
Amy the Exhibitionist - part 3


Amy the Exhibitionist

Part 3

These last few cold, miserable English winter months have been reasonably quiet. I’m really looking forward to some decent weather, flashing weather.

What’s been happening? Well, not a lot, but there have been a few interesting things.

My Breasts
I’m happy to say that my breasts haven’t grown any more. There still nice and firm. Very conical. I don’t want them any bigger otherwise I would have to wear a bra more often, and I don’t want that. Because of the weather my nipples seem to be permanently hard. Lots of the boys at school have noticed and they keep asking me if I’m cold.

My Pussy
I’m still plucking every single hair out just as soon as it’s big enough to get the tweezers on it. I’m saving up to get it permanently removed. The only problem with that is that I will have to let it grow a bit so that the treatment will work.

Unfortunately I haven’t seen my brother since Christmas. I’m really missing my fuckbuddy. I’ve spoken to him on the phone a few times. He’s got a girlfriend who knows about me and is trying to satisfy Ben’s needs.

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Saturday Job
I’ve been dead lucky and managed to get a Saturday job at a clothes shop. The manager is a woman in her early thirties. She’s really nice. She lets me wear the shop stock at work whenever I want. She says that it’s a good advert. I had one young man (early twenties) a couple of weeks ago who wanted to buy a dress for his girlfriend (who wasn’t with him), but he wanted to see what some dresses that he’d picked looked like on someone. He told me that his girlfriend was about my height and weight so he asked me if I could try the dresses on and let me see what they looked like. I went and asked the manager what I should do. She told me that if I was prepared to do it then it was okay with her.

I took the dresses from him and went to the changing rooms. It took me seconds to take-off the top and skirt that I was wearing, leaving me naked, apart from shoes. On went the first dress and I opened the curtain, went out and did a twirl for him. After the third dress I stopped closing the curtain and let him watch me changing. After the fifth dress I pulled him in and closed the curtain. I was so turned-on and wet that I just had to have him.

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Afterwards he had me try two more dresses and a couple of skirts before he finally selected one dress that he bought. Wow, I could do with a few more customers like that.

I often get asked to take some clothes to women who are already in the changing rooms. Whenever I do I never fully close the curtains. Sometimes the women do not finish closing the curtains so whoever is outside gets a bit of a view. Naughty me.

My Boyfriend
Yes, I’ve got one. Pete goes to a different school and I met him at my Saturday job. He was with his now ex girlfriend buying a skirt for her. All the time she was in the changing rooms he was coming on to me. The next Saturday he was back, on his own, saying that he’d dumped her. We went out that night and we’ve been together for about a month now. He just loves my bald pussy and lack of underwear. Only problem is that he keeps telling me to put my legs together or to cross them when I’m sitting down. The only time that I like doing that is when we are fucking and I use my legs to squeeze his cock.

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   I’ve this feeling that I’m going to have to dump Pete soon, there’s no room in my life for a man that tries to tell me what to wear or when to not flash my pussy.

Katie and her family
At half-term I had a 2 night sleepover at Katie’s. Tom (14) came into the bathroom the first morning when I was in the shower (I never lock bathroom doors). He asked if he could watch me and looked very disappointed when I said, ‘no’. Instead I told him to get his PJs off and get into the shower with me. He didn’t need to be told twice. His little hard-on pointing to the ceiling. After about 18 seconds I grabbed his cock and guided it into my pussy. He lasted about 30 seconds before I felt that warm feeling of cum getting deposited in me.

Katie’s Dad came into the bathroom that night just after I’d had a pee. I was naked and about to get in the shower. He was full of apologies saying that didn’t think that there was anyone in there and that he’d intended to have a shower so I suggested that we shared. We did, and I gave him a blow-job. God has he got a big, hard cock, I thought that I was going to choke.

Katie and Tom do the same as me when it comes to bed time.

