
Kelly and I


It was black and long and thick with exaggerated veins running up to the mushroom head. I reached in and picked up the massive dong. It was rubber and at least 18 inches long. I could only just get my fingers around it. My breath left me as the thought of my sister pushing this monster between her legs flashed across my mind. Next to it in the box was a half rolled up tube of k-y jelly. It seemed this wasn’t just for show. I stared at the beast as my fingers slowly moved over its latex surface. I couldn’t get the image of my sister lying back in bed, pushing this rubber cock into her cunt. Slowly I brought it to my lips and let them slide over the head. I couldn’t taste her, only latex. I blushed as I set the schlong down on the bed. There were two other cocks at the bottom of the box. These were hard plastic vibrators though. The blue one was about six inches and narrow with an adjustable dial on the end. I picked it up and turned the dial, felling it come to life in my hand with an orgasmic humming that made my cock push against my jeans.

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   Again I pushed the cock to my lips hoping to find her scent there, nothing. I set it next to the black horse-cock on the bed and held up the third toy peter. This was small, only about four inches and slender. It was pink, and though small, jumped like lightning in my hand. No taste there either. A blue velvet bag contained her stash and a glass blown pipe in the shape of a cock. I was starting to see a pattern here. I never imagined my sister was so sexual. She had always been sexy, and had no trouble getting boyfriends, but I figured her as pretty straight laced when it came to sex. We had become close when she went off to college. Four years younger than her, I had always been the pest that she avoided at all costs. But when she came back for breaks we started to spend a lot of time together. She would tell me about college life and the guys she saw, but never about this. I could only guess that it was because Tim had been gone for six months now, and as far as I know she had been to busy with Calvin to date anyone. At twenty-two she was a sexy but frustrated single mom.

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  Then the key fell out of the velvet bag. I recognized it right off because I gave it to her. It opened a wooden chest that I built for her when I was in highschool. I went to the closet and searched around until I found the chest under a pile of clothes in the back. I pulled it forward and slid the key in, popping the latch. My mouth went dry as I made out the contents. A digital cam corder sat on top of several VHS tapes. She bought a computer last year, and I could only guess what she was doing with the camera. But I wouldn’t have to guess about the tapes. They were all labeled with a white sticker on the side that simply had a date. All the addresses were over a year old. I picked up September 24, 1999, Kelly’s 18th birthday. I slid it into the VCR on her dresser and sat back on the bed, my cock aching behind my jeans. The screen lit up and there was my sister, just as I remember her at eighteen, except she was wearing a blindfold and standing in a living room I didn’t recognize. A man’s voice was wishing her a happy birthday and asked if she was ready for her present.


   I recognized the girl who came on screen immediately. It was my sister’s best friend, Andi. Her black hair was cut short and she was naked except for the butterfly tattoo just below her naval. I pulled my cock free and caressed the sensitive skin in my palm. Andi stepped behind my sister, kissing her neck while her hands slid up Kelly’s stomach to her breasts, cupping and squeezing them through her t-shirt. She lifted the shirt up resting it above Kelly’s firm tits, then moved around her to suck her taught nipples. Kelly moaned and giggled as her friend pushed her back on the sofa, pealed her jeans off, and buried her face between her thighs. Andi lapped hungrily at my sister’s cunt until Kelly shook and yelled with orgasm. I slid my jeans, shirt and shoes off and pulled the covers back on my sister’s bed. I lay flat on my stomach, eyes glued to the screen, humping my hard prick against the soft sheets. Kelly lay in a heap, her naked chest rising and falling with rapid breathes, her legs draped over her friend’s shoulders. Andi stopped her from pulling off the blindfold, so Kelly could not see the two men who had entered the room. I knew one of them, Tyson, Kelly had introduced me to him at a college party she brought me to when I was 18 He was a football player, muscular, athletic. His black skin made an erotic contrast against Kelly’s as he stepped up on to the couch and let his semi-hard cock brush against her cheek. The other guy did the same and Kelly squealed with delight as she reached blindly for the cocks.

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   She guided each one to her mouth stroking them as she turned from one to the other. As I fucked my cock against the bed sheets I could almost feel my sister beneath me. Another man appeared naked in front of the camera. He took up a position behind Andi and slid his cock deep into her cunt. The camera was being placed on a tripod and set back to capture the whole room. The fourth man, the camera guy, stepped into view. He crawled behind Kelly on the sofa, forcing her to momentarily pull her lips from Tyson’s shaft. She didn’t complain though, as he slid beneath her pushing his cock up between her legs as she lay back against his chest. Andi sucked his cock deep into her throat before pushing it up into her friend’s wet cunt. My head swam and my balls swelled as I watched my big sister riding one cock while feeding two into her hungry mouth. Andi licked at the cock and clit in front of her with her body rocking in rhythm to the cock slamming her pussy from behind. Tyson pulled Kelly to her feet. Andi crawled up on to the cock in front of her and began fucking camera guy back into the couch. The tall blonde, whose cock my sister had been sucking, sat back on the couch next to Andi and camera guy. Tyson guided Kelly down onto the blonde’s cock so that both girl’s road side by side, straddling the men, their heart shaped asses bouncing wildly.

