
Exploring April part II


            I took a dinning room chair to the living room and placed it in the center of the room the back facing the TV then got out her video recorder and placed the tripod so her chair was center stage.   Afterward I walked out to the garage and garden area looking for the raw materials to tie her and cause pain, but found only a hundred feet of clothesline rope and a couple of other items.   Re-entering the living room April is standing there examining the chair’s placement and looking far too eager and perky for what is planned.   I order her to sit in the chair and she does as I explore more of her home.   In the bathroom closet I find just what I need to get started and I head back into the living area and her chair.  
            “You masturbate a lot, right?”
            She seemed shocked but nodded dumbly.
            “Do it for me now!”
            Slowly both hands went to her sex and she began to toy with her labia.   I turned on the camera then sat down on the sofa and watched her my cock hard once more.   Soon her fingers were a rapidly moving blur on her clit, her hips moving and back arching up and she pleasured herself.   Now that she was aroused I questioned her.  
“How often do you masturbate?”
“Every day.   Often more than once. ”
“Do you use sex toys?”
“Yes. ”
“Where are they?”
“In the bedside table. ”
“Don’t you dare cum until I come back. ”
Checking her sex toys I found three basic vibrators, one really large suction cup vibrator with a raised clitoral stimulator and a very basic pair of screw adjusted nipple clamps.

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   Taking the large vibrator and the clamps I walked back to the living room where April is writhing in frustration holding herself off from her climax.   Seeing me, she attacked her clit and was over the edge of her orgasm in seconds, sighing and moaning her wetness clearly visible on her fingers.
     “Well it would seem you are already quite into what we have planned. Please look at the camera and while I explain what I think you are asking for.   I am getting ready to restrain you and this is going to be the last easy exit from this pathway.   You want me to hurt you, to torture you sexually to let you experience not only someone else controlling you, but forcing you to get your pleasure in the midst of pain.   You expressed your limits, no severe injury like broken bones, but you want to experience real, significant, perhaps even agonizing pain, and don’t mind welts, bruising and similar damage even though they might leave some scaring, although I will try not to break the skin surface in anything we do.   You do not want a safe word or motion whereby you can end the action if it gets too painful for you.   You realize that ropes and restraints will leave marks as well and that I will be sexually using your body with nothing off limits.   Are you sure about all this or would you like to reconsider. ”
“Are you kidding?  Tom, I have fantasized about this for years.   You’re they only one I could surrender so completely to without worrying they might kill me in the heat of the moment.   No matter how much I scream or cry keep going.   Force me beyond what I think I can do.   If I should pass out keep going.

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   Use and abuse me as the dirty slut I am deep down.   Do what you will to me and let me be your victim.   Hurt me bad.   I need this.   I have been a bad girl.
“Stand up!”
Taking the rope I began by binding her breasts.   I wrapped the rope painfully tight about the lovely round softness of her twin mounds until the both stuck perfectly outward from her chest the skin tight from the pressure and beginning to both swell from the restricted blood flow cause by the ropes.   Blood could flow into her breasts, but it was harder getting it out and her white skin was turning a deep purple and becoming taut from the swelling.
Once her breasts were dealt with I placed the suction cup toy in such a place that she had to straddle the chair facing the wrong way her chest toward the low chair back to impale herself upon it.   As the tip found her opening she gasped out.   “I’ve never been able to take the whole thing. It was a gag gift from my bachelorette party, not something intended to be really fucked. ”
“Well we are going to see if things are different today,” I told her as I pressed her down onto the huge artificial cock.   While made of soft material the vibrator must have been some 18 inches long and probably eight inches around with the head even larger.   I wasn’t surprised such a tiny girl hard never tried to force it in but she was trying now and at last after many, many thrusts she had the thing buried deep enough where the clitoral stimulator was where it belonged.

