
The Parent and Student Ball


"Jason, have you heard about the "dance" the class council decided to hold?"
"Yea. . . " said Jason. "It doesn't excite me all that much. "
"I don't know, I think its kind of a cute thing to do for our parents" replied Cindy, as she pulled her chair closer to Jason. "Besides" she whispered "I bet we'll be able to slip away for a bit and finally have some fun in some places we can't usually have any. "
With a wicked grin, Jason reached around Cindy and gave her a passionate kiss - which was broken short by the bell.
Breaking the kiss, Jason slid his hand down her back and gaver her ass a heavy squeeze before standing up.
"See you after school, Jason . "
One month later. . .
"Aren't you ready yet?" Jason yelled up the stairs. "I'd like not to be late to this thing!"
"I'm coming, I'm coming" his mom yelled back down. "I just had to finish my hair.

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Jason sighed, and continued pacing at the bottom of the stairs. The dance was a semi-formal affair at best, and no one was expected to pull out all the stops in their clothing. With that in mind, Jason had dressed in a pair of tan pants, and a white dress shirt. The clothes looked good on his six foot frame, but having a charming face on a fairly toned body made most things he wore look good.
Jason took a step into the other room where his father was watching TV. His father just looked at him and rolled his eyes at his mother's tardiness. "What else is new, eh son?" he said as he turned back to the TV. Just then Jason heard his mother walking down the stairs. "Alright dad, I think we're finally outta here, seeya later. " With that Jason headed back to the stairs.
As he stood at the bottom, he looked up the stairs. Up until this moment he had known his mother was pretty hot (his friends constantly joked about her to him), but he had never thought of her as sexy. Now he did. His mothers 38 year old body was fit and trim. Standing about five-foot-sex, she had chosen to wear a black dress, with slits on the sides of the legs.

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   It fell to just above her knees, and at the top went up almost to her neck. Although there wasn't any cleavage showing, there didn't need to be, as the dress was fairly tight around her 32D boobs. Her shoulder length hair was tied back in a loose braid, and her cute face was framed by two pearl earrings.
As Jason stood there in a slight daze suddenly realizing how hot his mother was, it wasn't until she said "Earth to Jason, are you still here?" that he snapped out of it.
"Uh, yes I am, and I am ready to go. " He motioned towards the door and as she went he couldn't resist taking a glance at her firm ass as she walked to the door. Shaking his head to clear his mind of his thoughts, he followed her outside and got into the car.
As he and his mother walked into the school and headed for the dance area, which was just the school gymnasium, he saw a few of his friends nearby, all with their parents. Tony, Tim and Pablo were all there with their mothers, while Amber and Sarah were there with their fathers. As he greeted them, he couldn't help but notice that all the women, yound and old, were looking very good. His eyes were especially drawn to Pablo's mother, who had on a white dress that let her 36dd breasts spill out over the top. As he glanced up at her face he saw that she had seen him looking which made him blush and look away.  
As a group they moved towards the dance. Along the way Tony moved over to walk next to Jason. In a low voice he said "guess what happened to Clyde.

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  . . his mother got some kind of food poisoning during the day, and isn't feeling well enough to come. Instead, she talked him into bringing his little sister!" "Man poor Clyde" replied Jason. "His loss is our gain though. . . his sister is quite the little hottie. "
As they got the gym entrance Jason finally saw Cindy and her father. Whispering in his moms ear that he'd be right back, he quickly strode over to Cindy. As he reached her, he stepped up to her and gave her a hug, and put his mouth up to her ear, and she put hers to his. "Hey babe" he whispered to her "I hope you've got something extra special planned as you've been hinting, because I am really horny tonight. " With a soft reply "Oh, you best believe it Jay, in about a 1/2 hour I want you to make your way to the guys locker room. " With that quick exchange, she gave his ear a quick little nibble and went back to her father.
As he walked back to his mother, he once again appraised his mother.

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   Already his dick was half hard from his exchange with Cindy, and he wondered if he would be able to use the dance to get his mother a little excited as well. Jason enjoyed challenges, and trying to arouse his mother without making it seem intentional would not exactly be easy.
After waiting just a few more minutes, the class president went up to the DJ stand and picked up the mic. "Just want to make this quick everyone" he said. "This night is intended as a way for our parents to see us one last time in a setting such as this before we graduate. So, just have fun with it everyone. Next time we're all together like this it'll be after we have our diplomas!" That drew a cheer from everyone, and with that he stepped down and the DJ put on a slow dance.
Jason led his mother onto the dance floor, which was filling up quickly. As the two of them began to dance, Jason led them. Slowly, he worked his way around the edge of the dance floor, towards the back, where it seemed some of the lighting wasn't working very well. As they got closer to the dark area, the DJ played a few more songs, then went back to another slow one.
"Jason I love this song!" his mother exclaimed. Jason just smiled and nodded his agreement. He drew his mother closer to himself, close enough that her breasts were just lightly touching his chest. As the song continued, he made sure to move his body across the front of her breasts.

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   His mother wasn't really paying attention, lost in her memories of the song that was playing. As Jason continued his movements, he moved them even further into the shadowed area. In this area no one else was really dancing due to the lack of light.
As he got them into position, he began to notice that her nipples were pushing out against her dress. Carefully, he continued to rub his body against her nipples, knowing that if he gave them some attention his mother would become aroused.
Sandra, his mother, at that point began to feel slight tingles, and although it was very pleasent, she stopped thinking about the song and paid attention to her son again. She could feel his hard chest brushing against her nipples, and it was a slight thrill everytime he did it. Knowing that he was doing it accidently, she was enjoying it just enough to not move away. They continued in this manner for a few more minutes, until the end of the song. By the end of the song her nipples had become very sensitive, and her pussy was ever so slightly starting to get wet, and she was sad to step back.
As the DJ started his next track, it was a faster song, and she was dissapointed that he wouldn't be able to hold her close for the song again. Not completely paying attention, still focused on her own feelings, she missed him calling her the first time. "Mom" he said again, giving her a slight shake. "Oh sorry Jason, what is it?" she replied with a smile. "Have you been dancing recently mom?" he asked.

