
The Boy Next Door


Bryan had lived on the same street for thirteen out of the seventeen years of his life, and the whole time he had lived there, he had Milly as his next door neighbor. Milly was seventeen also, and it wasn't unknown that she caught the attention of many men around the school and her neighborhood. She had wavy, dark brown hair that went a few inches past her shoulders, a set of 36/D breasts that were firm and round, and a wonderful athletic body that was shaped through swimming and exercising. Her skin was made tan from her many time sunbathing out in her backyard. Bryan was no scrawny wimp, but by no means was he considered buff. His muscles weren't huge, but there were toned enough to be eyecatching to some girls. He was somewhat pale, more of one to burn instead of tan, and had short dirty blonde hair that he liked to spike up with gel every morning. His cock was probably the most muscled part of him, standing at 8 in. long when erect and 2 in. around. At the age of thirteen, while Milly's breasts had taken their own oppurtunity to grow, Bryan had his first fantasy of being with Milly. Scared, but incredibly horny, he spent that first fantasy in his bedroom, cock pointing up at the ceiling and his hand wrapped firmly around it, pumping up and down furiously until he orgasmed. It didn't stop there, for Milly had continued to grow into the busty and sexy brunette she was. Bryan's arousal and desire for her increased exponentially, and more and more times, he came onto his sheets after a good session of masturbation. His fantasies grew more and more rough, soon involving bondage and domination of Milly until they were fantasies of full-fledged rape. It had become harder and harder for him to come and feel sexual fulfillment, and desire started to overwhlem him.

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   In his room, one summer day, Bryan decided to take Milly and he started to plan carefully. A month after that fateful day, Milly stood in the kitchen of her home, washing the dishes and placing them back up into their cabinets once she had dried them. She wore a tight, white spaghetti-strap tanktop and navy blue cotton short-shorts, with a matching set of black, lace underwear to match. Her parents had gone out of town for a funeral of a family friend that Milly had never heard of, so that left her home alone for a few days. It was then she heard the doorbell ring, and she quickly dried off her hands and went to the door to see who it was. When she opened the door, there stood Bryan wearing a pair of black red basketball shorts and a blue short sleeved t-shirt, a backpack slung over his shoulder. "Oh, hey Bryan," Milly said cheerfully, "What's going on?" Bryan eyed Milly up and down quickly, his cock starting to grow hard in his shorts, "I came back to return the drill your father leant to me. "Milly nodded as she listened to Bryan's words. Unkowingly, she fell deeper and deeper into his trap. Bryan had intentionally planned to borrow the drill and return it while he 'accidentally' stumbled in while Milly's parents were out of town. He wanted them to be all alone for his fun. Milly spoke, "Oh, well they're out of town now. I thought I told you, but come on in. Just set the drill on the counter and I'll put it back later. "Bryan congratulated himself as he was allowed on.

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   Second stage of his plan had gone off without a hitch. "Oh really?" he said with fake confusion in his voice, "I must've forgotten. Sorry. " He pulled the backpack around his shoulders so that it was planted against his chest, pulling out the drill and setting it on the nearby countertop. He zipped up his backpack after pulling out one more little item. His cock grew in his shorts and he started to tingle from the excitement and anticipation. Little cocktease, he thought in his mind. Wearing that outfit. . . I'm going to have a lot of fun with you. Milly smiled as she walked, back turned to Bryan, "It's no problem. Do you want something to drink, or anything?" This was exactly the question he wanted her to ask. It was just like in his fantasies. He stepped forward until he stood behind her, one arm going around her neck and the other hand coming up with a rag doused with chloroform.

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   The rag was planted firmly around Milly's mouth and nose, and she began to scream into the rag and struggle until her body went limp in his arms. Bryan finally released her, smiling to himself devilishly as he gazed down at her unconscious body, "Yeah I want something: you. "Milly awoke later with a groan, her eyes still foggy as she blinked to clear her vision. She attempted to move but she couldn't. Her arms wouldn't move, but she felt her legs trying to thrash. Next, she tried to scream but only muffled noises came out of her mouth. As things started coming together, she felt her arms held above her tightly and bound by something. One arm to each of the two bed posts above her head. Her legs had been left unbound, and she kicked, trying to free herself. A thick cloth gag was wrapped around her mouth and tied at the back of her head. At that moment, Bryan came into her vision, still grinning that same evil grin. An apparent lump was visible in his pants and it only frightened Milly more as she tried to kick at him. "Woah, now. Calm down there Milly," Bryan said mockingly as he grabbed her ankles and spread her legs apart to gaze at her short-covered pussy. He looked up to her face, eyes widened in terror and confusion.

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   Setting himself in between her legs, he leaned forward and kissed Milly roughly on her lips over the gag, bumping them hard against her teeth. "Mmmm. . . . I've wanted this for so long. " He caressed her cheek softly and whispered to her with odd tendnerness in his voice, "You're still a virgin, aren't you Milly? You're a good girl who doesn't sleep around, aren't you? C'mon now. Answer me. " Tears started forming in Milly's eyes as the terrible realization dawned on her. She was going to be raped, and there was no one to help her. Bryan cooed to her once again, "Milly, answer me. " She nodded her head, making Bryan smile, "Good girl. Now, you'd better stop kicking me because I'd hate to have to do anything to scratch up this pretty skin. " Reaching into the pocket of his pants, he pulled out a pocket knife and flicked it open, gently brushing the tip down her leg. He could feel her muscles freeze up in fright.

