
Payment In Kind


Payment in Kind
©Shyblueeyes1968 2009 (UK Male 40)(MMF – Bisexual, oral, anal)
Summary and Introduction - Key Characters John and Karen the landlady and landlord, Peter the Student Lodger in his 20's, lives in the room at the top of the house. Peter has been unable to pay the rent, and now owes nearly three months. Karen and Peter have guessed that Peter swings both ways, because they are fairly sure that he as had sex both with girls and men in his room. One day, when Karen brings up the post, she finds his door open, and his computer on, so she sneaks a look on his PC. Here she finds both pictures of men and women, and stories involving bisexual sex. Later that same day she tells John. Both John and Karen are bisexual swingers, although since the children have arrived, they haven't played so much. However the current situation as given Karen an idea and they begin to plan. --------------------------------------------- Peter was working away at his essay; he'd been working on it since 6 o'clock this morning when he'd given up trying to sleep. The essay's importance and the imminent hand in date meant that it had been constantly on his mind for days now. He'd been ill when it had been originally due, and been permitted a chance to resubmitted the work at the end of the summer break. Other than this one essay, he had graduated from his course, doing quite done well, not as well as he'd hoped, but well enough. Despite this, he was finding that getting a half-decent Job hard, soon he'd have to take a job, any job, because he was way behind on his rent, and had just enough to buy food, and not much of that either. His Landlords, Karen and John had been good about it, mainly because they'd liked him and he'd been there living in the room on the second floor of the house for over three years. He didn't make a lot of noise, and had few friends around, and he didn't come in late pissed. Of course, he had girls around, and one or two males that he'd met through the internet when was in the mood, but he been careful about not making it too obvious, he was a bit shy about these things, and after all, he was in a family home.

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   Even though it was a big house, noise travelled, he could always hear the children, and some nights, later, when the kids were asleep or at the grandparents, he could hear the sound of Karen and John fucking. Peter tried not to listen, but Karen was quite vocal, especially recently, often screaming obscenities; normally Karen never swore, and was very strict about the boys using bad language. The fact that Karen never swore made it all the more erotic when she did. She was very attractive; in fact, they both were, John was big, well built; Karen slim but slightly over weight, yet still very good looking. Peter had often fantasised about them, wanking as he listened to them fucking, as he lay alone at night in his room. However nothing had ever happened, Peter, despite living with them for three years, was still shy and awkward in their presence, and to be honest, he found Karen a little bit intimidating.
Anyway, better get on, as he dragged his thoughts back to the essay, right just pop to the bathroom, and then another hour, and I'll call it a day he told himself. He walked out of his room, and went down the stairs to the first floor, where the bathroom was located. He turned the bathroom door handle to see if it was locked, no, its open, and walked in, and there in front of was Karen, naked, drying her wet skin off. He froze speechless, as Karen looked up, yet instead of screaming or telling him to get out, or even covering herself, she stood there, fully naked, exposed. After a few seconds, she smiled and said "enjoying the view?" This snapped Peter back into reality, he stammered his apologises, and rapidly retreated out of the door, closing it after himself, and almost ran back to his room, his face red with embarrassment. Once Peter had settled down, he thought about what he'd just seen, his landlady naked, and not only naked, she hadn't even attempted to cover that nakedness, and her pussy, it was smooth, shaven, that image above all else was fixed in his mind. Even though he was still feeling the effects of his embarrassment, his cock was rapidly hardening as the mental image of his landlady swam through his mind. He turned to his computer and closed the word document, and then opened his thumbnail viewer and moved into his folders where his porn was. He stood up, and undid is trousers, letting them fall and then settled back into his chair, his hand now wanking his cock as he looked at the pictures, in his mind, he imaged they were Karen.

