
The making of a critical heir part 3


These stories are written from my heart and are what I fantasize about.   I like hearing from like-minded individuals especially women who enjoy my thoughts.  
Storyman000@yahoo. com
          This story was inspired by a special someone whom I would like to really get to know better.  
The making of a critical heir
Chapter 3 of 3   8/31/05
     Dinner went well as all three of them found more common ground to know each other better.   Paula sat between her men and just let them talk as she smiled brightly.   The men began discussing the logistics of having and raising the baby when suddenly, Paula began to realize that this was going to be a permanent deal.   More than just being mom and wife, she was going to continue servicing Rob as his wife also.   Almost blushing at these thoughts she could not help but touch her men under the table while they talked.   Dinner began to wind down and the waitress came to the table and asks, "Would anyone care for desert?"  Everyone shook their heads no as Mark replied happily, "No, I don't think so.   We are just celebrating my wife’s pregnancy. "  "Congratulations. "  Was her kind reply as both men looked at the waitress, smiling and said, "Thank you. "  The waitress seemed a little confused but still left them the check.
     On the way home Paula sat in the back seat with Rob as Mark joked about being the chauffeur.   When they arrived at Rob's house, all three of them went inside to make sure that Rob got inside safely.

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    Once Rob was comfortably home Paula turned to him and kissed him deeply, telling him goodbye.   Mark could only stare as this was the first time he had ever seen his wife kiss Rob with such passion.   This image was burned into his mind forever of his beautiful wife and her black lover.
     They were no sooner in the car and on their way home when Paula began to fondle Mark while touching herself.   In their driveway Paula had to compose herself before she could even go inside.   Once the babysitter was sent home Mark locked the house and found his wife already naked waiting for him in their room.    As he approaches the bed it is clear that Paula is just finishing the first of many orgasms.   Mark touches her face softly and her eyes open to see him and she says hoarsely, "Would you like to fuck me now?  I really love you. "  Mark does not reply but smiles and begins a night of complete lust and passion with his beautiful wife.
     Morning comes early as Mark readies for work and Paula prepares the children for school.   Still in her robe, Mark hugs her lovingly from the rear while whispering in her ear, "Your going to have our baby and I love you. "  Paula gladly accepts the attention and turns to face him.   After kissing him she whispers back, "I am going to go over to Robs today and fuck him silly. "  Mark can only smile as he squeezes her bottom before leaving.
     Paula had not told her men but was going to the doctor today to verify that her pregnancy was ok.

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    Dressing rather conservative for the doctor she chose a knee length dress and went to her appointment.   Once inside with her doctor, Paula decided that she needed to tell her doctor about the baby’s father.   The doctor was a middle aged woman and this helped Paula tell her about her baby.   When she was finished, the doctor smiled and said, "We don't have too many surprises in the delivery room but I'm glad you did tell me. "  The doctor examined Paula and pronounced her to be pregnant and in good health before telling her, "You seem to be quite a bit looser down here than you used to be.   Is the father well endowed?"  "Oh, yes. " She replied giggling.   "When he is inside me it feels as though he is all the way inside my womb. "  They both laugh as the doctor replies, "It will just make having the baby that much easier.   You are such a lucky lady to be in this situation.   On your next visit I want to meet your special men. "
     When she arrives at Rob's house, he greats her at the door and tells her to quit ringing the doorbell when she comes over, as they know each other pretty well.   They talk while Paula straightens and cleans the house.   After she is finished she goes to Rob's room and begins cleaning.   Still talking to her, Rob approaches her from the rear and begins to lightly stroke her ass while lifting her dress.

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    Paula leans forward and puts her hands on the bed as Rob finds her panties and pushes them aside.   Paula gasps lightly saying, "I'm sorry for those.   I went to the doctor today. "  While exploring her slowly Rob ask, "Did he say you were pregnant?"  "Oh!  Yes, yes she did. "  Rob smiles while pulling her dress up completely and pushes his fingers into her.   Paula lets herself fall onto the bed and opens herself up to him for his pleasure.   Lost in an orgasm Paula does not notice when Rob begins fingering her ass at the same time.   Her senses begin to come back and she looks to Rob saying lustfully, "Would you like me to pleasure you?"  Rob replies softly and quickly, "You just did. " 
     Rob’s pants drop to the floor as Paula puts her feet back on the floor and raises her ass for his easy access.   With her face buried in the bed she moans loudly while he enters her and begins to push deeper and deeper.   After several orgasms, Paula turns her head and with a deep voice says, “I told the doctor today about you and now she would like to meet you.   She says that you being well endowed can only help to loosen me up to have your baby. ”  Pulling out completely, Rob looks as her pussy gapes open and inserts 4-fingers while saying, “You know me.   I am always ready to help. ”  His cock finds her gaping hole and he pushes in roughly, grabbing a hand full of her hair.

