
My Life With Paul - part 1


My name is Claire, I'm thirty five years old, with medium length blonde hair, blue eyes and five feet three inches tall. I'd say that I'm solidly built, without being fat, doing a lot of horse riding when younger and thirty four 'd' cup boobs.

This story begins about seven years ago when I was living in a small town in the north of England. At that point in time I'd been married for nearly ten years to my, then husband Paul. I'd not begin to suggest that I was unhappy with my life, he was a very well paid Accountant, working half from home, the rest of the time from an office in town. I'd do a lot of secretarial work for him at the busiest times of the year but had enough time to what I wanted to. Married life began normally enough, we had what I thought was a great sex life, taking every opportunity we had to make love but as time went on we became more experimental and quite daring. We'd go out with friends, Paul would give me a look and we'd go somewhere more private for a quickie but before we returned to their company, he'd insist that I'd leave off my bra, underwear and tights if I'd been wearing any. I won't lie, it was incredibly exciting at the time, feeling his cum dribbling out of me as I sat talking, knowing that my hardened nipples were easily visible through my top and that they'd been noticed by our friends.

We reached a stage where Paul and I would make love less and less, more and more he'd like to undress me or to watch me strip and he'd watch me masturbate. We were no less risqué when out though, he'd still give me his look and we'd hurry elsewhere but instead of full blown sex, very occasionally I'd give him a blow job and he'd cum on my tits but more oftenthan not he'd eat me out.

Then, one night on the way home, he told me to undress and touch myself. Although it was dark, I got looks of amazement as we were stopped at traffic lights. At the end of our journey though, I was unsure as to whether I should refuse but Paul suggested I walk from the car to the front door naked, however, I did as he instructed but he took his time collecting my clothing together and then to open the house for me to go inside, my heart pounding as I wondered whether any neighbours had seen me.

A few weeks later, we went shopping at one of the big mall's close by, he'd asked me to put on a very short skirt, no underwear, fairly high heeled shoes, bare legs, blouse and bra. As we shopped, he was getting me to bend over a lot, picking up items off low shelves but at least when I looked at him he'd got a massive bulge in his trousers.

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   With our shopping completed and back to the car-park, which was virtually full by then, I sat down in the passenger seat. Immediately he told me to take off my shoes, our doors still open, then unbutton my blouse and take it off, followed by my bra and finally my skirt. He lay back the drivers seat, undid his trousers, took out his cock. Without hesitation, I went to work licking an sucking him, taking it deeper and deeper into my mouth, all the time hearing shoppers walk by our open car, either offering encouragement or disgust at what they saw. It was no quick job though, Paul wanted to last but eventually, with his knob down my throat he came with one of the biggest orgasms he'd ever had. Needless to say, I was naked for the entire journey home, once there, again I was to go to the front door with nothing on but this time, Paul went to the back door, leaving me standing in full view for at least five minutes.

Things then developed, to where he'd pick out clothes for me to wear, skirts would get shorter and shorter, tops a lot tighter, lower or more revealing, Paul seemed to get very satisfied by his or our friends ogling me but despite me sleeping nude and him watching me finger myself to orgasm, it was a rarity to see him with an erection, he was fucking me, maybe, twice a month.

I was far from unhappy, I enjoyed the risk taking, masturbating for him was great fun and on the occasions where we'd have sex I was more than satisfied. I'd never been on the pill or used birth control of any description, we'd always planned to have children but as the years went by I simply accepted the chances of being made pregnant were pretty remote, sex always seemed to come at the wrong point in my cycle.

We developed a group of friends that we'd see once or twice a week, including Paul and I, there were five couples, three of which had got children but we'd go out as a group or the guys would go out together and very occasionally, just us girls. The men were all big Rugby fans, televised England internationals were big events for them and as we had the biggest TV, they'd always watch them at our house, it'd be that I was their waitress for the day, making sure they'd plenty to eat and that their beer glasses were never empty. The way the matches fell, it meant we'd have a full house, five weekends out of seven.

I'd not thought anything of it but the longer we knew them the more familiar the guys got with me, suggestive comments, touching me at every opportunity, kisses that went beyond friendly, I simply ignored what was happening and Paul didn't seem to mind, in fact, he encouraged it.

Paul and I had been sexless for at least three months when the next group of Rugby internationals came around. I was going crazy, I wanted sex, masturbating at every opportunity but always wanted more.


