
Masquerade Ball - Part Two


"I was thinking that I would pick you up at say 7:30 tonight. Does that sound ok?" she asked me. "7:30 sounds wonderful. " I said. "Good then I will pick you up at your house at 7:30 tonight. I will let you go til then. Have a good afternoon. " she purred again. "I will. You have a good afternoon as well. Thank you. I will see you tonight. " She had hung up the phone so I returned my phone to the cradle. I sat down on the couch a little lost. My mind was spinning in a million different directions thinking of seeing her again, how many times I had thought of her the last few days, how much I would love to touch her again. I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost Four in the evening so I decided it would be a good idea to start getting ready.

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   I had no idea what the evening had in store for me but I wanted to be perfect and ready. I stood up making my way to the stairs leading to the second floor where my room is. I climbed the stairs slowly trying to decide on a dress to wear for the night. I quickly gave up and decided to take a long bath first then pick a dress later. I opened my door making my way to my bathroom attached to it. I turned on the light and went to the tub to start drawing my bath water. I turned on the hot and cold water til I found just the right tempertaure for a nice bath. I stood up reaching in the cabinet for a bottle of bath salts. When I removed the lid I was suddenly overcome by the scent of magnolias. My mind started to drift away in a dream as I poured some of the salts in the water then stirred it with my hand enjoying the heat of the water and the scent of magnolias in summer. I stood and slowly began to undress. I removed my hair tie letting my hair spill down over my shoulders. Then I began to slowly unbutton my shirt feeling it slide over my shoulders and down my arms. I unbuttoned my jeans and slid the zipper down. I worked then over my hips and down my legs to the floor.

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   I removed my satin panties sliding them down over my skin feeling the satin as it glided across my now naked flesh. When I was naked I slowly stepped into the bathtub, exhaling in a deep moan enjoying the feel of the water carressing my skin as I slowly slid down to a sitting position in the tub with my back resting at the back of the tub. The water felt wonderful. The heat and the scent was intoxicating as I relaxed for a few minutes to let my mind stop spinning in thought. I needed to calm my thoughts so I could focus on getting ready for the night. I reached over to get the sponge and the magnolia soap from the shelf. I wet the sponge squeezing a little of the water out of it, then began to run the soap over it til I had worked up lather enough to wash myself with. I sat up out of the water a little. I began to massage the sponge over my arms leaving my skin bright pink and lightly scented. Next I focused on my legs washing then thuroughly enjoying the feeling of the sponge on my skin. Then I stood up to wash my breasts and pussy. I ran the sponge over my chest and breasts in small circles, watching my nipples harden from the slight contact of the sponge. I washed my stomach and made my way lower. I ran the sponge between my legs washing my pussy and lips. I closed my eyes.

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   I could almost imagine the hands of a lover washing me. The soap on my hand made my fingers slip easily over my pussy as I began to explore my lips and clit with my fingers. The heat between my legs that had been building all day had taken all control from me with the need for release. I worked my already excited clit with my fingers feeling it throb in response to my touch. My nipples were hard begging for attention. I grasped one nipple between my finger and thumb; rolled it, pulled it, and pinched it feeling the shock waves as they spread through my body ending in my pussy. I worked my clit tirelessly as I was getting closer and closer to orgasm. My legs started to tremble with the first wave of orgasm. I sunk to my knees in the bathtub bucking my hips to meet my hand. My clit spasmed with each contraction of my pussy as my orgasm carried me away. I threw back my head moaning loudly. As my orgasm began to subside I relaxed in the tub, stretching out to relax a bit longer. The scent of magnolias and the heat from the water relaxing every muscle in my body. I drifted off to sleep. As the water started to cool off I awoke realizing what had happened.

