


Since then I haven’t had any luck meeting a new girlfriend. It’s mostly because I’m shy. I have a bunch of female friends that I’ve met online but they either live to far away to get together, or they’re married or they already have a boyfriend. Its not all that bad though I have learned a lot about how girls think and what they really want when it comes to a guy and more importantly in my opinion what they want in bed. My friends Jenny and Lori have both told me the one thing that gets them really turned on is looking at pictures and movies online of guys fucking each other. That really surprised me! I have never had anything against gay guys, and like most guys I’m all for lesbians and bisexual women, but gay guys and Bi-guys have always been something I avoided. One day while we were talking Lori sent me some pictures of men having sex with other men. Before she sent them she told me she thought they were really hot and always got her wet. Well I thought to myself, “What the hell. ” And I looked at the pictures she sent. To my surprise the pictures actually turned me on somewhat. I actually had a semi and without realizing it I start rubbing my cock through my pants. I don’t consider myself to be gay, but I do enjoy having my ass played with and even fucked with a dildo on occasion so I could kind of understand what these guys saw in having sex with other guys, but a dildo or finger was one thing. A guy’s dick in your mouth or ass is another entirely. Lori waited a few minutes before she typed, “Well? What do you think?” “It’s ok I guess. ” I typed back.

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  “I found a hot gay sex story online the other day. You want me to send it your way?” Lori typed back to me. She knew I loved to read erotic stories as long as they were well written. “Sure why not. ” I typed back somewhat nervously. I didn’t want her to think I was a fag or anything. “Ok hold on one. ” She typed back quickly. A minute later I heard my computer signal me that I had just received some new mail so I clicked on the icon and saw that it was the story Lori had sent me. “Hey hun, I gotta get going Chris is going to be home in a little bit and I still have to make dinner. Read the story and let me know what you think. Ok?” She typed. “Sure no prob. Talk to you later. ” I replied“Ok, bye.

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  ” Lori said and signed off so she could get back to her wifely duties as she called it. I downloaded the story she sent and started to read it. It started a little slow, but before I knew it I had a raging hard-on. “Damn! A gay story is giving me a hard-on. ” I thought to myself in disbelief. Well as any red-blooded American boy knows you can’t let a good hard-on go to waste, so I stood up and pulled off my pants and underwear and as I sat back down I took my shirt off as well. I was now sitting in front of my computer naked getting ready to stroke my cock to a gay erotic story. It was pretty wild. It was about a young guy around my age who got taken advantage of by the father of his best friend. The story went on with the 2 of them having a secret affair behind the backs of the guy’s wife and son. The man exposed his son’s friend to all sorts of wild sex fetishes including BDSM, golden showers, and even group sex. I barely even realized that I had lubed my cock and was stroking it furiously I was so into the story. “Damn, Lori was right! This story is hot as hell!” I thought to myself. About half way through the story I cam all over myself and had to stop and clean myself up. As soon as I got myself cleaned up I rushed back to the computer to finish reading the story.

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   Before I knew it I was hard again and started stroking myself off again. God it felt good as my hand rubbed back and forth over my hard cock. I finished the story before I could cum again, so I let myself fantasize a little about what it would be like to have sex with another guy. I lubed the middle finger of my free hand and worked it into my ass. “Ugh, that feels good. ” I thought as I got my finger all the way inside and started wiggling it around a little. I started working my finger in and out of my ass, on the in strokes I would wiggle it around and massage my prostate. Before I knew it with images of some faceless guy fucking me up the ass I shot the biggest load of my life all over my chest, stomach and I even got some on my face. Out of curiosity I wiped some of the cum off my face with one of my clean fingers and brought it to my mouth and tasted my own cum for the first time. It had the consistency of snot, which was kinda gross but it didn’t taste all that bad. It was a weird mixture of sweet and salty at the same time. I looked at the time and saw that it was pretty late already and I had work in the morning so I jumped in the shower and hit the sack. The next day at work I couldn’t get the story from the night before out of my head. I had a hard-on all day and there was no way I could relieve it. As soon work was over I rushed home and went to my computer stripping my clothes off as I went.

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   My computer seemed like it was taking forever to start up. I pulled up the story Lori had sent me and started reading it. I have my computer set up so it automatically signs me online on start-up. And much to my annoyance and surprise I got an instant message from Lori. After some of the regular chit chat she asked the question, “So how’d you like the story. ”I wasn’t sure what to say so I decided to stall a little, “Honestly?” I asked. “Uh, yeah!!” She typed back sarcastically. “I dunno, It was ok I guess. ” I typed back trying to avoid the question. “Ya know its ok to be turned on by guys having sex together. It doesn’t mean you’re gay you know. ” She typed back as if she could read my mind. “Can I tell you something without it changing your opinion of me?” I asked tentatively. “Sure. I’m your friend I don’t think there’s anything you could tell me that would change that.

