
Sapphic Fire


I was at home, lounging on the sofa, reading. It was storming, rain pelting down. I was contemplating going to bed when I was startled by a knock on the door. I looked through the peephole and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I opened the door and Tammy stood on the threshold. She was soaking wet. “What in the world—“ I began. Then she burst out crying. I pulled her in and looked at her. There was something about her face. It was dark looking, smudgy and streaky on one side. Then I realized what it was. There were ugly bruises on her face—a big yellowish purple one on her cheek and a grayish brown one under her eye. “Okay, first things first,” I said. “Come here and I’ll get you into something dry. You’re soaked.

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  ” I led her to the bathroom. “Now, don’t move,” I said. “I’ll get you a robe. ” I went to the bedroom, got a bathrobe, came back and gave it to her. “Okay, there’s a towel there, take off your wet clothes, dry off, and put on this robe. ” I went to the kitchen and poured two glasses of brandy and then went back to the living room and sat on the sofa. Tammy came out of the bathroom wearing my bathrobe. She patted her damp hair as she walked toward me. “Come here,” I said, “sit down here beside me and sip this. It’ll warm you up. ” She sat down and took a long slow sip of the brandy. “Now, tell me what happened. ” She looked at me and faintly smiled. “Umm, it only hurts when I smile. ” She lightly stroked her cheek.

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   “I looked in the medicine cabinet, got some ointment, put it on. The whole side of my face is bruised, I believe. ” “Your cheek and under your eye. What happened?” “My car broke down about a quarter-mile from here. Would you believe it? I hiked on to here. Unfortunately, it’s raining pretty hard, so I got soaked. ” “And what about the bruises? How’d you get them?” She took another long sip of the brandy. “Umm, this is good. I can feel it all the way in my tummy. It’s warming me up. ” She sighed. “Okay, here’s what happened. Paul and I got into an argument and he ended up bashing me. I left him. I ran out, got into the car and drove around in the rain for a while aimlessly, then I thought of you, and so, here I am.

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  ” I examined her face. “Bashing is the right word. Looks as if he hit you with his fist. ” She nodded and drained her glass. “I’ll get you another. ” I went to the kitchen and brought the brandy bottle back and set it on the coffee table. “Help yourself. ” She poured another glass. “Tell me something, Tammy. Is this the first time your husband’s hit you?” She took a swig of brandy and wagged her head. “No. He’s hit me before. I guess I’ve hidden it pretty well. The other night when I called you, he let me have it. He punched me out.

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  ” She shook her head and breathed out raggedly. “But this time…this time I split from him. I’ve left him for good. He’ll never beat me up again. Never. ” She took another big swig. She wagged her head and tears welled in her eyes. I put my arm around her shoulder and she snuggled up to me and cried. I stroked her cheek with mine and softly caressed her waist. Tears still fell from her eyes and ran down her cheeks. I kissed them away. I looked down at her and a warm fizzy feeling ran through my breasts. Tammy was twenty-two, the same age as me. She had medium-length curly light brown hair, deep brown eyes and a tawny complexion. She was big-boned and full-bodied, not chubby, just firm with a full body.

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   She was really quite pretty. I felt her cheek and neck growing warm. I felt her warm breath in my ear. I looked down at the bathrobe she wore. The top of it was loose and spread out. I could see part of her breasts. I felt the warmth growing within me, running from my breasts down to my tummy to my cunny. I caressed her cheek with mine and brushed my lips down on her neck and back up to her cheek. I moved my hand to her tummy and softly stroked it through the robe. Her cheek and neck were almost hot now, and she breathed out heavily. I felt my heart beating faster. I ran my lips over her cheek and neck, and then I slowly moved my hand up to the top of the robe, and then down to her breast. I brushed my hand around the mound, and then I palmed it and began stroking. I caressed it with the palm of my hand and rubbed the nipple with my thumb. I felt her breasts growing warmer by the second.

