
Grandma's Rose (Part 2)


Topic: Grandma's Rose (Part 2)We left off at …
“That’s good, cause it was mom’s idea; she is really taken with you … ” she said excitedly, “And now young man, we better tuck you into bed you had several long days…” she stood tugging me upright. We walked down the hallway, mom’s arm around my waist till we came to the spare bedroom, she slid her hand down taking mine leading me in and softly closing the door she whispered, “Grandma says I should be very proud of you … she also says you have some pretty unique talents for such a young man and I do owe you big time for taking care of mom …”, with that she clicked off the room light.  
The room is dark; mom is slowly pushing me back against the door. With unmitigated surprise my mothers lips kissed my cheeks wildly, her lips brushing mine as she flooded me with a torrent of emotional kisses, breaking infrequently to pant out endearments in my ears, “My son…”, “…Teased you for so long…”, “Mommy always wanted you so bad…”, “…I am so wanton of your love …”, “Say you want me … or should I walk out the door to my own room?”
The seething heat of her passion was over-whelming as her incredible tailored suit wrinkled against me as she pressed withering against my body – heightening my years of pent up cardinal desires for my own mother! How could I not willingly embrace this opportunity of suppressed love when but a mere half-a-day ago I was fucking my own grandmother’s boiling cunt where this wild womanly sexual spirit had been spawned? Time froze, emotion swept over me so no breath could be inhaled, my heart like a volcano ready to erupt, knees of mush as my chosen woman of desire softly kissed my cheek as she took a quick intake of breath withdrawing back as her arm moved from my cheek … (why oh why was I frozen in time when my mind screamed … react!) I could feel her hand on the door knob … “Oh mom … I do want you…” my timid whispered voice shook with suppressed desire. “so badly  do I want you … that you will be disappointed in me …” Those simple words choked with deep hidden emotion drew mother to me like a moth to a light. Her fingers found my lips to silence my unspoken concerns. With (sniffling) emotion she commanded, “Nod your head yes or no if you desire me?” a positive up and down nod of affirmation was given.
Thus receiving that blessing her hand led me towards the bed where she gently pushed me down.
Her arms circled my neck again smothering me with a volley of passionate kisses, the wetness of her cheek told me her fear at near rejection or the sheer happiness of sinful acceptance; my brain told me not to sway to the negative but embrace the limitless positive of this fluidic moment.
Mom slowly laid me back upon the bed as she followed me to a mutual sensual position wince she unleashed her passion in a breath-taking open mouth kiss that filled the room with a timeless array of fireworks; through it all I inhaled her perfume and erotic musky aroma that accompanied her arousal state that tormented me since I could first remember. Untold time passed as we embraced, tongues swirling or exploring each others mouth, panting breath and hands that lingered caressingly across each others willing bodies; the forbidden desires caused mother to reach an orgasmic release that shook the bed and thus stifled cries of, “Ohhhh’s and Ummm’s … ohhhh son …” as my lips covered her face, lips, hungry mouth and having just started down her neck. “Oh sweet child … ” as my hand cupped her breasts held behind the tailor suit till with trembling fingers began to unbutton her blouse, “…oh yes!”
Thus revealing those inviting mammary behind a lacy red bra that so often teased me in the open at unexpected but appreciated times throughout life, those that I suckled as a child.
My arms embraced mother as inept fingers unhooked her bra allowing my hungry mouth easier access to her womanly attributes. Was it “I or the moment of forbidden passion” that caused yet another sexual orgasmic release screech from my mother as my mouth closed over her hardened nipples? Her breasts and nipples so much supple then her mothers. With abandonment I feasted on her, like a caged animal pawing to receive nourishment withheld to a point of starvation. The power in my arms held her tightly ensuring I did not lose her as she loudly screamed in the throes of yet a series of mind-blowing inner orgasms.

