
Teachers Potential


Topic: Teachers Potential"Teachers Potential" by A. G. Thomas (M+F inter. teacher)As Kareem Weathers pushed his cart through the hall he glanced down at his watch, 6:23. One more classroom and he would be out of there and hitting on that new barmaid at Jelly Rolls by 6:45, 7:00 at the latest. Not that the young thing ever paid him any attention. Still though he enjoyed the challenge and who knew, maybe, just maybe, one of these days he would get in her pants. Pushing open the door he stopped dead in his tracks. What the hell was she still doing here he wondered. Ms Reynolds, actually Mrs. Regina Reynolds never stayed this late. As he stepped quietly into the room and began pushing his dust mop over the floor her head never rose from the papers cluttering her desk. Out of the corner of his eye he continued to look at her and for perhaps the hundredth time since the start of the school year he mentally undressed her. There was just something about her that set his blood to pumping and today was no different. Maybe it was because she didn't dress like the other teachers. Not that he didn't appreciate and find it highly arousing that the others wore blouses who's buttons threatened to pop open and skirts that were not only short but in several cases looked as if they had been painted on.

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   Whether Mrs. Reynolds manner of dress was like a steak to a man accustomed to hamburgers or his own sense of what a proper woman should dress like he wasn't certain. All he knew was that he highly approved of and found her stylish clothes stimulating to his old libido. He especially liked the dress she was wearing today. Not that her usual wrap around or other knee length dresses such as her silk and chiffon ones, that if not for their lining would be transparent, didn't twitch his baby maker he mumbled. As he continued to watch her out of the corner of his eyes he mentally unfastened one after the other of the buttons running the length of her shirt dress. A lecherous grin curled his lips as in his minds eye he slowly parted the thin material of her dress after loosening the last button. He had little doubt that if such ever happened his old eyes would feast on a truly hot body. For a second he froze as her head rose and she looked right at him. A far away look clouded her eyes. A look as if to say she was somewhere other then here grading papers for ungrateful shit-heads who would never amount to anything. Maybe she's thinking about a long luxurious bubble bath before slipping into a sexy little babydoll, or perhaps a flyaway nightgown so sheer as to non existent he thought. God damn he muttered if he was ever so lucky as to have her do something like that for him he'd keep her in bed for a week. As he continued to look at her a smile touched her sensual lips as if confirming his thoughts then slowly she lowered her head and wrote something on one of the papers. Damn, she must really have her mind elsewhere he silently muttered.

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   She done looked right at this ol' nigga and didn't see me. Sure do wish she be thinking bout me like dat he snickered. Slowly making his way closer to her desk he stood before her for a moment then lightly coughed to get her attention. He almost laughed as together with her head snapping up to look at him she almost jumped from her chair. Together with her hand flying to her heaving bosom as if to still a pounding heart she nervously giggled you scared me half to death Mr. Weathers. For a second they looked at each other and then like a school girl caught cheating on an exam she started talking a mile a minute. "I thought I'd stay and grade papers instead of going home to an empty house. It's so depressing being alone in that big old house his parents gave us when they moved to that retirement community. " For a moment she paused. Then as if reading his thoughts as to why she would be alone she mumbled that her husband was on a business trip and wasn't due to return till sometime late tonight. Continuing in the same vein she explained that Nathan had been away for nearly a week and that she was looking forward to his returning home. Then nervously shuffling some papers she softly asked if there was something he wanted. "Yes em Ms. Reynolds I done already cleaned da rest of yo classroom but now I has to get under your desk.

