
Cousin and I discover Promised Land (Part One)


 Everyone has a first time, and mine just happened to be with my cousin. I was 18 at the time and she had just turned 18 My name is Barry and I am the middle child in my family. My older brother, Gary, is a year older than me and my sister, Mary, is five years younger than me. At 18 I was one giant hormone stuck on “erection” mode. I had discovered how to masturbate at the age of 18 and soon had mastered the fine art and had taken it to levels not achieved usually until after marriage when it is really needed. Needless to say, I had a very strong fantasy life and it did not take much to make my new found friend come to a full and erect position…watching a nice looking girl walk by at school, the bra section of the Sears Catalog, seeing my younger sisters panties in the dirty clothes hamper, a slight wind blowing, not much at all and it was ready for action. It was not unusual for me to masturbate 3-4 times a day, sometimes more, rarely less. My family was from the South and that meant lots of cousins coming to visit during the summer months. They loved to come to California to see the land of milk and honey where we were all supposed to be surfers, tanned and acting in movies, or at least know a lot of movie stars. Instead, I lived 2 hours from the nearest beach, had never seen a surfer or knew of one in our little area, had performed in a couple of school plays (if you call that acting) and could not tell you the names of more than a few Walt Disney actors I had seen at the movies.   We were sort of remote, but I was tanned, so at least that part of the fable was real. Then again, when you work outside all day long during the summer on a ranch you are either going to burn like a match or get tan. One of my Mom’s sisters, Doris, and her husband, Richard, had come to visit with their family for a week. They had three kids: Mike (a year older than me), Karen (a year younger than me) and Mark (three years younger than me).   I had not seen them in six years and barely remembered them. One disadvantage of living a few thousand miles away from all your kin is that they don’t get to come see us all that often and you really don’t remember them all that well after a bit of time.

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   Dad was always working, so us going on vacation was never going to happen in our family and we just had to rely on everyone coming to see us. When their car pulled up in front of the ranch house and they started piling out of the car I noticed Karen. She was not a model in any manner, but cute. She was more like the nice girl next door, or that sweet girl in class you have grown up with for years. She had long dark blonde hair, a killer smile, blue eyes that sparkled when she smiled and was wearing shorts that showed off one very long set of wonderful legs. She was wearing a t-shirt that showed she was fairly slim and had smaller breasts. It all came back to that smile…and those eyes. I was almost rock hard in a flash and had to move it straight up in my shorts to keep it from tenting my pants and showing the direction I was about to walk in…oh, that way.   My folks would have killed me if I had greeted my cousins with a hard-on. Not exactly a nice way to greet your Aunt when you hug her…”Say, you’re excited to see me, huh?”Karen was the one that introduced us again to all the kids in the gathering and we all pitched in and grabbed the luggage and headed inside the house. The house had four bedrooms: one for our folks and one each for each of us kids. Dad had decided we needed to arrange the sleeping as follows: they kept their own bedroom for themselves, my aunt and uncle got my older brothers room, the boys all stayed in my room and the girls got my sisters room. Simple enough. My older brother, Gary, and Mike had gone off and started talking and my younger sister had literally hung on to Mark as they went into her room to play video games, leaving Karen for me to entertain. I asked her if she wanted to see the ranch and she said it would be nice.

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  I told her I needed to change clothes real quick and she might want to throw on something, too.   I all but ran into my room and changed into a baggy pair of overalls and the tightest underwear I could find to keep my erection in place. I did not have time to take care of it’s needs at that moment, nor any place private either. I would just have to wait it out, something I had never had to do before!There was a small breeze blowing and it made her hair fall into her eyes from time to time and she would move it back with her hand and lodge it behind her ear as she walked the ranch with me. It made her look older and even prettier to me.   She had changed into a different shirt that was opened down a few buttons in the front showing a bit of cleavage and a pair of my old overalls that hung on her like drapes.   I noticed that when she bent down to tie her shoes I could see right down inside the overalls and see her cotton panties. Needless to say I was rock hard inside my shorts and more and more of my blood was heading south from my brain to another organ that was demanding attention. I had no idea how I was going to survive the hour, let alone last for a week. We walked all over the ranch property and I showed her the pastures for the horses and cows, the alfalfa fields, the pond we used for swimming and was finishing the tour with a visit to the barns. We discussed our favorite music tunes, subjects in school and other mindless drivel. Every time we had to climb a fence I made sure I was right there to help her climb down and to catch another look at her panties. Hey, I was 18 and that was my job. As we walked through the barns I pointed out where each horse had their stall, where the milk cow lived and our chicken house. We climbed the ladder into the hay loft above the horse stalls and sat down on a bale of hay.

