
Melissa the Slave, Part 1


Turning her head to the left, she caught a 40 something male staring at her bust. He quickly looked away, handing some new pineapples to his dutiful wife. This town makes me sick, thought Melissa. It was a rich town, full of pompous midwestern elites, who did nothing but make money and watch high school and college football. Their kids were all drunken losers, and the poor like her were relegated to inferior status. She counted the days until she could leave. Another man, this time a young black man approached her. He had a store shirt on. "Hey, you're names Melissa, right?""Yes. ""I'm the department manager here, my names Jamal," he said with an odd smile. Melissa looked for a second, and recognized him. He had been a star football player at the high school when she was a freshman. She remembered him being kicked out for drugs or something, but she couldn't quite remember. It was an odd thing, a black kid at the all-white high school. Melissa's mother had always been a fierce racist, and the town had helped facilitate Melissa's own views that most blacks were lazy criminals. "Nice to meet you Jamal.

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  "Jamal asked her somethings about high school, and how she liked the job so far. It was small talk, but Melissa was kind of put off by his odd smile, almost a leer. That, and the actual imposing figure of Jamal. He was probably around 6'2, and was very solidly built. His biceps and chest strained against the tight polo shirt. "Well, you seem to be doing a good job here so far. Why don't you come back to my little office in the back, I have some forms for you to fill out. "Melissa thought it was strange to leave the cart out like this, but he was the boss. She followed him into the back of the store and into his small closet office, which was filled with a desk and a filing cabinet. "Close the door behind you there Melis," said Jamal. Melissa complied, thinking it was kind of forward for her boss to call her that. Just friendly she guessed. She turned, and saw Jamal standing right in front of her. She was confused for a second, then reacted in fear as she saw what was in her bosses eyes. The powerful young black man pushed her against the wall gently, then placed his massive long hands on her full breats.

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  "Oh yeah baby, these are beautiful. You're going to be a great employee here. . . ""No. . . no. . . stop it, I don't want this. . . " said Melissa, as she struggled to push Jamal's hands off herself. "Sure you do bitch, sure you do," said Jamal, as he kissed the squirming young white girl full on the lips, hard.


  Melissa was shocked. She had to get away. Jamal was roughly kissing her and squeezing her taut nipples, his tongue pushing against her pursed lips. "Leave me alone!" yelled Melissa, who managed to slip away from Jamal's grasp. She threw the door open and ran out, tears falling down her cheeks. She was shaking as she ran away from the office, into the massive storage section of the store. What should she do? Melissa decided to tell her main manager what had happened, he would understand. But first, she thought, she should get herself together. She found the ladies room reserved for employees and went in. Using the sink was a middle aged black woman, who noticed Melissa's distress. "You ok honey?""I. . . . I'm fine.

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   Just a little sick," stammered Melissa. "Alright, you tell me if you need any help," said the lady, who then left. Melissa looked at herself in the mirror. Her face and eyes were red, and the light mascara she wore was a mess. She got some paper towels and began to wipe her face. A few seconds later, she heard the voice of the black woman just outside the door. "Yeah, you're bitch is in there Jamal". Melissa froze. Oh no. . . The door flew open, and there stood an enraged Jamal. His eyes were wide open. Melissa backed herself towards the stall, pleading. "Please Jamal, please, just let me go, I won't say anything.

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  . . " sobbed Melissa. "It's too late for that bitch! I want somethin from yo ass now!" yelled Jamal, as he locked the door behind him. Melissa, in a last desperate attempt, rushed for one of the stalls. But, just as she opened one, Jamal's rough hands were on her back. He turned her around fiercely, as Melissa screamed and tried to push him away. Jamal pulled his hand back and smacked Melissa extremely hard across the right side of her face. Melissa had never been hit so hard in her life. Her body went numb, and she landed back on the toilet seat. "Now, let's get down to business you little white bitch. You shouldn't have run away from me like that, I would have gone nice and easy on you. Cuz of that, I'm gonna be real rough with your lily white pussy. "Melissa could barely react as she reeled from the pain. She just looked up, helpless, hoping someone would rescue her.