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   Ain't cleaned dar in a while and dar probably be a lot of dust under dar. Won't take long an I'll try not to bother you. " Then without waiting for her reply he knelt down and moved beneath her desk. As Kareem slipped from sight she turned back to the papers cluttering her desk. Why did I explain myself to him she wondered. He's just a janitor he doesn't need to know why I'm still here. If I wanted to stay here in my classroom all night it was none of his business. Then shaking her head she picked up her marker and continued with her task. Beneath her desk, but unknown to her, Kareem tried to peer beneath her dress. But despite the five or so inch slit in her dress before the first button he was unable to. Slowly he reached out and cautiously and over what seemed like an eternity undid first one and then two more buttons of her dress. With each successive loosening of a button her dress fell to either side of her slightly parted shapely legs. Once again lowering his head he found to his delight that he had an excellent though constricted view of her shapely legs to mid thigh. For untold minutes he neither moved or breathed as he took in the sight before him. His mind raced with visions of her open and inviting before him.

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   Lurid explicit images of her worshiping his nine inch thick veined dark cock filled his mind. When after long minutes she showed no reaction to her dress falling to either side of her shapely legs he lightly brushed her left pump. Obediently in response to his touch her foot moved thus opening her legs wider. Another light touch a moment later to her right pump and her knees were a good foot apart giving him an unhampered and clear view of her panties. For a fleeting moment he felt a pang of disappointment upon discovering that instead of frilly little lace panties as he had expected she was instead wearing plain old white cotton one. Well dat going to sure nuff going to change once I gives her a taste of a real man he silently muttered Licking his thick lips he stifled a lust filled moan as he reached out. Feather like he touched her knee then ever so slowly and lightly moved higher. In response to his feather like touch and hot breath on her leg she squirmed slightly and her legs opened even wider. "Sure be dirty under here missy but don't you worry none cause I gonna clean it good for you" Her only response was a soft mummer as she again squirmed in her seat. Lightly his fingers glided ever higher up her shapely legs and as they did he moved his head between them until unbelievingly and to his delight his nose was less then two inches from her. Breathing deeply he inhaled her scent and then nano seconds before pressing his face to her plain white cotton panties he snickered damn Mrs. Reynolds your pussy sure do smell nice. As if struck by lightening she suddenly realized that what she had been fantasizing was anything but. Pushing backwards from her desk she looked down at the nappy dark head between her widely splayed legs. "Mr.

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   Weathers ---- what ---- what ---- do you think your doing. Oh God stop. Please stop. " For a second he didn't answer as like a dog lapping at water his tongue lathered her aroma rich panties. Then together with his fingers tightening on her thighs to keep her legs from snapping shut his lifted his face and looked deeply into her stunned and startled eyes. "Why I's cleaning of course Mrs. R. " Then as if to emphasize his statement he again lowered his head and pressed his thick tongue into her slightly moistened panties. Despite her shock at his assumptive behavior as well as his bold statement a soft pleasurable moan escaped her lips as his tongue lapped and stabbed at her panties. "Noooooo. Stop! Please stop Mr. Weathers ---- Kareem. Oh God stop please stttooppppp. My husbaannnnndd" But even as her soft pleas touched the silence of the room her head lolled back and another louder moan escaped her lips as unbidden her hands fell atop her assailants head. Together with her fingers pushing into his tight kinky curls her pert buttocks jerked upwards from her chair pressing her treasure to Kareem's tongue.

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   A soft chuckle came from between her legs as time and again and repeatedly the negro's thick tongue pressed her panties into her crack. For an eternity Kareem knelt there with his face buried between her splayed legs. Then together with relaxing his hold on her squirming hips his head rose slightly and he began to fumble with the silver concho belt about her slim waist. Hardly had the heavy silver belt fallen useless to the seat behind her then his large dark hands gripped the hem of her dress and pulled. A sound as if that of a string of fire crackers going off filled the room as the few remaining buttons of her dress popped away and ricochet across the room. She tried to close her legs, tried to pull her fingers from his tight curls of his nappy hair and cover her near nudity but neither would cooperate. She could fell his fingers dancing over her flat abdomen up along her ribs and then a choked gasping sob spilled from her lips as his dark hands closed over her bra covered pert breast. Mixed distorted thoughts flooded her brain. Thoughts of her husband and his love for her, of Mr. Weathers hands groping her, squeezing her swirled about her. Like a drowning person grasping at a straw to keep from going under her mind fixed on her nine month marriage. But whatever hope the thought might of held died as Kareem's head once more fell between her legs and his tongue stabbed at her panty covered treasure. Faint whimpering pleas for Kareem to stop issued from her trembling lips even as unable to control her actions her loins jerked and quivered in time to the tongue licking and stabbing against her panties. Her chest heaved and her breath came in choked gasping sobs as wave after wave of unfathomable pleasure washed over her. Not until she felt his fingers in the waistband of her full cotton panties did she realize that his hands had left her pert bra covered breast.

