
Overtime at the Office


Getting to her feet, Jo stretched again and walked over to the printer. She smoothed her conservative grey slacks over her shapely hips and tugged a little at the hem of her jacket, which had slid up around her waist while she’d been sitting. She caught a glimpse of her own reflection in the window as she crossed the room, and nodded approvingly at herself. At 26 years of age, she worked out fairly regularly, keeping herself fit in spite of having a job that mostly required her to sit behind a desk. She had thick, long black hair and pale, alabaster skin completely without blemish (her mother used to say it was her best feature). She had small, firm breasts, round but slender hips and long legs. All in all she was quite content with her appearance, and so, she knew, was her husband Paul. At the thought of Paul a small twinge of guilt went through her. With all the work these past couple of weeks she hardly had any time or energy for him, and that made her feel bad. Paul, however, was very understanding, secure enough in their marriage not to feel pushed aside or slighted by her work. For a moment Jo entertained the notion of an hour or so of delicious sex before sleep, but regretfully pushed the thought aside. She knew very well that by the time she was through driving the twenty minutes home she’d be completely bushed, with barely enough energy to brush her teeth. I’ll have to make it up to him this weekend, she thought. This thought brought a dreamy smile to her face as she waited for the printer to finish. After 3 years of living together plus 2 more of marriage their sex life was, in a word, great. While they both knew neither of them looked like supermodels, they were confident enough with each other not to be embarrassed about their bodies, and this lack of self-consciousness coupled with inventiveness and willingness to experiment a little, meant that their sex life had not stagnated into a predictable pattern, but remained fresh and exciting.

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   Paul had been very supportive over these past weeks, and Jo decided that something a little special would be appropriate. For his last birthday, she recalled, she’d let him put his cock up her arse for the first time. While it hadn’t made the earth shake for her, she knew he’d really enjoyed it, and truth to be told, it hadn’t been nearly as bad as she’d feared. She decided right there and then that after work tomorrow she would pick up some massage oil and leave it out on her nightstand for him to see, letting him know how she intended to show her appreciation. The thought of driving her man a little crazy with anticipation for a day or two made her pussy tingle; the anticipation of what was to come would make sex even more passionate for the days leading up to the event itself. Nothing excited Jo more than the knowledge that she turned her husband on. As the pile of paper under the printer grew, the door to the inner office opened and Ms. Symmonds came out. Ann Symmonds was a tall blonde in her late thirties, curvy and voluptuous. Her long smooth hair hung almost to the small of her back, and her eyes were a clear blue behind her glasses. She was dressed in a fairly conservative business suit in dark blue and black, with a long jacket, blouse and a knee-length skirt. Ms. Symmonds walked over to Jo, who was waiting for the last few pages to emerge from the printer. “How are they coming along, Josephine?” she asked, a hint of weariness in her voice as well. “Fine, Ms.

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   Symmonds,” Jo replied. Although she privately thought of her superior as Ann, she always addressed her as Ms. Symmonds. She, on her side, always addressed Jo as Josephine; not to sound superior, Jo knew, but so as not to be overly intimate and intrusive. Ann was easily the best boss Jo had ever worked for, and she knew that the appreciation was mutual. Ann had climbed the corporate ladder through superior skill and innate talent, and wholly deserved her position as department head. Jo had the utmost respect for her. As they stood there waiting for the printer to finish, Ann stretched, easing the kinks out of her neck and spine. Jo glanced at her boss, and couldn’t help but notice how the older woman’s ample breasts strained against her jacket. She blushed faintly, embarrassed at having looked at the other woman, and returned her attention to the softly buzzing printer. “I’m beat,” Ann announced. “These past couple of weeks have been a pain, haven’t they?” “That’s for certain,” Jo replied. “My husband must think I’ve forgotten he exists. ” “Trouble at home?” Ann inquired. Then, when she saw Jo look at her, she hastily went on.

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   “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. ” “No, there’s no trouble,” Jo laughed. “It’s just that, well, we haven’t had much time together lately. ” “I know what you mean,” Ann said. “And I’m sorry I’ve been running you ragged lately. ” She reached up and placed a hand on Jo’s back, between her shoulder blades. “Tell you what; as compensation, why don’t we both come in late tomorrow, say around noon. Treat ourselves to a little sleeping in. ” “Oh, that’d be great,” Jo replied. She was feeling a little flustered by the friendly hand on her back. Ann had never touched her before, respecting her personal space. Not that she minded; had a man touched her like that, Jo would have felt uncomfortable, but that was not the case now. Ann looked at her closely. “You do look a little exhausted,” she said. She started rubbing gently between Jo’s shoulder blades.

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   “And you’re tense; your back is all knots. ” Jo was suddenly aware that it was true; her back and neck was all tense, the muscles stiff and knotted. She felt Ann rub a little harder, easing away some of the tension. Ann’s hand moved higher, under the black hair hanging down over Jo’s shoulders, her fingers touching the soft skin of her neck and rubbing gently at the sore muscles there. For the first time Jo became aware of how close the other woman was standing, of the scent of her perfume in her nostrils and the warmth from her body. As the tension in her neck eased, Jo felt a different kind of tension settle in her stomach. It was a new, but somehow strangely familiar feeling that she couldn’t quite place. The two women were both standing very still, the only movement being the soft kneading of Ann’s fingers on Jo’s neck. Neither said anything, and the silence built between them like soft cotton, almost noticeable as a physical thing. The eerie mood was broken when the printer before them spat out the last sheet and gave a soft beep. Ann turned towards it to look, and this caused her to stand closer to Jo. Jo could suddenly feel the soft swell of her boss’ right breast against her left arm, and for a moment she was caught off balance. Then she twisted away in flustered embarrassment. Ann noticed the sudden movement and turned back towards Jo, not realising what had startled her. Their movements meant that the two women were now standing close together, face to face, with Ann’s arm still around Jo’s back, her hand on her neck.

