
I love Roller coasters


Recently,my family took a trip to the Six Flags Magic Mountain amusement parkand we had a lot of fun. I rode all the rides, but the best ride I hadwasn’t mechanical. It was with a guy I met while I was there. I’ve neverdone anything like that before, and I probably won’t ever again, but itwas the craziest and most amazing thing I’ve ever done in my life.

Myname is Laura, I’m a 34 year old woman with a wonderful husband and twobeautiful children, ages 4 and 8. I have short, nearly black hair that Ialways highlight with blonde streaks, brown eyes, and a thick body. I’mnot fat, but after having two children, I haven’t gotten back into myteenage wardrobe. Working on it, but it isn’t easy. I have probably15-20 pounds I’d like to lose, but at least it gives me big boobs. And apretty nice ass, if I do say so myself! I’d like to lose the middle,but it’ll come. Maybe I’ll get liposuction someday. But I digress.

Terry,my husband, works for Intel, and they make you take a large sabbaticalevery seven years, and we decided to take a nice long trip. Most of itwas going to visit family in Arizona and Colorado, but we decided tostop at Magic Mountain on our way through Los Angeles. We decided tovisit the park for three days and stayed at one of the hotels at thebottom of the hill for the time we were there.

Now, I have totell you that I am a roller coaster freak! I mean, I love riding all thebiggest, baddest, craziest coasters I can find.


   Terry isn’t the sameway at all. His idea of a scary roller coaster is the Matterhornbobsleds at Disneyland, and I’ve only gotten him to go on those once!Magic Mountain isn’t exactly the place for tame ride loving people oryoung children, but it had been a while since we last went there, and Ireally wanted to ride the new Tatsu coaster.

We started off thefirst day just hanging around the kiddie area and watching our daughtersride all the fun little rides. But all that time, I was slobbering overthe coasters. My husband could tell, and about mid-day, he told me togo have fun, and he’d take care of the girls until the park closed. Ihad to stop myself from taking off running, I was so excited.

SinceTatsu had a long line, I decided to hit some of the other fun coastersfirst, and then return for the big flight. I’m a big extrovert, and hadno problem making friends in each of the lines I stood in. While waitingin line for my third roller coaster, Riddler’s Revenge, I noticed oneyoung man who had been near me when I rode Ninja. We struck up aconversation and were soon laughing like old friends.

His namewas Jared; he was 23 years old, at the park with his family and wasthere for the second day of three. He was from Las Vegas, but they camedown here every year; kind of a tradition. Jared was a bit taller thanme. I’m 5’4”, and he was about 6’ tall. As a young man, he had a prettynice build.

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   He also had dark blonde hair and a matching goatee, withblue eyes.

Anyway, we spent the rest of the day getting to knoweach other and riding rides until the park closed for the evening. Nothing happened, but when we parted, he asked if I wanted to ridetogether again the next day. I heartily agreed, as it is always more funto experience the thrills with someone else, and we agreed to meet thenext day at noon.

That night, I felt unusually horny. There isalways something erotic about riding roller coasters, but this felt alittle more intense. Unfortunately, since we shared a room with ourdaughters, there was nothing I could do to act on my urges with myhusband. After putting everyone else to bed, I masturbated in the hotelbathroom. It was difficult to stay quiet, especially when, unexpectedly,Jared popped into my head right as I was climaxing.

The nextday, I was the dutiful wife and mother again in the morning, and wentwith the family as we rode the children’s rides again. But I was gettingantsy as the morning grew long, and finally left my family just beforenoon. This time I did run and was excited to see Jared waiting for me atour rendezvous point.

“Ready to ride some rides?” he asked.

“Of course,” I replied. “And you?”

“I’m ready to ride with you,” he answered.

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   “Let’s go do ‘X’. ”

Ofcourse, the line for ‘X’ was the longest in the park, so we had quite await. A few times while in the line, we got jostled a little, andsometimes we ended up touching each other, quite intimately. Just beforewe got on the ride, as we were in the final lane, we were squeezedtogether, and I felt his whole body press into my backside. Someonebehind us kept pushing, and instinctively, Jared put his arm around mywaist to keep me from being smashed up against the person in front ofus.

As a result, I felt his penis through our clothes, and itmade me very horny. Riding roller coasters really gets me going, andwhen we got off ‘X’, I was really feeling high. My nipples were clearlyshowing through my shirt, even though I was wearing a sensible bra. Icaught Jared sneaking a few peeks here and there. It was okay with me,though, as we were only flirting. What harm was it to give a 23 year oldboy a few good memories.