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   Unbidden and with an unfathomable desire to help him her tight well shaped buttocks rose from her chair even as her hips continued to dance and push toward the thick tongue giving her pleasure. A soulful whimper of no please no hissed from her lips as his tongue left her and a heartbeat later his heavy hands tugged her white cotton panties from about her waist and pushed them down her legs. Obediently her right leg rose to assist him in removing her panties in answer to the command flashed to it by her brain. But before her left foot could obey the same command Kareem had risen from the floor and was leaning over her. With his dark smiling face centimeters from hers he chuckled don't you be worrying none Mrs. Reynolds, this old nigger ain't going to be stopping. Least ways not till you've done pleasured my black baby maker seven ways from Sunday. Then closing the final little distance between them his thick lips smothered hers. At the same time his lips covered hers his left hand wormed beneath then pushed her full maiden-form bra above her perky breast while his right dropped between her legs. Like the tendrils of a giant squid exploring the food it had just captured the fingers of his two hands not only fluttered over her pussy lips but also pinched and tugged at her nipples. For immeasurable minutes his tongue lapped and stabbed at her unresponsive lips then as if she were an inexperienced teenager kissing her first boy her lips parted slightly. At first experimentally then harder her lips ground against his then a micro second later her tongue darted out to parry then entwine with his. Even as her mind screamed the sinfulness of her response to a man of a race she had always thought inferior whimpering pleasurable moans were swallowed by his hungry mouth. To her addled brian it felt as if a faucet had been turned on between her legs though she knew that wasn't possible. Yet there was no denying the arousal washing over her from the negro's manipulations.

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   Suddenly his lips left hers and she was left gasping as if hyperventilating. From somewhere far off she heard a voice, but the mad thumping of her heart and the raging river roaring through her veins all but made it indecipherable. Not until long minutes had passed did she realize that his lips had left hers and that he was talking to her. Then and only then was she able to grasp the full meaning of the words. "Does you likes what I's doing Mrs. Reynolds? Does you likes dis nigga eating your snatch and playing with your little titties? Well does you?" To ashamed to answer she simply nodded but that wasn't the response Kareem wanted. Leaning back against her desk he snickered I can't hear you Mrs. Reynolds. But again her only response was a nodding of her head. Feigning disgust he grunted if'n you won't tell me what you's wants then this ol nigga might as well leave. As he strongly suspected she would do she reached out and closed her delicate fingers on his thick wrist halting his movement. Turning to her he looked down into her glazed eyes without saying a word. Though his blood was racing and he wanted desperately to fall atop her, squash her beneath his 270 pounds he simply stood there looking at her. Her soft answer broadened his smile but still he didn't move yet unconsciously his big hand dropped to his crotch and hefted his burgeoning cock. "Yes? Yes what Mrs.