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   He lifted his gaze to meet hers, "Do we have an agreement?" Milly nodded frantically. Bryan merely smiled and took the pocket knife, cutting her shorts off and then her tanktop, roughly removing them from her body. He gazed down in a daze at her bra and pantie clad body, kneeling down in between her legs to inhale the musk of her pussy. "You smell so good. . . " he whispered to her as he cut the panties off too. Milly started to cry, tears flowing down the sides of her cheeks. He leaned up then to cut the middle and the straps of the bra, tossing those and her panties to the floor. He undressed himself quickly, his cock now fully erect and standing at his large 8 inches. Milly's eyes froze on the size that she knew would cause her major pain, starting to buck and kick again. Bryan's kind face disappeared as he backhanded her hard across her left cheek, making her freeze again. "Bitch. . .

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   I would've killed you and raped your dead body if you hit me. " Her cheek was throbbing in pain, but Milly knew that this was the least of her worries. Bryan wanted nothing more then to thrust his cock and fuck her virgin pussy until she passed out, but he wanted to prolong her pain. He grinned and went up to her chest, gazing at the perfect round breasts that lay right before him. His right hand reached up and took hold of her left nipple, gently rolling it in between his thumb and finger, a groan coming from Milly and a soft whimper as she sobbed. Fear caused her to freeze with no attempt to fight back, Oh God. He's going to rape me. . . He's going to rape me. Someone, anyone, help me! she thought frantically in her head over and over again. Of course, no one would help her. A sadistic smile came to Bryan's expression, and he brutally twisted her nipple around. "MMPH!! UGHMMMM!" Milly screamed into the gag as a jolt of pain traveled through her body. Bryan lifted his other hand and twisted both of them harshly, beyond the limit of how they could be turned.

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   This caused Milly's body to buck and jerk in the pain, trying to move away as she groaned and screamed in pain into the gag. Tears were now flowing freely down her face at this brutal treatment. He wrapped his hands around her breasts, roughly kneading the flesh as he bent down to one nipple, nibbling and then suddenly biting and chewing on the mound. He did the same to the other, until both nipples were left red, sore, wet, and bleeding. Milly's breasts were bruised from the rough handling with her battered nipples poking from the top. Bryan lifted his hand and brutally smacked her breasts, loving her screams as he slapped them over and over again. He leaned over and then licked all over them, tasting her skin. Lifting himself up she smiled down at her, "Now, Milly. It's time for you to be turned into woman. "Milly started shaking her head from side to side frantically, begging him with her eyes to leave her alone. Bryan sat in between her legs again, rubbing her slit up and down with two fingers. "Hmm. . . seems that you're as dry as a bone down here.

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  Oh well. I can't wait any longer, but maybe I'll just stretch you out a little so it'll be easier for me cock to go in. " His gentleness suddenly appeared as he stroked her pussy, using his first and third finger to part the soft, silky lips while his middle finger rubbed up against her clit. Milly shut her eyes and turned her head away, trying to imagine herself anywhere but here. Though she did dress revealing sometimes, Milly was overall a good girl and had wanted to save her virginity for the night of her wedding. She pictured her wedding day: the perfect night with her love that would end passionately and romantically. The tenderness disappeared and her thoughts were shattered as he plunged three fingers deep into her pussy. Her eyes shot wide open as she bucked, trying to get away but only forcing the fingers deeper. "MMMMMMMMMPPHH!!!" Bryan laughed and pounded the fingers in and out of her dripping cunt. He added another finger so that there were now four, brutalizing and scratching her insides. "Oh god Milly. . . I need to get my cock in you, now. You just feel too good.

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   I'm so happy I get to have you all to myself. "Milly cried, knowing she could not stop him and waited for the initial thrust. She heard him spit, then feeling the saliva rubbed around her pussy and lips. Bryan spit again into his hand, rubbing it hard onto his own shaft. Too anxious and horny to care about anything else, he shoved all 8 inches inside her at once. If one listened enough, they could hear an almost audible ripping sound as her pussy was torn right open, his massive cock ripping her virginity to shreds. Milly couldn't even scream, and just passed out, the pain too much for her to bear. "Mmmm. . . Ooooh Milly. Your pussy is so tight. " Blood formed on his cock as he pulled out to the head, slamming back in all the way. Milly's unconscious body bounced with the thrusts. Bryan reached over to his backpack behind him on the bed and pulled out smelling salts, waving them under her noise.

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   Milly awoke to the sharp smell, and an even sharper pain in between her legs. She cried and cried, sobbing into the gag, her virginity taken and pussy ripped open. Bryan leaned over and whispered into her ear, "Scream for me, Milly. " At that moment, he started grunting as he fucked Milly fast and hard, slamming himself into her pelvis. He listened to her pained screams which only made him hornier, and fucked her harder and even faster. The tight walls of Milly's pussy groped his shaft inside of her, milking for his seed. Bryan couldn't take it anymore as his cock grew suddenly and twitched inside of her then shrank, his hot, milky-white cum spilling into her pussy. He pulled out of her, his cock covered in cum and blood. Using his hand to wipe off his cock, smearing it all over Milly's face. "God Milly, your pussy was so tight I couldn't take it. It makes me hard again already just to think I get to do this to you for three more days. After all, I can't fuck you with your parents around, can I?" Milly only scrunched her face and kept crying, her bloodied pussy aching in between her legs. The End.



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