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    The end doors were open on the loft letting that nice cool breeze blow through the loft keeping us nice and cool and allowing us to look up towards the trees surrounding the pond. “Do you have a girlfriend?” Karen asked me out of nowhere. Sort of reeling from the shock of the question, I stammered “Well, not at the moment”.   The truth was that I had only one girlfriend and that was two years ago and it lasted for all of three weeks.   I had no experience with girls and had kissed my girlfriend only once, and that was the day she broke up with me. “Really?” she asked, like it was odd that I was not just beating them off with sticks. “Yep…well, it’s summer ya know, and school is out and we sort of live a long ways from anyone…. ” I said and just sort of trailed off into nowhere, mainly because I could not think of anything to say.   “How about you. Do you have a boyfriend back home?” I asked, mostly because she had asked me that type of question. “Not right now” she said. “I did have one most of last year but he moved away when school ended”. “Oh…bummer, huh?” I managed to say. “Yeah.   He moved to Chicago to live with his Mom.

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   He said he would write to me every day but I still haven’t got a single letter from him…. bastard” she said. I was sort of shocked that she had used a cuss word. But she was a city girl and you had to just expect that sort of thing from them I guess. “I like you Barry” she said as she leaned back on the hay bales and looked up at the ceiling. “You seem like a really nice guy. The girls here must all be crazy to not have you going steady with them”. “You gotta be kidding me, right?  I’m just a ranch kid out in the middle of nowhere. The girls here all want a city dude that can show them a good time and make the moves on them…that’s not me” I said as I laid back next to her on the hay. “You got moves, don’t ya?” she asked as she leaned up on one elbow and looked me right in the eyes. “Sure…I got some moves…not like some guys got, ya know, but I have a few” I said as I looked into those beautiful eyes and had to look away, knowing she could tell I was lying about the moves. She leaned in and kissed me very gently on the lips. “That was nice” she said. “Do you like to kiss?”“Sure, who doesn’t like to kiss” I managed to say as I fumbled for words. Not having any blood in my brain was hurting me at the moment.

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    All my blood had gone to my groin and was not for sure why I had not taken care of business yet. She leaned in again and kissed me, this time a bit stronger and longer.   She used her tongue to gently open my mouth a bit more and to seek out the tip of my tongue. I had no idea what she was doing but do recall the guys talking about French kissing and assumed I was now doing it. I let her explore my mouth a bit more and then returned the favor back to her. I had no idea what I was doing or was supposed to do other than what she had done to me and I was not for sure what all she had just done but it had felt wonderful. Again, no blood in the brain. She put her arm up on my shoulder and turned towards me a bit so we were now both on our sides. I laid my arm across her and my hand was in the small of her back. I kissed her stronger now, feeling brave, and that made her moan softly. No idea what that was all about but knew it was a good moan and wanted to keep them coming, so I did it again. Another moan, this time just a bit louder. She moved her hand to the back of my neck and was drawing me in closer and tighter, pressing her mouth tight to mine and letting me explore the entire region of her mouth and tongue.   She began sticking her tongue into my mouth and for a bit we just let our tongues play chase and tag as they went from mouth to mouth. I let my hand move just a bit down towards her bottom and that made her moan louder and deeper.