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   For a moment they both stood there, looking at each other. Then Ann moved her thumb from the back of Jo’s neck and down to the side, gently caressing the soft spot just below her ear. As the finger slid further down the side of Jo’s neck to tickle the sensitive skin, Ann leaned closer, her lips seeking Jo’s. Jo saw her leaning closer and instantly knew what she had in mind. She froze, mostly in shock, but there was a tiny, tiny part of her that wanted to stand still, to let it happen. Then her conscious self reasserted itself, and she pulled away. Again they stood still, facing each other, Ann’s hand still on Jo’s neck. Ann’s face was only centimetres away; Jo could just barely focus on her. Looking desperately for something to say, she blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “I… I have a husband…” She let it trail away, realising how lame it sounded. ”So do I,” Ann replied, her voice low and soft, her lips so close Jo felt her warm breath on her face. “I’m not asking you to elope with me, you know. ” “I… We shouldn’t do this,” Jo persisted. She was extremely aware of the other woman’s closeness, and while a large part of her wanted desperately to get away, that other tiny part of her wanted nothing of the sort. Get a hold of yourself, she silently admonished herself; you’re a married woman with a husband you love.

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   Still, that tiny voice persisted. “Why not?” Ann asked, inching closer. “It’s not like I’m asking you to leave your husband. Just you and I, enjoying ourselves. Enjoying each other…” She leaned even closer, her lips seeking out Jo’s once again. With her back against the cupboard, Jo had nowhere to move, so she turned her head aside. This didn’t deter Ann, and Jo could feel her lips press gently against her left cheek, kissing her softly. Then her lips moved down, past the line of her jaw and down to her throat. Again Jo froze, too overwhelmed to do or say anything. Ann might have taken it for acceptance, because her lips became a little more insistent, parting a little as they kissed the soft skin of Jo’s throat. Jo could feel the wet warmth of Ann’s mouth on the skin of her throat, and this sensation brought her back to her senses again. She brought her hands up to push Ann away, but Ann was standing a little closer than Jo had figured; instead of to her shoulders, Jo’s hands went straight to Ann’s breasts. When Jo felt her own hands cupping the other woman’s large breasts, she nearly panicked. No matter what she did, she seemed to be unable to escape Ann’s gentle but persistent advances. She tried to pull her hands away, but Ann swiftly pressed closer, putting her other arm around Jo and hugging her close in a soft but firm embrace, trapping Jo’s hands between their bodies, still cupping her breasts.

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   Tilting her head, Ann once again sought Jo’s lips with her own, and this time she wasn’t quick enough to turn away. Jo felt Ann’s lips on her own, kissing her softly, gently taking Jo’s lips between her own, sucking tenderly, trying to get her to open her mouth for her. The only thing Jo could think of was to keep her lips together, but that didn’t solve her problem. Short of physical violence, she couldn’t think of anything to get Ann to cease her advances. Had a man behaved like this, she would have slapped him silly, but somehow that just didn’t seem like an option here. Ann’s kisses were becoming more fervent, and Jo racked her brain for some way out of her dilemma. Then, to her horror, she could feel Ann’s nipples hardening, poking her palms through the bra. This gave her the adrenaline surge she needed, and she wrenched herself out of Ann’s embrace. “No… please, I can’t… we mustn’t do this…” She was breathless; she hadn’t realised she’d been holding her breath while Ann had been trying to kiss her. “What’s so wrong about it?” Ann queried, still standing with her whole body pressed against Jo. “I won’t cheat on my husband!” Jo flared. She yanked her hands away from Ann’s breasts, but realised that might have been a mistake, as she could now feel Ann’s breasts pressing directly against her. For some reason, this made her throat go dry. “You can always tell him about it when you get home,” Ann said, her voice soothing. “It isn’t cheating if he know about it.

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   And besides, what makes you so sure he’ll mind?” That last argument stopped Jo cold. What did she mean, he wouldn’t mind? Of course he’d mind. He loved her; he wouldn’t want her to sleep around with other people. Would he? Her train of thought was interrupted as Ann’s lips found hers again. The kiss was soft and tender, not at all intrusive. Jo caught herself comparing it to how it was to be kissed by a man. Ann’s lips were fuller, softer; Jo could smell faint traces of shampoo and perfume. Her embrace was distinctly not that of a man, with her breasts pressed hard against Jo’s own smaller ones. As the kiss lingered, Jo could taste the other woman’s lipstick. And with a start, she realised that she was becoming aroused. Jo couldn’t believe what was happening. She had never been attracted to women, would never have believe that another woman could excite her like this. But there it was, and there was no mistaking it. She could feel that familiar tingle as her nipples hardened in her bra, and the growing warmth between her thighs that signalled that her pussy was becoming wet. In spite of herself she felt her lips yielding to Ann’s, and almost immediately the tip of other woman’s tongue slipped past her lips and into her mouth.

