
Indian Wife Discovers her Lesbian Desires


‘Darling,’ she says, ‘I have a confession to make, I need to tell you something. Something happened while you were at work today. Your Indian woman had an adventure. I’m a little nervous telling you. But I don’t want any secrets between us. I think you can handle it - can’t you?’‘Go ahead, I reply, you know I support you in whatever you do. ’ ‘Well, she continued, you know Mrs Kumila across the road? ’I did. She was a well-built woman in her late 50s who had stopped and chatted to us when we first arrived in the neighbourhood. Her appearance was arresting: thick black hair, large, buxom, breasts, and wide hips. Her husband was a wealthy businessman who spent a lot of time away from the home. She didn’t seem to mind, she was one of those self-sufficient women who busied herself with not very much. ‘Well, I passed her in the street today. We chatted and she invited me over for some afternoon tea. Come any time she said, the later the better. 'It was about 5. 00pm when I knocked on the door, to be admitted by a pretty oriental maid.

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   She told me to go upstairs. Madam was just getting ready and had given her instructions to send me up. The maid smiled bashfully as she said this - sweetly I thought. I ascended the stairs and finding the door to what I thought must be the bedroom ajar gently knocked and entered. The air was humid from the effects of a shower, and Mrs Kumila entered from her shower room wrapped in a large red towel. It had to be large, for as you know she is a large woman! She came up to me enthusiastically and kissed me on the cheek. ‘I’m so glad you could come, I’m just getting ready from my shower, do come and keep me company. 'She took my hand and led me across to the dressing table, where she sat before a large mirror. She began to do her make-up, putting a luscious red lipstick and combing her long black hair. She is a handsome woman, and I found myself watching her closely. Every so often she fixed her gaze on mine in the mirror. I noticed that she had hair under her armpits. I found the sight strangely arousing. Normally women are smooth, but the sight of this hair under Mrs Kumila’s arms was intriguing - speaking of earthy and elemental passions. She began to apply lotion to her shoulders and arms.

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   Be a sweetie, she said, and rub some of this lotion on my back. I was nervous. The thought of touching this woman’s naked skin was bad enough, but she was observing me very closely in the mirror. Her skin was soft and smooth. The sensations I felt were electric. This act of massaging a woman’s back was deeply erotic and I responded by backing my massage as slow and sensual as I could, kneading her shoulders with both my hands and easing the tensions in her neck muscles. Mrs Kumila lent back against me and rolled her head from side to side. ‘Ah, this feels so good Anita. You are doing such a good job, you are getting rid of all that stress. ’ She lifted her right hand and placed it on my left, squeezing it. ‘Thank you, my dear, auntie really appreciates what you're doing. ’ I flushed and stammered back ‘Oh, that’s ok. I’m glad to be of use…’ My hand pushed down towards the edge of the towel wrapped around her. ‘Here,’ she said, ‘let me help you’ and with that she unravelled the towel and let it slide of her shoulders down to her waist. Her bare back was now exposed.

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   But that is not what caught my eye. Rather, my gaze was drawn to her large dark and heavy breasts that were now clearly visible in the mirror. They were the biggest breasts I’d ever seen, and they swung to and fro to the rhythm of my massage. Again Mrs Kumila saw my intense look and smiled seductively. ‘Here, give me some of that cream. ’ She began to massage the oil into her large mature breasts, rolling them in her hands, feeling the contours, and giving special attention to the hard nipples. ‘You can see, dear, why your auntie’s shoulders ache. It is from carrying around these large objects. I sometimes envy you smaller breasted women; you don’t have this extra weight to deal with. But then, they’ve brought me much pleasure over the years. Men love them, and my husband still goes crazy over my breasts. But its not men only who love them. ’ At this she lent back against me and I stopped massaging her shoulders, simply resting my hands either side of my neck. ‘Women do too. You’d be surprised how often I see women gazing longingly at my bust.

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   And you’d be surprised at the women too - respectable women, married women, high-caste women. And you know, Anita, I love to catch them looking. It excites me to know that they want me, that they want to fondle my breasts. ’She took my hand again and this time led me round before her. ‘For you see, Anita, that a woman’s touch is special. It’s gentler, more sensitive, more patient than a man’s. In fact, I prefer it to a man’s. Yes, I like it when my husband fucks me with his hard cock, but it’s a woman’s touch that I crave. Its women I love and need. ’ ‘Have you met a lesbian before, Anita?’ I shook my head, startled by the question. ‘You probably have - there are more women who have lesbian desires than you can imagine. Well, I am a lesbian. I hope that doesn’t upset you’ - at this she raised my hand to her lips and kissed it. ‘Most women have lesbian desires at some time. Most women find other women attractive.