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  I kept trying to tell myself I had a really good thing going here and not to do something that would blow it but had no idea what I was even doing, let alone what I could do that would make her stop. Taking the moans as a good thing I let my hand roam across her rear, feeling the curve of her cheeks and could clearly feel the panty line underneath. She almost stopped moving her tongue when I did this and was not for sure if I had crossed the line or not. I went in for a really deep kiss and moved my hand to the top of her hip at the same time and this time she just moaned and said “That feels good” into my mouth in almost a hushed whisper. I knew I was on the right track but didn’t have a clue where this train was heading. All I knew was that I had gone farther with Karen than with any other girl and was breaking new ground with each moment and move. I continued to kiss her and let my hand go inside the back of the overalls and it was actually touching the skin on her lower back just below her shirt and just above her panties. This made her kiss me deep and made me moan just a little, something I did not know I could do. I had a decision to make with my hand: head up towards her bra and breasts or go south towards the Promised Land. I had never been to either location but thought if she let me play with her breasts then heading to the Promised Land would not be that much of a greater leap of faith. North to the mounds was my decision. I let my hand stroke the skin on her back all the way across, side to side in wide gentle strokes, until I reached her bra. Not knowing what to do at that moment, I decided to go past the strap and keep going towards her shoulders. Again, nice wide gentle strokes from side to side as I let my hand reach ever higher. With each stroke her breathing would increase a bit and it was becoming more shallow, too.


    Her hand went from the back of my neck down inside my overalls and was moving across my back. I could feel her fingernails as they moved across my back, except she was stroking from top to bottom and I was the one moaning with each stroke. I could feel a puddle in my shorts and knew I had all but filled them with pre-cum. I was hoping it had not leaked out much and soaked the front of my overalls but also knew it would not take long before that happened. Each stroke my hand made across her back I let it come farther across the side until it was almost sliding across her stomach. I knew I was traveling into uncharted waters and did not even have stories from my friends to guide me here on what to do next. All I could think of was to just keep doing what I was doing and do it slowly. As my hands touched the bottom of the cup of her bra it made her jump a little and made me jump, too. I was scared she was going to end it right here and now so I moved my hand down just a bit and across towards the middle again, making sure I was not touching the lower side of her bra. She was kissing me like I have never been kissed before, and was pretty sure that was a really good thing. It was time to either go for it or end it, and I had no intention of ending it right now, so the next time my hand came out to the side, I moved up just a bit until it was resting on the side of her bra just under her armpit. I slowly let my thumb move down towards her breast in small circles on the outside of her bra, with each circle moving down just a bit more, feeling the fabric and the softness of her breast under the bra. When my thumb had reached her nipple area she moaned really loud and said into my mouth “Oh Barry, that feels so good”. As she said that she moved her hand down and began to rub the top my rear, under my tight shorts!I could feel her nipple was hard under her bra with my thumb and slowly moved my hand down the side of her bra until I was covering one entire breast with my hand. I slowly began to caress her breast and could feel the nipple hard under the palm of my hand.

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    Her breathing came faster and more shallow now and her tongue was not as fast to place chase with mine inside her mouth. She was concentrating more on other things at the moment.   With each gentle caress of her breast she would move her hand across my cheek, keeping up with my timing exactly. As I let my hand caress her breast I moved it up just a bit and let it slowly come down on the inside of the bra and touching the breast itself.   This made her really moan hard and that is the exact moment I shot my load in my shorts. She noticed me jump as I shot my load and backed away from kissing me for just a second. “What…are you okay?” she asked in a raspy whisper. “Yeah, I am doing incredible, but I think I just made a mess in my shorts. I’m going to have to take them off or I am going to get in big trouble” I said as I leaned up and starting taking off the straps of my overalls. She took her hand out of the back and asked “What do you mean you made a mess in your shorts?”“I got a bit excited and came in my shorts. It’s really embarrassing and not something I have ever done before, but then again I have never been this excited before either. I need to take these off or they will make a huge wet spot on the front of my overalls and my folks will kill me” I told her as I lifted up my hips and moved the overalls down my body and kicked them off my feet. It was clear what had happened as my shorts were all but soaked in cum and I still had a rock hard erection clearly visible inside my shorts. “Wow, I guess you DID get excited! Look at all that…is that jizz?” she asked as she leaned up and came in for a closer look. “Yeah, that’s what it is.

