
First Gay Fuck


Topic: First Gay FuckFirst Gay Fuck

This is a true story about my first gay experience. I was 19 and a freshman in college. I had always been curious about men and felt pretty confident that I was bisexual, since I had only been with one woman at the time (I know it’s a little pathetic), I was not completely sure. First let me tell you what I looked like then. I was 6’4”, about 275-280 lbs, an average build (not buff but not fat either just needed some toning).

As a typical college freshman and guy, I was on porn sites all the time when I wasn’t in class; straight sites when my roommate was in the room and gay, bisexual, and tranny sites when he wasn’t. I was also a member of a gay personals website. I spent many a nights in the chat room trying to find someone who would be willing to meet for “some fun”. After about a month of the site and no one willing to meet without a picture on the profile (since I was in the ROTC program and still kind of in denial about myself I didn’t dare post a picture) I was getting tired of trying to find my first experience with a guy.

One afternoon after class I was walking through the center of campus by the student activities building. It was rush week for the frats and sororities. I never had been interested in what I dubbed “rent-a-friend” but hey I wasn’t doing anything the coming weekend and one frat that was well known was having a party at their house and inviting anyone who talked to them. So I went up and talked to the guys and got invited to their party.

Friday night came and again two more days of disappointment on the website went into the books. So about 8:30, I got into my car and went to the frat house. I arrived at about 9.

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   The party was pretty well involved by the time I got there, turns out the guy I talked to forgot to mention it started at 6 (which was a half hour after all classes on the campus ended), but oh well their parties weren’t known for ending earlier than 4 or 5 in the morning.

I started having a few drinks, but since I didn’t like the music I didn’t feel like dancing, and since I didn’t know anyone there I didn’t feel like talking. About an hour and a half after I got there I finally had my fill of feeling out of place and planned on finishing my beer and then heading home. That’s when Tom sat down next to me.

Tom was a sophomore in school, but wasn’t a member of the frat; he was just like me and had come to the party because he had nothing better to do that night. Well Tom and I got to talking about classes, professors, and the dorms. He told me he still lived in them because he liked them and the fact he didn’t have to waste gas getting to school saved him a lot of money. My plans of leaving the party got put on the back burner because now I didn’t feel out of place.

Tom and I spent the next two hours talking about everything about the college, his home, my home, cars, planes, and the military (He was also in the ROTC, but not the same branch I was in). We were also drinking pretty rapidly. I told tom I would be back and I went to the restroom.   I came back and Tom was still there and had also gotten us more drinks.

It was about 1 in the morning and I was getting tired. I told him I was going to get going. He told me he had something he wanted to ask me, so I told him to go ahead, but to walk with me to my car since I was leaving and ask me on the way.

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   We started walking to my car, when he asked me something that I about had a heart attack over.

“Have you ever been with a guy?” He asked.

“Do I look gay to you? What makes you ask that?” I snapped back. Not being out to anyone on campus, ESPECIALLY not to anyone in the ROTC programs or anyone with any connection to them, I tried to see how he figured he could ask me that question.

“Well, I think you are hot, and we have spent the last two-and-a-half hours talking to each other, and I saw you checking out some of the guys while you were by yourself and when you were talking to me. It’s no big deal to me man, if you know what I mean and I will keep your secret if you keep mine” He said, as he moved his hand over my groin.

“Well no I haven’t if you must know. I have thought about it but I have never found anyone that I felt comfortable with,” I relied back to him.

“Do you want to?” he asked.

I was taken back by the bluntness he had. Here is a guy I had met not even 3 hours ago and he was asking me if I wanted to have sex with him. I knew that if I didn’t take him up on his offer I might not have the nerve to go through with a gay experience ever again.

“Yes, I would love to” I told him, “but not here. Let’s go back to my dorm room. My roommate is out of town and I have the whole room to myself.

