
The Day and The Knight


The hands finished tying the scarf over her eyes, the fingers combing through her hair, flickering down over her neck, sending shivers down her spine. Now she felt more weight on the bed next to her, a voice whispering in her ear, breath hot on her flesh. The voice was soft and she could not understand the words, but still, she felt safe. Safe, protected, cared for. As the voice continued, the hands ever warm on her back, her neck, in her hair, her shoulders, she relaxed. Her muscles eased, for even in her sleep, her muscles were tense and unyielding to any touch or caress. It was painful as they eased, having been tensed and hard for so long, but she welcomed the pain. As she eased through the pain, the pleasure of letting them go, of relaxing, ever more relaxing, took over and her mind merged the pain with the pleasure until she could no longer tell one from the other. The hands caressing, massaging, and touching felt her relax, felt her breathing deepen, her limbs loosen, her hands let go of their clenched fists. When he felt she had relaxed enough to move forward, his hands pressed on even further, harder, pushing her through more pain and into more pleasure. His voice ever there, ever present. Now she was beginning to make out some of the words, his voice becoming clearer. The hands moved down her back more, more, and more yet, although she began to clench when he reached the curve of her buttocks, but he pressed on, knowing she would fight the pleasure, fight the unknown, and cling to the familiar. One hand began at her hand that was still raised over her head, holding it open, caressing her fingers and then following the smooth skin of her arm down lower and lower, his fingers trailing down her profile, across her armpit, her side, down the valley of her waist and back up the hill of her hip. It was he who now sighed deeply, so admiring and loving the womanly curves of her body, whispering this into her ear, sensing her doubt, telling her over and over that it was true. The touch of his hands told her he did not lie, feeling his breath quicken against her ear as he spoke, and the urgency now present in his touch.

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   Her breathing became more rapid, her pulse increased and she could hear her heart beating fast in her ears. Almost imperceptibly, her body began to sway, echoing the movements of his hands, beginning a slow, seductive dance as he now leaned over to kiss her neck, taking little nips along the way, sucking, kissing, blowing where he left wet imprints on her skin. Her buttocks no longer clenched, his finger traced the line between them down to where it curved inward and disappeared between her closed thighs. He stopped, not wanting to press forward just yet. He wanted to guaranty her complete and total trust, her complete and total desire to give herself to him. Although she was beginning to open, he was wise and knew that better would be the taste of her if she offered herself instead of him roughly taking her. He began to work his hands on her ass, kneading the fleshy cheeks, letting his finger slip between them now and then. He lay closer and closer to her as he did this; still his voice did not stop, reassuring, comforting, coaxing, encouraging. Her mind stopped wondering, stopped questioning. She began to give of herself, she began to let her body take over and her mind rest. Her back arching as he reached a hand around her to grab a breast, to fondle it, caress it. She moaned as he took her nipple into his mouth, first sucking hard, and then letting his teeth gently press in on her; she moaned again; he bit down harder. Quickly then his mouth moved away, blowing cool against the wetness, making her nipple stand erect and hard. The hand that was filled with her breast reached for the nipple, pulling, tugging, and then twisting it, a little harder than the bite had been. She gasped, sucking the air in loudly, and then crying out as she exhaled; this was the sign he was waiting for.

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   He felt extreme contentment coming over him, knowing more of her, her body, her mind. Knowing he was learning the eccentricities of it, its nuances, its desires, its secrets. He smiled against her neck and she heard his slight chuckle somewhere in her mind. His pleasure registered with her and this heightened the desire close to bursting inside her. She could feel his hardness against her now, and she ached to turn, to reach for him. Again, he held her on her side, the scarf over her eyes, arms raised above her, her knees together and slightly bent, whispering the whole time that this was how he wanted her to stay; as she felt overwhelmed by the strong sensation to comply with all he asked. One hand stayed gripping her breast as the other traveled again over the valley and hills of her curves, this time almost grinding his way down her thigh, the pressure of his touch harder now. His nails left trails the way back up her thigh, his hand on her breast squeezed a little harder. She could feel her breathing coming harder and harder; she opened her mouth in a pant. He kissed his way down her back, lower, lower still. Over her hip he kissed, his mouth searing his mark onto her skin. As his head lowered to just above her ass, one hand smoothed her hip, the other caressed her cheeks, the spot where her buttocks met the top of her thigh, playfully letting his hand lightly smack that sweet spot. That hand, feeling her skin burn hot, her hips making a slow rhythm, and the scent of her wetness filling his nostrils, his hand lowered and lowered into that cavern between her closed thighs. He slipped a finger between those soft thighs, kissing lightly at the same time. God, how he cried out when his finger discovered the heat, discovered the slow burn that had enflamed her pussy so.