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   I’m sorry to have done that to you” I said embarrassed beyond belief. “I’ve never seen one hard before…all that stuff came out of you?” she asked as she reached out her hand and touched my cock on the outside of my shorts. As she touched me, my cock jumped. “Frisky thing, huh? Can I touch it?” she asked as started to pull down my shorts before I could even answer her.   Like I was going to object?“Go ahead, touch it, play with it, do what ever you want” I told her as I leaned back a little and pulled down my shorts a bit more and felt the straw sting into my ass as I came back down. Karen reached out and put her hand around my shaft and pulled it back a bit and let it go, making it slap against my belly with a THWAP!“Sorry about that, Barry, did that hurt?” she cried out as she started to pet it like a dog to make the pain go away. “No, it didn’t hurt at all” I laughed as I reached down and grabbed it, pulled it down all the way against my leg and let it go making it thump heavily into my belly. “See, they are pretty tough, and it takes a lot more than that to hurt them. ”She reached out her hand again and grabbed the shaft and moved her hand up and down very slowly. “It feels funny…hard on the inside but soft on the outside and hot all over. Kind of neat feeling” she said as she began to tighten her grip a bit and move from the base to the end of my shaft. This brought out a huge moan from me. “That feels really good Karen. You can go a bit faster if you want” I said as I laid my head back down on the hay and knew I was not going to last very long like this before I blew my load again. “Like this?” she asked as she moved her hand up and down the shaft, picking up the pace with each stroke.

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   “Does that feel good?”“Karen, not much more and I am going to cum again” I managed to say as pre-cum was coming out the end now and her hand picking it up and using it as lubrication on the strokes. The fires were building inside me like never before. The more I tried to relax and just enjoy the whole thing the more I could feel the fires inside me starting to consume me. Higher and higher the flames were burning, faster and faster the strokes came, and soon I knew I could do nothing to make this last any longer. “Here it comes” I said as my body jerked and my hips raised off the hay as a long stream of cum shot across the air and landed on my chest.   She kept stroking me and rope after hot rope shot across my belly. “Wow, look at all that” she said as she kept stroking, watching my body spasm and jerk with each shot across the bow. Less and less was coming out now and I had to put my hand on hers to stop her from stroking me. Never had I had such an intense orgasm and felt drained of all energy. “That was incredible” I told her as I patted her hand. “It has never been that good before”. “So I was pretty good, huh?” she asked with a quizzical smile. “You have no idea how wonderful that was for me” I said as I turned towards her and grabbed my shorts to wipe the cum off me. “I wish I had one like that…that looked like it was fun” she said as she laid back down on the hay. “It felt good when you were feeling my breast…can I come like that, too?”“I have no idea if you can shoot out like I did but I know you can have an orgasm…you know, when it feels really good like it did for me.


   Have you had one of those before?” I asked, really wondering what her answer was going to be. “Oh, well, you know, I think maybe I might have had…you know…nothing like what you had though” she stammered, not wanting me to know that she had been exploring her body and that she might have had an orgasm. “Karen, don’t be embarrassed. Most people masturbate. Heck, I do it all the time.   Have you done it yet?” I asked, really curious about this answer. “Maybe a few times, but I don’t know that I was doing it right. It felt okay, but nothing like what you did” she said looking into my eyes again with those wonderful sparklers. “You think I can actually feel that good?”“Sure, why not”“Can you help me try it” she asked. “You bet I will help you. Want to try it now?” I wondered out loud, hoping she would say yes. I wanted to see her naked so bad…top, bottom, anything. I had already felt one boob today and she had given me a hand job, so this was already a banner day for me. Everything else would just be icing on the cake. “Okay, I’ll try it now.

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    This is a little embarrassing for me cause no one has ever seen me, you know, naked down there before” she said as she leaned up on the hay. “No one had seen me naked down there before you did today, so nothing to worry about. It will be our secret. Let me help you with those straps” I said as I helped her unhook the straps and unbutton her shirt.   She took her shirt off and was just in her bra on top and I could feel myself getting hard again. She reached around her back and unhooked her bra and let it fall forward off her chest. Almost by reflex she reached up with her hands and covered her breasts. “It’s okay, Karen, nothing to be embarrassed about. I think they are wonderful” I somehow said as again the blood was on an express train to my groin. “They’re really small. I thought all the guys liked really big ones” she said as she moved her hands down and revealed her breasts to me. I thought I was going to blow a load right then and there. Her breasts were small but perfectly shaped. She had small nipples but they were already rock hard and erect, surrounded by an areola about the size of a quarter. Her breasts were firm and stuck out without the need for a bra.