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   For a few days, Peter managed to avoid seeing Karen, when he finally did run into her; he began to blush and go very red and was even more awkward than normal. Karen had asked him if he was ok, and smiled knowingly. All he could do was blush even redder and then retreat to the refuge of his room. Well the essay had been completed, and handed in and now he could relax a little. But not too much, because he really must get a job, didn’t what sort, just any job. He needed money and he needed to start getting back up to date with is rent. He'd filled in a housing benefit claim form, and they'd told it would take at least 12 weeks, and now it was 12 weeks and they were saying another two to three weeks. So, off too the jobcentre and see what's available. Peter came downstairs to the first floor, just before the bathroom, he suddenly came to halt in surprise, John, Karen's husband, was coming out of the bathroom, drying his hair, but that wasn't what made Peter come to such a sudden halt. John was stark naked, and not only start naked, but his cock was standing half erect. "Oh hi Peter, sorry about this, left my dressing gown in the bedroom, and there was only one towel" announced John, but instead of moving pass Peter towards his and Karen's room, he stood there in front of Peter, blocking the passage way. Peter mumbled a reply that it was "ok". "Right, actually while you here, Karen asked me to talk to you about the rent; to be honest we're getting concerned about it" John told Peter, at the same time one his hands moved and started caressing his cock. Peter's eyes caught the motion. "Sorry, I am trying, I'll get in touch with the Benefits people, they told me I should have some money bye now.

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  . . I'll ring them again. " Peter tailed of,  his mind distracted by what Johns hand was doing. John was standing there naked, unabashed, his cock now erect, his hand sliding up and down his shaft as he openly wanked it. Peter could not take his eyes off it, god it was the biggest cock he'd ever seen, though wonder Karen made so much noise, its wonder she wasn't screaming the house down he thought. "Ok, well sorry but that's not enough, we're both getting a bit fed up, it's not that we don't like you, you're a great guy Peter, and good a lodger, and we like having you here, but three months rent is a lot of money" John told him. "You can't even tell us if and when you can start paying again, so Karen and I had a chat, and basically Peter, you've got two choices, either pack your bags and get out, or take it up the arse". Peter stood there, speechless, his brain not wanting to accept what he'd just heard, and not just the words, but the open and forthright way in which they were said, yet despite his surprise, he could not drag his eyes away from Johns cock, Christ it was so big. John had made jokes about this before, at least Peter had assumed they'd been jokes, and hadn't he'd fantasised about this very thing, perhaps they'd guessed somehow, had Karen told John about the bathroom incident, he wondered. John could see the surprise in Peter face, however, he also could see that Peter was not shocked by the suggestion, the direction and intensity of Peter's gaze told him that Karen had been right, he did play for both sides. "Right, it's up to you, but if you staying, your arse is ours, starting now, either get on your knees, now, or start packing" commanded John, he paused for a second and then repeated his command "now get on your knees". Peter hesitated, "I errr. . .

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  . " "I'm not fucking interested in excuses, now get on you knees or get out", John cut him off. John was now standing right in front of Peter, whose back was now up against the wall, John's hands were placed on his hips, and  his hips thrust slightly forward, making is massive erection even more pronounced. Slowly Peter lowered himself down onto his knees, he had to move his head to one side to avoid John's cock, but Johns hand reached out and stopped the movement, and now the cock was pressed against Peters face. Peter knew what was required; he adjusted his position and opened his mouth, and let his lips slide over the massive cock head. John placed hands behind Peter's head, and then pushed his cock into Peter's mouth; and began to pump it back and forth, slowly and shallow at first, almost like little jerks. Peter's lips were forced open and stretched wide. God, I've never had something so big my mouth, he thought, still struggling to accept John’s size. He began to push his tongue against Johns bell end, pressing against it each time it was pushed into his mouth, he heard John make a satisfied grunt each time. Now the thrust were a bit deeper, each time pushing in about a third of the length of the cock, but even then it was filling his mouth to bursting, and Peter was struggling to move is tongue when it was in. After a few minutes John changed his motion again, this time he made some rapid pumping thrusts, and then pulled back and held it, allowing Peter to flick and slide his tongue over the end of his cock. John told him "Hmmmm fuck you're good, oh Christ you’re a good cocksucker. . . .

