
The Debate Team Part 2


The Debate Team Part Two-this is the continuation of The Debate Team. . . hope you like it.
As soon as Cherry got out of the room, she sighed in relief. She began to wipe the cum off her face with her bare hands and looked at them. For some reason, she didn’t find it disgusting. But she was confused.
God, what happened back there? It was as if she was in a different world now, different from that surreal world she was in just a few seconds ago. She looked up and down the corridor. Thank God nobody’s around. She saw the room in front of her, Rica’s and Joanna’s room, and realized that it was slightly open. She knocked. Tap tap tap.
“Rica? Joanna?”
“I’m here!”, said Joanna.
Joanna is the youngest member of the team.

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   Just a freshman, she was definitely a rising star in the Debate community. A standout in high school debating, great things were expected of her and she immediately proved her worth by breaking into the line up of a very crowded Ateneo pool. She was half Chinese and the only person in the team who was shorter than Cherry. She was very pretty in a Chinese way although her body is definitely still not developed. She was actually only 18 years old and has no other life other than school and debating. Cherry liked her. In fact everybody liked her. She was bubbly, she was sweet and she seemed sincere in her greetings. Cherry entered and saw Joanna brushing her hair by the mirror in the middle of the room. She ran past her and went straight to the comfort room, saying
“I need to use your comfort room. ”
Inside the CR, she began to wash her hands and as she looked in the mirror. She was shocked to see the extent of what just transpired. Nearly half her face was glistening with cum with some drops on her hair.
Oh my god…. She kept saying to herself.

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   She tried to spit out what got into her mouth but most of it was already gone, either inadvertently swallowed or absorbed by the mouth. She couldn’t stop thinking about what she saw. It was the most amazing thing she has ever seen and that’s saying a lot considering she’s been to Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon just that past summer. She shook off the thoughts in her mind and focused at the task at hand. She washed her face again and again until there was no more trace of any cum left. She wiped her face with a towel and got out.
“Hi Cher! How come you’re still here?”, asked Joanna. Cherry knew she had to think quickly. If she tells her that she got back to her room, it might get back to Paul that she was in the room when he did his thing. Her excuse must not be far
from the truth. “Oh I was going back to my room to get my breakfast stub but when I got the key from my back pocket, it was there. That’s when I saw that this was open so…”“Ah okay. Is Rica downstairs already?”“Yeah, everyone is. Except you and Paul…I think”Rica finished fixing herself. She looked cute.

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   She knew that and she knew that she has to make a good impression with the international debate community. Who knows? Maybe some boy will notice her. “Let’s go?”“Yup… come on”, Cherry smiled. They walked out of the room and got to the elevator. A few seconds after pressing down, it opened, surprisingly empty. “I guess everybody’s downstairs already,” Cherry quipped. They got in. Just as it was about to close, a hand stopped it and it opened again. “Paul! Good morning!,” Joanna excitedly said. “Good morning Joanna Banana!,” Paul said as he entered the elevator. He gave her a warm smile. He looked at Cherry and said, “Hey how come you’re still here? I thought you left like twenty minutes ago?”Cherry didn’t answer. There was a mixture of embarrassment and seething annoyance that she felt towards Paul. Even after what happened, she didn’t like Paul. The dick was different from the dick owner.

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   As far as she was concerned, they were two completely different entities and as much as she liked the former, she hated the latter just as much. She just stared ahead. Joanna answered for her. “She went back to get her breakfast stub. But before she got to her room, she found it in her pocket. ”
Thank God she told her that story! Cherry thought. She congratulated herself for a job well done. “Ah okay. ” He pressed G for Ground Floor. “Are you swimming in the pool later this afternoon?,” Joanna asked, hopefully. “Oh ahhh… probably not. I didn’t bring my swimming trunks,” Paul lamented. Cherry’s mind began to wander. She thought of Paul by the pool wearing tight swimming trunks. She could just imagine how that monster cock of his would definitely protrude at such a flimsy material.