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   “Are they okay?” she asked as she looked down at them. “My goodness, Karen, they are perfect. Absolutely perfect” I heard my voice say to her. “Your boyfriend has never seen them before?”“I let him touch them on the outside and once he went underneath my bra and touched them and he tried to go inside my pants once but I did not let him. He was nice but all he could think about was screwing me or touching me or wanting me to touch him. I just did not care that much about him go do all of that with him” she said. “No one has ever played with me like that before you did today. I think it was sort of special to have you here to do it” I blubbered out loud. She leaned over and kissed me again, a deep passionate kiss. I laid her shirt down on the hay and had her lay down on it so the straw would not poke her in the back. When she was laid down on the hay I moved my hands to the overalls gathered at her waist and said “Lift up a bit and I will take these off for you”. She said nothing but raised her hips off the hay as I pulled the overalls down to her ankles then off onto the floor. I looked back up and saw her small white cotton panties with her pubic mound outlined and blew another load onto the hay loft floor. “Did you do it again? Geez, that’s three times for you and not even once for me” she chided me as if I had any control over what was happening with my body. “I’m sorry.

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   I have never seen someone as pretty as you…you know…almost naked in front of me like this. This is kind of new and very, very exciting, and it kind of has a mind of it’s own sometimes” was all I could say as I laid down beside her on the hay. I leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. She parted her lips and invited me in to play tag again with our tongues. I moved my hand to her belly and started to rub slowly towards her breasts as I continued to kiss her. Small moans were beginning to build inside her mouth again. As my hand reached her breasts she let out a deeper moan and pulled me in with her hands around my head for a deep passionate kiss. My hand moved on top of her breast and I could feel her nipple harden as I caressed it gently, softly tugging on the nipple with my fingertips. This brought out a very deep moan and she pulled my head in tight and moved her tongue deeply into my mouth. I moved my mouth down and kissed her on her chin and then moved down the cheekbone to just below her ears. I must have found a good spot for her because she let out a loud moan and pulled me in tight again. “That…. feels really good right there…oh wow this is good” she gasped as I kissed around the nape of her neck and then started to move down her neck towards her chest.   Her breathing was very shallow and very fast.   Her hands were locked into my hair now and pulling me down to her breasts.

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  This was another first for me. I was rock hard again and knew it would be just a matter of time before I crossed that line again. I have no idea how much cum I have inside me but today was going to be the day to find out. I was now kissing the top of her breast and could feel the edge of her erect nipple at my chin. I moved down lower and could feel her nipple moving ever closer to my mouth. When I got to her nipple I raised my mouth and covered her nipple, sucking it into my mouth. “OHHHHHH…that feels incredible…. don’t stop…. please don’t stop” she gasped at me, pressing my head into her breast with her hands. I had to turn my head slightly to get some air into my lungs as she had all but cut off the paths for oxygen.   I sucked on her nipple and gently grabbed it with my teeth, massaging it with my tongue. I went to her other breast and started doing the same things. She kept moaning and gasping for air, sucking it in deeply and exploding it out again. She seemed like she was right on the edge of something big. Boy, was I ever right on that one.

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  I could feel her body begin to tighten up and her hips raise off the hay.   She was trying to pull my head through her chest. “Don’t stop…. . oh yeah…. just like that…oh my God I can feel it coming…. OHHHHHHHH” she was screaming now as the first wave crested over her and racked her body from her head to her toes like an electric jolt. Not knowing what to do, I kept sucking her nipple as she rose again for the next wave. I reached up with my hand and touched her other nipple just as the next wave broke over her and I thought she was having a seizure or something. She was jerking and shaking in spasms, sweating like a linebacker in August, but she was obviously not in any pain. And I was not going to run get her Mom to make sure she was okay…she was going to just have to get better on her own!Wave after wave crashed over her and she finally pulled my head off her breast and said “Enough…enough for now…I gotta stop for a minute…oh wow…what the hell was that…I think I had what you had…. did I shoot anything out?” she asked, gasping for air and trying to control her breathing a bit. “Hard to tell. You still have your panties on but they sure look wet” I said looking at her panties. Wet was an understatement: these were soaked like they had been dipped into the pond! The smell was one I had never smelled before, an odor that was new to me.

