
The Other Room Chapter 7


The Other Room Chapter 7
Daddy had become an expert in pleasuring me with his fingers.   He would come to my room at an appropriate time and I would lay on the bed while he brought me to orgasm with his fingers.   Sometimes he would sink down and use his tongue on me and I would hold his head with my hands and fuck his face.   When he told me I was a dirty little slut who would do anything it came over not as an insult but a compliment, a fact with which I would agree.
Still wanting him to fuck me I would sometimes sink down and suck him.   The first time it felt amazingly exciting, it was what some girls with a dirty mind only ever fantasised about doing.   One afternoon as daddy whispered in my ear getting me to admit that I would do anything he became very excited when I whispered back to him.
“Yes daddy – anything you want – but you will have to put your cock inside me and fuck me!”
It happened – my father pounded away at me bouncing me on the bed until his sperm shot inside my hole making me orgasm too.     After that I no longer had to wait for the days that daddy had someone home.   He would come to my room when I got home from school or some evenings I would go down stairs knowing that he was alone.   I would bounce on his knee or even be held against the wall with my legs wrapped around him, his cock deep inside me.
Like other men daddy liked me in my school uniform and one of his favourite positions was for him to take me from behind while I was stood and bent over b alan cing myself on a piece of furniture.   Sometimes daddy removed my knickers while other days if time was scarce he would pull my panties to one side and push home his cock.   The more risks he took the more exciting it felt and many times we were nearly discovered by either my mother or by my younger sister.   I was puzzled by that particular risk daddy seemed to enjoy taking and wondered what would happen if my sister walked in.   I did not suspect for a second that daddy was building up to fulfilling his next perverted fantasy.

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When more time was available daddy liked me to straddle his knee facing him so he could kiss my tits.   He liked me to talk to him as he fucked me and for me to tell him whose cock I enjoyed sucking most and how it felt when I tasted a man’s sperm or which men made me “cum”.   For a while I was in two different worlds – the normal one when out or at school and the one at home when mother was out of the house.   I would become a different person and was truly the dirtiest slut ever doing anything my father asked of me.
Our games alone had become kinkier and daddy seemed fascinated more and more with my bottom.   He would get me to lie on my tummy and then he would kiss and lick around my hole.   Over a couple of weeks he persuaded me to lie on my side with one leg bent up and he would smear cream or ointment on his fingers and try to insert it in my anus.   At first it hurt and I whimpered but he insisted on doing it until eventually I learned to relax.
Soon he was getting me to lie on all fours with my bum stuck up in the air while he penetrated me first with one finger then with two.   Eventually he admitted to me that he wanted to prepare me to take his cock in my arse then, he suggested, I could let other men do it because he would love to watch me being arse fucked!
The other dirty game daddy liked me to play first happened when other men were in the house.   After being fucked and having my pussy played with two men daddy had brought home I wanted to visit the bathroom.   I told daddy I had to go – I needed a pee – immediately the men – and daddy too – had filthy thoughts.
“Do it here!” one whispered.
I refused - in spite of all I was prepared to do somehow peeing in front of men was going too far.   I was shocked and embarrassed when my father came over and putting his fingers against my clit he joined the others in trying to persuade me to let them watch.

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     I held out and tried to reason that it would make such a mess on the floor but I was bursting and couldn’t hold on much longer.   Father went quickly out of the room and returned with some old towels placing them on the floor.
“Now you don’t need to worry!” he declared.
As all the men kept whispering to me to comply while they gathered round me becoming more and more excited my father picked his time – and laid a hard slap across my buttocks.   The stinging unexpected smack took me by surprise – and I lost control of my bladder.   Embarrassed I was made to stand open legged over the towels and daddy spread my pussy lips open.   I was even more shocked when toward the end one of the men knelt between my legs and I was assured it would be fine if I just finished peeing – into his mouth!
Father was turned on by this for quite a while and he would often get me to piss for him – or sometimes on him.   Once when he was licking my pussy he told me to stand and while he flicked his tongue over my clit he told me to pee.   It was another dirty game I became used to taking part in.
Only once did anything happen outside the home and that was when daddy and I were shopping he said he needed to see someone.   On a street in the seedier part of town we met a man and after daddy had spoken to him the man looked at me and then asked dad who I was.
“This is my daughter,” he said simply.
“Yeah, she looks to be a fine girl!” the man commented.
At that point dad walked me down the nearest alleyway beckoning the man to follow.   Stopping to make sure no one was about he lifted my skirt and bunched it round my waist in his hand.

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     Stood in front of the man I saw his eyes light up as he ogled the area between my legs.
“Don’t you think she’s more than just fine?” daddy asked.   “What do think now?”
The man hesitated then daddy invited him to touch – and touch he did.   His fingers went straight to my pussy and when he realised he was able to go further he slipped his fingers under my panties and felt inside my hole.   He was a happy man when daddy said he should visit us and get to know me properly.
I became a little nervous when the man asked, “Can’t I have a sample now?”
Pushing me into a recess between two out buildings dad told the man to show me “what he had got”.   The man took out the thickest cock I had ever seen and as I trembled with anxiety I heard daddy’s voice.
“Show him how well you can suck – good girl!
The man was beside himself with unbelievable joy and grinning he looked down at me and watched me take his dick into my mouth.   Something about the situation turned me on also and I gave the man the best blow job he had ever had.   When I felt his salty sperm shooting into my mouth I lifted my eyes to look into his and watch his fascination when I happily and enthusiastically swallowed his “cum”.   The man consequently became a regular visitor to the house when I found out he supplied my dad with very dubious material and was no stranger to illicit sex.
Amid all this was the fear that sometime these games would be discovered but I never imagined the most unusual way this would happen.   The night I dressed sexily for daddy expecting to ‘entertain’ a group of his friends I had no idea when I walked into the room that my mother would be there.
There was an awkward moment but as a man began to fondle and kiss me I managed to catch a glimpse of father taking my equally shocked and stunned mother out of the room for a little talk.   With my mind in a whirl I was almost oblivious to the fact that I was being held down in my seat by two men and the young boy that mother had been playing with was being encouraged to come and touch me.

