
Willow and the Widow Chapter 1


My name is Joseph, I just celebrated my 21 birthday and I am King of my world. I am not the average Joe, I just made my first million and soon to be maried and already have some kids on the way.
Let me back up a few weeks! During high school I did not chase pussy or play games. I come from a broken home with only my mom Marie (16 years my senior) and two sisters Tammy (5 years older) and Michelle (2 years younger) and less not for get about Grandma Roth (40 years my senior). All of my life I had to deal with women so I never looked for trouble. I had a goal to make a lot of money, live my life on my terms and say fuck the establishment.
Back in school I had no problem speaking my mind or forcing my will on others. I had met several people some I even liked. At night I went to a local collage (I lied to admissions to attend) I studied finance and accounting and real-estate. And I work at a bank to learn about how money really controls all. The pay was good so was I. By the time I graduated from high school I had my real-estate license and was ready to test for my CPA.
I used my knowledge and my boss at the bank to take over defaulted homes and business. This is how I amassed my wealth. I was able to move my family into a better home, and provide for them in many ways because of it. I also made a reputation of being a “Dog in the Hunt”, nothing stood in my way.

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One night I was on my Harley checking on buildings on the poor side of town. It was 8pm when I stopped for a stop sign and noticed a local laundry mat. Through the large window is when I first saw her, she was a woman in her late thirties, dark hair, very large breast and a hard body of an Amazon warrior. I thought I would bust a nut just looking at her. I was frozen in time just staring from the darkness. I was awaken when I heard a familiar voice calling my dream woman MOM! It was a class mate of mine “Willow” she was a very very plain girl, I remember her only because in school others would talk about her behind her back saying how her mom had shot her dad in a fight. And she never wore any make up. This I thought was strange for so many reasons. Willow had something special about her, something that came from inside.
I drove off before I was spotted. The building they lived and worked in was owned by my bank so I bought the lease. My desire was simple I would have Willows MOM, and even Willow her self. This had nothing to do with love it was pure lust!! I was not a virgin by any means, I learned early from my Grandma but that was a different story for later. And there had been others I practiced on as I made my way along. So I developed a plan for the conquest of Willows mom.

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   Her name is Betty, and in deed did kill her husband with a gun. So I was not going to be foolish.
My plan was find out every thing I could about Betty and Willow , then move step by step to my goal. I was ready to make my move, it started with me walking in to the laundry mat to have my suits done. My suits cost a few hundred dollars each and I placed them on the counter for servicing. Betty walked up to the counter it was hard not to stare or drool, I was able to speak well. She looked at my suits then at me, her blue-green eyes showed contempt and her voice was strong yet feminine. Her words caught me by surprise, “Well stud aren’t you on the wrong side of the tracks?” So I knew she was not a light weight and gave it back to her “No Love, there are no barrier for me!” she just smiled and winked as he filled out the order form. This is when I seen Willow doing something in the back, she was watching me but would stare. I smiled and called her name with this she came fourth with a hello; her mom was to the side trying to monitor our contact.
Mr. Wilson how are you? Is what I heard from Willow ? I easily corrected her with a Willow call me Joe please! And our conversation ensued until mom stepped in and handed me my receipt with instructions for her daughter to go back to work. This lady was a hard bitch in more then one way. But I was not going to let her get the upper hand, well Willow it was good to see you again and next time we need to do it not at work, then I left with a feeling inside that pleased me.
Two days later I returned to get my suits and take one more step forward.

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   As I entered the shop the small bell announced my presence and again Betty approached with her hot body and after our transaction I inquired about Willow and asked to speak to her.   Her mom was becoming a little defensive and tried to pry what I wanted her for, this bitch was starting to be a real ball buster and I then downed on me I was starting to get in to this, she was just as arrogant as I am.   I stepped back and took in all of her I could, her hair was up, her dress stuck to her firm body because of the heat. My cock was hard as a rock and she know it! With the strength of conviction I said that is none of your business as long as she was over 18!! Just then Willow joined us with a shy smile and a hello Joe, Betty and me held our ground so I took one more step. Willow , when can you get out of here so we can do dinner? You could have heard a pin drop! No one moved and Willows mouth opened in shock then just as fast closed. Before Betty could speak Willow said it was up to mom. That but mom in the middle she and I both knew. Betty could only say “Go have fun Honey, her is my cell” Willow wanted to change so I went to my car and put the suits it the trunk. All the while mom was watching me, she wanted so bad to come out and say something but then out popped Willow and off we went, of course I waved to Betty as I drove off with her plain and still a virgin daughter.
Willow and I went to the most expensive restaurant in town, The Red Carpet. It is wear more money and business in conducted then the board room. Willow was out of her element and she hung on me so tight. Most of the patrons knew me here, and I was in the mood to show off Willow , call it a moral booster for her. I asked for a table in the back and we eat and talked, I was really starting to like Willow , and I found my self rethinking my goals and how I seen her. Yes she was as plain and simple as they come no complexities, simple ambitions and no demands.

