


Monica was in a confused Monica was feeling fresh and lighter after her bath; she called the kitchen and asked for a sandwich for her. She came to the drawing room to meet her daughter Neila. Neila came running to her and hugged her and dragged her to show what all she made with the plado. Monica followed her there, but her heart is full of fear and disgust of the morning incident. She couldn't properly recollect what went through. Her eyes were on the main door, looking like a scared deer, watching if Madhu is around. She couldn't make out weather she should complain this to Dilip or not. what all could have he done to her, she was thinking. She came back to the world as Nelia was shaking her and trying to tell something. Just then the phone rang, and aaya picked up the phone and answered and brought the phone to Monica saying it’s the Sahib. Monica s heart started beating faster and she took the cordless from aaya and said Hello. Dilip was on the line and said 'how are you my darling, sorry I couldn't tell you before I left. I tried but your phone was not responding. Is my sweat heart looking prettier like an angel after her visit to the beauty parlor' . . .

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  Monica didn't know what to say. She asked him when he is coming back. He enquired are you missing me. Sensually and seriously said “yes I am”. Dilip was concerned listening to her voice and asked’” is every thing OK darling”, I love u'. she composed herself and said ' me too 'Dilip said he ll be coming back the next day and also said he ll inform once the ticket is conformed, and also enquired how Nelia is, Nelia took the phone from her mother and said daddy were are u, Dilip said' I am in Mumbai darling, Neila said why you didn't take me along, you were in school Dilip responded, when are back daddy, tomorrow, then brig me a nice Barbee. OK my love. Neila was quite happy she put down the phone and hugged her mother and told her what her daddy promised. Monica held her tight in her arms and gave her a loving kiss. She started feeling very insecure. What if Dilip comes to know. What reaction he will display. Monica could sit there any longer and walked into her room and picked up a book and settled down in her favorite relaxer. She couldn't read a word of the book, though her eyes are glued to it her thoughts were wondering. Her mind is full of confusion, how dose she face Dilip tomorrow.

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   Though ac has been ruining full blast she has been sweating. In the mean time her maid came in saying the driver Madhu wants to talk to her. The name of Madhu sent repels through her spine, she sprang out of her relaxer and immediately composing her self asked the maid to go and enquire what he wants to see her about. As the maid left, Monica picked up some tissue and wiped the sweat of her face. She was still sweating; her heart is pumping very fast. She returned to her relaxer and settling down stared thinking what that rascal wants to talk about. is he going to warn her not to tell Dilip , or beg her for pardon, or what else. . . . she was getting tensed and was eagerly waiting for the maid to return with the message. She was praying all the gods she could remember to save her from any problem what so ever. . the maid came in and told her that Madhu wants off for the rest of the day as he is not feeling well and he has also to visit a friend who runs a photo studio who is not well. And also asked for an advance of 1000/rupees.

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   She was relieved and got up and picked up her purse and gave her the money, and asked him to be in touch with the master and pick him up from the airport tomorrow. Monica started feeling the pain in her inner thighs as the aspirin effect was fading away, she took one more and drank water and settled into the bed rolled into a ball like a little baby. The tension in her is making her more dreaded, and the confusion and not knowing what really happened to her is scarier. she got up and walked into the wash room , locked and lifted her sari removed her panties, she looked her self in the mirror in front, she couldn't still believe what she saw, the smooth mound of hers with the pussy lips showing out and bruised red. She took out some cold cream and applied all around and along the lips and massaged her mound with some more cream. She felt some relief at the same time felt very shy looking at herself like that. She immediately wore the panties and droped her sari down and adjusted the frills. She washed her hands in the sink and was thinking 'how the bush of hers disappeared, did Madhu remove it. the thought of that itself sent shivers through her spine. First time in so many hours her mind started thinking fast, what if tomorrow Dilip comes and wants to have sex with her, and will he come to know. Can she stand that with all the pain she is going through? Will he come to know that her mound is clean shaved? She has never allowed him to see her pussy earlier nor will she allow now. What if he feels it and comes to know. She is scared. She was thinking that she should find some excuse to avoid an encounter. The best she thought was to tell him that her periods are on and avoid if he proposes.

