
The Bachelor Party


The large mansion stood out on the quiet street in Chevy Chase, Maryland. It sat well back from the road, protected with massive ornate wrought iron fences. It reminded one of those large English estate houses built a hundred years ago in the British countryside. Lights in the leaded windows illuminated the grounds surrounding the house. On this night the large wrought iron gates were open and one could see limousines parading down the driveway. An armed security guard checked each car to make sure only invited guests were allow on the estate grounds.
Yes, it is a festive night. The Master of the house is engaged to be married and this is the evening of his bachelor party. This is the last bit of his “freedom“. Tomorrow he will fly to a private island in the Cayman Islands for a secretive private wedding. Only the very select will be invited to attend the auspicious mating.
The first limousine disgorged its important passengers at the entrance to the grand house. It is Senator Grant Fartham and his friend Jon Folkes, a British shipping magnate. The next limousine carries Antonio Belousio, reportedly to be a Mafia figure, but claims to be an importer. He is accompanied by his associate, Robert Garrett, and former United States Attorney, but now in private practice. He is the representative of Belousio’s organization in all of it‘s legal matters.

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The guests are met at the front door of this, the Vincent Mansion, by the butler, Jenkins. Being the classic English butler, Jenkins welcomed each guest, took their coats and directed them in to the library of this grand estate. Robert Vincent greeted his guests warmly, making them comfortable with drinks and cigars. Jenkins entered the library, and spoke to the assembled guests.
“Gentlemen, we are here to celebrate Master Vincent’s upcoming marriage, and we are here, also, to mourn the loss of his bachelorhood. ”
The guests laughed and several remarks were made to the bridegroom about acquiring a “ball and chain”, being a “slave” to a shrew of a wife, and other humorous comments. Everyone was in a festive mood, eager to celebrate their friend’s soon to be nuptials.
“Gentlemen”, Jenkins continued, “if you will adjourn to the dinning room, you will find dinner is served”.
The dinner was sumptuous, the conversation was lively, and the mood was light. Senator Fartham asked, “Alright, Bob, why haven’t we met you new bride-to-be. Your getting married in a few days and none of your friends know the lady. Hell, man, we didn’t even know you wanted to get married. ”
Bob Vincent, smiling, replied, “Well, you will meet her soon enough, after we are married. I did not want any of you ravenous bastard hounds trying to take her away from me!”
That brought more laughter. More drinks were served to the honored guests and fresh cigars were lit.

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Jenkins appeared again, “Gentlemen, it is time to repair to the library again. The evening’s entertainment is ready. ”
The gathered guests rose from the table and moved towards the library, each eagerly curious about what delights were in store for them and the guest of honor. Once in the library, Jenkins asked that each man take a comfortable seat, and enjoy the evening. As the guests were taking their seats, the other door to the library opened, and in walked four exceptionally beautiful women, all nude, wearing only high heel shoes. There were two blondes, a brunette, and one gorgeous Hispanic. Each woman was a real beauty. It seems that Jenkins had learned of each man’s preference in women, and each of the proffered women were picked on that basis. Amid welcomed comments, each naked women went to her assigned guest. Each guest took charge of his woman, obviously looking forward to the possibilities.
“Gentlemen, gentlement”, Jenkins interrupted. “You will find these ladies to be delightful in every way, willing to accommodate your desires and needs. They are yours for the evening, and for that matter, for the night. Enjoy them to the fullest. You have probably noticed, that our guest of honor has no companion.

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   We have saved the best for the last. ”
With that, Jenkins went to a closet in the far corner of the library, opened the door, and led a naked woman from this confinement. She was exceptional, as well as delightfully startling. It dawned on the attendees that this special woman had been stowed and confined in this closet during the whole evening. There was an air of excitement about that fact.
This woman was naked, but appropriately decorated. Her body was outstanding. Her 5’4” inch frame was blessed with magnificently large breasts with stood proudly from her chest. Her body was tight, and her belly was flat, which was accented by her well defined narrowed waist. Her “dancer’s” legs were emphasized by the 4 inch black patent leather pumps that she wore. Around her ankles were locked black leather cuffs which could be locked together, making her helpless. The cuffs matched the ones on her wrists, which were locked together, behind her back. A black leather strap was wrapped around her elbows, and pulled tightly, forcing her elbows together in the small of her back. This served to force her magnificent breasts out from her graceful body, making them the center of attraction.
Her costume was completed with a black leather collar buckled tightly around her delicate neck, to which was attached a leash.