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   What a sight to behold!“Earth to Cherry!” Paul said to her. Cherry snapped back to reality and realized that they were already on the ground floor and that the two were already outside the elevator waiting for her. “What are you thinking about anyway?” Joanna laughed. “You look like you saw a snake or something!” Paul said. He then walked off towards the buffet.
7:00 am, Dining Hall. Ateneo table,Paul comes up to the table. “Good morning!”Rica smiled at her, “Good morning Paul!, Here take this seat, it’s unoccupied” she motioned to the seat beside her. “Thanks Rica. Wow you saved me a seat!” Paul smiled and sat down. “In your dreams!” Rica said and elbowing him playfully in the process. “Good morning dude. ”, Alex said. “How’s your roommate?”“I don’t know… she’s right behind me with Joanna”, he answered and yawned. Cherry and Joanna arrive and they take the seats beside Rica as well.

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   Paul took this as his cue and stood up. “I’ll get some breakfast”The Breakfast was not exactly part of the debate tournament. It was more of a custom where each school participating show their appreciation for the hosts and their commitment to the spirit of friendly competition. It was also a way for friends from different countries and schools to meet and catch up. Each school will be acknowledged by the hosts and in response, the team would stand up and acknowledge the host. Back in the table, everybody was excited about the upcoming tournament. “Guys, let’s focus on the task at hand. We have a really good chance this year,” Alex said. “I agree, I think we’ll do well. ” His partner Marvin said. “Easy for you to say. You have the best teammate,” Shelly said. She was the 5th best Debater in the team and the anchor of Team C. Shelly was more on the voluptuous side. She had a pretty face and could’ve been sexy if only she could control her eating habits.

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   This is in stark contrast to her partner, Kristine, who was very slim and barely registered in the triple digits in the weighing scale. “So what are you saying? You’re disappointed with having me as a teammate?” Kristine, her teammate, countered. “That’s not what I mean. I’m just saying. . ”“Yeah yeah yeah… I can say the same about you anyway. ” The best of friends, theirs was a love-hate relationship. “The British and Australian teams are always good. Especially that girl from  Monash A. If she hits her stride in this tournament, and there’s no reason for her not to, there’s no stopping her. , “Rica said nodding towards the girl at the buffet table getting some bread. The girl was Svetlana Poriskova, the number one debater in the world in all the formats she participated in. She has been number one, two years running and was a success story in her own right. She was a British citizen yet her father was Russian and her mother was German. Now she’s debating for an Australian University.

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She was a towering figure in the Debate community, figuratively and literally. She stood 6’2 inches at the age of 21, taller than any guy participating. She had a lanky frame and her height was accentuated by her statuesque stance and could pass as one of those slim supermodels. Her pale angelic face was hidden behind her thick dark-rimmed glasses which framed her almond colored eyes. She had dirty blonde hair which was always tied up at the back, with a few curls falling from each side. She had no suitors, the men intimidated by her height but even more so by her intellect. The smart guys were too small and the tall guys were not smart enough. Paul looked at her. She seems nice.
“Anyway, we’ll worry about that tomorrow,” Alex said. “So who’s swimming with me later?” Joanna asked. “I’ll swim with you,” Rica said. “How about you Paul?”“I already told Joanna I can’t because I didn’t bring any trunks”, Paul said. He lamented this fact even more now that Rica said that she’ll be swimming. “Trunks?? From what era have you come from?”Everybody laughed.

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  Nobody wears trunks you idiot! Yuck! You know what? I’m going shopping later, we’ll buy you board shorts. ”, Rica said. “Okay!”, As long as I’m with you, Paul thought. “How about you Cher? You coming?” Rica turned to Cherry. “Ah no. I need o catch some more zs. I wasn’t able to sleep well last night. Paul snores like a broken muffler,” Cherry said. “Sorry I was tired. That’s how I sleep, deal with it”“Well you better fix that. I want to be able to sleep at night. I need my beauty rest”“Beauty and the Beast”, Paul muttered under his breath which Rica heard and laughed at. “What did you say?”, Cherry heard it as well. “Nothing I said you’re the best!”, Paul said with a fake smile. “Guys remember, the Opening Ceremonies is at 7:15 pm.

