
Silent Night, Naughty Night


"Now remember Dylan, I won't be home until early tomorrow morning. I have to work the night shift since the other manager beat me to the day shift. I want you to stay here and look out for your sister and brother. No sneaking out you hear me?" Mrs. Jensen explained. Dylan sat on the couch groaning. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know Mom, you've told me over a thousand times. "Mrs. Jensen patted her son's head and looked over at Tiffany's room. "Tiffany!" She called out again. "Damn she's deaf!" Dylan said angry. Mrs. Jensen went to bang on Tiffany's door. A few seconds later, Tiffany opened the door. She was a pretty young lady.

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   Her hair was shoulder length and a red color. Her eyes big and green and she had tiny freckles around her nose. She had the looks of her mother. "What? You don't need to be knocking so loud!" Tiffany said agonized. "Well if you come out here when she called ya, she wouldn't have to have knocked like that!" Dylan interfered. "Shut up! I wasn't talking to you!""Quiet both of you! Now Tiffany, I already told Dylan to stay here with you and Bobby tonight. You are both minors and need adult supervision. Now I'll be home tomorrow morning so I'll be here for Christmas. ""Mom, you can't get the night off? You know I like to celebrate Christmas at midnight," Tiffany wailed. "I know you do sweetie, but I have no choice. I can't leave the diner alone. "Tiffany sighed. "Alright. I guess. ""Now I need you to take care of Bobby for me.

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  "Tiffany agreed. She'd been taking care of her baby brother since he was born. Bobby adored her and Dylan. "Now I've gotta get going. Bobby's in my room right now napping so once he wakes up just go ahead and give him some cereal or oatmeal. ""Yeah Mom I will. Now have a good day," Tiffany said weakly. Mrs. Jensen grabbed her coat and slipped on her gloves. The mistletoe that hung from the door fell. Tiffany picked it up and hung it back. She looked outside the window. It had snowed the night before and extremely cold outside. She said her goodbyes to her children and left for work. Tiffany noticed her brother eyeing her wickedly.

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   He was always that way with her. She loved him no matter what, but wished he would be more kind to her. She figured most brothers and sisters bicker just like they do. "What?" Tiffany asked after a moment. "Nothing. I'm just pissed that I have to stay here and baby-sit you," Dylan responded haughtily. "Well na-na-na-na-na! You have to stay here!" Tiffany made fun of her brother. His eyes showed fury. "Shut up!"She laughed and heard her mother's door open. Bobby, her baby brother came out rubbing his eyes. "Tiffany? Where's mom?""She already went to work kiddo. So it's just me and you and the grinch over there. "Dylan was fuming and Tiffany loved it. "So mom won't be here when Santa Claus arrives?" Bobby asked sadly. His green eyes began to fill with tears.


  "Aww don't worry Bobby, we'll be here with you and we'll see Santa. "Dylan scoffed. "Bobby, don't you know there is no such thing as Santa Claus. "Tiffany narrowed her eyes at her brother. "You jerk! Don't be telling him that!"Dylan stood up never taking his eyes off his sister. He was quite tall being about 6'1" and his hair was red, spiky and he had matching green eyes like his siblings. "Well he's eight years old! He's going to find out soon anyway. "Bobby looked at his siblings fighting. His bottom lip quivered in fear and he sobbed. Tiffany held her baby brother and looked at her big brother with hate. "See, look what you've done! He's upset! I hope you're happy!"Dylan did feel bad. "Hey buddy I was just playing. There is a Santa Claus. "Bobby frowned. "You liar! There is no Santa Claus.

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   I won't believe it until I see proof that there is a Santa Clause!" With that he scurried over to the kitchen. Tiffany nodded her head. "It's just like you to be so mean. " She walked off leaving Dylan feeling bad and regretful. "Do you want cereal? Or did you want me to heat you up some oatmeal?" Tiffany asked Bobby. "I'd like oatmeal. It's cold in here. "She smiled sweetly at her baby brother and began to heat up the oatmeal. She hoped he wouldn't be scared about the whole Santa Claus thing. "Tiff? Can I ask you something?" Bobby asked softly. "Yes?""Was Dylan saying the truth? Is there really no Santa Claus?"Tiffany sat next to him stroking his hair. "Don't believe him. There is a Santa. He was just being mean. "Bobby looked down.

