
A New Day and Nude Way


Carla was the most enchanting girl I ever met.   It was late in the spring just before school let out my junior year.   I was driving home when I saw her for the first time walking along the road in her denim shorts and short tank top.   She was barely five feet and not more than tiny thin object as I slowed to examine her.   She had short black hair that was formed around her tanned face and blue eyes I could see from where I was.   She was small all over and her top left little room to imagine more than what I saw, two tiny little spots.   She smiled and I grinned ear to ear.   My young heart beating wildly as I asked, “May I offer you a ride?”
She jumped at my offer and was quickly seated next to me.   I looked at her smiling warm grin and judged her to be no more than 21.   She slowly and gently said, “Thank you so much.   I get so tired walking back from the store sometimes. ”  In her hands was a small bag and as she crumbled it on her lap she said, “I hate to walk for smokes, but I have to you. ”
Now I was 5’11” 150 pounds and muscular not skinny.   I had dark drab brown eyes and hair and not much else going for me, though some girls had told me I looked good.   I was pretty much a true virgin, except for kissing and being kissed by my best friend one night when we got high together.   She also happened to be my sister.

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Well as I drove Carla home we chatted about silly things and then as I turned down the one way road to her house I asked, “Are you dating anybody right now?”
She laughed out loud, and my heart sank until she quipped out, “Me?  I should say not.   I can’t think of the number of boys that make fun of me.   Please, are you serious?”
As she pointed to the hidden driveway to her house I responded with, “I am very serious.   I think you are very beautiful. ”
I tried to keep my eyes from meeting hers so that she couldn’t see how embarrassed I was.   They finally met and I could see a sort of awe look as she said, “Now that’s the nicest thing any boy ever said to me.   Thank you. ”
“I really mean it…Carla,” I spluttered out and then added, “You really are beautiful. ”
My car came to a halt after a few turns and climbing the steep grade to the top of her driveway.   We came to rest by an old iron cauldron now used to hold flowers and a small tree stumped hewn down to serve and resemble a chair.   I was nearly panicking as she asked me, “Would you like to come in for minute?”
It was only a quarter to four.   My mom worked until seven each night and my sister was on a field trip for the week.   So I knew I had as long as I wanted and quickly responded with, “yes. ”
We got out and walked up to the small rustic tin roofed house.   It was modest and old fashioned and I was greeted with the sight of a pot belly stove and a small sofa with one rocking chair in the main room.

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    She asked me to sit on the sofa while she poured us a soda and I settled down not knowing what to expect next.   In my feeble narrow mind I would have settled for just sitting and talking and I really had no intentions of more until she came back holding two soda bottles and walked over and kissed me on the lips.   I was holding the soda and her hand gently as we kissed lightly and then a deeper more intrusive kiss.   Then she relented and sat beside me as she said, “I know I shouldn’t kiss you but God do I want to do more. ”
I looked at her as I felt myself lower the bottle to the wood floor.   I looked up just as she did and we kissed again.   I felt her tongue in my mouth and then she straddled me and forced me back on the sofa as she kissed me deeply.   Her hands fondled my hair and shoulders and as we continued kissing my cock popped its four inches up like a rocket.   She felt it poke her belly an after a few seconds more of our kissing I felt her begin to rub on it with her crotch.  
By this time I was so shocked and excited and horny that I wasn’t thinking I could have her, I was just in bliss from this and she knew it.   He teased me but I did not know it.   She fondled me with one hand until I felt her soft warm hand touch my bare hard flesh.   Then I gasped as she lowered mouth down my chest using her free hand to unbutton and open my shirt and then nibble on and lick my nipples.   No one had ever touched them before this and it sent me into an almost slave state of mind.   I was paralyzed with pleasure from it and she knew it.