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   He did not enter her, just slowly stroked her soft lips, parting them slightly, her juices overflowing and beginning to spill onto the sheets beneath her. His tongue snaked out to lap them up as they flowed. He let his tongue dip into her honey; she was sweet, oh so sweet, musky. Reluctantly, he pulled away from her for a moment, smiling at her cry of protest, although she would not say the words. She had no idea where it came from, but suddenly she realized a soft cord had been wrapped securely around her wrists. In an automatic reaction, she tugged against the cord and found it to be secured to something, so that although she could move her arms slightly, she was bound in this position. On an impulse, she pulled on her feet, finding them to be bound as well with the same soft cord and tied to what, she did not know. She paused, waiting for fear to engulf her. A smile came over her face; no fear, no panic. As a matter of fact, the binding around her wrists and ankles only added to the feeling of security she had with him. Finally, a crack in the stone that had formed around her heart, a ding in the armor. The beginning of trust, true trust. His hands returned to her ass, his face again kissing down over her hips, down the side of her thigh. Over and over his mouth returned to the small of her back, loving the response she had to that, how her body would jump and she would cry out, unable to help herself. He took one hand, sliding it down her thigh, and grabbing her knee, pulled it up close to her chest, effectively opening herself even more to him from behind.

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   His pulse increased and he felt himself grow harder. He felt more desire course through him, and he roughly grabbed her breasts, slightly tugging on them, nipping here and there. His hands though, were impatient to return to their original task, and he laid both of them on each of her cheeks, down low to where her thighs came together. With her in that position--her hands tied securely over her head, her ankles tied, making her unable to get up, a blindfold covered her eyes, her knee of one leg drawn up to her chest--he felt free to explore at will. She knew he wanted this, and opening herself for him sent a thrill through her she had not known before. His hands spread her ass wide, his eyes taking in the sight of her enflamed pussy, open and begging his hands to bring release to her. She pulled her knee higher, higher, wanting to expose herself to him completely. Now one hand lifted her thigh and spread it out wide, and his head leaned in to taste her sweetness. His tongue went to her clit and he began to tease it, first hard and then soft, making her squirm as best she could in her present position. His fingers plunged into her then. . . . . .

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  . . . God, she almost fainted from the divine torture this brought to her; his tongue still tormenting her clit, making it swollen and hard, his fingers gently exploring her at first and then, at her urging, fucking her faster, harder, slipping yet another finger into her pussy and fucking her now with three fingers. She bucked her hips, wanting to set the rhythm, still wanting to call the shots, to have control. He kept up his own pace, desiring to set the rhythm and make her adjust her bucking movements to his fingers, making sure she knew exactly who was in control here. Her head jerked back as his fingers kept up their relentless pounding, sometimes slowing to a soft, sweet pace, but then again firing as a bullet would, sudden, hard. While one hand was busy with that task, the other hand was placed on her ass, continuing to spread her wide for him, letting him see all of her most intimate places. He touched in just the right places, his tongue knew just the right pressure, his fingers, mouth, hands, all of him knew her as no other ever had or ever would, as they had known each other for centuries past, and would for centuries to come. Her soft moans and the sounds forced from her by lust stirred him, her scent sparked a fire, her softness made his fingers ache for wanting more, her wetness caused his cock to swell, he was so hard he had to draw upon a great strength to give him focus, divert his attention away from that bliss, at least for the moment. In time, he knew, in time. His cock would have her everywhere, he knew she would welcome it anywhere he chose to use it, and he knew he would make use of every conceivable choice he could think of. Her body was coated with a light sheen of perspiration and her movements were more frenzied, pulling tightly against the cords that bound her wrists and ankles. For a moment he thought to take her over the edge, but that would be too easy and he was enjoying her tension too much to end it this soon. His fingers slowed, he pulled his head back, letting his hand softly rub her back, easing her back away from climax, but leaving a definite sense of frustration, made all the more evident by her sudden enormous sigh of disappointment.

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   One hand he kept gently and softly stroking between her thighs, just enough to keep the senses heightened and a torment to the moment. His mouth kissed down her leg, licking for a while the soft place behind her knee, tasting her skin that now had a slight salty taste. He drifted his hands down as well, slowly, never allowing her to come down all the way. He now took one lovely foot in his hands, massaging, caressing, lightly tickling the sole. Her toenails newly pedicure, the scent of lotion still evident and he knew she paid attention to all parts of her body, not missing anything. As he began to caress her foot harder and harder, even more of her tension soothed away, she felt herself drift more and more into a luxurious comfort level she had not known she could reach. This change in his mannerisms, his movements, his direction, now caught her off guard. Her pussy was still soaked and almost screamed for him to return his attention there. Still, she was oh, so enjoying this play as well, though, and the different sensations that were felt aroused and excited her. Each toe in turn he sucked on, his hands ever moving, at times stroking up the inside of her calf, then up her inner thigh, and just fluttering across her pussy. She could not help herself and lunged her hips forward in an attempt to get his fingers inside her. He was glad for the movement, because those were the signs he was watching for, they told him when to press forward, when to ease off. The perfume coming from between her legs intoxicated him. He tasted each toe, lingering, sucking gently, letting his teeth occasionally scrape across the skin or take a little nip. He dragged his index finger across the sole of her foot, from the heel up to the toes.