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   "Why does he have to be so mean? You're not like that sissy. You are so nice and you take care of me. ""Of course I do. I love you. ""I love you too sissy. I love Dylan as well. I wish he would be nicer to us. ""Don't worry about him. I think he already feels bad. ""Sissy, can we set up cookies and milk for Santa tonight?"She smiled at him. "Of course we can. I'll set it up for you tonight. That way Santa can leave his presents for you. "Bobby and Tiffany sat around the table eating and it was almost eight that night. Tiffany cleaned up the kitchen and saw that Dylan was in his room.

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   She'd leave him alone and hoped he wouldn't say anything else to upset her or Bobby. * * *The fireplace was roaring with a nice fire and Tiffany laid on the carpet next to the fire talking to a young man that she crushed on. His name was Jason and they kissed a few times after school but nothing too serious. "I'm going to miss you this Christmas break," Jason said sweetly. Tiffany blushed. "I 'm going to miss you too. Don't worry once we get back in school, I'm going to run to you and kiss you. "He laughed softly on the other end. "I hope you do more than that. "Tiffany gulped. She hadn't had sex and really wasn't ready to have sex. At least not with Jason. She liked him a lot but was not in love with him. "Yeah. .

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  . well. . . we'll see about that," she said faintly. Jason was breathing hard on the other end. "Just thinking about you Tiffany has got me hard!"Tiffany felt her heart racing. "Oooh really? Are you touching yourself -""Get of the phone!"Tiffany yelped as Dylan interrupted her conversation. "Jason hold on!"Tiffany glared at her brother. "Why do I have to get off the phone?"He stood over her. "Because I'm gonna use the phone!"She went back to Jason. "Jason I have to go now. I'll call you later. "Dylan watched her hang up the phone and she stood up. She was so small standing about only 5'2" yet her little body had nice curves.

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  "There! I got off the phone! Are you happy now?" She screamed at him. "Yeah I am happy now. So who was that pervert you were talking to?""He's not a pervert!"Dylan laughed. "Well it sounded like he was trying to make the moves on you over the phone. What a loser!"Tiffany pushed her brother out of the way and stormed off to her room. Dylan watched her sexy body sashay. He had to admit he felt a bit jealous hearing her talk to another guy like that. He thought about it and tried to block out the fact that he thought his sister was sexy as hell. * * *Tiffany opened her eyes and realized she'd fallen asleep. She heard some voices in the living room so she got up to see who it was. She walked in the room and saw her brother's playing video games. She looked at the clock and realized it was almost eleven that night. Bobby looked tired. "Hey Bobby. It's bed time," Tiffany called out.

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  Both boys moaned. "Aww come on! We were having fun!" Bobby whined. "Yeah come on Tiffany!" Dylan agreed. Tiffany smiled. "Alright. I guess you can stay up a little past midnight but then you have to go to bed. "Bobby nodded. "Yes I promise I will. "She left the boys playing and went to take a shower. She wanted to be nice and clean for the next day. After her shower, she went to slip on her pajamas, which were short gray cotton shorts and a matching t-shirt. She brushed her hair and left it to air dry. Once she went back out to the living room she found Bobby fast asleep on the carpet while Dylan watched some TV. He sat there next to his baby brother softly rubbing his tummy. That's the way Bobby usually fell asleep was by having his tummy rubbed.


   She noticed it was past midnight. "Merry Christmas," Tiffany whispered. Dylan looked up at her and nodded. His eyes wandered down looking at her smooth legs. "Merry Christmas sis. Look Bobby finally fell asleep. I'm gonna go ahead and carry him to his room. "Tiffany watched her big brother carry Bobby to his room. She smiled feeling good that they managed to make up. "I'm gonna put the fire out. Did you want to open any presents yet?" He asked as he put the fire out. "No. I'm going to wait for Mom tomorrow morning that way we can all open our presents together. "Dylan walked closer to his sister. "Well Merry Christmas once again.

