
The Rape of the Preacher's Wife


I found religion early in my life, just about the time I hit puberty, and it was like God was testing me by suddenly giving me the body of a Jezebel! My breasts had quickly grown to a full D cup, my waist had shrunk to practically nothing, and my legs took on the shape and length of one of those harlot showgirls. Instead of darkening, my hair got more and more blonde as I got older.
Since I was a kid, everyone had remarked on how pretty I was, but now boys and men would openly leer at me and make lewd remarks about my body. I would always cover up as best I could, wearing baggy blouses and sweaters two sizes too big for me and loose-fitting, ankle-length skirts in the drabbest colors. But they still stared.
My lucky day came in May of my sixteenth year, at a retreat in Maryland, where I first met my husband-to-be, Matthew. He was leading evening prayer services and looked so serene and holy that I knew this was the man God a chosen for me to serve as a dutiful wife. I guess he felt the same way, because in June of that year, with my parent's blessing, we were married.
We waited a little over a year to consummate our marriage, while we prayed and prayed to overcome the sin of lechery, and when we finally did make love it was modest and chaste. We never used sex "recreationally," as the fallen say, but only to produce our three lovely children.
This summer, however, something happened to me that I still don't understand. Maybe I never will. Matthew was preaching a revival in Virginia over the weekend leaving me and our fifteen-year-old son, Matthew Junior, and our two young daughters, Prudence and Virtue, at home. I had gone to the store that afternoon to buy dinner. While walking up and down the aisles, I noticed two very large Negroes eyeing me, but I have become so used to men staring at me over the years that I simply ignored them. As I always do when I encounter lustful behavior in men, I resolved to pray for God to release them from the bonds of licentiousness when I got home.

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 I admit I was a little apprehensive when I sensed that they had very obviously followed me to the checkout, and I certainly did not like the larger of the two men watching me so intently as I wrote out a check for the groceries. It made me a little uncomfortable, but as I left the store, I thought nothing more of it. By the time I had picked up Matthew's suit from the cleaners and stopped by Sister Sara's to pray with her for her ailing mother, I had forgotten about it completely.
When I got home, I called for Matt to come help with the groceries, but he didn't answer, which surprised me because he's always so dutiful. Then, as I entered the house, out of the corner of my eye, I glimpsed something odd, and when I turned, I saw to my horror Matt being held around the neck by one of the black men I had seen in the supermarket. I dropped the bag of groceries I had carried in and started to scream. Suddenly, a large hand clamped over my mouth from behind me.
"Scream and we cut the kid, bitch," he said.
I just froze.
Kicking the door shut behind him, he relaxed his grip on my mouth, grabbed me by my hair, jerked my head back and said menacingly, "All we want to do is fuck you, bitch, fill yo’ sweet pussy with something you ain’t never had. So just do what we tell you and we don't touch the kid. You get youself a good nigger fucking, nobody don't get hurt, and ever'body be happy. "
I was stunned. "Please, please just take what you want and leave" was all I could stupidly say.
He just laughed and reached for my breasts and began to squeeze them.

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   I could have died of embarrassment when my nipples began to stiffen beneath his horrid black hands.
“And thank you, bitch, for writing out that check so nice and clear. Make it a lot easier to find you. Fact, I’m sayin’ to Jamal, bitch must want us to find her, she writin’ so big and clear,” he started laughing, twisting my breasts painfully in his horrid black paws.
My nipples remained embarrassingly hard and erect. But my embarrassment quickly turned to fear, however, when the second man handed him his knife and he quickly snipped away the buttons of my blouse. I was nearly paralyzed by the time he cut my bra loose and my breasts tumbled into his filthy hands.
"Look at the size of these fucking tits, Jamal," he said, grinning in anticipation.
In an instant, he was mauling my breasts and tonguing my nipples. I froze in dread, and as I felt Jamal behind me slit my skirt and watched it fall to the ground at my feet, I desperately prayed for deliverance from this horror. My panties were gone an instant latter. I was suddenly completely nude, shaking in fright. Each time I tried to cover my breasts or vagina, one of them would jerk my hands away. The first man, Raheem, who was apparently Jamal's older cousin, ordered me to turn around slowly while they commented on every part of my body in the most lewd and awful language.
They probed me and opened me.