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   Make sure that you don’t get left by the bus to NUS. O, We’re about to be called. ” Alex said, halting another word war. “Ateneo de Manila University, headed by their President, Alexander Reyes. ”, the announcer said. They all stood up and waved and smiled while the rest of the participants applauded.
10:00 am. Hotel Lobby. Rica was waiting for Paul in the Lobby. After breakfast, Paul said that he had to go up to his room to fix something.
Rica liked Paul in some ways. While he was definitely not of her social class, he had a lot of things to offer. Paul was sweet and unassuming. Unlike all the blowhards she’s dated in the past, Paul was a real person. She always found him interesting.


   He was a very smart guy but he never pretended to be smarter than he actually was. He didn’t have any money but seems to get everything that he needs and never seemed needy. He was a real guy. Interested in sports, read that part first in the newspaper and not the society pages. He was funny, better yet, he was corny. Which she liked because she was too.
But now she was getting antsy. What’s taking him so long?The elevator opened and out came Paul. Paul was wearing denim shorts, an Ateneo shirt, and some walking shoes. Rica took note of that. Every guy she met tried to impress her.
They’d be like going to a mall and all the guys in her group would be totally made up, obviously trying to impress her. She’d pas through a door and they’d scamper to open it for her. On simple movie gimmicks, the guy would always wear long sleeves, hair all gelled up. Paul was different.

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   Paul would wear what he wanted. And what he wanted was comfort. “Sorry I took so long”, Paul said, looking confused. “It’s okay, was there a problem?” Rica asked. Paul was in fact confused about something. The reason he went back to the room was to clean up the mess he made under the table when he came a few hours ago. He forgot about it when he went down for breakfast and only remembered it after. He went back to the room immediately but he was surprised to see that there was very little cum on the wall or the carpet. He knew he came a lot but can’t seem to find it. “Ah nothing. ” He let it go. “So are we shopping or what?”“Yup”“Where are we going anyway?” “Just come with me. We’ll buy you board shorts and I’ll buy some stuff too. ”“Okay, I’ll just follow you wherever you go. ” He opened the door for her.

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   A taxi was already waiting outside and Rica got in the back. Paul made sure that Rica went in first. As Rica went in, he again took a glance at her ample butt, now covered with tight white pants. Rica sort of knew what was happening and took a bit longer to settle in. Finally, a guy who was not too much of a gentleman, she thought. Paul got in.
“Orchard Road please” Rica said.
Room 507As soon as she saw Paul leave with Rica, Cherry went back up to her room. She had no intention to sleep as a matter of fact. She was so horny all morning that her panties were practically drenched. When she got in, she immediately took off her clothes and immediately touched her pussy. Oh shit!
She thought. “OOHHH” Finally, some relief. She continued rubbing right there on the doorway, bending her knees a little to open her pussy up a little more. She had two fingers in and was rubbing furiously.

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   She could feel her juices flow down her thighs and she loved it. She rubbed her clit with the other hand, going around in circles while her other hand worked her cunt, thrusting two fingers in and out. She was wet. She was horny, yet she felt as if something was missing.
She begrudgingly stopped playing with herself. She walked into the room and saw the table she was under just a few hours ago and felt the compulsion to get under there and she did. She assumed the position she was took when she watched that magnificent cock get jerked and stroked. She was squatting, her pussy wide open, exactly what she wanted. Her hand went down again and her pussy willingly accepted her two fingers again. “Ohhh shit. Ohhhhh yeahhh that’s it… finally” She was impossibly horny. She could just imagine that cock again getting pumped in front of her. She could remember the cock with amazing detail, the product of staring at it intently for about five minutes. She continued to finger her wet cunt.
She was disappointed however that no matter how horny she was, something seems to still be missing.

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   She got out. She knew what she wanted. She knew that tis would make everything complete.
She went to Paul’s side of the room and saw his bag. Very carefully, she opened it and searched. She couldn’t find the thing she wanted and was getting very agitated. Just then she saw a small blue bag beside it and opened it. There it is! She took it out and practically ran back to the table.
She went underneath and squatted. With one hand rubbing her pussy, her left hand adjusted Paul’s used white briefs and put it on top of her nose. She inhaled deeply. Immediately, Paul’s manly scent filled her nostrils. She inhaled deeper. She could smell the scent of his raw dick on the briefs. She loved it.