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   Her thrashing legs – hip pumping – ragged breath cascading her primal bellowing “Ohhhhh UMMM EEEE … Ohhh CHRIST (between clenched teeth)  …. JESUS … I’m Cummmming … SON … jezzzzz … EEEIiiiiiiouuuu … OH MY GOD … OhhEEEiiiioouuuu” that left her weakly panting as she begged, “ohh Patrick … just hold me for a few minutes …I’ve never …oh (raising her voice loudly) … Oh gezzz Mother, you were so right …” as I softly kissed her exposed flesh of her neck and chest with honest passion.  “Patrick … son … if … when … when you take me … which I so want … (her voice trembling as my fingers tracing across her exposed belly each time slipping towards her wondrous groin still clad in its tailored suit) … I’m leading you into incest so willingly … do you want your mother that badly …” she shuddered as my finger slowly undid her skirt waist band. “Why (again another shudder and quick intake of breath as the last button let go) … was it my teasing …?”
As my hands slowly slipped up the outside leg gradually pushing her skirt up revealing she wore nylons and garter belt yet compassionately providing lingering ghostly kisses to her exposed skin paused long enough in the darkness enveloping this mother – son uniting to answer in a soft whisper. “Mom (kissing her hungrily on her lips once again tongues entwine sensually) … Mom …  I remember your warmth or security when I was scared, the times as a small child (another sensual kiss) …when playing hide-and-seek I’d hide under your robe or dress … (another longer sensual mouth kiss) or the times when I was sick or just wanted company (another kiss as my hands caressed her bottom) … I remember each time your aroma, your special scent and once … (another open mouth kiss)… when hiding under your robe for a long time a drop of wetness (a long tongue entwining far reaching down the throat type that left each other panting for air) … I … I … think I fell in love with the woman … (I felt her starring in the darkness) … since then I cherished those moments when you’d reveal yourself to me … (another halting pause as my fingers brushed her slit held within red clad panties feeling the wetness we had made) … wanting you so badly, ashamed that it was forbidden (another lingering … this time a dry mouth kiss on the lips) … the guilt I felt for wanting you so badly (head snuggled to her chest) … I’d willing go to jail to just once have that opportunity to fulfill that desire in me!”
“I … I want you … I’ve always known from your birth … God forgive me son … I encouraged it so much … each year … if . . if … (ever so quietly whispered) … you want me as badly, take me now…”
Words were no longer needed as I slipped over mom’s willing opening legs; my head bending to inhale the power of her forbidden treasure, my tongue licking her engorged pussy lips for long minutes that felt like hours I feasted on her nectar soaked panties, almost chewing through them. My inner self, rejoicing to mom’s whining of heated desire. With shaking hands, my fingers slid what remained of her panties to the side to tongue the object of my wanton quest, my mothers’ cunt. With tenderness learned from grandma I ate my mother out with passion. Willing myself to please her beyond all doubt that I should be her man. My tongue licked softly at the folds of her pussy lips, juices flowing unheeded and much relished as my tongue flicked, flittered and dove into from wince I came. Her screams of thrashing sexual frustration mounting by the minute as I suckled her clit (at least 2 ½ inches long) into my mouth; I nibbled, sucked, tugged and thrust my tongue beneath the hood of her clit. My incestuous feeling poised my whole oral endeavours to relieve my mother of her forbidden nectar.
A continual low to high moan mounted to screaming of “Ohhhhh …UMMMEEEE … Ohhh CHRIST… JESUS … I’m Cummmming … SON … jezzzzz … EEEIiiiiiiouuuu … OH MY GOD … OhhEEEiiiioouuuu” accompanied by wildly thrashing legs.

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   Her spread was incredibly wide as she thrust up her swollen, red engorged cunt. Unrelenting my tongue speared her vaginal opening like a jackhammer and other times reaming the cream from her silken stretched walls. As my animal lust flourished my greedy fingers pulled her lips wider to feed my hunger for mother. The sheer magnitude of her daisy-chained orgasms frequently caused her to pass out only to awaken screaming for mercy as I tongue bathed her to another.
In the process of trying to devour her hot creamy juices much of which slipped into her ass crack my tongue slipped lower to her puckered rose bud. Poor mother, her lust crazed boy just tore her panties with his teeth to access her rectum. I was the hunter seeking its pry as I thrust my tongue along her crack to force its way into her possibly virgin territory. She BEGGED loudly, “OHHH mother, MOTHER … Ohh – GOD HELP … Ohhhh EEEiiiiiiii…” as orgasmic wave upon wave crashed on her shore.
My desire for my mother was out of control, my release was calling as my swollen gorged cock begged for release from the confines of my jeans. Wildly I tore at the button and zipper shaking like a snake shedding its skin till they collected about my shaking knees and I knelt between mothers splendid thrusting mound (I knew she had a nicely trimmed mat of hair from previous viewings as well as licking her nectar from her pussy bush). I started as a hand brushed my buttocks and soon forgot as the head of my cock touched mom’s gapping sloppy tunnel. I thrust sinking in deeply – freezing to savour the incredible heat and welcoming creamy walls of mom’s cunt. The thought held me in its grips that I was indeed fucking my mother. Her thrusting hips slowly edged down further along my swollen cock dragging me deeper as I began to meet her thrusts as grandma had taught me; mom’s ragged panting cooed and crooned endlessly. Her cunt welcomed me as I thrust in and out my balls slapping against her bare ass, the head of my cock slipping into a tighter access then before, I knew not where I was but it must be heaven.