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  ” Lori replied. “Well that story you sent really turned me on. I mean it REALLY turned me on. And after I read it I started thinking about what it would be like to have sex with another guy. ” I confessed. “Jack, there’s nothing wrong with that. You can have sex with another guy without being gay. At least in my opinion you can. To me being gay is more about a preference of one sex over the other or being physically AND emotionally attracted to someone of the same sex. If its just for sex, then its just for sex. And even if you find out that you’re gay or bi what difference does that make. You’re still Jack regardless. ” Lori told me. “Thanks Lor. ” I replied.

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   We talked for a little while longer before she had to go. After she signed off I decided to do a little surfing since our talk had deflated my dick. It took me no time at all to find few gay personals sites. There were 2 or 3 that look pretty good and were free so I joined them and posted a few nude pictures I had of myself. And put what I hoped was a good profile. I listed myself as being versatile since I had no experience outside of using toys. I also said I didn’t have much experience, but was very curious. After my ad was finished I went back to reading Lori’s story. In no time my dick was hard again and I was well on my way to a good orgasm when I heard the new mail sound. I checked my email and found the confirmation for one of the sites I had joined. I was now allowed to browse through the site. I minimized the story and went to the personals site and started looking through the ads and the different features the site offered. I saw one tab the said “Cruising”. I decided it looked interesting and clicked on it to see what it was about. When the page came up it had a brief explanation of what the page was about.

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   It turns out that this page listed known places where men could get together for sex. It listed the locations for glory holes, public sex, and places where guys could pick up other guys and bring them home for sex. I put in the information about my location, state, city and zip code. A minute later 3 pages of locations popped up on my screen. There were public bathrooms, fitness clubs, glory holes, books stores, gay night clubs and even regular public parks where guys had sex or went to pick up a stranger for sex. I was really surprised at some of the places listed on the site. Apparently there were 3 parks near my house where guys went for sex or to pick up new lovers. There was also a glory hole in one of the department stores a few miles from my house to. Now if you don’t know what a glory hole is, its basically a bathroom stall or video booth with a hole in the wall were guys sucked each other dicks or even had sex through. This really blew my mind. It was already 9 o’ clock. Damn time had flown by. There was one park near my house listed on the site that really sounded pretty hot, and I was very horny. Well my little head over ruled my big head and I decided to shower and drive over to the park and check it out. Now I wasn’t going to do anything I told myself.

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   I was just going to check it out and see if what they were saying on the site was for real or not. I showered and picked out some clothes to wear. I decided on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and some boxer briefs. Before I knew it I was pulling into the parking lot of the park from the web site. I pulled into an area that wasn’t exactly what I’d call well lit, but it wasn’t so dark where you couldn’t see anything either. There was just enough light so that you could barely make out the faces of the guys in the other cars. Some of the cars were empty, some had a guy or two sitting inside and some were rocking up and down in their parking spaces. I wasn’t there for more than 18- 20 minutes when a car backed into the space 2 spaces over from mine. The guy shut off his car and looked around for a few minutes. He saw me watching him as he looked around and we made eye contact with each other, he smiled and I smiled back. I could tell he was a white guy and had dark hair, but that was about it. A minute or two later he got out of his car and I could see that he was about 6 feet tall, clean shaven and a little overweight and that he was dressed pretty much the same way I was. He confidently walked over to my car and stood next to my window for a few seconds before I rolled it down. Once my window was all the way down the guy undid the button and zipper on his jeans then he pulled his semi hard dick out of the tangled mass of his pubic hair and pushed in through my open car window holding it just inches from my shocked face. I couldn’t see the guy’s face because of the way he was leaning against my car door as if he was resting his arms on the roof while he looked around.

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   When I didn’t do anything right away he said, “ Come on boy. Don’t let me down. ” Almost as if I was in a trance I moved my face closer to his dick and took it into my mouth. I didn’t waste any time with teasing or anything like that. I just started bobbing my head back and forth on this stranger’s dick. I could feel his dick getting harder, longer and thicker in my mouth. I could also taste his precum as it started to leak out of his piss hole. His precum tasted a little like my own cum tasted, but it wasn’t as thick. “Oh yeah that’s good boy, keep sucking my cock. ” The guy said. I did as the guy told me and kept bobbing my head back and forth on his now fully hard cock. As I moved my mouth over his cock I used my tongue to massage the bottom it. The guy started moaning softly now, and before I realized what was happening I felt his hand wrap around the back of my head and pull my face tight to his stomach as he shot his load down my throat. He shot at least 4 bursts of cum in my mouth and down my throat before I felt him ease up on the back of my head and give me a chance to breathe. “Ugh, that was good boy.