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“No problem,” he said. “I’ll follow you back to the campus. ”

With that we both got into our cars and started the drive back to campus. The whole time I was driving I was so fucking nervous. I debated on whether or not I could do this. I knew I wanted to do it, but wanting to do it and actually doing it were two totally different things entirely. I was debating on whether or not I would go through with it and almost came to that decision, but like I thought earlier, if I didn’t try this now, when I knew I had the shot I would probably never try it. I decided to go for it.

We got back to the campus around 1:45 and as usual for a Friday night the place was like a ghost town, with the exception of the smokers who were out-front of my dorm buildings entrance. I asked Tom if I could smoke a cigarette before we head up and he said no problem, whatever I think will loosen me up. “Oh my god do I really look that nervous” I thought to myself. I finished my cigarette and we headed up to my room.

We got to my room and went in. I turned on the TV, which Tom and I watched for a little while we discussed what was about to happen. We both agreed that since we were both in the ROTC programs that what happens in the room stays in the room, and that if at any time I didn’t feel comfortable to let him know and he would stop.

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   I have to admit I was feeling a bit better about this, seeing as how he had an understanding about the fears I was having.

“So when do you want to do this?” he asked.

“I don’t know what to do or how to start. ” I said.

“Tell you what, how about we both get undressed and I will take it from there, but remember if you don’t feel comfortable at any time let me know and we will stop, ok. ” He said.

“Alright” was all I could think of to say.

Tom started getting undressed first. I must admit he was hot. He was 6’1” about 210lbs but solid as a rock. His shirt and pants were on the floor and all that was left was his underwear.

“Before I go any further, it’s your turn to take your clothes off. ” He said.

I removed my shirt and shorts and tossed them into the corner with his. Standing there in my underwear with another guy in his whom I was about to have sex with was nerve racking.

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   I was trembling so badly.

“You alright?” he asked, “want to continue. ”

“Yeah” was all I could say.

“I want you to be sure about this, tell me exactly. ” He said

“Yes, I am ok, and I want to continue. ” I told him.

With that he removed his underwear, revealing the first mans cock I had ever seen, with the exception of my own of course.   It was quite impressive and intimidating at the same time. It wasn’t even fully hard yet and had to be about 5 inches long. I removed my underwear and threw mine and his into the corner. My own erection was now full force. I am about 7. 5” cut but not very thick. Tom who was now full erect had to be at least 7 judging from my own length, but he was thick. If I had to guess it was about 4 inches around and he was also cut.

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“Now just relax and let me handle things” was all he said as he walked towards me. He put his arms around me and began kissing me on the neck. I kept feeling his cock poking me in the stomach. He kept kissing my neck until he worked his way to my mouth. I opened my mouth to receive his tongue and gave him my tongue in response.

Tom broke our embrace and started kissing down my chest. He started sucking and biting on my nipples and it felt sooooo good. He then restarted his downward movement kissing every step of the way down to my cock.

He took my raging hard-on into his hand and gave me a few jerks. I felt his tongue flick the tip of my dick and then felt it moving up and down my shaft. I thought I was going to explode right then and there but was able to hold it off. Soon I felt him place the head of my dick into his mouth and he began sucking. It felt amazing and he hadn’t even started sucking the whole thing yet. Tom began to move his head up and down my dick. He was going farther down it each time until I felt his nose against my crotch.

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   He had swallowed my whole cock and it didn’t even faze him.

   His tongue was moving up and down the bottom of my dick and it knew I wouldn’t last much longer. I told Tom I was going to cum, but he acted like he didn’t even hear me, he just started sucking hard and faster and I blew my load into him mouth. He didn’t stop sucking until my dick stopped shooting into his mouth. He looked up at me and swallowed.

“You don’t have to let me cum in your mouth if you don’t want to” he said as he got off his knees. I didn’t say a word as I dropped to my knees. I started trembling again now that his dick was inches from my face. I could smell the muskiness of his crotch as I stared at his dick.

