
Tawny, Daddy's Little Girl Becomes a Woman Chapter 5


Tawny, Daddy's Little Girl Becomes a Woman

Copyright 2006 Powerone 

Chapter 5

M+f, anal. oral, virg, incest, teen, bdsm

She put her head down when she told Jessica.   “I’m ashamed at what he is doing to me,” she murmured softly, almost afraid to tell her best friend.   But she had to tell someone or she would go crazy.   They were sitting on a bench at the mall, a few people going by.

“Who?”  Jessica’s ears perked up.   She knew that Jimmy wasn’t fucking her.   Who else was there?

“My father. ”  Tawny’s reply. There. She had said it aloud.

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  Â  She almost felt good now that her shameful secret had been let out.   She looked up, seeing the astonished look on Jessica’s face.

“Your father is fucking you?”  Jessica waited for the answer, her mind racing with images of Tawny laying naked beneath her father, his hard cock pounding into her virgin pussy.   Tawny’s father had a great build and took care of his body, while Jessica’s father was already fat and going bald.   God, I wish he would fuck me, Jessica thought to herself, eager to lose her virginity.   But she didn’t want to lose it to a high school boy that was as inexperienced as she was.   She wanted a man to take it from her, someone that would rock her world when he took her.

“Yes”, Tawny said in a matter–of-fact tone.   “It’s been going on for a couple of weeks.   My mother is gone a lot, and Andy is a senior, so he’s not home very often, with friends and a serious girlfriend leaving him gone most nights. ”  She waited for some kind of reaction from Jessica, her eyes staring directly into hers.

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  “Give me the juicy details. ” Jessica said eagerly.   “How did it begin?  What has he done to you?”  Jessica couldn’t wait for the story, her pussy wet with the thoughts that raced through her head.

“It started off when my towel accidentally fell off when we bumped into each other in the hallway.   Since that time he has been looking at me funny.   Not as a daughter, but as a woman. ”  She paused for a second.   “Then he punished me.   With a spanking.   I told him I was too old, but it didn’t do any good”.

“He spanked you. ”  Jessica’s mind raced, imaging it was her over his lap, his large powerful hand slapping hard on her cheeks, making her cry out in pain.   And then his hand giving her the pleasure.

“Yes.   And then he took liberties with me.   He took off my panties and made my ass naked.   Then he spanked me again.   It really hurt.   But that wasn’t the worst. ”  Tawny paused, gathering the courage to continue with the embarrassing details.   “I hated it when he took off all of my clothes.   He even got into the shower with me.

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  â€Â  The memory came back to her too vividly, her naked father masturbating her, her shame at cumming under his expert fingers.

Jessica had to know.   “Did he make you cum?”  She wished she could play with her pussy, her panties drenched as Tawny told the story.

“Yes. ” Tawny’s face was red with humiliation.   “I couldn’t help it.   His fingers excited me in a way that I can’t explain. ”  She had masturbated after that, but nothing could match the explosive climax she had with her father.   She was ashamed of what had transpired in her house, but each time she masturbated it was always the image of her father stroking her to orgasm in the shower that made her cum.

“What about him?  Did you make him cum?”  Jessica imagined stroking Tawny’s father cock, watching it grow bigger as her fingers curled around the thick flesh.

“Yes, with my hand. ”  Tawny paused, not sure she should say it.   “And my mouth.   He came in mouth. ” 

Jessica had made Bill, her boyfriend, cum with her hand.   Many times, in fact, each time giving in to avoid him taking her virginity or forcing her to take him in her mouth.   She wasn’t sure she could do that - have a boy’s cock in her mouth.   Especially if he came in her mouth.   “God, how did you take it all in your mouth?”  She almost wished she could ask Tawny how big her father’s cock was.

It appeared to Tawny that it was almost as if Jessica wanted that ordeal to happen to her.   Instead of feeling sorry for Tawny, Jessica wanted all of the sexy details.   “He shoved it down my throat.   He held it there while I choked and gagged on it.   It was terrible. ”  She almost cried, hoping for some sympathy from her best friend.

“I’m sorry Tawny. Jessica said, and put her hand on her friend’s shoulder, drawing her close to her.   She couldn’t even image taking a cock down her throat.

