
A Day Off


Julia my wife was working today, but I had a holiday and as it was nice and hot I thought I'd go and do a bit of sunbathing up by the reservoir. I set off about ten in the morning, and took a rucksack, with all I thought I might need for a day out - some water, a blanket, sun tan lotion, a camera and a porn magazine!I parked up in shady spot, but then had to walk a short way, over the motorway bridge, to get to the old car park. This had been blocked off to cars, but you can still walk through, and there is a wooded area off to the right, and then past that an area of open fields where you can sunbathe, well away from the road. By the time I got there it was 10:30 and very hot. I always like to have a walk through the wooded bit, to see if there is any action, although there was probably no one there at this time. It was nice and cool under the trees, and as usual I was really horny, so I decided to take off my shorts and t-shirt. The cool breeze felt great around my cock and balls and soon I had a nice hard on. There was nobody else in the wood, but there was plenty of evidence of recent action - used tissues, scraps of porno mags and I stopped to look at one well thumbed mag which someone had left lodged in the branches of a tree. The pictures were fairly tame - a Fiesta I think, but there were some good stocking shots, and I sat astride a small tree trunk and started to toss myself off as I looked at the pages. The cool bark of the tree felt really great on my arse and it was just a shame that there was no one else to join me!After a few minutes I decided to go on a bit further and eventually came out by the fields. I found a little spot just in the trees, and put down my blanket. I sat down and got the suntan cream out and rubbed it all over, especially round my cock. I got my magazine out and was having a little play when I suddenly heard people talking. Onto the pathway, just a few yards away, two horse riders appeared. Luckily I was well hidden from them, and they were unaware of me. I stood up and watched them pass, wanking my stiff cock as I looked at the two women riders, one quite young, blonde, hair tied back under her riding helmet and the other older, dark hair, folded back in a braid as these horsy types do.

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   They were both very attractive - I have a thing about ladies in jodhpurs - but the older one had a really tight top on and large tits, with her nipples sticking out of the material of her top. I wondered if they were hot and if all that bouncing up and down was making their fannies wet. Seeing them ride past had made me feel really randy and I was desperate for some action now. I decided to get dressed and have a walk around, and went down towards the road. I noticed that there were a couple of cars already parked up. One was empty, and the other had two people in it. I ducked into the woods and walked down, out of site, towards the road. As I got near the main path out of the wood I could see a chap standing there, looking out toward the road. He had his back to me but I could see that he was stroking himself. He came back into the trees and saw me, but I signalled to him that it was ok, and just to prove it I got my own stiff cock out. It was a bloke I had seen before and we nodded to each other. I looked down at his very impressive, thick cock. He came closer to me and spoke. "That old bloke is here again with Nora. They've just parked up.

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   I'm so sexed up I think I'll join them today. I don't know if it's the hot weather but my cock is aching to be wanked. What about you?"I had to admit I could have fucked my own granny today, but before I could replywe heard voices, and a bloke appeared from the pathway. He must have been late sixties, dressed in a white shirt and dark trousers. Following behind him was a woman wearing a loose fitting blouse and skirt. She was much younger than him, probably mid forties, but was sadly not the sort of stunner you read about in SH stories. She had no make up, and had a round, ruddy face, like a stereotype farmer's wife. They both stopped, just a few yards into the trees. They were about 20 feet away and though the woman had checked us both out they then ignored us, as she leant towards the old bloke and started to get his cock out. Again, unlike the stories, it wasn't a throbbing nine inches, in fact it was a rather sad affair, brown and wrinkly, and despite the woman's best attentions it was only slowly getting stiff. The bloke who I had been talking to was called Frank, and he now walked over to join them. I was surprised that the woman didn't say a word as he rubbed her tits through her blouse, and then unbuttoned it. Her tits were braless. Quite nice handfuls really, but definitely at the sagging stage. He cupped her tits and then ran his fingers over her nipples.

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   This finally got a response from the lady. There was a sharp intake of breath and her eyes closed. She obviously liked what Frank was doing. And so did the old bloke. His cock had risen nicely now and Nora was doing her best to wank him off. It was obvious what turned the old bloke on - seeing his woman with someone else. All three of them were into it now. Nora and the old chap kissing as she pulled on his cock, and Frank now with his mouth round Nora's tits. I walked over to them, still bollock naked, clutching my hard on. Although the couple were definitely not porn stars the action in front of me was quite exciting and I thought I'd try and lend a hand. I stood close to Nora, steadily wanking. She turned round briefly to look at me, and then looked down at my cock. "That's right love. Have a nice wank with Nora. But no cocks inside.

