
She Made Me Cum With Her Eyes Part II


We left off with my squirting a tremendous load of cum all over Asia’s face and body and the other two girls, Baby Jo and Shammy licking her clean.
The girls broke out the baby wipes and proceeded to clean themselves and me off. Knowing that Shammy was the only girl to not actually participate in the action I asked her if she wanted another quick orgasm to “take the edge off”. She quickly agreed. So she climbed up on the chair, dropped her wonderfully wet and throbbing pussy down onto my face, and I quickly brought her to an explosive orgasm.
The girls then excused themselves to go to the ladies room. In the meantime, they sent in Julie to bring in some drinks. She also asked if I was ready for the first of the three bottles of champagne I had purchased to keep the girls off stage. I told her that would be fine.
During the lull in the action, I stood up to watch the action on stage. The most beautiful woman I have ever seen was doing a totally erotic and sensual dance. You could tell she was a little older than the girls in my Group just by the way she moved; that is, she really knew what she was doing. This woman was ALL WOMAN. I could feel my cock starting to stir in my pants.
As I was watching, Julie returned with our drinks. She said one of the Club managers would be here shortly with the bottle of champagne.

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   I said, “Hey Julie, what’s that girls name?” as I pointed toward the stage. “Oh, that’s Maleena. Isn’t she gorgeous?” “No, she’s not just gorgeous, she is BEAUTIFUL”, I said. Julie asked, “Would you like to meet her?” “Yes, I would. But a little later on”, I said. “That’s fine; just say the word and I’ll let her know to come back to VIP”.
Baby Jo returned and sat on my lap. She would curl up into just the right position that she liked to call “her spot”, since she fit perfectly in that position. “Now remember, this is my spot and no one else’s”, she said with a sly grin. I said, “Don’t worry baby. You fit perfectly like this. Even if someone else is sitting here they don’t fit like this”. “Good”, she purred.
Asia and Shammy now returned to our room. I asked the girls if they were hungry.

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   “You know me”, said Shammy. “I can always eat”. Candi came in to check on us and we ordered our food. I said to the girls, “What do you know about this girl, Maleena?” Shammy (usually the one to answer first since she made a point to personally get to know the girls) said, “Oh she’s been working here for a few months. She doesn’t really work a fixed schedule and in fact, she usually doesn’t work on Thursdays so if you want to see her you’re in luck”. I then asked my usual questions regarding her cleanliness, does she do drugs; in other words, could we trust her to spend time with us without having to worry about safety and health issues?
Asia said, “Well, I’ve talked with Maleena off and on and I know she has a few kids and a steady boyfriend”. “Ok, good”, I said. “Why…are you thinking about asking her to join us?” asked Baby Jo, “Yes”, I said. “Ohhhhh good. I want to play with her. She’s beautiful!”
We tipped our glasses of champagne and toasted to our day so far. Baby Jo and Asia were sitting next to each other a few feet away enjoying a smoke. Shammy was sitting on my lap in the queen-anne chair so I pulled her face to mine and we started French kissing. I spread her legs apart so I could finger her pussy. “Ummm…that feels good”, she whispered.

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While I was kissing Shammy, I could feel a tug at my belt and felt my pants and underwear being pulled down. I pulled away from Shammy to look down and see Asia kneeling between my legs with a wicked little grin on her face. Baby Jo had already positioned herself in the chair right next to me and was just starting to masturbate when Shammy exclaimed, “Here comes Candi!” Asia quickly turned around with her back to me so as to completely hide my exposed crotch behind her. Candi popped her head in and said the food would be ready in just a few minutes. “Ok. Thanks baby”, I said. “Guess we’ll have to wait a bit”, said Asia. So I pulled up my pants. “Well, I’m not waiting”, said Baby Jo. With that she started masturbating faster. “Put your fingers in me and feel me cum. I’ll keep my eyes open. Don’t stop looking at me”, she said to me. “Ok. ”
Baby Jo then brought herself to a powerful orgasm.