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Forcing her to stay still, while deeply impaled, I took out the athletic support bandages I’d found in her bathroom and carefully wrapped them about her arms so that in the end each whole arm was secured from just below the shoulder to the wrist against the chair back’s outer spindles.   In this position her now purple breasts hung proudly out over the chair back.   Using the same type of restraint I secured her legs in a frog like position to the lower chair, but I was unhappy because she could still move her chest and hips enough to cause problems so I walked out to my truck and came back with some webbed cargo straps and their ratchets.   I used on over her hips to press her further unto the intruding toy in her pussy and then used a second to make sure her chest movement was not such as to change to location of her breasts.   Next I blindfolded her with scarf.   Gathering the other items I had found I reached down and turn on the sex toy.  
I didn’t have to wait long for she cried out in shock and then pleasure as the little clitoral stimulator began working on her center of pleasure.   Taking her nipple clamps I sucked on each of her hard tips then applied the clamp each gaining a deep pained moan.   I allowed her to adjust to this sensation then removed them and tightened the screw and reapplied them to her nipples this time getting a pained yip from her as she realized the crushing effect of the now tight clamps.   I toyed with them bringing her more pain and pleasure twisting and tugging on the clamps and as I did so I noted the little rubber protectors seemed removable so when I took them off the next time I slid them off revealing serrated teeth in the alligator clamp.   I tightened them all the way and replaced the tips.   I wanted her to see this.   Holding them in front of her I removed the protective covers and then placed the first on her left nipple.   The moment I allowed the pressure to close April began to thrash against her bounds screaming in pain and panic.   Even on five acres I could hardly have the police respond to reports of a screaming woman so I grabbed the nearest item I could—her panties and tied them in place with another scarf from her dresser as a gag, then I examined her nipple.

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    The teeth we deeply indented into the sensitive skin but she was not bleeding so I placed the second one and watched her suffer.   In about ten minutes her muffled cried changed tones and I thought the vibrator might be doing it job.   I shoved a finger up her ass just in time to feel the contractions of her orgasm.
Great, I thought she has cum in pain.   Now it was time for more severe pain.   Removing the clamps I allowed her nipple to recover their sensitivity and then prepared to use one of the items from the garage.    Out on a shelf I had notice this oversized mousetrap, not quite a rattrap it was nevertheless markedly larger than the standard mousetrap.   The spring was very stiff and strong when I tested it and now I pulled it back and aimed carefully, letting it snap shut on her right nipple.
Her whole body jerked in agony.   She tried desperately to move anything to escape the paint that sprang from a point that usually yielded pleasure.   He mouth opened in muffled screams.   I pulled the trap off the nipple without opening it, allowing it to crush the very sensitive tip as it at last snapped free.   She sat there breathing in shallow, rapid gasps not knowing what was coming next but trying to prepare mentally for the next onslaught of pain suddenly taking this seriously.   I could tell by her body language she expected I would move on and do the same thing to the other nipple so I pulled back the metal mechanism and snapped it shut once more on the same nipple. Her whole body stiffed and clenched, but the noise this time was different and it took me a moment to realize she’d just cum again.

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I soon fell into a pattern working both nipples and the areola surrounding them. After a few snaps the crushed nipples began to swell with bruising.   I had to be careful to turn the trap this way and that so that no single area of the nipples or surrounding tissue received too many blows and tore.   By the time they’d each received maybe two dozen crushing impacts them whole nipple structure, areolas included was erotically swollen and puffy, sticking out a good inch and a half from the surrounding breasts.   The pace couldn’t be rushed and I wasn’t sure how far to push my friend.   I knew from her reactions I had her in agony a good portion of the time, but over the two hours of nipple torture she kept climaxing about every 18 minutes.   Even this I discovered was torture for her, because after she peaked her clit was super sensitive like most women’s are, but in her current position the direct stimulation to her clit continued unabated and she had to endure to until her body would calm down and begin building for another climax which the whole cycle taking some 18 minutes.  
By the time her nipples looked like any more might make them bleed, April’s appearance had markedly altered.   Her hair, in fact her whole body was soaked in sweat.   Her head lolled to the side except in the agonizing periods ever few minutes when the trap would crush her nipples.   In the chair the vibrator stood in a sea of her juices.   It was time to move on.   Slowly I disconnected her from the chair and helped her onto her feet.   She leaned heavily against me as I brought her to the bed and laid her down.   I got a towel and dried her off.