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   I love you. " He put his arms around her. Tiffany hugged her brother back. He felt so strong and warm. "Merry Christmas to you too and even though you piss me off at times, I love you too," She laughed. He stroked her face and knew he had to pull himself away. "Well I'm heading off to bed. I'll see you tomorrow morning. "Tiffany went to the kitchen and prepared a plate of cookies and a glass of milk as her baby brother had requested. She headed for her mother's room and got all the presents that were for Bobby and put them under the tree. She'd have to get up and eat the cookies and milk herself. She didn't want to shatter the fantasy Bobby had about Christmas. Afterwards, she headed off to her room and decided to take a small nap. Tiffany was having a sexy little dream about Jason, or first she thought it was Jason. Suddenly as the male figure came closer to her it wasn't Jason.

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   It was Dylan. He was kissing her and sliding his hands up and down her body. Tiffany was moaning as their tongues slithered in each other's mouth. THUMP! THUMP!Tiffany opened her eyes startled as she heard a noise coming from the living room. As she started to raise herself up, she realized she had her finger buried in her pussy. She blushed remembering the dream she had. Her heart pounded with fear. It wasn't unusual for burglars to rob houses this time of year. She got up slowly and opened her door very quietly. She tiptoed to the living room and her heart sank when she saw someone there. It sure didn't look like Dylan or Bobby. He was a big man. She just got a quick glance at him. He was wearing a red outfit. He looked like he was wearing a Santa Claus outfit.

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   She could see him vaguely since the Christmas lights were on. She gasped and slowly walked to Bobby's room to make sure he was there. She opened the door and was relieved to find her brother fast asleep. She wanted to call the police, but remembered the phone was in the living room. It was the only phone they had. She felt panicky and decided to go to Dylan's room. Luckily his door was open and she quietly walked in. "Dylan!" She whisperedShe could see him move by the moonlight the shined in his room. "Huh? What?" He asked raising his voice. "Shhh! I think we got a burglar. "Dylan immediately raised himself up rubbing his eyes. "A burglar? Are you sure?""Yes! I'm scared! The phone is in the living room so I can't call Mom or the Police. "Dylan took a deep breath. "Ok now let's stay calm. I've got my baseball bat under my bed.


   We'll go out there and confront this burglar. ""Are you sure that's such a great idea?""Well what do you suggest we do?"THUMP! THUMP!They both gasped hearing the burglars loud shoes was he walked. Dylan got out of bed and searched for his baseball bat. He was shivering from fright and from the cold. He didn't have a t-shirt on just his flannel pajamas. "Now just stay behind me sis," Dylan ordered. They both walked into the living room quietly. "Hey!" Dylan shouted swinging his bat at the man. "Ahhhhh!" The big man cried out as he sat by the coffee table eating the cookies and milk. "No! Dylan wait!" Tiffany called out. They both stared the big man who was obviously dressed as Santa Claus. It was hard to tell if he was someone they knew that maybe their mother had set up to surprise them. "W-who are you?" Tiffany asked nervously. He looked at her. His blue eyes showed sweetness.

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   "I'm Santa Claus. "Both Tiffany and Dylan laughed. "Yeah sure you are. Now did my mother set you up so you could surprise my little brother?"The man looked confused. "No. I'm Santa Claus I tell you. "Dylan put the bat down and both siblings went to sit next to the big man. He smiled at them so gently. "Ok sir, now that's really nice of you to come here and say you're Santa, but we are both grown people and know you don't exist," Dylan said as the big man eat his cookies. He took a sip of milk and looked back and forth at the siblings. "I know you will not believe me and that's too bad. I know you both fight a lot too so you won't be getting really nice presents this year. Maybe next year when you are nicer to one another, you'll get something really nice. "Tiffany giggled. "Yup, my mother must have set this up.

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   That's so sweet of her. "The man eyed Tiffany closely. "I know you really love your brother don't you? I know you dream of being really nice to him. "Tiffany's eyes widened. How in the world did this man know about her dream? "W-what?" She stammered. He winked at her and she blushed. "Don't worry I know you're brother has dreams of being nice to you too. "Dylan's face turned red. "Sir I don't know what you're talking about. "The man sneered. "Yes sure son sure. "Tiffany and Dylan stared at one another and suddenly both felt this instant magic within themselves. The man stood up and Tiffany saw he ate all the cookies and drank the entire glass of milk. He patted his belly with satisfaction. "Thank you for the cookies.