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   Her mind spinning in place, Jo was at a complete loss as to what to do. Ann’s tongue was probing her mouth gently, touching her own tongue, but Jo didn’t dare respond. Her own excitement was undeniable now, her pussy leaking juice into her panties, but something held her back. It’s not my fault, she thought. I’m not doing anything; it’s all Ann, she’s the one responsible. She started this. It’s not my fault. This thought was strangely comforting. She wasn’t cheating on Paul if she didn’t do anything. She couldn’t help it if Ann did things to her, and as long as she didn’t respond, it wasn’t her fault. At another time this logic would have been preposterous, but right now it was a life buoy in a stormy sea, and Jo clung to it as hard as she could. Sensing that Jo had stopped resisting, Ann became even bolder in her advances. Her hands went to Jo’s neck, where she put them, fingers splayed, on either side of her neck, while her thumbs caressed the soft skin of her secretary’s throat and the underside of her jaw. She started applying more pressure with her lips, trying to get Jo to respond, but to no avail. She put her thumbs on Jo’s chin and pulled gently down, and Jo opened her mouth further without resisting.

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   Ann’s tongue pushed deeper into Jo’s mouth, licking along the insides of her cheeks and prodding her passive tongue. Still there was no response. Ann wasn’t sure what to make of Jo’s passive attitude, but right now she didn’t care. Her pussy was on fire, her pulse pounding in her ears, and she knew that she had to find some relief, soon. She fully intended to take Jo right here and now, and if she had to dominate her in order to do so, she would. Besides, this wasn’t Ann’s first time with another woman; she was quite confident that she could coax Jo into cooperating willingly as soon as she really got to work on her. Ann let one hand drop, teasing it inside Jo’s jacket, cupping her breast and squeezing it. She could feel the younger woman’s nipple standing out hard under her hand, and felt a touch of surprise. Jo certainly didn’t act like she was turned on. Letting her hand drop down to Jo’s crotch, Ann pushed it between her legs, feeling her pussy. The heat radiating from between the brunette’s legs was easily noticeable; there could be no doubt that Jo was excited. If that was the case, though, why was she acting so strange? She just stood there, here hands behind her back, supporting her weight on the cupboard, passively accepting Ann’s caresses without showing any signs of either enjoyment or revulsion. Ann went back to kissing Jo passionately while at the same time massaging her clit through her clothes, determined to elicit some sort of response. As Ann’s fingers started working on her pussy, Jo gave a soft moan and bucked her hips a little, but without any further signs of pleasure. Beginning to feel a little frustrated, Ann decided another approach was called for.


   Jo took a deep breath when Ann’s lips left hers. She was feeling dizzy and light-headed, but told herself it was lack of air, nothing more. It certainly wasn’t because the kiss had any effect on her. Ann was also breathing heavily, her lips swollen from the kiss, Jo noticed, their lipsticks smeared over her lips. The blonde woman took a step back and regarded Jo imperiously. “Open your pants,” Ann commanded. Jo blinked, confused by the sudden change in her tone. Her hands let go of the cupboard behind her, and seemingly of their own volition, moved to the front of her slacks. There they stopped, hesitating. “Go ahead. Open your pants,” Ann ordered again, sterner this time. Jo’s pussy was throbbing now, and she ached to do what Ann told her to. If I just do what she tells me to, it’s all right, she thought. As soon as the thought formed, she felt as though a weight was lifted from her, and her fingers eagerly started fumbling open the button and zipper of her slacks. Moving in close, Ann peeled aside Jo’s slacks, exposing the blue satin panties underneath.

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   Then she pulled up her shirttails, her fingers caressing the younger woman’s flat belly. Jo was trembling with suppressed excitement. Ann’s touch sent sparks of excitement through her, making her stomach go tight in trepidation and lust. Her breath caught in her throat as Ann’s fingers stroked her belly, moving downwards all the time. As the fingers reached the waistband of her panties, a small moan forced its way out of her. Ann paused for a moment, and then her fingers slid underneath the elastic waistband and into Jo’s panties. Ann gave her another open-mouthed kiss as her hand pushed its way between her legs, palm up, her fingers combing through Jo’s closely trimmed pubic hair and down to the wet, clean-shaven pussy lips. As those fingers slid over her clit, Jo moaned into Ann’s mouth, her knees trembling. Ann kept pushing her hand deeper between Jo’s thighs, her probing fingers seeking her wet hole with slow, relentless precision. Ann broke off the kiss, pulling her head back to look into Jo’s eyes. “Kiss me,” she ordered. Jo hesitated. If she kissed her, she would be participating in this, not just having it done to her against her will. Her desire to kiss Ann fought with her reluctance to cheat on her husband. Then suddenly a solution dawned.

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   Ann had ordered her to kiss her, and therefore Jo wasn’t to blame for doing so. As long as it wasn’t her own idea, it wasn’t really her fault. With this (to her) brilliant insight, she eagerly leaned towards the older woman. Ann’s free hand came up, stopping her. “A real kiss, with your tongue,” she instructed in a whisper. “And you don’t stop until I do. ” Jo stared at her, eyes wide with excitement. Ann’s fingers were poised at the entrance to her pussy, gently massaging the inner lips with her fingertips without actually penetrating her, and Jo could feel the innermost joint of Ann’s fingers rub against her clit. Intoxicated with desire, the slender brunette leaned forward, closing the distance between their moist lips. As soon as their lips met, Jo pushed her tongue into Ann’s mouth, feeling their tongues slide together as Ann did the same to her. Simultaneously, Ann plunged two fingers into Jo’s dripping cunt. Her fingers didn’t penetrate very deep; since Jo was still wearing her pants and panties, Ann couldn’t move her hand as freely as she otherwise would, but it was still enough to cause Jo’s knees to give in completely. If not for the blonde’s hand between her legs, Jo would have collapsed in a heap on the floor. As Jo staggered to regain her footing while at the same time trying to impale herself on the fingers working her sopping pussy, Ann grabbed the back of her head, clenching her fist around a handful of her thick black hair. “Feel my tits,” she said, a tone of command still in her voice.