   The day of the first match arrived, I had a shower as normal and went back to the bedroom to get dressed. To my surprise Paul had laid out clothes for me on the bed, before I had chance to say anything, he quipped that I always did a great job as a waitress I might as well dress the part. There was a white thong, a lacy push up bra, very short frilly black skirt, white stockings leaving enough of my thighs visible to tease the guys and red blouse that he insisted I tie up to reveal my stomach to above my belly button, oh, of course, don't forget the high heeled shoes. I must admit, when I saw myself in the full length mirror, I thought I looked somewhat tarty but at the same time, felt incredibly sexy knowing I'd be getting lots of attention that afternoon.

Not long after the guys started to arrive, a lot earlier than they would have normally, I'd not even prepared any of the food, so, went straight into the kitchen and got straight to work. One by one they turned up, first, Dave, then Adam and Tony and finally Steve, all came into the kitchen to say hello, passing comments as to how good I looked. When Steve arrived, Paul's closest friend, he came straight up behind me, wrapped his arms around my body to pull me tight against him, kissing my neck and cupping my left boob, squeezing with his left hand. I was certain his cock was hard, feeling it as it pressed against my arse and as I turned around, in shock, with my mouth open, he put his to mine, snogging me hard. As I broke free, Paul was stood there grinning mischievously.

They started drinking not long after, I guessed that it was going to be a long afternoon if they'd be drinking the whole time, I'd need to keep my wits about me. Each time I went past one of them their hands would be under my skirt groping my arse, as my thong covered very little, they would be clutching at my bare flesh.

The game finally kicked off, their attention focussed on the action, almost forgetting about me. I took the time to relax and have some time to myself but then I heard them getting rowdy, the match wasn't as good as they hoped and called for more drinks. With a hint of dread I put my shoes back on and headed to the TV room but before I could ask what they wanted, Steve exclaimed, "this game is shit . .

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  . . . We need some proper entertainment . . . . . . . . I think Claire should do a striptease for us".

Paul laughed and said, "I don't think so guys . . .

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  . . . . . . . . . . But . . . . .

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  . . I have another thing we can play".

There was a silence of anticipation, he'd already turned off the TV, he continued, "I'll sort out the music . . . . . . . . . . The four of you can play pass the parcel".

A unified cry of, "what the hell are you on about!" Followed by Steve saying, "pass the parcel .

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  . . . . . Pass the parcel with what . . . . . . . We have nothing to open".

With a chuckle, Paul retorted, "oh yes you do . .

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  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What about Claire!"

I was horrified, the door had been closed by Paul, there was no escape and as he and Steve held me, the other three adjusted the furniture so the four guys could sit in a circle and pass me around.

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   They quickly made up a few rules, of which there was, effectively only one, when the music stopped, I'd be held and the guy who I'd ended with would take off one piece of my clothing. I made an effort to protest but if I'm honest, I was turned on a bit too, I knew all four of them fancied me, maybe I'd get to see them too.

They did a series of coin tosses to see on who's lap I'd start, Dave was the lucky winner but there was a caveat as to the order, which went: Dave, Tony, Steve and finally Adam but I wasn't told what that was, that and the order was for later.

Dave held me tightly, sat on his lap, an obvious bulge pressing into my arse. Paul, looking away, started the music, the guys, lifting and passing me one to the other until the music stopped with me in Adam's hands. Steve and Tony took hold of me whilst Adam decided which piece of clothing was going to be removed first. His choice was my blouse, undoing my buttons before pulling it off my arms. They all whooped at the sight of my boobs trying to burst out of my bra and hard nipples showing through the lacy material. The music was started again, this time as they passed me one to the other they all took it upon themselves to grope my tits through my bra. Silence, the lucky one was Steve and to my surprise his choice was my right shoe.

I was beginning to think the whole thing had been pre planned, the guys were nowhere near as drunk as they should have been, considering they'd been at it for at least three hours and were most definitely in charge of their senses. The music started again but was stopped quickly, Dave won and removed my other shoe but before Paul started the music, he said, "next time the music stops . . . .

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  . . . . . . As well as a piece of clothing . . . . . . . . .

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   The winner can snog Claire for thirty seconds". To my surprise, my thong was getting wetter by the second, I was very turned on. The guys whooped excitedly as the music began again, hands still groping my body as I was passed effortlessly around the circle, they were getting frustrated, I was well into the third circuit before the CD was paused, landing on Adam's lap. He cheered with delight, his erection obvious, feeling it pressing into me and without hesitation, unclipped my bra, throwing it eagerly to the floor.

I must admit, for somebody of my age, I'm proud to say that my boobs do not sag and got a real buzz from the reaction of the guys at seeing me topless but before they had chance to grope them Paul announced the prize for the next winner. Of course, I'd be losing another piece of clothing but then, the guys either side of me would be able to suck one of my nipples for thirty seconds.