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   Her reflexes made her foot flex, he saw goosebumps pop out on her skin. Finishing with the left foot, he kissed his way up her inner leg, just to the knee, and then began to press his lips on the calf of her other leg, working back down to her right foot, savoring and enjoying it as he had done its mate. She tried to stay conscious, focused, centered. God, how hard she worked at it, not wanting to drift completely into this pool, this bliss, although she did not know why she hesitated. Her body reacted equally with pure pleasure, ecstasy, and excitement, and also with anxiety and trepidation. She held back, remembering, always remembering the heartache, remembering her vow to stay focused, to stay on task, to not let go. By God, she could not let go, she had learned that lesson well. She would not give her all too any man. Oh, but he was making that so hard. Her mind would drift in and out of conscious thought and then back to automatic bodily responses and reactions. She knew if she let it, the feelings she held back would tear out the door, gone from her and leave that empty space to fill inside her. She squirmed, sighing, moaning as his lips and his fingers pulled her closer to him and farther away from herself. She was unaware that her confusion and mixed feelings played out like a movie across her face, and he watched all of it as he stroked her body higher and higher. He understood all her feelings, but knew if he told her that, she would not believe him. He knew she was not ready yet to believe and he would have to earn her trust, but he was patient.

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   He would first show her that her body could trust him, and her mind, heart, and soul would take more time and effort, but eventually, she would give all of that to him, too. He knew he would own all of her. But to tell her that now would be a wasted effort, so he kept silent, watching her face, enjoying the taste of her, waiting to press forward again. After savoring the delights of her toes, massaging her feet and up her calves, his fingers once again traced lines up and down her thighs. Sometimes with a feather touch, others hard, letting her feel his nails on her tender skin. He let his hands now and then slip between her legs, wanting to keep the fire burning, flaring up to an intense white heat and then cooling off a little, to a smoldering flame. Each time his fingers went to her pussy, she would open her legs as wide as was possible with her ankles bound, her hips rising up to meet his hand. "Please, oh, please," at one time came from her lips when he lingered once, letting his fingers dip inside, finding her clit, rolling it around and underneath his thumb. He did not respond, at least not with words, and continued on as he pleased. He shifted position, once again beside her, his knees pressed into her back. He whispered into her ear that she at any time she wished him to stop whatever it was he doing, she was to use the word red. He asked her to repeat it three times, to make sure she understood. She answered by saying red three times and he said that was her safe word and to remember it. He told her that if she did not want him to stop, but just to back off a little, she was to say the word yellow. He asked her to now say the word yellow, and to say that she understood.

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   Once again she responded, saying yellow three times and then adding that she understood these safe words and when to use them. "Good girl," he breathed into her ear, returning his hand between her legs, his mouth to her breast. With no warning at all, two of his fingers plunged into her pussy, finger fucking her at a rapid pace while he slowly sucked on her nipple, kissing her breast, nibbling it on occasion. She cried out when his fingers took her and as he picked up the pace and the force with which he fucked her, she moaned and cried out over and over. As he continued pleasing her soaking pussy with one hand, he released her breast from his mouth, and as he watched her face for a reaction, he moved his free hand down to stroke her ass as he brought her higher and higher. Her breathing picked up as he did this, her movements became even more frantic. This pleased him, and he let his finger slide down the crack of her ass, barely separating her cheeks. He saw her trying to spread herself wider for him and again he was pleased. He once again spoke to her, whispering mostly, but sometimes a little louder, wanting her to stay off track. Calling her lovely pet names, he began to tell her what it was he wanted from her body, how he would have her release all of it to him, how she would scream out in pleasure, and how she would scream out in pain at the same time. He finger fucked her even harder now, letting his thumb rub against her clit as well. He asked her if she felt close to cumming, and after a pause, she told him she was close, very close. He brought his face close to her pussy, breathing her in, letting that female scent enflame him. She was so wet that as his fingers plunged in and out of her, her pussy would splash his fingers and hands, even a light spray across his face. Her face, that he was still watching closely, grimaced in its attempts to hold back and would then relax into the moment, her mouth falling open and her head rolling backward.

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   He knew that even if her eyes were not covered by the scarf, they would be closed. Her body movements were no longer controlled, but uneven, erratic, responding only to lust and desire. He thought of stopping, pulling back again, but decided against it, instead choosing to let her rush into the climax, let her associate nothing but extreme pleasure and satisfaction from his touch and his words. Her breathing came faster and faster as she neared, now letting herself feel the edge, wanting to go over it, and he knew she would, although not as completely as she could. But that would come, he was certain of that. His own breathing also quickened and he felt the hunger inside of him that coursed through his gut, coursed through his cock, making him want her even more. Suddenly every muscle in her body tensed and he knew by the look on her face that she was at the beginning of her orgasm. He leaned slightly forward, making sure she would hear as he told her to cum, he desired this of her and desired her to do it right now. To cum for him. No sooner had the words left his lips when she took a deep breath, holding it now as the orgasm ripped through her. As the first wave swept over her, she thought she would faint from the intensity, but stayed at the surface. As the first orgasm faded and as she felt the next one beginning, she let go of the breath, her lungs forcefully expelling the air and she cried out, calling out "yes, yes, yes," over and over. As the next climax peaked, the words stopped and she strained all of her body with the force of it, pulling against her bindings so tightly she could feel even this soft cord cutting into her skin. "Ohhhhhhhhhh," was the only sound she could make, the second climax peaking, a third beginning almost at the same time. He managed to keep his fingers fucking her, never changing the pace, knowing that would throw off her concentration.


