
Good Twin, Bad Twin


Somewhere along the line, they boys became too opposite. In their early teens, Darren started hanging out with the "bad" crowd while Marc was into sports, honor society, and other school activities. They boys soon went from best friends to enemies. It was hard to keep them from fighting at times. Darren was so pissed off for having such a goody two shoes for a brother, that he decided to try to make himself not look like his twin. The boys were both very handsome young men. They stood about 6'2" 185 lbs and had short dirty blonde hair. Both shared the same dark blue piercing eyes and light skin. Very identical indeed. That is, until Darren decided to do his little makeover. Darren let his hair grow just a bit and died it jet-black. Since his hair was a bit long he could manage to spike it up and died the tips dark blue. All of the twin's friends and family were shocked when they saw Darren's new look. They had all gotten so used to seeing the two blondes. Marc went in the house and hoped not to run into his evil twin brother. He hated fighting with his brother.

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   He couldn't understand why they were such rivalries. After everything Darren had done, Marc still loved him even though he felt Darren's animosity towards him. Marc entered the big empty house. It was not so unusual that their parents weren't home. They both worked long hours since Mr. Collins was a lawyer and Mrs. Collins was his secretary. They'd often get home past seven almost every night. Marc walked upstairs towards his room. He could hear Nine Inch Nails blasting from his brother's radio. He rolled his eyes and walked in his room. He wanted to get some more packing done since he'd be going away to college in a few days. Marc was always prepared and never liked to procrastinate. Unlike Darren who was always late and did everything at the last minute. Marc knew his brother didn't get fair treatment, but he had to agree why their parents would treat them differently.

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   Darren was always screwing up in school and causing trouble. He'd been caught smoking pot twice at school and had been arrested at least six times for petty little things. In a way Marc didn't feel pity for his twin but in a way he still felt the need to try to mend things with his brother. He was about to go to his brother's room and try to talk to him, but he heard a car honking outside. It was Ariana, Darren's wild little girlfriend. She pulled up to the house with her loud music blaring like always. Marc looked out the window and saw the young brunette sitting in her convertible wearing one of the shortest skirts Marc had ever seen on a female. He gulped and licked his lips. His brother sure did have fine taste in girls that was for sure. Darren wasn't coming out of his room. He probably couldn't even hear his girlfriend with his hard music playing. The girl was persistent though. She continued to honk annoying the hell out of Marc. Marc stomped out of his room furiously and banged on his brother's door. He heard the music fade and Darren opened the door as if he was going to tear it down.

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   "What? What the fuck is all the banging for?" Darren asked pissed off. Marc narrowed his eyes at his brother. "Didn't you hear your slut girlfriend honking outside. She's waiting for you!"Darren frowned. "You're just jealous because all your girlfriends are prudes!"Marc felt like punching his brother out. "Shut the fuck up and go see your tramp. " With that he walked away. For the rest of the day Marc was so pissed off and yet he was so horny. It'd been a few months since his last girlfriend and she was unfortunately a total prude. He hated to admit it but Darren was right. He envied his brother for having such sexy girlfriends that were willing to give up some pussy. He lay on his bed trying to get everything out of his mind except for Ariana. She was such a hottie and he wondered what kind of wild sex she and Darren had. Marc felt himself grow hard thinking of stuffing his cock inside his brother's girlfriends' slutty cunt. He started to fantasize about making himself look like Darren and tricking his girlfriend.

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   He bet she would suck his cock so good that it would make up for all the times he didn't get to screw around. He knew she and Darren fucked good because he used to listen to them often as they fucked in Darren's room after school. Marc would stroke his cock hearing them moaning and cumming together. He only wished he could be with them and he and his brother could take turns fucking Ariana. Marc had a firm grip on his throbbing cock. He started jerking off with so many nasty thoughts about his brother's girlfriend that he managed to make a huge mess all over his hands. He breathed hard trying to get back to reality. Unfortunately masturbation seemed to be the only way Marc could get some kind of sexual gratification. Why did all the girls he went out with have to be such snobs when it came to sex?The next day started out as normal. It was past noontime and Darren was still asleep. Marc heard him get home past three in the morning. Marc had been up early as usual doing laundry and fixing up his room. He heard Darren get up and head off for a shower. It was going to be a typical day indeed. After his shower Darren would probably go and make himself some bizarre breakfast and then head off and not come back until late or maybe even the next day.