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   And her pussy loved it. She was transported to a different place. A dream world. It was almost like she was on drugs. After two inhalations, she came. Her body convulsed and shook with the force of the orgasm hitting her.
Nevertheless, she never took the briefs off of her nose and instead she inhaled even deeper. She absolutely loved the smell of Paul’s dick. With it, she can imagine the scene better, as if it was actually happening again. She even stuck her tongue out to taste the cloth. She could taste precum on the briefs, a taste she recognized after going down on her past boyfriends and lovers.  She sucked on the briefs and inhaled again. She continued to finger her pussy with her fingers. Her pussy hair was matted as it got soaked by her cum. “Mmmmmm, Ooooh” She kept saying.

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   She was close to getting insane with ecstasy. She inhale again and again.
She could not get enough of the smell of Paul’s dick. She continued to finger herself as she did so. She wanted one more finger in but her small pussy couldn’t take it. “Oh shit Paul”. She thought. She was disappointed with herself in some ways when she couldn’t push one more finger in because it meant that she couldn’t take that gorgeous cock in if she had the opportunity.
She forced it in, and it hurt. Three fingers in and she was in pain, but instead of stopping, she went on fingering. She inhaled some more and every time she did, the pain became less and less. “FUUUCKKK!!! I WANT YOUR COCK!!!” She screamed. She was about to cum. “YOUR COCK! YOUR COCK! OH THAT FUCKING COCK! Oh shit. Oh shit.

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Another orgasm hit her. It was intense. More than the first one. She lost her balance and had to let go of the briefs to balance herself. Instead of dropping the briefs on the floor, she stuffed it in her mouth. Her orgasm made her cunt convulse and forced her fingers out.
She finally lost her balance totally and fell on the floor, still shaking like an epileptic. Her clit was throbbing fast and her cunt lips quivered. Without any strength, tired and visibly spent, she fell asleep, with Paul’s briefs still in her mouth as her cum flowed freely out of her quivering, exhausted cunt.
The Debate Team Part Two-this is the continuation of The Debate Team. . . hope you like it.
As soon as Cherry got out of the room, she sighed in relief.

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   She began to wipe the cum off her face with her bare hands and looked at them. For some reason, she didn’t find it disgusting. But she was confused.
God, what happened back there?
It was as if she was in a different world now, different from that surreal world she was in just a few seconds ago. She looked up and down the corridor. Thank God nobody’s around. She saw the room in front of her, Rica’s and Joanna’s room, and realized that it was slightly open. She knocked.
Tap tap tap.  
“Rica? Joanna?” 
“I’m here!”, said Joanna.

Joanna is the youngest member of the team. Just a freshman, she was definitely a rising star in the Debate community. A standout in high school debating, great things were expected of her and she immediately proved her worth by breaking into the line up of a very crowded Ateneo pool. She was half Chinese and the only person in the team who was shorter than Cherry. She was very pretty in a Chinese way although her body is definitely still not developed.

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   She was actually only 18 years old and has no other life other than school and debating. Cherry liked her. In fact everybody liked her. She was bubbly, she was sweet and she seemed sincere in her greetings. Cherry entered and saw Joanna brushing her hair by the mirror in the middle of the room. She ran past her and went straight to the comfort room, saying

“I need to use your comfort room. ” 
Inside the CR, she began to wash her hands and as she looked in the mirror. She was shocked to see the extent of what just transpired. Nearly half her face was glistening with cum with some drops on her hair.
Oh my god…. She kept saying to herself. She tried to spit out what got into her mouth but most of it was already gone, either inadvertently swallowed or absorbed by the mouth. She couldn’t stop thinking about what she saw. It was the most amazing thing she has ever seen and that’s saying a lot considering she’s been to Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon just that past summer. She shook off the thoughts in her mind and focused at the task at hand.