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   He will definitely propose, he loves to do once a day, and she also never ever made any fuss, , Dilip is so soft in nature he never likes to hurt her feelings and will be satisfied by hugging her and kissing her. She went back to her bed and stretched on it.  She felt bad of the thought that he has to be kissing her stained body. She was also feeling bad that she has to keep information uninformed, which she has never done all through her life. her thoughts went back to Madhu, she couldn't guess what all he could have done to her body, one thing for sure he must have had sex with her, that’s proven by the sperm she washed out of her and the pantie. that sent shivers once again through her spine and her eyes were full again. ”Oh god” what harm I have done to any one, why you put me through this, save me please she was crying. She cried cried and cried and she didn't even know when she dosed of into a deep sleep  Monica woke up as aaya was calling her name. She looked into her watch, its 7pm already. aaya enquired if she is feeling better now. Monica thanked aaya and asked were Nelia is. She told her that she just finished her bath and getting ready.  Monica got of the bed, freshened up, and went out to meet her daughter in her room.  Monica spent next one hour finishing all of Nelia's homework. by then aaya has come to invite them for dinner.

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   they both had a quite meal.  later Nelia asked “Mummy ,Since   daddy is not here can I sleep with you”.  Monica smiled and took Nelia into her arms and carried the little one to her room.  Neila wanted to listen to some nursery rhymes, from her mother. Monica very patiently sang all the ones she could remember for her daughter Neila fell of to sleep. Monica picked up a book to read, but could not proceed beyond a page.  Her mind raced back to the morning incident and Madhu.  What all he could have done, what all he has seen, how did he plan, what her next course to be to protect her self. The thought that Madhu had striped her naked and has seen her so, made her heart race with fear and disgust, and felt shy too. She herself has not looked at her nakedness in full. And her husband Dilip she never accepted to show herself up to him too in spite of his repeated requests. Surprisingly her inner thighs were getting wet with the thought that some one has seen her naked. She was wondering what could have hurt her that badly, did he enjoy her, if so, is he that big that she has been that badly bruised. she never new any answers for her doubts. She dosed off into a deep sleep.

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   Monica woke up in the morning, it was about 6am, and she looked around, her little doll Nelia is still sleeping just like a doll. Monica went into the wash and finished all her morning rituals. Her mind again started revolving around yesterday. Was that true, she wished it to be just a dream. Just to check out weather it was a dream or not, she peeped under her nighty and felt her panties. She pulled it down, there she could see her wonderful pussy glowing like a night lamp clean shaved, as a conformity to the reality . Her heart started beating loud and fast again.  She knows Dilip immediately after his return would like to meet her and have sex with her. What should she do, tell him all or avoid. There are only two choices.  She decided to postpone the subject. Monica's bed room door opened and Dilip walked in with a broad smile and with stretched hands. He held her tight in his arms and planted a kiss on her lips and hugged her tight. Over Dilip’s shoulders Monica could see Madhu walking into the room with the baggage. Madhu didn't even look up, he just left the baggage in the room and left closing the door behind him.

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  Monica released herself from Dilip,s tight embrace and walked him to the bed were Neila has been sleeping.  Dilip bent down and kissed his pretty daughter awake. Nelia woke up, with all smiles hugged her dad and rested her self on his shoulder. Dilip holding Nelia tight to his chest said to Monica “Darling I love you so much and thank you all my life for giving me such a wonderful gift in the form of Nelia” . Monica called out for Aaya to take Nelia to the wash and get her ready for school. Aaya came in and took Nelia along with her. Dilip immediately locked the door and took Monica in his arms and gave her a very tight hug and took Monica's lips into his and gave her a very long kiss sucking her. Dilip lifted her in both his arms like a feather and carried her to the bed. Monica didn't know how to resist, just then Dilip’s mobile rung . Dilip laid her on the bed and answered and was involved in a serious conversation over the phone. While he held Monica in one arm. Dilip released her and said that he has to hurry as there is a problem in the factory, and rushed to the wash room to get ready. Monica felt a relief pass through her and took out fresh clothes for Dilip to wear from the wardrobe and put them on the bed and went to the kitchen to organize breakfast for Dilip and Nelia.  After both were ready all three of them sat at the dining table and had their breakfast,aaya also  had her breakfast and got ready to accompany Nelia to school. Usually Monica goes up to the car and sees them off, but fear of seeing Madhu she was finding excuses to say bye to them from the dining table itself.

