
My Boy Friends First Pussy


Body- I’m Larry. I’m 22, 5’9, 220 lbs, dark chocolate skin, dark brown eyes, low cut hair, a boyish face and soft lips that drove Brian crazy. I have strong muscular arms and a solid chest; however my stomach area is undefined and kind of flabby but not to the point where I’m embarrassed to take my shirt off in public. I have an 8 inch uncut cock it’s not that thick but I never got any complaints. I wouldn’t say I’m drop dead gorgeous but I never had any problems getting men or women and tonight shouldn’t be any different. It’s been a month since my boyfriend left me and I’ve been feeling lonely but I’m not interested in the company of another man tonight, I’m looking for a woman that’s stunning and horny. I desperately need someone to get my mind off Brian and the catastrophe that drove us apart. On the way to the club all I can think about is Brian, this cause’s me to speed up and run a few red lights when no one’s looking. I finally reach the club shaving 18 minutes off my usual time. I hide my car keys under the car seat out of eye sight. I usually do this when I have no intention of driving home. When I enter the club I head straight for the bar and order a Bacardi, the bar tender asks for my I. D. , I reach into my wallet and pull it out, he sees that I’m 22 and gets my drink.   Then when the bar tender returns with my drink I scan the room for potential overnighters.   After looking for about 2 minutes I see her, no older then 23, beautiful red hair, soft tanned skin, mesmerizing bouncing breast (34C), she was sitting so I couldn’t see how tall she was.

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    She was drinking her drink while moving her body to the music. I couldn’t believe that she was alone; I notice she was about done with her drink and I ask the bar tender to give me what ever she was having while pointing to the girl, he returns seconds later with her drink and I make my way to her.   As I reach her table I introduce my self and offer her the drink.   She smiles and says thank you, she tells me her names Danielle Macintyre and I notice how beautiful her light brown eyes are.   I say “you’re far too pretty to be dancing alone” she replies “I agree” then grabs my hand as she heads to the dance floor. As she stands I notice she’s my height and petite.   I’ve never been one for dancing but she did most of the work all I had to do was move with her body and enjoy. After an hour of drinking, dancing and flirting I was ready to leave with Danielle and start the real fun. I asked “do you want me to get us a cab and head back to your place”?  She said “yes but I want another drink while we wait for the cab”.
Less than thirty minutes later we’re at Danielle’s apartment, it was kind of small but we’ll kept and cozy but I was far more interested in her.   As soon as I close her door, I’m pulling her toward me kissing her neck while massaging her back; she starts to nibble on my ear while rubbing her hand down my backside. My mouth makes it way to hers as I start to massage her tongue with mine. I can tell she’s into this just as much as I am, because her hand starts to massage the growing bulge in my pants.   The pleasure of the make out session causes us to start sweating which only made it more enjoyable. She whispers in my ear “take me” she gently grabs me by my bulge and leads me to her bed room.

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   She starts to undress slowly and seductively, letting her breast bounce as she undoes her bra. My cock feels like its going to explode from my pants. I strip as fast as possible then move toward her grabbing her lustfully as we fall to the bed.   She starts kissing me passionately; her tongue feels so good against mine. Almost on instinct my hands start massaging her breast and I start grinding my erect cock into her thighs. The pleasure is electrifying I never want this night to end; I know she feels the same as her breathing is getting heavy and sweat is dripping off our bodies. She screams “fuck me” I ask for a condom. She says it’s in the drawer; I open the drawer, grab, open, and place the condom on my dick, almost in one fluid action.    Without any further hesitation I insert my hard as steel 8 inch cock into her well-shaven, big clit pussy. Before I even start thrusting she lets out a moan but not the mind shattering orgasmic kind that I would hear soon.  She was so warm I almost blew my top before I even began. I stared thrusting slowly at first and started to speed up with every moan and fuck me she let out. I kept my eyes open not wanting to think of anything other than the look of pure ecstasy on Danielle face.   I never saw anything so beautiful.   After about 12 more minutes of hearing her scream “fuck me harder” and watching her breast bounce with the rhythm of my cock going in and out of her pussy.