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   “Ok…can you feel it…. can you feel it…. Oh stick them in deeper…. fuck them in and out…. like that…. like that…Ohhhhhh…I’m GONNA CUUUUUMMMMMM!!!!” Her fingers clenched and contracted around my fingers like a vice-grip and she exploded her juices all over my hand and down my arm. I removed my fingers from her pussy and presented them to her for her to suck her own pussy juice. She eagerly sucked them clean. Then I stuck my fingers back into her pussy and presented them for Shammy to suck them. Shammy sucked them clean as well. “Ummmmm Baby you taste good!” she said.
Asia said, “Baby Jo, you’re getting us all horny again…naughty girl”. At this point Candi and Julie arrived with the food. I said to them, “As always you guys know you’re welcome to eat with us as well”. “I know”, said Candi, “but it’s pretty busy out there.

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   We’ll get something when we can. ” Shammy went back to where the food was and brought me back a plate. We all sat around, ate drank and were very much enjoying our time together.
Soon we were done eating. I excused myself to go to the restroom. As I walked past the main stage and thru the main area, I noticed a girl named Lisa who I had spent time with on a few other occasions. Lisa is about 5’ 10” with a slender build and 34B’s. She’s Hispanic (actually from Venezuela) and speaks good English – only with a slight accent. Lisa looks like Liv Tyler (she says everyone says this…and it’s true). Lisa LOVES to suck cock!
Anyway, she was sitting with a customer but as I walked past we made eye contact. We nodded our heads to acknowledge each other. As I was returning from the restroom Lisa was standing there waiting for me. “Hi baby. Long time no see”, she said. “Hi Lisa; how are you? When you get time why don’t you come back to VIP?” “Ok.

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   I’d love too”, she said.
When I returned to the VIP room the other girls had left, probably going to the restroom. As I sat down, Julie walked in to check on me. “Where are the other girls?” “Not sure. Maybe they went to the restroom. Anyway, if Lisa is available I’d like to see her. ” “Ok. I’ll go get her”, Julie said.
A minute or two later, Lisa walked in. She hurriedly walked over to me and sat on my lap. “I missed you baby”. “Me too”, I said. With that we started passionately kissing. I then said, “Hey Lisa, in the past when we’ve gotten together you gave me pleasure but I haven’t been able to pleasure you since you were on your period. I would really love to eat your pussy”.

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   She said, “Well, this time you’re in luck. I just got off my period a few days ago”. “Great!” So we moved over to the curtained room.
Lisa quickly stripped down to naked. I started kissing her and slowly moved down to her breasts, her tummy and the inner part of her thighs. Then, I started eating her pussy slowly at first. She started breathing faster and said, “Ooooohhhhh…that feels good”. Then I grabbed her clit, clenching it with my lips; licking her clit with the tip of my tongue and shaking my head back and forth. “Ohhhhhh…. That feels so good…. that feels SO GOOD…. Ooooooohhhhhhhh…. I’m gonna cum…. . I’M GONNA CCCCUUUUMMMMM!!!!” At that point I could feel her pussy having powerful spasms and contractions.

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   But of course I didn’t stop. I just kept going.
Lisa was now writhing and bucking in my arms. She was trying to pull away from me but I held her in place for my “signature” move. I wanted this to be her BEST orgasm ever! She was shaking uncontrollably. She was experiencing orgasm after orgasm. Actually, it was literally one continuous orgasm! At this point I changed from holding her clit with my lips, to holding it with my teeth while at the same time putting a little more pressure on her clit. Now it was time for the BIG ONE. All at the same time: I licked her clit with the tip of my tongue; while clenching her clit with my teeth; shaking my head back and forth with quick, short, strokes; and now humming with my lips to create a vibration effect. This is my “SIGNATURE MOVE”.
Lisa was now making that low-toned primordial groan. She has now entered the pleasure zone! I now lifted Lisa’s pelvis a little bit off the chair to get just a slightly better angle on her clit. It was all I could do to hold her! Her whole body was in convulsions! At that instant she let out a scream of sheer pleasure. Her whole body tensed. She arched her pelvis and violently jammed her pussy completely over my face and exploded what felt like a gallon of cum.