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    I could hear her gasp and groan as her hand slowly kneaded my cock and teased the tip.   Then after she licked my nipples a few times more, down her head dropped to encircle and lick the tip of my cock.  
As she slid her mouth over it and engulfed my small meaty treat fully I exclaimed, “Oh Carla I want you to be mine.   I want you!”
She slurped it in and out for only three minutes before I felt it begin to vibrate and the mass of cum in me found its way in her.   It flooded her mouth fully and as I watched her bib up and down on it faster still, I closed my eyes and begged her to keep me.   By the time I was fully spent, I was panting, “Oh please don’t tell me this is a dream. ”
She worked on it for several minutes after I came and when she rose too look me in the eye I saw the wet drops of my cum on her face.   She looked into my eyes and soul and seductively said, “Oh my lover you are mine.   You are mine now and forever.   If you wish I will keep you always. ”
Out came, “God yes Carla.   I want you so much. ”
Her mouth drew to me and as we kissed I could taste my cum.   It was salty and tangy and as I had found out one night a few years back, it was warm.   My mouth coated her lips and cheeks and I licked it from her face and then we kissed until I held her close enough to feel my cock grown up again.

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    She slid back from our embrace and in several short moves striped naked exposing her shaven bald tiny pussy and two knobs where her boobs should have been.   The breast was flat not more than a rise if that, but her nipples a dine size rising almost an inch poked out for me to touch and kiss and then lick and suck.    She loved the way I did it and instructed me, “Oh baby doll that’s it suck me and nibble on them like a chew toy, and you can let those sweet fingers play with my wet twat too…right there…oh yeah, hell yeah…ooh, ooh…yeah…more…more…suck me while you finger me…slid it in me now baby…let it go…deeper…deeper…harder…god yes…oh god yes…oh don’t stop. ”
I did it until I was whipped off the sofa into the floor and splattered on my back while she inverted her crotch to me and her mouth to mine.   Her hips ground her wet slit on my mouth until I devoured her through two wet steamy baths of her juices.   She was sucking my cock like crazy when a third wave flooded my mouth, the floor and my body.   She quickly rolled off me and rolled me on her and then as she helped me guide my hard cock to her wet spot, in it slid with no frills or effort and then off I went fucking her madly.   I pounded her ting twat until it slapped back with a wet gush of her juices followed by a flood of mine.   I humped her on through and until I felt myself shrinking inside her and with almost no effort at all, I was sent head first between her legs for dinner.  
My mouth engulfed her red wet cream covered pussy and as it licked and lapped it she came twice more.   I ate my own cum from her and all she cared to put in my mouth of her own.   Then she pulled me to her and we kissed until he room grew pitch black.
She held me in her arms and we kissed on in the dark.   Then slowly she helped me to my feet and back to her sofa naked.   We kissed a few more minutes in the dark before she led me to her bathroom and then we turned on the light and looking at her naked body I engulfed her with my mouth and sucked her tits as my hands caressed her ass and pussy until she was on the floor spreading wide and letting me eat her creamy snatch one more time.

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By the time we finished and cleaned up and dressed it was ten.   I panicked and told her my mom would go nuts if I came home any later and she walked me to my car.   As I was getting in she told me, “You are mine baby doll.   You come back tomorrow afternoon and I will show you how much you are mine. ”
As I started to pull out, she yanked my shirt opened and latched onto my nipples and slowly petting them she squealed, “You will not leave me many more nights will you?”
I panted and paused and looked in her eyes and said, “Now, I won’t.   I may not tonight. ”
Her free hand opened my door and as she pulled me from the car I was stripped and then pulled to the stump.   In the darkness of moonless night I was seated upon it as she straddled me and rocked on my crotch until my now hardening cock pressed inside her pussy.   She bounced up and down as she said, “I think I will kidnap you.   I will keep you as my slave.   I will make you disappear.   What do you say to that baby?”
As her hands caressed my nipples and her twat rode my cock all I could answer back was, “Keep me I am yours. ”  Now sometimes in the heat of passion you say things that you never meant to keep.   I wasn’t sure that night if I meant it first, but as she made me cum in her and then sank to clean my cock, I begin to feel like I couldn’t leave.
Her mouth worked me over and over and soon I heard her say, “Now baby you have to let me keep you.