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   She blinked at his strange question, then replied "no, not really. " "Well mom, I think you should learn to dance like we do!" Sandra thought well I may as well have some fun, how different can dancing be than what I'm used to. "Sure" she replied.
By then Jason had noticed his attention to her tits had gotten a reaction out of her, and figured to move on to the next step. At that point, he turned her around and took a couple steps closer to her, so that his body was nearly pushed up against her from behind. As the song picked up the tempo a little bit, he said "this is a very popular method of dancing known as 'grinding', and its very instinctive to pick up on, just go with what feels right". With that he closed the remaining few inches between their bodies and put his arms around her stomach. He could feel her tight ass against him, and he began to move his hips in time to the beat of the song.
At first his mother didn't know how to react, in fact, was a bit shocked at what he was doing. But, she figured if it was popular, and this was a mother AND son dance, she should learn how he danced. She felt his hands around her stomach, holding her tight against him, and felt his hips moving against her from behind, so she started to do the same. Moving herself in time to the song, she began to push back against Jason. She felt excited at this dirty dancing, and her feelings from a couple minutes before returned full force. The fact that they were semi secluded in the darkness made her feel even hotter.
As she continued to push her ass back into him, she picked up the pace a little more.

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   Jason grinned, and slowly moved his hands up to under her boobs. Very lightly he began to rub the underside of her breasts, always in time to the music. As his mother continued her grind against him, he could feel himself begin to stiffen in his pants. It was then that he heard his mother moan slightly.
As Jasons hands continued to massage the bottom of her breasts, she felt him pressed up against her ass even closer than before. As his hands pressed her boobs, the combination of his pushging against her ass and his breast manipulation caused her to let out a soft moan. It was then that she felt an erection begin to grow against her ass. She gasped, but at this point was enjoying the dance to much to push away from him. Instead, she began to grind her ass up and down against him.
Jason knew he'd succeeded, and he was enjoying every second of it. As his mother continued to slide her ass up and down his cock, he moved his hands farther up and cupped her boobs with his hand. He began to play with her nipples, and his mother didn't say anything, she just continued to moan and gasp every few seconds. Releasing his left hand, he dropped it down to the bottom of her dress. Very fast, he pulled the hem of her dress up over her ass, and began to grind his cock against her black panties. He reached around in front of her and began to feel her pussy through her panties, and could feel that they were very wet.

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   It was then that the song was about to end, so he began to slow the dance down, and removed his hands from her boobs, and whispered in her ear "thats what grinding is all about mom. "
At the end of the song, he figured it was about time to go see Cindy, so he murmered to her "I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back. " Without ever letting her turn around to see him, he took off for the locker room.
When he got to the locker room and went in, he saw Cindy sitting there waiting for him. As he looked at her in her dark blue dress, he couldn't wait to get her out of it and satisfy himself. After what he just did with his mother he needed some release, badly. She looked at him with a mischevious smile. "So is this the place?" Jason asked. "Of course not, this is boring, I have someplace far better in mind. " She stood up and walked over to him. Jason saw her look at his erection. "Wow you really are excited aren't you, I hate to keep you waiting" she grinned as she grabbed his hand and walked to the locker room exit.  
She led them down the darkened hallway, and then she motioned toward a nearby doors. The doors to the pool. With a wink, she pushed them open and pulled him in after her.

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   It was dark in the pool area, with just the light from the hallway outside to show them where they were going. As they walked the 100 feet to the pool area, Cindy began to work her way out of her dress. As Jason began to remove his shoes and socks, she suddenly stopped and told him to wait. With him looking at her, she pulled her other arm out of the strap and let it fall to the floor. "Oh god Cindy, did you really not wear any underwear!" Jason exclaimed. "Nope" she replied with a wink. "Now lets start things off right" she said.
Stepping forward, she looked Jason in the eyes, then dropped to her knees before him. Jason couldn't help but drool over her cheerleader physique, with her wonderful 24C sized boobs, her slender stomach and waste, and her dirty blonde hair. She began to take off his belt, and once removed, unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor. At this point his cock was near full size, and straining to get out of his underwear. Slowly, she removed his underwear, and let it slip to the ground.
With Jason's ten inch dick now almost totally hard and free of its bonds, Cindy moved one of her hands to his balls, and the other to his cock. Almost daintily, she opened her mount and slipped it over the head of his penis. She began to lick the tip of the cock, and started playing with his balls with one hand while stroking it with the other.


   As she lubed his dick up more with her spit, she slid it further into her mouth. "Oh shit Cin, with how excited I've been I'm not gonna last long like this. " At that, she began to bob her head on his dick, and began to stroke his dick very fast. His cock was to big for her to fit more than four or five inches in, but that was plenty. Very soon, She felt him begin to tense up. Knowing what was coming, she left just the head inside her mouth, and began to stroke it with her tongue quite fast, while her handjob became after.
With a moan, he let loose a torrent of semen, to which she attempted to swallow as much as she could. Some of it escaped her mouth and slowly slid down her chin. After four or five heavy spurts of cum she felt him relax, and let go his dick from her mouth. She looked up at him and using a finger, scooped up the cum that had escaped and licked it off. "You are such a dirty girl" Jason said down to her. "Don't you forget" she said as she stood up. She unbuttoned his shirt and let threw it to the side. "Lets get to the main event!" With a wicked smile she pulled him towards the pool.





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