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   She starts to spasm a bit then lets out a series of moans that should have waked everybody in the apartment complex.    I couldn’t take it any more. I scream “I’m cum…” Then explode my load in the condom. It was great I didn’t want it to be over, after I pull out, I replaced my dick with my tongue. She starts to moan louder. Her clit was huge I was tempted to ask her if she could form it in to a cock but I thought better of that and continued sucking, and licking her warm, wet pussy. After another five minutes of this she climaxes again letting out another series of heavenly moans.   I always loved how women can have multiple orgasms back to back. I make my way back up to her face, licking her sweat covered stomach and sucking on her nipples along the way.  Once eye to eye I French kiss her and tell her “that was wonderful”. She kisses me back and says “best she had in along time”.  She says “I’m going to take a shower because I can’t sleep with out one”. I reply “I have the same problem, mind if I jump in with you”.   She says “sure, but keep your hands to your self I really want to get clean” then starts laughing playfully. As I enter the bathroom I say “I’ll be the perfect gentlemen” with a devilish grin on my face.

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    As the water rolls down our soap covered bodies Danielle hands me the soap and tells me “scrub my back and nothing else” then snickers. I start scrubbing in a massage like fashion, after a few seconds I start kissing her neck, rolling my tongue up and down her neck.   Danielle cuts the water off, smiles at me and says “naughty boy, you promised to behave” teasingly, she kisses me then steps out the shower and starts to dry off with her towel. I notice she doesn’t have any clothes to change into, and then I watch her walk back to her bed, she pats the space signaling that she’s waiting for me.  I finish drying and hop in the bed and snuggle up to her. She tells me that she wants to talk and fall asleep with me holding her. I have no objections and ask her what she did for living. She replies that she works at pet store and plans on being a vet someday. Listening to her I realize that I was falling for her and couldn’t let this end up a one night stand. After 5 minutes of cuddling and idle chat I tell her I want to see her again and be her boyfriend. She smiles and says “I wanted the same thing”.   I reply with “there’s something about me you have to know if we’re going to be in a relationship”. She looked at me curiously and said “what is it”.   I calmly said “I’m bisexual but you don’t have to worry about me cheating on you or anything I’ve always been faithful to my partners, although my ex-boyfriend may call me sometime, but probably won’t it’s been a month since I heard from him. You don’t have any problems with the bi thing do you”.

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    Danielle kissed me assuring me that she was fine with it.   “I’ve experimented a few times with girl back in high school but I prefer men.   Do you mind if I ask why you and your boyfriend broke up”. I let out deep sigh, and said “I’ll tell you I’ve been replaying the incident in my head the entire month we been separated anyways.   Brian knew I was bisexual since we met 2 years ago, but was never really happy about it. I could see him get angry at me every time I eyed a girl but he tried not say anything since I catch him staring at other guys all the time with out getting jealous.   Sometimes he just couldn’t help him self and we get in huge argument over some girl who smiled at me or some crap and we would separate for awhile usually no longer then 2 weeks. During the time apart we would see other people, sometimes I dated other guys but mainly I turned to women when me and Brian were acting like kids.   One night after we got back together and we’re having makeup sex I made the mistake of screaming out the name of the women I was with during our last fight.   He freaked out and started screaming “how could you” and swearing at me, I really couldn’t blame him, I couldn’t believe I did that. He told me to get out and that he never wanted to see me again and threw something at me as I was leaving”.   Danielle kissed me again and said “I’m sorry to hear that; maybe you should call him tomorrow”. I replied “nah I need to move on, I was really getting tired of his jealousy and the make up-brake up thing was giving me a headache. I want to be with you anyways. I’m tired let’s get some rest” then I kiss her goodnight still holding her.