After that ride, we found a couplecoasters with shorter lines, but once the touching barrier had beencrossed, we did it more frequently. Once, I even pressed my body upagainst his as we let some people slip by instead of freeing up themiddle of the lane. After riding Batman, Jared threw me for a loop.

“It’s starting to get toward evening, do you want to go somewhere and have a little fun?”

“What did you have in mind?” I asked playfully and a little coyly.

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“I was thinking maybe we could go back to my hotel room,” he said with overwhelming confidence.

“Jared,I don’t know if that would be a good idea,” I replied, suddenly unsureof myself around this horny young man. “I mean, I’m a married woman. ”

“Iknow,” he said hastily. “And I’m sorry, it’s just that you’re so sexyand all this touching and flirting has got me a little excited. ”

Ilooked down at his crotch and, sure enough, there was an enormous bulgein his jeans. I was torn between feeling sorry for him and beingrepulsed. I was a married woman 18 years his senior. But there was nodenying that the roller coasters had gotten me pretty worked up myself. That’s probably why I responded the way I did.

“I’ll tell you what. Let’s go ride Scream again, and I’ll think about it. ”

“Okay!” he quickly agreed.

Screamwas one of my favorites, and when we got off, I was breathless. Jaredgrabbed my hand and we walked away from the roller coaster hand in hand.

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  While walking, I made a decision that changed my life. I decided togive this horny lad his fondest dream.

In truth, it was my desireas well. I’d never done anything so naughty in all my life. I’d nevercheated on my husband. Never had sex with someone I’d only met the daybefore. Never had sex with someone younger than me. My husband wasn’t myfirst, but I’d only ever dated guys my own age, and even then, I’d onlyhad sex with one other guy before Terry.

We walked down the hillaway from Magic Mountain and down to the hotel he was staying in. Itwas a long walk, and I was a little self conscious at all the people whowatched us leave together. I almost chickened out and headed back intothe park, but soon we were at the point of no return. Unfortunately, hisroom was occupied by his sister when we got there.

“Damn!” he swore under his breath. “Tina, are you gonna’ be here for a while?”

“Yeah, I don’t think I’m going back to the park,” she replied, not taking her eyes off the television.

After closing the door, he managed another, “Damn it!” while pounding his fist against the wall.

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Imade another split second decision. “Come on,” I said as I grabbed hishand. “My room is in the next hotel, we can go there. ” It was right nextdoor. Just a quick jaunt.

Entering the room I shared with myhusband and two daughters, I nearly chickened out again. Here was theplace they would be sleeping tonight, and I was about to fornicate with aman who was not part of that equation. But as we entered my room, Jaredpressed against me and nuzzled my neck, and I remembered all theexcitement of the flirting in the lines and the eroticism of the rollercoasters.

In a matter of moments, he had his shirt off, and hadpulled off my t-shirt as well. I stood there in my bra while he mauledmy tits. It wasn’t unpleasant, and the passion and intensity actuallyworked better for me than if he had been gentle.

“Come on,” I beckoned, as I sat down on the bed that my husband and I hadn’t even consummated.

Iunbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down his legs leaving only hisunderwear on his body. He was wearing a pair of themed boxers, though Ican’t remember what type, as I was only concerned with the packageinside. Slipping the head of his cock out of the boxers, I lightlylicked the mushroom head.

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   Grinning in satisfaction at the jolt ofpleasure that caused him, I licked again and then took just the tip intomy mouth. I slid Jared’s underwear down his legs as I took more of hisman meat into my mouth. He was larger than my husband, and I knew I wasgoing to be sore in the morning.

As I was coaxing more of hiscock into the inner recesses of my mouth and throat, my cell phonesuddenly rang, and it was my husband. I quickly told Jared to be quietand put the phone up to my ear.

“Hey, Honey, how are you doing?” Terry asked after I answered the phone.

“I’mfine, how are you?” I answered a little tentatively as Jared unsnappedmy bra and freed my large boobs. He took one into his mouth and I had tofight not to gasp as I returned Terry’s greeting.

“I’m good,” hesaid, continuing with the small talk. “The girls have just been ridingthe rides and having a lot of fun. How are the roller coasters?”

“Oh,you know,” I said, feeling a rush as Jared took one of my nipples intohis mouth and squeezed the other boob with his hand. “Long lines, butworth the wait. ”

“Good,” he said. “Have you ridden them all yet?”