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   I found out this was her first date and she was 19 then. Her closes where loss fitting and it was not until just this moment I discovered her body to be as attractive as her moms only with out the mileage. She had a pleasant figure and her breasts were still developing. After some time she started smiling then laughing. She confessed she had never thought some one would ask her out and I asked if I could put my arm around her? I did, then I softly stroked her cheek with my hand her skin was so very soft. I looked her in her eyes I told her I was going to kiss her unless she said no, she moved closer to me for her first kiss. She was scared and looked down, I took her chin in my hand and turned her face to me and kissed her on the lips. To my amassment she opened her mouth to my tongue and we kiss so deeply I lost my self in its warmth. As we separated from the most fulfilling kiss I have ever had. I could only say whaw! She smiled devilishly at her feet.
We left and went for a walk and talked some more. I took her hand as we walked. We spotted a park bench and looked at momma duck and her offspring swimming by.   My arm was around Willow back no words were said and we kissed again. Willow was the first to brake the silence.

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   Joe, I knew I am no beauty and I also know you are very rich and could have any woman you wanted so why me, why now? To these words I felt sick to my stomach, Willow was more then I had anticipated, she would complete me. Oh Willow I know that I can have any women I want, it would be because I have a lot of money and not me. I am looking for something more I do not know what it is but I thank it will be with you are someone like you. You do not ask for anything but are willing to give everything. Do you know just how special and rare that is? She was now crying in to my chest both of my arms around her holding her becoming one with her. I was now feeling my cock growing and I did not want Willow to know it.  
I stood and said it was late and was should go. As we drove Willow moved close to me and laid her head on my shoulder, one hand moving up and down my arm. This was having an effect on me that needed some relief. I was glade Willows eyes where closed or she would have know exactly what was up, at least 7 inches any way. Then Willow nearly killed us when she said “Joe, are you going to fuck me tonight?” I nearly lost control of the car but managed to stop and pull over with a WHAT? coming from my mouth. She smiled and said you know I am a virgin; I have never tasted a cock or even seen one other then in books. I have been enjoying what is happening with yours, so I am asking are you going to fuck me tonight?
I thought a thousand things in a matter of seconds from how I wanted to fuck her to being the next victim of her mothers rage. I also knew my next utterance would determine both of our lives in the most profound way. My steps where tripping me up and my desire for her mother was still there but now I wanted Willow .

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   I kissed her and said, do you know how special a gift it is you just offered me? I will not lie, I want you in the most profound way, but it would not be true love. It would be a hunter taking an innocent flower. I will not take you Willow not now it would be wrong, I could not do that to you. She had tears in her eyes when she kissed me hotly. Willow said her mom has told her that guys only wanted sex and once they got it they moved on to the next victim of their lust. I pretended to be shocked but confirmed what her mom said. Willow moved closer and said either I do not excite you or you care and respect me. I can tell I excite you to which he squeezed my very hard cock so I guess you have feeling for me? She was right I had to admit it I do feel some thing for her.
Willow had my cock in her hand stroking it through my slacks. She would look down at it then back at me with a smile. Joe she said so softly, I want to give my cherry blossom to you. It is yours when ever you want it, do you under stand, I could only nod my head. She squeezed my cock so hard I though a tunicate was on it. Then she smiled and said you may not want to pop my cherry now but I will have you NUT NOW. So either take us some ware private or I am going to pull it out here ware we are parked! I gunned the gas looking for a quite place.

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We went to the lake and parked at a location I have always enjoyed coming to. She wanted me to take my cock out so she could see it. I said get in the back seat first, I was leaking pre-cum and walked with a limp getting in to the back of my beamer. I said Willow are you sure of this? She affirmed with a nod and a smile. She reminded me of a kid on Christmas morning waiting for their parents to say go for it. I started to tease her oh Willow do you want my lally pop, she went wild grabbing my belt then my zipper, I thought she would rip my slacks before I could lifted my ass for her to pull then down to my ankles. She stopped and looked at my boxers and the snake in it pre-cum had stained them and It wanted out bad. She then looked in to my eyes with wanting lust she was hungry and I was the main course. I laughed and said it’s all yours baby go for it. She dove at my boxer and finished unwrapping her present. It stood erect like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, she gasped and said “Oh My GOD, IT” S HUGES , JOE!! And I want IT”. She played with it and started stroking it, I was in total heaven and was enjoying the ride. The tip was wet and shiny from pre-cum from what had developed over the evening. I said ok Honey what now, she yanked my cock so hard I thought she was trying to pull it off, maybe she was! Then she kissed the head and the next thing I knew my cock was gone and replaced with Willows head, my god I gasped as she took me in her mouth and fed it with both hands. The only sound was the slurping of my cock.

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   I do not know how much she took in and did not care. Her tongue was circling the head and was going to erupt. I said Willow pull it out I am going to shot my load. Hell this cock bitch held on and started jacking me off faster in her mouth. I BLOW and BLOW my nuts hurt when I was do. And she swallowed very drop and would not let go. I told her to take it out, reluctantly she did but stayed close the her lally pop.
She and I where both breathing hard my god baby that was the best head I have ever had, where did you learn to give a blowjob? She looked up from my lap still holding my cock kissing it softly “it was my first time, did I do it right?” fuck yes you did it right Willow I thank you sucked my balls out the end of my dick. We both started laughing so hard our sides started hurting and we where both crying because of it.
By now it was ten and we agreed she needed to get home before her mom called the police or the hospital. As we slowly drove she reminisced. Joe thank you for the best night of my life, I will never for get it as long as I live. I said Willow tonight is the first night of the rest of our lives and I too will always remember our first date. She screamed so loud, I said WHAT? you mean you want to take me out again, Oh yes Willow you are mine now. Yes Joe I am and I will do what ever you want, just ask!!!
Continued >>>>.

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