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  ’ She stood up now, the towel falling completely away to reveal her voluptuous body. ‘Do you like what you see, Anita? Does it, I wonder, turn you on?’ I was shaking violently now, with a mixture of fear and desire. What was this woman doing to me! I had entered her house with no thought of sex, and now I was before her glorious naked body, unable to move or speak. ‘I think I do turn you on. Don’t worry, Anita, many married women have reacted like you, frightened to explore their desires for another woman. When they yielded to me they didn’t regret it. ’ She raised her hand and placed it around the back of my neck. ‘Come to auntie, I’ve got what you need. ’She pulled me forward. Her breasts were only inches away. We were both breathing heavily. ‘Go on touch me, Anita, feel the weight of my heavy breasts. I’d love you to my dear. ’ She closed her eyes and raised her arms above her head. Her breasts were thrust out, dominating my gaze.

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   I reached out tentatively, curious for my first touch of a woman. I gently passed my hands across the soft orbs of her flesh, before taking the weight of each in the palms of my hands and beginning to massage them. ‘That’s it darling, love auntie’s breasts. Explore them. They’re yours. Play with them. Oh darling, come here. ’She took me in her arms and pressed my mouth to hers. I didn’t resist. We began to kiss passionately, because I was on fire now too. She tasted delicious and her tongue was soon pushing deep inside my mouth. She was unlocking something in me darling - something that has been dormant in me for many years. ‘Yes, auntie, yes, I’ve gazed at your beasts, I’ve fantasised about your voluptuous body. Teach me how to love a woman, take my lesbian virginity. I’m yours, I’m yours…’ She stepped away from me now with a seductive smile and walked slowly towards the bed, climbing onto it and leaning back against the sumptuous cushions.

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   Her large breasts hung naturally on either side of her body and she parted her legs, to reveal the thick black hair of her cunt. She stroked herself with her fingers. ‘Ummm Anita, you’ve got me nice and wet. Why don’t you take off those clothes? Let Auntie see that sexy body, that body that drives your lover wild. ’Nervous still, I pulled off my T-shirt and slid down my jeans, leaving only my underwear. ‘That’s it my darling. Now remove your bra and panties - I want to see all of you. ’ I did as I was told and was soon naked before this woman. ‘Beautiful, beautiful. Now come here my sweet, come to auntie’s arms. ’I clambered onto the bed and crawled into her welcoming embrace. She smothered me in her voluptuous form, pulling me against her big breasts and enveloping me with her soft thighs. Her hand stroked my back as she kissed me lovingly and deeply. ‘God, you’ve made auntie so hot. I love your young slim body.

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   I want to make love to every inch of you. I want to show you what a woman’s tongue can do. ’ I lowered my mouth to hers again and our sensuous kissing continued. Oh Jon, i've never been kissed like that before, she was so gentle and tender, she knew my needs so well honey. And the feeling of our breasts pressing together, my nipples in her yielding flesh, was about as much as I could bear. As we kissed her hand rested on my arse and firmly squeezed my arse-cheek. I could feel her finger nail begin to stroke my anus. I groaned, pushing back my arse to meet her finger. She took the hint and pressed her finger into my arse hole. ‘Urgghh, yes, auntie, I love this, I love what your doing to me, don’t stop - please…’ She pushed her finger deeper and deeper into me until she was fully accommodated. At first she did not move, content to enjoy the hot wet pressure of my arse hole, but then she began a slight motion, easing her finger back and forth, driving me to the limit of my pleasure. ‘Oh my Anita, you are so wet aren’t you? Your arse is so full of love juice for me. I love it baby - I want to eat your arse, I want to suck out your juice. Would you like that baby? Would you?’ ‘God yes, auntie, I want it so much. I want you to eat out my arse, to taste my juices.