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   I quickly unplugged the tub and stepped out grabbing a towel as I made my way through to my bedroom. I opened my closet, standing there for a long time trying to decide on a dress to wear this evening for dinner. I finally decided on a very slinky, tight fitting black velvet dress that was calf length but had a slit up the side almost to my hip. The top of the dress was low cut to show off cleavage and it was strapless. I removed the dress from the closet then shut the door. PLacing the dress on the bed I made my way to the dresser. I began looking for the few bits of lingerie I would wear this evening. I opened the dresser drawer rummaging around almost in a panic as I did not right away see what I was looking for. I calmed down looking more thuroughly finding the black satin garter and black thigh hose. Tonight, I decided, I would not wear any panties or bra. I slowly began to slip the satin garter on feeling it sliding sensuously across my skin. I fastened the garter getting it placed perfectly before I began the slow task of pulling the thigh hose up over my long smooth legs. I sat down on the edge of the bed. After putting my toes in the end of one side of the thigh hose I placed my foot on the nearby chair. As I slowly unrolled the thigh hose up my calf and thigh I could imagine the sensual carress of a lover on my skin.

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   I was becoming flushed from my wandering mind. I clasped the garter onto the hose and started on the other leg. PLacing my toes in the end of the hose, slowly sliding it up my calf and thigh then clasping it to the garter. I stood up looking at myself in the mirror. I liked what I saw. Nearly naked and flushed getting ready for a date. I walked over to the end of the bed picking up the dress. I slid the dress over my head and down onto my body. Feeling the velvet as it smoothed over my skin. I stood in front of the mirror adjusting the dress til I had it just right. The split in the side came way up my thigh almost to my hip exposing alot of leg and garter. I smiled to myself knowing that tonight would be another learning lesson for me. I was slowly brushing my long hair trying to think of how to fix it for the evening. I finally decided that I was just going to let my hair go wild tonight. With the hair dilema over, I decided it was time to go downstairs and wait for Kendra to arrive for our night out.

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   I was making my way down the stairs when the doorbell rang. I looked at the clock. It was only 7. I quickly made my way to the door opening it. I was shocked to see Kendra standing there smiling, holding a magnolia blossom. I smiled in return to her and said "Please come in. " then opened the door wider to allow her entry. She smiled extending her hand presenting me with the magnolia. Took my hand in hers kissing the back of it. The feeling of her lips even just being on the back of my hand was making it hard for me to think. Still holding my hand she pulled me close to her body kissing me passionately on the lips. Our lips parted and our tongues met. Her hands running over my back as we kissed. When the kiss ended she looked at me and asked "Are you ready to go out for the evening?""Yes I am ready. " I replied breathlessly.

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   With that I was led to her car parked in front of the house. She opened the door for me, as I got settled she smiled shutting my door. She got in the drivers side of the car and turned the key. The car roared to life, then she put it in gear we were off. "You will enjoy dinner tonight. I made reservations for us at a very quiet place not far from here. The food is great. The music is great. The lights are dim and it has a very pleasant atmosphere. " she said as she drove the car heading for our destination. Making the necessary turns and stops to get us there safely. "That sounds wonderful. I think I know the place you are talking about. Isn't the name of it The Rainbow Room? I thought I read about it being new to town and very classy. " I said.

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   I tried to remember the rest of the article I had read about the place. "Yes, it is The Rainbow Room. I have been there a few times and I enjoy it greatly. There is nothing better then going out for the evening and being in a classy place like that. " she said as she made the final turn and we were coming upon our destination. I was really excited. I had not been to this place yet. I had heard that it was not only very popular but was so hard to get a table. I was lost in thought when Kendra pulled the car into the long circular drive, the car came to a stop in front of the doors. I looked over at Kendra. She smiled brightly as the valet opened her door, gave her a ticket, and she walked around to my door. She opened the door for me again while the valet went to park the car. Kendra had hold of my hand as she led me to the door. We walked quickly up the walkway. The doors opened for us.