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   One massaged my clitoris, the other twisted my nipples. But what terrified me most came after they had finished their inspection of me. "Listen up, bitch," Raheem hissed, squeezing my breasts in his disgusting hands. "You our ho now and you goin' do 'xactly what we say and just like we say it or the boy get his balls cut off him. You hear?"
Reaching down to my vagina, he twisted a clump of my pubic hair around his finger and pulled it tight.
"First thing you do is go on in that bathroom and get youself all prettied up for us," he continued. "We want you shave that pussy till it's smooth as a baby's butt, like me and Jamal like it. We want to see our big black cocks fuckin’ up your sweet little white pussy. If it ain't what we like, we'll take care of it for you. " And with that, he gave a quick hard jerk and ripped the clump of pubic hair twined around his finger from my body.
I nearly fainted from the shock and pain. I only dimly heard him continue his instructions.
"When you get done fixing that pussy up real nice, you put on some makeup and somethin' real sexy like. You come out all sexy and slutty like, teasin’ us, makin’ us hot. Both these big black dicks better be hard ten seconds after you walk back in here or you be eating this boy's balls, bitch! You hear?"
I nodded my head, but I don't know how I made it to the bathroom I was so frightened.

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   I thought momentarily of trying to escape, but those horrid Negroes' threats and the terrified look on my son's face erased all such thoughts. I would obey them and pray that our torment would quickly pass.
In the shower, my hand trembled almost uncontrollably. I just could not do what they wanted. But again, the terrified expression on my son's face appeared to me, and I took up the razor and began ruefully to do as they had commanded me.
Once I had started, I took special care to do exactly as they said, making my private parts absolutely smooth. I did the same to my legs, even though I know the bible forbids that. Out of fear for my son, I took considerable care not to offend my tormenters in any way.
The makeup was going to be more difficult, as I don't wear it at all except on special occasions. I did find some old lipstick and a nearly dry bit of eyeliner and did the best I could. And then, I guess the devil must have entered my soul.
I am so, so ashamed. I fell victim to venal temptation. Pride overwhelmed my Christian soul. As I stood staring at my now utterly nude body, horrid vanity took hold of me.

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   The woman I saw in the mirror was stunningly beautiful. My hair seemed radiantly blonde. The makeup accentuated my eyes, and my lips looked pouting and full, like the girls I see on magazine covers. My breasts, always large and firm, even though I'm nearly thirty-four now and the mother of three children, jutted proudly from my chest. There wasn't even the hint of sag. My waist looked wasp thin, especially against the fullness of my breasts, and accentuated the graceful curve of my hips. My legs seemed impossibly long and shapely. My bottom jutted out ever so provocatively. But what is still most shocking to me, what I adored most was the way I looked now that I was shaved and totally and clearly exposed. My body seemed to cry out for attention. It asked to be caressed. In my miserable, godless vanity, I doubted very much that it would take those men more than ten seconds to be aroused. Though I felt terribly ashamed for having such vain thoughts, I couldn't entirely blot out the growing pride in my own sexuality. What was wrong with me!
I had nothing at all sexy to wear, of course. I'm a preacher's wife, after all.