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   Now clean me up real nice. ” The guy said. His hand was still on the back of my head, but there was now pressure to it. It was more like he was just resting it there or something. Was I pulled my mouth off his cock I sucked off all my saliva and his cum until his cock fell out of my mouth wit a soft plopping sound. Then I took his cock back into my mouth and used my tongue to get any of his cum that might have gotten caught in the ridge at the head of his cock. When I was sure that was thoroughly clean I flicked my tongue over his piss hole and tasted a little cum there, so I sucked on the head of his cock like it was a straw and made sure I got every last drop of his cum. I was operating in pure lust mode. It didn’t really even occur to me that I saw sucking on another guys cock and eating his cum. But regardless I was really turned on. My cock felt like it was going to burst a hole through my jeans any second. “You’re a good cocksucker boy. Do you like to get fucked in the ass to?” the guy said as he put his now limp cock back in his pants and zipped up. “Uh, I’ve never tried it before. But I’ll give it a shot.


  ” I replied. “Good. Do you want to follow me back to my place or do you want to do it here?” the guy asked. I thought about it for a few seconds before I answered “Lets do it here. ” “Alright. Then get on outta your car. ” He told me as he stepped away from my car door. I got out of the car and as soon as I closed the door he moved in on me hand had me pressed up against the side of the car and started kissing me. I was surprised at first, but he kept on kissing me and trying to push his tongue in my mouth. Finally I opened my mouth and let his tongue in. Once the guy got his tongue in my mouth I felt his hands go up under my t-shirt and slide up my body to my nipples. When once he found my nipples he started to play with them pinching, pulling, rubbing and twisting them while roughly french kissing me the entire time. “Mmm boy you’re a hot little slut aren’t you?” The guy said. Without waiting for a response he went back to kissing me and working over my nipples some more. I just let him have his way with me and enjoyed the sensations our lust was causing in my own body.

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   He pulled away from me again and said, “ Let’s go over to the front of the car. ” I walked over and stood in front of my car facing the hood and the guy came up behind me and wrapped his arms around body slowly letting his right hand slide down my stomach over my jeans to my crotch where he squeezed my achingly hard cock through my jeans. “Ugh. ” I groaned. The guy leaned forward a little and started kissing and lightly biting the left side of my neck as he slowly moved his left hand up under my t-shirt to torment my right nipple some more I could feel him grinding his once again hard cock into my ass. “So you’re an anal virgin right?” he whispered into my ear. “Ugh, yeah except for toys. ” I moaned. “Good. How do you want it slow and gentle or hard fast and rough?” he asked in a slightly louder whisper. My mind whirled with lusts as I thought about what he had just asked me. I had taken some pretty big toys in my ass, and I knew his cock was probably about 6 or 7 inches long but not quite as big around as my own. “Mmmm, give it to me hard fast and rough. ” I panted in reply. “My kind of slut.

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  ” The guy said lustily then pushed me down so I was bent over the hood of my car. He quickly undid my pants and pushed them and my underwear down to my knees. I heard him reach in and pull something out of his pocket, and then I heard soft clicking sound and felt something cool being rubbed against my ass hole. He quickly worked a finger in my ass and spread the lube around inside me. When he pulled his finger out of my ass I heard him unzip his pants again and a second or two later I felt the head of his cock pressing against my hole. Before he pushed it in he said, “Take off your shirt and give it to me. ” I quickly did as I was told and pulled my shirt off over my head and handed it back to him. He rolled it up like you would a towel if you were going to snap someone with it and put whipped over my head and pulled it back to my mouth. “Open your mouth and bite down on it. ” He said. Once again I did as this strange man told me and bit down on my t-shirt as he held it around my head like the reins to a horse or something. He switched his grip on my shirt to a one-handed one and used the other hand to help guide his cock into my waiting ass. Without any real warning he shoved his entire cock deep in my ass. “Ahhhh!” I screamed in pain from the brutal entry this guy just gave me, fortunately the t-shirt in my mouth muffled it. He held himself inside me for a minute or two before he pulled his cock almost all the way out and rammed it back in just as hard as the first time, then he let go of the towel and grabbed me around my hips and started pounding his cock in and out of my tight hole while I still held my shirt in my mouth like a dog with a chew toy.