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   We made our way to the hostess. The hostess asked "How may I help you? Do you have a reservation for this evening?"Kendra replied "Yes we have a reservation. The name is Kendra Cantrell. The reservation should be a table for two by the window. ""Oh yes Ms Cantrell we have your table ready. Please follow me. " the hostess said as she took two menus leading us to our table. As we walked I was in awe. This place was much nicer then I had heard. The lighting was indeed low enough to be sensual. The walls were decorated very elegantly with paintings. The tables all looked the same adorned with white table cloths that looked hand embroidered and a vase on each table containing six red roses. On each side of the vase of roses was a candle to add to the sensual glow in the room. We reached our table by the window, we both were seated to look over the menu. Trying to decide what to eat for dinner would be a tough choice, though I already knew what I wanted for dessert.

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   We ordered our dinner and sat listening to the soft music floating through the room. We carried on a light conversation about nothing really important to pass the time. The sexual tension was building between us. The tension adding to the rest of dinner being rather quiet. We both were thinking ahead of the night to come. After dinner we drove to Kendra's house. She lived a few minutes down the street. The drive was quiet but not from being nervous, the sexual tension was so thick you could have cut it with a knife. To relieve some of the tension I placed a hand on her thigh as she was driving to her house. I ran my hand lightly up and down her thigh just enjoying the feeling of her smooth skin under my fingertips. Kendra turned the car into her driveway parking close to the door. She turned the car off exiting the vehicle then made her way to the passeneger side. She opened the door holding her hand out to me. When I placed my hand in hers she clasped her fingers on mine helping me from the car. Still clasping my hand in hers she led me to the door opening it and leading me inside.


   Inside the house she shut the door pulling me close to her placing her lips on mine, teasing my tongue out to meet hers. Kissing passionately she ran her hands through my hair and over my back inching my dress up. Higher and higher my dress went onto my hips exposing my garter and naked flesh to her touch. I felt her strong hands grasp both rounded globes of my rear lightly squeezing them. Our tongues swirling around each other in a dance of flesh. I could feel the need in her kiss as her tongue circled and conquered mine. Her hands grasping and squeezing my rear. Her hands trailed back up my body as she grasped the hem of my dress quickly pulling the material over my head to let it fall in a heap onto the floor. She stood back from me to admire my naked flesh with her eyes. She then took my hand leading me to her bedroom. When we entered the doorway she flicked the light switch on. As my eyes adjusted to the light I was amazed by what I saw. In the middle of the room was a king size four poster bed. Each of the bed posts had a binding hooked onto it that trailed to the floor. On the right hand side of the bed was a long table covered with what looked like the remains of an adult toy store.

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   There were dildos, viberators, strap ons, lotions, potions, oils, paddles, gags, and almost anything a person could imagine. I didn't realize it but I had been standing there looking at the collection with my mouth standing open in disbelief. Kendra reached her hand up below my chin pushing to close my mouth then grabbed me by my hand leading me to the bed. At the side of the bed she turned me around and said "Lay back and relax. This night is all about teaching you all the things you have wondered about. Just relax and close your eyes. "I sat on the edge of the bed scooting til I was directly in the middle of the bed with my head on the pillow. Then I laid back closing my eyes. I felt her weight on the bed next to me as she reached beneath my head and the pillow, placing a blindfold over my eyes. She tied the blindfold so that it would not come loose even if I thrashed about on the bed. I felt her breath on the skin of my wrist as she secured me to the bed. I heard her walk to the end of the bed and felt her securing one ankle then the other. I heard her walk to the other side of the bed and felt her secure my other wrist to the bed. I laid there in the huge bed naked and spread wide. I was unable to move as the bindings held me securely to the bed posts.