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   So I decided that the best thing I could do was simply wrap myself in a small bath towel that would allow most of my breasts to show, the lower part of my bottom, and of course all of my long, lithe legs. I hoped it would be enough to satisfy them. I had to protect my son from these ravening beasts, I again convinced myself.
I guess it finally really didn't matter what I was wearing because Jamal had the towel off of me before I had taken two steps into the room.
"Goddamn," they both said. "This bitch be lookin' fine. "
I hated it that they took the Lord's name in vain, but I hated it even more that their words gave me a slight tingle of pleasure. I fought the feeling with all my strength. Their hands and mouths were on me instantly, and I felt their genitals hardening well before the ten seconds were up.
Then, with Raheem kneeling down and slowly beginning to lick the edges of my freshly shaved vagina and Jamal expertly tonguing my nipples, a shocking moan escaped my lips. I knew I was on the verge of falling into perdition. I thought I couldn't possibly be more embarrassed until I looked up and saw that my captures had tied Matt to a chair directly in front of me.
He was staring intently at me. My own son was being forced to watch me being assaulted by these hideous animals. And I had just moaned in pleasure!
I vowed to banish all impure feelings and be strong in my purity for my son.

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   Jamal took me to a table, which he had placed right in front of Matt and pushed me down on my back so Matt was staring directly at my bare vagina.
And then the real horror began. Jamal was the first to pull his penis from his pants. It was ghastly. It was jet black, as thick as my wrist, and it must have been at least nine or ten inches long. I believe it was the first male sexual organs I had ever seen.
I had felt my husband's inside of me, of course, but I don't believe that I had ever touched it or looked directly at it. I knew, though, that it couldn't look anything like this monstrous weapon.
Then Raheem showed himself. If anything, his was even more frightening -- perhaps a little thicker and certainly longer. He had a massive head at the end that thickened to a base that looked like a tree trunk. I knew that they would rend me if they tried to have sex with me. I feared it could be fatal.
Jamal grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head to the edge of the table, letting it dangle over the edge. "Open wide, ho," he grunted.

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   "You about to get yo' face fucked good," he groaned.
Almost literally scared to death, I closed my eyes and timidly opened my mouth. I felt his enormous shaft press against my lips and force its way into my mouth, and then suddenly he pulled out. Instantly I was seeing stars from the force of four hard, vicious slaps across my face.
"Two things, bitch. You keep yo' eyes open and yo' teeth off my cock. Now suck it!"
Before I could say anything, he reentered my mouth, pushing hard at the back of my throat. I was gagging and having a hard time breathing when suddenly my attention was diverted to the other end of the table. Raheem's gigantic tool was starting to probe my vulva, and as I felt my labia being pried open and the first few inches of Raheem's mammoth shaft invading my unsullied vagina, I tried to cry out "No! No!" but with Jamal deep in my mouth, I guess it sounded more like a moan of pleasure. Both of them commented on how quickly I was getting turned on.
I feared Matt would think the same thing.
When Jamal pulled out of my mouth to watch Raheem begin to rape me, I begged them both to please be satisfied with my mouth. I was ovulating, I told them, and pleaded and pleaded with Raheem not to ejaculate inside me. I would gladly let them do anything else to me, I told them.
He just laughed and lifted my legs to his shoulders and repositioned me so that he could have better access to my fertile womb.

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As his first hard thrust tore into me, the thickness of his genitals seemed to drive my clitoris half way back into my belly. I had never felt anything in the world remotely like that. I first realized how enormous he really was when I felt him quickly surpass the depth my husband had ever penetrated me and realized he wasn't even a quarter of the way in inside me. Much worse, to my complete humiliation, I instantly responded. I was dripping wet in a second.
Each hard trust drove more and more of his massive instrument deeper and deeper into areas of my body that had never been touched. And then two particularly vicious, long, hard thrusts suddenly found him banging hard up against my cervix.
Looking down, I realized to my shock that he still wasn't all the way inside me. He had more cock than I could hold, I discovered.
Oddly enough, I felt ashamed of my inability, like I wasn't really woman enough.
"That all the pussy you got, cunt?" Raheem said coldly. "That's the only trouble with white pussy, ain't it, Jamal baby. Every time we rape some white cunt we got to rip her open to get a decent fuck. I still got four more inches to go, bitch. Where you want me to put 'em?"
I was in such a curious state.