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  She went back to her room to pick up a book to read and remembered that her brother in US wanted a list of items sent to him and has said that he will send her a mail. Monica went to the computer which is in one corner of her large room and switched on, and logged on to her mail. In her mail she couldn't find any mail from her brother but to her surprise found three mails from the same person all are named Madhu. with trembling hands she opened the first there the mail read 'Dear Madam      pl change your pass word immediately ”Love Madhu” She dint know what it meant, she opened the next, which was with attachments and written enjoy them She opened the attachments and picture after picture were changing and displaying on the full screen. Monica didn't know what was happening and didn't even know what she was seeing on the screen is true or not. Her heart was in her throat and her she forgot even to close her mouth watching the pictures on the screen. all those were nude pictures of hers taken in various angles lying on the bed. She could recollect the bed sheet and immediately realised who took them. the quality of pictures was too good and every detail of her body are visible in them in fact she could find some marks on her body which she herself has never noticed and needed to recheck them in conformation. Monica closed the window and immediately checked her email details and changed her pass word now realizing why she was advised so in the previous mail. Dilip is aware of her password, though he does not open her mail she couldn't take any chances of him looking into this mail in particular. She opened the third mail and found that a video  is attached to it.  she opened the clipping and to her surprise she could see how Madhu carried her to the bed in his arms and making her comfortable how he kissed her, how he undressed her, how he suck onto her lips and how he suck her breasts. She was undergoing fear and excitement while she was watching the video. She also saw how he prepared her for shaving her pussy and how he kissed it .

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   her pussy started oozing looking at it ,but her anger is mounting as to how dare  a driver could do all this to her. she also saw him undress and looking at his strong hard ,thick, long tool she choked and realized why her pussy is still paining even after 24hours. Madhu s tool was two inches longer then Dilip’s and double the thick, and was looking like a hard iron rod, unlike Dilip’s which looks delicate and nice. She was scared looking at it. She saw the entire episode and now she could recollect and put the split memories into place and understand what exactly happened. Monica was surprised for more then anything to see how her body was cooperating him in the proses. For a person watching the bit will fell or understand that every thing happening there is done with consent only. She could not believe what her body was subjected too, and how it cooperated in responding the movement. . by the time the clip was over her body was drenched in sweat in spite of the AC working at full blast. Her panty too was fully drenched with the oozing and she felt absolutely weak. Monica switched off the computer and went into the wash to freshen up. She had to change into  fresh panties and she washed her face and came back to the room and sat on her bed with her heart beating at a high pace.  Her eyes are full and wanted to cry out loud and confess her fate to some one. But she has none other then Dilip.

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  she put her face to her pillow and cried a loud for a while. Sat up and started thinking, now what to do, weather to complain to Dilip or not, how will he react. Will he accept her as earlier, don’t know, she has her own doubts. He is not the types who can accept such ideas. Monica locked her room main door and opened the mail on her computer and opened the video mail She ran the entire video once again and watched very cool the entire clip. Her inner thigh started becoming wet and her body turned hot. She was wondering how Madhu could have put the entire large tool into her. How could she take it, will it give more satisfaction or more pain. She laughed to herself for her thoughts going from fear to pleasure. She couldn't believe her own mind. She switched off the computer and came out of her room to the drawing room. Next few days went by, she kept Dilip away from her pussy to avoid him realizing of its new attire. She allowed him to play with the rest of her body and pleasured him without sex. The third day Madhu called her on her mobile in the morning when Dilip was in the wash. He asked 'MADAM DID YOU WATCH THE VIDEO' HOW DO YOU LIKE IT.


  ; Without waiting for her reply he told her to ask for the car to go out shopping. Madam pl do as I say to avoid Saab seeing the videos. she wanted to say’ no’ to him, before she could say that he cut the line. Dilip came out of wash and got ready and asked her to organize breakfast as he has to go to office early to attend a meeting with the workers. Monica did not have time to talk to him, he had his breakfast and left the car for Nelia to be drooped in school, and drove away in his Merck. Madhu waiting outside thought that Monica asked for the car. Madhu called again on Monica's mobile and thanked her, again giving no time for her to answer and asked her to get ready and come along Nelia baby to school. Monica followed instructions like a timid dear. She got ready in her pink Mysore silk sari with matching blouse and got into the car along with Nelia and Aaya. Her mind now stopped thinking totally. She was absolutely blank.  Monica sat back and watched Aaya escort Nelia into the school and waved at her. Madhu got in and said no word except drove the car fast towards his favorite den.  Madhu opened the garage door with the remote while Monica sat stunned in the back seat. Madhu pulled the car into the garage and closed the door of the garage with the remote.