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   I want you to take all of me…’ ‘Oh yes, my sweet, all in good time. Auntie will give you all you ever wanted - more than any man can give you. Now come my love, let auntie Kumila have access to what she craves - your hot little pussy. ’At this point she slid down the bed a little and at the same time pulled me up towards her, pushing me forward till my hands were gripping the headboard and my cunt was directly over her face. ‘That’s it darling, feed me your sexy shaven cunt, let me eat your womanhood. ’ Her tongue began to slide its way over my outer cunt lips, flicking hungrily against the soft exposed flesh. As a woman she knew just how to please me, honing in on my clit, probing it with her tongue and gently sucking and teasing it, encouraging it to grow from her ministrations. I began to grind my cunt against her face, clutching the bed head for support. ‘Yes, auntie, yes, love my cunt. Give me your woman’s love. Ummm, I love what you're doing to me, i've needed this for so long - this is what i've wanted. Oh auntie your making me so wet, uh, uh, oh yes. . . urgghh, yes auntie, yes, ahh, ahh…’ Her tongue was now jabbing into me again and again, deep into my wet and open hole.

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   Her hands were on my arse, squeezing the cheeks, pulling me open for her greedy mouth. My juices were flow flowing thick and fast and I was humping against this woman’s tongue, enjoying the sexual release she was giving me. My orgasm was building now and I began to scream out, arching my back as I gripped the headboard tightly. When my orgasm was spent I slumped forward, stunned - not only from its violence, but from the fact that I’d orgasmed from the touch and tongue of another woman. I rolled off Mrs Kumila’s face and lay on my back, panting for breath, my breasts heaving and my skin covered in a sheen of sweat. My hair too was wet with perspiration. I was and felt myself to be a totally wanton slut. I reached across to Mrs Kumila and softly squeezed her hand. She shifted herself onto her side, her heavy, ripe, body wonderful to behold. Our eyes met and I looked at her with tenderness and gratitude. ‘Thank you,’ I managed to say. ‘Thank you for the best orgasm of my life. I can’t believe I’m saying this - that I’d be thanking a woman for satisfying me like this. My darling auntie, how did you know - how did you know this was what I wanted?’ Mrs Kumila reached across and gently stroked my damp forehead, pushing the hair from my eyes. ‘You don’t need to thank me my dear.


   The debt is all mine my sweet. I know an erotic woman when I meet one. I've loved and lusted after women for many years. I can sense from a woman’s reactions to my presence if she is open to the love of a woman - and believe me honey, most are…’ As she said this her hand slowly wandered across my face, over my lips, down the side of my neck and to my right left nipple. She began to finger its hardness, making it erect. ‘For you see, Anita, I understand a woman’s needs, I know where to touch and suck, caress and massage. Most women find me a better lover than any man. They go home to their husbands, but they go home as lesbians. ’ Mrs Kumila leaned over to me now and began to kiss my stomach, making her way up to my breasts, her hand sliding up between my legs - which I opened to give her access to my pussy, hungry again for her ministrations. ‘Can you understand that Anita, can you understand women who want me for a lesbian lover, who resist their husbands and save themselves for me? Would you do that if I asked you? Would you give yourself to me Anita? Would you become my lesbian slut if I wanted you to? My cunt was speaking for me honey. I opened my thighs wider and wider, desperate to show her my love, to open for her touch. Her finger was teasing my clit, drawing it from its hood, stimulating it in ways I could never have imagined. I slid my fingers into Mrs Kumila’s hair and pulled her too me, clasping her so tight, loving her voluptuous form, the scent of her perfume, her intoxicating femininity. ‘Yes, auntie, yes, I admit it, I’ll do what you say. Yes, I'm a lesbian, your lesbian, and I'll come to you whenever you say, whenever I can.

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   I love you and I love what you’ve done to me and are making me. Use me how you wish - but please, darling, please love your Anita…’ I couldn’t finish the sentence as Mrs Kumila’s red lips closed over mine while two of her fingers slid into my cunt. I was wet and slippery and she moved her fingers in and out with ease while her thumb continued to torment my clit. My juices were flowing thick and fast and Mrs Kumila eased her fingers out and raised them to my face. ‘Here you are my love, breathe in the scent of a woman, the most arousing smell in the world. ’ I smelt deeply my own juices, loving their pungent odour. ‘It’s good isn't it my love? Now taste yourself for me. ’ She lowered her fingers to my lips and, gazing all the while into her eyes, I slowly sucked her fingers into my mouth. This act of sucking my own feminine juices from the fingers of this lesbian while I gazed into her deep dark eyes was supremely erotic. I relished every heady drop. ‘That’s a good girl. You are going to learn to love the taste of pussy - I can tell your going to love eating my hairy cunt aren’t you? I can’t wait till your young lips are kissing my mature ripe pussy. But I think my love that today you'd like me to fuck you - to take your lesbian virginity. I think you'd like that, wouldn’t you my sweet?’ To my disappointment Mrs Kumila slide off me and crawled across to the side of the large bed. She eased herself off and walked across to the bathroom.