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   Her nipples were rigid and stuck up firm like pellets. She moved her head around, stroking my cheek with hers. Her breath was almost hot now. I briskly rubbed the breast. I could feel it swelling and growing hot. I went to the other mound and stroked it. “Umm—ohh,” she breathed out huskily. I dipped my head and ran my mouth over the breast, and then I circled in and concentrated on licking the nipple and sucking the nub. I undid the bathrobe and exposed her breasts. Her titties were the size and shape of coconuts. I went from one to the other, licking and sucking them. “Ahh—umm,” she breathed out hotly. She placed her hands on my head and brushed them around my neck and cheeks. I spread the bathrobe open. She was completely naked underneath.

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   I gently pulled her down onto the sofa and undid my robe and slid atop her. I slowly rubbed my body on hers, brushing my breasts upon hers and stroking her flanks. She wrapped her arms around me and began moving her body under mine. I slid down, running and sliding my tongue down to her navel, on down to between her thighs. I spread her legs and drew them back. Her yoni-slit was surrounded by light brown frizzy hair. I grasped her hips and sank my face down on her vulva. I brushed my lips up and down the slit and blew hotly on it. She groaned and clasped the back of my head. I slid my tongue slowly into her quim. “Ohh, ahh,” she crooned and moved her pelvis up. I swirled and flicked and jammed my tongue in her yoni. She tasted so good—like musky cinnamon. “Ooh, ahh, umm,” she breathed out, and began rotating her vulva, pressing it upon my mouth. I slid my mouth up and down and around her clit, licking the bud, and then I began sucking it with my lips.

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   She gasped and mashed her yoni upon my face and clutched my head. Without missing a lick, I moved my body, scooting it around, spreading my legs, straddling her head. I lowered myself down on her face. I felt the tip of her tongue touch my slit, and then she slid it in. A shaft of wet fire stabbed up my cunny, all the way to my breasts. My heart thudded. She jabbed her tongue in and out of my pussy, sending hot stinging barbs shooting up my channel. We thrashed and writhed and licked and sucked, sending each other over the edge—up to the peak of climax, of rapture, of orgasmic paradise. ~ ~ ~ The first thing I grew aware of when I awoke the next morning was that Tammy was not in bed with me. I quickly arose and walked through the house. I heard noises coming from the kitchen and smelled the aroma of coffee brewing. I entered the kitchen and saw Tammy at the counter pouring a cup of coffee. She looked at me and smiled. “Ready for some coffee?” she asked. “You read my mind,” I replied.

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   I noticed that she was wearing my bathrobe. For some reason, that turned me on, and I felt a warm stirring within. We sat at the kitchen table and sipped coffee. “How’s your cheek and eye this morning?” “Still sore, but the swelling seems to have stopped. I don’t think it’s going to leave any permanent marks. ” “As soon as we have breakfast, we’ll check on your car. We may need to have it towed in, or it could be that it simply flooded out last night. Also, we need to see about getting a peace warrant or restraining order taken out on your husband. ” She looked at me and nodded. “I’m going to file for divorce. ” “Good. You need to. ” “And I need to go to the house—once—to get some things. ” “No problem. I’ll take you.

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  ” She sighed and looked down. “And I guess I need to start looking for a job and a place. ” “No need for that. This is your place—as long as you want. As for a job, I’m sure I can get you one where I work. But don’t worry about that for a few days. You need a little rest and relaxation. ” She smiled and stood. “Well, at least let me fix you breakfast. What do you usually eat in the morning?” I went to her and took her in my arms. “Let’s not worry about breakfast right now. I caressed her and nuzzled her cheek and neck. Then I kissed her. I slid my tongue forward and slipped it between her lips. She opened her mouth and out tongues met.