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   She says “see you in the morning, sweet dreams” then shuts her eyes and starts to drift away. I did have sweet dreams not one of them was about Brian. I woke up to the heavenly feeling of Danielle’s lips on mine, she said “morning lover” as I started to move around I asked “what time is it”, she replied “11:15, I felt you deserved to sleep late but we need to go get our cars from the bar so go take a shower and get dressed I’ll have something ready to eat when your done”. I shower quickly since I’m alone and can smell sausage cooking in the kitchen; I throw on my clothes quickly and eagerly make way to the kitchen.  After Breakfast Danielle calls a cab and we wait for it out side. As soon as we enter the cab my cell starts ringing, my heart sinks I can tell its Brian by the ring tone, Danielle can tell by my face that it’s Brian she tells me to answer it.  Nervously I answer the phone and say “I thought we were through”.   He replies “I’ve given it a lot of thought and what you did could happen to anyone and I want to see you again so can you meet me at the bookstore we usually hang out at, so we can work this out”.   Wanting to see Brian but wanting to be true to what I said to Danielle last night, I tell Brian “I’m with someone…” before I could get out another word he interrupts with “are you with a guy or a woman”, when I say a woman he lets out a disappointed sigh as if he wished it was a guy.   He asks “can both of you come, I really want to see you, I’ll promise to be respectful and won’t try to come between you two I just want to see you again”. He was obviously lying about the second part, but I really wanted to see him, so I ask Danielle if she wanted to meet with him and talk for awhile.   She thinks about it and says “yea, I think that’s a good idea, tell him will come see him after we pick up our cars from the bar”.   I tell him “we’ll come to bookstore in about an hour and you better not do anything stupid”. He says “I promise, see you soon”. After I get my car I head for the bookstore Danielle following behind me.


   I’m completely nervous and unsure how he’s going to try to get me away from Danielle not that I’m thinking about leavening her I just want to know what he’s going to pull. As we enter the bookstore I head for the table we normally sit at, I spot him instantly he’s 5’10, 180 lbs mostly muscle. His shiny brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, tanned skin, athletic body were all things that I missed. I couldn’t wait to hear what he had to say. As we get to the table I grab a chair and hold it for Danielle to sit in it, I grab myself a seat then introduce Danielle anxiously waiting to hear what Brian has to say.   He introduces his self to her and holds his hand out, as Danielle shakes his hand, he ask her what she did for a living trying to make idle chit chat, I can tell he’s struggling at this. I try to keep from laughing at watching Brian squirm and join the conversation.   30 minutes pass by, Brian starts to sweat I can tell he’s bout to try something. He looks directly at me and says “I want you back, but I can tell you’re happy with her”. He turns his eyes to Danielle and continues “if you don’t mind I would like to share him, we would never be with each other, but I’m sure we could be friends”.   Danielle’s eyes widen then she stares at me then back at Brian then goes silent. My head is spinning; see Brian has never been a flamer or anything, most people can’t even tell that he’s gay and mistake his female friends for girlfriends or wives, but I know he never once thought about being with a woman, and now he’s suggesting a threesome with a woman just to get me back.   I’ve always dreamed about the two of us and a woman and even suggested it to him a few times always receiving the same answer ”never going to happen”. Even though he said that Danielle and he would never be together, I had a plan to change that, all I needed was for Danielle to agree to Brain’s offer. I lean over and kiss Danielle and say “I’m willing if you are; he’s a pretty cool guy and I’m sure you two will get along fine”.

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    Danielle looks at Brian again and says “I’ll give it a shot, but if I ever feel neglected or mistreated, I’m leaving and taking Larry with me”.  I tell Danielle “that will never happen I plan on giving you lots of attention and Brian won’t ever mistreat you”. I grin at Brian who has smile on his face, I tell him “I’ll go thru with this under one condition”. His face goes white as if he already knows what I am going to say. I tell him “I’ll only go thru with this, if you make love to Danielle”. Before he can I reply I grab his hand and start massaging it he always loved it when I massaged him. People are shooting us weird looks but Brian and Danielle don’t notice and I didn’t care. After a few moments of silence he replies with uncertainty in his voice “I’ll try but if I freak out I still want us to be together, all of us”. I tell him “you won’t freak out I’ll be there the entire time and we’ll take are time and make it special since your losing your virginity and all” still massaging his hand, I smile trying to make him laugh.   Eager to make my dream a reality I ask “do you want to go back to Danielle’s place and unwind a bit”.   He starts to shake and says “I’m not ready yet can you and me hang out a bit back at my place, then all of us can go out to eat, dance a while, get a few drinks then had back to Danielle’s place”. I can see how nervous he is and I don’t want to make him any more uncomfortable then he already is so I say “sure anything you want. Danielle, we’ll call you when we’re ready to pick you up for dinner”. Danielle who’s still stunned from what just happened says “ok, I’ll pick out something nice to wear”.  Brian and I walk her to her car, I hug and kiss her, and Brian gives her quick 2 second hug.