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    With her head pulled back, he cums deeply in her and pulls out only after letting her fall back onto the bed.  
     After thanking Rob by sucking him clean, Paula heads home to be wife and mom.   Mark is greeted at the door with a big kiss and hears the story of today’s doctor visit.   He listens intently and afterwards calls Rob to invite him over to watch preseason football on Sunday.   With her kids calling Rob, Grandpa and Mark bringing Rob into their home life, her relationship with these two men becomes very easy.
     Time slips away for Paula as months pass quickly and she begins to show her pregnancy.   The doctors waiting room is full when the three of them are finally called into the exam room.   It is not long at all before the nurse comes in and starts all of her tests.   The men watch and the nurse tells them calmly, “I see in your file that you are having an interracial baby with your boy friend.   That sounds like a very special baby. ”  The nurse looks to the men and in a startled manner says, “I did not expect you to be this old. ”  This comment is met with silence and the nurse finishes quietly.
     The doctor enters the room with a pleasant smile and stops to shake Rob’s hand saying, “You must be the very well endowed father of this baby. ”  Rob was blushing at this point so the doctor continued, “I speak for all woman when I say that I wish all men could go as deep as you. ”  Paula sat quietly while the doctor explained what to expect and then asked about sexual activity.

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    Speaking very frankly she smiled while telling them, “By all means take care of your men but I don’t want to see that monster cock tearing your ass open until after the baby is born.   If anything hurts at all, stop immediately.   Since he is so well endowed you may end up not being able to have vaginal sex when you are further along.   I am sure that he will not mind using your mouth to satisfy himself though. ”  This caused the doctor to smile at Rob and he replied, “She is more than enough woman to keep me happy but right now having my baby is the most important thing. ”  Rob then reaches out to Paula and takes her hand, causing the doctor to say, “I need to start dating black men. ”
     That week Mark takes her shopping for maternity clothes while Rob hires a contractor to make room for the baby at both houses.  
     The contractors are leaving for the day as Rob inspects their work.   Several of the men stay to answer questions and all of them are standing in the room together when one of the guys asks, “Just out of curiosity, why are you building their baby a new room?”  Paula smiles as Rob places his hand on her belly and replies, “That’s my baby in there. ”  Mark holds her hand and shakes his head yes as the guys decide that it’s the right time to leave now.
     During the holidays everyone is invited to Mark and Paula’s for a Christmas party.   This is the first time that Marks boss had met Paula and he seemed very interested in how she seemed to hand on both Mark and Rob.   This was also the time that they had decided that all of their close friends should know about the baby’s father.   Most of their friends were ok with it but some left in disgust.   Mark walked up to Paula and kissed her saying, “This is a strange way of finding out who your real friends are.

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  ”  They both then saw Rob talking to Mark’s boss.   This was a person that they had decided did not need to know.
     Upon seeing Mark and Paula staring at them Rob signaled them to come over.   Marks boss immediately took her hand and said, “I didn’t know that this was Rob’s baby. ”  Mark felt shocked by this as Paula looked at her small white hand in the hand of this huge black man.   He then continued, “After the baby is born I could really use some help around my house also. ”  Rob and Mark’s boss lead Paula to the couch where they sit and talk while Mark mingles with the other guest.   Mark can’t help but think that he knew this would happen.   Mark’s boss, Jack is a big, big black man that flirts with all the women and seems to always have a new tale of conquest.   Looking at Paula sitting between these two black men seems to excite everyone in the room.
     After helping Rob to the spare room Mark cleaned while Paula sat at the bar and watched him.   Mark places his hand on her belly and asked, “What did Jack have to say about everything?”  Placing her hand on his, Paula replied, “He wants in my pants really bad.   I think he wants to offer you a promotion to have me anytime he wants me. ”  Calmly Mark asked, “What did you tell him?”  “I told him that I would have to talk to you and that I would need to know him better first. ” She replied looking into his eyes.