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   I heard her walk back over and started moving things on the table. I could feel slight movement of the bed as she dropped items onto the bed. I tried to be as quiet as I could thinking I might be able to make out what she was doing but it was to no avail. I heard her walk to the bedroom door opening it wide, the hinge squealed a little as it swung open. I heard her walk back over to the bed and felt her weight on it as the mattress dipped down underneath her. I felt her warm soft hand as it touched my ankle and slowly made its way up over my calf, to my thigh where she lightly ran her fingers over my flesh. My skin was tingling from her touch and my clit was throbbing with excitement. I could feel her breath on my chest as her head came closer and closer to my erect nipple. She leaned her head down running her tongue over my nipple and I moaned loudly "Oooohhhh yeaaahhh. "She took my nipple into her mouth and began to suck on it, running her tongue over it. I arched my back to get more of my breast into her mouth as I wanted to feel more. Though the blindfold kept me from seeing what was happening I was so lost to the erotic images in my mind that I was already building to an orgasm. My mind was so lost to the sensations caused by Kendra that I did not hear the sound of approaching foot steps til they were in the room coming up to the bed. I was startled by the sound of foot steps since I knew Kendra was kneeling on the bed next to me. "Who is that? I heard someone come in the room.

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  " I squeeked. I tried to move but was bound to the bed, unable to do more then just wiggle my torso. "Anna this is Kevin. I invited him here tonight to help me. The blindfold is so that you can not see his face as he does not want to be known. Just lay back and relax as the night is still young. " She purred into my ear. I then felt a second set of hands running up my leg from ankle to thigh. These were not Kendra's hands, they were larger. Then Kevin said "Hello Anna. I have been waiting all afternoon to meet you. You have a very sensual body. I cannot wait to teach you. Now just relax. I will not hurt you in any way.

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  "I felt his lips kissing, licking a path up my leg following his hands. His lips were soft on my skin. I could feel a mustache tickling my flesh as he went along. As he neared my inner thigh he stopped briefly, his lips and hands were gone from my body. I heard his steps as he made his way to the foot of the bed. Then I felt his weight settle on the bed between my feet. I was sure he had a really good close view of my pussy as it was spread from my legs being bound to the bed. I remained silent laying on the bed. The blindfold that was hindering my sight was also helping to make the situation more erotic. I felt his hands again on my legs. Starting at the ankle working their way up slowly carressing my flesh as they went along. The feeling of his hands running along my skin caused my already dripping wet pussy to become even more wet. Kendra began an erotic assault on my senses as her lips and hands sought out my breasts again. Each touch was sending shock waves of pleasure through my whole body. Arching up at each touch.

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   I was so aroused that I felt on fire. I tried to focus my mind but I felt myself being carried away with the flood of sensations. I felt Kevin's hands slowly make their way to my pussy. He used one hand to part my already soaking wet lips, with the other hand he stroked my clit. Each touch on my clit made my body tremble as I was carried higher and higher on the waves of an immense orgasm. The hand that had parted my lips was slowly beginning to work its way up and down my wet slit lubricating his fingers. I felt one finger inserted into my sopping wet hole. He pumped it in and out of me at an ever increasing pace. My body was reacting to his touch. My hot wet walls were closing in on his finger. I felt a second finger starting to slide inside me. I moaned "Ohhhhhh Yessssss" just as his finger slipped along side the other and began pumping in and out of my wet hole making sucking noises from all my juices. As my orgasm crested threatening to carry me away I felt Kevin's face as his lips and tongue enveloped my clit. The feelings of him sucking and licking my clit pushed me over the edge. My body started trembling.

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   I arched up to meet his face and hands while moaning "Oooohhhhh Yeeessss. That's it. Right there. Like that. Make me cum. Oooohhhh yeeesss yeeeeesssssssss. " as my orgasm exploded fiercely. My body trembling all over like the leaves of a tree during a violent storm. When my body had begun to calm down and my breathing came back to normal Kendra leaned down whispering into my ear "Darlin that was the most erotic thing I have ever seen. Your body reacted to our touches imazingly. "I realized that Kevin was still between my legs. I was so lost in my orgasm I had almost forgotten he was still in the room. I felt a liquid dripping onto my already sopping wet lips. I could only guess it was some kind of lubricant. Kevin's hand started rubbing the liquid onto my skin.