While Tawny wrapped her arms around her, Jessica pressed, “Did he take your virginity?”  She was sure that she had lost it to her father.

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“Yes,” she replied, tears forming in her eyes.   “I was so ashamed.   He made me cum while he fucked me. ”  She wouldn’t even mention how her father had tied her down or ate her pussy.   That would be too much.

“What are you going to do?  Are you going to tell your mother?”  Jessica didn’t know what she would do if she were in the same position.   After all, it was Tawny’s father they were talking about.   No daughter wanted to put her father in jail.   She was sure that it would devastate Tawny’s mother if she told her.

“No!  I couldn’t do that.  They’d put him in jail. ”  Tawny cried.   She had almost resigned herself to the fact that she couldn’t stop her father from taking advantage of her, afraid of what he would do to her in the future.   Each day his demands had increased in perversion.   And with him binding her, she had no way to stop him even if she had the nerve to defy him.

“If there is anything I can do, just tell me. ”  She hugged Tawny closer to her.

“Maybe you could spend the night with me this weekend.   My mother is going away today and at least he would leave me alone if you were there.   Tomorrow night?”  She looked into her Jessica’s eyes, pleading with her.

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“Of course. ” Jessica replied instantly, wanting to support her friend.   “We’ll spend the weekend together. ”  She was a bit nervous.   Tawny’s father wouldn’t do anything with Jessica there.   Would he?

They shopped a bit before Tawny had to go home, no mention of Tawny’s confession brought up again.   “I’ll be over about ten tomorrow.   We can lay by the pool and get some sun.   Don’t worry, it’ll be okay. ”  Jessica gave her a peck on the cheek, leaving her to go home, already thinking of her date with Bill tonight.   She hoped that Bill would play with her pussy and make her cum, her body so horny after hearing Tawny’s story.

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* * * * *

Tawny was relieved to see her that her father’s car was absent from the driveway when she got home.   A note was on the table as she entered.   She opened it.

Tawny, your father and I went out for dinner before he took me to the airport.

  I’ll see you Tuesday. Your father will be home late tonight, he’s going to see me off at the airport even though the flight doesn’t leave until eleven.   He’s so sweet, always thinking of me.   Love you, Mom.

Tawny was at least grateful, hoping that by time he got home he would be too tired to try anything.   With Jessica staying over, all she had to figure out was what to do on Monday night.   She wrote a note, leaving it on the same table.

Dad, I was so tired that I went to bed early.   Jessica is going to spend the weekend with me.   Hope its okay.   Love Tawny.

Tawny watched TV for a while before going to bed.   She really was tired, the week having taken a toll on her.   She climbed into bed, pulling the covers up high to her neck.

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  Â  She was asleep in minutes, and didn’t hear her father come in, well after midnight.

Michael read the note, his mind instantly fashioning a plan.   He picked up the phone, dialing his brother Joseph.   “Joe, sorry to call you so late, but I have a proposition for you. ”  He had already told Joe about what he was doing with Tawny.   Joe hadn’t been shocked upon hearing the news - in fact he had thought it was natural for a father to introduce sex to his daughter.   After all, who was more qualified than her father?  They talked for a few minutes, then Michael ended the conversation with “I’ll see you about noon, Joe.   You wouldn’t regret it. ”

* * * * *

Tawny was up early, surprised that her father was also awake after arriving home late last night.

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  Â  She went over to where he sat at the breakfast table, drinking a cup of coffee and bid him good morning.   “I hope you don’t mind Jessica staying over this weekend. ” she asked, and waited nervously for his reaction.   Fortunately, her father seemed to be in a good mood, and Tawny hoped that meant he would leave her alone.

He replied with a smile.   “Not at all.   I like Jessica.   You girls just do what you want.   I’m going out for a while, I probably wouldn’t be home until dinner. ”  He turned around and left without waiting for a response, knowing that Tawny was probably relieved.   He could see it in her face, but inwardly he smirked as his cock grew hard at the thought of her naked body. So she thought she was safe from him for a few days?  He had the whole weekend to enjoy her.   And enjoy her he would.

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  Â  He would teach Tawny the pleasures of womanhood.   And how to please a man.

