking her, that quickies weren't all that she was about. "And it was the first time I got to see your 'cum face'" she giggled. "You've fucked me so good and so hard the last few times that I thought this was the least I could do for you" she whispered, lightly kissing me all over. Was she really thanking me? Really?

She sat upright again, then eased herself off my cock which slopped out noisily, slapping semi-erect and slippery against my stomach. Louise moved down the sofa and took it in her hand and started to stroke it again lightly, her fingers struggling to grip it firmly due to it being coated in cum and pussy juice.

"I really should be going to bed" she smiled up at me "but I need this just once more". I moaned loudly as she gently stroked my throbbing sensitive cock, the feeling of her stroking and the soft, sexiness of her whispering was bringing my cock back to life again. Louise moaned in response as she felt my cock stiffening and thickening in her hand.

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"Mmmmmm wow baby that didn't take long" she smiled up at me biting her bottom lip. "My boy is really horny for mummy isn't he?"

I wasn't sure if this 'mummy' stuff was a heat of the moment thing or a secret fantasy that Louise was now revealing but it was certainly having the right effect on me. It was just so dirty, and naughty and wrong – I loved it.

Louise now had her fist wrapped round my cock as she lowered her head and sucked it into her mouth gently. My cock still not at full size yet was now being sucked and licked clean, her tongue running along my length, then swirling round my cock head, before she she stuffed the entire thing into her mouth, her nose pressed against my abs, as she sucked loudly. I could feel my cock quickly growing to full length, easing into her throat as she gagged slightly. She was a little uncomfortable with deep-throating me so pulled back a little. I was tempted to grab her hair and make her do it, start fucking her mouth and throat just as I'd do with Marie but unlike Marie, I now realised I had respect for Louise. So I just laid back and enjoyed this amazing blow job while I gently stroked her hair, moaning gently and grinding my hips a little as she lovingly sucked and licked my cock.

She pulled off after a while, wiping her mouth and chin, grinning at me. "I could do that all day" she giggled. "I wish you could" I winked. Then she climbed off the sofa and stood. I lay there for a few seconds looking at her near-naked body; her gorgeous heavy tits wobbling slightly as she moved, shining with my saliva and her beautiful, wet pussy, oozing cum.

"We're gonna do this a lot more often" she smiled.


   "I'll text you whenever I have the house to myself because I want to fuck you for hours. I want to suck your cock until it's sore. I want you to eat my pussy until I'm begging you to stop. But for now, I need you to fuck me good and hard 'cos I really need to go soon". She looked genuinely disappointed when saying she had to leave.

I stood up, my hard cock bobbing around as I approached her. "We can do all of that and more" I whispered as I leant over and kissed her softly. She moaned in response, as if she heard exactly what she wanted to hear.

"Get on the floor and spread your legs for me, mummy" I whispered in her ear. She pulled back from me with a shocked-but-delighted look on her face, obviously pleased I liked her little roleplaying.

Saying nothing more she lowered herself to the floor, laying on her back, her tits wobbling on her chest as she opened her legs obscenely wide. I smiled as I drank in the sight, stroking my cock as she looked up at me. I got down on my knees, moving between her welcoming legs and rubbed my cock along her wet slit.

"And now I'll get to see your 'cum face' mummy" I grinned as I slowly pushed my cock into her hot and sopping wet pussy. Louise moaned loudly as I slid all the way to the hilt, lifting her legs onto my shoulders to get in even deeper, tilting her body back as a result, leaving her tits jiggling.

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"You're gonna get it hard and deep and fast mummy, just what a naughty cheat like you deserves from her little boy" I growled as I gripped her legs firmly as they rested on my shoulders and slid my cock out slowly.

"Ohhhhh yessssss baby, fuck your mum good and hard. Fuck her like the naughty slut she is" she encouraged me as I pushed my cock back in, then slid back out. I quickened the pace with every hard thrust, really driving into her hard, grunting loudly as my balls slapped against her, lifting her arse off the ground as I pounded that sloppy wet pussy.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck" I grunted after every thrust, mercilessly drilling Louise's pussy, fucking her like an animal.

"Oh God. Oh God. Oh God" she moaned in response to every thrust, her tits jiggling wildly every time my cock was slammed into her. I could feel her pussy gripping my girth tight, milking my cock for the cum she craved so badly.

As I often did with Marie, I pushed Louise's legs up, pressing them against her body, her knees up next to hers shoulders which allowed me to thrust faster and deeper. She was now wailing in pleasure, seriously too loud for the situation we were in, but I loved it. My mind wandered to a scenario where Brian catches us, or even David, and imagine their reaction as I laugh in their faces and continue to fuck their wife/mother right in front of them, making her cum like never before on my cock.

Well, we weren't caught but Louise's orgasm was building quickly.

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   Almost as quickly as I was thrusting in and out of her. Pushing her legs down firmer, pinning her in place on her living room floor, I drove in and out of her faster and faster.