   We shared a long hot wet kiss. We swirled and flicked our tongues as our lips pressed and pushed together. I ran my hands all over her, stroking her smooth soft rump, her hips, thighs, her warm plump breasts, silky tummy and moist little warm cunny. “Oh, Brigit,” she breathed out huskily. I undid our robes and we ground our bodies together. Our warm throbbing breasts pressed and mashed together, our erect nipples rubbed each other, our crisp crinkly pubic hair raked each other. Our warm thighs pressing together sent scorching darts shooting through my body. Our warm breath blew on each other’s cheek and in our ears. Our hearts thumped and thudded together. We gasped and panted in Sapphic passion. With one hand I clasped her head and with the other I pressed down on her shoulder. I gently directed her down to her knees. I held the back of her head, bent my knees and spread my legs, and pulled her face toward my cunny. “Lick me, honey, lick my pussy. ” She hesitated for a few seconds, and then moved her head forward.

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   “Use your lips and tongue on it,” I said. “Lick and twirl and flick your tongue around the slit and run your lips on it. ” She clasped the back of my thighs and began running her tongue along the slit. “Ah, that’s it, honey. Oh, that feels good. ” I began sliding and rubbing my pussy on her mouth. “Ah, you’ve got a perfect mouth for licking a cunny. You’ve got an agile slick smooth wet tongue, full lips, and a warm wet palate. Oh baby, you’re learning how to lick a cunt. ” I grasped her head securely and began hunching her mouth as she tongue-fucked me. Flames of liquid fire surged up through my channel, up to my hot throbbing tits. “I’m gonna cum soon, honey,” I gasped. “I can feel it building up, deep in my core—in the marrow of my cunt—oh god, hot juice gushing up from my cunt’s core! Ahh—this is heaven, ohh, sweet goddess, licking my pussy so hot, so juicy, so good!” I lurched up, mashing my yoni on her mouth. “Oh, sweet divine Sapphic goddess of cunts! Oh, you sweet divine cuntlicker!” I gasped and panted, and gradually slowed my hunching. She slowly stood and looked at me.

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   She licked her lips and smiled. “How did you like licking and sucking a pussy?” I wheezed. I was still almost out of breath. “Did you like the taste of it?” “It tastes musky—but I like it,” she said. “And your clit is so juicy-hot and erect and yet velvety smooth, and it throbs and pulsates. It’s as if it has a life of its own. ” “It does,” I said. We both laughed. I looked at her standing there in my bathrobe, the front undone. I could see her coconut-like breasts and the little wet slit of her yoni hiding beneath frizzy hair. I reached out to her and guided her to the wall. I went down on my knees before her and ran my hands between her legs and clutched the back of her thighs. I lifted her legs up and she leaned back against the wall. I buried my face in her pussy. I rubbed my lips, my nose, and my whole face on her vulva.

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   She sighed with pleasure and grasped my head and threw her legs over and around my shoulders and neck. It was obvious she enjoyed having her pussy licked. It somehow made me think that I was the first to do it to her. I proceeded to give her the licking of her life. I dipped, swirled, rubbed and twirled my tongue in her hot juicy sweet-tasting cunny. “Ooh—ahh—ohh, Brigit, oh sweet darling, your tongue!” she panted. I orally fucked her for a good five minutes, jabbing and twirling and flicking my tongue in her quim, and then I concentrated on her clit. I slid and rubbed my tongue over and around the bud and sucked it with my lips. She threw her head back, lurched her body up and mashed her cunt on my face. “Oh, sweet-sucking goddess in heaven!” she hasped. “Oh sweet tongue and lips sucking me!” She cried out in lust and heaved her body up. “I’m cuming! Oh sweet-licking goddess, I’m cuming now!” Orgasmic spasms ran and jerked through her body as she gasped and cried in her climax. I sucked her cunt a few minutes more, sucking up her pussy juice, and then I slid my tongue out and pulled her down. We held each other, panting and gasping, finger-fucking each other, falling in love with each other, and worshiping the Sapphic goddess of cunts.     .

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