By then my breathing was fairly heavy, my nipples felt like they were going to explode and my thong drenched. Once more the music blared away, each guy taking his opportunity to squeeze my tits before passing me onto the next, twice around the circle I went until as I landed on Steve the pause button was pressed. My heart was beating as he removed my skirt and took a firm grip on my arms. David was to my right, Tony the left, them eying my nipples as Paul asked if they were ready, followed by, time starts now. They went to work quickly, sucking, licking, biting and pulling, no subtle seduction, I was being ravaged and have to admit, any more attention on my breasts and I'd have cum there and then, so was a little disappointed when Paul shouted stop.

All I had left on was my thong, given how wet it was, my trimmed pussy hair and lips were clearly visible and stockings, three more rounds and I'd be naked. What would happen then, all four guys were fully hard, the atmosphere was sexually charged.

No sooner had the music started than it was stopped, being passed just twice, to land on Adam. He kissed my neck and whispered, "what shall I take off Claire" and with those words began rubbing my pussy through my sodden thong, my body tensing involuntarily, responding to him with a pleasurable moan.


   I couldn't hide how turned on I was and anted to be fucked there and then, I needed to be fucked but as the guys laughed he slowly peeled off my left stocking and as he held me, Steve sucked on my bare toes.

Their seduction was interrupted by Paul starting up the music again, each guy taking Adam's lead, not only squeezing my breasts but taking a moment to rub my pussy. I wasn't sure how much more I could take, my insides were pulsating out of control, most definitely on the verge of an orgasm. I wondered if Paul had ever told them how much I squirted when I came, if not, they were in for a bit of a shock. Round and round the circle I travelled, twice, three times and then four, landing on Tony. Without ceremony, off came my other stocking, the two either side of me holding my arms as he put his hand inside my thong to tease my clit mercilessly. My body was writhing out of control but to my surprise Dave pulled off my thong, just in time, my body tensed, breathing stopped, an instant later, my pussy gushing out squirt after squirt of cum.

I slumped, almost with relief as my orgasm began to subside, relieved that I was, at last naked, thinking that I'd be let go but Tony lifted me up, carrying me to the table where Paul was sitting, Dave and Steve held my arms out in front of me, my heart sinking as Paul pulled out a set of handcuffs and ties. My wrists were cuffed together, tied to the far side of the table so I was face down and legs spread, tied to the table legs.

Paul sat in front of me, smiling as I looked at him, struggling to no avail to free myself but there was no escape, hearing jeans being removed behind me, as I strained to see, there was Steve, bottomless, his cock fully erect and twitching, so guessed the other three were too. My attention was taken by Paul's next instructions, "the rules are . . . . .

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  . Thirty seconds each . . . . . . . Dave first . . . . . . .


  . . Then Tony . . . . . Then Steve . . . . . . . .

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  . . Then Adam . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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  . If anyone cums . . . . . . . . . . . . They're out".

So it began, Paul, stopwatch in hand and to my surprise, now naked and fully hard, Dave coming up behind me, pushing his cock effortlessly into my, still throbbing pussy.

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   I couldn't help moaning as he began to pump in and out with a long slow rhythm, all too quickly his time was over. No sooner had he withdrawn than Tony had taken his place, his cock feeling thicker, my pussy throbbing hard, he held still, enjoying the sensation of being inside me, eventually moving slowly.

Tony withdrew, Steve stepped up to take his turn but before he put his cock inside me, there was a loud slap and burning sensation from my arse as he hit me, my body tensed, vagina contracting and releasing violently, followed by the sound of my juices trickling onto the laminated floor. They all laughed as Steve said, "you're right Paul . . . . . . She does like it" an instant later I felt his cock thrusting hard, drawing out slowly, then thrusting in hard again as I moaned in response.

Adam was far more subtle, his fingers running up and down my spine, then caressing my body as his long thin shaft slid in and out. Far too quickly the first round was over, I can't deny it, I was loving the attention, it'd been so long since I'd had a cock penetrate me, desperation had taken over, my sense of propriety vanished once the guys started to play pass the parcel with me. As the second round began, I wondered if they'd all cum inside me and could feel the tingling sensation building inside me, my ties allowing my body to push back onto whoever was behind me, responding to each cock.

By the time Steve had slapped me for the third time I knew I was about to cum, he continued to pound me as hard as he could, his balls smacking into me each time, my moans developingto whimpers but still I was relieved as Paul called time and Adam stepped forward. He let his knob prize my lips open gradually, pushing into me slowly, my pussy pulsating harder than ever, once fully inside he withdrew slowly and pushed in faster.