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   Jenkins used the leash to lead her into the room. She was gagged with a black leather “penis” gag, held deeply in her mouth with a black leather strap which locked behind her head. Her eyes were covered with a black leather “sleep” mask, effectively blindfolding her. The black leather accessories contrasted and made her peaches and creamy smooth skin even more so. Her long silky raven black hair hung to just below her shoulders. Even though the guests could not fully see her face, it was obvious that she was a rare beauty.
The room fell silent as Jenkins escorted this “slave” woman into the room. She was magnificent and was the attention of every one in the room. The sexual tension in the room was heightened by her presence.
Jenkins announced, “Gentlemen, each of you have in your company a beautiful woman who will cater to your sexual desires and needs. What we have here is a real sex slave. She is a sex slave in every sense of the word. Anything can be done with her. She is here for the express pleasure of our guest of honor, Master of the Manor, Robert Vincent. What ever he desires will be done with her, and to her.

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   For our purposes, we will call her ‘O‘, like the heroine in the book by Pauline Reage, the “Story of ‘O‘”.
There were eager comments, and some applause for Jenkins remarks. Even the proffered women were intrigued by this beautiful masked sex slave. The possibilities were exciting.
“I have inquired of my Master”, Jenkins the butler continued. “He has told me he wants to see this beauty whipped. He has asked me to handle those difficult duties. ” This brought some laughter and ribald remarks from the gathered crowd.
“Before I put her to the whip, I will require her to submit to inspection by her Master of the evening and his guests”.
Jenkins led the blindfolded and bound beauty to Bob Vincent and made her stand at attention, with her legs spread, in front of his seated master. Vincent eagerly examined her body. Her breath quickened as he manipulated her breasts and teased her nipples. For good measure, he slapped each breast several times, to watch them jiggle and sway with each blow. His hands moved down to her pussy. Delightfully, he found that her cunt was a caldron of steaming juices.

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   She was aroused and it was obvious. As he rummaged through her pussy, she began to moan from behind her gag and her body swayed with the rhythm of his ministrations. Finally his hands left her cunt, and moved to her tight ass. She was made to turn around, displaying her ass and legs to Vincent. He slapped her ass several time, enjoying see his hand prints on her soft supple skin. He made sure he touched and examined every inch of her smooth warm skin. The bulge in his trousers attested to his approval of this sex slave.
When Bob Vincent was through with his inspection, Jenkins led her around the room to each of his guests. They were free to inspect her at their leisure. Like a prized animal, she was felt, probed, pinched and stroked. By the time each of the guests had inspected her, the slave was very aroused.
Finally, as each guest completed his examination of “O”, Jenkins led her to the middle of the room. With a remote control device in his had, he caused a thin steel cable to extend down from a hidden location in the ceiling of the library. The end of the cable was connected to a small steel ring. Jenkins quickly removed the leather strap from the slave’s elbows, and unlocked her wrist cuffs, only to attach them to the cable mounted ring.

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   With the remote control device his hand, he caused the cable to retract towards the ceiling. He did not stop the cable until “O” was stretched in a standing position, her high heel shod feet just barely touching the floor. If this sex slave was beautiful before, she was stunning now in her stretched out position, available to what anyone wanted to do to her. She moaned softly behind the penis gag.
From an antique cabinet drawer, Jenkins retrieved a multi thronged whip. In some circles the whip would have been called a “flogger”. He presented it to Bob Vincent for his approval. Vincent felt the whip, testing its weight, and then, smiling, handed it back to Jenkins. Meanwhile, around the room, the guest were disrobing, removing their clothing to better enjoy the evening, and the women who had been presented to them. As Jenkins walked over to the bound sex slave, Bob Vincent started to remove his clothing. It only seemed appropriate.
Jenkins was standing in front of “O”, running his hands over her exposed body. He gently ran the flogger whip over her breasts, and down across her ass. He then moved behind her, and taking a deep breath, brought the whip well back, and swung it towards “O’s” helplessly waiting ass. With a sharp smacking sound, the whip announced its arrival and contact with the slaves ass.