   Now as she was so completely caught up in her climax, cumming harder with each orgasm, he wet one finger with her juices and as she strained against this third climax, pressed his finger slightly into her ass, again watching her face for a reaction. Her hips jumped and her head flung back so hard he was afraid she would give herself whiplash. There was no pausing between her orgasms now, they came rushing one after the other. His fingers fucking her pussy continued until he sensed her slowing and his finger had stayed just barely inside her ass, only moving the slightest bit, letting her get used to the feel of it. "Please, I need to catch my breath," she said, and then remembering the safewords he had mentioned, she called out "yellow. " He smiled, pleased she had remembered and that she had said yellow, for him to slow, not red, wanting him to stop. Her slowed, and then removed his fingers from both her pussy and her ass, although he kept on hand on her, making sure she knew he was there, he had not left her. This, he knew, was extremely important with her. Her breathing was hard and fast, she was panting in her attempts to catch her breath and he slowly and gently rubbed her back, easing her back down after cumming so hard and so many times. As her breathing slowed, he started talking to her once again, sharing his feelings, how she had pleased him with her response to his touch, how her own climax made him almost cum himself, although he had held back because he wanted to cum inside of her. At those words he saw her catch and hold her breath for a moment and he smiled, knowing she was thinking that he was not finished, there was more to come. Since her breathing had slowed and her heart had stopped racing, he leaned forward and began kissing her neck, feeling her pulse under his lips, feeling her blood pounding through her veins, her adrenalin forcing her heart to work hard. He felt her body relaxing once again, the muscles loosening from the clenched position that had contorted them while she was cumming. He kneaded her shoulder as he kissed her neck, then his hand went to her hair, his fingers lacing through its silkiness. She tried again to leave her side and lay on her back, but his body prevented her from doing that.

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   Her bottom lip came out in a pout and he chuckled. He wanted to be certain the message got through to her that he would decide what her body would do, and what position she would lay in. His free hand kneaded her breast, the soft, plump mound filling his hand, and he told her how he loved the feel of it, how it fit his hand just right. He saw a slight smile and again chuckled. "Good," he thought, "She is glad that I find pleasure in her body just the way it is. " He toyed with her this way a bit longer, letting her body again relax, although not too much that she would come down completely. He whispered to her that he was going to change her bindings, but she should stay where she was until he returned and moved her the way he wished her body to be. "Yes, I will," was all she said, her voice breathless and throaty with passion. He took but a few moments to rearrange the way she was bound, and returned to her, placing a hand on her side, gently pushing her down onto her back. She sighed as she lay flat against the sheets, the cotton cool against her hot skin. It felt good to lay back, to move after being so long on her side. His hand went behind her head, raising it, and he slipped a pillow under her head. "Thank you," she whispered to him, and he answered with a fiery kiss, lingering, savoring the moment as she returned his kiss with her own fire and passion. Her wrists and ankles were still tied, her arms raised over her head, her ankles had enough slack in those cords that she could raise her knees or spread her ankles wide apart. But the cords were an ever-present reminder to her that she was in some respects his prisoner.

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   However, she felt a prisoner and a sense of freedom all at the same time. His hands traced her body, traveling down from her throat to her ankles and then up again. He saw her shudder and Goosebumps pop out on her skin. The room was not cool, and her reaction confirmed his suspicions, that she had a high sex drive, she was still burning inside and ready for more. His mouth sought hers again, this time his tongue slipped inside, finding hers and caressing it. His lips ground against hers and as he pulled back, he sucked on her bottom lip for a moment, then let his teeth bite ever so slightly on the fullness of her lip before releasing it. He reached for something, and she felt his movements shift the weight on the mattress. Her curiosity was piqued as to what he had planned next, but she then thought that somehow, no matter how long they stayed in bed, he would never run out of ways to thrill her. She smiled a big, very wicked grin at this thought, causing him to lean forward and whisper in her ear, "How right you are, my sweetness, we shall never be finished, shall we?" She gasped as he chuckled, her shock evident that he had read her thoughts. She felt his body moving over hers, and froze for a moment, waiting to see where he was going. Her eyes strained to see through the scarf and the blackness in front of her was at that moment frustrating. He quietly shushed her again, his hands on her thighs. She felt weight on either side of her head, as well as either side of her hips. First one of his hands and then the other stroked up and down her legs and across her stomach. She could feel the heat of him over her face, she sensed his cock near her and her mouth began to water at the thought of him in her mouth.