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   I tried to swallow as much as I could. With that, she collapsed into the chair. I laid my head on her pelvis to catch my breath. My chin was touching the seat of the chair which was completely soaked with her pussy cum. Lisa’s whole body was still shaking. We stayed like this for probably a good 3 to 4 minutes. Finally, I worked my way up to her face to give her a long wet kiss. “Uuuummmm. That tastes good”, she said as she tasted her own juice from my tongue. “Wow that was a really good orgasm”, I said. “OH MY GOD…. that was THE BEST ORGASM I’VE EVER HAD. You are AMAZING!”  That was music to my ears.
“Now I’m going to suck your cock”, she said. We quickly wiped up the chair and switched places.

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   She undid my belt and quickly pulled down my pants and underwear. Then she immediately engulfed my cock with her mouth. Lisa sucked and pumped my cock while paying particular attention to the head and the pee-hole with her tongue. “You cum in my mouth?” “Uh huh”, I said. Her mouth felt so warm and good. I love Hispanic women. The Spanish Language requires pronunciation of words that uses a lot of the tongue. Maybe that’s why it’s considered a “romance” language. I don’t know. But whatever it is, I find that Hispanic women really know how to suck cock!
I could feel my balls starting to slowly build pressure for a mind-blowing orgasm. “You cum in my mouth?” “Uh huh”. “Uh huh,” she said too.
This was it. I could feel it building faster and faster. I could feel my cock getting harder and harder.


   Lisa took me out of her mouth just for an instant. I looked down and saw that the head of my cock had again become the size of a small apple! She then started squeezing my cock with her lips to simulate a pussy. That was it!
“I’MMMMMMMMMM could feel myself violently thrust my pelvis into the air. Lisa had both of her arms wrapped around my legs while at the same time, keeping her head down and her mouth glued to my cock. I was pumping my hips with violent pelvic thrusts. I could feel load after load of hot sticky cum exploding from my cock. Lisa didn’t move an inch! She was swallowing every drop! After a minute or two, I finally stopped thrusting. Lisa was still connected to my cock. Now I could feel her gently massaging my balls while squeezing the head of my cock with her lips and tongue. She really was sucking out and swallowing every drop. Finally, she was done. “Wow, that was a lot of cum”, she said. “Was that good?” I asked. “Uuuuuummmmmm…. yes.

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   I LOVE CUM”, she said.
Just then, the other girls returned. “And…. what have you two been up to?” asked Baby Jo with a sly grin on her face. “Oh…you know…. just having fun”, I said. “Oh I’m sure”, said Baby Jo. “Well, I’ll let you guys be”, said Lisa. “Oh…you don’t have to go”, said the girls. “That’s alright. I’ve got someone waiting. . . but can I come back later?” “Sure”, I said. We kissed and Lisa left.

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The girls and I sat around talked and enjoyed our drinks and champagne. I then had each girl take turns sitting in the chair while I ate their pussies. Then, Asia worked her magic on me and made me have another explosive orgasm while both Baby Jo and Shammy masturbated themselves to their own explosive orgasms. Then, they licked my cum off of Asia’s face and chest.
It was now around 5:30 pm. Julie popped in to check on us and said, “If you want to see Maleena, she’s available now and remember she gets off work at 7:00”. “Oh, okay. Thanks for the reminder. Send her in”, I said. “Will do”.
In a few minutes Maleena walked in. Let me describe her. She is 5’ 4”, 114lbs, 36D with the most beautiful tanned, olive-colored skin; beautiful thick black shoulder-length hair; with the most beautiful brown eyes you’ll ever see. She is Hispanic. This woman is BREATHTAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL!
“Come on girls.

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   Let’s let them have some time alone”, said Baby Jo. The girls gathered their things. “Just let us know when you want us to come back”, said Shammy. “Ok, I will”, I said.
Maleena was now sitting on my lap. We introduced ourselves. We made some small talk and then Maleena said, “Ok, so why am I here. I’ve never been in this room before”. I said, “You are here because I saw you on stage and thought you have one of the most sensual and erotic dances I’ve ever seen. But more than that, you are one of the most beautiful women I have EVER seen”. “So, you think I’m pretty?” “No”, I said. “Sweetie, you are not just pretty…you are BEAUTIFUL”. “Ok, gorgeous?” she mused. (Now I think she was playing with me but I didn’t care. I found this little game to be funny and sexy).