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   She washed her face again and again until there was no more trace of any cum left. She wiped her face with a towel and got out.  
“Hi Cher! How come you’re still here?”, asked Joanna.
Cherry knew she had to think quickly. If she tells her that she got back to her room, it might get back to Paul that she was in the room when he did his thing. Her excuse must not be far
from the truth.
“Oh I was going back to my room to get my breakfast stub but when I got the key from my back pocket, it was there. That’s when I saw that this was open so…”
“Ah okay. Is Rica downstairs already?”
“Yeah, everyone is. Except you and Paul…I think”Rica finished fixing herself. She looked cute. She knew that and she knew that she has to make a good impression with the international debate community. Who knows? Maybe some boy will notice her.
“Let’s go?”
“Yup… come on”, Cherry smiled. They walked out of the room and got to the elevator.


   A few seconds after pressing down, it opened, surprisingly empty.
“I guess everybody’s downstairs already,” Cherry quipped. They got in. Just as it was about to close, a hand stopped it and it opened again.
“Paul! Good morning!,” Joanna excitedly said.
“Good morning Joanna Banana!,” Paul said as he entered the elevator. He gave her a warm smile. He looked at Cherry and said, “Hey how come you’re still here? I thought you left like twenty minutes ago?”
Cherry didn’t answer. There was a mixture of embarrassment and seething annoyance that she felt towards Paul. Even after what happened, she didn’t like Paul. The dick was different from the dick owner. As far as she was concerned, they were two completely different entities and as much as she liked the former, she hated the latter just as much. She just stared ahead.
Joanna answered for her. “She went back to get her breakfast stub.

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   But before she got to her room, she found it in her pocket. ”
Thank God she told her that story! Cherry thought. She congratulated herself for a job well done.
“Ah okay. ” He pressed G for Ground Floor.
“Are you swimming in the pool later this afternoon?,” Joanna asked, hopefully.
“Oh ahhh… probably not. I didn’t bring my swimming trunks,” Paul lamented. Cherry’s mind began to wander. She thought of Paul by the pool wearing tight swimming trunks. She could just imagine how that monster cock of his would definitely protrude at such a flimsy material. What a sight to behold!
“Earth to Cherry!” Paul said to her. Cherry snapped back to reality and realized that they were already on the ground floor and that the two were already outside the elevator waiting for her.
“What are you thinking about anyway?” Joanna laughed.
“You look like you saw a snake or something!” Paul said.

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   He then walked off towards the buffet.  
7:00 am, Dining Hall. Ateneo table,
Paul comes up to the table. “Good morning!”
Rica smiled at her, “Good morning Paul!, Here take this seat, it’s unoccupied” she motioned to the seat beside her.
“Thanks Rica. Wow you saved me a seat!” Paul smiled and sat down.
“In your dreams!” Rica said and elbowing him playfully in the process.
“Good morning dude. ”, Alex said. “How’s your roommate?”
“I don’t know… she’s right behind me with Joanna”, he answered and yawned. Cherry and Joanna arrive and they take the seats beside Rica as well.
Paul took this as his cue and stood up. “I’ll get some breakfast”The Breakfast was not exactly part of the debate tournament. It was more of a custom where each school participating show their appreciation for the hosts and their commitment to the spirit of friendly competition. It was also a way for friends from different countries and schools to meet and catch up.

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   Each school will be acknowledged by the hosts and in response, the team would stand up and acknowledge the host. Back in the table, everybody was excited about the upcoming tournament.
“Guys, let’s focus on the task at hand. We have a really good chance this year,” Alex said.
“I agree, I think we’ll do well. ” His partner Marvin said.
“Easy for you to say. You have the best teammate,” Shelly said. She was the 5th best Debater in the team and the anchor of Team C. Shelly was more on the voluptuous side. She had a pretty face and could’ve been sexy if only she could control her eating habits. This is in stark contrast to her partner, Kristine, who was very slim and barely registered in the triple digits in the weighing scale.
“So what are you saying? You’re disappointed with having me as a teammate?” Kristine, her teammate, countered.
“That’s not what I mean. I’m just saying.

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  . ”
“Yeah yeah yeah… I can say the same about you anyway. ” The best of friends, theirs was a love-hate relationship.
“The British and Australian teams are always good. Especially that girl from  Monash A. If she hits her stride in this tournament, and there’s no reason for her not to, there’s no stopping her. , “Rica said nodding towards the girl at the buffet table getting some bread.
The girl was Svetlana Poriskova, the number one debater in the world in all the formats she participated in. She has been number one, two years running and was a success story in her own right. She was a British citizen yet her father was Russian and her mother was German. Now she’s debating for an Australian University.