I reached out and took his cock in my hand and gave him a few jerks. Being the first time I have ever sucked a cock I tried to do what he did. I licked his head and shaft till it was nice and wet, while jerking him the whole time. I knew it was now or never, and I slipped the tip of his cock into my mouth and closed around it. It felt good and kind of natural for me to be doing this. I started moving my head up and down his cock trying to get as much of it in as I could.

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   I was able to got all the way down to the base but felt like I was about to gag.

“Don’t try to deep throat without practice or you will gag” he said.

I kept bobbing up and down on his cock. I worked up a pretty good rhythm and was trying to get him to cum. I told myself I would let him cum in my mouth and I was going to swallow it. I sucked Tom for what seemed like forever but was in actuality only 18 minutes. I was starting to get a little pissed that I couldn’t get him to cum but I was enjoying sucking his cock nonetheless. Tom finally spoke the words I have waited to hear since he started sucking me.

“Do you want to get fucked?”
“Oh god yes!” I responded with earnest, “I want you to fuck me please. ”

“Get on the bed and pull your knees to your chest” he said.

I grabbed the lubricant I had in my closet for him and laid on the bed. “Be gentle” I told him as he began lubing up his cock. “I will” he said.

He had lubed his cock up pretty well and squirted some on my ass and rubbed it with his finger, pushing some lube into my ass. He moved onto the bed with me and moved between my legs.

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“I’m not going to lie to you. This is going to hurt at first, just relax and grit through the initial pain and you will be fine. I will go slow. ” He told me. I felt him rub the head of his cock up and down my ass. My hole was puckering in and out in anticipation for what was about to happen.

I started feeling pressure at my asshole and then it felt like I was being torn in two. My ass felt like someone was ripping it open and setting it on fire. I grit my teeth and tried my hardest to relax. He finally had the whole head of his cock inside me and held it there while I got used to him. The pain subsided and I told him he could start.

He pushed in little by little until he was completely inside of me. He held it there again for me to get used to the full length inside of me. After a few moments he began pulling out and pushing back in. slowly at first then picking up speed.


   The pain was completely gone and I was now enjoying myself. I felt so full with his cock up my ass. I moaned in pleasure as he was now moving back and forth in my ass with little resistance. I was lost in the pleasure Tom was giving me and I wanted to have more of him.

“Fuck me harder, oh please god fuck me harder!” I told him. I didn’t need to ask him twice but when he started I wished I hadn’t asked in the first place. Tom started slamming his cock into my ass with all the force he could muster. It hurt at first like it did when he first entered me but that soon went away and I was enjoying it completely.

“Yeah, take my cock. You love it don’t you. You love me fucking your ass don’t you,” he said.

“Oh god yes, give me your cock, I love it. God fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. ” I said. I couldn’t believe I was saying this but it was true.


   I loved him fucking me. I wanted to have him fuck me all night.

Tom kept fucking my ass faster and faster. He finally said what I wanted to hear.

“I’m going to cum. Where do you want me to cum?” he said.

“Cum inside me, I want to feel you fill my ass. Please god cum inside me. ” I yelled. I was sure everyone in the dorm hall had heard what was going on by now, because neither one of us made an attempt to be quiet, and with that I felt him give one final thrust into my ass as he shot his load deep into me. I felt like a total slut. A guy I had just met that night had sucked my cock, I sucked his, and he fucked and came in my ass, and I loved every minute of it. He pulled his cock out of my ass and lay down beside me.

“Well how was it?” he asked.

“Do you even need to ask” I said, “I think the whole hall heard how much I enjoyed it.

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“Well I am glad you enjoyed it. I am also a little surprised you let me cum in your ass on your first time. ” He said

“I was caught up in the moment and didn’t want you to stop” I said, “My roommate will be gone till Monday afternoon, why don’t you stay here with me this weekend and we can have more fun” I said.

“I don’t see a problem with that, just remember what we do here stays here. ”

With that we both held each other and drifted off to sleep.



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