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     All I could see in my mind and think about was the image of my mother letting a young boy masturbate into her mouth while the men watched and wanked!
Now my own dirty behaviour paled into insignificance – shit – this was my mother!
Suddenly I was conscious my parents had returned to the room.   Mother had a strange expression on her face that scared me a little.   Confused I wondered why the men had not released me or why no one seemed the slightest bit worried.   One of the men stood away and to my surprise mother replaced him in the seat beside me.   The boy was now fumbling between my legs and I moved thinking now I should stop him – mother stopped my attempts.
It was beginning to dawn on me now that my mother was just as depraved and kinky as my father was.   The boy was there for my mother; but now they seemed to have agreed to other more lustful uses of him.    I heard a voice telling him to remove my panties, then to kneel and lick between my legs; the voice belonged to my mother!  
Still in a mental whirl I felt the man on my other side start to remove my top then begin to play with my tits – mother smiled, and kissed me on the cheek.   Her hands dropped to my thighs and she held them apart opening my hole for the boy.
“Come here, stand up!” she commanded of the boy.
Now her face was near mine as she directed the lad to wank while she pulled him toward both our faces.   With alternating movements the boy’s penis went from my mouth to mothers and I felt her excitement growing as the men vocally signalled their approval.   When the lad spurted into my mouth the men went wild and soon both my mother and I were both being hard fucked as we lay side by side.
I remember very little about the events that followed during the next two days.   There were no long conversations or explanations and certainly not any recriminations.

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     Indeed it seemed as though neither of my parents could wait for the next time friends would visit.   Mother, at breakfast on the second day whispered that things would be fine but didn’t enlarge on exactly what she meant by that remark.   The evening of the following night was interrupted by a visit from three men and I was summoned to “Come downstairs, and through to the other room. ”
I had taken part in many kinky and forbidden acts but the events of that night would stay the most memorable.   At one point I was laid flat with a man fucking me while mother knelt over me giving me the most passionate of kisses.   Simultaneously, with her backside pushed high in the air she was being well shafted from behind by another man.
For the pleasure of watching men my mother would kneel with me on the floor and guide a penis to my mouth for me to suck before she would share its taste with me.   That penis, for the added excitement of the audience would invariably belong to my father!   Mother would masturbate the shaft while she held my head pushing it into my mouth, kissing it and me at the same time.
Another ‘show’ was for mother to use a double dildo and fuck me while she licked and sucked on my tits, she became very aroused when I did likewise and took her breast between my lips then when a man had ejaculated into my mouth would use her tongue to lick up the sperm.   Mother was quite persuasive in getting me to allow certain men to use my anus and would happily lubricate me and assist.   Sometimes when all had gone home father would still be so worked up that he would fuck me hard while mother held and fondled me.
It was after many months of living this double life and, happily accepting it that I discovered that the inevitable had happened.   Mother and I, one evening, had gone out to see a show, quite normal and proper.   It was upon our early return that we heard noises coming from the ‘other room’ and for a few minutes just sat and listened.   I was surprised wondering who, apart from the usual type of men visitors could be in there; mother however had a knowing look on her face and was quite unperturbed.

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     When the door opened it revealed all and left me stunned and shocked.
Out from the room walked a man, a stranger, fastening up his trousers with a big smile on his face.   Behind him I looked into the room and at the same time heard the familiar sound of my little sister’s voice. She uttered a barely audible cry followed by a nervous giggle then as she walked across the room toward a waiting man sat with legs apart I saw that she was naked from the waist down.   At the same time I became aware of something else that although a familiar sight to me in this instance left me shaken.   I could see not one but two other men – and they too were devoid of any clothing from waist down.
Father had finally initiated my younger sister in the forbidden and sexual depraved world of our family.   The man fastening his pants didn’t seem the least bit worried about my mother and my own unexpected presence and it soon dawned on me why.   My mother quietly told me to relax and stay calm.   She had known all about this plan and as I later learned had taken me out merely to get me out of the way knowing that I may freak out knowing about this latest development.
Mother, it seemed, had taken some persuading to allow this (but the fact that she had even let herself be convinced and sat discussing the pros and cons showed fully the strange world my family moved in).   At least I had been at an age of sexual awareness and at the back of my mind I knew that one day father would look at my sisters developing body and think his forbidden thoughts.   However it seemed that lust and depravity had dictated that waiting was no longer an option.
I subsequently asked my sister a simple question, “How long have you been going into the ‘other room’?”
She answered innocently and immediately, “Oh, for a long time now!   Mummy said it would be fun but we haven’t to tell anyone. ”
The one fact that was most disturbing to me was that as a family we shared dark and dangerous secrets and relied on each other to keep quiet.

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     It was a shock to know that in spite of this that we were nevertheless still keeping secrets from each other.
Father has moved on now, not banished you understand, he merely became bored and left!   We three are still together as a family but cannot change our past – or do we wish to. Mother is in the kitchen but she knows that my younger sister, now a little more grown up has just brought a man home and taken him into the room adjoining our lounge – the ‘other room’; I have just heard her ask him a question.
“Would you like me to keep my school uniform on?”
The End
Author’s Note:
I have brought this story to an end because much time has passed since I posted the last chapter and the remaining ones on my PC have accidentally been deleted.   I have also literally lost the plot!   The theme worked in a sort of way but I will now use my time to finish off all the half completed stories I have.   I thank all who read and commented on my efforts.




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