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   Danielle hands me her number and tells me “call soon”.   On the way back to Brian’s place he asks “do I really have to go through with this, I mean she’s pretty but I have no interest in being with a woman what if I can’t get a hard-on”. I laugh lightly and tell him “ever thing will be fine and you’ll definitely have a hard on, and if you don’t enjoy yourself feel free to ask me to do whatever you want, but I guarantee you’ll enjoy your self just like I did the first time I was with a guy”.   I kiss him to instill confidence in him.  We arrive at his place at 1:54 p. m. When we enter his apartment he heads for the fridge, grabs a beer then thinks about it. I tell him “go for it, calm your nerves a bit, I’ll drive us to pick up Danielle then to dinner, then we’ll get a cab from the club and head back to Danielle’s place”.  He opens the bottle and starts chugging at the mere mention of Danielle’s name, he’s a nervous wreck, he never looked cuter.  He sat next to me and asked “what’s it like being with a women, because I don’t think I can go through with this”. I was amazed not because he said he thought he couldn’t do it but that he asked me what it felt like to be with a woman. He knew I was bi since we first met and not once in the entire two years, has he ever asked me what it felt like to be with a woman. I don’t think he ever thought about it before in his entire 22 years of life. I tell him “women are lot softer then guys, there orgasms are intoxicating. Its every bit just as enjoyable as sex with a guy is, you won’t have any regrets I promise and I’ll guide you through everything”.

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   He curls up to me and says he wants a massage to clear his mind. I tell him to strip and lay face down on the couch, while I grab some oils that I left over his house a while back; I rub some on my hands and his body, I start on his upper back and neck slowly working ever muscle in his body.   He lets out a couple of satisfied grunts. As I’m working his back I start to kiss and suck on his neck. My hands make there way down his back in a sensual rubbing fashion, I make my way to his ass cheeks. Squeezing firmly and rubbing them gently while I’m doing this I start to slowly lick down and up his back. He starts to sigh with pleasure and his hips start grinding the couch. I knew that he’s ready so I grab a condom out my back pocket and start to strip. He got on all four’s, I put some oil on my steel-hard 8 inch shaft. Instead of the oil I decided to use my tongue and saliva to lube his anus. I start giving him a wonderful rim job enjoying every sigh and moan he makes; I tongue fuck him for a few seconds then I tease his ass awhile by rubbing my dick against his cheeks and sticking it in and pulling out before actually penetrating, I do this 3 more times then he screams “Fuck me, Fuck me”. Without a word I ram my cock in ass as far as it can go then pull all the way out slowly then ram it back in there. He lets out a groan of pain and pleasure, he spits on his hands and starts stroking his cock in rhythm of the ass pounding I was giving him. I speed up rubbing his prostate causing him to let out even more moans. “You like that don’t you bitch” I said, he screams “yes… uh… fuck… fuck me”! I ram him again and again, my balls slapping his ass.