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  uuurrrg" losing coherence and tailing of into a groan. He took a firm grip of Peters head, pumping away, pauses, and then pumping away, until Peter could feel john muscles tensing up, and then suddenly, John thrust his cock hard, forcing its way in deeper, then he pulled it out, before Peter could catch his breath, John thrust forward again, pushing Peters head against the wall, face fucking him hard. He kept thrusting back and forward, almost making Peter choke, until as John cock came forward again, Peter felt the first warm, thick, taste of spunk spurt into his mouth. John let out a long groan, he pulled back and thrust forward again, another spurt of spunk pumped into Peter mouth, causing John to groan even louder and Peter to swallow, there was no where else for it to go. Again and again John pumped his cock in and out of Peter mouth, each time making more spunk spurt into his mouth; some had dribbled out of the side of his mouth. Slowly Johns pumping grew slower and shallower, and he relaxed his grip. "Fuck that was something, you dirty cock sucker, and you swallowed it too, dirty little cunt" he told Peter. Peter would like to have replied that he hadn't been given the choice, but he was still sucking on John semi hard cock. Just then they both heard "urrhhhh ummmmm, I see you boys are having fun together, how naughty of you to start without me". Both men turned their heads to look in the direction of the voice, although Peter was restricted by the cock still in his mouth, still quite hard, but he could just see. Karen was standing there, leaning against the wall, in her power business suit; although even with a cock in his mouth, he noticed that the skirt was a lot shorter than it normally was. "Fuck, Karen, he can suck cock like a pro, almost has good as you" "Really, well I hope he can lick a pussy as well as he sucks cock" she replied. She walked over to the two men, "let's go into the bedroom and find out shall we?" John let his cock slip out of Peter's mouth, and then offered him a hand and pulled him up off his knees. Peter followed John and Karen into their bed room. "Sit over there John" she indicated the chair, "and come here Peter".

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   Peter did as he was told, and Karen placed her arm around him and then placed her lips over his mouth, and began to kiss him and suck over his mouth, his own mouth opened in response, she pushed her deep tongue inside his mouth. At the same time she pressed her body against his erection in is trousers. She kissed him long and slow, when she finally pulled away, licking the trace of semen of Peters face, her hand came down and squeezed his crouch. "Hmmmmm I love the taste of spunk in another mans mouth, now take off your clothes Peter and lets see what we have here" giving his crouch another squeeze. Peter took his clothes off, a bit self-consciously but with little hesitation. Karen remained standing, hands on hips, watching him, and so was John, sitting there naked, in the corner. Soon Peter was standing there in front of his landlords naked. "Hmmm nice, very nice, give me a twirl" commanded Karen. Peter did has he was told. "Nice isn't he John, what do you think of his arse?" "Cute, looks nice and tight" John replied. Peter blushed. Karen gripped her short skirt and began pulling it up around her hips, Peter gasped when he saw that underneath she was naked except for her stockings and suspenders, simple, black ones, yet extremely sexy. Karen smiled at Peter's very obvious reaction, men are so easy to please she thought. "Hmmm you like" she asked? Peter simply nodded his head in reply. "You've been thinking about my pussy, haven't you?" Again Peter just nodded his head.

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   "Well then, get on the bed, on your back" she ordered. Peter did has he was told and settled back. He looked over has he felt the bed shift as Karen kneeled on the bed, and then lifted her leg over his body, and straddled him, so that she was astride his chest. She lowered herself down onto him so that her pussy was pressing against his chest and began to rock her hips back and forth, rubbing it against Peter's skin. Slowly she shifted her knees and moved herself up his body, keeping her pussy in contact with his body all the time. He could feel her wetness on his skin. She rubbed it against his chin, but then raised herself up, so that her pussy was several inches above his face, his nostrils were filled with the scent of her arousal. "Enjoying the view" he heard Karen say, and then she began to lower her now very wet pussy down onto Peter face, his mouth opened to meet her. His eyes closed as her wet cunt lips settled onto his mouth, and he kissed it, sucking, drawing in her juices into his mouth, relishing the taste on his lips and tongue, and then pushing his tongue into her cunt, pushing it in as deep as it would go, at the same time he felt Karen push down. He licked his tongue around, trying to get it in as deep as he could, and the slid it back out and licked around her pussy lips before sliding it back in again as deeply as before, he kept this up, repeating the process. Karen hands came down and twisted into his hair, he could hear her cries and groans, her thighs gripped his head, relaxed and the tensed up again. He shifted his position slightly so that he could place his mouth over her clit, and then he kissed it, and then sucked on it, pulling it into his mouth, above Karen groans grew louder, and her grip tighter. Peter sucked on her clit, probed it with is tongue and then nibbled it with is teeth, brining Karen to her first orgasm, the pain of Karen's grip on his hair was almost unbearable, and her downward pressure momentary smothered him, preventing him from breathing for what seamed like minutes. Slowly Karen's grip relaxed, but she did not lift herself of, so Peter carried on, licking, sucking and gently nibbling, while she stroked his head. Karen suddenly she lifted herself up, rising her thigh, and swivelled around, so that she was now facing the other way, and lowered herself back down, giving Peter view of both her holes, she shuffled herself so that her cunt was back on Peters mouth, but the new position meant that his noise was now firmly between her big round cheeks, and a faint musky aroma began to combine with the sweet smell of her pussy.