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    Then she smiled while continuing, “He ask me out to lunch on a date so that I can get to know him better.   Call me crazy but I think he expects a blow job with lunch. ”
     They embraced passionately before heading upstairs to bed.   Once in bed Paula found Mark to be hard and kissed her way down to his cock.   Very slowly she made love to his cock with her mouth, while he enjoyed himself.   He spoke softly to her while she worked saying, “I know you like black men and especially a long thick black cock.   I love you very much and if you think you need and want more, then you feel free to have as many men as you want. ”  Looking into Marks eyes Paula says lustfully, “I just need sex from these men but I want all my loving to come from you. ”  Turning back to his cock she lays her head onto his stomach and slowly milks him onto her face.   After licking him clean she slides up to his chest and falls asleep with his cum drying on her face.
     The next week Mark sees a noticeable difference in the way his boss treats him.   Then one morning Jack steps into his office and says, “I’m taking your wife out for lunch today is there anything you want me to bring you?”  Mark chuckles and says, “The only thing I want you to bring back is Paula. ”  Mark sees Jack leave about 10:30 and calls Paula to see what’s up.   Paula says, “I’m not sure where he wants to go for lunch but he really sounds as though he expects a blow job today.   I think he feels that that is part of getting to know him better.

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  ”  When Mark hangs up the phone he feels numb.   His cock is hard, his mind is racing and he wishes he were with them.
     It’s 1:00 pm when Jack returns from lunch and walks straight to Marks office with a large grin on his face.   Mark looks to him and asks sarcastically, “How did it go?”  Jack could hardly wait and spoke excitedly, “Your wife gave me the best blow job of my life.   She has the best mouth I have ever had, bar none. ”  Looking at him casually mark responded, “Did you have a good lunch?”  Jack burst into laughter and leaves his office.
     The phone rings and Paula’s voice helps to soften Mark.   Calling to let him know she is home safely, she tells him, “In case he doesn’t tell you, I did suck him off.   He acted like he had not had sex in a long time and when he came he just covered me.   I was a mess afterwards.   He became so excited when I wanted to see him cum that he just jacked himself off onto my face. ”  Mark listened to the story while rubbing himself through his pants.
     On Super Bowl Sunday Mark and Paula were invited to meet Rob’s friends and watch the game.   It was quite the change for Mark as he and Paula were the only white people in the room.   Everyone was nice and of all 30 people in his house there were only about 4 women.

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    The whole room was into the game as everyone cheered.   People started to eat at halftime and in the shuffle Paula seemed to disappear several times.   Just before the game was to resume Rob stood up and said proudly, “I have an announcement to make. ”  He held his hand out to Paula and she came to his side.   With his arm around her lovingly he placed his other hand on her belly softly and continued, “I want you all to know that we are going to have a baby.   This is my baby and I am the father. ”  Immediately everyone began to congratulate him and the two of them were surrounded.  
     Watching the men in the room after the announcement, talk to Paula made Mark want to excuse himself to the bathroom.  When the men would talk to her they would get close enough to rub against her or reach out and touch her belly with their hands.  
     Now in her 7th month Paula was getting pretty big as she sat on the exam table with her 2-men watching.   The doctor was bubbly as she entered the room and said, “How’s the luckiest woman in the world today?”  Paula laughs and answers, “I feel just fine. ”  “How’s your diet?” The doctor asks.   Before she can answer the doctor continues, “You’re looking pretty big, that probably means that you are eating a little more sperm than normal. ”  They all laugh and Paula replies cheerfully, “They can still take me doggy style but if they get too excited they just have to use my face. ”  Everyone is smiling but quiet as the doctor then says, “It won’t hurt the baby and most men just love to cum in your mouth.

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  ”  The doctor checks her over carefully and then asks casually, “You wouldn’t happen to know where I can meet a nice black man would you?”  This takes the trio by surprise and they begin to discuss how the doctor can meet a nice man.   At the end of the visit they are all pleased to know that the baby is a girl and that the doctor was actively looking to date black men.
With the knowledge that they will be having a little girl, all 3 of them go shopping for decorations and baby stuff.
In Lamas class, everyone else was stunned by this trio and only one young couple had the courage to talk with them.
     Paula’s best friend was having issues with Rob being the father but still decided to throw the baby shower for her.   In somewhat of a surprising twist the shower turned out to be 8 women who wanted to know what it was like to have sex with a black man.   Her friends were all asking questions excitedly but became quiet when she told them how big his cock was.   They all did agree on one thing and that was that they would all get together one night and go out to a place that had a lot of black men, just to mingle of course.
     The knock at the door surprised everyone when they saw the doctor standing there smiling.   Dressed conservative, she was still very pretty and they opened the door to invite her inside.   “I was in the neighborhood and just wanted to stop and check on the special baby.   It’s getting close to your due date and I want to be there to deliver your baby. ”  The doctor is checking Paula out when she suddenly says, “I wanted to let you know that I had my first black man also. ”  Paula congratulates her as she continues, “It’s nothing serious but I gave the man trimming my bushes quite a payment. ”  They all laugh and talk as a special friendship blossoms.