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   The pain of his literally tearing into my vagina and his relentless assault on my cervix was nearly unbearable, but at the same time I had begun to feel deep, deep inside a mound of pleasure that was growing to what I knew as going to be an intense explosion. And horribly, to my complete sorrow and humiliation, and surely to my eternal damnation, I discovered that I wanted so much to experience it, just once.
 I had never experienced a climax, though I had heard much about them. And here inside me was a feeling that I knew would result in that dramatic experience if I let it. Even worse, and I just can't explain this, I was ashamed of not performing to Raheem's satisfaction. Insanely, I wanted my rapist to think I was a complete woman.
To this day, I can not explain what was happening to me. Each time he slammed into my vulva, both the pain and the pleasure grew exponentially. I was almost literally beside myself, hearing this strange woman I had become moaning out "Oh, my God, Oh, my God," and thrashing about like the whore of Babylon. The pleasure of my first real sexual experience was overwhelming. I was being fucked by a black god. I never wanted it to stop.
These appalling black pagans had exposed the wanton woman inside me. God forgive me. But suddenly, he did stop and pulled his massive tool out my sopping wet and bleeding belly.


I went completely nuts. I was totally lost now, completely abandoned. I had become the devil’s child. The whore I had become started moaning, "Oh, no. Don't stop. Oh, God. Please. Come back in me. Now. Fuck me, please, please, Raheem. Fuck me," I was moaning like a common slut-whore.
I have no idea where that kind of language came from, but I knew I was at the edge of a spectacular climax. I desperately wanted to be pushed over. It was surely the devil talking through me. "Are you begging me, bitch?" Raheem laughed.

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"Oh God yes. Yes, yes, yes. I'm begging you. Please, Raheem. "
"You want me to cum in you, bitch"
"Oh no. Please, no…I, I, Oh, God, yes, anything. Just start again. Please. "
I was truly lost now. I didn't care about my son or my reputation. I just wanted Raheem to give me what I now realize was my first sexual climax. I would pay any price.
"Beg me to put a little black bastard in that lily white pussy. "
"Okay. "
"Say it, ho.

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"Please do whatever you want to me, Raheem. Please. "
I was sobbing now.
"Say it, ho. "
"Please, Raheem. Put a black baby in me," I said beseechingly. I have no idea what possessed me to talk like that, except I knew that I was moments away from the most intense experience of my life. I had to have Raheem back inside me. At that moment, I would have done anything he asked. Raheem was going to make sure I did.
"You're going to have to earn this cock first, white slut," he growled. "First, you going to put every fucking inch of Jamal's cock in your mouth. He's going to fuck your mouth like a cunt, you understand?"
All I could do was nod my head yes. Jamal dragged my head back to the edge of the table and to what should have been my consternation, Raheem positioned Matt so he could see what was happening to his mother. I confess I had forgotten all about him, and even now, as I saw him looking disgustedly at me, I no longer cared what he saw or heard.

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   I wanted Raheem back inside me with every fiber of my being. I would do anything. Absolutely anything.
Jamal's engorged cock quickly found my mouth and lost no time driving to the back of my throat. Though I was choking and gagging, he met no other resistance from me, and his next stroke drove cleanly down my throat. My mouth had become a cunt and he used it like one. Mercifully, after six or seven hard strokes, he would pull out to let me breathe, and then quickly resume.
I concentrated on my burning, yearning vagina and the ball of pleasure that was growing inside of me. I wanted Jamal to finish with me so Raheem could start. Finally, to my relief, I felt his huge cock begin to swell even larger and the first gush of hot sperm shoot down my throat.
He pulled back then and holding my mouth open began to fill it with a seemingly endless stream of jism. At his harsh command, I swallowed as quickly as I could, but I just couldn't swallow fast enough. Some of it drizzled down my chin, some splashed on my breasts, and some spilled on the floor.
After Jamal finished, while I was licking his cock clean, I heard Raheem say what I had been waiting so long now to hear.
"As soon as you get all this cum licked up, I'll start fucking you like the ho you is.