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   I watched longingly the swing of her ample hips and plump arse. As I lay on the bed I stroked my pussy, yearning for my lover to return. And then, looking up, I saw her at the door of the bathroom, she was leaning against the doorframe in a seductive pose, her hips jutting out. And there, strapped around her hips was a large black cock. As I looked at her she began to stroke it and then with oozing sensuality walked towards me. Her pendulous breasts swung as she walked, as did the shiny black cock. The sight of such a sexy woman sporting an erect cock was extraordinary. Id never seen such a big cock and to see it on a woman was too much. I rose to greet my lover as she clambered to kneel on the bed. I put my arm around her neck and began to kiss her with forceful passion. My right hand I lowered to the dildo, stroking it and feeling its dimension. ‘Oh yes, my auntie, you are so beautiful and your cock is making me so horny. I could never have imagined, its, its…its wonderful, a dream, take me now darling, I’m so wet and ready, fuck me honey with this cock - take my lesbian virginity, make me your slut…' she pushed me back onto the bed and I opened my legs, pulling her towards me, into me. As she slid over me her big breasts dragged across my body, driving my cunt wild with desire. I was taking the initiative now, confident in my desire for this woman.

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   I reached for the cock and placed it at my cunt lips. I nodded to Mrs Kumila that I was ready - ‘now, auntie, now, fill me up with your cock, fuck me, fuck your lesbian whore…’ She began to ease the cock in, deeper and deeper, filling me in ways that a man’s cock has ever done. When she was fully in me I groaned, closing my legs around her, gripping her so tight. We kissed again, knowing that we were consummating our relationship, our lesbian love. And so she began to fuck me. Fuck me as I've never been fucked before. And for longer than I’ve ever been fucked. For a time she played with me, varying the tempo, bringing me to the brink of orgasm before letting me down. Finally she thrust long and deep and continued to hump against me until I screamed with my climax. I was left breathing hard, my body a sweaty and trembling mess. But she didn’t stop. After giving me a moment to catch my breath she fucked me again with her gorgeous cock bringing me to orgasm after orgasm. Only after my fourth orgasm did she roll off my satiated body and onto her back, her black cock glistening with my juices. Her own dark skin was drenched in sweat and the smell was intoxicating. Tired though I was I crawled over to her and snuggled up to her generous form, resting my head on her breast.

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   And so my dear we slept. Two Indian women. Two lovers. And yes, my dear, two lesbians. ’With these words Anita tightened her grip on my already rock-hard penis. It is hard to describe the excitement I had experienced listening to her account of her passionate encounter with Mrs Kumila. I had never heard anything so erotic. My love and desire for my Indian wife had never been so intense. She looked up at me with her wide and dark eyes: ‘Jon, dear, I’m so confused. I love you very much - you must know that - and I love your cock and the way you make love to me. But I’m afraid that after today things have changed. I’ve discovered what I suppose I’d known, feared even, from my days as a girl. I’d always suspected that in might be a lesbian, that I might prefer women to men. I’ve tried to fight it baby, to be a good wife to you. But Mrs Kumila knew, baby, don’t ask me how, but she did.

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   Today, Jon, she unlocked my hidden self, my true nature, and I can’t go back. I’m a lesbian. Your wife’s a lesbian. Can you handle that Jon?’ The words were so intoxicating that my cock immediately grew to its full hardness in my wife’s small hand. She gazed directly into my eyes. ‘I think that might give me my answer. You’re turned on by it aren’t you? Tell me that you can handle it. That you are turned on by the fact that your wife lusts after other women. Am I right?’ My mouth was dry with desire and though I nodded I found it hard to answer. ‘Tell me Jon. I want you to tell me how much you love the fact that I’m lesbian. ’ She now began to stroke my raging hard-on and leant across to kiss me on the lips. ‘Tell me. ’ ‘Of course, yes, yes. I’ve never been so turned on in my life as I am now.

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   I can accept your lesbianism. I won’t divorce you - I want you to remain my wife always. And I’ll never stand in your way - you must explore your desires - here in our marital bed, with your friends, with Mrs Kumila, whatever you want my love - my beautiful and sweet wife…’ At this point my long delayed ejaculation burst forth and cum cascaded onto my stomach. ‘Umm, Jon, I love you. I think we are going to have a lot of fun, don’t you?’.



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