    I lean over and start licking the back of his neck. After about thirty more minutes of ecstasy  Brian ass tightens and he starts to flinch “uh… ahhh… uh… fuck yes” he screams while he shoots six or seven loads all over the couch and floor. The sounds of his climax set me off and I let out “yea, uh. . . ah… that felt so good” as I explode in side my condom eight times.  After I pull out he starts hugging me panting saying “I missed that, you always gave the best massages”. I kiss him passionately then say “I missed you too”.   I look over at the clock and see that its 3:05 then I tell Brian “I want to pick up Danielle and head to Dinner around 7:00, so we can head to your room and full around a bit more, rest up then take a shower or we can clean up the mess we made”.   “I want you now, we can clean up later”.   We head to his room playing with each others asses the whole time. We flop on his bed and start sucking on each other’s nipples until our dicks are hard again. Brian starts making his way to my fully erect but still wet dick. He puts his hand around my shaft and starts jerking nice hard. My eyes roll in the back of my head it feels so good.

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    After ten or so jerks he slows down and starts licking the head. He’s licking it nice and slow covering the whole head, then he speeds up taking quick licks like a kid with a lollypop, my warm pre-cum is spewing from me as he’s licking, more and more spews with each lick. He does this for four heavenly minutes then he starts sucking my balls. He’s sucking both balls at the same time; I look down at him and see his head bobbing up and down its so fucking hot. After two minutes of this he starts engulfing my dick in his mouth like an experienced pro, he has no problem at all taking my full cock down his throat.   I watch him slurping my dick vigorously with his head buried in my lap. I let out “ah, uh” then start face fucking him as hard as I can. He doesn’t gag once since he’s done this so much.   As I’m fucking his sweet little mouth, he grabs my ass and starts finger me, one finger at first, then two.   The sensation was too much I couldn’t take any more.   “I’m bout to blow”. Normally I just let him swallow my cum or as much as he could but this time I want to see my load all over his face, just when I’m on the verge I pull out and with his free hand Brian jerks my seven loads all over his face most of it get is in his hair. I was surprised I could shoot that much after cumming just as hard less then an hour ago. I reach into his drawer where he kept his condoms, grabbed one and a bottle of KY then hand them to Brian.  I tell him “put it on while I clean you up”.

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    I get on my knees and start licking my sweet tasting cum of his face.   After he finishes putting on the condom he lubes my ass and his shaft with some KY, he spanks my ass when he’s done; I slowly lower my ass inserting his hard cock in my ass. At first just the head goes in then I lower my body, a few seconds later I have is entire 7 inch cut, perfect mushroom head dick buried in me “Uh…I missed how you feel inside me ”I say in pure ecstasy. Completely horned out of his mind he screams “I wanted this so long. Keep licking me bitch, and bounce that ass for me”. He slaps my ass as I start to lick the rest of my load off him focusing on his glazed lips, while I’m doing this, I start lifting and dropping on his dick as he starts grinding. I start moaning with each pump of his cock in my ass. After I fishing licking my cum off his face, I start French kissing him, letting him taste my cum as I rub his tongue with mine.   He keeps pumping my bouncing ass and I continue kissing him for the next 30 minutes. Until “uh…ah… yea… damn I’m cumming… yea take it” I can feel him twitching, my dick starts to twitch against his chest. As he cums I start to moan then let my body collapse on his. We just sit there like that for ten minutes kissing each other and licking the sweat of our bodies.   I tell him “I love you”; he says “I love you too”.   After looking at the clock and seeing its 4:58 I tell him “let’s skip the nap, take a shower, clean up a bit then head out to pick up Danielle”. “Ok, let’s take the kind of shower that doesn’t leave us needing another one, about Danielle is she a good dancer because I’m in the mood to dance and no offense but you suck at it” he says with a smile then grabs some clean clothes then heads to shower.

