
Solo Bondage Fun


"Mmmpppfff !" was the only sound Sally could make as she strained tomove another few inches across the rug. The way her mouth was gaggedprevented her from saying anything other than some very muffled grunts. She was sweating quite a bit now - after all, she had been in thispredicament for a little better than two hours now, and she still had a goodway to go before she could reach the kitchen and her escape knife. Shestopped to give her aching muscles a rest and to give her raw feeling skin arespite from the carpet. Sally had been eagerly anticipating this day for over a week. She actuallyhad a Saturday all to herself, and had laid careful plans to make good useofit. She had been "into" self-bondage for better a year now, but this wasthefirst time she had really put herself in a bondage that she felt it would bevery difficult to get out of. Most of the time,she just simply tied heranklesand knees with a couple of pieces of nylon rope, taped her mouth with somesticky duct tape, put a vibrator between her legs, then tied her handsbehindher back with some more of the nylon rope. The vibrator would do it'sthing,and after about 18 minutes, she would undo the knots on her wrist ropesimmediately after she had come. She had gotten quite good at tying herhands rather tightly behind her, but the nylon rope didn't knot up tootightlyfor her to undo it after a few minutes of picking at the knots. She alwayskept a sharp steak knife handy - one with a serrated blade that would sawthrough rope easily - a few feet away from her on the bed. Today, though, things were considerably different. She had been in NewYork City last month on a business trip and had stopped in an "Adult"bookstore while seeing the sights in Times Square. She had led a fairlysedate life in the small town she had her law practice in, considering herfantasies of being tied up, and occasionally tying herself, an "unusual" butreally harmless vice she chose to indulge in. Most men seemed to carelittlefor what she wanted out of sex - never actually satisfying the way herorgasms felt when she was tied. So she dated occasionally, but dependedon herself to satisfy her needs.

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   The bookstore she stopped in seemed to bededicated almost totally to bondage. She had never dreamed she would seeso many magazines showing heavily bound women, and they actually haddisplays of gags, handcuffs, etc. She almost bought one of the ball gags -itlooked really sexy to her - but the outrageous price stopped her. She didpick up several of the magazines though, and had read them from cover tocover, imagining herself the woman in every picture. She had determinedthat she would figure out a way that she could tie herself like the womenshesaw in the pictures. The magazines had several letters from readers inthem, and several of them were from people, like her, that enjoyed tyingthemselves up. She read the descriptions of what they had done with greatinterest, and make up her mind she would try to REALLY tie herself the nexttime she got a good chance. She had woken up early this morning, excited at the prospect of being tiedfor a long time, in much stricter bondage than she had ever used before. She quickly made some coffee, and got out her box from the closet. Thebox had her rope, tape, and vibrators in it. She had added a few purchasesthis week though. She already had a six-inch vibrating dildo that she hadgotten a year ago - this was the one she had used on herself in the past. Ithad two new partners now. One was a five-inch long, really smooth dildo,and the other was a quite thick, ten-inch long dildo. She put new alkalinebatteries in all the dildoes' battery packs, turning each one on to test it.

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  She took off her nightgown, smiling at what her staid law firm would thinkifthey saw her parading around her apartment in the nude. She was actuallya little surprised at herself -she was usually the type that wouldimmediatelycover herself with a towel getting out of the shower even though she livedbyherself. She got out her escape knife, and took it to the kitchen, passingthrough her dining room and living room to do so. This way, her knife wasthree rooms away from her. Returning to her bedroom, she put her box of ropes on the edge of the footof the bed, and began taking out coils of rope. She had quite bit more ropenow - she had bought LOTS more of the nylon rope, and had bought severalpackages of cotton clothesline to add to that. She had cut the rope up intovarying lengths to use with the plan she had worked out for herself. Shehadnever tied her breasts before, so she decided to start with that. Shepasseda length of the nylon rope around her and pulled it up over her breastsuntilit was an inch above her tits. She then pulled it taut, wrapping the restof the piece of rope around her until she had a band of rope snugly aroundher, filling in the area from the top of her breasts to the bottom of herarmpits. The band of rope felt good - it was hugging her nicely, and herbreasts were pushed both up and out by the pressure of the ropes. She puta similar band of rope around her from just below her breasts to abouthalfway down to her belly button. She looked in the mirror, and smiled atthesight of her two breasts sticking out from between the wide bands of whiterope. She got out two ten-foot long pieces of the cotton rope - themagazines said that it didn't slip as easily, and made tight knots - andthenput a cinch loop in of the free ends of both pieces of rope. She put one ofthe cinch loops around the base of her left breast and pulled the loop tightuntil her breast bulged out like a balloon.