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   That is, get ready for bed then come back downstairs and watch a bit more TV before going to bed. I’d taken my nightie with me just for that purpose. I didn’t get to lay on the floor like I do at home so Tom or his Dad couldn’t look at my legs right up to my ass; but from where we sat on the sofa I caught both Tom and his Dad looking up my nightie. Needless to say that I kept my legs open just enough so that they could see my puss.

When it comes time to go to bed, Katie always gives her Mum and Dad a goodnight kiss. I did the same. I had to be careful because I didn’t want to flash Katie’s Mum but I made sure that I positioned myself so that Katie’s Dad or Tom got a great view of my ass or tits.

Katie and me slept in Katie’s bed. Both nights Katie started off in PJs, with me naked. Each night it was less than 18 minutes before Katie’s PJs were off and we were exploring each other’s bodies. Katie has started shaving most of her pubic hair off. She’s just got this little ‘landing strip’. God, I love playing with her pussy and going down on her; and what she can do with her tongue is amazing.

Katie keeps asking me if we are lesbians. Each time I tell her that we are definitely not.

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Katie’s Mum and Dad were at work each day so that left the three of us alone. Since I last had a sleepover at Katie’s, Katie hasn’t gone out of her way to flash Tom so I did my best to put that right. The first morning both Katie and me went down for breakfast just wearing a towel. They covered everything - just. Katie’s Mum and Dad both leave for work early so there was just the 3 of us.

I steered the conversation to flashing and when Tom came in I went behind Katie, grabbed her arms and told Tom to grab her towel. Tom didn’t need a second invite and (despite her screams) Katie was naked in seconds. I kept hold of Katie while Tom got a good look. Katie was begging me to let her go. Eventually I told her that I would, IF she opened her legs and let Tom touch her pussy. She agreed (eventually) and Tom had a good grope. I let her go but she didn’t run away. She just stood there and let Tom get on with it. After a while Katie went red, pulled away and ran out of the kitchen. I went after her and asked her what was wrong.

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   Eventually she admitted that she was about to cum and didn’t want to with Tom there.

The next morning I persuaded Katie to go for breakfast with us both wearing only
towels again. This time though, the tables were turned on me. What I didn’t know
was that Tom and Katie had planned a surprise for me. As we were eating breakfast
the door bell rang. It was Kieran, one of Tom’s friends. I’d seen him around school with Tom, but never spoken to him. Tom brought Kieran into the dining room and waited until Katie and me had finished our breakfast. I was a little suspicious when they cleared the table.

The 3 of them then grabbed me and lay me on my back on the table. From nowhere some rope appeared and my wrists and ankles were tied to the corners of the table. In the scuffle both Katie and me lost our towels. I wasn’t in a position to do anything about it, but Katie was; but she didn’t. She stayed naked and wasn’t at all fazed when Kieran started staring at both of us naked girls.

It didn’t take long for me to accept the position that I was in and stopped struggling.

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   The 3 of them just stood there for ages until I said, “Well, now that you’ve got me like this what are you going to do with me?” Katie said that this was revenge for what happened to her the morning before. She wrapped a towel round herself then said to the boys, “There she is, do whatever you want to her. ” I shouted, “No, Katie, please don’t let them hurt me. Just looking at me naked is enough. ” Katie just smiled and said to the boys, “Go on then. ”

The 2 boys looked at each other then Tom moved closer and put a hand on my left breast. My nipples were hard before, but as soon as his finger touched my nipple it went even harder and I felt a twinge in my puss. Kieran joined in and they both groped my tits and pussy. Tom asked Kieran if he’d ever eaten a pussy before. Kieran looked puzzled and Tom told him what to do. He wasn’t very good and didn’t do anything with my clit. Even so, I could feel an orgasm building in me. Tom took over and it wasn’t long before I was cumming. As I came down from my high I looked over at Katie to see that she had a big grin on her face. “Fuck her then!” she said.