* * * * *

They were lying out next to the pool enjoying the gorgeous day. The sun was warm upon their bodies but not too hot as to be uncomfortable.   Both of them were wearing bikinis, Jessica’s red and Tawny’s yellow, showing off their budding figures.   Tawny was a little worried that the skimpy bikini would entice her father, but Jessica assured her that she would protect her.   According to Jessica, her father wouldn’t dare to try anything in front of her.

Jessica opened up her purse, pulling out a flask, and saw Tawny’s eyes widen.  Her boyfriend had picked up the vodka cooler last night for her.

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    She held it out entreatingly to Tawny.  “Have a swig.   This stuff is great.   Real mild, but it gives you a great buzz. ”  She took a swig for herself first, the vodka going down warm.

Tawny wasn’t sure that she should, but she didn’t want to act like a prude.   She almost choked as she took a big gulp, her stomach burning as the liquor rushed to her brain.   “Damn, that’s strong. ”  She passed the flask back, both of them sitting up in the lounge chairs.   Tawny giggled nervously, feeling rebellious for drinking alcohol.

But Jessica had another surprise, pulling a joint out of her purse along with a lighter and ash tray.


  Â  “I come prepared. ” she grinned.   She put the joint in her mouth, taking a big toke as she lit it.   The cloud of smoke rose up, Jessica’s chest heaving as she sucked in and held the hot smoke in her lungs.   She passed it to Tawny, not saying anything, too concerned with holding the smoke in her lungs as long as she could.   She could already feel the buzz of the liquor and the joint, her body becoming relaxed.

Tawny had only smoked a few times, all of those occasions with Jessica, not trusting to relax her inhibitions around anyone else.   She grabbed the joint and took in a deep breath of the harsh smoke, fighting the urge to cough.   It felt as if the smoke rushed to her brain in seconds, Tawny already growing dizzy.   The worrying thoughts of her father rushed from her head as the drugs and alcohol made her feel as if she wasn’t even in her own body any longer.

They smoked the joint, alternating with swigs from the flask to cool down their throats.

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  Â  By time it was finished, both of them were pretty far gone, Tawny glad her father wouldn’t be home until late as she was sure their intoxication was obvious.   Jessica put the joint out in the ash tray, getting up and sitting next to Tawny.   She sat close to her, feeling the heat from Tawny’s body.   She put her arm around Tawny’s naked waist, Tawny not moving away from her touch.   Her other hand touched her chin, pulling her head toward hers, their eyes meeting, their mouths only inches apart.

Tawny knew something was about to happen and wasn’t afraid of it.   She and Jessica were best friends.   The buzz of the joint and liquor let her guard down, her tongue licking her lips as she knew they were about to kiss.   It seemed so natural, especially after all the unnatural acts with her father.  Tawny needed some gentle love-making in her life, even if it was with a female.

Jessica looked into her eyes, seeing her surrender, her lips pursed to receive the kiss.

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  Â  She moved in close, feeling the electricity jump between their lips as they touched.   God, she didn’t think it would be quite like this.   She thought it would be like kissing a boy, but this was gentler, their lips so smooth and silky, their tongues intertwining with passion, not lust.   Jessica’s hand went up and cupped Tawny’s breast, her hand grasping her almost naked flesh tenderly, feeling her nipple spring to life beneath her fingers.   She heard Tawny moan, their naked hips touching.

Tawny thought she would cum when her tongue entered her mouth, driving deep, searching out her tongue until Tawny responded, their tongues meshing with each other.   Her nipple almost hurt when Jessica touched it, so sensitive, wanting to feel her gentle touch.   She reciprocated, tentatively touching Jessica’s breast, fuller than hers.   She slipped the shoulder strap off of Jessica’s shoulder, her hand finding her naked breast, the tip hard and pointed as her fingers gently squeezed it.   She moaned in Jessica’s mouth as she felt her breasts being caressed so gently, their lips moving against each others in a passionate kiss that left her breathless.

When Tawny made her breast naked, Jessica’s hand slid around her back, expertly unsnapping the top of her bikini, pulling it from around her neck, letting it slide between them.