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   Or shall I thank Bobby?"Both siblings looked at one another in surprise. "Y-you're welcome. " Tiffany managed to say. The man grabbed his huge red bag and looked down at the floor by the Christmas tree. "Well all of Bobby's presents are there and here are your presents," the man said putting the sibling's presents on the coffee table. Dylan and Tiffany were still in shock and just watched the man climb up the chimney and a few seconds later he was gone. They both ran to the window by the door to see where he went but they saw nothing. The night was silent and peaceful. "Ok now that was weird," Tiffany said laughing nervously. Dylan agreed. "Yeah it sure was. I still believe mom set this up. ""I know she does things like that. ""Well I-I guess I better get to bed," Dylan said. He was about to head on to his room when something caught his attention.

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   He looked up to see they were both standing under the mistletoe. He looked at Tiffany who was smiling so shyly. "Oh uh yeah. . . uh," Dylan was muttering. Tiffany took a deep breath and put her arms around her brother and planted a soft kiss on his lips. Dylan was shocked. It was a quick and sweet kiss, more like a peck, which had gotten him so excited. Tiffany looked embarrassed. "Sorry, it's just that we were under the mistletoe and well people usually kiss don't they?"Dylan nodded and pulled his sister close to him again. He put his arms around her waist and leaned down to kiss her again. Only this time the kiss was more sensual. He slipped his tongue in her mouth and she gladly accepted it. The siblings kissed so passionately with hard and wet kisses.

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  "Mmm you kiss so good!" Tiffany said panting. Dylan's hands slowly moved to her firm little buttocks and he grasped them hard. "You feel so good baby oh so good!"Dylan's hands were moving all around his sister's beautiful body. He'd been dreaming of touching her and now all his dreams and fantasies were coming true. He slid his hands to her breasts and rubbed her nipples through her shirt. "Hmgghhhmmmm," Tiffany wailed closing her eyes. Dylan could see her eyes fluttering with excitement. His hands wandered under her shirt and his fingers began to pinch her big nipples. Tiffany's mouth opened a bit letting out soft and sexy little moans of pleasure. "Yes! Touch me bro touch me! Suck on my nipples please!" Tiffany implored weakly. She felt her brother begin to pull her top off. She voluntarily raised her arms and by the time she knew it, her top had come off. Dylan held her tightly and her beautiful small breasts pressed against her brother's chest. "You've got to be the hottest girl I've ever seen Tiffany. You won't believe how hard I am for you right now," Dylan rasped.

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  He grabbed her hand and put it on his cock over his flannel pajamas. Tiffany could feel her brother's hard cock throbbing as if he was aching to just ram it inside of her. A moan escaped his mouth as his sister's hand softly stroked his hard cock. "Oh fuck I want you!" Dylan exclaimed and without thinking he picked Tiffany up and carried her over to the couch. He lay her little body down and her big green eyes looked at him with curiosity. Dylan got on top of his little sister and kissed her hard. Tiffany felt sensations all over her body. He trailed kissed down her neck and on her breasts. Her nipples were dark pink and really big. He took one nipple in his mouth and sucked on it gently. Tiffany moaned as soft as she could praying to God that Bobby wouldn't wake up. Her brother took turns sucking on each nipple so delicately. She wanted to cum right then and there! He moved his body down and started to tug at her shorts. She looked at him a bit frightened. "Are you OK?" He asked concerned.


  She nodded. "Yeah I'm fine but what if Bobby wakes up?"He looked towards his brother's room and smiled. "He won't wake up. Something tells me he won't. "She bit her lower lips and lifted her hips giving him access to slide her shorts and panties down. He quickly slid off her shorts and panties looking at her beautiful little pussy. She was trimmed with just a small patch of reddish hair that proved she was a true redhead. He smiled and slowly slid his finger on her slick slit. "Oohh yes! More Dylan! More!"He gently parted her lips and felt her swollen clit. He softly pinched it between his fingers while she began to squirm around. "You're wet aren't you sis? Mmm you're so hot!" Dylan whispered while he kept rubbing on her pussy. "Y-yes! Oh God this feels good! Put your finger in me! Oh bro just fuck me!" Tiffany cried out. Dylan felt his heart racing as his little sister begged to be fucked. He'd wanted to fuck her for as long as he could remember. He'd tried denying the fact that she was irresistible but now he couldn't.