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    You did swear to me that you were mine…now keep your word…and let me chain you to my bed. ”
When she rose to look in my eyes I said, “I’m yours. ”
Naked we walked in the dark to her house once more.   I was led up to her staircase in back and then up to her bedroom and there I was chained to the metal frame as she promised.   It shocked me but after she kissed me for a long time and then sucked my cock and nipples several more times, I relaxed and enjoyed it.
She slipped away for a long time.   Leaving me alone in the dark, I rested in the soft covers of her bed, my right wrist handcuffed to the bed rail above me.   I must have been exhausted because I feel asleep and how long I don’t know, but when I awoke I was not alone and the candles burning behind her made it more romantic than anything.   She slid her nipples to me to kiss and suck and then she did the same to me.   When somehow she got me hard again, she rode my cock until I came then my mouth until she did several times in a row.
By the time the candles wore down, the sun was peaking from the window.   A few minutes more of kisses and we settled in each others arms and slept.  
The next morning she unlocked me and led me to the bathroom and her big cast iron tub, and we bathed and played in the water until I grew hard.    Then I held her up ad she wrapped her legs around me and while I held her I thrust inside her pussy until I came.   She sank over the side of the tub and ordered me to eat her out again and again until I needed another bath.


She made us breakfast and fed me gravy on her nipples and ate it off my cock and chest as well.   I have to say that after we ate, it was so erotic to watch her fuck herself with the rolling pin while she sucked me off.   Our wild sexual ride didn’t stop until she came three times and her pussy now bright red was swollen and sore and yet she wanted me more.   I too was a bit raw and sore from the sex but her mouth helped me to remain hard most of that day and night.
It was o crazy before these last two days I never knew sex, now I had been able to experience it over ten times fully.
She placed me in bed and it was the second night when I began to worry about my mom.   She sensed my distress and told me, “Hey baby I know you worry about how she will handle this, but I wrote a letter to her and sent it last night when I stashed your car in the old parking lot near the school.   She’ll understand what you need is me and maybe soon we can visit her or she can come here. ”
That worked for me, and I relaxed and as we rested I said, “Carla how is it that a young woman as beautiful as you wasn’t dating anyone?”
She giggled and replied, “Baby you are so sweet to ask.   The truth is most boys I knew in school didn’t want to date me, not tits you know.  That wanted big boobs not small little knobs.   Then about fifteen years ago after I graduated I let my older sister have her way with me.   After that I was happy until I met you. ”
It took me a few minutes to grasp what she said, and then I yelped, “Fifteen years ago?  No way you are that old.   You look 21!”
She blushed and smiled and slid to kiss me deeply and fondle my nipples as she whispered between licks, “My word doll that’s why I had to rape you and take you.

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    You make me feel so special.   I haven’t seen any boy look at me with that kind of lust ever. ”
 “You are beautiful Carla and do want you more than anything I ever felt.   I just can’t believe you are that old.   Just how old are you anyway?”
“35 last month,” she said as her hands held my cock and fondled its soft head between her fingers.   It was shriveled and tiny as she toyed with it and added, “I just age slow honey. ”
“Well I think you look hot and very young.   You look like a babe to me,” I said as she brought it to ever enlarging state.
“Does it bother you?   I mean me being older than you doll?” she asked.
I looked in her eyes and I truly replied, “No!  Not at all, I would never have known. ”
“What about the lesbian part of me?  Does that offend you?” she said as her mouth nibbled on my nipples.
“No!  I love you for who you are, and I know I am no stud.   If you even want me I am lucky,” sadly I replied.
“Now doll, you may be small in length but you know I like that more than you know.   Its good enough for me.

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    I sucked it enough yet to prove it to you?” she said slyly hoping I would say no.
I nodded yes and then smiled she slinked over it and with her fingers teasing my nipples, I said, “It doesn’t bother me if you like women to, as long as you are happy. ”
Slurping on my cock she managed to say, “You know you would be quite a dish for some man.   I know my gay brother would tear you up. ”
“Really?” I quipped in a half hearted request.
“Oh yeah…he would,” she said between sucking my cock and then added, “He would fuck your ass off and the way you suck tits, well if you suck a cock like that you would get him off often. ”
My cock grew harder by the second as she began to bob up and down on me faster.   I was letting her hands explore my nipples as her mouth worked my cock over when I yelped, “Would that please you?  Would that please you to see me…see me…sucking him off…. suck his dick I mean.   Would you…want to love me more?”
As she went wildly bobbing up and down her hands had drawn my legs up and back spreading me wide open.   Her mouth now draining my cum as her hands fondled my nipples slurped out, “Oh my god yes baby doll. . . I would love to see you fucked. ”
That night as we slept her hands fondled my nipples and tweaked them as her mouth caressed my ear.