"Come on mummy, I can feel you tensing up" I grinned looking her right in the eye "Cum for your little boy. Cum on his cock".

Louise had been quiet for a while now, the dirty talk drying up the wetter her pussy got. She simply couldn't speak for all the moaning, groaning, wailing and whimpering she was doing. A huge orgasm was building. We both knew that.

To tip her over the edge and increase its intensity, I reached between her legs and rubbed her clit quickly. It was rock hard as I continued to pummel her. My rubbing and flicking of her clit was all it took. I could feel her orgasm building and building. I wasn't for letting up and started to fuck Louise even faster and harder, ploughing in and out of her quivering cunt as I aimed to give her the orgasm of her life. Her moaning and wailing was becoming louder and louder as her body started to stiffen. She arched her back sharply and let out what sounded like - in the quiet of the house - the loudest release of tension I'd ever heard.

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   She squealed and howled in pleasure as wave after wave of intense orgasm swept through her body. She dug hard into my back with her nails as she tossed her head from side to side. I kept pounding and pounding her through this huge orgasm, not caring that she had probably drawn blood as she was scraping her nails down my back. Both our bodies were coated in sweat as I kept ravaging her pussy, her legs pushed back hard. Her moaning was softening as the orgasm passed, but I kept fucking her as she whimpered and sighed beneath me. It was my turn to cum.

The idea of being caught had turned me on greatly but since no husband or son had appeared, even after all of Louise's noise, I figured it wouldn't happen tonight. So to make things just a little naughtier I decided that as much as I love cumin deep in Louise's pussy, I was gonna make her swallow my cum now and make her go to bed with her husband with my cum on her breath and cum oozing from her cunt.

Reluctantly, I pulled my cock free. It waved around, straight, thick and shiny with the large single vein that runs along the top of it throbbing. I heard Louise gasp in surprise and disappointment as I slid out of her freshly fucked pussy. Letting her legs down I climbed over her, straddling her incredible body. She saw me coming towards her and smiled: "Put it here" she croaked holding her tits together; her throat must have been dry from the orgasm. Wouldn't be for long I thought.

I duly obliged, wedging my slippery cock between her wonderful tits as she wrapped them around it and began to fuck her tits.

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   It felt great but the sight before me was even better. Smiling up at me was the sexiest woman I'd ever see; eyes wide, flicking her tongue out to tease my cock head, her hair wet with sweat, her massive tits wet with my precum and her pussy juice, I knew I wouldn't last much longer.

"Open up mummy" I grinned. "Taste your little boys cum before you go to bed".

She was just as turned on by the thought as I was and eagerly opened her little mouth as wide as she could. I moved up closer and stuffed my cock in nice and deep, leaning over her, supporting myself on my hands as I began to slowly fuck Louise's mouth. Her mouth was like a vacuum, sucking me hard as her tongue explored all round my throbbing shaft. A few thrusts was all I could manage.

"Fuckkkkkkkk yessss mummy yessssssss!" I roared as my balls spasmed and my cock jerked wildly, unloading torrent after torrent of hot sticky cum into her greedy mouth. Splattering deep into her mouth, straight down her throat and into her tummy, Louise moaned in delight and swallowed everything I could give her.

My thrusting slowed as my orgasm subsided. Cum now oozing from my cock rather than shooting hard, Louise tenderly sucked my softening cock, cleaning every inch of it. 'Not the sort of cleaning up a regular mother would do after her son' I thought to myself.

I reluctantly pulled free from Louise's mouth and rolled over on to the floor next to her. I glanced at the clock: it was almost 5am.

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   Our 'quickie' had lasted over 90 minutes. Louise seen me looking and knew what I was thinking: "Just as well they're both out cold up there, huh?" she winked, grinning at me. "I really mean what I said earlier. I want your number. And I want you to come over whenever I call you to fuck my brains out. You understand?" she grabbed my soft cock and waggled it.

I nodded. "Yes mummy".

She grinned - she loved hearing me say that. She got up onto her knees and climbed over me, straddling me and rubbing her pussy along my soft cock's length moaning. "I really want to get you hard again and ride this amazing cock but I really have to go" she pouted. I could feel my cock coming back to life again.

"Oh my God!" she gasped smiling as she felt it twitch and grown beneath her "God I need to go now before I lose my mind and fuck you again!" she laughed as she stood up, one leg on either side of me now. We both looked one another up and down, both loving what we see. I laid back and watched as she lowered her dress, covering her ass and pussy and lifted the top of her dress to cover her huge tits, stuffing them back in.

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   No amount of covering up was going to deflect from the obvious: she'd been well and truly fucked. It was just as well her husband was out cold drunk in bed.

"I'll see you in the morning" she whispered down at me as she stepped away from me and headed to the door. She looked back over her shoulder smiling at me,then stepped through the doorway and headed to her bedroom upstairs.

I lay on the floor exhausted, smiling to myself having just had the greatest sexual experience of my short life so far. I slowly dragged my tired body to the sofa, crawled under the duvet and fell asleep almost instantly. .



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