She was a towering figure in the Debate community, figuratively and literally. She stood 6’2 inches at the age of 21, taller than any guy participating. She had a lanky frame and her height was accentuated by her statuesque stance and could pass as one of those slim supermodels. Her pale angelic face was hidden behind her thick dark-rimmed glasses which framed her almond colored eyes.

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   She had dirty blonde hair which was always tied up at the back, with a few curls falling from each side. She had no suitors, the men intimidated by her height but even more so by her intellect. The smart guys were too small and the tall guys were not smart enough. Paul looked at her. She seems nice.  

“Anyway, we’ll worry about that tomorrow,” Alex said.
“So who’s swimming with me later?” Joanna asked.
“I’ll swim with you,” Rica said. “How about you Paul?”
“I already told Joanna I can’t because I didn’t bring any trunks”, Paul said. He lamented this fact even more now that Rica said that she’ll be swimming.
“Trunks?? From what era have you come from?”
Everybody laughed. Nobody wears trunks you idiot! Yuck! You know what? I’m going shopping later, we’ll buy you board shorts. ”, Rica said.
“Okay!”, As long as I’m with you, Paul thought.
“How about you Cher? You coming?” Rica turned to Cherry.

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“Ah no. I need o catch some more zs. I wasn’t able to sleep well last night. Paul snores like a broken muffler,” Cherry said.
“Sorry I was tired. That’s how I sleep, deal with it”
“Well you better fix that. I want to be able to sleep at night. I need my beauty rest”
“Beauty and the Beast”, Paul muttered under his breath which Rica heard and laughed at.
“What did you say?”, Cherry heard it as well.
“Nothing I said you’re the best!”, Paul said with a fake smile.
“Guys remember, the Opening Ceremonies is at 7:15 pm. Make sure that you don’t get left by the bus to NUS. O, We’re about to be called. ” Alex said, halting another word war.
“Ateneo de Manila University, headed by their President, Alexander Reyes.

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  ”, the announcer said. They all stood up and waved and smiled while the rest of the participants applauded.  
10:00 am. Hotel Lobby.
Rica was waiting for Paul in the Lobby. After breakfast, Paul said that he had to go up to his room to fix something.

Rica liked Paul in some ways. While he was definitely not of her social class, he had a lot of things to offer. Paul was sweet and unassuming. Unlike all the blowhards she’s dated in the past, Paul was a real person. She always found him interesting. He was a very smart guy but he never pretended to be smarter than he actually was. He didn’t have any money but seems to get everything that he needs and never seemed needy. He was a real guy. Interested in sports, read that part first in the newspaper and not the society pages.

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   He was funny, better yet, he was corny. Which she liked because she was too.

But now she was getting antsy. What’s taking him so long?The elevator opened and out came Paul. Paul was wearing denim shorts, an Ateneo shirt, and some walking shoes. Rica took note of that. Every guy she met tried to impress her.

They’d be like going to a mall and all the guys in her group would be totally made up, obviously trying to impress her. She’d pas through a door and they’d scamper to open it for her. On simple movie gimmicks, the guy would always wear long sleeves, hair all gelled up. Paul was different. Paul would wear what he wanted. And what he wanted was comfort.
“Sorry I took so long”, Paul said, looking confused.
“It’s okay, was there a problem?” Rica asked.

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Paul was in fact confused about something. The reason he went back to the room was to clean up the mess he made under the table when he came a few hours ago. He forgot about it when he went down for breakfast and only remembered it after. He went back to the room immediately but he was surprised to see that there was very little cum on the wall or the carpet. He knew he came a lot but can’t seem to find it.
“Ah nothing. ” He let it go. “So are we shopping or what?”
“Where are we going anyway?”
“Just come with me. We’ll buy you board shorts and I’ll buy some stuff too. ”
“Okay, I’ll just follow you wherever you go. ” He opened the door for her. A taxi was already waiting outside and Rica got in the back. Paul made sure that Rica went in first. As Rica went in, he again took a glance at her ample butt, now covered with tight white pants. Rica sort of knew what was happening and took a bit longer to settle in.