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Tom went first and it wasn’t long before I felt him cum in me. Just as Kieran put his little cock in me the door bell rang. Katie and me both looked at each other and Katie said, “Shit, who the fuck can that be?” Tom said that it would be Harry and Declan, 2 more of his class mates. I asked Tom how many more he’d invited. When he said, “None,” I said, “Being gang-banged by 4 18 year olds is bad enough, I don’t want the whole class here. ”

Katie said, “Come on Amy, you’re enjoying it, I know you are. ” She was right, I was. It was different to the session I’d had with Ben’s friends at the swimming pool at the University. I’d been a bit scared then, they’d all been bigger and older. These were just 18 year olds and (even though I was tied down) I did feel as though I was in control. Anyway, Harry and Declan came into the room, one of them saying, “Wow!” and the other saying, “Fucking hell Tom, you weren’t kidding. What a fucking great pair of tits, and look at that cunt. I can’t wait to fuck that. ” And they did.

I lost count of how many times each of them fucked me, and I must have cum about 6 times.


   They even wanked and shot their loads over my face. I was a sweaty, knackered mess by the time they’d finished. I was amazed at how quickly after cumming the could get hard again.

At one point I looked over to Katie to see that her right hand was under the front of her towel, and the expression on her face told me that she was taking care of an itch!

When they eventually left me alone they just walked out of the room leaving me there. Katie had to untie me. As I slid off the table my legs nearly gave way on me. I was a mess and needed a shower. After the shower I went and lay on Katie’s bed and fell asleep. When I woke up Katie was sat on the side of the bed looking down at my still naked body. She still hadn’t got dressed. She put a hand on my pubes and said, “Ready for some more?” I just said, “Mmmm” and opened my legs. We had a very enjoyable 69 before we finally got dressed about 3 o-clock.

Tom and his mates were out when we went downstairs. When Tom eventually returned I told him that him and his mates had better not tell anyone what had happened. I reminded him that they had virtually raped me and they would be in big trouble if anyone ever found out.

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Back at school the following week I went bright red when I saw the 4 boys. They all had big smiles on their faces.

I had another sleepover at Katie’s a couple of weeks later. Katie’s Mum had had to go away to look after her mother who was quite sick. When Katie invited me I started planning a few things. During the afternoon I made excuses to go to Katie’s bedroom on my own. I hid all of her pyjamas so when it came to the time to get ready for bed Katie had a bit of a problem. I had already stripped and put my nightie on. When Katie told me that she couldn’t find her PJs I suggested that she borrowed one of her Dad’s T Shirts. After a few seconds thought she went off and came back with one. She put it on and we went downstairs.

Television was crap and we were all talking and joking. I started tickling both Katie and Tom and it wasn’t long before all 3 of us kids were messing about. I wanted it to get a bit rough so I started jumping on top of them to tickle them. What I was hoping would happen did.


   We all ended up on the floor tickling each other. Both Katie’s and my T shirts were up around our waists. I glanced at both Tom and his Dad. Yep, they had both realised what they could see but I kept going so that they got a long look.

It took a couple of minutes for Katie to realise that both her brother and father could see just about all of her naked body. She stopped, got up and sat on the sofa. Her face was red. Things settled down and Katie’s Dad changed channel to something that was almost interesting.

After a while Tom went to bed. I left it a few minutes and said that I needed to go to the toilet. I went straight to Tom’s room and walked straight in. He was laid on his bed wanking. I put my finger to my mouth to tell him to keep quiet as I walked over to him and put my mouth over his little cock. I only stayed there for couple of seconds cos I didn’t want him to cum yet. I then climbed on to of him and lowered myself down onto him.

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   I went up and down on him until his face told me that he was about to cum. I pressed down as he shot his load in me. I left him with a nice smile on his face.

Back downstairs I sat opposite Katie’s Dad and let him look at my puss for a while before Katie and me went to bed.

It didn’t take long for Katie and me to get into the 9 position and enjoy each other. Katie said that I was wetter than normal but I didn’t tell her why. Eventually with both of us still naked, Katie went to sleep, but I forced myself to stay awake.