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   She strained her wrists against the cords, wanting so much to touch him. He watched her struggle and said nothing. When he wished her to touch him, he would allow it, but for now, he was more intent on making sure she felt the captive here, that she knew it was he who controlled the moment and the actions. One hand went to the inside of her knee and pressed against it, spreading outward as far as it would go. A shift of weight and the other hand spread the other knee outward also. He bent each of her knees a little and then pressed downward on them again, opening and exposing her pussy as much as possible. Yet another thing he wanted her to understand, that he wished her completely open to him and it was his choice when he wished to explore or admire the most intimate parts of her body. There had been slight resistance under his hands when he opened her fully, but that was to be expected in the beginning. He knew she would come to know that resisting was only an exercise in futility. Now he lowered his head, kissing her belly, breathing hotly against the wet kisses. She lay perfectly still, wanting to feel him completely. As his kisses ventured lower and lower, she tensed, anticipating his tongue on her pussy, to caress her clit. She shuddered several times, the reaction fueling him. As his lips kissed her inner thighs, just barely brushing over the lips of her pussy and then moving to the other inner thigh, his hand reached for his cock. His hips lowered toward her face, his hand guiding his cock to her lips.

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   She felt him brush her cheek and then her lips. Her tongue snaked out and across him, tasting him. She sighed deeply and then opened her mouth for him; she wanted him in her mouth, all of him. Her tongue came out again, searching for him and was relieved to find him in front of her and she began to lick in earnest, circling the tip of his cock, caressing the sensitive underside, flicking over the tip time and again, feeling him quiver as she excited him. She was so engrossed in the pleasure of tasting him that she momentarily lost track of the sensations between her legs. However, this would not do, he never wanted her to become complacent to his actions and he thrust one finger inside her, wiggling it around for a few moments before pulling out again. This movement brought her mind back to what he was doing to her pussy and her mouth paused, but only briefly. As she began to savor each pleasure, the oral sensations she was causing and were being caused to her, her breathing once again accelerated and her pulse quickened. More and more her tongue licked him, until finally she asked him, "Please, I want you in my mouth, please come closer to me so I can wrap my lips around you. " He simultaneously lowered his cock to her mouth as he lowered his own to her pussy. She sucked him in, raising her head as much as she could, sliding her lips down, wetting him with her mouth and then lowering her head once again. Up and down, more and more she pulled him into her mouth, sucking, licking. She made love to his cock with her mouth, at times licking him up and down, circling the head, flickering over the top, then wrapping her lips around him, raising her head and sucking him in at the same time, pulling him into her until she could feel him at the back of her throat. His tongue stroked the lips of her pussy, pressing between them and inside of her. Up and down he caressed her, keeping a rhythm with his strokes, occasionally breaking that rhythm to suck on her clit.

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   His teeth only gently crossed her clit and he heard a muffled cry, her moans stifled by his cock in her mouth. His hips began a rhythm as he found himself more and more distracted by the sensations of her mouth sucking his cock. He began to slide in and out, slowly at first, but then picking up the pace. His tongue ceased its work on her pussy as his mind went completely to the heat coming from between his legs. For a moment he regretted that her wrists were tied, since the feel of her hands on his cock, on his balls, would have certainly added to this pleasure. However, feeling her arms straining against the restraints heightened his satisfaction, knowing how much she wanted to touch him, but could not until he allowed it. Oh, how good her mouth was, how sweet the feeling of her lips across his skin, her tongue finding each spot that drove him crazy, she knew exactly where to go, where to touch him, where her tongue licking him would make him sway his hips, dizzy from the height of the sensations. He moaned in his pleasure and she sighed. God, how it thrilled her to know she could bring him such pleasure!! More and more she wanted him, she tried to increase the tempo by moving her head faster, but then went back to matching the rhythm he chose, laying her head back in a relaxed fashion, relaxing her jaw, completely relishing his movements, she thought she could cum again from the joy of him fucking her mouth. He felt a climax building and with much reluctance, pulled back from her mouth, letting her tongue slide down the length of it as he did. "Please, don't pull away, I want you to cum in my mouth," he heard her say and paused. Her words had moved him and he decided to act on impulse and let his cock be near her mouth again. She greedily grabbed onto him, almost swallowing him whole. "Mmmmmmm," came from her throat, and his cock reacted by shoving even further into her mouth. Over and over now, faster and faster he fucked her mouth.

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   Her wet lips sucking him hard as he did, her tongue frantic, moving wherever it could touch him. He smelled her musky odor and knew she was wet, knew how excited she was. God, how that thrilled him even more, knowing she was excited having his cock in her mouth. He felt his climax, knew it was inevitable. His mind focused on that now, the sensation of her lips wrapped around him, the cool air hitting him as he pulled out of her mouth, the heat as he pushed himself back in. He pushed his cock farther into her mouth, relishing the feeling of bumping against the back of her throat. Yes, he knew he was about to cum. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh, aaaaaahhhhhhhh," came from him, moans, and a final shout as he came in her mouth, feeling himself filling her with his cock and his cum, feeling her swallowing what he gave her, her tongue licking him clean. His orgasm rocked him with its explosion, with the force of it. When he had finished, he almost collapsed on top of her but caught himself, and fell over to the side, panting, drenched in sweat, and his heart pounding in his chest so loud she could hear it. As he lay there composing himself, she felt a huge satisfaction inside. Oh, that she could bring him such release, such fulfillment, how that gave her a sense of happiness like she had never known. It was right, it was meant to be, she knew that. She thought that this was where she was supposed to be, bringing happiness and pleasure to him, in whatever way he desired. Yes, this was where she belonged, she thought.