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   He loved her sassy attitude and her caring nature. He wanted her more than he'd ever wanted any other girl. "Tiffany? Have you had sex yet?" He asked stroking her pretty face. "No. But I want to. I want to do it with you. "She'd touched his heart. He leaned down to kiss her once again and positioned himself between her legs. He wanted to play with her more but yet at the same time he was so ready to just pump his cock in her and deflower her. He loved her. He loved her more than just a sister. Tiffany watched her brother reach inside his pajamas and pull out his cock. She looked at her brother's cock and her eyes widened. It was long and thick. She could see the big mushroom head covered with gooey liquid.

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  Dylan was going to slide it in her but she stopped him. She wanted to see it, to touch it. Her arms reached out and she held it in her hand. She sighed and Dylan closed his eyes. He loved the touch of her hand. "I've been wanting to touch this for so long Dylan. I've wanted you like this since I was a little girl. I love you so much," her words were just coming out so naturally. Dylan held on to her hand that was wrapped around his cock. "I love you too. I love you more than a sister. "Tiffany moaned softly. "Get inside me now. I'm so ready for you!"Dylan positioned his cock ready to bury it inside his sister's pussy. He pushed it inside and heard her shrill softly.

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   He continued to push his cock wanting to just jam in her but he knew he had to be careful. He wanted to be gentle with her and to let her enjoy her first time. Tiffany felt her brother's cock sliding more and more inside of her. Each inch that entered her made her moan in pain and in pleasure at the same time. Finally he was all inside of her. Ever inch of her brother's cock was buried in her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. "Ahhh oh it hurts. It hurts just go slowly," She begged. Dylan did just that. He moved his hips back and forth slowly letting his sister get adjusted to her first cock. Her pussy was gripping his cock so tightly. She felt so damn good and warm. Her juices coated his cock with each thrust. He was making her a woman, his woman. "Tiffany, baby, you feel so good! Oh sis I love you.


   I love you with all my heart," Dylan's voice was so sincere. She looked into his eyes and gripped his shoulders. "I love you too. I'm crazy about you! Move faster now Dylan, please!"Dylan was now ramming his cock faster. He knew it wouldn't' be long until he came. He wanted to cum inside of his sister. "Tiffany, I'm going to explode really soon!" Dylan called out quietly. Tiffany squeezed her pussy on his cock as if she wanted to milk it. Dylan felt his balls swell up as his sister tightened her pussy around his cock. "Oh fuck! Tiffany don't do that! You're going to make me cum so fast!"She giggled and moaned. "Mmmm I love your cock in me!"He was now pumping her faster and finding it hard to keep his moaning down. "Sis, I am defiantly going to cum! I'm gonna cum in you!"Tiffany's eyes widened. "No not in me. I'm not on the pill. Cum in my mouth!" Dylan felt his balls begin to release his sperm.

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   He quickly exited her and moved up to put his cock in her mouth. "Arrgghhh yeah! Mmmm oooh fuck! Drink it baby drink it!"Tiffany felt the first shot of cum hit the back of her throat. It was then followed by a second, third and forth. Two more shots followed until she had her brother's cum flowing down her throat. She could taste him! Oh God he was delicious!Dylan was panting hard. He watched his lovely sister swallow every drop of his seed. She looked so beautiful drinking it up. He couldn't wait until she sucked on his cock and he sucked on that hot pussy of hers. He left his cock in her mouth as he tried to recover from the hardest orgasm he'd ever experienced. He could hear her slurping out any remaining juices that he had. He slowly took his cock out of her mouth and touched her face. She smiled up at him and he kissed her lips softly. "Oh my God! That was sexy! It was so sexy!" Dylan said happily. She held her brother in her arms while he placed his head on her chest. He could hear heart pounding.

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   "That was so wonderful Dylan. I want you inside me again soon!"He looked at her ran his fingers on her lips. "Don't worry you will have me in you again. I promise that. ""I love you," Tiffany said tenderly. "I love you too. I'll always love you," Dylan answered sweetly. Just then they heard bells ringing outside. Dylan pulled up his pajamas and Tiffany got dressed again. They went over to the window and saw lights and something moving. It was hard to tell what was going on. Just then, they heard Bobby's door open. He rushed out excitedly. "It's Santa Claus! It's Santa!" He said loudly. Tiffany and Dylan looked confused.