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   Reynolds?" Her answer when it came was so soft that he had to strain to hear her as she muttered yes I like your head between my legs and yes I like you playing with my breast. Despite his desire to bred the young white teacher that was more then half his age his need to dominate her, to control her, to bend her to his will gained the upper hand. His mirth filled laugh echoed through the room as with a piercing stare he said I didn't just have my head between your legs vanilla, I was eating your snatch. An I wasn't playing with your breast either cunt, I was playing with your tits. For what seemed like an eternity a deathly silence filled the room then again he turned as if to walk away from her. "Yes damn you yes ---- Yes I liked you eating my snatch and yes I liked you playing with my tits" With a smile he turned back to her and as he did so his big hands again fondled her breast along with rolling and pinching her nipples. Shame such as she had never known before encompassed her, yet unable to deny her need her hands rose and covered his and a stuttering moan of pleasure tumbled from her quivering lips. Though she wanted desperately to scream out her pain as the negro's thick dark fingers pinched and stretched her nipples ever harder and further the only sound from her mouth were whimpering moans of pleasure. Limply her hands dropped from his as her body quivering uncontrollable in ecstasy could no longer hold them aloft. Then with supreme effort as the quivering that had encompassed her lessened and in answer to his taunts they again rose but this time toward him. With trembling cumbersome fingers she struggled with his belt and when it didn't loosen immediately groans and tears of frustration overwhelmed her. Only his soothing words as well as his own fingers assisting her calmed her frayed nerves. As his belt loosened and he then unsnapped his uniform pants her hands pushed them from his hips. As his pants fell to his knees his unrestrained cock sprang into view. A loud gasp burst from her lips and she leaned back into her chair.

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   She had never seen, let alone imagined, anything such as what her eyes beheld. Unconsciously she licked her lips making them glisten invitingly. Her mind tumbled and spiraled as it tried to come to terms with the massive blue black monstrosity that held her eyes as if it were a magnet. In near hysteria her mind gibbered that it had to be at least twice that of her husbands both in length and girth. Tentatively she reached out to trace a delicate finger from the loose skin covering the spongy knob down to its base then back up again. As her fingernail slid lightly along its length it jerked and twitched in response. Closing her fingers about its twitching girth she at first slowly and then faster ran her hand up and down it's length. The taunting voice of the huge negro tickled her ears as her thoughts ran rapid. Girlish giggles about the length and girth of the blood engorged blue black hunk of man flesh repeatedly played through her brain along with his taunts. "You likes Kareem's baby maker don't you Mrs. Reynolds? You likes looking at it, feeling it, squeezing it, stroking it! I bets your horny white trash ass can't wait to feels it pounding your snatch can you? Well fore dat happens slut I specks you to kiss it, to worship it, pay homage to it. " Even before the last words of his taunt registered in the mush jokingly called her brain her lips parted and she leaned toward him. Hardly had her tongue lapped over the oozing tip then her lips closed over its spongy head. As her teeth every so lightly grazed his cock his fingers curled into her soft shoulder length strawberry blond hair. The blood roaring through her veins, the mad pounding of her heart was so loud that all other sound was blotted out.


   Yet as if she actually could hear his eager mocking words her lips moved further down his cock. Again and again her lips moved up and down him and with each successive forward movement another half inch or so slipped between them. As she drew a section on the vein rich hunk of darkness her tongue fluttered rapidly along the underside, caressing, teasing him. Like a baby feeding at its mothers nipple she slavishly labored to bring him the ejaculation she knew he wanted. Gasping, choking sputters issued from around the cock driving ever faster and deeper between her lips as with left hand upon his hip and her right caressing, fondling, hefting his egg size nodules she sought to please him. Would she like the taste of his cum, or would she she wondered find it repugnant just as she did her husbands. But even as the question formed in her mind the negro's cock jerked like an unmanned fire hose. Then like an erupting volcano spewing forth its bubbling boiling lava his thick slightly salty cum splashed against the entrance to her throat. Whether it was her own mind directing her actions or somehow Kareem's words had made it through the roaring in her ears she obediently sought to swallow his offering. Despite her best efforts though some of his thick globular cum oozed from between her tightly clinging lips and his black hardness. Still though she continued to suck and swallow in a hungry desire to draw every last drop of him from his quivering egg sack. Even after the last thick string of his ejaculation had joined that already in her stomach she continued to suck lovingly while hoping for still more. She continued to do so until with a mirthless chuckle of what a cock hungry slut she was he both pushed against her forehead and jerked his cock from between her tightly clinging lips. As his dark salvia coated appendage pulled from her mouth she was surprised to see that unlike her husbands cock Kareem's was still rigid. Reaching out she both stroked his salvia coated cock and rolled her small hand over and around its spongy head.