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   A sensation of pleasure ran through her belly as she thought of his pleasure. She tingled with excitement and anticipation. She could not believe that she could still be ready for more but she was and somehow she knew he would not be finished with her yet this night either. The bed shifted once again as he sat up and then left the bed, although talking to her, so she again would know he did not leave her. He knew how much she feared being abandoned and he wanted to make sure she would know he would not be cruel to her, he would not take advantage of her, knowing her fears, and he knew she felt vulnerable but he would not betray her confidence in him. She felt her ankles now being raised up and back, almost over her head. This time they were tied securely so she had little movement, but she did not have fear. She felt so exposed, spread wide as she was, and the breeze as he moved around the bed felt cool across her wet pussy. Her arms were still held where they were, over her head. She felt the flutter of something across her skin, lightly at first and then tracing a little harder, only enough for her to feel what it was he had in his hand. It was something that felt frayed at the end, with a lot of tips. He traced it over the length of her body, covering almost every inch of her with it, letting her body become familiar with the feel of it. He wanted no surprises in what toys he would use; however, a there would probably be a few surprises in how he used them. He was acutely aware of the shudder of her body as he dragged it over it breasts, down between them then, and then between her legs. Tickling her slightly with it, but then pulling it away.

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   The disappearance of the flogger from her skin seemed strange, and she tensed, instinctively knowing more was to come. She felt a sudden, fairly light sting across her ass, making her gasp and turn her head sharply, her body tighten. He paused now, letting her mind grasp the sensations. The sting spread out in a wide pattern, a warmth quickly followed it. Her first thought was to object, her mouth opened to say her safe word. Then suddenly the pleasure sensation followed the sting, and her mouth closed. He brought it down on her skin again, no perceptible rhythm, only finding a spot he liked and stroking it gently with the flogger or bringing it down a little harder. He kept the harder strikes to her ass and her thighs, the lighter ones on her breasts, stomach, arms. He intentionally did not use this directly on her pussy, waiting for the right moment. He wanted her mind to merge the pain with the pleasure once again, as it did when he relaxed her tightened and strained muscles. The pain of release bringing everlasting pleasure and peace. He talked to her, as he had throughout, gently, but sometimes more firm, in a sterner voice. Let her know him, all sides of him. Her body strained as he teased and tormented it with the flogger. He tickled between her legs, letting it trace down over her pussy, has ass.

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   Pulling it quickly up and bringing it down sharply on her cheeks. She began to cry out, her breathing had again become almost a pant. He feathered the flogger across her breasts while he brought his other hand to her pussy. With one long stroke, he brought his hand down her clit and followed it down to her ass. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh, yessssssss", tore from her lips; she was completely soaking wet under his touch. Harder came the leather across her ass, her thighs. One hand grabbed a breast, squeezing tightly as he kept up the strokes across her ass and thighs. A little harder now, the heat in her ass enflaming her, the stings now seeming to reach up inside her, racing through her belly and exploding in her pussy. Again he pulled the flogger back, tracing it more lightly across her body, spending a little more time on her breasts, her stomach. He saw her breathing slow slightly, her body relax. He used that moment to drop the flogger to the bed and one hand dragged from her breasts down her stomach, between her legs. He finger found her clit, swollen and hot, his touch made her feel the climax build yet again. Her sounds, her moans gave her away, but he told her to hold back some, she should wait to cum, it was not time. He caressed her clit, rubbing it between his fingers, letting his finger stroke it at his leisure. He kept this up, driving her closer to where he wanted her to be, seeing her face struggling to hold back her orgasm.

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   He brought his hand up now and spanked her ass, one cheek, suddenly and sharply. Before she could recover, he brought his hand up and repeated it, now spanking her at will. His other hand kept up the stroking of her clit, harder and harder, now and then letting his hand run down the length of her pussy to her ass and back up again, coating his hand with her wetness. He paused in his spanking, letting the heat ease slightly. Now he plunged two fingers into her pussy and she screamed out. . . . . . . . no longer was she able to react except from that animal state. Her head flinging back and forth on the pillow, animal sounds from her mouth, her hands and feet straining against their cords. Oh, God, he fought his own animal lust to fuck her right then.


   How he wanted her, wanted to finally savor the feeling of slipping himself into her, taking her completely. He knew that pleasure was to be his and that alone gave him the patience to continue the play. Again, his hand spanked her ass, returning to that sweet spot, a few more strokes and then he stopped, seeing she could no longer hold back her climax. "I, I, can't. . . . . . . . . . ," was all she managed to get out in words. His hand retrieved the flogger from where it lay on the bed, this time turning it around and flipping a switch in the handle.