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   "What? How do you know its Santa?" Tiffany asked. Bobby pointed up and they saw Santa and his reindeers flying away. Tiffany and Dylan were in shock as they watched the Santa fly away. "I told you Santa did exist!" Bobby said jumping up and down. "Yes he does. He sure does," Dylan agreed never taking his eyes off his sister. "Hey look at the presents he brought me! I wanna open them now!" Bobby yelled. "No you have to wait until tomorrow morning when Mom gets here. "Bobby groaned. "Yes now we all have to go to bed now. Mom will be here early tomorrow and I want to be able to wish her a Merry Christmas," Dylan said taking his brother back to his room. Tiffany stayed by the window looking up at the sky in amazement. She felt as if it was all a dream but she knew it was real. She was in love with her brother and that was a fact. "Are you heading off to bed?" Dylan asked after he put Bobby to sleep.

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   He wrapped his arms around his sister as he stood behind her. "Yeah I'm going to bed. I'd ask you to join me but I know Mom is going to be here in a few hours," she chuckled. "Ok well I'll see you tomorrow morning then," He said kissing her neck. "Yes you will. Oh and don't forget your present from Santa," she said in a sexy voice. He took the silver wrapped box and headed for his room. He looked back and Tiffany blew him a kiss. He smiled wickedly and pretended as if he caught her kiss. Tiffany grabbed her gift, which was wrapped in dark green shiny paper. She went to her room and anxiously wanted to unwrap it. She sat on her bed and began to open her gift. Her eyes widen and she blushed as she pulled out a long clear jelly dildo. In the box was a Christmas card that read: My dearest Tiffany, You've been a naughty girl and I hope this helps you on those lonely nights when you dream about your brother. Love Always, Santa ClausTiffany looked at the dildo and naughty thoughts ran through her mind.

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   She would let Dylan watch her play with it. She only wondered what he had gotten from Santa. Dylan was in his room trying to go to sleep. He kept wondering what Santa had given him. He was going to wait to open the present until the morning but it was already Christmas so he figured he'd go ahead and open it. A few seconds later her pulled out a collection of movies. Not just any movies. Incest movies with tittles like "Becoming My Brother's Girlfriend, "My Brother, My Lover" and "Big Brother's Little Woman. " He felt his cock harden and knew he could get more ideas from these movies to use on his sister. They'd definitely have to sit down and watch these movies together. He too had a Christmas card that read: Dear Dylan, Here is a small gift for you to enjoy as you have naughty thoughts about your sister. Hope you win her heart. " Love Always, Santa Claus That night after some tossing and turning they all fell asleep. The next day would be filled with new beginnings. Dylan and Tiffany dreamed about each other and Santa took notes all year to make sure they got even better presents next year.

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There are a lot of diversified categories for you to select from, hereby you can be certain to definitely find what you like the most. Don’t miss an opportunity to enjoy standard, VIP, diamond and other categories, based on your budget. Regardless of the category, you will surely get to know many hot bitches in Sexy Latinas, filthy Asians, nasty Caucasians, dirty-minded Europeans, horny Arab ladies, gorgeous ebonies are waiting for you in order to show off their deeply impressive escort skills. Feel free to go through their CVs and have a look at their mouthwatering photo collections, which expose their impressive body shapes from the best angles.

Safety and Diversity of Escort Services

Now we have reached the most intriguing part of our journey through Escort city. Time to decide what you are going to do with those agile escort ladies. We continuously work to improve the quality of our services and make sure that our hot ladies can deliver only the best escort services to each and every customer of ours. My word, those ladies possess the most exciting techniques to deliver the ultimate satisfaction to absolutely any guy on this sinful planet. Hereby, feel free to implement your passions with breathtaking blowjob, arousing escort massage, lecherous cosplays, incredible toying, amazing butt-banging, stunning handjobs, unforgettable pissing, passionate gang-bang and many more. Our rouges will certainly do everything they can to satisfy you to the maximum.
When it comes to personal information, we take it very seriously and ensure that it remains completely safe at all times. Top-quality escort services and safety in operations make our clients come and visit Escort again and again. So, don’t miss such an stunning opportunity to discover the lecherous pleasures that Escort and its gorgeous chicks have prepared for you, because you will like it for sure!
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