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  Marc was getting some of his clothes from the washroom and he heard Darren come downstairs and rush into the kitchen for some orange juice. Marc peeped around looking at his twin wearing dark black pants and a white button up top that was left untucked. "What?" Darren asked his brother as he gulped down some juice. "Nothing. Look I was hoping we'd get to talk. You know I'm going away to college in a few days and I didn't wanna leave on bad terms," Marc responded politely. Darren scoffed. "Bad terms. Bro we'll always be on bad terms. You're such a momma's boy. I have nothing in common with you. I'm a nobody around here. "Marc put down his laundry. "No your not. Darren you just need to get your shit together.

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   I mean we are adults now. ""Yeah whatever you momma's boy. Now go on to college and make mommy and daddy proud. " Darren said sarcastically. Marc was fuming now. "You're just jealous because I'm successful and you're not! You are a damn loser!"Darren narrowed his eyes wanting to punch his brother out. He walked closer to his brother pushing him hard against the wall. Marc fell back but his eyes still full of anger and hurt. He went forward and pushed Darren back hard, making his twin almost fall to the ground. "You fuckin' asshole!" Darren yelled out rushing towards his brother. They twins fought hard as they wrestled on the floor. Hard punches were thrown and some blood was gushing out of their noses. They were beating the crap out of each other. Marc had never felt angrier in his entire life and Darren loved taking his aggression out on his spoiled brother. Darren's white shirt was now covered with his brother's blood and vice versa.

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   "I hate you! I wish you weren't my brother!" Marc hollered as they fought. "I wish the same! I've always hated you!" Darren yelled back. They twins continued to brawl and if it hadn't been for their parents coming home, they probably would have killed each other. "Hey! Hey!" Mrs. Collins screamed throwing her purse down and trying to go over to her sons. "What the hell are you all fighting about now?" Mr. Collins asked in a stern voice helping his wife separate the twins. The parents held the twins back from doing any more damage to one another. Both boys had bloody noses, mouths and black eyes. "He started it! He's such an asshole!" Marc tried explaining. Mrs. Collins looked closely at Marc. "Don't say that about your brother. Now you two don't get along which is obvious but you all have never fought like this. So violent and so horrific.

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   Now what happened that was so bad?"Both boys stayed silent just eyeing each other. Marc started to regret fighting with his brother and Darren as well. They both envied one another and that was what had set them off. Marc was jealous of his brother because of his cool attitude and his way with girls. Darren was jealous of Marc because of his intelligence and responsibility. "Now boys how can we ever trust you all again? Can we trust that you are going to forgive each other?" Mr. Collins asked looking at the boys over his thick glasses. The boys still didn't say anything but just nodded. "Good then you two better quite fighting. You are going to be brothers for the rest of your lives. You'll always be family," Mr. Collins went on. "Yes your father is right boys. Now both of you go clean yourselves up. You are a mess.

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   I'll bring some icepacks for your eyes. "The twins both headed up stairs and took turns washing their faces and grabbed some tissues for their bloody noses. They didn't talk. It was an uncomfortable silence and then they headed off to their own rooms. Mrs. Collins brought each one an icepack and warned them once again not to be fighting. Darren laid on his bed still finding it hard to believe he fought with his brother. He didn't really hate his brother. He loved him more than anything or anyone in the world. He only wished Marc knew that. Guilt washed over Darren as he lay on his bed. He would have to go apologize to his brother and hoped Marc would forgive him. Marc sat on his bed covering his huge black eye with the icepack. How only hoped his black eye would go away before school started. He wondered if Darren felt bad about their fight.