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   “NO”, I said, “BEAUTIFUL!”
I said, “Here…let me explain. There’s pretty; very pretty; gorgeous; drop-dead gorgeous; and then there’s beautiful. You are beautiful. So, you see I don’t use the word beautiful unless the woman is truly beautiful. Let me put it another way. There are only about 5 women on the PLANET that I would consider BEAUTIFUL and you’re one of them”.
“I…. I don’t know what to say…. ” she said. “That’s one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me”. “Well, believe it,” I said, “because it’s true. ” “And trust me; I’ve seen a lot of women all around the world”. “I believe you”, she said.
“And I’ll tell you another reason why you’re here. You’re here because I LOVE to pleasure women.

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   I actually like to pleasure women MORE than I like getting pleasured myself. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love orgasms as much as the next guy. But, I’ll give twenty orgasms to my getting one. One is all I need”, I said.
“Well, you are quite the rare one. Most guys could give two shits about what us girls want or like. All they want is to get their own pleasure…especially in a strip club”, she said.
“I know, but it’s the truth”, I said. “What did you have in mind”, she asked. “I LOVE to eat pussy. I just LOVE IT”, I said. “Wow. You know what? I love to have my pussy eaten but my boyfriend really doesn’t like doing that. It’s a shame”.

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   So let me eat your pussy. I want to eat your pussy and swallow your cum”, I said. Maleena quickly agreed. We then proceeded into the curtained room. She quickly stripped down to naked. I described how I wanted her to climb onto the arms of the chair and then lower herself down onto my face. She climbed on and slowly lowered herself onto my eager tongue. This beautiful woman was now sitting on my face!
I slowly started licking Maleena’s clit and then clenched it with my lips and started shaking my head rapidly back and forth. “Oooooohhhhhhhhh SHIT!!!!” she exclaimed. With that she started her orgasms. I continued to hold her clit in place while licking it with the tip of my tongue and rapidly shaking my head. “I’m cumming again…. . I’M CUMMING AGAIN!!!” I made her have two more orgasms and when she tried again to pull away, I let her go.
Maleena got off the arms of the chair and straddled me while sitting on my lap.

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   Her mouth was open and her beautiful eyes were looking at me with a look of wonder and amazement. “What…what is it?” I asked. She paused for a moment and slowly said, “That was unbelievable”.
“Do you know you came about 5 times in less than 3 minutes?” I asked. “Yeah. I know. It’s been a while”, she said. “Plus”, she said, “You ARE really good at eating pussy”. “Would you like to go again?” I asked. “Of course”, she said. So we went for round two. This time, Maleena had 5 orgasms that were even better!
“Look at my clit…how swollen it is”, she said. She opened her pussy for me to see. “Wow…it’s nice and big. It sticks out about a half-inch.

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   I love big clits”, I said. “You have a very pretty pink pussy, baby”, I said. She smiled her beautiful smile and said, “I know, I love my pretty little pink pussy”.
I asked Maleena if she wanted to go another round. “Ohhhh yes!” she said. (This girl couldn’t get enough). This time I decided I was going to use my “signature move” to put her into the pleasure zone for her best orgasm ever!
Maleena dropped down onto my face. I clenched her pussy in place with my lips while licking her clit with my tongue and shaking my head rapidly back and forth. “Oooooohhhhhh I’M CUMMING!!!!!” She said. I kept a hold of her and brought her to four more orgasms; each one more powerful than the other. Maleena’s whole body was now shaking. It was getting very difficult to hold her. Now it was time for the BIG ONE!
I changed holding her clit with my lips to clenching it with my teeth. I put a little more pressure on her clit with my tongue-action. I continued shaking my head back and forth but now picked up the pace.

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   Now it was time for the pay off! I started humming with my lips on her clit to create a vibration effect. I thought Meleena was going to jump out of my grasp. She was bucking violently and was now making the unmistakable low-toned primordial groan that confirms she was now in the “pleasure zone”. Maleena screamed.
At that instant, she jammed her pussy violently into my face. I felt her pussy make one final dramatic contraction. Then her pussy opened up wide over my face and EXPLODED in a gush of pussy cum. I swallowed as much as I could. She collapsed in my arms in a hug while straddling me on the chair. We both laid there breathless.
Apparently Shammy had come into the room while we were having our fun. I said, “Hey baby did you see that?” “I did”, Shammy said with a big grin. “How was it?” she asked Maleena. “Oh my God. That’s was the BEST EVER!!” Shammy smiled and nodded, “I know…I know”.