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    Somehow I managed to fall asleep like that and awoke just the same.   By that time I was hard and she was sloppy wet and soon I was on her bucking her wildly until I came and she did as well.
Two weeks passed by quickly and as the days were filled with wild animal sex, I realized that we spending all our time screwing and she was getting low on food.   She made a call to her sister and after a twenty minute talk she then came back to me.   For the entire time we had grown closer each day and spoken openly about sex and her fantasy as well as mine.   When Susan arrived with two bags of food an hour later, Carla greeted her in the nude with me in tow.  
Susan was my height and skinny.   She looked her age of 37 and with her dirty greasy blonde hair and plain face I could see why she was single.   She was a little more bustier though not much but her long face and flat figure was not impressive at all.  
She had no more than put her food away when in walked Guy, 30 and sexy looking.   He was carrying a bag but quickly handed it to Susan to stow as Carla introduced me, and he yanked me in his arms and kissed me on my mouth.
Susan was gazing at us as Carla moved back to greet her with a kiss and then Susan greeted her with two fingers in her pussy as she stripped with her free hand.   Carla yelped out, “Guy, my baby wants to make me happy. ”
Guy had let me go from his embrace and as he slid his shirt over and off, he replied, “What’s that sis?  What do you want to be happy?”
Carla smiled as I turned to catch her facial expression and she announced, “To see my little brother make love to my little boy. ”
His fingers slid over his crotch and then released his pants and boxers.


    When they fell to the floor, out plopped a seven inch cock.   With no hair and a bend halfway up the shaft, it peeked at me begging for me to try it out.   Hard as a rock and cut the tip glistened as he slid his hand over it and stepped out of his pants.  
Carla snapped out, “Susan take me to the floor beside them and let him watch a woman eat me, while I watch my baby suck a dick. ”
She led Carla beside me as I watched her spread wide and smile broadly.   Then she announced, “Guy, if you fiddle with his nipples gently, he will do anything you want. ”
With that Guy slid his fingers to my chest and slowly caressed my nipples until my now hard cock bibbed by itself from the thrill of his touch.   I watched the women for a few minuets then my gaze turned to spy his cock and all I could think of is what to do next.   His eyes saw and his mind understood, and he guided me to my knees and then he took my head and held it as he slipped his cock to my wet lips.   I could hear them all urging me on as I kissed it gently then slowly let my lips message it fully.   In less than a minute I opened my mouth and swallowed it in and began to suck his cock for him.   I worked my tongue around the head and over and up as much as if it were a nipple.   With each passing minute I grew fonder of the feeling and soon of the taste.  
No one would understand this unless it happened to them, but I began to want to taste the cream from it.   When he squirted small drops I lapped them quickly and swallowed them all.

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    Each time he sighed Carla gasped and panted and as she started creaming wildly on Susan’s mouth, Guy did the same in mine.   The volume was more than I expected and began to squirt out the sides of my mouth.   When he finally I drained all I could I jerked the remainder on my cheek and neck and chest.   Then as Guy slumped back on the sofa and watched me, I used his cock for a spoon and fed myself the extra.   Carla latched onto my cock with her hand and yanked me off until I came on the floor then they watched me lap it up.   Like a little dog I slurped it from the wood floor to their approval.
Susan was naked and now being eaten by Carla, when I stood and seated myself beside Guy.   His hands caressed my body over and again as he said, “In a few minutes Carla, I am going to fuck his ass off. ”
She was busily working over Susan’s somewhat large pussy.   She slurped and lapped and licked it madly until Susan tore at her own nipples and cried out in pleasure.   I watched her work them over twisting the tips of her one inch nipples on a 32 A cups in circles.   She moaned loudly until her hips thrust and jerked uncontrollably and then I saw someone squirt for the first time.   It was like she pissed on Carla and it was a shower of cream and juices.   It sent me over the edge and as it did I leaned over and began to suck on Guy.
Susan and Carla slid over and spread me wide and nibbled on my balls and took turns sucking my little cock until I was feeling a hard on with it and Guys.