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   Tyson stepped out of site for a moment, then he and the third guy appeared again rubbing lube over their cocks. Tyson pushed his slick fingers between the crack of Kelly’s ass, the third man did the same with Andi. My cock erupted between the sheets and my stomach as I watched Tyson slowly stuff his thick black cock deep into my sister’s ass. The sticky cum coated my belly as I breathlessly humped the wet sheets watching my sister fucking two cocks with uncontrolled passion. Then I heard the car pull up out front. Shit! I jumped up in a panic. I threw the covers over the bed, turned off the TV and VCR and killed the lights in the room. I grabbed my boxers and wiped the cum from my stomach. I pulled on my jeans tossing the cum soaked boxers and my t-shirt in the corner. I stuffed everything in the shoe-box, tossed it under the bed, then reached into the closet to close the chest. Where’s the fucking key?! The front door was opening. I closed the closet door and jumped onto the bed, faking sleep. I heard the bedroom door push open. Kelly tip-toed across the room to the closet trying not to wake me. She quietly pulled open the closet door and my heart raced.

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   I couldn’t see her but I could hear her approach the bed. The room was silent for what seemed like an eternity, then I heard her walk out of the bedroom. I lay motionless, listening, until I heard the shower water running. I jumped up and looked in the closet. She probably hadn’t noticed the chest, it was still piled in clothes. I searched for that fucking key but couldn’t find it anywhere. I straightened the shoe-box as best as I could and jumped back into bed when I heard the water shut off. Kelly came back in the room flipping the lights on this time. I opened my eyes to see her with her back to me searching through her top drawer. The white towel wrapped around her came loose. She held it to her breasts with one hand as it fell revealing her back and butt to me. “Did you lose something?” she asked not turning and letting the towel hang in front of her, her perfect ass filling my sight. I sat up. She turned to face my, not hiding her nakedness but casually pulling the towel around her again until she was covered. I couldn’t read the strange expression on her face but my mouth had gone dry.

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   She tossed the key on the bed between my legs. “I’m sorry, Kelly,” I started. “I was cleaning up when I found the box. . . ”“So you think I’m a slut now?” she said in a voice I could still not read as she sat at the end of the bed. “No, I . . . ”“You saw the tapes?”“Ya,” I was blushing. “I just had no idea you were. . . into. .

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  . so much. . . ” I was stammering. She sat staring at the floor in a silence that felt like it would never end. “You wanna smoke some?” she finally asked. I still couldn’t read her. She told me to grab the box, she said I obviously knew where her stash was. She laughed for the first time as I put the cock shaped pipe to my lips. She curled her feet under her at the end of the bed and we started to talk. As the pot kicked in she told me more and more secrets. She said it had been nearly six months since she had had sex. She hadn’t gone this long with out sex since she lost her virginity at 18 I couldn’t believe it. She never had a reputation at school and never had a serious boyfriend either.

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   Who was she having this sex with? She explained about Mr. Simms. Mr. Simms was our next door neighbor growing up. Just before her fourteenth birthday, she had seen him in his garage. His wife and kids were away for the weekend, he told her. She was flirting and next thing she knew, they were fucking in his daughter’s bedroom. He was 36 at the time. His daughter was my age. Kelly laughed when I told her I had fucked her several times during highschool. “I think her Dad did too,” Kelly laughed. “At least he wanted to. ” Kelly told me about the times he had called her Angie, his daughter’s name, while fucking her. It weirded her out at first but then she kinda got off on it. He was the one who got her into filming.

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   He loved to make movies with her, and when she graduated he gave her the old video camera. He also liked to invite friends over to fuck her. One night she fucked six of his friends and him when she found out where they were camping that weekend. When they were 16, Andi started to fuck him too. As Kelly told me her stories, she relaxed on a cloud of pot at the end of the bed, kicking her legs out toward me and carelessly letting them fall open. The towel parted and I could see the silky pink lips parted sexily. Her pussy was shaved bald. My cock was like iron. “I can’t believe I’m telling you this,” she laughed. I grabbed the shoe-box, “Do you really use this?!” I laughed, holding up the huge black cock. She howled. “That’s for when I’m extra horny,” she blushed and giggled at the same time, “which is a lot lately. ”“Jesus! It’s huge!” I gasped in amazement. Kelly looked at me with a teasing smile then grabbed the cock from me. My cock jumped when she licked the head then pushed the monster down between her thighs.