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   I notice how calm he is about the whole Danielle situation, which is exactly what I wanted; I say “you seem pretty relaxed about this, I like that. Uh, did you wash any of my clothes that I left here”?  “Yea some, check the hamper, I was going to throw them away but couldn’t. Even though I’m relaxed now I’m still uncertain and feel wired about sleeping with her tonight, I just want to dance with someone who can dance for a change, that’s all. Hop in the waters fine” he laughs as I get in and hands me the soap.   Its 5:17 when we get out the shower and 6:15 when we’re done cleaning up, dressed, and ready to go.  We decided to take his car, since I’m driving and want Brian to get comfortable about being with Danielle I hand him her number and say “tell her we’re on our way and should be there in about 25 minutes or so. Also tell her you’re looking forward to dancing with her tonight”.   His face goes pale again and says “uh…ok I can do that. You never had a problem with talking on the phone while driving before”. I grin and reply “just being extra careful that’s all”.   He dials the number and as soon as she answers he starts blushing and stuttering, I couldn’t resist laughing. “Um…hi it’s me bri…Brian”, “oh hi are you guys on the way I’m already dressed and I’m starving”, “uh… yea we should be there in about 25 minutes. I was wondering are you a good dancer because I need a good dance partner, dancing has never been Larry’s strong suit”, “yea I’m a great dancer. I can’t wait to see you guys. Tell Larry I missed him and I’m going to teach him how to dance”.

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    Brian seemed to relax again “she says she misses you and she’s going to teach you how to dance; I doubt you’ll improve any but it should be fun to watch”.  About 45 minutes later at 7:04 me, Danielle and Brian were at dinner, eating, talking and laughing like we were old friends. It was a beautiful start to what should be beautiful an evening.   After we eat we head to a club that doesn’t have a problem with a man dancing with man (or a man dancing with a woman for that matter).   Once we enter the club Danielle looks around, “I never been here before, I love this music” Brian says “it’s a gay and lesbian club; we come here all the time, you cool with that” “of course I am, I may even ask one of these girls to dance” I interrupt with “after the women see you dancing with us they’re probably going to think you’re a cross dresser. A cute one though” I chuckle, Danielle replies with a smile “do you really think so”. Brian laughs and says “they’ll definitely think your cross dresser from a distance, they might not know until you tell them, let’s dance a while then find out”.  I say “Go ahead and start, I’m going to get us some drinks” then head to the bar.    I come back with drinks, I watch Brian and Danielle dance, and they were having the time of their lives.   After I’m half way finished with my drink Danielle walks up to me, smiles and says “its time for you to learn how to dance”. I sip my beer and reply coyly “I’m not ready”, “come on now don’t be scared I’ll be gentle I promise”.   I didn’t want to do it but I couldn’t say no to those beautiful eyes and luscious breast.   I’m completely embarrassing myself on the dance floor but I don’t care, I’m dancing with a stunning enchantress and the guy of my dreams and in less than a hour we’ll be sharing a mind shattering experience together, that’s worth a little embarrassment.   40 minutes go by and Danielle’s is ready to leave, and even though I can see him tense up Brian makes no objections about leaving, I call us a cab. About twenty minutes later were all back at Danielle’s place, I can see Brian starting to freak out as Danielle starts to remove some of her clothes.

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   I tell him “it’s ok everything will be fine I promise” I kiss for a few seconds then I tell Danielle “lead the way”.   She shows us to the bed room, I’m holding on to Brian as we walk, then we flop on the bed and watch as Danielle finishes getting undressed.  Brian’s face turns a little redder with every article of clothing she takes off. I start kissing his neck and rubbing his back as Danielle starts dancing for him and she decides to give Brian his first female lap dance.   His face is still red, but the bulge in his pants lets me know he’s enjoying this. I whisper “relax, she wants you to enjoy this and so do I” I kiss the back of his neck as Danielle starts rubbing her ass against his lap. “Do you like this, Brian”? Danielle asked in her sexiest little voice as her ass teased Brian’s growing bulge, “yea, it’s a lot better than I imagined”. I strip of mine and Brian’s shirts, while Danielle starts to remove Brian shoes, socks, pants and boxers. Brian breaks out into a cold sweat while Danielle was taking off his boxers; I say to Danielle “skip the blow job, show my boy the beauty of the vagina”. “Ok, I want him on top so you’re going to have move”.   “K” after a bit of moving and putting on condoms, Danielle is laying on the bed face up, legs spread with that beautiful big clit pussy exposed and waiting for Brian’s perfect mushroom cock. I’m standing naked behind him massaging his body, teasing his ass with my dick, kissing his neck and whispering in his ear “come on, don’t be scared stick it in her, give her the fucking of a life time” I spank his ass then I lick and stick my finger in his rectum. After a few seconds of ass play and encouragement from Danielle he lifts her leg up and begins to penetrate. He screams “its so warm and wet, I like it” he starts thrusting real slow, and then speeds up. I walk over to Danielle and ask “how is he doing”, she pants a bit and replies “ok for his first time”.