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   This guy was pounding his cock in and out of my ass so hard not only was the shirt swinging below my head while I held in my clenched teeth, but the car was rocking back and forth too. Before long the pain in my ass started to go away and the pounding I was getting was starting to feel good. The longer my ass got pounded the better it felt. This guy was pounding my ass for about 18 minutes or so when he started grunting. “Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! I’m gonna cum!” he said before he gave a few more hard trusts deep in my ass before he finally buried his cock deep inside me and let loose with his load. I could feel his cock twitching in my ass as he shot his load, and I could feel his cum spraying deep in my bowels. As soon as he was done coming the guy pulled his cock out of my ass with a liquidy sucking sound. After he pulled out of me I let my shirt fall from my mouth to the hood of my car. The guy reached around me and grabbed my shirt. “Turn around. ” He said. I pushed myself up off the hood of my car and turned to face the man who just fucked me in the ass. He looked me up and down and saw my cock was rock hard and twitching of its own violation. “Stroke your cock for me. I want to see you cum.

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  ” He said. I did as I was told and stroke my cock for his pleasure. As he watched me stroke my cock for him the guy used my t-shirt to wipe his cock and crotch area clean of lube and my shit. I was so horny from getting my ass fucked for the first time that it only took me a minute or two before I was shooting my cum on the grass in front of my car. When I was done cumming the guy tossed me my now filthy shirt. “You’re a pretty good fuck kid. I’ll be here again Friday night after 9 o’clock. If you want to fuck again you can meet me here. Who knows I might even take you home with me and fuck you all weekend long. ” He said with a grin as he walked back to his car. Without another word he got into his car and drove away leaving me still standing there with my pants and underwear around my ankles and hold my scummy t-shirt in my hands. Realizing I was standing there in the parking lot pretty much naked for all the world to see I quickly pulled up my pants and underwear and zipped myself up. As I started to walk around to the driver’s side of my car another I noticed another guy walking over towards me. He was white, about my height, balding and had a decent sized beer belly on him. He was wearing a pair of khakis, a golf shirt and some loafers.

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   “Hey that was pretty hot. I’ve never seen anyone fuck right out here in the parking lot, most of the time they go off into the woods over there. ” The new man said pointing over towards a large grove of trees about 100 feet away from the parking area. “Uh thanks I guess” I replied weakly not exactly sure what he wanted from me. “Would you like to fuck again?” he asked hopefully. “Uh, I dunno. My ass is pretty sore right now. ” I told him. “Aw c’mon. It would be a shame to let such a hot ass go to waste. ” He said. “I dunno. ” I said in a non-committal way. “I’ll suck you off if you let me fuck that ass of yours. ” He said trying to get me to agree to another quick fuck.

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   I was pretty horny and stroking my cock off hadn’t done a damn thing to ease my sexual tension. “Alright, where do you want to do it?” I asked. “We can either go to my van over there or into the woods. Whatever you want is fine with me. ” he said indicating a nice looking conversion van and the grove of trees he pointed out to me earlier. I decided that I didn’t want to fuck in the woods at night. It was just a little to creepy for me, so I told him I’d fuck him in his van if that was ok with him. He readily agreed and told me he thought that would be more comfortable anyway. I threw my shirt in my car and made sure the doors were locked before I followed this new guy over to where his van was parked and climbed in through the read door after he opened it for me. Once I was in he got in after me and closed the door. He had parked right near a light so there was plenty of light to see by, but because of the way his windows were louvered it would be hard for anyone else to see what was going on inside even though I could see what was going on outside fairly well. “Hurry up and get those pants off so we can get down to business. ” He said eagerly. I took my shoes off and quickly slid my pants and underwear down my legs and tossed them to the side. He quickly followed suit and in a few minutes he was naked himself.

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   He crawled between my legs on his hands and knees and proceeded to give me an incredible blowjob. He sucked and slurped on my cock like it was going out of style. I just threw my head back and moaned. I watched as this fat old man’s head bobbed up and down on my cock giving me some of the most intense pleasure I have ever felt in my life. Before I knew it I was shooting my load in his mouth. “Mmmmff, mmmfff, mmmfff. ” He moaned as he swallowed my cum. It was incredible my eyes rolled back in my head and I almost thought I was going to pass out just from the sheer pleasure this man was giving me. when he finally lifted his head from my crotch I said, “Oh God the was great! I’ve never felt anything like that before in my life. ” “Good, I’m glad. ” He said with a smile. “Now how bout giving me some of that hot ass of yours?” he asked. “It’s all yours. How do you want me?” I asked. “I want you on your back so I can see the look at your face as I fuck you.