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   It was sweet, a little sweaty, but very special. I went closer to her mid-section and looked down at her panties and could clearly see her vagina through them. The vulva and labia were swollen and this was clearly where the odor was coming from. I bent closer to smell her crotch and knew I was in heaven. There was nothing to compare this odor to in my life to this point. This was pure virgin girl, innocent and simple, clean and untouched. I was hard as a rock again…something I never understood when I got older. I could get hard doing math homework, during a history exam or having my teeth cleaned. If ever I was going to be hard, this was certainly a good time for it to happen. I had kissed a girl, French kissed her, touched her breast on the outside of her bra,  seen her naked breasts, touched and kissed them, now I had seen a vagina through her panties and smelled her wetness. Oh yeah, and got a hand job, too. And none of this involved a magazine, movie or my own hand…a red letter day for me!Karen was still coming back down to Earth as she reached down to feel the front of her panties and felt the full on wetness she had created. “Ohh man, I can’t wear these like this…. now what?” she said, thinking what her Mom was going to say about the situation. “Take them off and I will wash them out in the faucet by the barn door.


   I will wash my shorts at the same time and we can let them dry up here…it won’t take long in this heat” I said as I positioned my hands on either side of her panties, eager for her to vote for my new plan. “Okay…sounds like it might work. But hurry!” she said as she raised her hips up to allow me to pull her panties down and off her feet. I could not take my eyes off her vagina as I was taking off her panties. I lost my load again. “How many times is that for you Barry? Good grief…give it a rest would ya” she chided me and shoved me towards the ladder. I was still in the middle of my orgasm and had a few ropes to send towards the floor. I had never walked and cum at the same time, so that was new for me, too. I threw on my overalls and scampered down the ladder and in just a few seconds had rinsed out my shorts and her panties. Okay, so they were not Tide clean, but the huge cum stain on my shorts was gone and hers no longer smelled like sex. I barely touched the ladder rungs on my way up. She was laid back down onto the hay bales and resting quietly.   I hung the shorts up on some nails in the rafters. With the slight wind and the heat they should be dry pretty fast. And if we needed to do something sooner, well, she was just going to have to jump into her overalls without her panties!“You okay?” I asked as I laid down next to her on the hay.

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  “Barry, you have no idea how wonderful I feel at this moment. I have never experienced anything close to what I have felt today. Hell, there are not even words to describe how good it felt.   I had a couple of really fantastic orgasms…well, nothing like you have, but they were the best ever for me. That last one rocked my world…. I can’t even explain how incredible that was for me” she said as she obviously was struggling for the right words. “Did you feel it down there as well as up here” I asked looking at her vagina. “I felt something down there but I know you did not touch me or do anything down there. I think it was more an emotional thing or something…I don’t know. All I know is it felt really good down there, too” she explained as she leaned up on her elbows and looked at her vagina. She opened her legs a bit and touched herself with a finger and said “Man, I am still soaked down there!”“Can I touch it” I asked, hoping she would say yes. “Sure, why not. I don’t have much hair down there yet…” she trailed off as I moved down to get a better look. I moved between her legs and put my head just a few inches from her vagina. I was in the Promised Land.

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  She was right, not a whole lot of hair, but what she had was short and wispy and soaked. Her vulva and labia were swollen and barely parted. I knew the prize was inside somewhere but did not really know where or what I was even seeking. I just knew I was in heaven. The odor was intoxicating and like it was coming from her soul. I just wanted to put my mouth down and drink up her wetness. I reached up with my fingers and slowly parted the lips and got my first glimpse of the inside of a vagina. There was a small little lump near the top with a small flap of skin covering it. I ran my finger a little lower and suddenly the tip of my finger started to go inside her vagina!I had found the Mother Lode. I slowly pushed my finger inside her a little and she moaned a bit. I moved it back out and then in slowly again, and another moan. I think I figured it out. So did she. She opened her legs even more and reached up and grabbed my head with her hands and slammed my face into her vagina. I had no idea what I was supposed to do but figured that kissing and sucking worked on her breasts, so why not down here, too.