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   Marc felt so awful that he had hurt his brother the way he did. Why would he have even told him such ugly and nasty things? He had to apologize; the sooner the better. The next day the twins' parents were at work as always and Marc was already packing more clothes and school supplies. He heard a knock on the door and saw his twin standing there looking so somber. Darren's right eye was so a dark blue color. Marc almost laughed but remembered his own eye as dark blue as his brothers. "Hey uh look sorry about yesterday," Darren began to apologize. He kept his eyes down trying not to look embarrassed. Marc shrugged, "Hey that's alright. I'm sorry too. We've never gotten that violent have we?"Darren looked up at his twin. He laughed but stopped smiling quickly since his mouth hurt after Marc punched it. "Owww fuck I can't even laugh. Shit!"Marc tried to laugh as well. "Yeah me either.


   Hurts too damn much. "Darren's sad eyes were glued to his twin. Marc walked closer to his brother and put his arms around him giving him a nice brotherly hug. Darren was surprised at first but gave in embracing his brother. "I love you man," Marc said softly. Darren held his brother tightly. He knew Marc was always so nice and polite and he only wished he could be that way. "I-I love you too bro. " Darren responded patting his brother's back. They both smiled at each other and looked at each other in silence. "So you leaving this weekend already huh?" Darren blurted out trying to break the silence. Marc nodded. "Uh yeah I'm packing up right now. Do you wanna come in?"Darren walked in his brother's room. Yes they were both definitely opposites.

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   Marc's room was so clean and neat while Darren always had a huge mess. Posters of The Verve and Blur hung from Marc's room while Darren's wall was covered with Nine Inch Nails and Marylin Manson posters. "I wish my room could be this clean," Darren said as he sat on his brother's bed. Marc started to fold his shirts and pack them neatly in his huge suitcase. "Well if you cleaned up a bit bro it could be like this. " Darren laid on the bed looking up at the ceiling. His whole face still hurt but he was glad he and his twin had forgiven each other. "Marc? Uh I didn't mean any of the things I said. I swear. "Marc stopped packing and went over to sit on the bed. He looked down at his brother trying to look into his eyes. He saw the damage he'd done to his poor brother's eye. "I didn't mean anything either bro. You know I was just pissed off because I'm jealous of you. "Darren raised himself up staring at his twin.

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   "Jealous? Of me? Why?"Marc shrugged, "Well for starters, you get to go out with some really sexy girls. "Darren chuckled. "You can get those girls too bro but you have to look like me. "Marc grinned wickedly. "You punk. " He playfully touched his brother's spikes. Darren looked serious now. "Well I'm jealous of you because you're so damn smart bro. I mean look you're going to college. I know you're gonna get a high paying job and you just have everything looking good for you. "Marc looked away. "Yeah I guess but I still feel something is missing bro. I would have liked to have been a better brother to you all these years we spent fighting. ""Well it wasn't just you. I was the one who got this makeover.

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   I was tried of people expecting me to be like you. Although deep down I always did wanna be like you. "Marc's eyes met with his twins. He reached out and slowly put his hands over Darren's hands. Both boys felt their breath get short and their hearts racing. Darren reached over to his brother and kissed his lips very softly barely touching them. He quickly backed away but Marc's eyes were still on him. Marc's lips were partially opened wanting more of his brother's kiss. He moved closer to Darren and started to kiss him. Now their kiss was wet, more erotic. Darren slipped his tongue slowly almost as if he was too cautious into his brother's mouth. Marc didn't hesitate to respond and let his tongue entwine with Darren's. They brothers kissed with passion and lust lost in each other. Their warm breath grew hot from their hard kisses. The boys moaned quietly as they both began to get erections.

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   "You kiss so good," Marc said breaking off their kiss. Darren ran his tongue on his brother's lower lip. "You've been with a guy before bro?"Marc was breathless. "N-no. Never. "Darren stroked his brother's blonde hair. "Me either. I've thought about it though. And when I thought about it, you always came into my mind. "Marc felt his cock twitch at that moment. He put his arms around his brother's neck and pulled him closer falling back and letting Darren fall on top of him. Darren moved his body up and down his brother's body. He knew Marc was hard as a rock just as he was. Darren began to trail kisses down his brother's neck lightly sucking on his neck leaving soft red marks as he claimed his territory. Marc held his brother close enjoying his seduction.