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   Finally, a guy who was not too much of a gentleman, she thought.
Paul got in.

“Orchard Road please” Rica said.  
Room 507As soon as she saw Paul leave with Rica, Cherry went back up to her room. She had no intention to sleep as a matter of fact. She was so horny all morning that her panties were practically drenched. When she got in, she immediately took off her clothes and immediately touched her pussy. Oh shit!  
She thought. “OOHHH” Finally, some relief. She continued rubbing right there on the doorway, bending her knees a little to open her pussy up a little more. She had two fingers in and was rubbing furiously. She could feel her juices flow down her thighs and she loved it. She rubbed her clit with the other hand, going around in circles while her other hand worked her cunt, thrusting two fingers in and out. She was wet. She was horny, yet she felt as if something was missing.



She begrudgingly stopped playing with herself. She walked into the room and saw the table she was under just a few hours ago and felt the compulsion to get under there and she did. She assumed the position she was took when she watched that magnificent cock get jerked and stroked. She was squatting, her pussy wide open, exactly what she wanted. Her hand went down again and her pussy willingly accepted her two fingers again.
“Ohhh shit. Ohhhhh yeahhh that’s it… finally” She was impossibly horny. She could just imagine that cock again getting pumped in front of her. She could remember the cock with amazing detail, the product of staring at it intently for about five minutes. She continued to finger her wet cunt.

She was disappointed however that no matter how horny she was, something seems to still be missing. She got out. She knew what she wanted. She knew that tis would make everything complete.  
She went to Paul’s side of the room and saw his bag.

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   Very carefully, she opened it and searched. She couldn’t find the thing she wanted and was getting very agitated. Just then she saw a small blue bag beside it and opened it. There it is! She took it out and practically ran back to the table.

She went underneath and squatted. With one hand rubbing her pussy, her left hand adjusted Paul’s used white briefs and put it on top of her nose. She inhaled deeply. Immediately, Paul’s manly scent filled her nostrils. She inhaled deeper. She could smell the scent of his raw dick on the briefs. She loved it. And her pussy loved it. She was transported to a different place. A dream world. It was almost like she was on drugs.

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   After two inhalations, she came. Her body convulsed and shook with the force of the orgasm hitting her.

Nevertheless, she never took the briefs off of her nose and instead she inhaled even deeper. She absolutely loved the smell of Paul’s dick. With it, she can imagine the scene better, as if it was actually happening again. She even stuck her tongue out to taste the cloth. She could taste precum on the briefs, a taste she recognized after going down on her past boyfriends and lovers.  She sucked on the briefs and inhaled again. She continued to finger her pussy with her fingers. Her pussy hair was matted as it got soaked by her cum. “Mmmmmm, Ooooh” She kept saying. She was close to getting insane with ecstasy. She inhale again and again.

She could not get enough of the smell of Paul’s dick. She continued to finger herself as she did so.

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   She wanted one more finger in but her small pussy couldn’t take it. “Oh shit Paul”. She thought. She was disappointed with herself in some ways when she couldn’t push one more finger in because it meant that she couldn’t take that gorgeous cock in if she had the opportunity.

She forced it in, and it hurt. Three fingers in and she was in pain, but instead of stopping, she went on fingering. She inhaled some more and every time she did, the pain became less and less. “FUUUCKKK!!! I WANT YOUR COCK!!!” She screamed. She was about to cum. “YOUR COCK! YOUR COCK! OH THAT FUCKING COCK! Oh shit. Oh shit. OH SHIT. ARRGGGHHHHHHH!” 
Another orgasm hit her. It was intense. More than the first one.

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   She lost her balance and had to let go of the briefs to balance herself. Instead of dropping the briefs on the floor, she stuffed it in her mouth. Her orgasm made her cunt convulse and forced her fingers out.

She finally lost her balance totally and fell on the floor, still shaking like an epileptic. Her clit was throbbing fast and her cunt lips quivered. Without any strength, tired and visibly spent, she fell asleep, with Paul’s briefs still in her mouth as her cum flowed freely out of her quivering, exhausted cunt.




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