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    Then they drew me to the floor and led my cock to Susan and in her as Guy mounted me from behind.    His cock was massive feeling and made me squirm and squeal a few seconds before the feeling of a strange hot pussy made me relax and let him fuck me and her.   He pounded my ass which made my cock pound Susan and all the while Carla took turns kissing and fondling our nipples.
The harder Guy fucked me, the more I liked it and the hotter Carla got.   When I came in Susan Guy continued pumping me.   I squirted inside her hot box fully for a long time before I felt my cock stop and then long after it shriveled and withered and was being abused as he slammed me into her still wide open cunt he fucked me.   Carla was screaming for him to cum in me and when he did, she came by herself.   He pulled his cream covered shit flavored cock from my ass and fed it to my lover who sucked it off and then passed it to me to finish.   Then to my surprise he rimmed me out while I was drawn to eat the cream from Susan.  
Guy managed to make me hard again with his tongue and then his fingers and when I was inside Carla I slid my tiny cock.   It was a wild ride for me until Guy handed me his cock to suck.   I fucked her for half an hour and sucked him the entire time and even drained his hot cum from him before I creamed her.  
We four fell on the floor me in his arms, and Susan in Carla’s.   Susan fondled my balls while Carla fiddled with her nipples and Guy well he kept kissing me until I enjoyed his mouth more than Carla.   His hands worked my nipples over and when I grew hard, he pulled me over to Carla and slammed back in her twat.

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    Mounting me from behind he rode us until once more I was banged long after my climax by him.  
Now you might have guessed but after that day, I was community property.   I was really a toy for all of them.   I never knew how wonderful it could be to experience that.   Guy would come over and take me anytime he wanted.   On a few occasions he caught me fucking Carla and just joined in and a few others he just raped me willingly.  
Carla and Susan are more of a couple than we are; Guy and I are fuck buddies nothing more.   Though I do confess to enjoying his kisses more and his cock a great deal.   However each night when Susan and Carla go to bed, I am with them and not Guy.   He returns to his home and once or twice a week comes for me.  



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The Sexy Escort Forum is one of the internet's most thorough and thrilling escort services. It offers a wide variety of services to clients seeking for an unforgettable companion experience. You can anticipate to be greeted by a pleasant and competent customer support team the instant you reach the site.The website offers a diverse range of attractive and skilled call females who are accessible to satisfy your requirements. The Sexy Escort Forum has something for everyone, whether you want an intimate evening, an erotic treatment, or a chaotic night out.The website also provides a variety of services such as trip help, transit, and reservation assistance. This makes it simpler for consumers to plan their own one-of-a-kind experience. The website also includes a comprehensive summary of each call lady, allowing clients to make an educated choice about who to hire.The Sexy Escort Forum is dedicated to giving its clients with a safe and private atmosphere. Before they are permitted to operate on the site, all call females are carefully vetted and background verified. The website also provides a client support number that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.Overall, the Sexy companion Forum is an excellent option for anyone searching for a thrilling and one-of-a-kind companion encounter. The website provides a diverse range of attractive and skilled call ladies, as well as a variety of services to make the experience as pleasurable as possible. The customer support team is pleasant and competent, and the site is dedicated to giving its customers with a safe and secure atmosphere.
Sexy-Escort-Forum is a fantastic website that offers escort services to customers all over the globe. The site is well-organized and simple to use, making it simple to locate the ideal companion for any event. The website provides a variety of services, such as support, massage, and even sexual services.Sexy-Escort-Forum's women are all extremely competent and seasoned. They are enthusiastic about their job and work hard to ensure that each customer has the finest experience imaginable. The women can offer a variety of services, including company, massage, and even sexual services. They are also extremely private, never disclosing any information about their customers.The website also includes a large number of escort evaluations, which can assist prospective customers in making an educated choice when selecting a prostitute. Previous customers write the evaluations so that they can provide an honest and impartial opinion of the prostitute they used. This can assist prospective customers in ensuring that they are receiving the finest support available.Overall, Sexy-Escort-Forum is an excellent resource for those seeking escort services. The website is well-organized and simple to use, and all of the women depicted are highly competent and experienced. The website also includes a large number of evaluations, which can assist prospective customers in making an educated choice when selecting a prostitute. If you want to find a high-quality escort service, Sexy-Escort-Forum is the place to go.