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   By his third push I let out a gasp, my body tensed, vagina clenching hard around his shaft, my eyes clamping shut, I was about to cum. Adam too froze, him exclaiming, "oh my god . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oh fuck .

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  . . . . . . Yes". My vagina relaxed its grip on him, he thrusting hard as Paul called time but Adam was cuming as was I, there's no way he could stop, us both squirting our cum until he slumped on top of me, his balls emptied and as he pulled out it sounded as though I was peeing on the floor.

"Three left . . . . . . .

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  . . . . . Rule change . . . . . . . . . .

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  . . . . . Ninety seconds each", Paul chirped as the others cheered and whooped their approval.

Dave eagerly stepped behind me, not hesitating to slip his cock inside me, pussy lips and clit extremely sensitive, feeling very swollen, every movement heightening the experience. Ninety seconds was much more satisfying, Dave steadily increasing the pace of his rhythm, my body moving in response to his. Time was called, in thrust Tony, starting steadily but as his slot neared its end his motion erred on the more desperate, I was contracting harder and harder, another orgasm building quickly.

There was virtually no break between each guy pulling out and the next going in, so desperate were they to continue fucking me. Once more Steve slapped me before thrusting his cock into my pussy and knowing I was about to climax once more, I hoped I'd not do it with him fucking me, for some reason I disliked how he interacted with me. As soon as he was inside me, like Tony, his movements took on an air of desperation as his ninety seconds ticked by, thrusting harder and harder. I was concentrating on not allowing myself to respond, then with a grunt I felt him begin to spew spurt after spurt of his cum deep inside my pussy ignoring Paul's effort of calling time.

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  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Can you guys take four minute turns", Paul quipped as he looked into my eyes realising that I was loving what was going on despite my early protestation.



Before Steve's cum had chance to trickle out, Dave's cock was inside me fucking steadily and as I relaxed my concentration so my pussy awoke, pulsating violently, my hips instinctively responding, within thirty seconds I was cuming harder than ever but still he moved relentlessly and forcing his hands under me to squeeze my breasts, bending over to lick and kiss my neck. My legs felt unbearably weak, I knew I'd not be able to stand, let alone walk in this state. Dave was enjoying every second of his four minutes, sucking on my neck, pinching my nipples and letting his cock slide effortlessly in and out of me well lubricated hole.

Time was called, Tony stepped up, the sound of trickling on the floor preceded the sensation of his cock entering me. I let out a pained gasp, lips and clit now so swollen and sensitive, their attention was beginning to hurt, each movement radiating shock-waves through my body. My pussy was contracting and releasing in violent spasms, each contraction feeling as though I'd climax again. Tony was pumping fast and hard, yet still controlled, my eyes clamped shut as yet another orgasm erupted, Steve, Adam and Dave cheered their approval, time was called again. I wasn't sure how much more I could take, it was as though all my strength had been dragged from my body, I thought I could orgasm endlessly before that day but I was wrong, so sensitised was I that another climax was only ever seconds away. Dave was taking his turn to fuck me, faster this time, with far more intensity. I looked at Paul's cock in front of me oozing a steady flow of pre-cum and just as I wondered if he'd be using it in me I felt Dave and I climaxing together. Oh god that was good I thought.

To my surprise Paul immediately unfastened the handcuffs and told the guys to untie my legs. Then he stood up, guiding me around the table, encouraging my mouth to his cock whilst telling Tony to enjoy himself, there was no time limit now. He held my hips as he began fucking me for all he was worth, Paul easing into my mouth gradually and down my throat. I gagged as my body writhed ecstatically through another orgasm, seconds later cum was shooting down my throat, Paul slumping to the floor exhausted.

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   Tony pulled out, turning and lifting me onto the table, immediately re-entering me, taking hold of my ankles, pushing them back beyond my shoulders, fucking me as hard as he could, until, with numerous powerful thrusts he came.

I lay motionless on the table, pussy dribbling for what seemed an age, I felt so used and cheap but strangely, at the same time, incredibly sexy as the guys talked about the experience and extremely satisfied. It was some time before I sat up and looked at them, by which time they'd all dressed, apart from Paul who was still naked, I smiled and said goodbye, calmly walking out of the room for a long hot bath and by the time I returned they'd all gone home to their wives.

Paul never mentioned what had happened despite the two of us talking for ages that night, life was just as before. I met the guys wives later in the week, the atmosphere seemed tense but all were polite, saying how oddly sober their husbands were compared to normal. Anita, Steve's wife, however, was more friendly towards me, touching me at every opportunity, when kissing me, her lips lingered longer than normal, it was definitely an awkward night. .


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