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  Â  She pressed her naked breast forward, her body jerking back in shock when their naked nipples pressed almost painfully into each other, the tips feeling so hard and pointed.   She moved back against her after pulling her top from her other breast, both of them naked from the waist up.   She began to rub her breasts against Tawny, her nipples so hard and pointed, her pussy dripping wet.   She didn’t know how far they would go, but she was eager to explore Tawny’s body.   With her hands and her mouth.   She finally broke the kiss, their faces inches from each other, their lips wet from the kiss.   Jessica looked down at Tawny’s breasts with a new look, her tongue licking her lips in anticipation of sucking the hard nipples.

“Are you okay with this?”  Jessica didn’t want to pressure Tawny, her father was already doing that.  

“More then I could imagine. ”  Tawny could barely catch her breath as Jessica pushed her down on the chaise lounge, Jessica moving down with her, her body between Tawny’s legs until she was lying on top of her.   It wasn’t very comfortable, but the heat of the sun, the buzz of the joint and liquor combined to give her a feeling of so much pleasure.

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  Â  She sighed when their pussies met, the bottom of their bikinis the only thing that separated their naked sex from each other.   Jessica’s head moved down, her mouth following to suck Tawny’s hard nipples gently into her mouth, her tongue lashing out at the hardened tip as Tawny’s hips rose up and began to rub her pussy against Jessica, moaning loudly.    She was going to cum and cum soon, Tawny’s hand reach between them to grasp Jessica’s nipple between her fingers.

Jessica pulled her mouth from Tawny’s nipple long enough to say.   “Pinch it hard.   I like it that way. ”  She moaned in pleasure as Tawny’s fingers bit harshly into her nipple almost as if a vice was gripping the throbbing tip.   “God yes,” she cried out, burying her head into Tawny’s naked breasts, moving her mouth from one nipple to the other.   She ground her pussy against Tawny, the pleasure exploding in her loins.

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    “What have we here,” the voice exploded out of nowhere.

    Jessica and Tawny both jerked up instantly, their pleasure shattered by the harsh male voice that broke their passionate embrace.   They both fumbled to find their tops, looking up to see Tawny’s father standing over them.   Tawny looked up in horror, for her father wasn’t alone.   Next to him was Tawny’s Uncle Joe, Jessica having met him before.   He was about five years younger than her father, both of them good-looking men.   In his hand were the two bikini tops dangling from his fingertips.   He pulled them back when they tried to reach for them, one of their hands pressing their naked breasts, trying unsuccessfully to hide their half naked bodies from their probing eyes.

    “Daddy, what are you doing home so early?”  Tawny asked, projecting as much innocence in her words as she could, despite the alcohol and drugs flowing through her system.  She even smiled nonchalantly, trying to gain the upper hand of the situation and act as if nothing were going on.   “Can I have that Uncle Joe?”  She let her hand outstretch for the top.  

    Jessica wanted to die, her hands clutching her naked breasts, seeing Tawny’s uncle staring at her lustily.

    Michael looked down, seeing the ash tray, the remains of a joint in it, a flask lying on its side on the deck.   He looked over at Joe in mock consternation and gravely said, “It looks like I got her just in time.   Joints, alcohol, and now seeing Jessica seducing my sweet daughter.   I wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t come home in time. ”  He shook his head reprovingly.   “And for Uncle Joe to see both of you this way. ” 

    “It’s not what it looks like,” Jessica chimed in apologetically.

    “I think it is exactly what it looks like.

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      â€Â  Joe responded harshly. His cock was so hard he was afraid he would bust his pants.   “I can only imagine what your parents will say about this. ”  He smiled to himself when he saw the apprehension that flew across both girls’ faces.   It was time to lay the cards on the table and see if the girls would surrender.

    “My parents?  You’re not going to tell my parents. ”  Jessica said desperately.   She would be ruined, sure that it would somehow get around the school before long.   She would be accused of being a lesbian.   That wasn’t an image she wanted to cultivate.   It wasn’t that she hadn’t been enjoying the encounter with Tawny, but she still yearned for a hard cock.

    “And your mother!”  Michael chimed, warming to the act.   “What do you think she would say about this, Tawny?”  When he saw the look of terror on his daughter’s face, he knew they had them right where they wanted them.   The girls were too afraid at the thought of their actions being revealed to others that they wouldn’t dream of defying Michael.  Now for a good weekend of two girls willing to do anything to get out of the mess they were in.   And anything and everything was exactly what would be required of them.