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   “O” jerked at the impact. Before she could settle down and adjust, the whip struck again. Quickly Jenkins set up a rhythm. Soon her magnificently creamy ass was showing the reddened signs of the whips striations. “O” was moaning loudly from behind her gag.
Jenkins let his whip hand drop. He walked around “O”, looking at this beautiful woman, and calculating his next move. He stood in front of her, his left hand stroking her breasts. “O” moaned louder, enjoying the stroking of her sensitive breasts, and in anticipation of Jenkins next move.
Jenkins did not leave her in suspense very long. His whip was quick and true. Her left breast was struck, straight on. It jumped, shook delightfully, and swayed back into position. Before the slave could anticipate the next lash, Jenkins struck her right breasts. It shook magnificently.

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   Jenkins continued his onslaught. His next blows were directly across her nipples. “O” was sobbing and trying to avoid the whip, but Jenkins’ whip followed her, raining blow after blow of these beautiful orbs. He stopped only when he was satisfied that they were suitable pink from the ministrations of the whip.
Before “O” could gather her wits, Jenkins whip crashed into her pussy. He moved the whip to her thighs, both front and back, and then back to her cunt. Being blindfolded, she never really knew where the whip would strike next. When Jenkins brought the whipping to a close, “O” was crying and screaming into her gag. Tears were seen flowing from behind the “sleep” mask. “O” had been well whipped. She stood there quivering and shifting from foot to foot, not knowing what was going to happen next.
Jenkins reached he hand out to her pussy. He found it to be soaking wet from “O’s” pussy juices. She moaned from deep in her throat when he inserted his finger into her steaming passage. As Jenkins worked his finger in and out of her scalding cunt, “O” started to move with his rhythm.

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   He increased the presence and frequency and in a matter of a few seconds she was screaming through her gag and cumming as she was violently humping his invading finger. Her orgasm seemed to last forever. She lost contact with the world about her. She only knew that she had a fire in her pussy and her body was consumed by her climax. Her body seemed for freeze, and then she slumped in her bonds as she slowly came down from her climax. She hung here, suspended from the ceiling of this opulent library, a light sheen of perspiration covering her body. Her breasts were still rising and falling to her agitated breathing. She was a magnificent sight. The gathered celebrants were in awe. There was not a soft cock in the room.
Jenkins turned to the gathering and announced, “Gentlemen, if you would like, you make come and examine our slave, and fuck her if you wish. Both her front and rear passages are available. Her gagged mouth is reserved for our guest of honor. ”
The bound sex slave was quickly surrounded by eager men with enormous erections. All of then were touching and feeling her body, The senator stepped up to “O”, and with on quick movement pushed his rigid cock into her pussy.


   The slave moaned deeply at this phallic invasion. She start humping the senator’s cock. The senator finished, and was followed by another, until all had experienced her wonderfully hot pussy. Poor “O” had one climax after another. Had she not been wearing a mouth filling gag, she would have begged them to stop and let her rest. But, this was not the case, and she had to suffer the various invasions and endure the many cums forced on her. At one point, the oil magnate and the mafia don “sandwiched” her, with Folkes fucking her heated pussy while Belousio had his cock working heatedly in her rear passage. A third person was mauling her breasts while she was being double fucked.
Jenkins took “O” down from her suspended bondage, and quickly rebound her hands behind her back, locking her wrist cuffs together, and reinstalling the leather strap around her elbows, forcing them together in the small of the back. He then led her to the large comfortable chair where Robert Vincent sitting. He was naked, slowly stroking his massive cock, watching this sex slave being put through her paces. She was forced to her knees, between Vincent’s open thighs, her face a mere inch or two from his upraised cock.
Jenkins spoke, “Slave, you have been well whipped and raped. Now you will satisfy the Master of the Manor, for that is the reason you were brought here. In front of you is the Master’s cock.