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   He felt his hot breath caressing his skin making his cock want to jump out of his pants. "Yesss! Kiss me bro. Mmmmm I like that!" Marc moaned as Darren continued to kiss his neck. Marc loved the way his brother felt on top of him. His body kept sliding up and down making his cock ache more for him. Darren couldn't believe that after all these years of bickering and pretending to hate his brother that he was finally here kissing him and loving him like he always wanted to deep down. "Marc, I'm so fuckin' horny right now. Bro I need to cum. " Darren rasped looking at his brother so full of lust. "Me too. Oh fuck I'm so hot for you!" Darren proceeded to seduce his brother. He started to lift up his t-shirt exposing his hard flat stomach and trailed kisses down to his shorts. His shaky hand went on to undo his brother's shorts and quickly dove in to pull out his hard cock. Marc felt himself blush as his brother slowly stroked his cock and looked at it. He never ever thought he'd be here like this.

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   Doing something so wicked, so nasty. He let himself go and let his brother play with his cock sending strong delicious sensations all throughout his body. "Mmmmm stroke it! Oh yeah!" Marc moaned with his eyes shut. Darren had a strong grip on his brother's cock. He was amazed just how much their cocks looked alike. It was just so hot to know that he was holding his brother's hard cock. Darren felt the need to put it in his mouth and taste it. He'd never gone down on a guy but for some reason he couldn't wait to have his brother's cock down his throat. Marc had his eyes closed tightly and sudden felt his eyes widen as he felt his brother's warm mouth wrap around his cock. He bit his swollen lip and moaned loudly. "Mggghhhh! Oooooh fuck!"Darren could taste his brother's precum so salty and tangy on his tongue. The small juices trickled down slowly off Darren's thick mushroom head. Darren swirled his tongue on the tip of Marc's cock teasing him, making him squirm. Marc was amazed. He'd never had a blowjob in his life and now he understood what all the fuss was about.

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   He put his hands on Darren's face as his brother's eyes looked up at him. They both scoffed softly as they saw each other's swollen eyes. Marc stroked his brother's face as he got his cock sucked. Darren kept his gaze on his brother as he tasted him. His head bobbed up and down slowly feeling his brother's cock veins pulsing inside his mouth. Cum for me bro, cum hard in my mouth Darren wished silently. "Yesss! Darren suck me! Suck my cock! Oh bro I'm so close!" Marc groaned feeling his balls swell up full of cum ready to explode in his brother's mouth. Darren continued his sucking and with one hand, he grabbed Marc's balls moving them around letting his cum swoosh. "Arrrgggh! Fuck I'm cumming bro! Ooooh yesssss!" Marc gasped for air feeling his body tense up as he quivered hard feeling his cum shoot out of his cock so furiously. He grabbed Darren's head and kept it locked on his cock. He stared down at him so lustfully. "Swallow it bro. Swallow my seed. Mmmmmm taste it!" He demanded hoarsely. Darren felt five or six shots of cum just spurt inside his mouth.

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   His brother was absolutely delicious! The hard brackish taste lingered in his mouth as he held some of his brother's seed. Darren quickly rushed to kiss his brother releasing some of his left over cum inside Marc's mouth. They kissed hard sharing Marc's cum in their kiss. "Taste yourself bro. Oh fuck! You taste so good!" Darren whispered as they kissed. Marc's heart was racing after having such a hot orgasm in his brother's mouth. He pushed Darren back to the opposite side of the bed letting his twin fall on his back. Darren looked so ready to be sucked on. Marc started to undo Darren's belt and pants as quickly. Darren looked shocked watching his "innocent" brother acting so bad. Marc reached inside his brother's pants and pulled out Darren's hard throbbing cock. A bunch of precum just dribbled out falling on marks fingers. Marc looked down at the shiny liquid and rubbed it on his lips. He reached over to kiss his brother as they both got Darren's precum smeared on their lips. As they kissed they shared Darren's taste.