    Tawny couldn’t even say anything, knowing her mother would be so disappointed in her.   “Please don’t tell,” she begged.

    “Yes, please don’t, my parent would ground me for life. ”  Jessica’s eyes pleaded with the men, hoping her girlish guiles would get her out of this.

    Michael stuck to his stern act, wanting to prolong their fear until they were safely inside the house.   “I think we should go inside to discuss this.   Out of the prying eyes on the neighbors.   No telling what they have already seen you girls engaging in. ”  He turned and started walking to the door when he heard Tawny’s voice.

    “Can we have our tops back?”  Her voice pleaded with him. Even though he had already seen her naked, he imagined her state of undress was made worse for the fact that she was sitting in front of her Uncle Joe.   He at least had known her since she was a baby.

    “Get inside and we’ll discuss it.   In your room. ”  Uncle Joe followed him as they both went up the stairs to Tawny’s room, opening the door to enter.

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      Â  The bed was covered with stuffed animals, the pink bedspread giving the room a little girl’s feel.   They waited inside, among the feminine and innocent frills, hearing the girls coming up the stairs slowly.

    Jessica followed Tawny, her arms crossed over her naked breasts.   “What do you think is going to happen, Tawny?” she whispered nervously.

    Tawny had already figured it out.   She had seen the bulge in her father’s pants.   And in Uncle Joes pants as well.   They wanted sex from them and they were going to have to accommodate them in whatever manner they wanted.  Tawny felt a surge of apprehension.  It was bad enough when she was alone with her father, but now she would have to perform for him in front of her best friend and Uncle Joe.   She wasn’t even sure what they would do to them, her father’s desires to perverse for her to even fathom.


      Â  She was resigned to her fate, however.   “They are going to want us.   Uncle Joe will want you.   I see the way he is looking at you.   It’s your choice. ”  She saw the expression of disbelief on her friend’s face and added.   “Are you going to try to explain to your parents what my father saw?”

    “Are you sure?  He wants me?  Sexually?”  It was so obvious that Jessica didn’t even realize it until Tawny said it.   She felt a rush of wetness between her legs as the thought of Joe taking her rushed in her head.   She had never done it with anyone before, never mind in front of others.   Would he take her virginity from her?  Of course he would, what older man didn’t desire taking a young virgin?  What else would he do?  Would he make her suck his cock and swallow his cum?  Like Tawny did to her father?  While she didn’t fathom being blackmailed into having sex, the thought of a forced sexual encounter made her wet with desire.  

    “Of course.

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      Â  He’s going to fuck you,” Tawny replied bluntly.   They were in front of Tawny’s bedroom door.   “Well?  What do you want to do?”  Tawny waited for her answer.

    “I’ll do anything to keep my parents from finding out. ”  Jessica had decided.

    “I’m sure you will have to. ”  Tawny opened the door to see her father and Uncle Joe waiting for them.   They both walked in.   Tawny was the first one to speak.   “We’ll do anything if you don’t tell.   Both of us,” she added.

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      Â  She saw the smile light up their faces at her surrender.

    Joe spoke to Jessica.   “Are you willing to do anything Jessica?  Anything?”  His cock jerked in pleasure as her voice broke the silence of the room.

    “Whatever you want of me,” Jessica responded, surrendering her innocence to a man she barely knew.

    They both sat down, the girls standing in front of them.   They dropped the tops of the girl’s bikinis on the floor.   “Why don’t you begin by putting your hands at your sides?  Show us those lovely tits. ”  They waited patiently for the girl’s to begin performing for them.  

    Tawny looked at Jessica, her hands falling to her sides, her hands in a fist as she stood half naked in front of them. Jessica followed suit, both of them standing with their hard pointed nipples thrust out.   Tawny could still feel the dampness on her nipples where Jessica had sucked them. The men’s eyes felt as if they were burning their chests, Uncle Joe looking at Tawny in a new light.

    “Lace your hands behind your neck and bow out your elbows.   Arch your back and show us proudly those firm tits. Jessica has much larger nipples than Tawny does, as well as fuller breasts. ”  Uncle Joe teased Tawny. .



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