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   I am going to remove your gag, and you are to suck his cock, bringing him to the best cum he has ever had, or you will suffer the consequences. Is that understood?”
The blindfolded and gagged slave nodded her beautiful head, asserting that she understood. Jenkins removed her gag and promptly pushed her head forward until her lips touched Vincent’s cock. “O” opened her mouth to allow her delicate pink tongue to touch the head of the overheated cock. She began to lick it, causing it to throb. After a minute of so of this, she took his cock into her mouth. Her tongue lashed the tip of his cock and she took him deep into her mouth. Working hard at her assigned task, she quickly brought Vincent to a raging climax, shooting scalding cum into her willing throat. She struggled with his issue, and was successful in swallowing all of it. She kept working her tongue on his cock and sucking it as it diminished. When it had receded, she let is slip from her sweet mouth as she rested her tired head on Vincent’s thigh. He stroked her silky hair, and complimented her on her sucking ability and her beauty.
Vincent looked up at Jenkins, and instructed, “Take her, bath her, and take her to my bedroom. I will join you there shortly. Oh, by the by, you are a master with that whip.

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   You are to be rewarded. If you wish, you may fuck this slave when you give her the bath. Her mouth is also available to you. ”
Jenkins forced “O” to her feet and lead her away, still wearing her patent leather heels. After he was fully satiated with her, he bathed her, and left her, bound, in his Master’s bedroom and his bed. Her leash had been connected to the bedpost. Her wrists were still locked behind her, and her ankle cuffs were locked together, making her helpless as she awaited Robert Vincent. She would have to wait there, helpless to free herself, wait there for Vincent to come and have his way with her. Her blindfold had been removed, so she would be able to see who would next assault her.
The slave thought about what had happened to her. She has been exhibited to strangers, soundly whipped, repeatedly raped and made to suck the cock of the Bridegroom. She had to admit, that while her body was tender and sore from the abuse she had received, and her cunt passage felt well used, she felt alive and sexually satisfied. It had been a painful, and exciting evening. Her ass and pussy had been thoroughly purged during her bath with Jenkins, and now tingled from the abuse they had received in the library. When it was taking place, the whipping had been dreadful, yet to be bound helplessly and used sexually, with no way to stop what was happening, was very exciting.

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   To be at the sexual whim of another was an excitement all it’s own.
The door to the massive bedroom opened and Robert Vincent walked into the room. He was still naked and his massive cock was rigid, erect straight from his body. It swayed menacingly as he walked to the bed.
He stood there for a moment or two, stroking is rigid cock as he looked down at the beautiful bound woman lying on his bed. She rolled onto her back, pinning her bound arms beneath her. She wanted to display her breasts and body to him. She knew Robert Vincent would like that.
“That’s nice”, he said as Robert Vincent climbed onto the bed. He slid his arm under “O”, and pulled her to his chest. They were lying on their sides, facing each other. His burning cock was between her bound legs, pressing against her pussy. She started to move her body, creating a friction between her cunt and his cock. She closed her eyes as he kissed her as he fondled her abused breasts.
Robert Vincent broke the kiss.

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   She was breathless and aroused. He kissed her again, and whispered, “Slave, I love you.
“Oh God, Robert, my master, I love you too”, she replied.
Calling her by her real name, Robert Vincent asked, “Karen, my slave, how did you like this evening?”
She paused for a moment, “Well, it was really rough, but I knew you wanted me to be handled that way, so I loved it. I have to admit that I am a slave, and the idea of being subject to the sexual whims and torments of other is exciting to me. ”
“You know that you were the center of attraction at my party. Every body was in love with you, and want to know who you were. ”
“Did you tell them about us”, she quietly questioned.
“No, that is our secret. Eventually, some will know, because I will give you to them again. ”
Karen kissed him and replied, “As you wish. I am your slave. ”
Vincent smiled, and asked, “Well, now that you know how I would treat you, are you sure you still want to marry me?”
“Omigod! YES, Yes, yes. I want to be your slave, and wife. I love you.

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   I will be what ever you want me to be. I love being you sex slave. ”
Robert Vincent reach down and grasped his cock, easing it in to Karen’s steaming cunt. She moaned deeply at this welcome invasion. As he moved his cock in and out of her, he whispered, “Well, get used to what happened tonight. That is the life style you will be living for the rest of your life!”
All Karen could say, with a lust filled voice, was, “Oh, yes sir. Thank you, my Love. ”
The End



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