  “Don’t tell me your jealous,” she teased. “It is a bit intimidating,” I groaned. She laughed. “From what I hear, you got nothen to worry about,” she said coyly. I knew what she was talking about. I had fucked her friend Jessie a few months ago, and I knew she knew everything. “So let’s see it,” she said in a slightly breathless voice. She was teasing me, and I don’t like to be teased. I couldn’t back down. I smiled and unzipped my fly. I pulled my hard on free and let it lay back against my stomach. Kelly smiled a wicked smile, but the giggles were gone. “You can stroke it,” she breathed. As my fingers circled my cock she lay back against the foot board and spread her thighs, the towel pulling up and apart. She set the huge dong aside and snaked her middle finger down over her clit.

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   A long deep moan moved through her. “I’ve never seen one shaved before,” fell quietly from my lips, “it’s beautiful. ”She looked at me hard for a moment, “Here,” she said reaching forward and grabbing my hand from my cock. She lay back and slowly guided my hand to her mound. Her hips lifted slightly as I pressed my palm over the smooth hairless mound. My fingers traveled lower, caressing, moving up, my middle finger just parting the swollen lips until I found her clit, brushing over it lightly. “Fuck!” she jumped up from the bed tightening the towel around her. She turned her back to me and ran her hands through her damp hair. We were silent for several minutes, I didn’t move. Finally she turned on the VCR and hit eject. “Which one did you watch?”she asked. “Your 18th birthday. ”“That was a good one,” she said with a small laugh. She went over to the closet and pulled open the chest. As she bent down her towel rose up exposing her ass.

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   “Here, this is the first one I ever made with Mr. Simms. ” she said popping the tape in the player and turning on the TV. She curled her hair behind her ear as the tape loaded, trying not to look at me. Suddenly she ran over and jumped up on the bed like a little girl as the screen lit up. I lay back against the headboard and she snuggled up next to me. On screen I saw my sister kneeling naked in front of our next door neighbor, his cock slipping in and out of her lips. “How old were you?” I asked. “Fourteen,” she answered in a near whisper. She sucked him passionately, but my attention was not on the screen. Kelly curled up next to me and lay her head on my shoulder, her hand on my thigh. My cock was standing proud, still sticking out of my open jeans. I could smell strawberries from the shampoo in her damp hair resting on my bare chest. I ran my fingers over her back just above the towel. Mr.


  Simms sprayed a load of cum across Kelly’s chest on the TV. I breathed deep as I felt my sister’s fingers curl around my hard on. She began to slowly stroke it. I tugged at the towel and it fell open around her. I ran my fingers down to the small of her back. As Mr. Simms pushed his cock between my fourteen year old sister’s thighs, Kelly slid down and I felt the warmth of her mouth cover my cock. I slipped lower on the bed with a groan as she pushed her lips to the base of my shaft. Pulling her hips around we moved into a 69, my mouth devouring the inner folds of her smooth shaved pussy. The realization of the moment was intense and Kelly swallowed hard as my cum filled her mouth. I slid from beneath my sister and quickly moved over her pushing her down flat on her stomach. My hands and lips covered her ass, kissing and sucking at her cheeks, my fingers pushing down between her thighs into her sex. Her moans filled my ears as I buried my face between her legs sucking at her cunt from behind, her hips rolling under my hands. The teenager on screen was on all fours as Mr. Simms fucked her little pussy from behind.

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   I lifted my sister’s hips and slid a pillow under her, crawling between her spread thighs. I rubbed the head of my cock along her wet pink gash until it was shining with her juices. Then I pushed forward feeling her cunt envelop my cock to the hilt, stopping when my hips joined her firm round ass cheeks. We fucked, my cock thrusting into her, her cunt squeezing me, her ass pushing back at me, her screams and moans drowning out her fourteen year old self on TV. She pushed me onto my back. Straddling my cock with her back to me, she reached around and spread her ass cheeks. Her tight anus slid like a vice over my cock and she lay back in my arms grinding her ass against me. I wrapped her in my arms, stroking her clit, massaging her breasts, kissing her neck. I reached out and found it, the black schlong. I lay it on Kelly’s chest, letting my sister squeeze it between her tits and suck at the head before I positioned it at her dripping slit. “Show me,” I hissed into her ear and Kelly took my hand and pushed the monster deep into her cunt. I held the base and she worked my wrist in circles, pumping the mammoth rubber prick in and out of her while she bounced and wiggled her ass on my cock. I licked the sweat from her shoulders as I stroked her clit and pumped both cocks into her. Her body tensed, her ass strangling my cock until my cum covered her inner walls. She went limp above me.

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  As we sat in a hot bubble bath, Kelly eased back against me, her breasts soft in my palms. As she talked about taking me to a swing club where noone would know I was her brother and she could fuck me in front of everyone, my cock hardened against the small of her back. She giggled and stood up. “Where are you going?”“To get the cam-corder,” she cooed. comments plz.


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