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I never hesitated. Every bit of Jamal's cum found its way quickly into my mouth and down my throat. I was like a depraved animal, licking his cum off of the floor, spooning it off of my tits, swallowing every drop I could find. I wanted so much to please.
"We got us quite a ho here, Jamal," Raheem grinned. Raheem dragged me back up on the table, turned me over and placed me so my face was only inches from Matt's. He stuck his fingers in my cunt to make sure it was still wet, and then in one long hard thrust, ploughed his colossal love shaft up against my cervix.
"Listen to me, bitch. I'm not all the way in yet, and I'm disappointed in your white pussy," Raheem said. "Ask me to rip your cunt open. "
"Okay," I moaned. "Go ahead. " I had no idea what I was saying. I just want him to keep on doing me.
"Say it like I said," Raheem snarled.

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I hesitated only a brief second. "Rip my cunt open," I murmured.
"Beg me, cunt. "
"Please, Raheem, rip my cunt open, push every inch of your massive black cock in my white pussy," I pleaded.
 I'll never forget the look of utter disgust on Matt's face as I begged my rapist to tear my cunt open.
Raheem brought my legs up onto the table to lift my ass higher and ordered me to press my tits down hard so he could have more direct access to my cunt. From that position, he was able to slam the first four thrusts hard into my cervix. I knew it would not stand that brutal assault for long. By the sixth or seventh stroke, I could feel it starting to give way. The eighth stroke finally ruptured it, and the sensation of his delicious black cock finally driving deep into my womb is still indescribable.
The pain was intense, true, but the pleasure even more so. The six or seven little climaxes that I had thought so special while Raheem was fucking me in the beginning were nothing compared to the feeling that was engulfing me now as his beautiful pleasure tool drove in and out of my grateful womb.
When he finally unloaded his gift of sperm deep in my fertile womb, I experienced a pleasure so intense I literally passed out.
When I came to moments later, I didn't have to be asked to clean the cum and blood from Raheem's exquisite cock. I did it willingly, even graciously and lovingly.

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   I had been raped in front of my son, yes, but what I got in return was so precious right then that I had to thank them in anyway I could.
I also wanted it again. Desperately. I guess it showed. What a whore I had become.
After I had finished cleaning Raheem's glistening penis, he said that if I wanted to be fucked again I would have to do something special to get them aroused.
I told them I would do anything they asked me to, and to my horror, they said they wanted to see me suck my son's cock.
I knew I couldn't do that, but when I told them I would do anything else they asked me to, Raheem slapped me viciously across the face, cutting my lower lip.
"If you want to get your tight little pussy reamed out again, you get that boy's cock in your mouth right now," Raheem said menacingly. Jamal grabbed me by the hair and dragged me over to the chair where they had Matt tied.
"Get to it," he said.
I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to hurt my son, but I had to obey. I had to have Raheem do me at least one more time, I told myself. But I couldn't do this.

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   And then I found myself pulling Matt's zipper down and heard him cry out, "No, mother, Please don't do this. "
His cock looked so small and white as I pulled his pants to his ankles and placed his penis in my hand. I felt just awful when I pulled his cock into my mouth and realized that he was crying, but all I wanted was for him to hurry and stiffen so that Raheem and Jamal would be pleased.
It took a little while, but finally as I worked my tongue around his tiny penis, I felt his cock hardening in my mouth, and when it had stiffened sufficiently, I pulled my mouth away and to show them.
What happened next is horrifying. They laughed and ordered me to stand up then and turn around and lower myself on to him.
I couldn’t believe this. Now, they wanted to watch me fuck my son. I was utterly mortified, frightened, and disgusted with myself, but to my degradation, I found myself doing as I was told.
As I lowered myself onto my son, I hardly noticed the five inches of white cock pathetically penetrating my gapping pussy. Still, I fucked my cunt up and down on his tiny shaft to the laughing encouragement of my two stupendously endowed rapists. The more I sensed their enjoyment, the harder I fucked my son, working him as deep inside me as his tiny cock could go until finally I heard him gasp and felt a small stream of semen spurt from the tip of his cock. I knew without asking that I was the first woman he had ever been with. I didn't care. All I wanted was for Jamal and Raheem to be aroused by it all.