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   The handle on this toy was a vibrator and he intended to use this now as he let her cum. He held the vibrator next to her ear, letting her hear the sound for a moment, and then he placed it between her legs, stroking her clit with his free hand. she screamed out and he plunged the vibrator into her waiting pussy, his hand ever rubbing her clit. "Yes, my darling, cum. Do cum now. Cum for me. " The sounds of her release filled the room as he fucked her with the vibrator, his hand rubbing her clit roughly. Over and over she came, her cum flowing from her, soaking his hand, the sheets beneath her. Finally, he sensed her ending, as she gasped hard, trying to breath normally. He stopped his movements, reaching up to untie her, lay her tired arms and legs down on the bed. He rolled her over to her stomach, her face completely devoid of any emotion, she was lost somewhere, he was sure. But he was here with her and would keep her safe, he was not worried. She needed to find that space and learn to find something there she could find nowhere else. He raised her up to her hands and knees, her body moving doll-like as he positioned it. He climbed behind her now on the bed, letting his hands stroke her back, leaning over her momentarily, letting her feel his hard cock pressing against her.

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   She straightened her muscles some, her mind understanding what he wanted, what she wanted. She raised her hips, her ass to him, waiting for him. He brought both hands down the side of her, holding her hips firmly. His cock went naturally to her pussy, nature have built them to fit together so precisely. He paused at the entrance, letting the head of his cock slip inside just slightly. She raised herself even more, leaning back against him. Sllloooowwwwlllllyyyyyy now he slipped the length of him inside her soft, wet, waiting space. They both held their breath and said nothing, relishing the feeling of him filling her so completely. He leaned over her back, kissing her there, cherishing that first moment of entering her. He pulled back slowly and now began the rhythm. That rhythm that took over both of them, making them into someone else, the lust and desire taking their place as the only emotions felt, pushing away anxiety, fear, sanity. His fingers digging into her hips, he began fucking her. Still slowly at first, so enjoying every re-entry into her pussy, his balls slapping against her as he filled her completely. Then faster, faster, harder and harder. Her hips drove back to meet him, giving him a rock surface to pound against.

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   Her fingers dug into the sheets, her back arched completely, her head thrown back, her hair splayed across her back and shoulders. Oh, God, on and on he fucked her, her words encouraging him as she begged him to fuck her harder, faster, harder still. Barely thinking anymore now, so taken over by desire was he, he gave over his conscious thought and let his body react completely on instinct. As his hips pounded against her ass, his hand reached for the vibrator still laying next to them. He touched it against her clit, pressing it against her pussy, wetting the end with her juices. Then as he was about to cum, unable to wait any longer, not wanting to wait any longer, he pressed the end of the vibrator against her ass, easing it in as he eased his cock into her pussy. He felt a slight resistance, but pressed onward. He did not hear a safe word, so he pressed the vibrator further into her ass, now feeling it against his cock from the inside. God, she felt so full, she could not believe the feelings pouring over her. As he fucked her pussy and used the vibrator to fuck her ass, she slipped away, slipped away and let him have her, all of her. She no longer held back, keeping anything from him. She exploded as he did, the spasms of her pussy grabbing his cock, squeezing him. She thought she had reached insanity and did not care. Their pattern matched perfectly because they had the rhythm of centuries to keep them steady and in sync. As she came she heard him scream out with the force and intensity of his own orgasm.

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   As he came, the feelings and sensations continued, but his voice faded, as if someone were turning down the volume on a radio. The feelings of what was happening to her body followed the voice and faded to a silence as well. The light in the room grew dim and went black completely as she heard her name called, softly and softer still. She felt a warmth, a touch. In her sleep-fogged mind, she enjoyed the pleasant sensation, not yet awake enough to wonder why someone was touching her or even who it was that was touching her. She became more awake as her mind recognized that the touch was a breeze blowing through the open window of her bedroom, blowing the curtains across her skin. The warmth of the sun beat down on her bare shoulders and her face. She bolted up, looking all around the room for him or some sign of him. There was nothing. She sat there for a minute, dazed and not completely awake. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes, stretched, and then looked around the room yet again. Still nothing. She sighed a huge sigh and laid back against her pillows. A tear trickled down her cheek, wetting first her skin and then the pillow. "Another dream," she thought, "another dream.

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  " She looked at the empty place on the bed next to her, rubbing her hand against the cool sheets where she had hoped to see him laying next to her. As she did this, only one thought came to her this morning. "A true man by night, a ghost by the light of day. As I have discovered before, that is the only place I will ever find my knight in shining armor, in my dreams and dreaming is the only place I will trust again. For knights and masters are the stuff of fairy tales, love songs, movies, and dreams. There they reside with true substance, but when taken from the fairy tale, they collapse and turn to dust. " As the tears fell one after the other onto her pillow, she watched the curtains rise and fall with the gusts of wind coming through the open window. She watched him in her mind's eye, as he stood next to the window, and then he turned to dust, the breeze made its sorrowful wail, and it carried the dust out the open window and off into the sky, where she knew he would stay until called to her again through a fairy tale, a love song, a movie, or her dreams. She knew he would return again to be substantive and whole, but would eventually once again turn to dust. So she cried harder now, not because he was only of her dreams, but because she knew there was no knight or master who could ever retain substance in her waking hours and yet be there in her dreams as well. "Dust, only dust," she said softly to herself as she rose from the bed, grabbing her robe, and heading toward the bathroom to get herself ready to face another day. She tried hard to forget the knight, the master, in the only way she knew how, by polishing her own strong armor that surrounded her tightly and protectively. Her mind, heart, and soul embraced the armor in its comfort, but it was heavy, and so she longed for One who could relieve her of its burden. She sighed and even though she tried with all her might not to, a teeny shred of hope sustained itself outside the armor, ever watchful and ever diligent. She smiled as her thoughts wandered to the dream, her hand stopped in mid air as she brushed her hair, her mind lost in the fairy tale, the Dream.