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   She then wrapped the rest ofthatrope round and round the base of her breast, knotting it tight when she gottothe other end. In another minute, her right breast was tied the same way. Although her breasts hurt some from the tight ropes, they looked fantasticinthe mirror - she now had a real set of what men would describe as "jugs". She had seen pictures of women tied like this in the magazines, and foundthat she now knew why - her nipples were jutting out like twin towers. Shehad never seen, or felt, her nipples so aroused. She stood up and used a fairly long piece of rope to tie her waist snuglywithabout ten loops of rope cinching in her waist. She then tied one free endofanother ten-foot piece of cotton rope to the middle of the waist ropesbehindher. She let it dangle down between her legs and got the new tube of KY-Jelly out of the box. She put a generous amount of it on her finger, andbending over, lubricated her asshole by sticking the finger all the way upinit. She repeated this three times until it felt like her ass was fulloff the stuff. She put a thick coat of the jelly on the five-inch and six-inch dildoes. She took the five-inch dildo and slowly worked it into herass. It felt huge at first - she had never had anything up her ass before - butfinally the whole length was in. She could feel the head of it pressing upagainst the back of her vagina. Holding it in her ass with her left hand,sheinserted the whole length of the six-inch dildo in her vagina.

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   Pressingthemboth in with the fingers of one hand, she used the other hand to pull theropein between her legs, making sure it passed over the base of both of thedildoes, then poking it up and through the middle of her waist ropes infront. She pulled it taut, then passed it in between her legs, cinching to thewaistropes, ten times. The dildoes were now TIED in her with enough tight ropeso that there was no way they could work out of her filled vagina andpenetrated ass. She sat down on the edge of the bed and went to work on her legs next. She found it was harder to bend over to tie your ankles when both of yourholes are full, but she got a good eight-inch band of rope tight around herankles. She used the last couple of feet of the rope to make cinch loops inbetween her ankles. This made the ropes quite tight - she liked the feel oftightness. Before she started to tie the rest of her legs, she tied a shortpiece of the cotton rope to the back of the cinch loops on her ankle ropes. She let the free end of this lay out to the side on the floor. She thentiedwide bands of rope above and below her knees, pulling cinch loops throughto tighten them like she done on her ankles. She looped the free end of areal long piece of rope around her thighs, pulling tightly enough to sinktherope in her thighs a little. Before she finished tying her thighs, she putthebig dildo in between her thighs, taking care that the head of the dildo waspushing into her clitoris. Since the dildo was going to be tied there byherthigh ropes, she made sure it would stay put. The rest of the rope was thenwrapped tightly around her thighs, locking the dildo into place. Her legshadnever been so tightly tied before - she found she couldn't even wiggle themback and forth.

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   She almost came to the point of orgasm then - and shehadn't even turned on the vibrators in the dildoes yet!Sally thought she had better take care of her gag next, since that couldn'tbedone once she had tied her hands. She folded up a washcloth so it made awad about two inches thick and two inches wide. This she then put in themiddle of a scarf which was then folded over the wad several times to trapthe wad in the middle of the scarf. Sally knotted the scarf on both sidesofthe wad so it would be impossible to move out of her mouth. She openedher mouth wide and stuffed the wad all the way into her mouth. It reallypacked her mouth completely so she had to shove it in hard to get the wholewad in. Satisfied that her mouth was now quite thoroughly stuffed, shepassed the free ends of the scarf around the back of her head, pulled themas tight as she could, and then knotted it with two really tight knots. Shedecided to test her gag and yelled as loudly as she could, getting athoroughly muffled "Mmmppfff" as the only sound that came out through hertightly packed mouth. She loved the really helpless feeling that being wellgagged gave her - she had always used tape before, but found that it wastoo easy to get off her mouth if she used her tongue to wet it. And if shepulled the tape all the way round her head to prevent that, then she had tocontend with the sticky mess getting it out of her hair. This gag reallygagged her and was quite impossible to get out without her hands free. Hernext move was to turn on the dildoes. She turned on all three of them,putting them at medium speed, then shoved the battery packs underneathher thigh ropes so they would be totally out of reach. Moving quickly now - the dildoes were almost putting her over the edge - shegot out two last pieces of cotton rope, both about twelve feet long. Shetieda slip loop in the free end of both pieces,making one of the loops largerthanthe other.