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   Not even his mocking laughter that she couldn't get enough of his cock stilled her hand and when he directed her to her feet she almost leaped from her chair. Standing on her tip toes she both raised her face toward his and closed her eyes in anticipation of his kissing her. For a moment he looked at her hardly believing how easily she had succumbed to him, then grabbing the loose folds of her dress he yanked it from her and carelessly tossed it aside. The suddenness and savagery of his actions stunned her. But that was as nothing compared to the fright she felt as he twisted her about and pushed her face down over her desk. Mocking laughter that he didn't kiss no slut what sucked his black dick and drank his cum turned her face red. Yet despite her shame and the heart thumping fear encompassing her she readily obeyed his gravely command to spread her legs. A shiver of arousal such as she had never before felt surged through her as his hand moved between her legs and his thick fingers teased at what no black man ever had. A sobbing moan welled in her heaving chest as obedient to his touch and harshly spoken command her feet both shuffled backwards and spread wider apart. His boastful taunt of how much he was going to enjoy fucking her burned her ears and seared into her brain. Instead of his words shaming her though as they rightly should have they instead had the opposite effect. Thoughts of her husband flicked through her addled mind but then were quickly extinguished as first one and then another thick dark finger pushed into the leaking faucet between her legs. Spasmodic shivers of pleasure racked her petite white body as her hips ground back to met the thick fingers delving into her. Then suddenly the pleasure giving fingers were pulled from her. Her wail of unrealized fulfillment was like that of a tortured soul but then she felt something bigger and harder running teasingly over her fluttering pussy lips.

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   As he guided his torrid hardness to the moist slit between her legs then pushed just its tip into her she tried to squirm away. But his tight hold on her waist prevented her from accomplishing that which she sought to do. For long minutes he simply stood there with his monstrous blackness buried in the seething bubbling cauldron between her shaky legs relishing the moment of conquest. Then with a touch of sadistic glee along with a tightening of his buttocks and a rotating of his hips he sent another inch of his tumultuous blue black hardness into her. Whimpering pleas that he was to big, that he would ruin her bubbled from her trembling lips only to be drowned by contemptuous laughter. "Dat's right slut, dat's right. I's going to ruin you. After dat pussy of yourn has a taste of my black baby maker it ain't ever going to be wanting a little bitty white thing like your ol' mans again. All dat snatch going to be wanting, all it going to be finding pleasure from is nigga cock. " As the last rumbled from his raspy throat his hips jerked yet again sending another inch of blackness into the tight clinging confines of her cunt. Again, at least to all outward appearances, he remained motionless behind her. But it was a whole different story inside her. Like a living entity his monstrous dark cock pulsed and throbbed sending spikes of never before realized pleasure rippling through her. Her slim petite body quivered and shook with each spike and raspy lust filled moans as well as drool slipped from her slack cum encrusted lips. Unwittingly she again tried to push back to met him but just as before his tight hold on her slim waist prevented her from doing so.

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   "Does Mrs. Reynolds be wanting dis ol' nigga to shove his powerful black cock in her tight white cunt and breed her? Is dat what you be wanting Mrs. Reynolds? Well is it slut?" But instead of the bubbling supplication he expected her only response was soulful moans. For a second he thought of again taunting her but then another thought flashed through his brain. With agonizing slowness he withdrew three then four inches of his dark hardness until all but the cauliflower shaped head remained between her splayed lips. Then with a twisting and grinding of his loins he lunged forward sinking not only that which he had withdrawn but another two inches as well. For several ragged breaths silence filled the empty room as her body convulsed and brilliant flares exploded in her brain in response to the unprecedented depth to which he had penetrated her. Then like the ringing of fine crystal to his ears her sobbing plea for him to fuck her, to shove his black cock into her reverberated from the walls of the classroom. In answer to her stuttering repeated pleas his hips again jerked sending yet another inch between her moist splayed lips. With an agonizingly slow grinding of his hips he set a pace that nearly fifty years of experience had taught him was sure to prolong his pleasure. Fleeting images of his other conquest of white women flashed before him as he stared down at the nearly seven inches of dark cock sawing in and out of her. God but she was tight. Tighter then any of those other white bitches he'd fucked. Not only was she tighter she was a hell of a sight better looking then any of those other cunt's. Two more inches.