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   I start massaging her left nipple with my tongue, and then I do the right one.   Brian’s starting to really enjoy his self, he starts pumping her like he pumps me. Danielle can tell too as she starts to moan and sweat. Watching Brian thrust as he fucks his first woman is making so hard my condom starts to fill with pre-cum. I walk back behind Brian and say “your doing great, but your ass looks lonely” I spread open his cheeks, tongue fuck him for about a minute then I ram my hard steel rod into his eager ass hole. He screams “oh my god that feels so fucking good, harder… fuck me … while I fuck her”. The fuck- fest continues for 30 blissful minutes, and then Danielle starts to twitch and moans like a banshee she screams “fuck…ah…uh…yea…uh”. Her pussy squirts her juices all oven brains wrapped dick as he keep pumping her.   It only takes a few more pumps till I feel his ass twitch as he shot his load. The feeling was incredible, I couldn’t take it any more and blew too.   I kiss Brian deeply and ask “how was it”, “great, I can see why you like it so much”. I tell him “you know women can orgasm back to back right do want you to make her cum again”, “huh –uh, yea I do” ok get down and eat her out I’ll handle the rest of her body, just suck her clit like you would a dick”, “ok”.   Completely caught up in the moment Brian gets down and eats her pussy like a veteran. I suck Danielle’s breast and rub her pussy while Brian enjoys his first pussy. Danielle is in heaven she’s sweating, panting, and moaning harder ever second from our work.


   She climaxes again but we’re not done yet. After Brian gets hard again he starts pounding Danielle’s soaking pussy, and I stick my shaft in her pretty mouth as far as I can, not wanting to hurt her. Eventually she takes the whole thing and I start face fucking her. This is better than any dream could ever be. Danielle climaxes 5 times by the time we finish an hour and a half later.   We shower than lay together naked snuggling and making out talking about how great tonight was. I say “Brian, Danielle I can’t tell you how great this was, this relationship is going to work out perfectly, I got my old love and my new love what else could I ask for, I love both of ya’ll so much” then I kiss both of them, “I love you too” they both say in unison as they kiss me back. Then Danielle reaches over to kiss Brian and says “I love you too, and you were great” Brian kisses her back and says “I love you and thanks for showing me what a woman feels like”. –END



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Our site of escort models in Malta deserves your attention. When gentlemen are looking for sexy girls that can cheer them up and serve to the full, they use this site. Check the endless list of the most impressive call girls in this town and make the decision. Any of them can pleasure you today. Does it sound fantastic? Everything is real. Malta girls will show you the amazing joy! Skinny minxes with fashionable bodies and gorgeous faces are ready for everything. See their profiles to book the most appropriate one. Age, boobs size, and contact information are all you need. You’ll be glad to meet one of them or all of them one by one. These cuties are not far away from you. Inform us that you are interested in a date. When your hurt tells that you need to date one of these sensuous lassies, you should listen to it. female escorts in malta gives you a possibility to change your life and meet babes that can’t be forgotten.

The best escort agencies in Malta on one online service

Malta escort services give you all information about marvelous girls. These data is useful when a customer is searching for such extreme entertainment like BDSM, foot fetish or some other fetishes. Fulfill all your dreams thanks to Malta escort agencies. It is very difficult to pick an appropriate sexual partner in real life but this website gives you an absolutely amazing opportunity. Pleasant, well-educated, and ardent dollfaces can’t wait to see you and have amazing fun together.If you want to get served by two escort girls at once, we will find two stunners who work in a team. New dolls and new tours appear on the online service permanently. Pleasant cuties are ready to date you and bring all priceless pleasures. Men use escort services very less. Most of them consider that it’s too much for them. This is not true. If you want to admire unmatched sexpots close to you, this wish should become true. Most of all call girls of Malta do their job perfectly. You can experience it if you come to this amazing country. All necessary information is here .