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Χαρίστε στον εαυτό σας λίγη εξαιρετική ψυχαγωγία επιλέγοντας αληθινές επαγγελματίες συνοδούς στην συνοδοι Ιωάννινα.
Μη διστάσετε να ελέγξετε τους Συνοδούς στην Ιωάννινα πορνες και να αισθανθείτε πως είναι πραγματικά η ηδονή, ενώ σας προσφέρουν αποκλειστικής ποιότητας υπηρεσίας συνοδών.

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Η Ελλάδα, είναι μια από τις πιο πολυάσχολες χώρες σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη. Διαθέτει μια αξιομνημόνευτη ιστορία 4,000 χρόνων, είναι η χώρα της δημοκρατίας, του πολιτισμού, του φιλότιμου, με φιλόξενους ανθρώπους, και εντυπωσιακές φυσικές τοποθεσίες. Στην πραγματικότητα, εάν θέλετε μπορείτε να εξερευνήσετε μερικά από τα πιο εκπληκτικά νησιά στον κόσμο μόνο για να συνειδητοποιήσετε ότι θα ζήσετε μια ανεπανάληπτη εμπειρία ζωής.
Τα 6,000 ηλιόλουστα νησιά της, το Ελληνικό φαγητό, το Ελληνικό καμάκι κάνουν την ατμόσφαιρα ακόμα πιο μαγική. Έτσι, δεν αποτελεί έκπληξη το γεγονός ότι έχουν δημοσιευτεί χιλιάδες άρθρα που αναφέρουν ότι το ταξίδι στην συνοδοι Ιωάννινα θα είναι ένα από τα πιο γοητευτικά μέρη στην Ελλάδα, ακόμα και στην Ευρώπη. Για αυτό είναι και τόσο αναγνωρισμένη πόλη ανάμεσα στους ανθρώπους που προτιμούν να ταξιδεύουν στον κόσμο.
Ωστόσο, θα εντυπωσιαστείτε όταν ανακαλύψετε ότι η Ελλάδα μπορεί να προσφέρει πολλά περισσότερα σε εκείνους που τολμούν να την εξερευνήσουν. Ετοιμαστείτε για κάτι ολοκληρωτικά ερεθιστικό. Καλώς ορίσατε στον συναρπαστικό κόσμο Συνοδών στην! Ο καλύτερος προορισμός για όλους τους πρόστυχους μάγκες που θέλουν να γεμίσουν τη ζωή τους με εκπληκτικές εμπειρίες γεμάτες ακολασία και αχαλίνωτο πάθος. Θα μείνετε εντελώς ικανοποιημένοι με αυτές τις κορυφαίας ποιότητας συνοδούς που θα δείτε στην Ιωάννινα Συνοδοί.
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Η κάθε κυρία μας είναι κορυφαία ερμηνεύτρια όσον αφορά το σεξ και διαθέτει εξαιρετικές δεξιότητες που θα σας αφήσουν άφωνους. Περιηγηθείτε ελεύθερα στη συλλογή φωτογραφιών μας για να χαζέψετε αυτά τα ευλύγιστα κορμιά με πιασίματα και τα γλυκά πρόσωπα που δεν ντρέπονται να σας αποκαλύψουν τα μοντέλα μας.
Πέρα από τις απίστευτης ποιότητας υπηρεσίες συνοδού κατά τη διάρκειας της ημέρας, οι ελκυστικές συνοδοί μας μπορούν χωρίς αμφιβολία να σας παρέχουν αξέχαστες υπηρεσίες συνοδού τη νύχτα, όταν είστε οι δυο σας.
Οι εντυπωσιακές καυτές γκόμενες από την προέρχονται από διάφορες τοποθεσίες. Έτσι, θα είστε σε θέση να επιλέξετε μωρά όπως παθιασμένες Λατίνες, σέξι Ασιάτισσες, βιτσιόζες Αμερικάνες, ερωτικές Ευρωπαίες, καυλιάρες Αφρικάνες, και πολλές περισσότερες που ανυπομονούν να σας δείξουν τα ταλέντα τους. Απλά πείτε μας τι ακριβώς προτιμάτε, όπως την ηλικία, τον σωματότυπο, την εθνικότητα, και εμείς θα αναλάβουμε όλα τα υπόλοιπα.
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