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   Just two more inches and Mrs. Reynolds would be his whenever he wanted her. Reaching out he pushed his thick fingers into her strawberry blond hair lifting her face from her desk. Like a cowboy yanking back on the reins of a run away horse he forced her head up and back. Then with a last powerful thrust he drove his pelvis forward not stopping till every last centimeter of his blood engorged nine inch blue black cock was sheathed in her tight cunt. Labored grunts of fuck that black cock you nasty white slut spilled from his thick lips as again and again and yet again his pelvis smacked into her upturned jiggling buttocks. Gasped whimpers of ohhhh Godddd big sooo bigggg not only heightened his arousal but intensified his desire to completely and totally dominate her. Never, not even in her wildest childhood fantasies had she ever imagined being filled such as she was now. The fullness, the pain that encompassed her very being as time and again and ever faster the old negro drove into her was both excruciating and yet mind numbingly pleasurable. Sobbing soulful pleas for the negro to fuck her, for him to make her his slut bubbled from her lips as she masochistically impaled herself on his lead pipe hard black cock. The mad thumping of her heart, the blood roaring through her veins was so loud it felt as if her very flesh was pulsating with their sound. Flickering thoughts of her husband surfaced even as she continued to push back at the monstrous dark cock driving repeatedly and powerfully into her. Why hadn't Dale ever made her feel like this? Why, why, why. But as quickly as the question had wormed through her passion fogged mind a mocking sultry voice answered. Because he's got a skinny little white mans dick.

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   As if to deny the filthy vision that threatened to consume her she squeezed her eyes tightly shut. But there was no blocking out the mind altering feel of the old negro's cock jackhammering into her or the kaleidoscope of pictures flooding her brain. It was as if he could read her mind for no sooner had the sordid images of not only his but hundreds of other black cocks fucking her come to her then faintly and as if from a great distance she heard the negro's gleeful snicker you likes nigger cock fucking you doesn't you Mrs. Reynolds. She tried to answer but rational speech was beyond her capability. Instead she answered in the only way she could. Gasping sobs and choked grunts escaped her trembling lips as the pleasure center of her mind repeatedly flared like exploding novas. But the wanton pleasure washing through her was as nothing to that which enveloped her when with a last savage grinding thrust of his hips his cock swelled and began twitching as if it were a demented snake. Then like lava spewing from a volcano his thick globular cum shot from the head of his cock and flooded her insides. As if in the throes of an epileptic fit her body convulsed and her mind melted as together with his her own climax engulfed her. An ear shattering scream of pure animal lust burst from her chest as with the last of her strength she pushed back against him. A minute, an hour, a lifetime later she collapsed wearily atop her desk but still the clinging tight walls of her vagina refused to let him go. Like the fingers of a farmer massaging the teat of his prize milk cow the muscles of her vulva caressed and stroked his cock in an effort to draw every last drop of his thick warm spunk. Her only answer to his repeated taunts was incomprehensible grunts For immeasurable minutes they stayed thus then together with slapping a still quiver ass cheek he pulled from her. Through the tidal surge of blood rushing through her veins she dimly heard his jovial command and obediently, albeit slowly, she rolled from her desk and slipped to her knees.