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   She didn’t know if Jo responded to her orders because she was a submissive or because she was confused; the two women had never discussed their personal lives much with each other, and certainly not something as intimate as that. At the moment, though, she didn’t much care why it worked, only that it did. And worked it did. As she pulled Jo’s head to her for another kiss, she felt her secretary’s hands move to cup her breasts again. This time it was different from that first, accidental touch; Jo’s hands squeezed the soft globes through the layers of cloth covering them, filling her hands with yielding, feminine flesh. Ann worked her fingers expertly on the other woman’s pussy, feeling the smooth satin against the back of her hand as the slick juices coated her fingers and palm. Jo was grinding her hips against the hand caressing her, all thoughts of resistance washed away in a surge of raw lust. Her mind wasn’t even making up excuses for her anymore; there was room only for the overpowering need to reach orgasm. She squeezed Ann’s breasts, trying to fit the large globes into her hands, while their tongues slid and swirled around each other. Her orgasm was approaching fast now, and little staccato whimpers issued from her mouth, muted by Ann’s sucking, massaging lips. At last she reached the edge, and with a final whimper she tipped over, her pussy contracting around Ann’s fingers. She threw her head back and moaned, then buried her face in the hollow of Ann’s neck. Her entire body shook uncontrollably as the orgasm roared its course through her, and she clung to Ann as though she was afraid she would be washed away in its currents. Eventually the trembling ended, the orgasm having run its course. Her hands resting on Ann’s shoulders, Jo looked up, her face flushed, and met her glance.

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   Slowly, deliberately, Ann withdrew her fingers from Jo’s cunt, holding her hand up between them. Her fingers and hand glistened with Jo’s juices, and with the same slowness, Ann parted her lips and put her index finger in her mouth. She closed her lips around the digit in a profoundly sensual way that sent a shiver through Jo, and then she could see the older woman’s cheeks hollow as she sucked her finger clean of Jo’s juice. With a faint pop she pulled her finger from her mouth and licked her lips while giving Jo a teasing, naughty smile. Then she held her middle finger to Jo’s lips, and said, “Open up”. Jo did what she was told; this was not the first time she had tasted her own juices, and she found nothing shocking about the act. Quite the contrary, she’d always found the taste of herself erotic. Sucking Ann’s long, manicured finger into her mouth, she used her tongue to lick it clean, the taste of herself filling her mouth. She was almost a little disappointed when Ann pulled her finger back out. Ann let go of the fistful of Jo’s hair she’d been holding on to, using her hand to gently smooth it back down. She gave Jo a brief, sensual kiss, then stepped back. Leaning her hips on Jo’s desk, she folded her arms under her breasts and smiled. “Take off your clothes,” she said. When Jo hesitated, she let a little authority into her voice. “Go on, take them off.

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   Your pants first. ” Still a little dazed from her orgasm, Jo did as she was told. Her hooked her thumbs behind the waistband of her pants, pulling them down. She had to kick off her shoes before she could get her pants past her ankles. Then, looking at Ann as for affirmation, she peeled her soggy panties off as well, kicking them to the side. “Touch yourself,” Ann commanded. There was nothing she herself wanted to do more; her own pussy was wetter than she could remember having been for many years, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to speak. She fully intended, however, to remain in complete control until Jo stepped past the point of no return of her own volition, and not because she had to be told to. In response to her boss’ command, Jo slipped a finger between her legs, sliding it into the crack between her swollen pussy lips. She shuddered as it rubbed over her clit, and she felt the first stirrings of reawakened arousal. She looked at Ann watching her stimulate herself, and noticed the lovely blonde lick her lips, her eyes behind the oval glasses riveted on the dark patch between Jo’s thighs. “Now the rest,” Ann instructed. “Take it all off. ” Jo complied, slipping her jacket from her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. Then, fingers not entirely steady, she started unbuttoning her blouse.

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   She began at the bottom, working her way up, exposing more and more of her belly as she went. The hunger in Ann’s eyes was noticeable, and Jo felt herself become even more excited. There is nothing quite so arousing as watching someone else want you, she thought hazily to herself. Finally she undid the last button, letting her blouse fall open in front. There was something incredibly sexy about being made to strip like this, while the other woman remained full clothed. She let the blouse go the way of her jacket, until she stood in front of Ann naked except her bra. Ann nodded for her to continue, and Jo reached behind her back, undoing the clasp. Then she held her arms out in front of her, the bra sliding from her shoulders and down along her arms to land on the clothes-strewn floor. She looked down at herself and saw her nipples standing straight out, as hard as they’d ever been. “Come here,” Ann said, and Jo couldn’t help but notice haw hoarse her voice sounded. She walked over, her hips swaying seductively in spite of herself. Stopping right in front of Ann, so close their breasts almost touched, she looked at her expectantly. Ann returned the look, deciding that it was time to move things along. “Well?” she asked dryly, lifting an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” replied Jo, uncertain about what she wanted her to do.