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   She made sure she could reach both of the ropes from in back ofher by putting one just in back of her left hip, with the other one in backofthe right hip. She put her arms in back of her and slipped the large loopupher arms until it was just above her elbows. She then pulled the slack outofthe slip loop until her elbows were about three inches apart. She thenwrapped most of the rest of the rope around her arms above her elbows untilthere was about three feet of the rope left. She tossed the free end up andover her elbow loops, then repeated this twice more so that she now hadthree cinch loops over the elbow ropes. She pulled the free end and yankedit several times until her elbows were now about an inch and a half apartbehind her. She tossed it over one more time, letting that loop hang looseenough that she was able to pass the free end through it. This she thenyanked tight. The cotton rope took care of cinching that loop tight. Sallythen made two discoveries - the first was that her bound elbows made herbreasts jut out even more, making her breast ropes quite a bit tighter. Hersecond discovery was that there was no way she could reach the slip knotshe had made - her elbows were now quite helplessly tied. She knew that ifshe tied her wrists now, there would be no escape until she got to thekitchenand the knife. She had waited too long for this to stop now, so she pulled the slip loopfromthe last piece of rope over her wrists, then pulled the slip loop tight. Shequickly used her fingers to loop the rest of the rope around her wrists. Shehad found that if she made a loop over the top of one wrist, then under theother wrist - making kind of an "X" of ropes in between her wrists - thatshecould tie her wrists together quite nicely.


   Once she got to about two feetofrope left, she passed the free end in between her wrists, then over theropes. She repeated this five times, pulling out all of the slack each time. Shemade another loop over her wrist ropes, leaving slack so she could pull thefree end through. This was then yanked tight, locking the cotton rope intoannon-slipping cinch loop. She repeated this twice more, knowing that herwrists were now tied, cinched, and quite impossible to get loose without aknife. Sally knew that she was now quite thoroughly tied up, with no wayoutother than cutting herself loose. She hesitated a moment, then thought"What the hell - this is what I have been wanting and dreaming about - goahead and finish it!"She turned sideways on the edge of the bed and lowered herself carefully sothat her legs were now bent beneath her. She fumbled for the free end ofthe rope she had tied to her ankle ropes earlier. She found it and passeditover her wrist ropes then back down to her ankles. She passed itunderneath the ankle cinch loops then knotted it tight at her ankles. Sheletherself lean against the end of bed and slowly slid down the rest of the wayto the floor. She laid there on her side for a moment, feeling thebeginningsof a truly awesome orgasm shoot through her. She had the wild impulse toroll over so her now throbbing tits would be mashed into the rug. Withgreateffort she did so, feeling the rough carpet bite into her bound breasts. Shespasmed, screaming into her gag as two back to back, earth shatteringorgasms swept through her body.

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   She was panting and sweating now, butwas glad to be gagged as she was sure her screams of pure pleasure wouldhave roused the whole apartment building!She squirmed against her ropes, finding that she had done a really masterfuljob on herself. She could not get any slack in her arms at all, thanks tothetight hog tie she had put herself in. She also found that she could notreachthe knot at her ankles to undo her hog tie. She tried moving her bodyacrossthe carpet and found that with great effort, she could move about two inchesat a time - she also felt her breasts being rubbed by the rough carpet. Afterten minutes, she was really sweating, but had almost made it to the bedroomdoor. She decided to rest her aching body, and since the vibrators werestillbuzzing merrily away, had yet another mind-bending orgasm. She consideredher predicament - she was still two whole rooms away from her knife,she was quite helplessly bound, gagged, and hog-tied, and every time shemoved she just simply excited her body more as her naked nipples groundagainst the carpet - every time she rested, the vibrators took over andBOOM! off she went again. "I have been at this for two hours now" though Sally as her thoughts cameback to the present, " and my body aches like crazy, my breasts feel likerawmeat, I have had nine orgasms, and I still have to get through the livingroom. " She kept working at it, and a half hour, and two more orgasms later,finally made it to the kitchen. She cut her hog tie rope and had to restforfive minutes before she had worked up the strength to cut her wrist ropes. She really had to work to cut the elbow ropes, but finally set herselffree. She turned off the vibrators, and untied the rest of her ropes,leavingahuge pile of rope in the middle of the kitchen. Ten minutes later, Sally was sitting in a hot bath, feeling completely wipedout as the hot water soothed her aching muscles. Sally thought about theexperience she had put herself through and said "Well, it'll be a whilebeforeI do THAT to myself again - I may even wait until tomorrow!!!!".



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