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   He felt a hand grip is very hard cock, in fact so hard that it was almost painful. Then he felt rougher, firmer hands grips his ankles, he could feel his legs being pushed back, right back, the hand holding his cock let go, and then he felt another pair of hands grip and hold onto his ankles, and the rougher one released there grip. Peter felt something touch him between what were now very exposed cheeks, it was something cold, wet and slippery, he felt it push in between his cheeks, and he realised that it was John's fingers, sliding lubricant between his cheeks. Peter tried to relax, as the finger began to probe his arse, and pushing in, deep, then it went away for a second. Then it was back but this time, it was two, and not too gentle either, but pleasant enough. Ever this since an ex-girlfriend talked Peter into being tied up and dildo-fucked, he'd enjoyed something long and hard in his arse, mind the size of what was coming made him shiver, and had he'd not been down under Karen cunt he might have ran away, but perhaps not. The fingers where still pumping his arse, he'd stopped licking for the moment, but Karen was rocking back and forth, rubbing herself over his mouth and noise. Again the fingers were pulled away, but this time something much bigger and harder replaced them. It was now pushing between his arse cheeks, spreading them, it rested against his arsehole for a second, then the pushed forward, the pressure building up as it forced its way into Peter tight arsehole. With the pressure came pain, building up, until he was crying out loudly, yet muffled by Karen's cunt, in his mind he was screaming ooohhh Goood take it out take it out its too big. The cock pushed in and then stopped, allowing Peter to get use to it, for the intensity of the pain to lessen. Again he felt hands swap there grip, and then Karen shifted her position, leaning forward, allowing Peter to breath more freely for a second, then he felt her hand wanking his cock, and then her lips on his cock. At that moment, he felt the pressure building again, as John pushed his cock in, meeting resistance, he pulled back and then pushed in again, and causing Peter to cry out, but neither Karen nor John took any notice. John now started pumping his cock back forward, fucking slowly into Peter, with each forward pump, going in a bit deeper, and causing him to cry out each time. However the pain was lessoning as he became used to Peters size, and with the sensations caused my Karen's lips sliding up and down his cock, it was exquisite.

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   Peter returned his attention to Karen's pussy and clit, and began to lick, nibble and kiss between thrust of Johns cock. Peter managed to work one of his arms around and began to finger Karen’s anus. He could not tell how much of Johns huge cock was in him, it felt like all of it, but he guessed that it couldn't be much more than half its length, but he could feel John pumping faster and faster, while Karen was practically swallowing him whole, he didn't think he was going to last much longer. A thought came into his head and he reached up with is hand, Karen's cheeks were spread exposing her own anal rosebud, and Peter began to push and probe it with finger, while licking her pussy, which was quite an achievement considering the position he was in. He pushed his finger in, and felt rather than heard Karen's grunt of surprise. She pushed back a little to meet his thrusting finger. Peter tried to concentrate on fucking his finger in and out of Karen's arse, but the combination of John cock shafting him and Karen's sucking where just too much for him, and let himself fall back, abandoning himself the twin sources of pleasure sweeping over him.
He could feel is own orgasm building up, and suddenly he was there, he groaned out loudly, and began to pump his spunk into Karen's mouth, and like Peter earlier, she continued to suck and swallow, drawing out the orgasm, so much so that it almost bordered upon painful. John, sensing Peter's orgasm was beginning to pump faster, making long hard thrust, fucking his cock deep into Peter's rectum, using Peter's legs to pull himself into him. He was surprised that Peter could take him, Karen couldn't despite, being into anal fucking, he'd see if eventually Peter could take his whole length and with that thought John lost himself in his own orgasm and for the second time, filled Peter with his spunk.

©Shyblueeyes1968 2009 (UK Male 40)



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