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  " She spoke very slowly and I wondered if she might not be the full shilling. The old chap, whose name was Bert apparently, then spoke for the first time. "She don't want no shagging. Owt else is alright. You can finger her if you want. "I knelt down at the side of them, and watched Nora pulling quite roughly at Bert's cock. She seemed more interested in the attention she was getting from Frank. I looked down at her bare legs beneath the skirt and ever so gently lifted the hem of her skirt, right up so that I could see her fanny. She had no knickers on, and her fanny was very hairy. Frank was watching this and helped me, by holding her skirt up. I put my right hand onto her cunt, my fingers trying to get between her slit, but it was quite tight. "You'll have to give it a bit of wet love. Just to get me going. "I moistened my fingers with my own saliva and managed to push my fingers between her cunt lips. Once inside she juiced up quite quickly as I started to frig her.

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   My cock was now pressed against her as I tried to get a bit of movement against her leg. At the other side of her, Frank was still licking at her tits while wanking himself. Nora had now moved away from the old bloke and he stood watching as she rocked her head from side to side as I continued to rub her fanny. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily. She suddenly opened them and looked across at Bert. "Go on love, let's see you spunk up. Are you ready now?"Bert gave a grunt and stumbled forward as a little spurt of cum dribbled out of his cock. Nora immediately pulled away from myself and Frank, and they both dressed themselves and wandered off back out onto the pathway without another word. Frank and I looked at each other. I felt quite deflated as I thought one or both of us would have ended up fucking her, but Frank said that that was all they ever did. I wanted to have sex, but I didn’t fancy just having a mutual wank - well not unless we got desperate. Frank suggested driving down to the other car park, so we made ourselves decent, and got into Frank's car. It was only a few minutes drive, down a narrow lane, to get to the car park by the lower reservoir and we parked up and got out. There were a number of cars parked, some with single blokes in and some empty. We walked further on to a gate and them sat down at a picnic table.

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   As we sat there, a couple of blokes came past, both bare chested, and stopped to check us out. Being there in the hot sun, with all this obvious sexual tension around was getting me really horny, and as soon as they had gone I slipped off my shorts and sat astride the hot bench. I took the porn mag out of my bag and opened it up on the table at my favourite spread, an old, but attractive, granny, dressed in my favourite black stockings, suspenders and high heels, being fucked by two blokes. The feeling of my arse stretching across the wood was superb and I started to wank my cock, looking at the pictures. Frank came around to my side and stood by me. He put his hand down and placed it on my leg, and then moved his hand up and across. He gently lifted up my balls and eased one finger between my arse cheeks, probing for my hole. As he found it and pushed his finger up he bent down and took my stiff cock into his mouth, and started to suck me off. As I leant back, I suddenly became aware of a bloke stood in the trees by the gate. He stepped forward, and I could see that he was rubbing at his cock through his shorts. He watched us for a minute and then came down the steps and stood by the table. He had only shorts and sandals on, and looked quite fit and tanned. His hard on was pressing against his shorts and wasted no time in lowering his shorts to reveal a very impressive cock. Frank had paused from his sucking and turned towards him, beckoning him forward. Frank then dropped to his knees and took the end of the newcomers cock into his mouth, his tongue licking and flicking at the bell end.

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  "I see from the magazine that you're not gay then," our new friend said. "Do you like stockings and suspenders?""Yes I do, I love them", I said. "But it's a bit hot for them today. ""Well my wife is wearing them today. Would you like to see?"Without me answering he pulled himself away from Frank and stuffed his prick back into his shorts. "It's too public here. Too many people. Do you know anywhere more private?. Oh my name is Steve, by the way, and my wife is called Maria. No, really," he said, as he caught my doubtful glance, "she's in the car now. Would you like to see her in her high heels?"I nodded frantically, my heart pounding as I realised what might be about to happen. "Just go down the steps till you come to the bottom," I said. "The path goes to the left, and there is a seat down there. Just sit there and I'll come down and show you the way to a quiet spot. "We both made ourselves decent, as Steve went off and up through the gate.