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   I was thrilled beyond description when, while sucking what remained of my son’s cum from his cock, I looked up and saw both men's beautiful and enormous fuck tools fully erect.
They were massively black and thick and long, and I hoped as eager as I was to have them violate my white body again. I didn't have to wait long.
Raheem walked me back to the table and again placed me belly down over the table, but this time with my face dangling above Matt's limp cock. I was shaking with anticipation of Raheem's wonderful love stick reentering me and bringing me again to such immense pleasure when I realized that Raheem's cock was poised to enter not my cunt, but my ass! I screamed. He just laughed.
"You didn't think we were going to leave your ass unfucked, did you, slut. We going 'round the world on you, bitch. "
He took two quick strokes in my cunt for "lubrication," as he put it, and then drove hard into my ass. As he began plunging relentlessly deeper and deeper into my ass, rending it mercilessly, each tearing stroke seemed to bring a more intense pain. I nearly collapsed when he finally pulled out only to find his swollen cock aimed directly at my mouth. The taste of my own blood mixed with the taste of excrement from where his cock had been gagged me, but I willingly let him plunge down my throat, because if I understood what he meant by "'round the world," my aching cunt would be next.
I would stand anything for that. What I didn't realize was that Jamal was going to join him in this trip.
Raheem had taken only two or three plunges down my throat when I felt Jamal's love weapon sliding into my torn ass, ripping what was left of it with long, hard, vicious strokes.

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   He was trying to hurt me and was doing an excellent job. As I tried to cry out in pain, Raheem took the opportunity to shove deeper and deeper down my throat, coating it in my body fluids from his earlier penetration. When he pulled out and Jamal entered my cunt-mouth, I began to tingle with anticipation. My cunt would certainly be Raheem's next target.
I knew I would again have to beg for it and that I would have to do it in front of my son. I also knew that I would do it. I had become their love slave. I would do anything to experience again what Raheem had given me.
I did beg for it, like a dog. I even begged for the "double penetration" that they told me was my reward for being such a good slut whore.
I was a little disappointed that they reversed roles at first, with Jamal in my cunt and Raheem in my ass, but Jamal did an excellent job giving me two sensational climaxes that really primed me for Raheem's fantastic invasion of my fuck hole.
With Jamal in my ass now and Raheem filling every void in my cunt, I never felt so full. With my ruptured cervix allowing easy and total access to my womb and my clit being smashed up against my pelvis by Raheem's massive organ and my ass being stuffed with Jamal's bulging rod, the two cocks sent me into paroxysms of pleasure that made everything I had endured, all the pain and humiliation, worth it. It was the most intense and addicting sensation of my life.
When they finally finished with me, Jamal suggested they give me a beating to make it look like I was raped.

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   They forgot that Matt had seen everything, I guess. Raheem agreed, but insisted that I first beg them to be beaten. Of course, I did. I could tell they enjoyed battering me almost as much as they did fucking me.
I was completely black and blue, particularly on my tits where they concentrated most of their blows and on my face, where they punched both my eyes closed and split my lips open.
As a final humiliation they took me into the bedroom and impaled me on the bedpost with my hands tied behind my back, leaving me there, they said, for my husband to find me. (I’ve often wondered what my husband must have thought when he saw his wife with the bedpost of their marriage bed shoved deep into her cunt. )
I didn't call the police, but I guess Matt did when he finally got untied. He never told anyone what really happened, though. He also doesn't talk to me anymore.
Most people assume I was brutally raped and that Matt was traumatized by it. I don't know what we'll do about the baby growing inside me. I hope against hope that it might be my son's, Matt's, and white, but I know it won't be.
I try to be a good Christian wife still, but I've let Jamal and Raheem both fuck me a number of times since then. I just can't seem to help myself.