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  Jamal ripped off his shirt, revealing an extremely muscular body. "Stand up bitch!" he commanded, roughly lifting Melissa to her feet. He immediately smashed his mouth onto hers. This time, his tongue would not be denied, Melissa simply did not have the energy. She stood there, prostrate with fear, as he roughly invaded her mouth, pushing against her full lips. His hands went down her back, roughly cupping her plump ass. After a few seconds, Jamal pulled out and looked into her eyes. "I just like to kiss my white bitches before I really fuck them up. Just so they know how much I love them," he said, with a bright grin. The powerful black man pushed Melissa's arms up and quickly ripped her polo shirt off. Her tanned skin was pleasantly moist, her white lace straining to contain her D-cup breasts. A small gold cross rested in her cleavage, a present given to her by her grandmother when she was three. "Aww, how cute," joked Jamal, ripping the small piece of jewelry from her neck and threw it to the ground. Melissa looked down, defeated, as the last piece of her girlish innocence ended up on the floor of a restroom. Jamal made quick work of her bra, then began to squeeze and lick her tits.

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  "Oh my little Italian bitch, you got great tits. Yes sir, I'm going to have fun with these!" said Jamal. Melissa slowly came back to reality. Oh God, she said, as she felt Jamal work her tits. I can't believe this is happening to me. She was a virgin, besides a few make out sessions. And now, she was going to be raped by a large black man, who were nothing but criminals and deviants in her mind. There was no escape, no hope, she just tried to ignore him. Still, as his hands went down her tight pants and under her white panties, she couldn't help but feel some kind of tingling, a foreign anticipation in her pussy. "Sit down bitch," ordered Jamal, pushing her on the toilet seat again. "Please, let me go, please,. . . I. .

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  . " stammered a desperate Melissa. Jamal put his fist right next to her face. "Shut the fuck up you little white slut! You're my slave now, you better understand that! If you keep whinin, I'm gonna beat you to death! You hear me!?"Melissa'e eyes opened wide. She was so frightened she could barely react, except for a quick nod. Her hands shook. "Let me ask you a question Melis. You ever see a dick before?"Melissa was stunned. Jamal put his fist in front of her face. "Answer my question. ""No. . no I haven't. "Jamal laughed. "Not even a little white one?""No.

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  ""Well then, I got something for you bitch. "Melissa gasped as the realization hit her. Jamal unzipped his pants, and let them fall to the floor. Then, he pulled down his gray boxers, revealing a massive black penis. Jamal held it in his hands triumphantly, right in front of his white slaves face. It was about a foot long and very thick, with large veins coursing through it as it pulsed. "Take a good look at that motherfucker bitch. You're going to be seeing a lot of that for the rest of your life. Now, open your mouth. "Melissa hesistated, but one look into Jamal's eyes told her she had to comply. She had seen a few porn movies before, and knew what he wanted. She opened her mouth, her big lips shining with saliva. Melissas eyes went wide with shock as Jamal grabbed the back of her head and slammed his engorged cock into her throat. Melissa tried to react, but Jamal vigorously thrusted his hips forward. His cock hit the back of her throat, and she began to gag, desperately trying to breath through her nose.

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   She looked up at her master, who was laughing, as he began to rhythmically fuck Melissa in the mouth. "Yes bitch, I'll show you how to suck dick. Just like the little white bitch you are. Oh yeah, suck that fucking cock," he said, pushing it even deeper. Melissa was trying to breathe correctly as he tongue wrapped itself around Jamal's dick. If she could do a good job, maybe it would please Jamal, maybe he would stop. Besides, though Melissa, as her hands clenched the base of Jamal's shaft and his large balls, this wasn't so bad. She suddenly felt excited as the cock probed her mouth and throat. Jamal got a better grip on her hair and begin to fuck her vigourously. "Oh yeah, that's right bitch. Look up at me when I fuck you in the mouth!"Melissa looked up, her pretty green eyes staring at the massive black man who was punishing her so. He was so confident, so dominating as he pounded her in the mouth. Her mother would have a heart attack, a big black man taking advantage of her beautiful little Italian princess. Melissa started to feel differently, less fear, more admiration, respect for her black master. Melissa sucked Jamal's now fully erect cock for another five minutes.