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   “Aren’t you going to do something?” Ann wondered with a hint of, what? Sarcasm? Impatience? “Tell me what you want me to do,” Jo whispered, looking down at her feet. “No,” Ann said. “I think it’s about time you decided what to do. ” When Jo gave her a startled look, she reached up and cupped her cheek gently. “I don’t want to go on telling you what to do. I want a lover, not a slave. ” “I… I don’t know if…” Jo began. “It’s a little late for that now, wouldn’t you say?” said Ann. “You weren’t exactly putting up a fight a few minutes ago. ” “But my husband…” “If you’re still worried about cheating on him, I would say it is a little late, don’t you think?” Ann stroked her cheek, keeping her voice low and persuasive. “You’ve had your tongue in my mouth, your hands on my tits, and you just came all over my hand. You even licked my fingers clean,” she reminded her. “Let’s be honest here, you already have cheated. Now you have to decide if you want to run away and feel bad about yourself, or if you want to keep going and see where this leads. ” Jo was at a complete loss.

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   On one hand, she desperately wanted to believe that everything that had happened had been Ann’s fault, herself just a reluctant accomplice. Her intellect new better, though, and it kept telling her that she had been equally to blame here, that none of this would have happened if she had truly been opposed to it. And while one part wanted to bolt from the office and hide in shame, another wanted nothing more than to stay, for as long as Ann wanted her to. For what seemed to be the longest ten seconds in Ann’s life Jo stood there looking at her. Her mouth opened and closed several times, as if she was about to say something and then changed her mind. She looked down, her eyes staring into nothing, and then her brown eyes came up and looked straight into Ann’s blue ones. “Oh, hell,” Jo said almost inaudibly. Then she threw her arms around Ann, and hugging her to her, kissed her hard on the lips. Ann felt her heart soar, and had her mouth not been busy, she might have given a whoop with joy. Instead she contended herself with hugging Jo close with both arms, returning the kiss with a passion she hadn’t felt since her husband and her had been newlyweds. She rubbed her hands up and down Jo’s naked back, one plunging into her lustrous, raven-black hair, while the other moved down to her bottom, cupping a firm buttock. Ann felt a sting of envy as she felt the fit and supple body under her hands, realising she was nowhere near as trim as the pale-skinned brunette in her arms. The insistent pressure in her pussy soon banished those thoughts from her mind, and she gave herself completely to the building passion. Jo was every bit as excited as she had been before her orgasm. She rubbed her entire body against Ann, feeling the fabric of her outfit rub tantalisingly against her nipples, thighs and belly.

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   She had never dreamed she could be so aroused from simply being naked in the presence of someone with all her clothes on; there was a delightful tingle of submissiveness, or something very much like it. Their hips were grinding together, as the kiss went on and on. Eventually the need for air became too great, and their lips parted again. Ann looked at Jo, breathing heavily. Casting a glance at the door, she took Jo’s hand, pulling her along. “Let’s go into my office,” she said, her eyes gleaming. Jo returned the smile and followed willingly, not letting go of the hand. Once inside Ann’s office, they kissed again, Ann reaching behind Jo to lock the door. There was no one else in the building as far as she knew, but it felt safer with the door locked. Ann’s office was slightly larger than Jo’s, with a thick wall-to-wall carpet. Aside from her large desk there were a leather couch and two matching easy chairs around a small table in one corner, as well as several shelves and bookcases along the walls. The only light came from a lamp on the desk and a floor lamp in one corner; the stark overhead lights were off. Still embracing, the two women staggered across the floor until they bumped into Ann’s desk. Ann hoisted herself up on the desk, leaning back while supporting herself on her arms, and spread her legs. “Bring me off,” she whispered.

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   “Please hurry. ” Jo slid a hand up a stocking-clad leg, feeling the warm, soft flesh of Ann’s thigh under the smooth nylon. Her hand disappeared under the skirt, reaching the top of the stay-up, her fingertips suddenly touching bare flesh. She stroked the inside of Ann’s thigh, pinching it lightly between her fingers. Ann was humping her hips against her impatiently, eager for her hand to move further up, her breathing even heavier now. Teasingly, Jo moved her hand higher, feeling warm, damp silk and the fleshy folds underneath. Ann was really turned on, lifting her hips off the desk in her eagerness. She reached down to the hem of her skirt and pulled it higher, exposing herself to the younger woman. Jo stared with delight; even in the dimly lit office she could see the dark, damp patch in the crotch of Ann’s panties. She bent at the waist, inhaling for the first time the musky scent of another woman’s wet pussy, feeling her own sex respond to the pheromones in the air. She reached up under Ann’s skirt with her other hand as well, and Ann compliantly raised her hips, allowing Jo to push her skirt up to her waist. Then she took hold of the waistband of the blonde’s panties and began pulling them down. The scent of aroused woman immediately became more pronounced, and Jo felt light-headed with desire. She pulled Ann’s panties down to her knees, then knelt down to pull them down her ankles and off. Ann, however, obviously mistook her kneeling position as something more.