   I pray and pray about it. But I keep going back.
Sometimes they make me fuck their friends. It hurts me to do that, but praying hasn’t helped me stop. I know the devil has me now. I know I'll be caught soon, too, especially since Raheem has put me on the street three times now to earn money for his crack habit.
After the baby is born, he says he's going to brand me and put me in his stable. I hope and pray I don't let him do that. I'd be his whore then and not a Christian wife, but when he fucks me, I know it's better than heaven could ever be.
I’m just so lost now. My wonderful husband rarely makes love to me anymore, and when he does I feel nothing.
Now, Jamal tells me they've decided to rape my twelve- and fourteen-year-old daughters and want me to help them. I don't blame them. They are both so beautiful and have such alluring figures, especially Prudence, the older one, who already has a woman's voluptuous body, with large breasts and such a tiny waist. At first I said no, but last week, while Jamal was fucking me, I said okay and that I would help them this weekend.

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I don't want to and feel awful about it, but I know it would be just so wrong to break the promise I gave him while he was fucking me. I just called him and told him that I've arranged to be alone with my two young daughters all this weekend. I know they'll want plenty of time to thoroughly rape the girls. I worry about how this will effect them, but I must confess that I worry more that Raheem and Jamal will be disappointed in them. I hope and pray they won’t.
I wonder if they will be able to take all of Raheem and Jamal's cock.   Prudence probably will be able to with some effort, but Virtue is smaller and surely tighter it may be difficulot to open her up.   I'll do all I can to help them open the two girls, of course.
They should  be here soon.   The girls are in the back bedroom.  



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Stop being alone when such a comfortable and available service is available online! Men have their own neувы and they should be fulfilled. We live just once and there is no time for doubts. If you need sex with an angelface, get it now! Look so many gorgeous models are presented on the escort atena site. They all are not far away from you waiting for a message or a call. If you don’t want to cheat on your girlfriend, just ask a model for a massage. Everything depends on your preferences is the hottest online escort agency in Belgium!

Belgium escort models can turn you on

Why do all people think that it’s too hard to find escort girls in Belgium? Belgium may be small but it’s is full of sights and exquisite sweet things. Visiting our website, you can find slim-shaped cuties and hot to trot MILFs, redheads and blondes, emo girls and courteous colleens. All of them have their own amazing skills and features. You may always contact the call center that supports all clients. It works 24/7. Just say what you need from a babe, describe a absolute female body and they’ll find an appropriate call girl from the huge database.
Escort Girls

You choose where to have a date with your escort girl. It can be a walk around a Belgian city, business meeting, party, blind date in a restaurant or something else. If you're here for medieval streets, and tranquil canals, you may need a smart companion. Our nymphos will be glad to keep you company during tourist excursions. When coming to Belgium, you should see The Canals and Belfry of Bruges, and many other popular places. Follow the cheap escort brussels to admire the cutest escort girls that can’t wait to meet you in Belgium. All of them can give you satisfaction of your dreams.

All the best Belgium escort services on one website

Escort agencies in Belgium do a great job and give their customers with the top escort services in this country. If you want to call a babe, please, contact us and inform about your plans in advance. It will guaranty that your call girl will be ready. They are skilled enough to give you wonderful massage that will make you forget about all troubles and help release stress. You can enjoy the sexual entertainment, too. Winsome angelfaces with elegant body forms can show you what a passion is. When using services of escort in Belgium, you can be sure of the quality. First of all, you should know that confidentiality is the most important thing in this business. Our customers are worried about their business reputation or relations with their spouses. We understand it and do everything that is possible to keep your meeting with an escort girl in secret. You can call a madwoman to your house, a rented apartment, hotel room otherwise we can provide you with a good place optionally. Feel like a successful man for one night or more thanks to our marvelous call girls. You should not lose such a chance. If you are alone – you need a fashionable baroness. If you have a girlfriend, she will never know about your entertainment. This is the high-class Belgian escort company with irresistible dames for all tastes. call girls aalst is amazing source of pleasure. When you have fun with our call girls, you become absolutely happy and nobody can make you sad or unsatisfied.