   She was enthusiastic now, working the long shaft with both her hands. "You ready to swallow my cum bitch?"Melissa moaned her agreement. Jamal grabbed her hair and gathered it up above her head, giving him a better grip. "Oh yeah, here it comes. . . "Thrust after thrust hit Melissa's throat. Then, like a wild river, a gush of Jamals cum blasted down her throat, causing her to gasp and gag. Jamal mercifully pulled his cock out, let her cough, then hit her with a stream of cum into her face, then some more on her lips. Melissa was in such a frenzy now that she licked at the cum all over her face, using her hand to get all of it. Jamal stepped back and laughed. "Look at you, you little whore. A few minutes ago you were ready to call the cops, now you're just another white slut! You bitches just love this cock, don't you," he said holding up his still pulsing dick. Melissa just sat there, unsure of what was next. She had done what he asked, maybe now she could go.

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  "I don't want to kiss no cum stained white slut, why don't you wash yourself in the sink here. "Melissa came over and looked in the mirror as Jamal stepped in the stall and took a piss. He had sprayed more than she though, she had shiny cum in her hair and on her tits. With a wet paper towel, she wiped herself off. "Hurry up bitch, I got more for you over here. We just started with yo ass!" said Jamal, laughing. Melissa stared at the mirror, then at the door. She realized she could run out. She could run, scream for help. The police would come, rescue her, arrest Jamal, it would all be over. If she didn't run, take a chance, Jamal was going to rape her. Melissa couldn't even imagine the idea of the massive black cock in her virginal pussy. Yet, even as she said that, something deep in her mind reminded her how attractive Jamal's brute domination of her was. How powerful he was, what a man he was. Still, she had to go.

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  . . As she reached for the door, she looked over at the stall. There stood Jamal, his fully erect cock in hand, his muscled physique glistening with sweat. "You goin somewhere bitch?"Melissa was so scared, she could only meekly shake her head. "Good, because I got a few more loads I need to shoot into you," he said through a thick grin, as he quickly walked over to Melissa, who let out a meek protest. Jamal pushed her hand aside, then grabbed her face. He stuck his tongue down her throat and squeezed her massive right tit with his big hand. Melissa groaned in resignation, as she felt Jamal's massive package rub against her still clothed pussy. Jamal then grabbed Melissa under her thighs and lifted her up on the sink, as she leaned back against the mirror. He roughly removed her shoes and socks, then quickly pulled her pants off. Melissa could do nothing but watch as her black master pulled her panties so hard the elastic broke, to which Jamal laughed. He then pulled her forward, giving him total access to her pink shaven pussy. "Ah, young white pussy. Nothing like it," said Jamal, as he began to stick his index finger into her tight pussy.


   Melissa gasped and reared back as Jamal smiled at her. He then stuck his tongue into her, and began to vigorously eat her out. With his other hand, Jamal squeezed Melissa's breasts so hard they hurt. Melissa just stared at the ceiling as she went through Jamal's newest assault. She had never felt ANYTHING like this. This was. . . this was. . . amazing. She let out moan after glorious moan, even though she didn't want to accept this rape, this violation. But, she couldn't help herself, this was pleasure beyond anything she could imagine. Melissa thought of her racist mother, and what she would think.