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  Let me just say some people have a lot of luck in their lives, and I was a very lucky person this afternoon. Turns out that what I was doing was the right thing to do. I moved up a bit to the little lumpy thing and discovered a whole new level of excitement in Karen. She slammed her legs closed on my head and I thought I would never get another breath of air. “That feels REALLY good right there, but go easy” she managed to say. “You’re going to have to let me breathe down here or I can’t go on. I love what I am doing and what it is doing to you but when you close your legs like that I can’t breathe” I hear myself telling her softly. “Sorry about that…it just felt REALLY good…keep doing that but be gentle” she said as she spread her legs for me and back down I went. I started out just licking around the sides of her vagina. It tasted fantastic and it seemed to be a good thing for Karen, too, as she moved her hips around to place my mouth at just the right places for her. Soon I was back up to the lumpy thing but knew better than to just suck it into my mouth like an oyster…not a bad thing but not right now. She said to go easy and that was exactly what I was going to do!I let my tongue play around the edges of the lumpy thing, like I did for her nipples. She seemed to like that a lot as her moans were growing a little louder and her breathing more shallow again. I reached up with my fingers and located the entrance to the Promised Land and gently applied pressure as the tip eased in a bit, bringing a louder moan from Karen. Slowly I plunged my finger ever deeper into her vagina as I let my tongue dance around the lumpy thing.


   When my finger could not go in any further I slowly pulled it back out and then back in again. I kept doing that with my finger until I was building up a fairly good pace and she began to thrust her hips into my finger as it thrust into her. I moved a second finger into position and repeated the performance and soon she was thrusting into two of my fingers inside her. She was leaking wetness all over my face and hand and it was wonderful. Her moans were almost too loud now and I began to wonder if anyone could hear us outside. I was not about to stop but also did not want to get caught. I was getting into thrusting my fingers into her vagina and loved the sound it made as it slid in and out of her. She was getting into it, too. She grabbed my head and pushed it hard into her vagina again, and not knowing what that meant for me to do, I just sucked her lumpy thing into my mouth and let my tongue slide inside the flap and dance for joy. That was when she slammed her legs closed again on my head and all but screamed out “I’M COOOOMMMMMIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG…. . OHHHHHHHHHH” or something to that effect because with her thighs acting like ear plugs I could not hear a thing. Her body went rigid and started shaking all over. I could feel her vagina clamp down on my fingers and feel the spasms roll through her as she rode wave after wave again. I slowed down with my fingers and had to fight my way out to get some air as she continued her adventure.

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   As she started to slow down a bit I thought about taking my fingers out but could not get them loose from inside her vagina. Every time I tried to ease them out she would clamp down on them again and she would have to ride a few more waves again. I looked up at her and she had her eyes closed and her chest was heaving, nipples erect and rock hard. All I could do was wait for it to pass and be gentle with her. Once I tried to lick her lumpy thing but discovered it was a bit sensitive at that moment, sort of like the head of my penis after I had an orgasm. It took awhile, but soon she was ready for me to take my fingers out. The odor was out of this world and something I will never forget. I took my tongue and licked her clean and stayed well away from the lumpy thing. When I was done I moved her legs over me and went up to lay down beside her. “So, how was that?” I asked her. “My goodness, Barry, if that is what I have to look forward to I am going to have a great time on vacation here with you” she said as she reached up and kissed me. I know she could taste her wetness cause it was all over my head. “Mmmm, is that me on you that I smell and taste?” she asked. “Yep, that’s all you…pretty neat stuff, huh?” I said as I lay back down beside her. “Barry, this is going to be a great vacation.

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   Maybe tomorrow we can experiment some more. I did not get to taste you yet and there is still, you know, sex to try. You got any condoms so I don’t get pregnant?” she asked as she reached over and grabbed my erection and began to play with it again. “I think Mike has some in his room…be careful there, you know what playing with will do to it…ah crap…here it comes” I was able to get out as more cum exited and shot up my belly. “How many times can you do that in a day” she asked as she wiped some of the cum off her hand into the hay. “I have no idea, but I think we will start counting tomorrow” I said as I wiped the cum off my belly with some hay and reached up for our now dry clothing items. Time to get dressed and get inside for a shower. Supper would come soon, and it appeared as if I was going to need my strength this week. Part Two will follow. .



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