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Shammy now walked over and knelt down in front of me and started undoing my belt. “Now, let’s take care of you,” she said. “Come here beside me Maleena,” said Shammy. Maleena was now getting a very uncomfortable look about her. Shammy looked up and said, “What’s wrong?” “I’m…. I’m not sure about this. I just met him and don’t really know him”, Maleena said. “Oh…if that’s all…. you have nothing to worry about. All of us are 100% clean. That’s the promise we’ve made to each other. That’s why we have our Group”, said Shammy. “Well, I know you make a point to know each of the girls and their customers Shammy so I trust what you’re saying”, Maleena said.
“Great! I’ll get him started for you”, Shammy said. With that Shammy now started slowly sucking my cock.


   Now remember, I have already cum hard three times. Usually, that’s a record for me on a GOOD day. Now, I was attempting to break a record. Shammy was doing an excellent job on my cock but I was not quite getting over the edge to start building to an orgasm. Then, Baby Jo popped her head inside the curtain and said, “Shammy I hate to bother you but I need to talk to you…it’s important”, she said. With that, Shammy let my cock pull out of her mouth with a “pop”, got up and left with Baby Jo.
Now, Maleena was looking at me with those beautiful eyes. Her eyes were so beautiful I couldn’t look away. I could feel my cock was now pulsing with new life! I was lusting at the expectation of this beautiful woman sucking my throbbing cock. This was a lifelong dream about to come true! She slowly and sensually positioned herself in front of my cock. She never took her eyes off me. Then, she slowly and sensually opened her mouth and started sucking my cock. She felt so good! She was sucking my cock and sliding her lips over the head. She licked my cock with slow swirling motions with her tongue. It was feeling so good, but I was still missing that last pleasure-point of being able to get over the edge into an orgasm.

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   She briefly pulled my cock out of her mouth to expose the head. Again, it was the size of a small apple!
I was right there! I didn’t want her to stop, but I also didn’t know what to have her do to get me over the edge. THEN IT HAPPENED. She pulled my cock almost all the way out of her mouth while licking the head with her beautiful pink tongue and SHE LOOKED AT ME. She looked deep into my eyes with those beautiful eyes! I said to myself, “The most beautiful woman in the world is sucking my cock and looking at me with her beautiful eyes!” This was what I needed to put me over the edge! “Ohhhhhh…. I’m gonna cum…. I’m gonna cum…. do you want me to shoot in your mouth?????” Looking at me the whole time she said, “UH HUH”. With that I screamed, “I’MMMMMMMMM arched my back and started violently thrusting my hips into her face. I could feel load after load of cum shooting from my cock like a fire hose. Maleena stayed with me for every stroke and every load of cum. I finally stopped but Maleena squeezed my cock and sucked out and swallowed the last drop of my cum.
Maleena was jumping up and down with glee. “I swallowed his cum! I did it! I swallowed his cum! Every drop of it!!!” Shammy had just re-entered the room. “Good girl!!!” she said.

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Then, when Maleena calmed down, she sat on my lap. “Why were you so happy about swallowing my cum?” I asked. “Well, I’ve only done it one other time but didn’t like it because of the taste”, she said. “I don’t even swallow my boyfriends cum. But you made me feel so good and comfortable that I thought what the hell…go for it. Besides, you have no taste. It slid right down my throat”, she said.
Shammy said, “You’re right, Maleena, he has no taste. That’s good. ”
“What made you cum so good?” Maleena asked. “Do you really want to know?” I asked. “Yes”, she said. I paused briefly and said, “It was your eyes. It was your beautiful eyes. You made me cum with your eyes!” Maleena looked at me with those beautiful eyes.

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   They started to well up with tears. I could see that she loved what I had just said to her.
I looked deeply into her beautiful eyes for some time and said, “I could love a woman like you”. “And I could love a man like you,” she replied. She then bent over and gave me a long wet kiss.
The End…. . for now. Stay tuned for more fun, action, and adventures, with my stripper friends.
If you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it let me know at: ronin1225@yahoo. com.



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