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   She almost laughed. A few minutes later, Melissa began to feel herself cum. "OH GOD, YES, JAMAL, YES, GO, I'M GOING TO CUUMMMM. . . "She leaned back and basked in her ecstasy, her legs shuddering. Jamal stood up and kissed her on the mouth, to which Melissa responded. She could taste her own juices on Jamal's mouth. Jamal then pulled her off the sink and held her tight to himself. "You like that Melis? You like that when I eat you out. "Melissa sensed a gentleness in his voice. It comforted her. "Yes, I liked it a lot. ""A lot of the high school girls did also. That's why I got kicked out you know.

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   I was banging so many white girls, they didn't know what to do with me. Some parents of the bitches I fucked finally made up some drug stuff, and got me kicked out. That's not really fair, is it Melis?"Melissa shook her head as she rested it against Jamal's strong chest. She wanted Jamal to be nice, to talk. She still couldn't imagine him fucking her, as she felt his erection on her lower abdomen. "Well, that's enough talk my little white slave. Let's get to it," he said, laughing again. Melissa looked up at him, scared. He then grabbed her throat, choking her, then spun her around, her face almost hitting the mirror glass. She felt Jamal grab her hair and wrench her head back, then pushed forward violently, bending her over. Oh God she thought, as she felt Jamal's hands probe her ass and her pussy. This was it, she was going to get fucked. She had been a perfect little Catholic girl, saving herself for her Prince Charming and their wedding night. Men had begged her, offered her money, but she wanted to stay clean, stay pure. Now, she was going to be violently fucked by a black man.

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   As Jamal squeezed her soft ass, she thought, maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be so bad. "Oh baby, you got one fine ass. Nice and round, full, fleshy ass," said Jamal, as he played with her smooth skin. This might not be so bad. . . Melissa watched in the mirror as Jamal brought his powerful hand up high, then brought it down with unimaginable force right on her tan right cheek. She yelped as she heard the wet smack, then felt the hot pain surge through her body. He did it a few more times, each time harder than the last. Tears began to stream down her face as she anticipated each brutal blow. "You're mine now bitch," yelled Jamal, laughing, smacking her ass one final, vicious time. She was sobbing now, at the mercy of her strong attacker. Melissa then felt Jamals hard cock rub against her pussy, just pushing past the tight lips. She held her breath. Jamal gripped her hips and thrust himself, hard, into the tight pussy.

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   Her virginity resisted, but stood no chance. He took long thrust after long thrust, ripping her tight pussy into submission. Melissa's whole body went into shock. She could only scream, which she did. "OH PLEASE, GOD, JAMAL, STOP, PLEAS STOP, IT HURTS. . . . "He only laughed and smacked her ass again. "We ain't stoppin til I get your white ass pregnant bitch!" said Jamal, as he fucked her deeper and harder. Melissa tried to block out the pain, but it was too much. She could feel her pussy exploding, feel his black cock penetrate so far into her. Pregnant? God, he was serious, he was going to cum inside her, and she would get pregnant. A single mother, alone, no money. She just closed her eyes as Jamal fucked her faster.

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   It was so deep now she could feel his balls slap against her ass, creating a constant smacking sounds. She gritted her teeth. "So. . . fucking. . . big," she said. Melissa tried to stretch out her body, forward, to get some relief from the black cock. "Don't try that shit on me bitch!" screamed Jamal, who grabbed Melissa's left arm and pulled it behind her back, forcing her pussy to take the entire shaft. He just kept fucking, never even pausing, always harder, always faster, laughing, smacking her ass. Melissa couldn't believe it, but she began to cum. She looked in the mirror and stared at Jamal, his muscles flexing, his eyes determined, his strong arm holding Melissa in total submission. It was almost.

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  . . sexy, she thought, as she opened her mouth and screamed. "Oh yes, cum for me bitch!""OH YESSSSS. . . . . JESUS. . . . . "Melissa's orgasm only made Jamal fuck even harder. His balls were just hitting her every half second, as he pulled her arm harder.