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   I felt the bed shift a little as both Kendra and Kevin moved from their earlier positions. I could feel Kendra moving over me, kneeling right above my face. I could smell her wetness as it got closer and closer to my face. I strained a little to raise my head up. I stuck my tongue out and was greeted by the sweet taste of Kendra's excitement. I began lapping my tongue along her wet lips, drinking in every drop of her arousal. I could hear Kendra moaning as I licked her clit. Her hips thrusting closer and closer to my face. I felt Kevin moving on the bed. I knew he was leaning in over my body on the bed. I could feel the tip of his hard throbbing cock as it slid up and down my lips. I could feel my wet hole being opened slightly by the head of his cock. I knew that I was about to experience more orgasms by this pair. I arched my back up to meet the hardness entering my wet hole. As the head slid in my body I could feel my walls as they spasmed.

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   I moaned loudly. Kevin's body tensed a little above me. Then he started to move gently. One inch in, half an inch out. Within a matter of eight strokes in and out I could feel him buried to the hilt in my wet hole. He began to pump in and out at an increaing pace. I was not far away from another orgasm. I started to lick and suck Kendra's clit even harder. With each thrust of Kevin into my body I would lick Kendra's clit. I was moaning into Kendra's wet hole. She was grinding onto my face. My body started to tremble with another immense orgasm. I felt Kendra trembling on my face. The wet walls of my hole were contracting on Kevin's cock. I felt it get even harder and bigger.

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   My body spasmed. I almost screamed out loud. Kendra came on my face. I licked like crazy trying to suck up every drop of her sweet nectar. Kevin was still pumping in and out of me but was going much faster and deeper then before. He stiffened thrusting in one last time. I felt his orgasm as his balls emptied into my wet hole. I heard Kevin moan "Ohhh Yesss. Take it all. " I felt his cock twitch inside me seven or eight times feeling his cum as it splashed deep inside me. My walls tightening and loosening on his cock milking him for every drop of cum. Kendra moved off my face, sliding onto the bed next to me. Kevin stayed between my legs with his cock still buried in me til it finally softened and slid out. I could feel the cum sliding out of my hole, sliding down my crack to the bed beneath me. I felt Kevin shift his weight, then he was gone off the bed.

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   His foot steps told me he was making his way to the door. I then heard his foot steps as he disappeared down the hallway. Kendra laid next to me running her hands over my body. She massaged my breasts and ran her hands over my stomach. After we both heard the front door open then shut Kendra got up off the bed removing the blindfold from my eyes. Then she went to every corner of the bed releasing me from the bindings. After I was untied she sat on the edge of the bed looking at me. I blushed under her close scrutiny. I could tell my skin was flushed as I felt hot all over. Kendra leaned in to me, kissing me on the lips, then said "You are lovely. I do hope that you enjoyed this evening. Maybe we can do this again. "I quietly replied "Oh yes it was wonderful. I would love to do this again. ""Good" Kendra said "We will have to plan another meeting.


   Now lets go get you cleaned up and get you home. "Kendra took my hand in hers leading me to the bathroom. She wet a cloth for me to clean up with. After I washed we made our way back to the bedroom to retrieve my clothing. I pulled the dress over my head. Kendra was dressing next to me. I looked over at her letting my eyes trail over her flesh from head to toe. Enjoying the site of seeing her. When we both were dressed we made our way to the front door. Kendra held the door open for me to exit then shut it behind her. She held the car door open for me, then made her way to the drivers side. She started the car and put it in gear. We began the slow and quiet trip back to my house. Images from the night were playing in my head as we drove down the road. I placed my hand on Kendra's thigh tracing small circles on the material beneath my fingers.

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   We pulled up in front of my house. She turned off the car and got out. She opened my door for me to get out of the car. We walked quietly to the porch where she took me in her arms kissing me passionately. Tongues meeting and circling each other. When Kendra broke the kiss she opened the door to my house, kissed me on the back of my hand, then made her way to her car. I stood there watching her as she made her way to the car. Then as the car started I shut the door. I made my way to my bedroom. I didn't even turn on the light I undressed and crawled into bed. In a matter of minutes I was asleep dreaming of the events of the night. The End. . . .

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