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  "I love you so much," Marc murmured. Darren ran his finger on Marc's lips. "I love you too. I'll always love you bro. "Marc slowly slid down until he had Darren's cock right in front of his face. He took a deep breath still not believing he was about to have his first taste of cock with his own brother. He parted his lips open to invite his brother's cock in. Darren's body shuddered immediately feeling his cock entered Marc's mouth. "Hmmggghhhh! Yeah! Take my cock! Oooh suck it! Deep throat it!" Darren moaned as he gripped Marc's blonde hair. Marc had Darren's cock deep in his mouth almost choking on it. He could feel Darren's precum oozing out fast and slowly trickling down his throat. His brother looked so amazing as he moaned and licked his lips while getting his cock sucked. He moved his lips up and down slowly on Darren's long shaft. He suddenly felt Darren's hands pull on his hair moving his head up and down fast making him suck him off with fury. Darren put his hands on Marc's face making him look up at him.

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   "Look at me. Bro, I'm so in love with you. You're gonna swallow my load aren't you? Please tell me that you are!" Marc nodded with his mouth full. His mouth ached from last night's brawl but he didn't care. All he cared about was pleasing his brother. His one true love. "I-I'm cumming! Get ready to swallow! Drink it bro! Oooohhhh fuck!" Darren yelled out feeling his balls draining his hot cum. Darren swallowed his brother's seed nicely never taking his eyes off him. "Yes! That's it! Milk my cock bro!" Darren shot out long ropes of white cream in his sweet brother's mouth. He pulled Marc towards him letting his own cock spurt small drops of cum on his pants. "Kiss me bro. Let's share my cum in my mouth. " Marc kissed his brother hard but only had a very small taste to share with him. "I'm sorry I swallowed it all. I'm sorry.


  "Darren put his arms around his brother holding him so close to him trying to get his heart to stop racing. "It's ok. You did so good! Oh bro that was so hot! I love you. "Marc kissed his brother softly. "I love you too. "Mr. and Mrs. Collins got home that evening and almost choked as they saw the twins sitting in the living room watching TV together. That was almost too unbelievable. And to top it all off they were actually getting along!"Well boys I guess you two kissed and made up?" Mrs. Collins asked smiling. "Of course Mom. We are brothers," Darren said sarcastically. "Yeah we'll always be family," Marc replied nudging his lover. .

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Escort Canada - Escort ladies in Canada are specialists at locating the finest places to visit, whether it's a high-end nightclub or a fine dining establishment

As a conclusion, Canadian escort services are the best in the world since they are professional, safe, and discreet. Canada's escort sector is unlike any other, offering a wide range of gorgeous and intellectual women, top-notch service, and absolute discretion. Hire a Canadian escort lady right now for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.
Canada is recognized across the globe for its natural beauty and kindness, making it a great location for individuals seeking personal and sensuous encounters. The nation boasts a thriving escort business with a diverse selection of services and suppliers to suit all tastes and preferences.
Canadian escorts are trustworthy professionals that prioritize their customers' comfort and safety. Clients may be certain that they are getting a safe, high-quality service since the escort business is strictly controlled by rules that require all escorts to be properly registered and checked.
Natural wonders abound in Canada, and the country's towns and cultures reflect its mixed population. Canada is a destination rich with opportunity, from the quaintness of Quebec City to the excitement of Toronto.
Escort ladies in Canada are specialists at locating the finest places to visit, whether it's a high-end nightclub or a fine dining establishment. They are also adept at advising customers on how to make their stay in Canada even more memorable.
To sum up, people in need of reliable, secure, and discrete escort services will find all they need in Canada's escort sector. The escort profession in Canada offers something very special, with a wide range of beautiful and intellectual ladies to choose from, top-notch service, and absolute discretion. Have a once-in-a-lifetime night with a Canadian escort lady by making a reservation right now.