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  "It's probably Nora again, " said Frank, and we both laughed, but our expressions changed when Steve reappeared. Behind him, walking unsteadily down the steps, was a cracking woman. She had dark hair, and olive smooth skin. Her bright red lipstick matched the colour of her backless, strappy high heels. She wore a pretty white floral dress with narrow straps and her ample tits were well displayed by the low cut front. Steve just nodded to us as they passed. His wife did not look across as she was concentrating on where she was walking. We gave them a few minutes, and had a worrying moment when a couple of other blokes appeared and went down the steps. When we finally went down the path Steve and Maria were sitting on the seat looking out at the valley below. I motioned to Steve to follow me, having first checked there was nobody else in sight. Frank would follow on later to make sure noone else saw us. I then went down through some trees onto a faint path that wound down to the stream at the bottom. There was an opening in the fence which led to a grassy area by the stream, which was well hidden from the road above. In my state of sexual arousal it seemed like ages before they appeared, but eventually Steve and Maria arrived in the clearing. Steve had brought a bag with him and from it produced a travel rug which he laid on the grass.

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   Frank had now arrived and we both watched in anticipation as Steve led Maria on to the blanket. He gestured to us to come nearer and we shuffled over. I knelt down on the blanket and Frank did the same on the other side. Steve then pulled Maria towards him, kissing her and at the same time putting his hands up her dress, so that we could see underneath. She was wearing white stockings held by a thin red suspender belt, and over the suspenders were a pair of lacy red pants. Steve then lifted Maria's dress right up and let it fall over our heads so that Frank and me were both covered by her dress, our faces pressed up against Maria's stocking tops. I ran my hand up her legs and slipped two fingers into her pants. Frank followed and together our fingers explored Maria's juicy fanny. As we were engrossed in this Steve was unbuttoning Maria's dress and suddenly Frank and I were on display in the bright sunlight. Steve pushed forward, his large cock jutting out. "Pull down her pants, you two. Let's see how juicy my wife's cunt is. "We slowly pulled down her lacy knickers, till they were down by her shoes. Steve then helped her out of the dress and Maria knelt down and then lay back on the blanket. Steve pushed her legs apart and fed his cock into her waiting cunt.

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   He moved forwards slightly so that he could lift up her legs onto his shoulders as he knelt and started to fuck her. "Come on boys. Stand here and get hold of Maria's legs. Run your hands over her stockings and heels as I fuck her. " We wasted no time in following Steve's directions, pausing only to remove our shorts so that out stiff cocks were now free. After a few minutes Steve pulled out of Maria and told her to stand up. Maria got to her feet. "Now Jack, you unclasp her bra. Go on, have a good feel of her tits. She likes that. "I went round behind her and undid the tight strap. Her full and firm tits fell forward, and I instinctively put my hands around her to feel them and squeeze the nipples. As I did this my stiff prick nudged up against her arse. She then leaned forward her tits dangling forward. Steve reached for his bag and brought out a video camera and came t stand near me.


  "Go on Jack. Hold on to her suspender belt, and then fuck her from behind while she's bending over. "Within seconds I was inside Maria's cunt. It was very wet and very hot. I felt the spunk rising inside me. "Cum over her stockings and shoes Jack. Let's see it pumping out. "I felt my orgasm hit me and pulled out just in time. The first jet went over her back but I managed to direct the rest of it on to the back of Maria's stockings. "Fucking great Jack. Now Frank your turn. Give her a good shagging. "Frank moved behind Maria to take my place and I watched as he fed his cock up her. Like me Frank could only last a few minutes and he came a bucketful over Maria's arse and stockings. Steve had moved in close with the camera and was filming the spunk as it dribbled slowly down Maria's leg.

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   He then passed the camera to me and told me to carry on filming as he took his place inside Maria's pulsing fanny. "Frank you get round the front and she'll lick the spunk off your cock while Jack films us. " Steve then really went at it, banging into Maria in a frenzy of fucking. He was shouting out to her, calling her a cocksucker and a slag, and she was screaming out. It couldn't have been long before the whole car park came down to see what was going on, but then they both collapsed in a heap, Steve finally pulling out of Maria and, wiping the spunk from his cock, rubbed it all over her red shoes. He then knelt down and, whilst I was still filming, put his fingers inside Maria's cunt to let the sperm trickle out. Frank and I fucked Maria again before we went, while Steve filmed us. They never left us with any contact details, but perhaps they will turn up again one day. Maria was a very sexy girl and I often think about her when I'm fucking my wife, Julia.


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