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   He got down and switched on a light as it was dark, and came around and held the car door open for Monica to get down, and said 'please madam'. Monica was so scared she got out like a puppet and followed him to the door . Madhu closed the door behind them as both of them entered the room. Madhu took off his drivers cap and jacket and dumped them on the chair nearby. . the AC has been running and the room is cold and comfortable. Madhu held Monica in his hands and walked her to the bed and made her sit on it . Monica tried to wiggle out but failed . Madhu took the remote and stared playing the TV and VCR. Monica could see a larger version of the same clip she saw in her computer. Madhu came close to her and with his both hands under her arms made her stand and hugged her tight and took her lips into his and started sucking them to glory like a hungry hyena. Monica stood still in his arms without any resistance. Madhu split with her for a moment and removed the vest the only costume on his chest and held Monica's face to it and held it tight. Monica could feel the swollen chest hard and strong. ’ to admit the truth she felt nice’, the change compared to Dilip’s soft chest ,this was strong and felt safe and unknown pleasure ran through her.

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   Monica did not realize when Madhu opened the clips on her sari and ,was surprised to see it fall to the floor as he parted a little from her. Madhu took Monica s lips this time fully into his and going bonkers with the taste of those thin wonderful lips. Madhu released a hand of his and unbuttoned Monica s blouse and released the hook on her bra. . Madhu pulled both the bra and the blouse of her and drooped them both to the floor.  Monica un consciously put her both hands around Madhu and held him, so as to avoid his gaze on her naked top. While she was in mid s of this confusion Madhu pulled open her knot on her petticoat, which instantly joined the sari on the floor.  Now Monica was in his arms absolutely naked accept for her panties. . Madhu raised her in his arms and laid her on the bed. Monica felt shy and curled up into a ball . and was looking at Madhu with timid eyes. Madhu was standing next to the bed with his underwear, and Monica could notice a huge bulge in it he stood facing Monica and slowly pulled of his underwear. Monica looked at his tool unbelieving, she could not believe that any human could be having such huge tool, it s almost double the size both in thickness and length compared to Dilip’s. Her mouth opened in disbelief, and realized why she had so much pain in her pussy the last time.

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  Madhu bent down and straightened her legs and pulled of her only costume. Madhu sat next to Monica on the bed and started massaging one of her breasts while he started sucking on the other. . Madhu stretched along side Monica on the bed and with one hand started caressing her mound. Madhu ran his fingers along the lips of her pussy and massaged the surface before he inserted a finger into her love hole. Monica jerked and rapped her self around him. he slowly massaged her clit and entered his finger deeper it her opening which by now is oozing fluids. Monica stretched her legs apart and made more room for Madhu to finger her. Monica in trance pulled Madhu on to her and took his lips into hers and was sucking them in a trance. Madhu in turn released the other hand from her boobs and pulled out a bottle of Vaseline from the draw and applied generously all over his tool. Now with both the hands he held both her thighs in the air and spread them as much as they can and put his rock hard tool at the opening of her hole. Monica could not hold her self and moved further. Only the head of his tool could enter her. That entry itself was pleasantly painful to Monica and was in a different world. Madhu very slowly and steadily was moving his tool into her knowing how delicate and tender she is.

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   Though it took some time he could mange pushing him into her fully a while later without causing much pain. Monica was feeling full of him inside and felt that the tip of his tool reached her throat through her belly. She couldn't believe the fact which is in front of her eyes that giant tool which she saw a while ago is fully inside her. The thought itself was watering her hole and all her inner walls gave away there stiffness and were emitting her love fluids. This made Madhu's job easier and the inner walls which were holding his tool like a tight jacket started releasing, allowing him to slowly commence moment. Madhu moved in after pulling out and increased the in out movement. As he increased the pace Monica stretched her self allowing him a free movement. Now he pulled his tool almost out of her and pushed in with all his pressure. Monica could feel him invent and reach newer depths in her and was enjoying the encounter. Monica hugged Madhu tight to her chest while she lifted both her legs into the air above. Madhu now was in the heights of pleasure and was moving like a locomotive moving fast towards its destination. Monica must have come n number of times by now and was fully wet inside and was feeling weak . Madhu also couldn't hold himself any longer and finally plunged himself into her and shot out his load into her at a very high pitch. Monica could feel the hot load filling her and experienced the highest pleasure in her life.  

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