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   It only took Melissa another few minutes to cum again. After that, Jamal stuck his cock in as far as it could go and leaned over the brutally abused little Italian girl. "You love that black cock now, don't you?""Oh. . oh yes, I love it Jamal. ""You're my white slave now, you little slut. Anytime I want you to suck me off, anytime I want to fuck you, you better come runnin bitch. I don't care if you're in school, at the mall with your friends, or watchin TV with yo mother in your trailer, when I call, you better bring your ass over my place and be ready for a few hours of fucking. IS THAT CLEAR!"Melissa struggled to answer as she came again. "Ye. . yes!"Jamal pulled her hair back brutally hard. "YOU MEAN YES, MASTER JAMAL!""Yes. . .


  yes master Jamal!"He smacked her already horribly sore right ass cheek. "LOUDER SLUT!""YES MASTER JAMAL!""That's my bitch," said Jamal, as he leaned back and kept thrusting. He went for another ten minutes, making sure he was really tearing up the little white bitches pussy. She came another four times, and she was begging for it. "FUCK ME JAMAL, OH GOD, FUCK ME HARDER. . . " and Melissa knew she meant it. She knew she would never feel better than this. This was what she wanted, she wanted the massive black cock in her white pussy, wanted a black man to dominate her. She was a slave now, a slave with a master and no free will, no purpose but to listen to her African master and do whatever he wanted. Jamal began to feel himself cum. "I don't want to get you pregnant yet bitch. Where should I cum?""Ill swall. .

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  . . swallow it again master. ""I bet you will. No, how bout I put it here?"Melissa was confused, then she felt Jamals fingers penetrate her anus. The pain was intense, in concert with the massive cock in her pussy. "Yeah, right in the ass bitch!"Melissa couldn't even picture that. "Jamal, I. . . I. . . dont know if I can. .

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  . "Jamal grabbed her hair again and pulled her close. "THAT'S MASTER JAMAL!! DON'T YOU EVER TALK BACK TO ME YOU WHITE SLUT! I WILL KILL YOU!!" he screamed putting his fist near her pretty little white face. "NOW, YOU WANT TO GET FUCKED IN THE ASS, DON'T YOU?" "YES MASTER, FUCK ME IN THE ASS!"With that, Jamal stuck his fingers in to the second knuckle. Melissa's back arched at the electric shock it caused. Jamal laughed and finally pulled his dick out of her pussy, then slammed into her gaping ass. "AHHH. . . . OH GOD!!!"Melissa could barely breathe as Jamal pounded her tight rectum. Jamal grabbed her hips and fucked like a jackhammer as he kept up a barrage of smacks against Melissa's white ass. It only lasted two minutes, but it felt like an eternity for Melissa, who was just getting her anus destroyed. Finally, Jamal gasped and put his head back. Melissa felt the hot cum spray inside her, and moaned.


   Her new master pumped a few more times, then pulled out. Melissa was so exhausted, so spent, she fell to the ground, leaning against the garbage can. She felt Jamal's cum drip out of her ass. Melissa stared up at a smiling Jamal, who's cock glistened. He began to get dressed. "That was pretty good bitch. But you got a lot to learn. You go home and have a nice dinner with yo momma. I got yo cell phone number on file, I'll call at 8. You drive over to my house, and I'm going to show you what being a white slave is all about. Might as well tell your momma you won't be comin home til morning," he said, laughing, as he put his pants back on. Melissa could just stare at his arrogance, his manhood. She craved it now, she wanted him and wanted his domination. She, a white woman, would give herself to him as a trophy, as a slave. Jamal opened the door and began to leave, then the middle aged black woman looked in and laughed.

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   There was the stuck up white bitch from before, in her polo shirt and khaki pants. Now she was on the restroom floor, her pussy and ass smashed, a load of black cum down her throat and seeping out of her ass. Melissa couldn't wait for tonight. TO BE CONTINUEDEmail me at demondog315@hotmail. com with comments. .



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