   She reached down and placed a hand on Jo’s head, while at the same time pushing her hips towards her. “Oh yes, please,” she all but begged, pulling Jo’s dark head towards her crotch. “Please, Josie. ” From her kneeling position, Jo could see straight up between Ann’s legs. She had never seen another woman’s pussy before, and her eyes drank in very detail. Ann was obviously a natural blonde, her pubic hair such a light colour she might as well have been shaved. Her outer lips were red and swollen, glistening with moisture, and Jo could just make out her clit, its head protruding from its hiding place. Ann was still leaning back on the desk, supporting herself with one hand while resting the other on Jo’s head. She had pushed herself forward until her hips was on the edge of the desk, her legs spread wide for Jo to crawl between. Jo immediately knew what Ann wanted her to do, and was torn between her desire to please her new lover and the feeling that things were progressing too fast. She wasn’t entirely certain she was ready to taste another woman’s pussy just yet, and was a little intimidated by the thought. However, her mind went back to the delicious orgasm Ann had given her with her fingers, and she wondered what it would be like with another woman’s tongue on her own clit. Paul had eaten her out more times than she could count, but there was something so very feminine and exciting about another woman’s face between her legs. Realising that she could not expect Ann to do to her what she wouldn’t do to her, Jo scooted between Ann’s legs, her eyes fixed on the wet pussy in front of her. Ann spread her legs even farther apart, finding herself incapable of looking away from Jo’s face as she gingerly leaned closer.

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   Only in her most fervent hopes had she dreamed this evening would come to this. Working late with Jo for several days in a row had made her consider trying to seduce her, and knowing that this would be their last late night together, she had dressed accordingly, with silk lingerie and stockings instead of pantyhose. She had spent most of the evening trying to muster the nerve to make a pass at her. In truth, she hadn’t realistically believed that she’d get anything more than a few kisses and maybe some fondling out of it tonight; she had figured on several more days of working on Jo, getting her used to the idea of an affair. Now, with Jo’s lips trailing wetly up the inside of her thigh, Ann couldn’t believe her luck. Jo’s lips and tongue were moving steadily up the inside of Ann’s thigh. She luxuriated in the feeling of the baby-soft skin of the other woman’s inner thighs, placing sucking kisses closer and closer to her pussy. The heady scent of her musk filled Jo’s nostrils, and she actually felt her mouth watering as she drew closer and closer. Finally she was there, having kissed her way from the top of Ann’s stockings to the point where her pussy hair tickled the tip of her nose. Taking a breath, she put her hands on the insides of Ann’s thighs, leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her labia. Ann moaned, twitching in anticipation, and intertwined her fingers deeper in Jo’s hair. Jo, feeling emboldened by her response, kissed her pussy again, this time a little harder. Inhaling her scent deeply, she started planting chaste little kisses all over Ann’s pussy. She felt her lips get wet with her juices, and paused for a moment to lick them clean. Ann’s juices tasted rich and slightly pungent, and Jo found herself enjoying the taste.

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   Taking a deep breath, like a diver preparing to jump off the board, she stuck out her tongue and slowly touched it to her lover’s pussy. Jo began flicking her tongue at Ann’s pussy, starting just below the opening of her pussy and working her way upwards with fast, little licks that barely touched the moist, sensitive skin. As Ann moaned and writhed, Jo found herself thoroughly enjoying it. She gave Ann’s clit a few quick licks in rapid succession, and was rewarded with a heartfelt moan. “Oh God, Josie, don’t stop, please don’t stop,” Ann groaned. Jo couldn’t help but feel proud of the fact that she was making the other woman moan and whimper like that, and this spurred her on and made her even bolder. Leaving Ann’s clit, Jo started licking her outer labia, starting behind the hole and making her way up in a single slow lick, her tongue as wide as she could make it. She licked first one, then the other, alternating between the two and making sure she only just barely brushed the clit on the way. Ann was losing it, grinding her pussy against Jo’s face, trying to bring her clit into contact with that elusive tongue. Jo put her arms on the outside of Ann’s thighs, palms on her belly, trying to make her hold still. The sense of power was nearly as intoxicating as the taste and smell of Ann’s juices, and she squeezed her own thighs together around her softly throbbing pussy. After having teased Ann like that for a while, Jo progressed to her inner lips, teasing them open with her tongue, circling her wet hole. After a few rounds she clamped her lips over the soaking wet orifice and plunged her tongue in as far as she could, swirling it around. She began moving her tongue in and out of Ann’s pussy, lapping up as much of her pussy juice as she could, relishing the taste. She pressed her face into the soaking pussy, feeling her face becoming coated in moisture, loving every moment of it.

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   She had never imagined that eating pussy could be this much fun. She felt like a little girl with a new and exciting toy. “Stop teasing me,” she heard Ann beg. “Do my clit now. Please, lick my cliiiiit!” The last word came out in a loud gasp as Jo had mercy on her lover and went straight for her clit. She pursed her lips and clamped them around the small nub, sucking it into her mouth and flicking her tongue rapidly back and forth. Ann grabbed at the back of her head with both hands while squeezing her head between her thighs. Jo shifted her legs to a more comfortable position and settled in to feast on Ann’s clitoris. She circled it with her tongue, then started licking it up and down very slowly. Then she started in with small, short licks, beginning slowly, then building up speed, then slowing back down again. Every time she slowed down Ann ground her pussy up against her, begging her to go faster, and when she did, Ann would urge her on, feeling her orgasm get closer. Jo was completely absorbed in the task, one hand down between her own legs, rubbing her pussy in rhythm with her tongue playing with Ann’s clit. The end came when she inserted a finger into Ann’s pussy. With her palm up and her middle finger nearly all the way in, she made a “come hither” gesture with her finger, probing the inside of Ann’s pussy for that rough, rubbery spot. When she found it and applied pressure, Ann’s hips gave a mighty jerk, the back of her head slamming hard into the desk and she gave a howl of pure pleasure.