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   I shuddered and shook withstanding the urge to spill my seed in my mother, I wanted this moment to last forever but mother nature was like a bitch-in-heat forcing mother’s cunt walls to spasm washing her own son’s cock with her creamy juices the intensity was too much and I shot my load in spurts splashing mom’s depths; her cries in a horse voice now, “Ohhh Mother, he’s just splashed his seed in me … my own son …” and proceeded to scream her maternal “JESUS … I’m Cummmming … SON … jezzzzz … EEEIiiiiiiouuuu … OH MY GOD … OhhEEEiiiioouuuu” to which in true animal lust and one swollen hard cock I again rode mother’s willing cunt; I was buried to the hilt and our combined juices made her more than accessible as I fucked her and fucked her.   I became aware of a hand softly rubbing my back, I was startled slowing my thrusts into my mother, grandma was sitting beside us holding mom’s hand made me more delirious with lust and continued to hump mom furiously. This time I felt the urge building leaning to mom’s ear, “I need to cum …”
“Oh yes Patrick, cum … cum in mommy … fill mommies cunt with your seed … I’m yours, we promised each other … oh god … (panting) …mother he’s so big … JESUS … I’m Cummmming … … jezzzzz … EEEIiiiiiiouuuu … OH MY GOD … OhhEEEiiiioouuuu”
I exploded, cum squished out around my thrusting cock as I filled mom again and again, never before while masturbating or unloading into grandma had I ever cum this much, the sheer knowledge of doing it with my willing mother urged me to keep fucking her till what may have been mere minutes I soon the urge to again unload in her… Exhaustion and excitement hit me like a ton of bricks and I collapsed onto mom, her legs moved and circled around my waist locking me into her womb. I welcomed sleep.
I awoke much later with a smile on my face as I realized I was still locked deep in my mother. Voices clawed through the haze of sleep, “… oh mom, I never thought … your grandson I’m sure just made me pregnant …”
“Did he, such a good boy …”, grandma said with warmth in her voice.
“Oh mom … (whispers, unheard)
“Welcome it precious girl, let him put in as many as he wants into you … (again inaudible whispers) … who cares who know, do you want him to fuck you … (“oh gezz yes mom” purred mom passionately). then let him impregnate you anytime he wants, encourage it … he certainly wants you bad enough … (again inaudible whispers) … he certainly creamed my old beaver, never heard of any man who had so much seed …” The thought that I had could have made mom pregnant was exciting, my cock stirred and twitched excitedly as I slowly began a gentle thrusting into her now know unprotected cunt. I shift my head as a fucked in and out of her as I nuzzled to her excited breast sucking her swollen nipple into my mouth.
Mom’s legs tightened again around my waist as she met my thrusts and a good  rhythm developed.  
“He’s definitely horny mom” whispered mom with a huge smile lightening her face in the feeble light of early morning.  
“Encourage him, make him worse … welcome his seed … when your too sore, send him into me (bending down to kiss mom’s forehead) … between the two of us we should keep him quite happy…”
grandma chuckled, “… if your willing to share my daughter!” 
“Patrick, Patrick … ” mom whispered into my ear to wake me, “are you awake … mommy wants you …”, to which I slowly showed her I was awakened and murmuring (good morning mom) around her breast that I was still sucking.  
“…mmmmm … my son … did you enjoy mommy last night?” she asked passionately as she thrust up her hips more into my already deeply thrusting cock.   
“You were an angel of mercy mom, I loved every second of it … you sure can kiss…” I whispered into her ear, having relinquish my hold on her nipple…” 
“And what would my son like to put into mommy …?” she purred.  
“Honestly mom? … then I’d love to put babies in you and keep you naked all the time, so I can always eat you …” I responded with great zeal.

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“Then we better stay here at grandma’s a few more days so you can make sure I’m pregnant, would you like that?” mom whispered hotly into my ear.  
My answer was the really lay into her hot cunt, my thrust pushed deeply as I felt the bottom part slide into that tighter area again.
“That’s mommy’s big boy, your in my cervix … can you feel it … (nodding my head yes) … then fill me with your seed, make mommy pregnant … I’ll have all the babies you want …” she whispered.
I picked her legs up lick I’d seen in the magazine, drawing mom’s knees up by her shoulders, I fucked her repeatedly, I was determined to make her pregnant. The more she whispered and coaxed me to cum, the deeper I pushed until the forces of nature caused my cock to spurt boiling cum for the second straight time since grandma left the room.  
Mom welcomed my cum, “Ohhhh yes, (screaming her banshee cries of passion) …seed me with your baby juice … you have mommy so sore already that if you need to cum again you may have to use grandma…”she smiled as she kissed me, “Think you can manage her too son?” 
“With your encouragement I can do it all day long mom…” 
A footnote in time: We spent three more days at grandma’s house. Mom was definitely pregnant having missed her period after many in-depth sessions that even grandma begged for mercy. I graduated high school with mom’s belly only a month away with our child. Grandma lives with us and I continue to feast many times a day on both their nectar.
Should I continue writing? Do I have what it takes to fire your loins?
If so please email me at opbone11@yahoo. ca Ladies I welcome ideas and suggestions



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