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    After a drink she looked better.   But I wasn’t yet done even though she thought so.  
Gathering towel razor and other supplies I settled between her legs and shaved her vulva until she was completely bare.   I knew this would make her super sensitive.   Her four poster bed was perfect for what I had in mind, but my cock was on fire after two hours of off and on erections while tormenting her nipples.   So I fucked her newly shaved pussy leaving another deposit deep within her.   She was so tired she was completely passive allowing me to use her as I would.   Even when I masturbated her as I fucked her willing pussy she just allowed the orgasm to take her without much movement.  
At last I got her back on her feet at the foot of the bed and tied her arms very tight and firm to the upright posts.   Her legs were then spread and tied as far apart as possible, increasing the strain on her arms.   I could see her examining her damaged nipples in the mirrored headboard.   I re-gagged her and then brought in the switches I’d cut outside.   She looked at me in panic, but I ignored her worries and selecting a long limber branch I showed it to her.   The noise of the switch moving through the air seemed to terrify her as much as the impact.   Her exhausted body seemed to leap forward in her bindings as the bright red stripe appeared on her buttocks.

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    Selecting a slow steady pace in the next few minutes I had her butt and backs of her thighs covered.   She sagged her weight on her arms as I studied her the tracks of her tears plain on her cheeks.
I wanted her standing on her feet for what was to come but she was slow to respond when I mentioned this, so stepping behind her slumped form I took careful aim at her newly shaved slit and struck her as hard as I could.   Even through the gag I could hear her agonized screams coming one after another in an endless wail of suffering.   She was standing now and I carefully covered her breasts with stripes from the switches.   Then with well-aimed blows I did the same to utra-sensitive and newly shaved public mound.
Walking out to the living room I found the pair of vise-grips I had brought in earlier.   Now it was time for the final agony, time to raise her pain to another level.   The vice grips would literally crush whatever I clamped and I opened them slightly not wanting to destroy but to crush and hurt her most delicate structures.   Picking her left nipple I crushed it in the pliers until they locked.   April spasmodically jerked this way and that trying anything to escape the heavy crushing pressure of the vice grip that now dangled from her nipple pulling and tugging with every movement causing even more pain. Her voice nothing more than a thin wail of misery behind the gag.
After watching her for a couple minutes I reached out and released the vise grip listening as her gasping cry of agony changed to muffled sobs.   After another few minutes I placed the vice grips on the other nipple.   I looked at her wondering it I should continue but there was nothing in her eyes to guide me just her desperation to avoid more pain, but she had requested I push her beyond this level so I crushed this nipple as well.

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    She screamed out and then slumped, passed out from the pain, I realized.   Just as well.
I removed the vice grips from her nipple and sat on the floor between her legs. Pulled up on the skin above her clit exposed it and while she was out cold I clamped the vice grips on her tender clit.   Leaving it dangle I got some water to woke her up with a cup of water to the face and couple of jaw ringing slaps.   If she’d been in panic before she was frantic now, but there was no escape from the crushing steel on her clit or the heavy wrench’s weight dangling from her organ.  
Using the towel I dried her ass from all the fluids pouring from her pussy then positioning myself at her opening then I began and long hard process of dry fucking her in the ass.   I’d never realized before just how painful it is for the guy to fuck a woman in her unlubed anus.   She was so tight I thought my cock would break and at last I oilded my tool for my comfort more than hers and soon as inside her and thrusting as her flesh clung to me with every movement I couldn’t last too long and in fifteen minutes I felt her begin to climax, her spasms lifting over the edge into huge contractions of pleasure pouring my juices into her backside.   As I withdrew I reached around and removed the pair of vice grips that had so tormented her clit.   I untied her and she collapsed in a heap on the floor murmuring, crying and moaning.   I bodily had to pick her up and place her in the bed.    Toweling her down I saw her smile tiredly.  
“It was worse and better than I ever imagined. ”
“You need to sleep.

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“I will.   You’re going to stay aren’t you?”
“Of course I will. ”
“Just one more thing, before I sleep. ”
“What is it?”
“I’ve done so many things I never even thought about.   I need some normalcy. ”
“Everything is over.   Things are back to normal. What else do you need?”
“ I need you…” she trailed off sleepily, then continued, “to fuck me!”
I smiled as I climbed on top.  
Part three to follow if you're interested.
Comments welcome Thomascan06@Yahoo. com



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