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   Two more licks across her clit, and she came with a power and intensity that was nearly frightening. She trashed and bucked on the desk, her head whipping from side to side as a wordless scream issued from her throat. Jo hoped fervently that there was no one within earshot, or they would come running immediately, probably just pausing long enough to call the police. Ann’s thighs were like a vice, locked around Jo’s head as Ann rode her face all the way through orgasm. When she came down from wherever her climax had taken her, and her grip on Jo’s head weakened enough for her to get loose, Jo stood and leaned over her. Her face was soaked in Ann’s juices from her hairline to her chin, her hair was a mess, he pussy ached and her nipples were so stiff they actually hurt a little. As she stood naked over Ann, who still wore everything but her panties, Jo felt like a complete slut, and to her surprise and delight, she loved it. She climbed onto the desk, straddling Ann’s hips, and leaned down to kiss her. Ann returned the kiss with interests, and then proceeded to gently lick Jo’s face, like a cat washing her kitten. “God, that was absolutely fantastic,” she drawled. “Have you done this before?” “No, I haven’t. Did you like it?” Jo replied with a little giggle. “Oh, Josie, you were marvellous,” Ann purred. She stroked Jo’s flanks, her hands moving down to cup her buttocks. Jo wiggled her hips a little and gave her a naughty smile.

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   “My goodness,” she gasped in mock alarm. “I seem to have gone all wet again. What do you propose to do about it?” “I can think of a thing or two…” “So can I. But first though…” Jo murmured as her hands went to the buttons in Ann’s jacket, “I want to see your tits. ” Ann smiled up at the naked woman straddling her, pushing her glasses up on her nose. “Well, what are you waiting for? Get these clothes off me. ” “Oh, I will, don’t you worry,” said Jo, pushing the opened jacket out of the way to start working on the smaller buttons in Ann’s blouse. She bowed her head to kiss and lick the hollow of her throat, then starting working her way down, her lips trailing just behind her fingers. Her tongue dipped into Ann’s considerable cleavage, teasing the flesh and leaving a wet trail. Ann made little purring noises in the back of her throat, her hands slipping behind Jo’s arms, cupping her smaller breasts and playing with the nipples. Ann’s bra somehow managed to be strong enough to hold her ample breasts while at the same time looking like a delicate silk-and-lace thing. Most important to Jo, though, was the fact that it had a front clasp. She worked it loose, and Ann’s breasts spilled out of their confinement. Obviously all natural, they sagged a bit once freed of their imprisonment, flattening themselves against her ribcage, but Jo delightfully scooped them up in her hands, pressing the soft globes together and lifting them to her mouth. She flicked her tongue across the nipples, then sucked them into her mouth, first one, then the other.

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   “Do you like my tits, Josie?” asked Ann. “Mmmm, they’re lovely,” Jo replied. “I’ve always wanted bigger tits, myself. ” “You can have mine any time you want,” purred Ann, arching her back a little under Jo’s caressing fingers and lips. “I just might take you up on that,” Jo teased back. In lieu of a response, Ann lifted her head from the desk and planted a wet kiss on Jo’s lips. Letting go of her new playthings, Jo climbed off the desk and pulled Ann upright. As soon as they were both standing, she slipped her hands inside Ann’s blouse and pushed it, her jacket and her bra off her in one motion. Now that Ann was standing up Jo could see fully how large her breasts were. She reached up and cupped them in her hands, while Ann did the same to hers. “I wish mine were this big,” Jo pouted. “Believe me, darling, they’re absolutely perfect,” Ann said, admiring the firm round breasts she was caressing. They embraced again, kissing deeply, enjoying the sensation of skin on skin as their bodies pressed together. For a little while they stood there, luxuriating in the closeness and warmth; then, as if on cue, they both reached down, sliding a hand between the other woman’s thighs. Neither of them was surprised to find hot, moist flesh under her fingers.

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   Slowly at first, then with increasing fervour, they began to masturbate each other, fingers working in perfect synch as they looked deeply into each other’s eyes. “Why don’t we go over to that couch,” suggested Ann, a catch in her voice. “Uh-huh; let’s,” replied Jo. Together they walked over to the couch, and Jo sat down as Ann pulled her skirt down and kicked it aside. Then she straightened, brushing her long blonde hair away from her face. She was completely naked now, except for her stockings, high heels and glasses. Ann’s thighs weren’t as firm as hers, Jo noticed, and she had the slightest hint of a paunch, but to Jo this just added to her attraction. The soft, overwhelming femininity of their lovemaking was an incredible turn-on; hard bodies are what men are for, she thought. “Lay back,” Ann instructed as she removed her glasses and placed them on the table. Jo did so, and Ann knelt on the edge of the couch. Then she turned to face in the direction of Jo’s feet, while swinging a leg over her so that she was straddling Jo’s head. Wriggling herself into a better position, Ann then lowered her wet cunt down onto Jo’s face while bending her head down between Jo’s legs. Jo reached up and grabbed Ann’s buttocks, guiding her pussy down to her mouth. She already longed to taste her again, even though it was merely a few minutes since she had last pulled her tongue from Ann’s sex. She could feel the other woman’s long hair tickle as it cascaded over her thighs, and Ann’s lips as she tenderly kissed the insides of her thighs.