     As the big day drew near Mark stayed close to home and Rob moved into the spare room.   Jack called all the time and would show up just anytime to try and get a blow job.  
     Before bedtime Paula felt a contraction and asked Mark to sleep with her in Rob’s bed so that they would all be together when it happened.   With Paula in the middle and her men on each side Paula laid there awake timing her contractions.   As she was drifting in and out of sleep, Paula held a cock in each hand lovingly.  
     The big day was at hand and Paula held both men’s hand as they talked her through her contractions.   They were the very proud parents of a beautiful baby girl!  They named it Roberta and took lots of pictures.   The relatives were the first to visit and one by one all ask the questions about who the baby looks most like.   Then just like before the baby was born the relatives were gone and it was just them and the kids.
     Once at home the kids were great about trying to be a big brother and sister.   Jack gave Mark a month off to help with the baby but told him that he would come by and check on Paula every few days.  
     It was after about 2-weeks that the baby began to turn darker in color.   This did not change how they treated the baby but just gave a little more contrast while she was breast feeding.   
     Rob invited his friends over the first day the baby was to be at his house and arrived just as Paula began to breast feed while sitting on the couch.   With her blouse open and no bra, this beautiful white woman sat on the couch smiling as everyone came close to see the baby and anything else they could.

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    When the baby had finished, everybody got a real good look at Paula’s boob causing Rob to say, “If I were a baby I would suck on that all the time. ”  The guys chuckle and somebody says, “I’m not a baby but I would love to suck on that. ”  This time the guys just all agree as Roberta lies fast asleep in her arms.  
     Before long Mark was back at work and it was obvious that everything had changed while he was gone.   Jack treated him like an old war buddy and everybody else thought Mark was some kind of suck up.   Then Jack burst in suddenly saying, “I’m having Paula for lunch today could you baby sit for a while?”  Mark sees Paula outside his office and walks out to see her.   Then Jack shouts, “Hey everyone this is Marks new baby girl.   Come take a look. ”  Everybody gathers around and says all the nice things but they all think its Jack’s baby.   It only makes sense.  
     Paula kisses Mark and gently hands him the baby.   With most of the office looking at the baby Jack leads Paula into his office and shuts the door.   The people who have seen this all look at each other while Mark stands and loves on his new baby girl.   A hour goes by before Paula steps from Jacks office and walks to Marks.   Smiling at her family, she kneels by them and says quietly, “I’m sorry about that.

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    I had no idea of what he had in mind. ”  Mark smiled back and asked, “What did he have in mind?”  “He wants to fuck me real bad but I’m just not ready. ” Paula whispered.
     Paula looked to Mark and whispered, “I told him that you need a promotion and a raise if I am going to sleep with him. ”  “What did he say?”  Mark asked.   “He grunted and came in my mouth. ”  She said smiling.   Jack knocked at his door and stuck his head inside saying, “You’re the new Vice President of marketing and your salary just doubled.   I’ll stop by the house tonight to finalize all the details. ”  Grinning he pulls his head back and closes the door before Mark can respond.
     Mark sits next to his wife and watches with pride and awe as Roberta suckles lunch from Paula.  
     The next morning Mark wakes alone and lays quietly listening to his wife moaning in the spare bedroom.   Masturbating, he thinks of what is happening in the next room and cums all over himself.   After his shower, he finds Paula in the kitchen making breakfast and looking as though she had just had sex with a football team.   She sees him standing there looking and says, “Good morning.

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    I hope we didn’t keep you awake all night but I must say that whatever stories Jack tells you must be true. ”  Mark hugs her from the back and kisses her neck before noticing several hickies and cum in her hair.
     “It looks as though you had quite a night. ”  Mark whispers.   Smiling she says, “I have never been so satisfied.   If I would not have gotten up for you, he would still be in me right now. ”  Mark eats his breakfast and watches his wife as Jack enters the kitchen and feels her up roughly before sitting down at the table.   “Your wife is quite the fuck.   I fucked her in every hole at least once and she still wants more.   She would be the ultimate whore. ” Jack said in a happy tone.
     Minutes later Jack was gone and Paula came to Mark and says, “Jack wants to make me pregnant.   He doesn’t want to use condoms and I really enjoy being full of cum.   Would it be ok if we have a large family?”  Mark is stunned and does not respond.
     The baby cries and Paula gets her up and ready to feed.

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    The site of Paula sitting on the couch with her robe open and their daughter nursing makes Mark get a little teary eyed.   He watches quietly before approaching her and saying, “I love you so much that if you are happy with a black baby in your arms and in your belly, then I am all for it. ”  Paula looks up to him with dried cum on her face and hair, smiling and then leans down to kiss their baby
Dedicated to a drop dead gorgeous woman whom which I can only dream of having as my own.
The Story Man















































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