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What Escort Odessa is all about You must have undoubtedly heard of the city, because it is really famous across the globe for its beautiful parks, spectacular sightseeing experience, stunning architecture and many more. However, you may undoubtedly be stunned to discover that city is not about the tourism only. In fact, this locationhas got more to offer for those, who know how to search. Welcome to Escort site, the best site for any horny man, who is looking for some breathtaking escort experience.

What you can find at Escort Antalya Website

Visit escort Antalya site and uncover a wholedifferent world of lust and lechery. Our site is designed is such a manner that even if you visit for the first time, it won’t take long for you to understand how everything works. Visit here and upon completing the registration startlooking for for escort hotties of your dreams. The wide selection of diversified categories will certainly help you in this. You are free to select from standard, VIP, diamond and other categories, depending on your preferences and budget. Fortunately for you, there are many sexy chicks in city – Latinas, Asians, Caucasians, Europeans, ebonies and they cannot wait to see you. Feel free to browse through their resumes to check out their exciting pictures and select the ones that you like the most.

Security and Wide Selection

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List of Services Available at Escorts Gdansk

Even though any city of Poland itself may seem like an innocent place, however you will discover an undoubtedly different situation, once you enter ogłoszenia trójmiasto towarzyskie My word, this website is soaked with lust and can offer different ways for absolutely any man to implement his nastiest desires and dirtiest plans. Fortunately, we have dirty-minded ladies from all over the world to aid in turning all that lechery in reality. You are welcome to come and check out their resumes in order to identify the hottest and most attractive beauty just for you. Long experience and many years of successful performance in escort market have provided Krakow escort with confidence in ability to meet clients’ preferences. Hence, go ahead and enjoy incredible handjobs, marvellous oral sex, gorgeous classic escort, non-stop anal sessions, wild gang-bang action, BDSM and many more. Feel free to choose the most suitable payment method and do not worry about your privacy or security, because our team of professionals has done its best in order to guarantee total security and utmost comfort to each and every client of Katowice escort. Hence, don’t be shy to expose the wild side of yourself and endure that long-awaited and truly unforgettable sexual satisfaction together with charming sluts from Escort Tricity.

Escorts Thessaloniki - If you are interested in dealing with autonomous escorts, you should consider the following

All of the escorts are well-versed in the art of oral sex and use that expertise to give their clients the best possible service. They use a wide variety of techniques and approaches to give their clients the most intense climaxes possible.Thessaloniki Hookup Spots and Services You Can Trust

Escorts in Thessaloniki
Therefore, striptease in Thessaloniki provides everything you need to make it an unforgettable experience, whether you're searching for a crazy night out with friends or a more private time with that special someone. Why then wait? Tonight, get out and explore Thessaloniki's fascinating adult entertainment scene!Thessaloniki is home to a number of resources for those curious about oral sex and other alternative sexual practices. People who wish to enhance their sexual encounters can pick from a number of options, from medical professionals to online materials. There are a number of resources out there to help you learn about or improve this fascinating and enjoyable sexual activity.
Thessaloniki escort -
Using a good service is one of the best ways to find an escort in Thessaloniki. Most of the time, these firms offer a wide range of services, from simple company to deeper connections. They also offer a level of safety and privacy that can be hard to find with solo women.Why not check out the vibrant strip club scene in Thessaloniki if you're seeking for a fun and adventurous night out? You may discover the ideal location to enjoy some adult entertainment at one of the many locations available.

Escort -
Thessaloniki, a thriving city, offers a wide variety of leisure activities. However, a tandem escort with a female can be exactly what you need if you're looking for a distinctive and thrilling encounter. Identifying the difference between hookers and escorts is the first step. As their name implies, "hookers" provide sexual services on the street for a charge, while "escorts" provide a wider variety of services, including companionship and social events, at a higher price point. Thessaloniki is home to both office and service professionals, and it's crucial to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of each.