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   Filled with anticipation, she felt those lips move closer and closer to her pussy, taking their time, teasing and playing. Then Ann gently licked Jo’s clit, and she pushed her hips up in delight while burying her own face in the wet folds above her face. For quite some time, the dimly lit office was filled with the sounds of soft, moist lips and tongues kissing, probing and massaging wet pussies, and the soft moans of women slowly approaching climax. The musky scent in the room was overpowering, and the temperature slowly rose, misting the windows. Jo was in seventh heaven. She had a delicious pussy to play with any way she wanted, while a gorgeous woman was more than returning the favour between her own legs. The only way things could have been any better was if there had been some way that she could watch Ann’s lips on her pussy at the same time. The feeling was exquisite, and she wished it would never stop. Ann’s lips kissed, sucked and nibbled, while her tongue darted around, teasing and licking. Even though Paul, her husband, by no means was a stranger to going down on her, there was something subtly different about the way Ann did it. Maybe it was the softness of her skin, the absence of beard stubbles, or the fact that she was gentler, and used her lips more and her tongue less; or maybe it was simply that being a woman herself, Ann had a better understanding of what felt good. Whatever it was, Jo loved every moment of it. Their bodies were becoming slick with sweat, their breasts and nipples rubbing against each other’s bellies, hands stroking thighs and buttocks. Jo felt a finger enter her pussy, soon to be accompanied by another, and hurried to do the same in return. She tried finding Ann’s G-stop, but the angle was wrong, and she couldn’t twist her hand far enough.

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   She contended herself with pumping her fingers in and out of Ann’s pussy in the same slow, steady rhythm she had adopted with her tongue. Ann did the same, and Jo felt waves of pleasure pulsing from the inside of her pussy in counterpoint to the jolts emanating from her clit. Then Ann pulled her fingers from Jo’s pussy, slowly sliding them even further down between her legs, even as two more replaced them inside her. Jo gave a little start as Ann’s fingers reached her tiny arsehole and started rubbing it gently with the pads of her fingers. Jo could feel her anus pucker with the touch, as Ann kept up the stimulation. Then, with the tight little hole was well and thoroughly lubricated with the juices on her finger, as well as the sweat that had trickled down, she very carefully pushed her middle finger inside. Jo gasped and twitched on the couch as Ann’s finger entered her arse, but the other woman’s weight on top of her made it effectively impossible to do anything about it. She just had to lie there as the long finger slowly pushed its way inside, twisting and turning inside her. Then Ann started working it in and out of her arse in pace with the two fingers inside her pussy, her tongue keeping up its work on her clit. Jo nearly lost it. The feeling was exquisite, sensual beyond anything she’d ever felt. Tat one time with Paul was the only time she’d ever had anything up her arse, and that certainly had not prepared her for this. Her entire lower abdomen seemed almost to dissolve and change into a warm, jelly-like substance only contained by her skin. With trembling hands she pulled her own two fingers out of Ann and moved them up to her arsehole, rubbing the moisture all over the puckered orifice. She plunged her tongue into Ann’s pussy a few times, taking the opportunity to savour some of her juices before inserting two fingers from her other hand.

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   Then she carefully pushed her fingers into both holes simultaneously, submerging them in Ann’s body to the last knuckle in one smooth motion. Ann groaned, the sound muted between Jo’s legs, and pushed her hips back on Jo’s fingers, trying to force them deeper. Both women felt that it wasn’t long now, and their movements became more frantic as they drove each other relentlessly towards orgasm. Their bodies were perfectly attuned to each other now, and when they came, their climaxes were within seconds of each other. Somehow they both managed to keep their mouths on each other all the way through orgasm, their lips, tongues and fingers teasing and probing, extending the ecstasy for as long as possible. After the last tremors of orgasm were over, they both lay there, Ann on top of Jo, both too exhausted to be able to move and too sated to want to. Their bodies, coated in a sheen of sweat, cooled slightly as they regained their breath. Finally Ann got to her knees and turned around, looking down at Jo who smiled lovingly up at her. She reached out to the blonde and pulled her down on top of her again, wrapping her arms around her neck and kissing her tenderly. For a little while longer they stayed there, lost in their own private world, Ann’s long hair falling down around Jo’s head like a curtain shutting out everything but their faces. Jo squirmed a little, and Ann rose to her elbows. “Sorry, Josie, I didn’t mean to squash you,” Ann said, making to get up. Jo reached up and pulled her back down, hugging her tight. “Don’t get up,” she pleaded. “I like feeling you on top of me.


  ” They exchanged another soft kiss. “You know, no one has called me Josie since I was little,” she smiled. “It always used to annoy me, making me feel childish. ” “I’m sorry,” Ann said sincerely. “It just slipped out. ‘Josephine’ seemed a little, well…” Jo smiled and shook her head. “No, I like it. You can call me Josie anytime you want. ” For another minute or so they were silent, exchanging little kisses and caresses, relishing each other’s warmth. Then a terrible suspicion dawned in Ann. “Feeling guilty?” she asked, barely keeping the fear from her voice. Jo looked at her, obviously surprised. “No. Not in the least,” she said firmly. “What will you do about, you know, your husband?” Jo pursed her lips in though.

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   “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll tell him. ” She grinned wickedly. “I’ll test the waters a little first, drop a few hints and such. See how he feels about it. ” “It’s just that I don’t want this to have been a one-time sort of thing,” Ann confided. “Me neither,” said Jo. “We’ll work something out…”The End. .


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