After a while I got up and crept out of Katie’s room and shut the door. Naked I went downstairs to get a drink. I was in the kitchen having the drink when Katie’s Dad walked in. He was naked and very hard. Nothing was said, as he bent me over the kitchen table and had his evil way (ha!) with me.

I crept back to bed leaving Katie’s bedroom door wide open.

I woke up before Katie and gently pulled the quilt off us and onto the floor. I pretended to be still asleep and waited for Tom or his Dad to get up.

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   His Dad was first and I heard him stop outside Katie’s room. I opened my eyes and waved him in. He walked to the bed looking down at the 2 naked 18 year old girls. After a couple of minutes he took his smile and hard-on out. About 5 minutes Tom stood at the door staring at us. I decided that it was time for Katie to wake up so I put my hand between her legs and started playing with her clit. It wasn’t long before Katie moaned and opened her eyes. She looked at me, told me that it was nice, then saw Tom. Her legs quickly closed and she turned over.

I pulled the quilt over us and we talked for ages. I also made her cum with my fingers. Just after that, her Dad knocked on the door and told us that he had to go out for a couple of hours. We heard him go out then Tom came in with 2 cups of tea. He was obviously after something and his trousers told us what. I kept him talking while under the quilt my hand was getting Katie worked up again.

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   As Katie got more and more worked up I gently pulled the quilt off us.

Tom just stood there staring and us.

Katie was close to cumming and I told her to close her eyes. She did. I motioned to Tom to strip and get on the bed. He did and I motioned him to get between her legs. She was too far gone to realise or care that her brother was about to fuck her. I started kissing her as Tom entered her. They both came quickly. As she started to come down from her high she realised that there was someone else there. She opened her eyes to see her brother still inside her. She pushed him off and shouted at him to get out.

Katie looked at me with murder on her mind. I smiled at her and said, “Go on, admit it, you enjoyed that didn’t you?” There was silence for ages before she quietly said, “yes. ” I hugged her then flicked one of her nipples.

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   After a while I told her that it was time for me to confess as well. I told her everything that had happened. She called me a devious cow and then told me that because I’d fucked her Dad, she was going to try to fuck my Dad. I wished her good luck cos I’ve been trying to get him to fuck me for months.

My Dad
Mum’s still working the early and late shifts at the supermarket, but not as many days. That means that my Dad teasing doesn’t happen as often. On the nights that Mum is at work I just about always end up laying on the floor between my Dad’s chair and the TV watching TV before going to bed. I lay on my stomach with my knees slightly apart, wearing only a nightie (a men’s extra large ‘V’ neck T-shirt) and my right hand is usually underneath me playing with my pussy. Whenever Dad sees me there he always comes and sits on his chair supposedly watching TV but I know that he’s watching the fingers of my right hand getting me very wet. A few times I’ve gone over the edge and had to squeeze my legs together and grit my teeth to try to hide the orgasm. Cos Dad has to get up early he usually goes to bed before me. Thankfully he tells me me’s going to bed before he gets up and I jump up to give him a good night kiss. That’s when he gets a flash of even more of me.

Sometimes the nightie doesn’t fall to its full length before I sit on his lap to kiss him. That often leaves a wet patch on his trousers.

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   It’s the low-cut neck of the nightie that lets him have a good look at my tits. Sometimes, because it’s so big, one side falls down my arm and one of my breasts gets a lot of exposure, sometimes a nipple too. It’s while I’m on his lap that I talk to him about anything that I can think of just to let him look for longer; and to let me feel his hard-on for longer.

I’ve given-up hope of him trying to fuck me.

Dare Games
Katie dared me to wear a remote controlled vibe while I was working. No problem I thought. I was sure that I could manage to get through a day at work with a little vibe inside me. After all, it wouldn’t be switched on, and who was going to be around with the control to switch it on. Everything went fine until after my lunch break.