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   As her tongue flicked out then her lips closed about his semi limp dark cock cleaning it of their combined juices she could only mutter incomprehensibly to his taunts. "Is you my slut Mrs. Reynolds? Is you my white fuck toy to pleasure myself with whenever and however I's a mind to. " For several minutes he looked down at her with a shit eating grin on his face as she slavishly washed his cock and balls with lips and tongue. Yes, Mrs. Reynolds would serve him well of that he was sure. Then with little regard as to her feelings or what she might think he both pushed against her forehead and pulled his cock from her hungrily sucking mouth. That his actions caused her to fall awkwardly back against her desk he cared little. She was his slut. His black cock loving white trash cum slut to do with as he pleased. "Tomorrow come lunch time Mrs. Reynolds I specs you to pay me a visit in dah boiler room, so don't disappoint me you hear me slut. Make sure you be wearing some pretty little panties stead dem old white cotton things like you wore today though. Course just like des here today I'll be keeping whatever you wear as a souvenir, so if'n you'd rather just go without panties altogether den dat be fine with me. Make it easier for dis nigga to get at your black cock loving snatch, and dat is what you be wanting isn't it slut?" Pulling up his pants he turned and retrieved his cleaning cart.

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   Then with a self assurance and arrogance he hadn't felt in a long time he walked from the classroom without looking back. - The End - [Maybe].



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List of Services Available at Poznan Escorts

Although any city of Poland itself may seem like an innocent place, however you will discover an undoubtedly different situation, once you check out seks anonse trójmiasto My word, this location is soaked with lust and can offer multiple ways for absolutely any stud to implement his nastiest dreams and dirtiest plans. Fortunately, we have alluring hotties from all over the world to aid in turning all that lechery in reality. You are welcome to come and check out their resumes in order to select the sexiest and most charming whore just for you. Long experience and many years of successful performance in escort market have provided Bydgoszcz escort with confidence in ability to meet clients’ demands. Hence, go ahead and enjoy stunning handjobs, arousing oral sex, gorgeous classic escort, lecherous anal sessions, wild gang-bang action, BDSM and many more. Feel free to pick the most comfortable payment method and do not worry about your privacy or security, because our team of professionals has done its best in order to organize ultimate security and utmost comfort to each and every visitor of Escort Poznan. Hence, don’t be shy to show the kinky side of yourself and experience that long-awaited and truly unforgettable sexual satisfaction together with nasty models from Tricity Escorts.
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Thessaloniki escort girl - Hookers in Thessaloniki: A Guide to the Best Locations and Services

There are numerous options for striptease in Thessaloniki, regardless of whether you are a local or a tourist. There is something for everyone, from upscale clubs with VIP sections and beverage service to venues with a more casual ambiance.However, freelance escorts are not safe from the hazards of the business. It is essential to do your homework and choose a provider you can trust with your safety in mind.

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Thessaloniki is a magnificent city in Northern Greece noted for its rich culture, history, and breathtaking architecture. However, the city is also known for its active nightlife and adult entertainment business, with a broad choice of services and places accessible for those seeking the companionship of prostitutes.On your next excursion to Thessaloniki, why not indulge in a little opulence and sophistication? Our escort ladies are eagerly awaiting your arrival in order to show you the city's finest attractions. Contact us immediately to plan the perfect date.
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Thessaloniki is a city that oozes sensuality and passion, and what better way to experience that than with a call girl? These stunning women are the epitome of beauty, grace, and sophistication, and they know exactly how to make your heart race and your mind spin.Of course, if you want to deal with an independent escort, Thessaloniki has plenty of possibilities for you. These escorts may be more harder to locate, but they frequently provide a more customized experience and may be more flexible in terms of scheduling and services.

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Of course, there are a variety of ways to have oral sex in Thessaloniki with an escort female. Men differ in their preferences for receiving and giving; some prefer to receive. There are many of women who are content to partake in both, which makes for a really rewarding and pleasant encounter.To summarize, hiring an escort girl may give you with a one-of-a-kind and unforgettable experience. Whether you want friendship or something more intimate, there is an escort women out there that can help you. Choose someone who is competent, experienced, and discrete.