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  ” He said. “Ok. ” Was all I said as I leaned all the way back until I was lying flat on my back, then I spread my legs wide giving him full access to my body. He moved closer me walking on his knees. As he came into the light I could see his cock clearly for the first time. It was hard, sticking straight out in front of him and bouncing around as he moved. It had to be almost 8 inches long and pretty thick, but his big belly made it look a lot smaller than it really was. I rested my legs on his shoulders as he reached down between us with one hand and guided his cock into my ass. “Oh yes. ” I sighed as I felt his cock enter me. He just smiled as he slowly pushed his cock in and out of my ass working it in a little deeper with each thrust. My mouth opened in a silent moan of pleasure as he worked his dick in and out of my asshole. I was a little sore from my previous fucking, but that passed rather quickly and I was able to really enjoy what this man was doing. I could feel his big belly pushing against my flat stomach as he fucked it. Before long rivers of sweat were running down his body and dripping all over me as he worked my hole over good.

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   As he pumped his cock in and out of my ass he leaned forward and started biting on my nipples, first one then the other chewing on them softly causing just a hint of pain. “Oh yeah that feels good. Bite them harder. ” I said. He happily obliged me and bit down hard on the nipple that he had been chewing on. “Ahhhh!” I cried out in pain mixed with pleasure as his teeth dug sharply into the soft flesh of my nipple. He started fucking me harder and harder to the point where my own dick was slapping my stomach every time he pushed into me. The noise of our fucking could easily be heard from outside the van if anyone were listening slap, slap, slap, slap. “Oh yeah I’m gonna fill that tight ass of yours with my cum. ” The guy moaned as he pushed his cock as deep in my ass as he could. “Ughhhh!” The guy groaned as he shot stream after stream of his cum deep inside me. When he finished shooting his load he rolled off me to lay on his back next to me on the floor of the van. “Oh yeah, that was good. ” He panted. “Yeah it was.

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  ” I agreed. After a minute or two I got up on my knees and started looking for my clothes in the dim light the filtered through the van windows. As I started putting on my clothes I saw that the guy was doing the same thing. In a matter of minutes we were both dressed again and I was climbing out the back door of the van. Once I was back out in the night air the guy leaned out the back of his van handed me a piece of paper and said, “Hey call me if you want to hook up again sometime. ” “Yeah, sure. ” I replied taking the proffered paper before heading back to my car. By the time I reached my car I saw the guy pull out of the parking lot and drive away. I got back in my car and drove home exhausted, but satisfied. And I knew where I could get more sex from either of the guys that did me tonight, or maybe even someone else entirely. Either way was fine with me. .



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Chociaż any city of Poland może wydawać się niewinnym miejscem, to jednak zobaczysz, że sprawy wyglądają kompletnie inaczej, gdy już, odwiedzisz seks ogłoszenia szczecin.Mogę obiecać Ci, że to lokalizacja aż ocieka pożądaniem i może zaoferować parę sposobów spędzenia czasu dla absolutnie każdego mężczyzny pragnącego spełnić swoje najbardziej wyuzdane pragnienia i zrealizować najbardziej wyuzdane plany. Na szczęście mamy wspaniałe gorące towary z całego świata , które pomogą we wprowadzeniu tych wszystkich niegrzecznych marzeń w rzeczywistość. Zapraszamy Cię do obejrzenia i sprawdzenia ich CV, aby wybrać najseksowniejszą i najbardziej wspaniałą sukę czekającą specjalnie na Ciebie. Długie doświadczenie i wieloletnie sukcesy na rynku ogłoszeń towarzyskich zapewniają, że sex ogłoszenia poznań są w stanie zrealizować wszystkie standardy. Dlatego też wyrusz na poszukiwanie zachwycających robótek ręcznych, fascynującego seksu oralnego, imponujących panienek do towarzystwa, zapierających dech w piersiach sesji analnych, dzikiego seksu grupowego, BDSM i wiele więcej. Nie krępuj się i wybierz najbardziej odpowiednią metodę płatności i nie martw się o swoją prywatność lub bezpieczeństwo, ponieważ nasz zespół profesjonalistów dołożył wszelkich starań, aby zapewnić zupełne zabezpieczenia i komfort wszystkim klientom prywatne sex ogłoszenia warszawa. Nie bądź onieśmielony i uwolnij nieprzyzwoitą stronę swojej osobowości, a w zamian otrzymaj tej długo oczekiwanej i absolutnie niezapomnianej satysfakcji seksualnej wraz z fascynującymi laskami z
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