I was right in the middle of taking some money off a woman and the vibe suddenly kicked-in. The shock made me gasp and the customer asked me if I was okay. What could I say? I couldn’t say that my vibrator had just been switched on. As soon as I’d finished serving that woman I looked all round for Katie, cursing her for coming into town when she said that she wasn’t. I couldn’t see her anywhere. I even walked outside to see if she was out there.

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I managed to serve 2 more customers before I had to ask the manager if someone else could do the till for a while saying that I wasn’t feeling too well.

The vibe went off about 18 minutes later and I managed to go and work normally (except for my juices that were seeping down the inside of my thighs).

Anyway, about an hour later is happened again. This time I was putting some new stock on the racks. I got some funny looks from the customers as I struggled to keep a straight face and not shake too much. It didn’t stop for about 30 minutes. During that time I didn’t get much work done, but I did have 2 orgasms and I got asked twice if I was okay.

Katie denied having been into town so I still don’t know who did what to get the vibe going. I wonder if they knew what they were doing.

Katie has lined-up a few dares for me to do when the weather get warmer.
They are: -

Wearing just a loose fitting summer dress and do cartwheels and handstands in the park when there are quite a few people about.

Run from Katie’s home to my home, naked. In a way I want this to be during daylight hours.

Wear a vibe for a full day – at school. I bet that she chooses the remote control one so that she can really make me suffer.

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Find a photographers club and volunteer to pose for them. I told her that if I do find a club then we’ll both have to pose for them. She’s says that she’s beginning to regret making that dare, but secretly I think she’s hoping that I find a club.

The only dare that I’ve thought of for Katie to do (so far) is for her to not wear knickers at school for a week.

I’ve promised to do 3 of her dares for her doing 1 of mine.

Anyone out there think of some more dares for me to do?

Old Misery Guts
I’ve moved into Ben’s old bedroom. It’s bigger, has the computer in it, and the window is bigger and closer to old Misery Guts house. I re-arranged things a bit so that old Misery Guts gets a good view of the bed, and me when I’m working on the PC. As always, I never close the curtains and usually get naked as soon as I go through the door.

My short skirts and protruding nipples are still the talk of the school. Some of the girls hate me and call me all sorts of names. I just laugh at them. I know that the are jealous cos they either haven’t got the guts to do wear the same clothes, or that they are so fat that they would look really stupid in a short skirt.

The boys have got a new PE teacher who’s quite dishy. He spends a lot of time chatting to the girls and I reckon that he’s fucking some of them.

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   He’s stared at me quite a lot but hasn’t made a move yet. I’ve seen him checking the showers a couple of times after the girls have used them. I think that I’ll have to work out a plan for him to see me naked in there sometime.

More to cum – maybe!




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Apart from top-quiality escort services during the day time, our attractive escort rouges can definitely provide unforgettable escort at night, when no one sees you. My word, you could never imagine such an amazing lechery.
Fascinating hotties from Escort Nantes originate from various countries. Hereby, you are welcome to select from America, Europe, Asia, Middle East Countries, Africa, Latin Countries and many others. Just specify your interest and we will take care of the rest. Provide your personal details in the registration form and you will be granted with direct access to our catalogues of escort hotties. You can customize your search with help of diversified categories. Feel free to select standard, VIP, diamond and other categories of escort services based on your budget., as they possess the most relevant methods. Hereby, feel free to make your dreams come true with help of dick-sucking, escort massage, cosplays, roleplay, BDSM, sex toys, butt-banging, handjobs, footjobs, pissing, group sex and many others. Our whores will surely do their very best to satisfy you.

Reliability of Escort Barranquilla Services

All the private records are treated with maximum care to ensure that it remains totally secure regardless of anything. High-quality escort services and absolute safety of operations attract new clients to Escort Burgas every day. Hence, don’t waste a single minute anymore and unveil the unforgettable pleasures of Escort Fredrikstad and meet its gorgeous hotties, because you will surely like that!