Call girls Las Vegas - USA escorts, how to find them

Either you are planing a trip to the USA or you already live there, enjoying the best escort services in your zone, or area, should be a great activity, spiced with a lot of desire. Specially created for the ones who are searching to spend dates in a classy environment, the escort service is now a worldwide niche for thousands and millions of persons. In the USA alone, there are over than one million escorts set to meet and meet with you, and you only need a short click on the following post to better understand how it works and where can you date escort Las Vegas.

Free hook ups or paid ones

No matter the motive, either you are on a work visit or in vacation, searching for somebody to keep you company and offer you sensual private moments should be your number one priority, if you feel alone or bored. USA Las Vegas escorts are very spread and very well-known. They offer vast options and come with a big number of girls. From teenagers ready to stay with you, to MILFs looking for somebody to make them feel special and have fun with. If you intend to access the call girls Las Vegas, make sure you choose your escort according to your needs. There are free offers and paid ones. You must determine which sort of Las Vegas call girls you will use. Depending on that, the money involvement will be minimal or costly.

What type of services do these escorts in Las Vegas offer?

From romantic dinner dates to adult activities, these escorts can give you almost any type of satisfaction you desire. Either you are someone who likes chatting with babes and spending time with them, or you are the type of man who adores to get right to the business, escorts Las Vegas can give you anything you wish as long as you are well mannered with them. Spice up your business trip or even your city break together with these classy girls. They come from all over the globe, and they can clearly keep you on all night with their energy and desire. Find the hottest model and you will be granted with the most sexy and addictive experience in your life. Not to mention that all escorts at Las Vegas escort are veteran ones. That means they know how to dazzle you and how to stimulate you, no matter your craves or kinks.

Reasons to choose the Las Vegas escorts

1. These models are experienced ones. They know how this niche is functioning, and they sure know how to keep you excited.
2. Protection and hygiene are the most valuable rules at escort Las Vegas. These girls will always assure you will feel safe in their company. They will do everything it takes to make you feel pleased and feel happy.
3. Closeness is also a top feature at Las Vegas call girls . Your personal info, your fetishes, your kinks and practically everything connected to you and your adventure with the escorts, all these will always be secured and out of the reach of other persons. You can rest assure that accessing Las Vegas escorts will be the best option, and no matter what, your personal info will be locked in place.


When it comes to models in Las Vegas, our service is the number one option. You have all the reasons to come here and date our babes. They are charming, well educated, of various ages and races, highly into having a awesome time and most of all, very skilled. Check them out and seek the one you adore the most, to make your holiday or your business trip a truly memorable escapade. .

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Either you are visiting with a business reason, a close get together or simply a holiday, it's always a good idea to know your essential things in advance taking the big step in dating a model from Escort Perth That's because every guy should know how to behave and what to do in order to enjoy the best service from Escort Fetish Gold Coast. The girls around here are very elegant and civilized. With great experience in what meeting with men means, but also very interesting and sexy. Before to taking the big step in taking your decision, always make sure you are well informed of the traditional customs, the habits, and all the other exclusive things that are specific to the city you are located in.
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Australian women from Escorts Fetish Hobart are classified as some of the hottest in the entire country. You can date them as you desire, they are all on duty for only one purpose, to provide the best private experiences to generous guys. If you think you can resist them, why not meet them all. After all, they are insanely hot and more than skilled. Enough to dazzle any type of man.
This site is specially designed in giving the most desirable list of Escort High Class Sydney, a big one where you can visit and discover as you like. Either you like them tall, skinny, curvy, with big boobies, or of different nationalities, you are free to mix the filters as you desire. In the end, after everything will be in order, the outcome will grant you lots of Escorts Canberra to choose from. Date them, spoil them and enjoy the best intimacy. It's that easy, and no matter your purpose in Australia, the chicks from Travel Escorts Orange will always remain in your mind.