“Most of them,” I replied. “There are still a few with longer lines that I want to hit, but I’ll get to them!”

Bynow, Jared was undoing my jeans snap.

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   I leaned back on my elbows as heunzipped my pants and pulled them down, leaving me in only my thongpanties. Yes, I like to be a little naughty, even if I never intendedfor anyone except Terry to see me that way. Of course, now I was reallyglad I had them on. Jared was, too.

“Well, the girls are startingto get hungry,” Terry said, oblivious to the pleasure I was nowexperiencing as Jared licked the soaked crotch of my thong. “Do youthink you’ll be ready for dinner anytime soon?”

“I’m in themiddle of a long (unh) line right now,” I grunted slightly and had toforce myself to continue as Jared moved my thong to the side and startedto lick my pussy directly. “It (unh) might take me a little bit beforeI’m ready to eat. ”

“What was that?” my husband asked, sounding a little suspicious.

“Oh, nothing,” I responded quickly, “Just got bumped in the line. Lot’s of people, you know. ”

“Okay,” he answered, placated. “Well, how long do you think you’ll be?”

“Hold on a second,” I said and covered the mouthpiece. “You’re killing me,” I mouthed to Jared.

“Iknow,” he grinned back from his place in between my wide spread legs. He then slipped my thong down and dived back into my smoothly shavedcunt.

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“I’m getting close to the front,” I lied, “So it will probably only be another 20-25 minutes. ”

“Alright,” he replied. “Where do you want to meet?”

“Anywhereis fine by me,” I said. Then I couldn’t help the slight moan thatescaped my lips as Jared stuck a finger just barely inside of me,swirling it around and bringing out the delicious feelings against thewalls of my vagina.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Terry asked.

“Yes, I’m fine,” I said, probably a little too quickly. “Where do you want to eat?”

“Hold on, let me ask the girls. ”

Itwas my turn to be put on hold, as my lover passionately ate me outbetter than my husband ever did. Terry does a fine job, but Jareddefinitely knew what he was doing down there, and I was about to go outof my mind. He alternated between flicking my clit, sticking his tonguebetween my pussy lips, and sucking on my clit while sticking his fingersinside. I was about to scream, but I couldn’t get my husband off mydamn cell phone.

“Okay, the girls want pizza,” Terry came back.

“Great, shall we do Papa John’s, then?”

“Well, I was thinking the Laughing Dragon at the top of the hill,” he answered.

“Fine,” I said. “I’ll call you when I finish with this ride.

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“Okay, Hon, I love you,” Terry said.

Ididn’t even respond, I just closed my phone and let it fall out of myhands as my first orgasm built up to where I couldn’t stand it any more. Right as I was on the brink of something huge, Jared quit hismanipulations and climbed up my powerless body. He lined up hisbeautiful cock with my smooth pussy and placed it at the entrance.

“Wait,” I said, having a moment of clarity. “Do you have a condom?”

“Shit!” was his reply. “I don’t. ”

“Damn it,” I swore. “Never mind, I need you in me right now. Just promise you’ll pull out before you cum. ”

“Ipromise,” he said and with a fluid motion, easily slid deep inside mycrack. It was more than I could bear, and I raced over the edge, peakinghigher than ever before.

“Oh my GOD!” I screamed. He just keptramming into me, over and over again. After a few minutes, I wanted tobe on top, so I started to roll, and he got onto his back.


   I still hadhim in me, but sat down fully and felt him up to my uterus. Yes, I wasgoing to be sore in the morning, but what a ride! This was far betterthan any roller coaster I had ever been on.

Up and down I pumped,harder and harder, my boobs flopping with every thrust. I was so lostin my reverie that I barely even noticed that Jared was starting tobreathe heavily. He suddenly tensed up and tried to push me off, but Idon’t know what came over me as I sat down hard on him and felt hissemen shoot deep inside my slutty married cunt. I had another orgasmjust from feeling him cum in me.

When we were finished, I freakedout. I quickly jumped in the bathtub and rinsed as much out as I couldbefore making my way back to the park to meet my family. I gave Jaredthat thong as a memento of our time together and went commando the restof the evening.

Never again have I done what I did that day, and Idon’t think I ever will again. But, you never know. I do keep a condomwith me now wherever I go. Just in case. Evidently, a girl’s gotta’ beprepared!



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